Get HEALTHY for Your Vision [Inside the Vision S02E39]

On this week’s INSIDE THE VISION, Pastor George Pearsons introduces you to world-class personal trainers and KCM Partners John and Zalika Heart. They talk about healthy living and he asks them: – When it comes to working out, what does it take to get started? – What do you need to pay attention to while working out so you’re not in pain afterward? – What part does your mindset play in a good workout? Getting healthy can take time, but as Gloria Copeland says, “In consistency lies the power!” Highlights include: * Discover how seriously Kenneth Copeland Ministries takes personal health—and the kinds of results our staff is seeing. * Hear how long it took John Heart’s vision to fully manifest—and why you should never give up on your vision. * Certified Personal Trainer and Partner Laurie Graves reveals how she lost 90 pounds and became a fitness competitor…and what made the biggest difference in her total health journey. Become a KCM Vision Insider and get access to ALL Inside the Vision episodes PLUS extended interviews, bonus downloads and more. Ignite the vision God has placed inside you today! Get your FREE vision journal and more at When you become a KCM Vision Insider, you will receive regular email updates directly from Pastor George concerning key vision projects at Kenneth Copeland Ministries, as well as encouraging tips and teaching to help you fulfill the vision God has for your life. Sign up today and get an exclusive Inside the Vision journal and a special minibook completely FREE. Visit Subscribe to this channel to be notified of new Inside the Vision episodes! Connect with Pastor George GET WEEKLY EMAILS & VISION TIPS! Become a KCM Vision Insider: FACEBOOK: / georgepearsons INSTAGRAM: / pastorgeorgepearsons GIVE TO KCM: PARTNER WITH KCM:

All right.

All right, Pastor. Good morning.

– Good morning.

Good to see you.

– Yes, it’s the greatest
place on earth.


I’m coming to you
from the gym, but
it’s not just any

It’s the Kenneth Copeland
Ministries Fitness

We have our own fitness center
here, but you know something?

It wouldn’t be complete unless
we had somebody to train us.

And we have the best
trainers in the world

at Kenneth Copeland Ministries,
John and Zalika Heart.

Welcome to Inside The Vision.

– Thank you.

– It’s so good to have
you guys on here.

– Thank you, Pastor.

– Oh, my goodness.

You know, the thing about the
two of you is the difference

that you’ve made in the
people’s lives here.

You know, we’ve had
this gym for a while.

People come in and out, but it
really does take somebody

who can train and help
and guide and direct.

And what I’ve seen you do
is in the short time

that you’ve been here,

the whole culture of
Kenneth Copeland Ministries

has changed.

It really has.

Tell the folks some of the
things that you’ve been doing

with our staff.

Well, sir, it’s been a
privilege, first of all,

because having been partners
with the ministry prior

to coming here for 20 years as
my wife and myself have been,

having the opportunity to come
here has been the greatest.

But to serve the one most
influential man in our lives,

Kenneth Copeland, and the
staff here to keep them going

towards health, better
health outcomes

is the ultimate goal, right?

And we are literally partner
money in action right here.

– That’s what you
have really brought

to Kenneth Copeland Ministries.

And it all began with
Brother Copeland himself.

He works out, he
trains, he eats well.

What age is he going for?


And he’s doing everything he
can to keep himself in shape.

And it’s an inspiration to us.

And the Lord bringing
you here has been such…

it’s almost hard to describe the
changes that have taken place.

Talk for just a few moments
about some of the people

that you work with.

And there’s something
missing in its weight.


– A lot of it.

– What kind of influence have
you had on the folks here?

– Well, first, I thank the Holy
Spirit for showing me what to do

with each individual
employee, first of all.

Okay. So over and
above, all things.

But in a recent quarter, the
top ten men that I had been

training, top ten meaning with
the most fat burn, fat loss,

ten men, 550 pounds.

– Wow.

– So averaging about 55 each.

Right. So…

– That’s amazing.

– … on the right path.

We’re on the right path.

– You guys didn’t take
some online course.

And now I can train somebody.

No, there’s a
background here

and there’s an
amazing background.

Now, I want you to
start with way back.

– Okay.

– When you were just a toddler.

Come on, tell us about that.

– Right.

As a baby, I was not
yet one year old.

There’s a famous picture or
two circulating around

that they had taken of me.

My parents, my grandparents
dressed me up in a diaper

on the beach that said
“Future Mr. America” on it.

– As you developed,
as you grew, you…

There was one thing about a
guidance counselor that said

something to you that nearly
discouraged you from doing

what you’re doing now.

Well, this is truly a testimony
about sticking to what you know

is in your heart.

Along the way, my guidance
counselor in high school,

she was trying to
get me to decide.

She was trying to be helpful and
trying to get me to decide

what to do.

I had great grades.

I was set to graduate
high school early.

And I didn’t have anything.

I was good at a lot of things,
but not great at anything

because I had not focused yet.

– Right.

– Even though I had that
fascination with bodybuilding

and the body and building it.

She said, “Give me something,
anything, anything.

Are you interested in anything?”

I said, “Well, there’s
this bodybuilding thing.”

My uncle, Uncle Tom, had just
brought me to the gym

for the first time, so I was
very interested in it.

When she heard me say
that, she looked at me.

It’s a weird story because she
kind of shamed me about it.

She stops and she goes,
“Hmm, all right, well, poof,

you have the greatest
body in the world.

Now, what are you
going to do with it?

Show people how to
work out for a living?”

And at first I was dejected.

I didn’t understand.

But then I remember walking
out of her office, again,

feeling like I’ve
done something wrong.

And as I walked
out of her office,

I remember swinging open
these bar stool doors.

And I looked on over and I
thought for a second, “Hmm,

training people for a living,
that would be so cool,”

like this.

So already it was in here.

You know, Psalm
37, verse 4 says,

“Delight yourself also
in the Lord and he
will give you

the desires of
your heart.”

That became a reality over time.

And within just a
few short years,

I was in the gym
training not only me,

but I had my first clients.

So this is going
back 40 years now.

So 40 years ago, I started
this journey training people

and it continued on.

It snowballed on.

I had a great business, built
up a great big business

training clients.

11, that’s it, that’s it.

This is the one,
this is the one.

12. Yes.

– Yeah.

– Good work.


Good job, Pastor.

Good job.

– That was good.

Listen, John, I was thinking
about the people that are

watching us right now.

And those that are
not even training,

they’re not working
out, but they want to,

could you tell them, what do you
do to be able to get started?

Let them know.

– Just number one, just get in.

Listen, if you got a park,
get out to a park, walk, move.

If you have a local gym,
you can get to even better.

Get out to a local gym, join it,
ask for help, ask questions.

Once you’re in that gym,
whether it’s from a trainer,

an experienced trainer, that
would be the best if you can.

Otherwise, every facility out
there has some way of helping

you out to give you
the best direction

because they don’t want you
to get hurt after all.

They want you to keep coming
back and using their facility.

So get in, choose
something and get to it.

I get to tell people that I
train with a Mr. America.

Tell us about that.

– Well, as the diaper said,
it sort of preordained

a certain reality.

And it took 47 years, Pastor,
for that reality to manifest.

So I was about one year old
in the original pictures.

And it took 48 years,
five months and 24 days,

but who was counting, for
that vision to manifest.

And in 2013, yes, I did win
the actual Mr. America title.

So I’d always been
interested in bodybuilding

and natural bodybuilding.

It was drug free.

And the Mr. America was not a
drug free contest for decades.

And God brought it
back around his way.


And I believe 100% that he
meant that for me to win.

And so it came back around
as a drug free, drug tested,

Olympic drug tested event.

And I was not using
steroids or growth hormones

or any drugs like that.

So when the time came,
I said, all right,

I took it to the Lord first.

I asked him permission
to do this thing.

He gave me the green light.

I came home.

I unleashed with
everything that I had.

And about a month
out from the show,

I let my wife know that the
Lord’s put this on my heart

and that I believe I
can win this thing.

And we did.

So I say “we” because I give
my wife a lot of credit

on this too, because I wouldn’t
have been able to do it truly

without her support.

So she was with me.

It was kind of a fun story
backstage with both of us

praying in the Spirit.

They thought we were
from another country,

a lot of people there.

So we’re backstage praying in
the Spirit before I went out

on stage, you know, actually
when I got on stage too.

So fun.

All chest out.

Excellent work. Good job.

– Okay.

How was my posture on that?

– Oh, it’s funny you
mentioned that pastor.


We talk about this all the
time, how important it is,

not just when you’re
young, when you’re young,

you take it for granted,
but as you get older,

it becomes more important to not
just focus on exercising muscles

of that upper back to hold
that posture, the head,

nice and tall, the
chin tucked in,

but also just being
mindful of standing tall.

That in itself, right pastor?

– That’s right. Exactly.

– That in itself will
give good posture.

The two of you are such a
tremendous team together

where you’re concerned,
you’re training the men here

at Kenneth Copeland Ministries.

For you, you’re
training the women.

And I’m so thankful that we
have someone who can work

with the women here because
we had you for a while.

Then we brought you on
board and praise God.

Now there are so many
more women who are

in getting fit, but tell
us a little bit about your

and how you came
into all of this.

– Okay.

So I actually was a runner at
UCLA and through my years

at UCLA, that journey was
something that was actually

a challenging one.

I went through a lot
of impossibilities,

but what came out of it is this
yearning to finish goals

that I had that didn’t all
the way go through.

And I immediately, when I found
out that the spirit of fear

was a spirit that was, thankful

to Kenneth Copeland
Ministries that I said,

“You know what, Lord,
if you would give me

the opportunity to expose that
spirit, I would gladly do it.”

– Wow.

– She takes that coaching
attitude, Pastor George.

She takes that coaches
attitude that she had.

The parts that she
left off was that she…

for years in being a
mom, being my wife,

through all of our
children’s activities,

she would bless the moms
with coaching them up.

She would bless the moms
with training them up.

She’d work on their diets.

She’d work with them in the gym.

She’d work with them
out on the street.

She’d hit the pavement while
the kids were practicing.

She’d have a team of moms going
around, walking for miles.

So she was already doing it and
living it for the entire

last 20 years of our marriage.

And so being a trainer, she was
already certified as a trainer

before ever starting here.

So doing this job was a
natural progression for her.

Coming in here, you saw how
just like a key in a lock,

the need was there.

And so she leaves out that
portion where she was coaching

people up and then coaching up
the girls at the high school

track team as well right
before we came here.

So she has that whole coaches
drive that she brings

to a lot of the women here
that they needed that.

It’s obvious they needed that.

And so results come from that.

Results come from that.

So they’re getting in
better and better shape

month in, month out.

So that’s really
what we’re after.

– What a literal power
couple you are.


– Thank you.

So what ends up
happening with John,

when I first started just being
a housewife and doing the things

that I had to do, a lot of the
moms would actually come up

to me and go, wow, Zalika,
you just make me tired

running around here.

So I became, again,
being that example.

And I’m like, well, you don’t
have to get tired looking at me.

Won’t you come with me?

So once I started encouraging
the moms to, you know,

you can do what I do.

It was, that’s so my element.

Love doing that.

One, because my husband in the
times where I would come home

and not want to do anything,
he’d go, Zalika, no, go, go, go.

And so it’s go work out,
not get away from it.

– Right.


So I had that in-home trainer.

So it was easy to give what I
was given because he was such

an encouragement for me in
times that I was tired.

So I understand that part with
moms taking on different hats

and encouraging them.

You know what? No, you
need to take care of you.

I think one big thing that John
told me one day when I was

really fussing with him and
he said, look, babe, he goes,

I get those moms that come to me
after 20 years and they go, “OK,

my kids graduated.

Take care of me.”

And I was like, “OK, he
goes, you don’t have to do that.

You take care of
yourself right now.”

And so I said, OK, if I could be
that person for another mom

or another person, I’m all in.

– Wow. That was good. I
never heard it…

I never heard it quite that way.

It’s really I never
heard it that way at all.

That’s pretty good.

But it’s true.

She took what she was given.

She gave to others.

– And now both of you are giving
to Kenneth Copeland Ministries.

Wow. Thank you. Thank you.

Good form.

Chest out.

Shoulders down and back.

That’s how we do it.

Very good form.

Brothers and sisters,
did you hear that?

Great form.

When you do get to the gym,
trust your brother on this one.

Great form comes first.

If you do the workouts right
when you walk out of the gym,

you should feel like you did
something great for your body.

Should not be reaching
for that ice pack.

If you are, it’s something
that was done wrong.

[Kenneth Copeland] Now, I
was always overweight.

I did not like exercise.

And then the Lord
turned me around by saying,

“Will you get your spirit
in the best condition

that it can be in?”

And I said, “Yes, I will.”

Well, you can’t do that
sitting on a couch.

You have to get in the Word.

Will you get your soul,
your mind, your will

and your emotions in the
best condition it can be in?

Yes, I will.

Will you get your body
in the best condition?

You can’t sit around on
any one of the three.

I said, “Yes, I will.”

Say it.

Lord Jesus,

you sacrificed
your body for mine.

Now, I…

am sacrificing
my body for yours.

You just got through saying
you’re going to have

to start exercising.

That’s what’ll keep you healthy.

Now, it’s a marvelous
thing to get healed.


That’s not wellness.

That’s healing.

Until I heard Brother Hagin, I
didn’t know you could live

in divine health.

But you can.

And I quote Gloria, if you do
what’s right in the natural

and you do what’s right
in the supernatural,

you can live in divine health.

You just stay well all the time.

Two more.


Everything. Right here, right
here, right here, right here.

That’s it.

Great set.

All right.

All right, my
brothers and sisters.


Mindset is everything.

When you head off to
the gym, it’s not,

I gotta go to the gym today.

I get to go to the gym today.

Just one little tweak right
there and you’ve motivated

yourselves to get out there

and get the best you
can get in today.

Today I have with me another
one of our personal trainers.

She’s been with this
ministry for a long time.

Laurie Graves.
– Hi.

– Welcome to Inside The Vision.

– Thank you for having me.

– Laurie, you have such an
anointing on your life.

You have a call on your life.

And I know that sometimes when
we talk about physical health,

physical strength, we tend to
equate that only with diet

and exercise.

Yes, those are
extremely important.

– Yes, absolutely.

– Very important.

But there’s a part today
that I want us to talk about,

and that is the
health of the soul.

And so today I want us
to just talk about that.

– I think the most important
thing to realize is that

there can be no transformation
without transparency.

And that’s what you were
willing to do at the table

when the Holy Spirit brought you
there to have a conversation.

You were willing to be
transparent about things

that were inside of you that
were holding you back.

And the Holy Spirit just
met us in that conversation.

And He illuminated things
to you in a different way.

And as they were illuminated
to you, you had a yes.

You had a yes to act
on what He was saying,

and you had a yes to
hear what He was saying.

And so as you partnered with
Him, you became transformed.

– Yeah, it’s so true.

I mean, I love that, that
transparency is what leads

to transformation.

– Absolutely.

– And I mean, in the
body of Christ,

a lot of times we do
try to hide burdens,

and we try to hide hurts, and
we try to hide these things

because, well, we just, we’re
not proud of them, obviously.

So we stuff them, we bury them.

But what happens is when we
don’t bring them to the light

with somebody who is anointed
to help you walk those out,

they do become a weight.

– They do become a weight, and I
experienced that in my own life.

I had been through a
very difficult marriage.

It ended in divorce,
sharing child custody.

A lot of different things
brought me to a place

where I was just medicating
myself with food.

The bondage and the weight,
not just physical weight,

but the soul weight that I was
carrying led me to a very,

very bad place.

And I was very sick in my soul,
in my mind, in my emotions,

and in my body.

Out of the abundance
of our heart,

our mouth begins to speak, and I
began to believe those lies

so much that even
as a born-again,

Spirit-filled believer,

there were things coming out of
my mouth that created a reality

and an atmosphere
that I lived in,

and that is what caused me
to gain so much weight

and to have depression.

It was because of
believing lies.

– But you made a choice.

– I did.

I had a yes.

– You had a yes, and it
wasn’t an easy yes.

– It wasn’t.

– Sometimes we can justify
where we’re at because of what

we’ve gone through.

– Sure.

But it takes that
three letters, yes.

What was your yes?

– I said yes to a note that
a personal trainer

left on my door.

She had been combing
through the neighborhood,

and I found out that she would
come to my house and train me,

so I didn’t even have
to go to the gym.

And so I started working
with her initially,

and I lost some weight.

And then I was handed off to
another trainer who helped me

lose 90 pounds ultimately.

But even though I did, and even
though I became a figure fitness

competitor, and I was standing
on stage in a sparkly bikini

while everybody was
clapping, I wasn’t free.

I wasn’t free before, and I
wasn’t free even though

I had lost 90 pounds.

I had other addictions at play.

– So you were going
through that.

Now today, living, like you
said, you weren’t free.

You’re free today.

– I am.

– How’d you get there?

It took a lot of work.

I had to lay on the
altar, and I said, “God,

I can’t do life
like this anymore.

I need you to examine me.

I really went David’s route.

Examine me.

Open me up, Lord.

Show me who I really am.

Show me why these hurts
and traumas are here,

why I can’t get them out.

And little by little, as
I practiced staying

in his presence, being
meditative on the Word,

being able to actually voice to
God feelings that I was having,

and sharing with
a trusted friend,

a lot of things started
coming out to the surface.

And just like gold being
refined, when it’s heated up,

all the crud comes to the top.

And as that stuff began
to rise to the top,

God could scrape that layer off.

Now in the gold
refinement process,

seven times the
gold is heated up,

and the dross is brought
to the top and scraped.

So that showed me when I read
that that it’s a picture

of an incremental process.

There’s still things
that come up in my soul,

but I now know how to
deal with those things.

I know how to be
transparent with the Lord,

and I have a trusted
friend that I can go to,

that I can connect to,
and we can speak

into each other’s lives.

She bears my burden,
I bear her burden,

and we fulfill the law
of Christ over coffee.

And we’re both healed.

We’re both healed.

– You know, we’re
always growing.

– Absolutely. Yes, we are.

– We’re always reaching for
the next level in Him.

We never finally arrive.

And as long as
we’re here on earth,

we’re always growing
and developing.

And my time with
you was so special,

and it wasn’t just because
you’re a fitness trainer,

fitness and wellness, and
you’re a personal trainer.

You’re so much more
than just that,

and everybody here is
more than just the title.

– I agree.

– The difference is, is you’re
anointed for this position.

And God called you
when you got here.

He spoke, prophesied over you.

– He did.

– That you would be
in healing ministry.

– He did.

– And that’s why it’s
so important to us here

at Kenneth Copeland Ministries,
and to Laurie and myself,

to encourage you in
your healing journey

that whether you feel strong
and you’ve lost all the weight,

maybe there’s something in
here, or something in here

that you haven’t yet had the
strength to overcome.

We have licensed prayer
ministers that are ready

to hear from you.

They want to pray for
you, because around here,

it is our heart’s desire
to see you overcome,

to be an overcomer, to
walk in the freedom,

the fullness of joy
that God has for you,

what He has planned
for your life.

And that might just be getting
something out and being able

to move on, but it might
be something bigger.

But whatever the
magnitude of it,

our people are here and ready
and available to pray with you.

Laurie, if you would just
take a minute and direct

to our viewers, and
just pray over them,

speak a word over
them before we go.


Well, Father, we just thank
You in the name of Jesus

for everyone that’s watching.

Father, You said in Your
Word that the same Spirit

that raised Christ from
the dead dwells within us.

And Father, that dynamite
power does give us the ability

to do hard things.

And so, Father, those
who are struggling,

even in saying maybe
what happened to them

or what has hurt them, Father,

I thank You that that dunamis
power flows through them

and gives them the
ability to be transparent

so that they can experience
their own transformations

in their spirit, in their soul,

in their body, in
their relationships,

in their finances, in their
minds, in their wills,

and their emotions.

And Father God, the
God of all comfort,

would You comfort those,
Father, who are watching?

And maybe this is
stirring up some emotion

or some memories for them, Lord.

I ask that You give them the
strength to sit silently

before You and allow You to
speak to their inner man,

to their soul,

and to bring healing and
peace and transformation

in the name of Jesus.


– Amen. Amen. Well, we do.

We say that in faith.

We pray that in faith.

And I believe right now that
even though you might be

hearing us talk about
things that, like she said,

it might be stirring
some things up,

but there’s so much joy in this.

– There is. Amen.

– Don’t let it become a burden
or don’t let it be a fear

or a weight that holds you down.

But we are so encouraged that
the Lord is going to meet you

right where you are at.

Laurie, thank you so
much for your time,

for being with us on
Inside The Vision.

– I appreciate it.

Thank you so much.

I so enjoyed today’s workout

because I got to
bring you along.

When the Lord blesses you, you
just want to tell everyone

what He’s done.

Well, the Lord has blessed
us with a place like this

to get our bodies strong.

But also, He sent people
like John and Zalika Heart,

who are anointed to build
up the body of Christ.

– Thank you, Pastor.

We do have a passion to see
people reach their goals,

not in the way that
the world does it,

but in a way that God
gets all the glory.

I say this often, that this is
the greatest place on earth.

And working here is an honor
because I get to serve those

who have impacted me the
most in my walk of faith.

– It’s my heart’s desire to see
fear fall off our people.

I told the Lord, every chance
I get to attack that spirit

of fear, I’ll do it.

What a privilege it is to work
in a place that allows me

to do this.

– Now, I know this was about
showing you a staff benefit,

but I trust you will benefit
from this today as well.

The mission behind Inside The
Vision is to inform and inspire.

So be inspired.

It’s not too late
to make a goal

and watch it come to pass.

– Oh, yeah.