With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way.

today i am excited to share the word of

god with you so let’s get started


what are you waiting for in your life

are you waiting for more trouble

or are you

really waiting for good news i love good

news i tell god all the time send me

some good news i love good news

my staff knows i love good news so when

they hear anything good they’ll call me

i’ve got some good

news are you waiting for a miracle from


are you waiting for god to surprise you

with something amazing

or are you just kind of hanging up out

waiting to see what’s going to happen i

don’t know we’ll

see i want you to listen to this

scripture this is the amplified version

of isaiah 30 18.

and therefore the lord earnestly waits

to be good to you

now that i’m kind of ad-libbing this

because it’s pretty long so i want you

to see this the lord is waiting

to be good to you


we should say here i am

says he’s expecting looking and longing

to be good to you

god is good and he wants to be good to


therefore he lifts himself up that he

might have mercy on you

and show loving kindness to you

for the lord is a god of justice

that’s part of his character and that

means that he makes wrong things right


we should clap for that

god makes wrong things right

so even when people mistreat you if you

put your trust in god

god will be your vindicator

he will make the wrong situation right

blessed happy fortunate and to be envied

are all those who wait

for him

now listen who expect look and long for

him for his favor his love his peace his

joy and his matchless unbroken

companionship so

what this scripture is saying and i love

it is god is waiting to be good to

somebody but he has to find somebody

who’s waiting for him to be good to them

well if i were you i would say god you

don’t have to look any further here i am

but don’t let this just be something

that you get excited about it today and

do today let this become part of your

everyday life

think and believe and expect

and declare out of your mouth that good


are going to happen to you and i always

say to god not because i’m good

but because you’re good

what about self-talk how do you talk to

yourself what kind of thoughts do you

have about yourself you know if you

think all kinds of negative downgrading

things about yourself you’re not going

to have joy

what about your imagination what goes on

in your imagination do you imagine all

kinds of bad things happening

our old nature produces evil

imaginations but we can daily put on a

new nature the bible says

ephesians 4 23 i think it is it says


put on a new renewed thinking and



the bible says we can cast down wrong

imaginations if you catch yourself

sometimes our mind will just drift off

into wherever

sometimes i this doesn’t happen very

often but i’ll catch myself

just thinking about some of the things

my dad did to me when i was a little


well you know what i stop that


and i say no

that’s in my past that’s gone that’s

forgotten that’s forgiven

good things are going to happen to me

you do not have to just think whatever

falls in your head you can choose your

thinking and when you catch yourself

thinking wrong things

you can stop it

and think on something good

second corinthians 10 4 and 5 the

weapons of our warfare are not carnal

but mighty through god to the pulling

down of strongholds casting down


and every high thing that exalts exalts

itself against the knowledge of god

and bring into captivity every thought

unto the obedience of jesus christ

oh my goodness this is so good

thinking good things

don’t think bad things about other


romans 12 says don’t think more highly

of yourself than you ought to

but see yourself through the grace of


you know maybe you’re very talented or

you’re extremely smart or

you know very creative

you know people that don’t have those

gifts well don’t don’t think you’re

better than them because you have those

gifts and they don’t you have those

gifts because god gave them to you

and if anything it should humble you not

make you feel better than somebody else

every time we put somebody else down

we’re really thinking more highly of

ourselves than we ought to

let’s talk about the mouth for a few

minutes here before we

run out of time i know you wouldn’t want

me to forget that

proverbs 18 20 and 21

a man’s moral self shall be filled with

the fruit of his mouth

you eat your words

and with the consequences of his words

he must be satisfied whether good or

evil so words have consequences

and he said whatever you speak

you’re going to be full of

and you’re going to have to be satisfied

with the result you get from the words

that you speak

and boy we just talk talk talk talk talk

talk talk talk talk

and a lot of times we don’t realize that

every word we say we’re selling a seed

that’s going to bring some kind of


in our life

death and life are in the power of the



you can minister death or life to others

but you can also

minister death or life to yourself

so if you think right and talk right

it’s going to increase your joy

but let’s just say that you talk about

you excessively talk about everything

that’s going on in the world

you talk about everything you don’t like

about your job and everything you don’t

like about your boss and all the people

you don’t like that you work with and

your neighbors you don’t like and

everything that’s wrong well you’re not

you’re not going to be joyful

and don’t be saying i lost my joy you

didn’t lose it you gave it away

talk about good things

think about good things

if you hear anything good about anybody

talk about that

everybody you know no matter how they

might irritate you they have good things

in their life that you can talk about

as far as i’m concerned that’s a wow

scripture the power of life and death is

in the tongue and they who indulge it

will eat the fruit of it rather for life

or death

and i love first peter 3 10

let him who wants to enjoy life and see


whether a parent or not

keep his tongue free from evil and his

lips from


if you want to enjoy your life you got

to keep your tongue free

from evil

proverbs 21 9 says it’s better to dwell

in the corner of a house top on a flat

oriental roof exposed to all kinds of

bad weather than in a house shared with

a nagging quarrelsome and fault-finding

woman i don’t understand why they always

blame it on the woman

but i can tell you

it would be miserable to live in a house

with a woman like that and i used to be

a woman like that but it would also be

miserable to live in the house with a

man like that or even if you have kids

like that

bring joy into your home

don’t just fill it full of every

negative thing that you can find to fill

it full of

be joyful

and then the favorite james 3.

we all stumble in many ways but anyone

who is never at fault and what they say

is perfect

they keep their whole body in check so

he’s saying if you can control your

mouth you control your whole body

and then he gives some really good

examples if we put a bit in the mouth of

a horse which is just a little piece of


we can make them obey us and turn the

whole animal

in any direction we want to go in

or take a ship

they’re large and driven by strong winds

and yet they’re steered by a very small

rudder that determines what direction

they go in

likewise the tongue is a small part of

the body

but it makes a great boast consider what

a great forest is set on fire by a small


in other words boy just one word can

cause so much trouble

but you know what

one word can also bring so much joy

i want you to enjoy your life god wants

you to enjoy your life and i believe you

want to enjoy your life

and i think there’s some people watching

today that you really really really

really really needed

to hear this

in the world there will be tribulation

jesus said cheer up

i have overcome the world

you may be going through a really rough

time right now

but i can tell you that being sad is

only going to make it worse it’s not

going to make it better

want to hear more from joyce on this

topic we’ve got you covered visit us in

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