With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way.

hello everybody this is Joyce then I

wanted to just spend a few minutes with

you today and pray for you I really

believe that prayer is powerful and I

know there’s a lot going on in

everybody’s lives right now and some of

you have some really serious situations

that you’re concerned about so I want to

pray for you and if you’re online right

now why don’t you join me in prayer for

other people that are going through

difficult situations too as well as

receiving this prayer that I’m going to

pray over you Father we come in Jesus

name and we love you love you love you

and we put our trust in you we don’t

understand what’s going on in the world

but we know that you do understand it

and we don’t know what to do but we know

that you do know what to do and so I

pray for all of our friends and partners

that they would have peace that passes

understanding and that they would be

able to still enjoy their lives even in

the midst of this very difficult time I

pray that you would help them not to

worry or to be anxious but to know that

you are faithful and that you will take

care of them I speak a blessing over all

of you in the name of Jesus Christ I

declare that you are blessed when you go

in and bless when you go out and the

blessings of God chase you and over take

you Father thank you for pouring your

spirit out upon people even right now

and giving them the encouragement and

the courage that they need to deal with

whatever it is that they need to deal

with at this particular moment in Jesus

name Amen

bless you guys and know that prayer is

powerful spend as much time as you can

talking to God yourself