Joyce shares how to experience changes in your life when you apply the Word of God.

We want to help you develop a life-long habit of studying God’s Word.

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Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives.

With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way.

make a commitment to study the Word of

God in the area where you’re having a


listen motion you have a medicine

cabinet at home if you have a headache

you don’t go to the medicine cabinet get

out a band-aid and stick it on your head

if you cut yourself you’ve got some kind

of antibiotic cream you don’t go get an

aspirin and stick it in the cut and

squeeze it together

we’ve got enough sense to know what kind

of natural medicine to take for what

ails us why don’t we have enough sense

to know how to take the medicine of

God’s Word in the area where we need

help if I’m having a huge problem with

impatience it’s not going to do me any

good to study the 10 steps to success if

I’ve got unforgiveness it’s not going to

help me to study miracles and prosperity

because here’s the thing the Lord is our

physician and his word is the medicine

for our souls our emotions our minds but

you have to take it if I had a headache

and I put two tylenol in a bag and laid

it on top of my head how many of you

know I would keep my headache I have to

take it I have to swallow it it has to

become part of me well here’s what

happens sometimes when you’re just

letting everybody else spoon feed you

the word it just sits right up here and

we get so full of head knowledge that we

actually become haughty and proud of

ourselves because of everything we think

we know when I tell you to turn to the

first scripture I’m going to have you

turn to if you happen to have that

underlined and colored in in red or pink

or yellow you’re going to feel a little

proud of yourself

yes I know that one

yeah now come on if you’re honest have

you ever opened up your Bible sitting

next to somebody in church and it was a

page that was just I mean colored

underlined and you just kind of secretly

hope that the person next to you would

notice how spiritual you are come on I


way back when I thought I was spiritual

you know you can turn your whole Bible

into a coloring book that doesn’t mean

you know anything

it can all just be sitting on top of our


we’ve got enough information we need

revelation how many more times as

somebody can have to tell you to forgive

your enemies before you get around to

doing it you’ve been to the seminar

bought the t-shirt got the CDs got the

scriptures underlined but who are you

bad at some of you came here today with

the person you’re mad at you didn’t talk

to them all the way here you jumped and

shouted during I’m not so dumb I think

that song had come close to being one of

my very favorites I don’t care how bad

you feel you can’t be still when you

sing that song we’re just so happy yay

Joyce’s preaching praise the Lord and

you get back in the car but that person

won’t talk to him all the way home I

know because I used to do that Dave and

I’d fight all the way to church but the

first greeter we saw the door pay some


Gouri to God and I can even remember

during worship with hands lifted up

singing the words on the overhead

because you know you don’t really have

to think to do that if he thinks I’m

cooking him anything to eat today he’s

got another thing coming but I’ve had it


is anybody getting the message
