What kind of hearer are you? Join Jesse Duplantis at the 2018 Southwest Believers’ Convention as he teaches the difference between listening and hearing. To become a faith giant, you have to focus on the responsibility of hearing God with your heart. Faith comes by hearing, not having heard!

hallelujah Lord

such a blessing aren’t you glad is

raining in Texas that is hot what I got

but a blessing of the Lord

it’s always an honor and a pleasure to

be these great believers conventions you

people that come out on the first day to

y’all the best go hungry

y’all hungry like to say praise the Lord

God is so good and gracious my wife

Cathy’s here well you gotta stand up

give Cathy a hand clap what a blessing

we’ve had people say what you’ve been

doing but just a prisoner I prayed this

one told the Lord if you don’t come in

my lifetime you will miss a good

opportunity to hear how many I want

Jesus to come if he came right now I’d

do this message in heaven what a

blessing of the Lord I tell you God is

so good and gracious and I know brother

Koch may be in his room I want to thank

you for allowing me once again I’ve been

here almost 30 years I think doing these

things and God has been so good and uh I

got there looking back I said my god man

I I had a little brown hair when I

started but I sure have enjoyed every

one of them how many people brought your

Bibles let me see that’s your hand let

me see you let me see your Bible good

good I want to go to my I probably call

it my most enjoyable chapter in the

Bible mark chapter 4 let’s go to it

hello mark for Alleluia mark chapter 4 I

like to read out of the old King James

Version because it’s so poetical and if

you haven’t noticed when people quote

scripture most unquoted out of the other

old King James because it’s very hard to

quote the amplified

it took a while a quote to amplify dance

of words in the Opera but you ought to

get it because it’s a great translation

it’s just such a blessing of the Lord

mark chapter 4 got me a new Bible

somebody sent me so I wanted to use it

I love parables because of the parabolic

method of how Jesus would talk to people

you got to remember everyone Jesus

talked to was not saved they’re not born

again as we are as well as well how we

know that and understand that so he and

people settle me why don’t you tell a

lot of stories I said I’ll follow Jesus

is teaching he’d say something they’d go

what then he said well there was a rich

man ah a story but he’d put the point

into it I want to talk about something

you know and I want to tell us all the

speakers we never tell each other what

we preach it we never call each other

say okay what you gonna do and never in

all my years I’ve been not in one time

ever so I was in the back there miking

up and everything and and I said well I

didn’t get here – just now just moan

about an hour maybe hour and I don’t I

will go something I get and the make –

no I said would keep reaching and and I

was I said I’m sure when I preach he

said my god that’s almost the same thing

well the prophets of Bethel and the

prophets of Jericho saying the same

thing I like that you know we should be

all saying the same thing so if you got

your Bibles mark chapter 4 I want to

start reading with verse 221 title of

this message I’m appreciating I may

finish it tomorrow make all the way

through it or I may just do a different

one in my day sessions and I don’t know

I’m just go as the Holy Ghost leads me

on the sea on the responsibilities of

hearing the responsibility of hearing

because see that’s how you get saved

people always talk about the

responsibility of preaching and that is

that is definitely a fact

but the responsibility of hearing is the

most important part of it because if you

don’t hear some people heard but never

hear and it’s amazing to me and I don’t

know if y’all notice uh y’all might have

seen did y’all see the media eating my


do you know I was the biggest story in

the world we’ve got 10 million hits and

one day Catholic was that the day or

hour whatever all I said was believe

they said this man has four Jets I want

to make an announcement if I have Ford

planes I need make I need to make a

theft report because three of them are

missing I just like to know where they

are so I can go pick them up praise God

and he built his house with donated

funds well how come it came out of my

account craziness and things of that

nature but I want to make this

announcement well you know I it’s we’re

celebrating 40 years of full-time

ministry so people want to know what we

started out so I said we’ll check this

stuff from aviation and that different

thing we’re going all over with

different things from the very beginning

and they just misinterpreted what we

said but now they were attracting all

the statements I got three lawyers

saying you got 100 million dollar

defamation the character suit if you let

us handle this

they’re bad again I mean you keep that

ball in you know but I will tell you

this Falcon the people that makes the

planes that we’re believing for flew me

for free they can’t pick me up in who

often said thank you for the publicity I

mean on their finest plane it was just

such a blessing of the Lord and hey you

know what this is the only plane that we

believe before that God said you won’t

raise no money for that right you know I

raised money for TV and they stopped

them done many times that’s not that I

don’t have problem with that but the

Lord said this one would just come now I

know why

and the Lord said he told me he said you

want to come up where I’m at Jesse I

said yeah but I didn’t know it was gonna

be the top of the cross but it’s amazing

how many Christian people will criticize

a dream but then I realized that they

never they’re not hearing they just

heard so Mark chapter 4 verse 21 Jesus

is talking here this is the parable of

the lamp he says he said unto them is it

candle brought to be put under a bushel

or under a bed and not to be set on a

candlestick but there’s nothing here and

I’m gonna stop right there for there’s

nothing here

I don’t think twice to give God glory

for healing

I don’t think twice to give God glory

for salvation and I don’t think twice to

give God glory for blessing I make no

excuses for the blessing of God in my


because it’s the same God that heals

that say that blesses and people say you

doing very well when it ain’t my fault

it’s he that gave me power Bobby said

thou shalt remember the LORD thy God I

remember him every second every day

every hour because of what he’s done so

much for me especially in my conversion

of salvation when he saved me that’s

what he’s talking here everything should

not be prepared and a lot of people that

hide things and me I’m very I’m an open

book and why because Jesus is an open

book be there for imitators of God as

dear children so this is what he’s

saying here he says in verse 22 for you

there’s nothing hid which shall not be

manifest that neither was anything kept

secret but that it should come abroad

and he said if any man have ears to hear

let him hear

and then he said this take heed verse 24

swear I want to get to take heed what

you’re here with what you measure with

what measure ye mete it shall be

measured to you and unto you that here

of faith shall more be given how many

people want more

that’s not greed that’s Bible

um people say you living lavishly no I’m

not I’m living biblically but I’m not

waiting to get to heaven to live like

I’m supposed to be in that Jesus a this

will be done where where where as it is

where so I’m not gonna be shocked when I

get to my house in heaven I’m not gonna

be shocked at the wonderfulness of what

heaven is because I’m living heaven on

earth spiritually physically and

financially that’s not bragging that’s

just doing what Jesus said now though

she said take heed what you hear I want

to talk about the responsibilities of

hearing right there’s not if you take

your notes if the divine voice is silent

it’s because there is no obedient ears

to receive it if the divine voice is

silent you know you ain’t hearing God

you don’t have an obedient ear to hear

it and he will not waste the wonderful

things that he’s given us i’ma say it

again if the divine voice is silent it’s

because there is no obedient ears to

receive it in other words receive it not

just heard it but hear it and I want to

deal with that today and I believe

you’re gonna be blessed by that that

mark for take heed what you hear the

responsibilities of hearing so write

this down here I get these notes here

fix it here hearing is an urgent


beware of not being a good listener I’ve

made up my mind that I would become a

good listener because faith cometh

notice he don’t stack up I wish to God

it did just because you say it 50 years

you have to take 50 years of faith

because faith cometh he come by here

don’t come by hurt that’s why sometimes

you get healed sometimes you don’t you

think God didn’t you know you huge your

one time didn’t want to hear the second

time well how can that happen you can

get here one time and I get here the

next time very simple it’s very simple

just right you didn’t get here use all

your faith for that last sickness and

you didn’t replenish yourself because

the Bible said be fruitful always

producing multiply always increasing

replenish and I was using I mean use it

up then refill it then he said subdued

if anything gets out of line just put it

down so that’s why sometimes people

receive some things and sometimes they

don’t because they use all the faith

they had for that last thing and they

didn’t refinish himself I promise you

ladies and gentlemen at I’m brother Koch

the friends preaching tonight I will use

every ounce of faith I got I won’t have

a lick of faith at all when I put my

head on that bed tonight but I promise

you before I hit this convention

tomorrow morning I’m gonna replenish I’m

gonna fill myself up I preacher of

Bibles to myself I give offerings to

myself you think I’m kidding you I’ll

stand before a mere spit flying just

preach to myself give an offering and

receive it you can say what you want

call it dumb stupid it sure helps me up

why because I’m responsible with what I

hear so hearing is an urgent business

see it’s very urgent

and beware I’m not being a good listener

so I decide to listen to what the Lord

said see that’s what the world needs to

understand this listen when you listen

you learn things instead of memorized

things you see a lot of people memorize

they remember we used to memorize you

crammed so you could pass that test

after you passed that test they asked

you to be saying questions to our ladies

remember nothing because you didn’t

learn it yet jesus said learn of me he

didn’t say memorize me learn of me I’m

not that interested much in quoting I’ll

get mad when I say this I’m not that

interested much in Christianity that’s

the religion of man I’m interested in

Christ the hope of glory I want more

than a relationship I want a fellowship

you see I need conversation I like

conversation with God most people just

have prayer again I pray you don’t

misunderstand me but I have more

conversation with God than I do praying

with God because when you pray with God

usually asking for stuff like Jesus well

I love help me Jesus he said I’m here

but what I like is this hello Jesus hi


what we’ll do today what about this and

what about that reveal or something here

or sometimes he says let’s just talk

you’ve heard me say this not too long

ago the Lord I mean I just woke up and

people don’t believe there but they’re

making a difference no truth in

he the Lord was was in my bedroom and I

went what he said I was watching you


I said you were what he said I was

watching you sleep I said what do you

mean you’re watching me sleep he said I

was watching you sleep he said you know

where I learned it from I said no he

said you I said me he said remember when

Jodi was little you’d go and roam to

watch her sleep and listen to her

breathe when she was a baby because I

never thought she ate enough she would

chew and teach she passed out sleeping

on three ounces of fluid you know what

they call that stuff Enfamil whatever

y’all know and I said that ain’t enough

to sustain that kid so I put my ear

right by her by her mouth and listen to

breathe now

so when I said fall and that way and

then me and the Lord both looked at cafe

and we listened to her breathe

that’s true you know you think I’m gods

got a great sense of humor I said you

know Lord the older you get you make

funny noises the older you get just

listen to her breathe

watching her sleep yeah yeah yeah you

see that’s what I mean that’s called

fellowship I saying God I can’t live

without you

I gotta have you every second of my life

and if you around God you’re gonna learn

a lot of things so you need to be a good

listener why write this down to here is

a duty we must see beyond the outward

word so we can understand the inward

meeting a lot of people see the outward

word but they never understand the N

word meaning what does that mean to you

to here is a duty he said take heed what

you hear so I don’t listen to a lot of

general when I go to doctors I don’t do

most of what they say I’m not kidding

you cuz they’ll fill you up with the

sickness of your family now I believe I

understand DNA and I understand all that

kind of stuff and they’ll ask you

questions if you got cancer in your

family you know you got diabetes and

high blood pressure

yeah it’s all kind of stupid stuff and I

just look at him I just smile they ask

personal questions and I tell them the

truth cuz you know you go to a doctor

you get I got a sore throat

take your pants off no

am i telling the truth they are strip

you down they’ll strip you down am I

telling the truth you they don’t strip

you down

last year I went do a PSA test you know

what that is that’s a blood test Cathy

is always trying to get me to do all

this healthy stuff

Jesus driving me nuts she said when’s

the last time you had that prostate

check I said what is that she told me

where it was I said if I ain’t seen it I

don’t want nobody else to see it either

are you doing that she said you’ve got

to do that and I won’t tell you sometime

when they finish your sing Moon River

I gotta get y’all laughing a little bit

to start this thing they’re not crazy

nice coming out and looked at me and I

said this are you sexually active

I said you gotta ask my wife she said

what I said she said I am I am if she

says I’m not me it’s over Jackie there

ain’t any way cuz it’s what the woman

said are you sexual act I said knob

she said what I said knob put it on ano

be none of your business ain’t none of

your bid she wasn’t listening she wasn’t

hearing she heard when I said knob but

she wouldn’t hear he kept pushed I said

I’m gonna tell you that that’s none of

your business

she said well we need to know a lot

about you I said that’s all you get mama

that’s the end of that any other

questions so several things she asked me

knob knob no she asked the last question

she said I guess I ought to just put a

knob I said you got it I’m serious about

that why I don’t want to hear that I’m

not living in denial I don’t want you to

misunderstand that I’m not living in

denial I understand genetic disorders I

understand all that but I’m not living

in denial but I will not speak what they

say I should speak because they won’t

believe just because there was heart

trouble in my family I’m just gonna get

it too and it was cancer my family or

there was diabetes or high blood

pressure well I’m not genetically linked

up with my family I’m genetically linked

up with the Lord Jesus Christ so it’s my

duty to hear it is a duty to hear we

must see beyond their outward word so we

can understand the end with meaning you

see now when I understand something not

when I begin to speak and a lot of

people don’t like prosperity the ones

that hate prosperity receive offerings

like that make no sense the people that

take vials of poverty take donations

which is an oxymoron if you believe it

in poverty what are you taking a

donation for well you can’t get nothing

done right see nothing’s done without


don’t shout me down when I’m preaching

it listen to me you couldn’t get here

less you drove here ain’t nobody got

beaned in here by Scotty right you had

to spend some money to get here right

you live in an economic world but I just

made people oh I don’t see why you gotta

have that plan I said let me help y’all

now I’m in Dallas Fort Worth I’ll just

tell you there’s a church in Dallas

forth work very big sure that just paid

off 50 million dollars worth of debt let

me spend over 50 million but they paid

off 50 million dollars worth of debt

that’s okay with me and people don’t

think twice about spending 50 million 60

million whatever when I’m making a

church have you got a church to twenty

five thirty forty thousand people you

know and I asked you know why I didn’t

bother me because that’s what that

pastor needs to preach to his

congregation right well I don’t need

that my congregation is the world I need

to play

I’m going all the time wait he don’t

need that I was in two countries in five

states in four days Delta can’t do that

America wish the god they could they

can’t do you understand what I’m saying

but I keep setting but they don’t hear

it keep their heard they see they don’t

understand the N word meaning and that’s

amazing to me and I’m not talking about

the center I ain’t got no problem

selling us they like me is them

Christians why did I get quiet and I was

being attacked I raised millions of

dollars for you you don’t want to go you

got a plane don’t shout me down with a

pretty good I’m gonna tell him why are

you embarrassed of the blessing of God

it’s just a tool it’s a tool when I was

flying and Falcon was one day had a

flight attendant on his beautiful jet

and a Salesman across the Palace and

stuff and I’m sitting there and he said

sir can I say something

he said you or you know even you’re not

even looking at all this elegance I said

no I ain’t worried about what so I said

I don’t care there’s only one chair in

this plane with no panel in it I want to

know what can’t get do you see what I’m


I won’t know what can you do how far can

it go how fast gonna get there how fast

can I get back because I got something

else as soon as I get back I gotta go do

something else

yes it’s nice I guess you could call it

luck jurors whatever I don’t even think

about that kind of stuff Kathy said

Jessica live in the treehouse I could

care less about I’m not here to prove to

nobody nothing

I just want my destiny and my

destination to become complete why

because when God spoke that I didn’t

hurt it I hear it because it’s my duty

see so I refuse to disregard truth write

this down disregarding truth becomes

disliked truth see when you disregard

truth you begin to dislike it see well

Jesus didn’t have no money not you not

you agree you’re not dumb you just

I mean who needs a boat when you can

walk on the water

they get mad at you walk on the water

you know if you started walking on water

you know what they say look at it you

know why you walking on the water cuz he

can’t swim

cuz he says can’t swim

ok who needs them you can walk the water

so disregarded truth becomes disliked

truth now there’s some there’s some

truth in here in this Bible I don’t

particularly care to read sometimes

bless those that persecute you know love

your enemies

you a must never have had an enemy if

you’re gonna love me no vengeance is

mine no let it be mine you take too long

I never thought of Avengers I was

thought of as justice you do what you

got to do the boy a lot of stuff you can

get into that interpretation you can

wind up killing somebody said well you

know he deserved to die

no he didn’t deserve to die you called

the justice when it was vengeance get

home send some but God God’s words real

see so dislike disregarding truth

becomes dislike truth you know the

reason why some people don’t get healed

a lot of time other than there they used

all their faith it’s because they don’t

believe in healing ladies generally one

body made up of many members you

understand they’ve got people that love

the Lord with all their heart that don’t

believe in healing so like it’s this

hands hurting and this hands doing this

where one body made up of many members I

never forget years ago when I years but

maybe three years ago I was on TBN me

and Andrew Wommack

and Matt Crouch was talking he was

interviewing us and he said he looked at

me and he said Jessie what camp are you

in you know Andrew you know andrew

really gets excited like yes yeah just a

what camp are you

I love Andrew Andrew the blood he’s

excited I’m he screaming right there

hello you gotta know Angela saying you

gotta know Andrew you don’t he’s very

excited you got to hear it

and I looked at Matt Krause I’ll never

forget me it was a wonderful question

I said Matt I need to rephrase your

question I said there’s only one camp of

God but there’s many different colored


well one camp of God with the camp of

the Lord but we got different tents see

different and he said come together in

the unity of the faith and what

Christianity tried to do is to get

everybody to come together the unity of

doctrine that’s not gonna happen I don’t

care who you are

then baptism gonna believe one save

always say whether you Pentecostal like

it or not that’s called eternal security

you’re gonna believe in speaking in

tongues whether they like it or not well

I’m gonna believe in prosperity whether

you like it or not I don’t mean that to

be rude or arrogant and I’m gonna

believe in faith whether you like it or

not I’m not moved by what I see I don’t

deny what I see I deny its right watch

this to get into my ears it’s my duty

that watch these ears see the truth

grows to perfection

when it’s held fast and it’s heard if

you want truth to grow to perfection it

has to be held fast be immobile stead

for abounding in the work of the Lord

for you know your labor is not in vain

in God and sometimes you look like your

Labor’s in vain

and who don’t want something yesterday

we’re Americans

we’d like fast food we gain weight fast

we lose weight slow

if you could get who’s weight as fast as

you get you shop and I don’t know why

everybody worries about all that to

start with how good you want to look

when you did that just drives me nuts

boy he look good you know he did

cuz you gonna lose all weight you’re

gonna lose in your life when you did you

can get back into your 29 inch waist

pants but I mean you do what you want to

do it’s your bidness you see I realize

the truth grows to perfection

I want the Word of God to be perfected

in my life how do I do that by holding

it fast how do I hold it fast by hearing

it and hearing it and hear you sometimes

I think I got so many people living in

my house and they just being Catholic

Keith Moore wakes me up in the morning

well blessed God Cathy got him on in the

bathroom she got she’s got speakers bose

speakers I mean sometimes I thought

keith was God the other day hello I said

and Cathy had that thing on she’s just a

pump it and then there this she had TD

jakes in their heart our Lord I got

hallelujah man I start sweating in the

bed but TV sweat he don’t perspire he



I’ve had George and Terri Pearson I

thought did they come in last night that

man in the house I mean she’s got it on


is it happening all the time why Jiri

the responsibilities of it hearing and

hearing and some time I don’t like to go

in the belt I said your thought on the

bow let me go to the bedroom and I go so

it’s it echoes more and then I get

double it Jesus says look I’ve heard you

say bleep me by the time I got there

that lasts believe I’m standing up but

yeah I’ll believe it when I drop you see

and it may sound funny but what’s

happening is faith is growing it’s the

responsibility of it see hearing is

utilized for the advantage of others

spiritual knowledge must never be at a

standstill let me say this again hearing

is utilized for the advantage of others

spiritual knowledge must never be at a

standstill you should never stop growing

never stop faithing see when a baby

stops growing something wrong you take

that baby to the doctor something’s not


right my baby is not eating my baby that

girl what’s wrong with this it should

that baby shouldn’t be under stand still

why it has a responsibility to become an


you see what I’m saying let me say it


hearing is utilized for the advantage of

others that’s what it’s for the

advantage of us the reason why we’re

preaching this at this convention is so

you can be growing in the fullness and

the perfection of God’s Word and if not

that we smarter than you are do it it’s

just that we just happen to be behind

this Pope but that’s the Lord use it and

if you’ll listen to us and don’t

critique us and don’t criticize us just

listen to what we say it and if you want

the litmus test of a doctrine if you

want to know if something is true if you

want to understand about the grace

message you understand about the faith

myth you understand all the docs and

homiletic or hermeneutical philosophical

feel like if you really want to know

that this is the litmus test if any

doctrine makes a provision for the flesh

it’s not of God

because the Bible said there’s no good

thing in the flesh don’t tell me you

lift my god by grace I’m saying it in a

minute what I do your mama you are

covering your sin with a wonderful

doctrine called grace but it don’t cover

it and I believe in grace do we say it

by Greg my god I love it it’s not the

issue but I don’t have grace rocking sin

better if I have bracelet she said less

and less than that

till I forget how and the way to do that

is by hearing hearing you are so

powerful you’ve made in the Express

imagery you shut the devil down when you

was a sinner so if you can shut him down

as a center how come you can shut him

down as a Christian how many times when

you was a sinner the devil wants to go

out and get drunk go chase some woman

chase some man do something again but

you was tired you went no I do and then

I’m going home go to bed you just told

the devil go and in a sinful state if

you can tell him no in a sinful State

think you ought to tell him no in a

Christian state that’s why you way more

powerful than him you were not made in

his class you were not made in the

angelic class you were more will get

some bad publicity you were made in the

god class that’s how you were made

that’s why Satan hate you every time you

look at you he thinks God

you made in His image and in his

likeness you his boss but the problem

with the church world they like the

first out of more than the second atom

you better get to know that second atom

let me say it again

shearing is utilized for the advantage

of others spiritual knowledge must never

be at a standstill my god you know when

me and Jerry and brother köppen get

together we just came back from

Guadalcanal the Solomon Islands ah did

we have us a meeting anybody saw that

thing I mean it was hot buddy when I say

hi even the bugs was Fanning themselves

but thousands of people getting born

again and I think we get together what

you you think we would rest and not talk

about the gospel

you don’t lost your ever-loving mind we

sit on that plane we talk for 16 hours

about the gospel we go on vacation and

talk about the gospel they say y’all

should be relaxing we are we preached

each other it’s amazing why cuz it’s so

it’s so big that a believers convention

cannot cover it all it’s so huge because

you’re hearing and it’s developing and

perfecting I like what a brother Keith

Morris wife said she says I get more

light on it I like that word light then

you got more light see you see these

this is just reading glasses they cost

about 10 bucks see but if there’s a lot

of light like yes I don’t need this you

said I’m saying and now some people get

mad about that what he was a faith

manger and have this well you got the

faith lay your hands on the food I’ll

shut up nah I don’t mean to be rude but

come on

I got 20/20 vision like this but when I

say why do you have two these because I

had to sign in big checks cash so I said

I want to make sure I see how much

money’s in splendidly anybody’s baby

their hearing is utilized for the

advantage of others spiritual knowledge

must never be at a standstill

why write this down be careful in losing

the word before faith can make it

fruitful be careful in losing the word

before your faith can make it fruitful

your faith is one what produce the

manifestation you know let me say

something bout faith we love the

manifestation God loves the chase God

loves the journey

look at my boy look at my girl we saved


we love the man first ever get all

excited about he gets excited about when

we walk by faith and not by sight that’s

such a blessing so be careful in losing

the word before faith can make it

fruitful see that’s why I don’t worry

about time time means nothing to me I’m

an eternal being I don’t deal what time

don’t want it yesterday it’s not this

year and it doesn’t make anything it

takes all I know that God’s say

something Kathy asked me today she

wanted to do something that’s it at the

church my wife is now the pastor of that

church so you know she said she’s the

pastor Keith you know she told me she

suggesting you need any counseling I

said no I don’t need no counselor you

need any messages on submission

I said I guess I do preach to me mama I

said you want more money in that bank

account she said okay forget what I just

said no no I give her a hard time

no when you understand what I’m saying

here and I just forgot what I was saying

because she was looking at me here no I

know exactly be careful

that’s what she’s saying be careful boy

and losing the word before your faith

can make it fruitful when you’re gonna

get that jet already have it because

when I pray believe them you see well

what happens when you get it but that’s

physical manifestation you ask me about

my faith you see it took my faith to

produce a physical manifestation but I

will tell you this much we’re close now

you know I could have had it for years

ago if I go to the bank ain’t nothing

wrong going to the bank but I read a

scripture and I didn’t hurt it I heared


oh no man anything but they love you did

you really mean what you said the easier

you know what I meant I see yeah I’ve

just thought maybe you might change your

mind on that one you know no I didn’t

hurt it I hit it you see what I’m saying

so my faith is producing and increasing

every day so that’s why I don’t get

excited too much when manifestation it’s

that’s some of my staff I said my gosh

you’re not excited about that no because

I had it when I prayed not trying to

show off I’m just saying I had it when I

prayed and consequently I believed it

see it is possible that all are

listening but all are not hearing let me

say it again it is possible that all the

listening but all are not hearing I

don’t explain this and I want you

there’s all kinds of Harris let me say

it again it is possible that all are

listening but all I’m not hearing you

had that I don’t care here that’s in

your church or in the world they listen

to only about obligation you know I got

to get there and they quickly forget

because they have no interest that was

me Kathy said would you please come to

church before I say coming he can’t come

soon so I’d go to church just a my

obligation her and before I even got to

the car outside the church I forgot

everything that man or that woman said

why that’s all I don’t care here they

have a lot of those a lot of religious

people I don’t care hear us I know he

said that but God didn’t tell you the

crib to critique your pastor you know

just make this announcement God don’t

care if you don’t like your pastor he

don’t care if you hate him then ain’t

got nothing to do what you’re learning

how many time your kids have come home

so I don’t like my teacher and what’d

you say shut up boy you get in a class

and you listen well your pastor those

are in rule over you or your teachers

what about the apostle can’t be an

apostle as you’ve been a disciple

got to be a disciple first where you

ever get to be an apostle you got to be

a disciple of the Lord before you

understand the fire fool

the executive branch of God’s government

the apostle prophet evangelist pastor

teacher that’s the executive branch of

God’s coming but you’re not gonna get

any of that unless you a disciple of

Christ first there’s a disciple of

Christ that’s a foul worker some people

follow Christ and people are discipled

in Christ and then people are move are

perfected into gifts that God places

upon them the apostle the prophet the

event is the past of the teacher and

actually the higher you get the lower

you become why because you serve it to

all you wash their feet you see now I

don’t want to hear that see they’d

rather it’s just there but the top but

to get to the top means you down at the


that’s why Jesus who is at the top came

to the bottom she did to many people at

the foot of the cross they’ll all scream

though I did that and Jesus looking down

at what y’all do it climb the cross get

up where I’m at come see what I’m seeing

I’m seeing the world what do you see it

you see it my feet get up and go do

something because he’s serious about

this world I got a new book that just

came out called advance I’ll just tell

you this

the Lord spoke this to me he suggests it

for 2018 he said if you could define

Christianity and put it in one word what

would it be and I thought what did you

say he said if you could take all of

Christianity for what you know of Crysta

and define it and put it in one word

what would it be I’m thinking

resurrection power miracle healing you

know what he said advanced he said

everything I do goes forward the whole

armor gods for your front parts nothing

for you back because you don’t turn

around and you don’t look back he said

I’m serious about that world let me tell

you some what the church has been

failing we have 7.5 billion people on

this planet and 2.3 billion Christians

what or we do it he said go to and

preach the gospel how many creatures

said don’t never criticize what it takes

to get that to that place where you

preach in that every Christian to every

believer to ever creature you’re about

to father’s business and he’s serious

about this

he loves his world you got to go get it

for it you as ministers of the gospel as

whoever’s you as Christians letting your

light so shine so when you understand


I don’t care here is what they listen

only my obligation and quickly forget

because they have no interest

then they have the treacherous here as

board who Jesus them treacherous ones

what are they they listen only to entrap

in order to steal your credibility and

influence those are treacherous ears

they listen only to entrap in order to

steal your credibility and influence one

thing I’ve been known for 40 years of my

ministry is integrity and character and

guess when this attack hit me what did

he tried to attack my character ladies

and gentlemen I’ve been preaching

full-time 40 years I pay all my own

expenses when I go it costs a lot under

fly jet I didn’t ask you to pay for it I

ask you to believe for it right you go

ask any pest I preached for I mean I

don’t I don’t make demands on nobody and

I didn’t know how much money you know

you’re mostly not Sammy you invite a lot

of people to your church you pay for the

hotel right you pay for the food you pay

for the fuel if they have a plate or you

pay for their airplane tickets am i

correct most pastors do that right that

don’t happen with me I just go nothing I

said how much money have I spit in 40

years that churches should have paid for

which they do which is none Ron I didn’t

know but I got good computers I got good

people working for me so I went to my

financial director I said I’d like to

know how much if I spent that church’s

normally would have picked up but I

never asked nineties and 40 years it’s

over 50 million dollars

now you don’t need to plot please stop

why why did you do that why do you do

that because it’s not wrong with

somebody paying you expenses

I have no problem that I call it the

David syndrome you see if this meeting

doesn’t cost me something that it’s not

worth much to me everyone said everybody

wants to preacher that can be a blessing

that I mentioned nothing wrong with that

but one day David wanted a piece of

property this man said King date I give

it to you David said no not that he

couldn’t receive he could receive he

said I will not offer God something that

doesn’t cost me something secrets if

it’s not valuable to me what makes you

think it’s gonna be valuable to God and

beside it seed so it and then harvest

coming so you see the treacherous here

is all the interesting is how we can

shut down the credibility in the

character of an individual you see what

I’m saying they listen only to entrap in

order to steal your credibility and

influence how about the scoffing and

taunting Harris you ever heard of them

an acting superior they revealed they

are inferior

they talked so much they carry it they

can’t hear anyone saying anything

because they think they know what

they’re talking about let me say it


the scoffing and taunting Harris and

acting superior well we really know what

this is all about they revealed they

were inferior they talk so much they

can’t hear anyone saying anything that’s

those scoffing and taunting here I’m

talking about the church world I can

understand this in the world because no

not to remember see but not the things

of God if we would just come together in

the unity of the faith food Lord Jesus

would have already come ladies and job

we’d have finished our job say so be

careful and losing the word before faith

can make it fruitful why write this now

memory depends upon attention memory

depends upon attention without attention

that can be no retention memory depends


attention without

without attention there can be no

retention I’d like to pay attention when

we were going to guada can I was fine I

looked at brothercome I said well what

will you have me to do I asked in there

I said yeah it’s a good thing he wants

to preach on whether ever you’ve been

bridge dad let the Lord lead you but I

knew that was coming

and that’s right and we’re all float

fact Barrett told me said you guys will

flow especially morning means and I say

hot who but didn’t make note it we

didn’t say what do you see nothing to

each other we never have in all these

years we never know we just do what we

feel the Lord tells us to do

why because of attention attention see

let me say it again memory depends upon

attention without attention that can be

no retention you ever notice how a mama

can understand the babblings of a baby

baby girl I adore that and the mama go

get with the baby wants now the daddy

said well what he say Jody used to call

water OD OD

Cathy go you want some water

I thought how did you know what OD meant

because see she listened with her heart

instead of her head she heard with her

heart that baby said mama Bliss’s with

their heart daddy usually listens with

his head that kid don’t need that

but that mama can understand all that

stuff I mean some of the craziest words

you ever seen in your life

and they understand at all and I’m going

what how did you know that how’d you

know they wanted that I don’t know I

just knew it

that’s what a mama does they listen with

their heart well let me take some my god

he listens not only he listens with his

heart on everything we say he listens to

and he understands all our language and

sometime he has to put his hand over my


really yeah there there I saw a little

baby she look at that man she just see

babies love me because of his white hair

they think I’m God I really believe that

they just go


babies and I look at my one I’ll go

ain’t no I’m very expressive in my face

and boy giggle and she went not saying


that meant come get me and when I made a

step she won’t maybe I made a mistake

I could seep in her little eyes because

I was looking at her with my heart and I

did the same thing I went she go see we

talking to each other sometime baby

Christians do that all the time

God’s talking he’s got to go all blah

blah blah okay I got it

and then all of a sudden she came with

me and just and just kept looking at my

hair and want to touch my hair they want

just to touch my hair it’s real that’s

more that gotta say for most people on

television networks anyway that’s all

I’m gonna say

I ain’t gonna tell you but I’ll tell you

what bhava hurricane hit TV and there

will be chocolate water in toupees

flying by the thousand I’m telling and

that’s okay

we were so much for however you look

that’s the craziest thing I’ve seen in

my life Lords either how do I look

what do you think I’m gonna say you’re

gonna say that I don’t like that when

Kathy says this is make me look fat


you can’t win with that kind of stuff

I’ve got j:1 Carolyn Seville did one

time I soaked myself down preaching when

these believers greens and I pulled my

coat off we all walk it and she goes

Jessie what’s all in black the Lions

under your shirt I don’t wear t-shirt I

just wear some people die didn’t make me

sweat more I said Carolyn there’s a man

underneath this shirt she said Jerry

ain’t got no hair on his head

Jerry said wet hair don’t grow on a

playground baby

I think that’s how you said it simple I

said that look look – Jason you down

with your bad self

yeah what you trying to tell me Kathy

did I mess up a grass don’t grow on the

playground baby yeah that’s what it is


which brings me to my next year a warped

era I did that on purpose I know exactly

what I’m doing the Warped tears y’all

trying to figure out what I said me too

I don’t know what I said

what is it warped Hira that pervert all

things because the only here with the

natural ear a warped earier perverts all

things because they only hear with the

natural ear they’re not hearing with the

ear of the heart so their faith doesn’t

grow that’s why Jesus said take heed

what you hear because a lot of what

people will say things to you because

they receive nothing but warped hearing

so their statements are warped or you

hearing what I’m saying

when you understand again it is possible

to all elicit but not all are hearing so

when you understand that then you

understand I don’t care here the

treasure is here or the scoffing

taunting hero now the war Tara well we

just don’t believe in that prosperity

well we don’t believe in healing well

you just hadn’t got sick enough yet I’ve

had people tell me that until they got

diagnosed and pancreatic cancer and

three months to live all of a sudden

somebody like me becomes very very

important to them would you pray well

sure I’m going to pray yeah I’m gonna

believe God with you

what do you want to do I want to live

but just now that don’t touch your heart

you’re a hard person only leverage I

said I believe you I’m gonna set myself

in agreement I had a man come down well

he don’t mind me said he’s named Greg

remember Greg Kot had cancer of the

throat doctor said he wasn’t gonna make

it I come walking in there and say hey

Greg how you doing so busy I got a bad

report I stopped a sever whose report

say you believe I say Greg we’re gonna

pray to God for God to heal you buddy

you okay oh yeah I said now you want a

liver you want to die I know that sound

hard but this is serious business you

want to live or do you want to die don’t

give me I don’t know you better be right

what you gonna say he said I want to

live I said then you shall live and not

die so we laid hands gonna pray for it

all right

God heal the man listen the doctors he

got to be able to speak to doctors


because of the healing of the cancer

every stroke

they wouldn’t invite me but they would

invite Greg Greg was full of the Word of

God man Greg just went in there just

telling them but you know what it all

boils down to this do you want to live

or do you want to die I want to live

what the Bible said you should live not

now I didn’t walk out and saying well

I’ll tell you one thing bless God y’all

won’t tell you about the great healing

miracle we had in our church I know they

didn’t anything to do with it I was

interested in what he was believing I

was interested what he’s gonna say why

so I could set myself an agreement with

it that’s all I did was set myself on a

dream and my faith and connected with

his and with Cathy’s and and with his

wife in the pasture and and her and his

wife and Greg was healed the doctor said

we didn’t think you was gonna make it

they asked him the minister at the

Medical conventions here’s one that you

know you know man I believe in faith and

healing with his well the God did and

you know they interested in physical

things so they checked in my check

and how long that’s been now or maybe

what seven eight years still healed as

all get-out completely healthy and they

said he didn’t have a chance because

they went but what they saw

he went but what he believed and I

looked at my said listen to me Greg I

don’t lie and neither does God see he’s

not a warped hearer

I didn’t pervert and I just said what

Jesus said

now what stops some people in receiving

is the blind hear us right this dumb

runnin hear us they refused to knock

they will not seek therefore they shall

not understand or find a blind hear they

refused to knock they will not seek

therefore they shall not understand or

fine seek knock it be open to it come on

do something see what I know I don’t

want to do that well you won’t receive

the consequences of not doing that you

deal with a devil that’s a serial killer

he’s not here to make you

he don’t come to make sick he come to

kill steal kill and destroy yeah he was

he wants to take everything out of you

he’s not just gonna try to give you a

little slight coal he wants that to turn

into double pneumonia fill your lungs up

with fluid kill you

and yet you spend time listening to that

guy that’s blind Harris

they refuse to knock they will not seek

therefore they shall not understand or

fine they won’t they won’t do it and you

want them to because the word is so true

that’s why the cough kept saying in the

script take heed what you hear then

there’s the proud Harris they are puffed

up so much they become bloated with

their own natural wisdom and head toward

destruction oh I know that faith stuff

that not come it’s not working I’ve

heard that stuff you didn’t I can tell

you her because you didn’t hear it

because it didn’t work it people tell me

that all the time

I don’t believe that I said I can tell

see that’s a proud here they’re so

puffed up and bloated my god with their

own natural wisdom and they head toward

destruction because what comes before

proud a proud look what’s gonna happen

oh you got some you got some problems

here so the proud here is their puffed

up so much they become bloated with

their own natural wisdom and they head

toward destruction that’s why I believe

the Lord told Kenneth and Gloria to have

a believers convention a believers

convention now that defines what this

whole place is about a believers

convention yet there was a depth in the

believers convention I didn’t understand

almost 30 years ago because on this

platform when the first one I did

Kenneth Copeland says give an invitation

I said what you said

he said give an invitation you know what

the invitation is on Jessa I said yeah

yeah yeah I said it’s a believers

convention Kenneth hey I’m gonna argue

with the man that God gave the

revelation he said I know that that’s

you didn’t get it Kenneth it’s a

believers convention Kenneth day nobody

going to come not brother Copeland when

you become an ignorant to him he goes

like this

you got that look on his face like I

said okay I bound my head I told

everybody bow their heads and I said to

myself this is a believers convention

Jesus it’s see my natural mind was taken

over my spirit I heard it but it didn’t

hear it finally I just rebuked that I

said the main order nobody’s own meeting

maybe he got a cousin that ain’t safe

that’ll come I thought it wouldn’t come

that’s a miracle of God and some

believers convention I mean people don’t

walk in and he say we’re going to they

don’t come he said we sinners no I gave

that our first one it’s on tape 602

first time conversions I went this is a

believer sinners convention 602 I walked

off that kid who looked at me with

I said I’m not questioning that no more

he telling me to give an invitation if

there’s five cats I’m gonna get one of

them saying that’s a lost cat in one

sense I was a proud hearer right there

because I already had determined it some

believers convincing hmm then there’s

the sluggish Harris let me close with

that y’all enjoyed this and i’ma go over

this because some of you were writing it

down I’ll go over it real quick

there’s the sluggish Harris they need to

remember not practice what their because

they’re not rooted and without roots you

cannot grow you see what has to grow on

you is what people can’t see which is

the roots you have then once your roots

starts growing and they’re established

then your trees going to grow then the

trunks coming up and then the branches

are coming up then the leaves are coming

up and then the shades gonna come I have

a tree very close to my house that’s

over 400 years old it’s a live oak oh it

has it seen some stuff Hurricane Katrina

tried to destroy it but it was too

strong it was too Shady just stood there

come on sucker do what you’ve got to do

you I’m rooted baby and I mean in roots

a huge well I mean you could just see it

it that that tree is social it pushes

concrete out the way they just roots the

concrete 9 inches boom just pushes it up

that’s rooted and grounded buddy and if

you blow one of my leaves off I’ll

create another one

and I preached on that the other day I

was underneath that tree I’m on this

week we just got a little thing and I

had an acorn in my hand I said and it

started this is how it looked like when

it started see God saw this we just see

this little thing let me say this in a

sluggish Harris they need to remember no

practice what they hear because they’re

not rooted and without roots you cannot

grow you can be say 50 years and have

what I call surface faith you’re not

rooted and grounded because when

somebody’s beliefs says something

unbelievable in order to make you shout

because you see if you’re not using your

faith on something impossible you’re not

using your faith at all

I love a falcon 900 Keith Scott what I

love it thing got one of the finest

planes up I love it

why don’t you get you one of those I

love it

that’s a fine play why because I can do

that myself I got that money I can do


donning of it no glory in that I can do

that but he made me look at something I

couldn’t do unless a barik which I’m not

gonna do I learned that from brother

Copeland sister Koch what I got inside

of me that rooted down so strong in me

it means amazing when I heard him say

that I went what that years ago that’s

before I even knew brother Koch how

didn’t know good Kenneth the glory you

understand I came out of the Catholic

ranks I knew the Pope in Billy Graham

that’s it

that’s it but that went off of me like a

shotgun because they faith comes by

hearing I said I’m gonna do it I took

that scripture oh no man anything but

eleven like I took John 3:16 for God so

loved the world that He gave His only

begotten Son

same Jesus so he said now go look at

this up next maybe I get it used with

but even a used one it’s expensive

that’s when he gave me that statement if

you’re not putting your faith on

something impossible you’re not using

your faith at all now I don’t mind

having an I love it don’t say that’s a


that’s fine I’d be sad I’m satisfied

with the one I got now I’m giving that

one away they didn’t tell you about that

then tell you about all those a giveaway

anybody didn’t want you to know that

they don’t want you to know that during

Hurricane Katrina I gave away three

million dollars to help people and go

tell you none of that and even if I show

them the evidence they go believe it

they don’t understand any of that but

when I looked at that thing I went then

he said this you’re not gonna raise any

money on that this has just come you

know what I thought and I’m paying for

this ladies and gentlemen I paid this

every month I’m preaching the 2.9

billion people every month in 14

different languages all over this planet

I know out of 2.9 billion people there’s

54 to 60 thousand I’m gonna give $1,000

that’s 60 million or 54 million whatever

it cost and I pay cash for I know that

that’s just called good mathematics I

can figure that out that’s easy can’t do

that you should just tell people you

believe it I said you’re making this

more impossible he said yes yes you’re

gonna do it I said I’m gonna do it

he said is your word my word I said

almost how I’m gonna lie to God how even

a lot of God I said when I’m not there

yet he said we’ll get there

I said well how do I get there talk to

yourself just say this is what you’re

gonna believe justly this is what you’re

gonna believe just that this is what you

believe in

just as this is what you know because

you know in whom you have believed all

of a sudden that gospel began to go Duke

Duke to be do that scripture you know I

said my god it’s mine why because it had

to get into the realm of impossibility

so I got rid of all that I don’t care

here is and the treasure is here is and

the scoffing and toning here is in the

warped eras the blind here isn’t a proud

here is in the sluggish years and I said

hearing is an urgent business

be weary of not being a good listener

that was your first point to hear is a

duty we must see beyond the outward word

so we can understand the inward meeting

disregarding truth becomes disliked

truth you disregard the truth you won’t

dislike it truth grows to perfection

when it’s held fast and heard hearing is

utilized for the advantage of others

spiritual knowledge must never be at a

standstill I’m growing daily be careful

and losing the word before your faith

can make it fruitful

don’t let anybody rob it memory depends

upon attention I could preach long on

these things but I have a timeframe here

without attention that can be no

retention it is possible that all are

listening but all are not hearing then I

dealt with the seven here is I don’t

care here there listen only by

obligation and quickly forget because

they have no interest the treacherous

here is they listen only to entrap in

order to steal your credibility and

influence the scoffing and taunting

hearers in acting superior they reveal

they or

birria they talked so much they can’t

anyone can’t hear anyone saying anything

the Warped terrace they pervert all

things because they only hear with the

natural ear the blind hear us

they refuse to mock they will not seek

therefore they shall not understand the

fine the proud hear us they are puffed

up so much they become bloated with

their own natural wisdom and head toward

destruction then the sluggish hear us

they neither remember nor practice what

they hear because they’re not rooted and

without roots you cannot grow see when

you understand the responsibility with

this is take heed what you hear that’s

why I’m so glad these believers

convention to put on because you see

we’re gonna tell you what the right word

says we’re not gonna give you our

opinions we’re gonna tell you what this

Bible says now we will preach a verse it

tell you what the God told us about the

verse but we’re gonna come back to this

book all the time this is our well the

teacher is all of us here our textualist

it’s what the text says you see the

Constitution this is a living document

no it’s not this is a living document

you know why I know the Constitution’s

not is that there’s not a living

document because it has to be amended

it’s been amended a bunch of times what

he said it’s because it’s living no

that’s because they didn’t get it right

the first time but when God wrote this

and there’s no amendments because he got

it right the first time

now this is a living document

see there’s no amendments to it he never

changed he’s the same yesterday today in

vailable he works with all kinds of

different peoples all kinds of

dispensations all kinds of people that

believe all kind of crazy things even

when all said and done he makes it

perfect because in the beginning was the

word the Word was God and the Word was

with God so you can’t separate him from

his word and what he says in Psalm 13

I’m 34 my covenant will not break nor

alter the thing that goes out of my lips

he can’t alter what he says he means

what he says and says what he means so I

made up my mind

years ago that I want my word to be like

God’s Word then when I say something I’m

gonna do what I say now that sometimes I

said something I shouldn’t said but I

went and did it anyway because I said it

it cost me the Bible saying you sweaty

on hurt

you can do that and I said because I

said it I’m gonna stand by that because

you can’t separate me from my word you

can’t separate God from his word be

there for imitators of God as dear

children so I’m gonna do what he says

sometime I don’t like what he says

sometime I want to say what Peter says

according to thy word

but what he wants me to say according to

your word and my word because two of us

agree on earth as touching anything you

can’t remember this and I’m gonna deal

with this in different manners doing the

week you know evening you don’t even

have your own desires do you know all

desires you have with given to you by

God you ever walk by something and you

wanted it you ever walk by something you

thought man I like that you felt that it

was yours but it wasn’t

where do you think you got that desire

he put that desire in you you might what

we’re not using it people who get mad

about their you might see a nice diamond

ring and you think you thought

look at that things fall and you think

woman that’s expensive man have an

eminent yeah you know why you liked it

so much God put that in you do you know

he put that in the earth so you could

believe for it do you know all the seeds

gods if a song has already been sold on

the earth

the reason why you not getting the

office because you don’t have the

management equipment to get it out of

the ground you don’t have the managerial

responsibility to make that seed grow

but it’s all there I’ll tell you this

and then then we’re gonna receive the

afternoon offering in bridge areas

coming it’s gonna be a blessing where’s

Roy in May

Roy may Liffey Hanza in January 2017 a

couple called me and me and Kevin said

could we eat lunch with you guys at the

Cheesecake Factory in New Orleans at


I think it was January 15 16 or 17

something I said sure yeah be nice so we

go got there we sitting there having

lunch real nice people and the wife puts

her hand in a purse and pulls out a red

envelope i hain’t never seen a red

envelope beautiful thing most problems

are white you know and she takes her

fingers and she goes there and when she

did this her husband took history and

they pushed the envelope to me Sam just

like this they said for Jesse one want

to bless you and sister Kathy I said

we’re already blessed thank you very


no no no Juno you’ve been so kind I said

no no no she said no this is for you and

Kathy personally they’ll do whatever you

want with it we just didn’t want to do

this for you I said well okay you know

what I thought 50 bucks to go out to eat

lunch great great gift hundred dollar

that’s really great she said you can

open it up this is at the Cheesecake

Factory and the check was a $100,000

yo yo y’all hear that did you did you

did you just hear that

you didn’t heard that your dad honey

thong last BAM

I said I’m buying the meal today as

January 2017 we’re driving home

I said Cather this is a miracle of God I

don’t know what I’m gonna do is we’re

gonna do with this

she said Jesse you have blessed me

beyond my wildest dream you give me more

than I can ever path and you bless me I

want you to spend that money on yourself

that’s for you

I said well he didn’t give it to me he

gave it to both of it she said nobody

anything I want to just go get it and

you take it you’ve been kind to me you

do it she said what do you want

I said nothing I don’t know that was

January February March April May June

July August September October November

December December I still hadn’t spent

one dime on that hundred thousand dollar

because I didn’t know what I wanted yeah

$100,000 looking at me in the face

for 12 months so I preached a lot out

I’m very seldom at my church or act the

Catholic Church really

well New Year’s Eve was on Sunday 2017

before we get up in 2018 and I wasn’t

preaching Cathy said you know the church

loves to hear you you’d have found her I

said yeah they have been preaching a lot

she just look at me that’s all right all

right all right

so I went to the church I started

preaching Mary leafy hender where’s my

executive secretary been with me what

20-some 22 years 20 years 20 years our

husband we were at 25 years or 25 years

something like that

now what Mary will do when I’m preaching

the toward the end she’ll run to the

back or she’ll have go get me a throat

lozenge or something I get when I’m

walking off that platform and right now

this is New Year’s Eve all right now

what I didn’t know because I don’t go

and Marian in Roy’s house that she had a

vision board learn that from a terrace

Savoy a vision vote terrace avail Savoy

have you seen it I don’t honestly I just

call it Terry Terry Seville Terrace the

voice of it have you say that I do this

Terrace everybody who yo you know I

don’t know that a vision board she’s

believing God to pay off her house okay

Mary I don’t know that I’m not thinking

about much of nothing I mean if she’s

talking I don’t even remember nothing


I don’t know except so she goes to

church I’m a farmer I think you said

this now this is New Year’s Eve 2007 she

said Jesus this is the last day but

something to that effect Oh anyway you

know we believe got to have this house

paid off 2017 right all of a sudden out

of my mouth I hear this Mary Mary

where’s Mary

now Roy looks at me he good I look at no

economy boss at the offer she’s gonna

try to get you a tour cluster and some

merit where’s Mary so far she comes

running out shoots the I said Mary

how much money you own your house she

look what if I got quiet just like you


because inquiring minds want to know

Mary how much money on your house she

going I think we all about a hundred and

seven other I said Mary

how much money you owed your house she

goes I think we all about a hundred say

I said Matt right how much money you own

your house or tears are coming down and

everybody going look here I said let me

tell you what your oh you’re laughing

give me the mortgage I pay it off


now wait does not applause please no no

God gets the glory in that she start

crying shouting Oh rocks thinking boy

I’m glad I’m with the church today how


well the next day we paid the house off

in my correct and he shut them down not

that that’s what that hundred thousand

was for I couldn’t figure it out what to

pay for it I couldn’t buy now I didn’t

know who did more anything you could

call me greedy for bleeding for a plane

come on

so watch it don’t listen so what I go

home and I have a beautiful home it is

in fact Rick Ritter was just there he

goes oh Jesus I said so why is this I’m

walking to my study to put up my Bible I

have a beautiful study in the library I

got a library boy I mean I love the read

I’m an avid reader and the Lord said you

know what you just did I said yeah I

sold a seat he said no you didn’t I

think I did geez

it was $107,000 season were worse he

said no you didn’t that was a harvest

that you got maybe that seed you sowed

in 2016 I had forgot about that I said

that’s right he said that was the

harvest off that seed I said that’s

right he says so you didn’t sow a seed

he sowed a harvest


I said that’s right I saw the harvest he

said I know I said it then he said this

what you gonna what do you get when you

saw the harvest I said uh I don’t know

so the harvest I never saw the harvest

before he said I said well what do I get

if I saw her he said you get her Archie

I said Archie now I’ve raised in New

Orleans so we you know we buy vegetables

at a grocery store

well I go to valishia is kind of funny

that the name of that blade visalia

that’s in the San Joaquin Valley

so I preached it great Church great

pastor so the guys taking me to my plane

Keith and we walking I mean we end it in

this van and I’m see a pass in these

thousands is this the right word

thousands of trees trees I mean just

because they’ve they grow a lot of

vegetables and nuts and all kinds of

stuff you know in round the Bakersfield

San Joaquin Valley and I asked the young

man I said what is that he said those

are almond trees I said almond trees he

said yeah that’s almond trees I said ah

and I said I can’t see the end of look

how big this thing he said yeah that’s

an arching I went stop

he said well stop

on the ground thousands and thousands of

almonds squirrels eating them I don’t

and the trees are hanging down with I’m

just like it at all how it Archer and

the law said that’s what you get when

you’re so harvesters who I want to shine

so ladies and gentlemen I don’t want a

soul no more seeds I have developed

myself I’m sowing some harvesters so not

I’m believing God why is he gonna make

him mad when I said it not only on we’ll

get that plane I’m gonna get the money –

that’s an orchard our chicks Oh God

he said its development see I didn’t

heard that I heared it and then God

showed it to me I thought to myself

jeez I could still see them trees

thinking Lord he said it’s all yours

Jesse if I couldn’t find out what to do

with $100,000 what am I gonna do with an

orchard ah that’s the room of


now you gotta take me to another level

in that area
