If you’d like to know more about our ministry please visit us at http://transformchurch.us. And if you have a testimony of the amazing things that God is doing in your life through our ministry, please email it to [email protected].

today we are starting part 4 of a series

that we are calling recalculating

everybody say recalculating and if this

is your first time joining us in this

series we’ve been kind of having a

revision series like gods done so much

in our church in the past 10 months that

usually we do vision at the beginning of

the year but there’s too much for us to

wait we still got 64 days left in 2018

and I believe that God wants to do

something so strategic and so amazing in

all of our lives but we have to see what

God is doing and so we started this this

series using the analogy of a GPS system

and how will you make a wrong turn

there’s something that comes on in and

says recalculating and it takes into

consideration all your mistakes and all

your mess ups and it still gets you to

your intended location can anybody thank

God that His grace has recalculated you

yeah you know who you are in college you

know who you are yesterday excuse me you

know who you woke up with this morning

but if not for the grace of God and the

reason I say that because a lot of

people think that church is for people

who are perfect but but we don’t serve a

God who looks for perfection we serve a

God that we invite into our our mess and

he allows us to progress everybody say

progress and I want to say this very

clearly because many churches won’t say

this to you but if your visitor here or

whatever you’re going through we’re glad

you’re here you can belong here before

you behave now I know I know that they

don’t want you to say that but what

hospital do you walk into healed before

you go this is the hospital for Humanity

and so we’re so glad that you’re here

and the reason God is recalculating us

or taking in consideration all of our

faults and our loss in our brokenness is

because he wants to be with us and so as

I started studying for today as I do I

always try to find a relevant example to

be able to bring to us so that we can

learn from God’s Word and as

was studying GPS systems global um what

is it

GPS Global Positioning System as I was

studying it I found the evolution of GPS

and I thought this was interesting and I

want to show it to you in 1977 the

military were the first people to get on

this type of GPS it was an exclusive

technology that only certain people

could have and look at 1980 look how

portable it says military portable and

like it’s a backpack okay that was the

GPS system back then and then most of us

remember it in 2001 where if you or your

grandma or your uncle had one of those

you thought they was balling like you’re

saying like today and I don’t know how

y’all used to find places before GPS is

Maps the real maps and some of y’all are

gifted that’s like I can’t even

interpret that at all

that’s the millennial generation and

most of us remember in 2008 when it

first showed up on cell phones and for

the past 10 years most people have been

getting navigation from your cellular

devices and and as I was begin to look

at this doc gave me a word and he said

he began to show me he said Michael

there’s something better than a GPS and

for me as directionally challenged as I

am I couldn’t really think of anything

better than typing in get me here and it

telling me all the directions he said no

no there’s something better than a GPS

system y’all want to know what it is

it’s a person who’s sitting with you who

knows where you are and knows where

you’re going that’s better than a GPS

system because a GPS system can only

tell you location but a person who’s

sitting with you who knows where you are

and where you going can give you

explanation see when I go on on tours

and me and my wife sometimes travel

they’ll give us a personal tour guide

because the personal tour guide doesn’t

just know how to get us there

it knows how he knows how she knows how

to to tell us why we’re here


it’s not just explanation but can give

us interpretation if we don’t know the

language of the place that we’re at they

can translate for us why things are

happening where they’re happening and so

many people are so excited about getting

to a location but you have no

interpretation you know how you have no

explanation and you’re sitting in places

that you’re gonna repeat because you

don’t know why you’re there and many

people are going through cycles after

cycles after cycles it’s a new boyfriend

but it’s the same person after cycle

it’s a new job but it’s the same

problems after cycle because we are not

getting explanation we’re not getting

interpretation we’re not getting there

and so what I wanted to tell you is that

we serve a god that doesn’t want his

navigation system for our life to be

exclusive he doesn’t want it to be like

the military’s the only person that has

it he wants to be the god that comes and

sits in all of our situations see see

this is the thing that I need you to

understand that when we talk about God

when we talk about how good our Father

is he doesn’t just want to be a Global

Positioning System I changed it he wants

to be the god positioning spirit the GPS

he wants to be able to sit with you and

your dysfunction he wants to be able to

sit with you and your loneliness he

wants to be able to sit with you through

the divorce he wants to be able to sit

with you while you’re addicted to what

you’re addicted to the religious people

don’t like this cuz all you get it right

first and then you come to God no no no

my Bible says if I make my bed in heaven

he’ll be there but if I make my bed in

hell he’s there too he’s the God that

doesn’t want to give us instructions

from afar he’s the God who wants to come

and sit in our situation and I am

thankful for a God who doesn’t want to

bark orders but wants to help me in it

and the reason I’m so passionate about

this is because part of our mission here

is to represent we’re not going to be a

church that barks orders to tell people

what they should have done what they

were to do what they should do what they

would do if they had this

and you keeping all your secrets in your

closet because you don’t have any

accountability and your own life we will

be a church that sits with people that

gets down in their situation and as I

looked at this the word a word for God

or one of his name’s is Emmanuel do you

know what that means God with us

love God you don’t love God what’s wrong

with you

like and I know so many people think

that God is exclusive that that’s that’s

what the world even tries to portray

like like he’s only for good people

God’s only for pastors like the pastor

get a word god but that’s the way I get

people out time passes will you throw up

a prayer for me cuz I know you’re pretty

I need you to pray for me cuz the Bible

I read says where two or three are

gathered in his name be up here all you

got to do is everybody shout at me

believe so if you’re a plumber you can

have as much authority as the pastor if

you if you work at a daycare you can be

able to speak to mountains and they will

move i’ma have to do a series later on

in a year who’s the minister because

y’all think I’m the minister but my

Bible says that the only reason you come

here is to be equipped for the work of

ministry your ministering at QuikTrip

when you leave here you’re ministering

at your job with the people you don’t

like why you got to change your attitude

is cuz you’re their minister the reason

why your life has to be above reproach

is because you’re not just somebody I

back here gonna do your thing and I know

you are their minister you need to get

off the sidelines of life why am I so

high all I know all I know is that the

same way God wants to come and sit with

us he wants to be he wants us to be a

church that

it’s with people and so I started

looking at this as God is recalculating

us I went and looked up the first time

that God said you know what i’ma sit

with people see in it’s in Exodus

chapter 8 chapter 25 verse 8 and I want

you to look at it because up until this

point the children of Israel have been

brought out from slavery that God saved

them from Egypt but now they’re in a

wilderness and we learned a few weeks

ago that the detour was designed like

God took them this way on purpose to get

some things out of them before they went

into the Promised Land and and and so we

find these people in this in-between

time like like many of us are in today

like we’re out of what we used to be

into but we’re not quite into the

promise yet like like anybody ever find

yourself they’re like like you don’t

cuss everybody out but if they if they

take you fast y’all just like me pastor

me that was me yesterday and I want to

still look at this and see if we can

find some things that we need to do

because I believe God’s calling us to a

higher vision everybody say vision

remember vision is not sight sight is

what you see with your eyes open vision

is what you see with your eyes closed

like what do you see when your eyes

closed what’s the business what’s the

book what’s your family look like but

your eyes closed what has God shown you

where do you live with your eyes closed

and I need you to see this because God’s

trying to take us as a church beyond

where we are right now look at Exodus

chapter 25 verse 8 this is God talking

to Moses he says I want you to have the

people of Israel build me a holy

sanctuary look at the reason why so I

can live among them or let me say it a

different way so I can sit in their

situation I need you to see this very

clearly up in to this point

god only talked to Moses like up until

here he only talked to Moses when he

made attempt on the top of the mountain

and Moses would get instructions and

then he would go down and tell the pea

but God says I don’t want my people to

have to reach me through anybody no more

I want to be able to talk to them for

myself and this is the first type and

shadow of what Jesus would go on to do

for us being the great mediator when he

went to the cross it was to tear the

veil so we would no longer need a priest

or anybody to go forth we wouldn’t have

to be sacrificing to me we was gonna eat

we wouldn’t have to do any of that stuff

he said he’ll be the eternal sacrifice

so you can talk to me freely like so so

this is the first time we see this but

why God’s not just trying to do this so

that he can do something new he said my

people need me and I want to come sit

with them so tell them I need a

sanctuary and look what it says it says

you must build this and I want you to

circle this word Tabernacle everybody

say Tabernacle you must build this

tabernacle and the furnishing exactly to

the pattern I will show you and this

word Tabernacle all it means is a place

where more people can meet God like it’s

a place where people can meet God’s God

said I want to sit with you but I need a

seat so I need you to build the place

where I can sit there and people can

come meet with me my point number one

God does not want to just save people he

wants to sit with people everybody just

wants to get into heaven then what like

like then what didn’t you live hell on

earth until you get to heaven no no he

said I want to do more than just save

you I want to come sit with you and be

your personal GPS me and the Holy Spirit

we’re gonna walk with you and guide you

and teach you and give you wisdom and

show you don’t date her until you do

take that job until you move there until

you don’t move there until you don’t

spend your money now and tell you spend

your money now I want to guide your


but I can’t guide it if you don’t let me

sit with you and so he tells Moses hey

tell the people I no longer want to do

this distance long distance relationship

I know you like it that way

most of us some of us like long distance

relationship because nobody can see the

details you can paint the picture you

want people to see when it’s long

distance but when I see you every day I

see the crusting GOI

you hear me you got a little bit you got

a little crusty right there you you can

you can tell if somebody breaths think

when you’re close to somebody you can

tell if they’re talking pride and God

said I want to get close enough to you

so that I can know you and you can know

me so he said I want you to build the


everybody say tabernacle okay so the

second point I want to point out to you

though as we look at at this and I want

to give you the point first and then I’m

gonna read the scripture before there is

a seat there is a sacrifice but he asked

him to build the tabernacle to make a

place where he could sit and meet his

people but before the seat there’s a

tavern that there was a sacrifice let me

help you understand that we just read

Exodus 25 verse 8 but I want us to go up

so before this verse was said I want you

to see what God first said to Moses in

Exodus 25 verse 2 okay he said the Lord

said to Moses tell the people of Israel

to bring me their sacred offering accept

the contributions from all whose hearts

are moved to offer them now now this is

interesting because this told me

something God wanted to do something big

but I found out something very strategic

God’s big plans always include us God

never wants to do anything amazing on

the earth without his people as Noah God

could have built the art without him and

I don’t know about you but when I

can do stuff for myself I like to do it

without anybody I don’t need you I don’t

need shoot I’ll need you I’ll need like

depending on other people trying to make

sure our schedules coincide so we can

get this done

get off me like anybody else like if you

can do it you just go ahead and do okay

thank you but the god of the universe

decides I want to do big things on earth

but I will not do it without my people

he wants to build the tabernacle but he

says I want you to bring an offering

I want to partner with you to do things

that will change people’s life forever

so let me give you the third point

because transformation church is in a

brand new season God has changed the

pace that we’re in a bamboo season like

like literally we made a decision last

week that we’re gonna follow the cloud

and we’re gonna have the faith to follow

whatever God calls us to do can I get

one big Amen so that means something the

sacrifice precedes the plan now then I

want everybody to hear me because I’m

saying a lot right now but I want you to

hear this God asked for in verse 2 for

them to give an offering and in verse 8

he tells them that I’m going to build a

tabernacle and I’m going to tell you the

plans after you give the sacrifice what

that don’t make sense to my Western

culture mind like I don’t understand you

better show me two plans for I give you

any money I mean come on let’s be honest

show me the plans

let me test-drive it let me see it let

me see myself in it take a picture let

me see give me a full plan before you

ask me for anything but it’s so crazy

how the kingdom of God is upside down

like it says stuff like this in the

Bible it says give and it shall be given

to you it says if you want to gain your

life you’re gonna have to it says the

way up is

melody like and so God is asking for an

offering from people before they build

the tabernacle and before he gives them

the plan and then God showed me this he

said Michael

everybody wants a forest but the forest

you will see tomorrow starts with the

seed you plant today and there are many

of us that want the full plan of God and

God says but I need a seed and literally

that’s how God has been dealing with me

as the pastor of this church

the reason I’m preaching this message is

because I’m coming out of my secret time

with God and I’m telling the people what

God is telling me I said God I don’t

know how to do this last year this time

we had two services and we was good with

that and you were blessing us and now we

have five services every Sunday father I

don’t want to die look you got to give

me a plan look Lord we didn’t have this

many people in one service we don’t have

parking for all the people father

we don’t have seating for all that

you’re doing right now I said God gave

me a plan he said give me a seat he said

the seed that you plant today is going

to produce the forest that you will be

able to build with tomorrow and many of

us have not seen the forest because

we’re waiting to plant the seed until

we’re convinced that God will do it and

God told me to tell you that you’re

gonna have to have the faith to follow

that he’s not gonna release the plan

until you plant a seed and I know you

could be mad at me right now and I need

everybody to relax everybody just do

this for me breathe deep in and let it

go and everybody say relax we not taking

off in a day because I know people

started if you got $40 if you got $400

stand up if you have $300 just kind of

squat if you have $200 just this year

we’re not those are things that people

have manipulated to use and make people

not experience Jesus God takes care of

this house we’re not worried about that

the thing that I’m telling you is God’s

trying to expand us beyond where we’ve

been and he’s standing and waiting on us

to make the next move

when I was in prayer God said the balls

in your court so is he

I’ll give you the plan this is the exact

same thing he told the children of

Israel sow a seed and I’m gonna give you

the plans for this tabernacle a place

where more people can meet God and as I

look around this place is not big enough

for what I see when my eyes are closed

this place there is not enough room on

this property for what I see when my

eyes y’all this has all happened in ten

months what is ten years from now look

like but somebody’s gonna have to plant

a seed today that we’ll be able to

produce a forest for somebody else and

so I just wanted to bring before you

today what we’re going to do eight weeks

from now December 16 we’re going to take

as a church and bring as a church what

we are calling a tabernacle offering and

we do this every year

not necessarily called a tabernacle

offering but we bring the offering that

is for the expansion of the vision into

the next year and and the reason I’m

telling you right now is cuz there’s no

pressure for you to do anything today

right now or anything like this but I

need to explain to you the heart and the

message is not over I got more for you

it’s like all lower please just go tell

us about giving if you don’t partner

with what God’s doing you died in the

wilderness because these people did not

heed what God was saying they died in

the place that God wanted them to only

pass through and I just want to let you

know transformation Church you are an

amazingly generous Church and and

honestly when it comes to vision we

don’t really have to do anything else we

are in a very comfortable place right

now and I have to be honest because it’s

your generosity but I feel like the

cloud is moving I feel like God’s taking

us into deeper waters that feel

uncomfortable and we have to wait in

these waters and like God you’re asking

us to invite more people you’re asking

us to get a different building you’re

asking us to do God this is

uncomfortable he said I ask people to

step out on faith so I can take their


and put it with my super and it becomes

super natural and can I just tell you a

few things that you have done as a

generous church cuz people got to

understand like when we give when we

show when we believe when we partner

with God it accomplishes the vision and

our vision here is to represent God to

the lost-and-found for transformation in

Christ let me just tell you a few ways

that you have done this already through

your generosity the first way is that

this year alone 2018 we have given away

in missions money over a hundred and

seventy thousand dollars Oh y’all can

give God praise for that now watch let

me tell you what you’re giving to we’ve

given money to the to build global

churches in other countries as well as

right here in the US through an

organization called Ark a church

planning organization we have given

thousands of dollars you have given

thousands of dollars to help abolish

some sex slave trade here in America and

all around the world through a 21 you

with your giving and your your

faithfulness to the house of God have

been able to send money to all of the

hurricane reliefs that have been

happening we were able and let me tell

you the beautiful thing about it I think

that we never took an offering when the

need came because of your generosity we

already had it to be able to do it and

probably one of the most special thing

is right here in this community we’ve

been able to partner with schools that

are right up the street and meet

people’s personal financial needs

benevolent benevolently right here and

we’re just getting started can you give

God some praise for that

that’s just one of the things let me

tell you another one when I became the

pastor of this church I asked God I said

God please don’t ever let us fight with

money like I don’t ever want to use this

platform as a way to keep the lights on

and so God said ok I promise you if you

do things my way if you listen and obey

you’ll never fight with money I am so as

I oh I said I and so excited oh I am so

excited to let you know that for the

past 3 years we have been on a

financially a very strict plan to knock

out every debt that this church had and

as of two weeks ago transformation

church we don’t owe nobody nothing we

are dead Oh y’all can be excited with me

no no y’all don’t understand when it

rolls around every month

okay look now two reasons you need to be

excited about that cuz what God does for

this house he wants to do for your house

okay and then the second thing you have

to realize it’s that means that none of

our money is going to pay for banks and

interest on loans we’re not paying for

anybody’s vacations no more we’re not

paying for we get to use a hundred

percent of what you give in this place

to go towards expanding the vision of

transformation in Christ can we give God

y’all a shout of praise in this building

that is awesome but I hope you heard me

clearly we’re no longer in debt but we

don’t have enough money to do the vision

let me give you a secret you always have

to have more vision than you have money

you always have to because provision

only comes when there is vision

and some of y’all are wondering why I

got enough money because you don’t got

an a vision you need to see beyond where

you are right now so God can give you

the provision for the vision so right

now guys we could we’re doing great we

could not do anything else but let me

tell you how God’s expanded our

influence in seeing people’s lives

transformed this time last year 2017

this very week last year live in the

building butts in seats all services

included grasshoppers children dogs

everybody we counted everybody last year

there were 702 people that came to

transformation Church this time exactly

12 months ago can I tell you how many

people came to this building last week

two thousand two hundred and fourteen

people no that’s three hundred percent

growth in 12 months

ask any business what kind of numbers

those are it’s not something we’ve done

it’s something that God’s done everybody

say through us no say like you mean it

say through us let me tell you another

fun number last year this time online

not YouTube not after words like wow

we’re having service people are tuning

on in on transform Church to transform

Church to us online

there were 387 people watching online

this time last year and we were

rejoicing and high-fiving okay can I

tell you how many people was watching

last week 20 1953 unique devices no no

you don’t even understand that that’s

not even people that’s just devices we

don’t know how many people I know

there’s a group in LA that meets 20 to

30 people at a time around one device 20

1953 last week y’all everybody look at

your neighborhood say we good

like like like we we don’t have to do

anything else let me tell you one more

let last time last year this time

YouTube subscribers people who watch

during the week we had less than 2,000

people this date last year that said hey

whenever you put up the little sad

message a pastor might preach could you

just could you email me and let me know

and we were pumped to let them know as

of 8 o 8 a.m. this morning there was

four hundred and twenty-two thousand

people in 10 months God took us from

less than two thousand people wanting to

hear what we had to say to almost a half

a million people now no stop stop let me

give you perspective how many skittles

would 422,000 skittles be these are not

inanimate objects these are people these

are destinies these are lives in

families and God somehow is trusting us

to be able to speak to them I think my

most exciting number is the one that

causes eternity to change how many

people accepted Jesus Christ as their

personal Lord and Savior

just this year get ready to shout 6839

if you ain’t shouted about nothing else

we are seeing transformation in Christ

that is a big deal now listen almost

7,000 eternity change cuz a bunch of

people in north Tulsa

some of y’all driving twenty and thirty

miles to get here they told me white

people wouldn’t come to the north side

look around they here


it doesn’t matter what man says when god

says something it doesn’t matter what

people say when God says something so we

good look like we don’t have to do we

can keep doing what we’re doing and be

okay but I feel like the clouds moving I

feel like God don’t want us to stay here

I feel like he’s asking us do we have

faith to follow

will we be ones that would have willing

hearts to partner with what God is doing

and actually sacrificed to see his

tabernacle deal and I’m trying to tell

you is I don’t want to stay here if

God’s moving I don’t want to be here I

don’t want to stay in this comfortable

zone of just doing my thing and being a

consumer of transformation Church if

God’s asking me to partner with him and

I’m putting that challenge out to every

person under the sound of my voice right

now I don’t care if you’re watching this

from transformation nation and another

service or sitting here in the building

God is requiring more of us and I want

you to see very quickly what happened

when God tried to give the children of

Israel an opportunity to partner with

him they fumbled the ball and I just

want us to learn that we don’t have to

do this that you can have two ways of

learning you can either go through it or

watch somebody else go through it and I

want us to look at this because what

ended up happening is God was trying to

recalculate them and say hey I don’t

want to just speak to Moses I want to

speak to y’all be with me at a

dramatical so I can come sit with you

but you gotta sow a seed so that I can

build this thing and they was like okay

we’ll do it God we trust you we love you

glory glory glory to God like many times

how we use our lips but our hearts are

far from him and so what ends up

happening is Moses like okay y’all get

y’all seed ready i’ma go back and talk

to God so I can get clear plans for the

vision that God wants to build in his

tabernacle so Moses goes back up to talk

to God and I’m gonna give you six

chapters in just one minute what ends up

happening in Exodus 26 verse 30 he goes

up to get the plan and God gives the

most D

tailed elaborate plan he gives details

of what clothes they’re supposed to wear

what tables supposed to look like what

the lamp is supposed to look like he I

mean straight up tells them everything

and so he gives a detailed plan and then

in Exodus 31 he hires these two dudes

that I’m calling bears and oh because

their names are very hard to say and you

can go and figure it out if you want to

and he hires them because they’re Master


and they’re gonna be the ones to build

the tabernacle and then in Exodus 32 the

people build an idol like God had given

them instructions but they didn’t have a

clear plan so they started building

their own thing look what happens Exodus

32 verse 1 it says when the people saw

how long it was taking Moses God why

don’t he frickin hurry up to come back

down the mountain they gathered around

Aaron come on make us some gods who can

lead us make us some gods who can lead

us we don’t know what happened to this

fellow Moses who brought us here from

the land of Egypt so look at dumb Aaron

well take the gold rings from your ears

and your wives and your sons and your

daughters daughters and bring them to me

catch this Aaron was a leader who had a

plan but he wasn’t in God’s presence and

a plan outside of his presence is a

problem I need you to hear me so this is

what I want you to do transformation

church follow the leader

that’s led by the Lord I need you to

write that down you need to follow the

leader that’s led by the Lord wives

women that’s why you don’t date a man

who does not have a relationship with

God he cannot lead you if he is not led

I need to be let in I know all the men

gonna be hating on me but I don’t know

what to do with my wife as a pastor I

have to go to the presence of God or you

will make a plan without his presence

and it will be a problem that’s free

relationship advice

somebody’s like dang I’m sitting next to

him dang

anyway um see one leader was appointed

by God and the other leader was

appointed by men and look at verse 3 it

says all the people took their gold

rings from their ears and gave them to

Aaron the Aaron took the gold melted it

down and mold it into the shape of a

calf when the people saw it they

exclaimed oh my God look at Israel these

are the gods who brought us out of the

land of Egypt Aaron saw how excited the

people were that’s why if you’re a

leader you can never go off the emotions

of people cuz it will get you messed up

and you will do things to get claps and

likes and you will be out of the will of

God okay here we go

so he built an altar in front of the

calf then he announced tomorrow will be

the festival to the Lord he’s in

delusion now like he knows God but

because of people’s clocks it drowns out

the voice of the Lord when you’re

listening to this you might not be able

to hear the steel small and some of us

are addicted to applause we’re addicted

to people telling us we’re doing good

and we stopped listening to the voice

who got us there in the first place

it said verse 6 so the people got up

early the next morning to sacrifice

burnt offerings and peace offerings

after this they celebrated and a feast

and drinking they turned up and they was

partying all night

look at this don’t let your frustration

build a construction that leads to

destruction i’ma say it again don’t let

your frustration of how long it’s taken

God didn’t do it how I thought oh we do

I thought he was gonna do this and he

didn’t do that

don’t let that build the construction

that leads to your destruction my

question to you today is what are you

building with are you building your life

out of faith are you building it out of

frustration because some people are had

jobs because it didn’t work there and

you got frustrated with how it was and

you just started a new plan and you

never went to God and asked him is this

what I’m supposed to do are you winning

about this new car I need a new car I

need a new car God wanted three more

months on that clunker and you were

supposed to anoint it with oil every day

about three quarts and because he was


you into a new season that could sustain

it but right now your life is on the

wire stressed out about money because

you say well I’m just gonna get a new

car and you made a plan without his

presence I’m talking real life

situations you driving around saying

it’s a blessing but it’s your curse why

I’m on one today Charles I’m on one

today this this is my next point I want

you to write this down

while you’re waiting on the plant remind

yourself for the promise see these

people knew he was going to listen to

God but they weren’t reminding

themselves like God has a plan for us

God wants to do something big with us

God wants to do they were complaining

because it was taken too long instead of

reminding themselves of what God said my

question to you yes what did God say to

you like what did he tell you what has

he given you that you’re supposed to

hold on even though you’re in the

wilderness season the business will

succeed because God said I would be

blessed to be a blessing even though I’m

broke as a joke and I am reminding

myself of the promise and too many of us

rehearse the curse we rehearse the thing

that we don’t want and we don’t say what

God has said and let me just tell you

this didn’t end well for the children of

Israel because they started elevating

other things other than God when the

whole thing started hey I want to be

your partner

fifty-fifty like I’m gonna do something

great and I’m gonna just let you put

your name on it

if you saw a little seed like you’ll be

able to say I was a part of this

movement that touched the whole globe

called transformation church and I sold

like a little like I don’t even know how

much it was I’m just sowed it in and see

that’s the thing it’s not about amounts

it’s not about mine compared to somebody

else do you know one of the most

extravagant gifts in the Word of God was

given by a widow woman with two lights

and there were people dropping hundreds

of thousand making it rain

everywhere and God Jesus was in there

and he said hey stop stop stop

did you see what just happened it was

like what what glory to God and he said

no no this woman right here she she

didn’t give out of her abundance she

gave out of her deficiency and what she

just gave was a sacrifice you gave all

that and you didn’t even feel it what

she gave was a sacrifice and because of

this woman’s faith she’s gonna be talked

about for the rest of eternity I’m

trying to tell you what you have is what

God needs he’s not looking for something

more than what he’s already giving you

these people they started partying and

God literally interrupted the his his

his movement with Moses and God was like

Moses stop praising me go down there the

people going crazy and he’s saying what

and he said they’re making other gods

besides me and he said matter of fact

God got so frustrated in the middle of

the conversation he was like nevermind

I’m just gonna kill them I’m gonna kill

them all

i’ma kill em Oh and just imagine God

being like I’m gonna kill them all like

that’s like devastating and final like

but Moses their leader started

bargaining with God said please God

don’t kill him just give him another

chance and this is the grace and mercy

of God that he will when we mess up he

will give us another chance of God’s fi

Mia go deal with

Moses comes down the mountain he sees

him and he says what have y’all done

there my god kill him

like and and he has Aaron what what what

in the world happened

and Aaron’s is being dumb again you’re

like I even know what happened Moses the

people just start taking off their gold

and I threw it in the fire and then a

calf came out read the Bible that’s what

it says

and literally Moses he said there’s

consequences for these actions and right

then 3,000 people died that day but he

spared the entire children of Israel he

said because I want to give you a chance

to still partner with me he goes into

this season he goes back up the mountain

cuz he didn’t want to see him no more

you know when your parents get so mad at

you they’re like I don’t even want to

see you don’t even so he goes back up

the mountain and the Bible says that he

meets with God and he sees the glory of

God and he comes back down the mountain

and then this is what he says to him

Exodus 35 verse 4 he said then Moses

said to the whole community of Israel

this is what the Lord has commanded take

a sacred offering for the Lord let those

with generous hearts everybody say

generous hearts present the following

gifts to the Lord gold silver bronze

blue purple and scarlet thread fine

linen goat hair and cloth tan Rams skin

fine goat skin leather tastier wood

olive oil for the lamp spices for the

anointing oil and the fragrant incense

onyx stones and other gemstones to be

set in the ephod and the priest Chester

peace and I begin to think about this

why would God ask them for all this

stuff in the wilderness because he gave

it to them as they were exiting their

slavery in Egypt God was not asking them

for anything he hadn’t already given

them like he was asking them to sow a

seed of what they didn’t have as slaves

and what he gave them as sons

and this convicted me this convicted me

so hard because God challenged me every

time he asked me to give I come up with

excuses of why I can and what’s going to

happen and Lord that number like Lord he

said you have enough to build idols you

had enough to build idols to drive idols

to live in idols but then when I ask you

for it you act like you don’t got

nothing he said it was never about what

was in your hand and this is my last

point and I want you to hear this

building God’s house is never a hand

issue it’s a heart issue I believe God

wants us to join with him to build this

tabernacle on December 16th we’re gonna

all bring an offering and listen we’re

not bringing pledges and we’re not

bringing uhm commitment cards because I

don’t want people like I owed him a

hundred dollars I can’t go on these are

no these are things that keep people out

of the house of God something happening

to my tires buzzing I had to pay for my

daughter no this is a free will offering

and all I’m asking you it’s not for

amount I’m asking every person in this

room who feels like maybe there’s a

single mother who needs a community to

find transformation in and this might be

that house that we can make room for her

maybe there’s a businessman who has all

the money in the world but no peace in

his life and we could possibly make room

for them maybe there’s a gangster who

wants to get out of the lifestyle but

has no safe place to be in so that God

can transform his heart maybe we could

build room in the tabernacle for people

to meet God and it might be your friend

your neighbor your grandson your

daughter your wife your husband and God

saying will you partner with me so that

we can build a tabernacle a place where

people can meet God and this is the

beautiful thing look what happens in in

in in the next scripture in Exodus 35 20

it said so the whole community of Israel

left Moses

and return to their tents the reason why

this is so powerful is because Moses

when he told him he didn’t ask them for

anything that day he asked them to go

ask God and again that’s what I’m asking

you to do go ask God because the Bible

tells us in 2nd Corinthians 9:7 it says

you must each decide in your how much to

give and don’t give reluctantly or in

response to pressure he said for God

loves a cheerful Giver

and look what Exodus 3521 I love the

scripture it says so all those who

hearts were stirred and whose spirits

were moved that’s all I wanted to do

today I wanted to stir your heart I

wanted you to know that God has done a

lot to us but there’s so much more that

he wants to do with us if we were

partner with him if we would not

complain and hold back that we would

give to him freely he would stir our

hearts and he would give seed to the


he said whose hearts were stirred and

whose spirits were moved came and

brought their sacred offerings to the

Lord that’s what we’re gonna do on the

16th they brought all the materials

needed for the tabernacle for the

performance of the rituals and the

sacred garments both men and women came

all whose hearts were willing the thing

you got to know is God’s house is built

on willing hearts how are we gonna see a

facility that kids can come to and get

transformed and interns can be in and we

can facilitate more people without

worrying about rain when it when when

people gonna have to trek through mud to

get to church in and be able to have

enough parking space and enough children

facilities and all this stuff we’re

gonna build God’s house with willing

hearts and all I’m asking you is some of

you have never been a part of anything

bigger than you here is an opportunity

on December 16th to do something that

may change somebody’s eternity yeah my

whole picture right now is to plant a

seed right now that if any of my kids

ever go away from God

which my family is not exempt

from trial and tribulations as a matter

of fact we got a bigger target on our

back most of the time but if my if my

family if my daughter Isabella was to

ever go away from God

I’m gonna sow a seed in this offering

that one day maybe 10 15 years from now

will become a forest in somebody who was

affected by transformation church could

be a person while she’s wild and out or

doing whatever she’s doing that could be

a loving arm and say hey there’s a place

that no matter if you’re a PK and people

know who your family is and all this

other stuff that you can come and get

transformed and I want to sow a seed

that may outlive me and people can be

transformed for so many more years to

come I want this church to have the

faith to follow me as we build God’s

house a tabernacle where people can meet

him not with money but with willing

hearts I want to pray for every person

because I believe that God is about to

stir on us and he’s gonna give seed to

the sower hands lift it right where you

are all over this building come on if

you’re watching right now I want you to

lift your hands father I’m thanking you

that right now that this group of people

will have the heart for the house God

that we won’t build something as unto us

but we want to build something that is

for you so you can come sit with your

people forgive us for building idols

father God and trying to put your name

on it God today change us from the

inside of God speak to us clearly let us

not be pressured into anything father

God I thank you that we will not hear a

stranger’s voice but we will hear your

voice and whatever you say even if it

means we have to do less for Christmas

or we gotta sell something or we got a

hold back father we will obey I thank

you Father that transformation church

will be marked not like the children of

Israel who turned an eleven-day journey

into a 40 year death we will get to the

promised land

because we will obey you and I thank you

Father that you’ll build this house with

our willing heart

in Jesus name Amen

listen listen listen listen do you know

the greatest thing about this story is

that in a couple verses later bands and

oh the two craftsmen who I can’t say

they named they had to tell Moses hey

the people gave at such a level yeah we

don’t even need all of this could you

please tell them to stop giving because

we have too much to manage and actually

build what God’s called us to build I’m

believing that the faith of

transformation Church and transformation

nation is gonna rise to the place where

God’s gonna have to tell us a enough is

enough because you did exceedingly above

abundantly all that I could ask or think

what happens when God tells you enough

that means you have to be blessed that

way so that you can bless that way and

I’m believing that for your businesses

for your homes for your lives because we

have eternal work to do Amen let’s give

God praise because we will build God’s

house with willing hearts