God sees it all, our good and our not-so-good. Today on Enjoying Everyday Life, Joyce Meyer discusses the condition of our hearts, our motives, and the importance of being authentic. – – – – – – – Follow Joyce: WEBSITE: https://joycemeyer.org

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– – – – – – – Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives. With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way. #JoyceMeyer#EnjoyingEverydayLife#NothingIsHiddenFromGod

I’m Joyce Meyer I’ve seen God’s power

transform my own life and he will do it


you well thank you for joining me today

on Enjoying Everyday Life where I will

be sharing God’s word with you which is

the truth and we need that today because

there’s so much deception in the world

so perk up both your little spiritual

ears and get ready to hear something

that I think is going to help you

today and really for the next couple of

days I’m going to be teaching on nothing

is hidden from

God I think that you know how we are if

we think somebody’s watching we behave

better don’t

we we put on our best behavior when

somebody’s watching and um I remember an

incident long time ago

when back when I was still in my not so


days and

uh I was frustrated and hollering at the

kids and my pastor rang the

doorbell you never saw anybody

straighten up so fast in all your life I

mean I was just like

Pastor so nice to see you oh the kids

they’re great yeah come on in and uh so

really when we it’s amazing

I really kind of learned from that

experience that you know we think

sometimes we can’t control

ourselves but you really can if you want


enough and it’s amazing how we’ll act in

front of some people but if somebody

comes around that we want to

impress or that we don’t want to be

disappointed with us we can act pretty

good well the thing is is God sees


and I think that if we can learn that we

live before what I call an audience of

one realizing that God sees everything

all the

time we should be on our best

behavior all the time and so God sees

everything so we should learn to live as

if we believe that nothing is hidden

from him do nothing that you wouldn’t do

in front of him because nothing is is

hidden from him God sees not only what

we do but he sees the heart of a person

so he sees the real us he sees all knows

all and is everywhere all the time so

that’s cool he can watch all of us all


time Proverbs 15:3 the eyes of the Lord

are everywhere keeping watch on the

wicked and the good so we don’t even

really need to be concerned about all

the wicked people and all the things

that they do because they’re not getting

by with anything either God sees it all

Hebrews 4:13 nothing in all creation is

hidden from God’s

sight everything is uncovered and laid

bare before the eyes of him to whom now

listen to these last few words we must


account see the day will come and

sometimes we don’t like to talk about

these things but the day will come it’s

actually called Judgment Day and uh when

we will stand before God and give an

account of Our Lives it says in I think

it’s Romans 12:14 that every man will

stand before God and give an account of

himself and so we don’t be need to be so

concerned about what somebody else is

doing and judging them we all because

we’re not going to be asked to give an

account for them I always think God’s

not going to ask me to answer for Dave

so I I just need to make sure that I’m

doing what I should be doing because

God’s only going to ask me about me and

then Psalm

139 I’ve actually got 12 verses here

it’s it’s such an amazing Psalm and if

we really pay attention to what it says

it’s pretty awesome you have searched me

Lord and you know me and When God says

he knows

you that’s not like oh yeah I know her I

was like I know you

you know when I sit and when I Rise you

perceive my thoughts a far off so God

knows even what we’re going to think

before we think it

wow I don’t even know that about

myself you discern my going out and my

lying down you are familiar with all my

ways and I love this one before a word

is even on my tongue you know it

completely so God knows what we’re going

to say before we’re going to say it he

knows what we’re going to think before

we even think it you hem me in behind

and before and you lay your hand upon me

I’m I’m real fond of that have you ever

felt like God had you in a place where

you couldn’t get away and he was dealing

with you no way you’re going to get away

from it such knowledge is too wonderful

for me it’s too lofy to attain where can

I go from your spirit where can I flee

from your presence

if I go to heaven you’re there if I make

my bed in the depths you’re

there if I rise on the wings of the Dawn

if I settle on the far side of the seed

even there your hand will guide me and

then I love this one if I say well

surely the darkness will hide

me and the light will become like night

around me even the darkness will not be

dark to you God the night will shine

like the day for darkness is the same as

light to you so

God sees everything knows everything and

if we really would think about that

every day God’s going to see everything

that I do and maybe think about it a few

times I think it would help us be on our


behavior Psalm

9411 says the Lord knows the thoughts of

man that they are but a

breath and then Matthew

12:25 Jesus knew their thoughts

and said to them every Kingdom divided

against itself will be ruined and every

city or household divided against itself

will not stand

so you know a lot of times we may think

we go on our house and close the door

God doesn’t know what’s going on in

there but he knows everything behind

closed doors and one of the things that

we need to be really careful of is

Strife in Proverbs 6 it says there’s six

things the Lord hates and the seventh is

an Abomination unto him and the seventh

one now get this is he who SWS Discord

among his

Brethren so you know what that means

gossiping telling

Tales starting

trouble giving people a bad opinion

about somebody else because of something

you don’t like that they did

and God says that’s an Abomination

that’s even Beyond he hates it it’s an

Abomination you know why because God can

only work where there’s

peace and so if we want our homes to be

blessed and our lives to be

blessed we really do need to work to

keep peace in our homes and in order to

have peace I do think you have to work

at it because the devil is always trying

to stir up some kind of trouble if you

want to know where the devil’s going to

be it’s anywhere where anything good is

happening that’s always where he’s going

to be Paul said I try to do evil I I try

to do good and evil always shows up now

Jesus had a lot to

say to

Hypocrites and hypocrites are people who

pretend to be one thing on the outside


inside there’s something else

and we all know that you

can smile at a person and be

thinking that outfit really looks stupid



so just think about

that God sees what’s going on inside of

us and that’s what’s important to him

much more important than any pretense of

godliness or

supposed religiosity and the

Pharisees you know I’m fair you see the

Pharisees were very much

religious but yet Jesus told them you’re

like white washed tombs full of dead

men’s bones wow he said you clean the

outside of the

cup but the inside is filthy and then he

said if you clean the inside then the

outside will automatically be clean so I

do think and you can nod or shake your

head but I think that we pay a lot more

attention to what we do and what people

see us

do than we do what’s going on inside of

us all the time and so God cares about


attitudes and nobody has to have a bad

attitude your attitude belongs to

you and nobody can make you have a bad

one if you don’t want to have a bad

one and I tell you a good

attitude is so valuable I always say I

would rather have somebody work for me

that maybe is not quite as skilled but

has a good

attitude than somebody who is just

brilliant but has a stinky bad attitude

I met somebody out in the hall the other

day and I asked him how long have you

been working for us and he said 25 years

and and uh I said well you must like it

here he said I don’t have one thing to

complain about and I thought I like


you see it’s so easy to find the one

thing to complain about without thinking

about the multitudes of things that we

have to be thankful for and whether you

know it or not complaining is a

sin because you don’t do it by faith and

whatever is not of faith is sin God

wants us to be thankful not murmuring

and complaining so Matthew 23 25-28 and

Matthew 23 the whole chapter is a great

chapter to read woe to you teachers of

the law and I always have said I don’t

know what Woe Is but I know I don’t want

any of it but it’s actually I looked it

up it’s like kind of the worst kind of

misery you can have woe to you teachers

of the law and Pharisees you

Hypocrites you clean the outside of the

cup and the dish but inside you’re full


greed and

self-indulgence blind Pharisees first

clean the inside of the cup in the dish

and then the outside will be clean so if

we pay more attention to what’s going on

inside of us everything on the outside

that people see that just kind of takes

care of itself because what’s in US

Works its way out of

us woe to you teachers of the law and

Pharisees you

Hypocrites you’re like whitewashed tombs

which look beautiful on the outside but

on the inside you’re full of dead men’s

bones and everything unclean I always

say you can dress it up and take it to

church but that doesn’t really say much

about what’s going on inside of you the

real person I don’t know if you’re

anything like me or not but I can

remember Dave and I years ago years ago

we don’t do this anymore years ago

arguing all the way to church arguing

with the

kids but boy as soon as we got in the

church we became Mr and Mrs

holy and I can remember looking at the

words of a worship song on the

overhead and mouthing the words while

Thinking Inside if Dave thinks I’m

fixing him anything to eat today he’s

got another thought coming for all I

care he can starve he’s just going to go

home watch football and I’m going to

have to clean the house all day and so I

was like I surrender all H so you know

that but God really wasn’t even hearing

that what he was hearing was what was

going on inside of

me so if we want to be real

Christians we have to pay attention to

what’s going on in us because God is a

god of

Hearts the same way that

you are on the outside you appear to

people as righteous but on the inside he

said you’re full of hypocrisy and

wickedness now I want to talk just a

little bit today about not


that’s it’s so easy to do to compromise

well everybody else does it well you’re

not everybody

else and you’re not going to answer for

everybody else and I remember crabbing

one time to the Lord about I felt like

he was there were so many things that he

wouldn’t let me do and I knew other

preachers that you know maybe was a

movie that I wanted to go see and I just

didn’t feel like God wanted me to go see

it because of something that was in it

but I knew all kinds of other ministers

that were going to see it and thought it

was great and so I was crabbing

complaining to the Lord why are you so

strict with me and all these other

people do it and they seem to have good

Ministries and he said look you’ve asked

me for a lot do you want it or

not so you have to remember that if if

you want God to do what you have asked

him to do in your life then compromise

is not the way to go and compromise and

we’re all we’re all tempted to do it it

the temptation to compromise is around

us all the time we know better than to

gossip about other people but it is so

tempting or isn’t it amazing how our

ears perk up when we hear somebody say

did you

hear it is so hard to just walk away and

think no and I don’t want to it’s like

we just want to

know we the you know the because I fell

and broke my

leg this year

and had the problem with my other leg

from a blood CAU from back surgery when

we put it on TV for the F for the first

time we did it on one of the talk it out

shows and they called the show the fall

of Joyce

Meyer and we got more hits on that show

than anything we’ve ever put on the

air you know why cuz people thought I’d

fallen into sin and boy they wanted to

know everything about it you know wonder

what we’d get if we put on there the

Holiness of Joyce Meyer you know

probably like I ain’t going to watch

that so compromise if you really if you

look at the definition and this was

really just puts a little bit of the

fear of God in your compromise means to

go just a little bit below what you know



o just a little bit below what you know

is right you know we need to teach more


Holiness because God is a holy God and

he expects us to be

holy and I’m concerned because I don’t I

think it’s so tempting for pastors and

Bible teachers to teach people what they

think they want to

hear I call them dessert messages you

know what’s what’s going to make you

happy and want to come back next week

but we people called to preach the word

we’re going to be held accountable to

God if we don’t tell people the truth

and tell them what we really believe

God is telling us to teach and that

doesn’t mean that you have to be hard on

people and always just preach against

something but we can’t just let people

think that they can do whatever they

want to do anytime they want to do it

and because God is a gracious God and a

merciful god that that it’s okay to do

that we need to call people to a higher

standard and so I’m saying today stop

compromising pay attention to what’s

going on inside of you because God cares

more about that than he does what’s

going on outside of

you you know let’s just say

you get in a bad mood today you get

depressed or whatever sometimes if

you’ll just think about what you’ve been


about or even what you’ve been talking

about you can locate your own problem

pretty quick because the things that we

think can either make us happy or they

can drag us down and make us sad same

way with the things that we hear

now our motives are very important

and people always get quiet when you

talk about motives because our motives

are not don’t have anything to do with

what we’re doing it’s why we’re doing

what we’re

doing that’s the thing that’s important

to God why am I doing it is this

something that I don’t I mean you know

whatever you sign up to do something you

agree to do something is is this

something that I’m doing because I

really believe that God wants me to do

it or am I doing it as a people

pleaser because I just don’t want

somebody to get mad at

me you know you can’t be a god pleaser

and a people pleaser the Apostle Paul

said you can find it in Galatians 1:10

if I would have been trying to be

popular with people I would not now be

an apostle

of the Lord Jesus Christ

that’s there again something that should

put the fear of God in us I mean anybody

who wants to fulfill the call of God on


life you have I mean there’s nothing

wrong with wanting to please people and

make people happy but if pleasing the

person is going to displease God

then we’re supposed to be led by the

Holy Spirit and he doesn’t always lead

you to do what people want you you to do

and I tell people a lot of times because

everybody today is so busy busy busy

busy and stressed out because of their

schedule and you know if you would write

down everything you’re

doing and do two things cross off

everything that’s not bearing

fruit it’s just sucking up your time and

not bearing fruit you know you can even

have a friend that supposedly comes to

you for counseling all the time and you

can feel good about that because

somebody wants your advice

but if that if they just keep

coming and crabbing about the same thing

they don’t really want to be

helped they just want to talk about

their problem and it’s not doing

anything for you it’s not it doesn’t

bear any

fruit in your life or my life and so if

you cross off everything that’s not

bearing any fruit and if you cross off

everything that you’re doing for a

motive that’s not

right you know sometimes we do things to

be well thought

of sometimes we do things to be seen by


people and so in Matthew 6 Jesus covers

all of

that and these are just good scriptures

to go and read be careful not to

practice your righteousness in front of

others to be seen by them it doesn’t

mean you can’t do a good deed in front

of somebody else but it says if your

motive is to be seen by

them then don’t do that if you do you

will have no reward from your father who

is in heaven I don’t want to lose my

reward you know so when you give to the

needy don’t announce it with trumpets as

the Hypocrites do in the synagogues and

on the streets to be honored by others

motive truly I tell you they have

received their reward in full already

and I this is a favorite of mine when

you give to the needy don’t let your

left hand know what your right hand is

doing now what does that mean well this

is what I feel like God showed me it’s

like if I do something good even let’s


say we go out on a weekend and we just

we just have a knockdown great

conference I mean it’s

awesome I preached good people were

saved if was just

awesome uh maybe in the

process we were able to help couple of

people there that were poor and needy

and so it just all around was just a

great conference well you know God

doesn’t want me to sit on Sunday and

just ruminate and

think on how great I

was how much everybody oh I got to stand

Standing Ovation they they

clapped they applauded and so you you

don’t even get to sit around and think

about how good you are after you’re good

you just come out of the Shadows I heard

this one time love stays in the shadows

until it’s needed then it steps out of

the shadows and does what needs to be

done and then goes back into the

Shadows that’s Lovely isn’t it

and uh so we have to even I think that’s

what it means don’t let your left hand

know what your right hand’s doing don’t

wallow in your


amen see to it that your giving is done


secret and that doesn’t mean that you

know everything you do has to be a big

secret sometimes to be honest it blesses

somebody to know that it’s beneficial

for them to know that you’re doing

something for them but you still don’t

have have to blow a trumpet and announce

it to everybody tell

everybody what you do in

secret God will reward you in the open I


that so when you pray don’t be like the

Hypocrites for they love to pray

standing in the synagogues and on the

street corners to be seen by others

motive again truly I tell you they have

received the reward in full but when you

pray go into your room close the door

pray to your father who is unseen then

your father who sees in secret will

reward you in the open you know if you

get up every morning and you

pray the first three hours you’re up you

don’t really need to tell anybody

that you don’t need to

take the newest little Christian at

church to breakfast and say well how

long do you

pray five minutes

well yeah how long do you pray well at

least 3 hours well right away you’ve put

condemnation on her and she feels like

she can never measure up to you and it

stunts her growth you you didn’t start

with three

hours motives are very very
