Does Sex Own You? :: Relationship Goals (Part 7)

Good Morning Family Prayer For Today: Father in heaven, I come to You today and invite You to fill my whole being. Give me Your comfort and strength and empower me by Your Holy Spirit to live in the victory You have planned for me. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.???? Keep God First…………….

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we’re in a series that most of you have

probably heard about relationship goals

and when we started this series it was

six weeks long and then God extended it

to eight weeks as I’ve been studying I

wanted to go fifteen weeks but we’re not

gonna do that okay I feel like God is is

is closing what he wants to say right

now in this series and and and we

started talking about sex last week and

um no matter if we accept it or not it’s

something that touches all of our lives

um sex sexuality the images that we’re

dealing with in our heart in our mind

what has happened to us what was taken

from us what we were exposed to in a

manner that was not godly whatever it is

you know what it is I don’t know what it

is you act like it don’t happen but it’s

affecting you it’s all over your life

and the church usually doesn’t talk

about it we just say things like God

will use it for good but I’ve not given

it to the father for real I haven’t

totally surrendered all of it and so

usually what ends up happening is I’m

walking around with issues problems

burdens thoughts hurts pains that I’m

kind of made to feel as a believer I

should have already dealt with and that

should already be come and we say um

scriptures like you know any man that be

in Christ he is a new creation and and

and the old things have passed away

behold all things are new but what

happens that that we don’t realize many

times at that moment your spirit becomes

new but you’re a three-part being so

your spirit automatically at that moment

is brand-new but your body didn’t get

the memo

so there’s fleshly desires and things

that are happening that you like I know

but why am i wanting to do this old

thing and so that’s why we have to get

into this place and the name of this

church is transformation Church because

Romans tells us that that we are

supposed to continually be renewed in

our mind like as we continually renewed

in our mind we can end up doing be

transformed not not by what the world is

doing but the renewing of our mind

through God’s Word and then we’ll be

able to know the good and acceptable

will of God for us so what we are in

right now is we get a spiritual

transformation but then

you have to have an emotional and a and

a Body Transformation and one of the

huge things that happens to us is that

we never are able as believers

Christians to manage this area of

sexuality and sex and and and honestly

it’s because we don’t do enough talking

about it your education is coming from

people places and things that aren’t

connected to the Savior and so what ends

up happening is we’re trying to manage

something that God has has all the

answers to but we’re not going to him

for it and I just decided that

transformation church was going to be a

church that deals with what people are

dealing with and sees what God is saying

about it so that we can get free so

today as we continue we’re gonna kind of

pick up where we left off I’m sorry for

everybody who did not hear last week’s

message but I’m gonna try to run us

through just the bullet points so that

you can be in the know and then you can

go back and watch all of the messages

from this entire series on our app or

the website and we want you to do that

but last week we talked about how sex

was God’s idea sex was not trey songz

idea talking about he invented sex no he

didn’t okay

sex was God’s idea okay and and and and

that’s where our fundamental problem is

because most things that we think about

sex even how it’s presented for parents

and all this other stuff it’s a nasty

thing I was yesterday my father-in-law

he’s a big man he serves in the parking

lot y’all see him out there big Craig

and and we were outside and I was doing

something and I almost hurt myself

at my little daughter’s birthday party I

said oh oh pastor might get off with her

he said I want to hear my message about

SCX tomorrow I’ll see you 58 years old

you could have sex but I want you to see

how it’s branded into our psyche that is

something we don’t talk about it’s

something we don’t really go right for

we gotta spell it instead of say it and

it’s because I believe that we got it

perverted somewhere that sex was a bad

thing and it’s God’s idea okay but then

so the second point we talked about last

week sex has been perverted and that’s

the enemy’s plan to take anything that

God calls is good and to make it bad

like I want you to understand that the

Bible tells us in John 10:10 that this

the enemy only comes to steal kill and

destroy and a lot of us read it like

this the enemy comes to steal kill it’s


the Bible says he doesn’t come unless he

can steal kill and destroy and and I

want you to see that that that’s what he

wants to do in the area of your

sexuality in your area of purity in the

area of you reaching purpose so sex has

been preferred can we be honest that in

our society is the most sexually charged

generation that has ever been I was look

I was watching a burger commercial for

Carl’s jr. and this woman was eating a

burger in the most sensual I never seen

nobody eat a burger like that she’s in a

bikini on top of a car the ketchup

dripping off for her I said this is

regular death day but it wasn’t about

the burger it was about appealing to my

flesh so that I become desensitized and

that’s the enemy’s plan for you is if

you can see enough images and you can

hear enough okay stories and you can be

okay with enough abuse and you can be

okay that you will be desensitized so

when it comes to your house you’ll be

more willing to let it in can I help you

that’s why the enemy started bombarding

most of us in this room by age three or

four because he knew if he had twenty

years to break down your walls by the

time you were 24 he could take your life

and this is the great thing that our

four that I found um the enemy is not

omnipresent he can’t be everywhere at

the same time so what he does is set up

systems to keep us entangled so the

sexual sins that you’re in is you

spinning a web that you can’t get off

and he says oh yeah leave tray right

there he’ll be fine for the next thirty

years leave Sarah right there she’s so

broken in her mess that I don’t even

gotta mess with her she’s gonna keep

herself occupied she’s gonna keep

inviting that bad boy

into her life she’s gonna keep because

she is now has a perverted image of what

God wants for her life and so sex has

been perverted and and we we found out

last week that because sex has been

perverted God had to create a container

for it because it’s so powerful and so

amazing and what God wants and it’s good

when it’s done in his time he created a

container because we know that power

with no container can destroy all kinds

of things we’ve seen what’s happening

with the floods and all this other thing

that’s happening that’s power that’s

water without a container but power

under control or content and can produce

light for an entire city and that’s what

sex is in your life if you put sex in

the container that God built forward

marriage between one man and one woman

then it produces a life-giving force and

so because now we have this container of

sex last week we ended service by

surrendering our sexuality I mean and I

don’t know if y’all staged for

everything that was happening but we was

here for an hour after service and

people were up here getting delivered

healed set free saying I’ve never told

anybody this at my whole life but this

is what happened to me this is where it

started for me this has been the cycle

and they were just laying it all out

there saying Adi I even forgot I didn’t

even know this was affecting me and

we’re Alaina and listen it gets to

continue today and it gets to continue

tonight listen you do not want to miss

tonight I’m not saying that because

we’re just trying to have a event

tonight we’ll be the picture of God

cutting you loose from everything that

has held you down and as I go through

this this message there are many of us

that have have things that have been

holding us back from God’s best and so

today I want to pick up there turn to

first Corinthians chapter 6 verse 9 and

this is where we’re gonna pick up we

read a story last week about Paul trying

to talk to believers who have come to

the faith and they believe in Jesus

their eternity is secure but they’re

living in the sexually charged

generation like we are today

I mean you

scroll through Facebook and Instagram

we’re having to under without having to

unfollow at least one person at least

for me if I’m on therefore I got him

like did you post that like I can’t look

at you no more get out of here and some

of you leave it up there cuz they post

some good stuff but all the enemy needs

is one entrance one you find yourself

doing things at times when nobody knows

God’s saying that’s not what I want for

you if you would allow me to come in and

heal these areas of your life I can make

you free and free indeed so this is what

Paul’s talking about he’s talking a

bunch of dudes who are coming out of

this sexually charged area and I told

y’all last week it’s kind of like the

equivalent of the Las Vegas strip

today it caters to sex like if you go to

Las Vegas right now you want a

prostitute it’s legal like you can

actually get a prostitute and I get

arrested all these different things that

are happening in brothels and all this

other stuff

if you greedy and you want to gamble and

all that stuff you cannot go to the

restroom in Las Vegas I don’t know how

many of y’all been there but if you go

to the restroom there’s a slot machine

in the bathroom do you understand what

I’m saying

it’s catering to your sinful desires and

that’s where these people are and Paul’s

trying to help them deal with their

faith and their sexuality and I think

this is gonna help us today look first

Corinthians 6:9 it says don’t you

realize that those who do wrong will not

inherit the kingdom of God don’t fool

yourself and I stopped and talked about

this last week but I need to say it one

more time is that some of us like me

before I really got a revelation I was

fooling myself see my eternity and my

salvation was secure I was going to

heaven but that’s the lowest level of

blessing that God wants for your life

most of us just want to make it to

heaven and God I want you just make it

to heaven I want you to dominate on

earth I want you to subdue right here I

want you to walk in the fullness of my


right now and most of us settle for just

making it to heaven I want to see the

streets painted we’ll go now after you

see them and and after you get there and

and you don’t have any responsibility in

heaven cuz you didn’t steward over what

you had in earth

God Singh I learnt that for you and I

was fooling myself I had made myself

believe that God was blessing stuff that

he was not even a part of and I don’t

know if you’re in this room like that

but I was thinking God God I thank you

that your blessing my my relationship we

was doing all kind of dumb stuff he

can’t bless that because God only can

bless what he is in the middle of and I

want to be very frank if you look at

your life evaluated if God’s not in the

middle of it he can’t bless it because

it has to be sustained and supported oh

he’ll save you there they go again

okay come on baby get back up ride it

again no let me help you no I can do it

myself that’s the struggle I’m having

with my four-year-old right now trying

to teach her how to learn her by ride

her bike but she’s so independent and

wants to do it herself that she won’t

allow me to teach her to do something

she’s never done some of y’all are out

here acting like you’ve been married

before and some of y’all have and still

didn’t learn how to do you got what I’m

saying and you won’t allow God to be in

the middle to teach you how to do what

you don’t know how to do and I’m just

saying don’t fool yourself like my

daughter can a lot of y’all and be like

I can ride my bike don’t fool yourself

baby you can’t ride it yet because you

haven’t allowed the teacher the leader

the one who’s supposed to sustain it be

in the center of it and I want you to

know that because that’s what Paul’s

telling these people said don’t fool

yourself those who indulge in sexual sin

who worship idols commit adultery or

male prostitutes practice homosexuality

are thieves greedy people drunkards or

abusive or cheat people none of these

people are gonna inherit the kingdom of

God but thank God for grace because some

of you once were like that I remember

when I read this list for the first time

just being like dang that’s me that’s me

Oh Lord that’s me that’s me and then it

came to this part and it said and you

once were like that can anybody thank

God for His grace

okay now watch but you were cleansed you

were made holy which means just separate

you were made right or righteous with

God by calling on the name of the Lord

Jesus Christ you made one simple action

of your vocal cords in your heart and

you called on the name of Jesus Christ

by the Spirit of God and these guys in

here like okay yeah I know but that not

that not really you know there’s a

monster on the inside of me Paul and you

saying all of that I know Jesus in me we

good you understand what I’m saying but

this thing is roaring on the inside and

these sexual desires and these urges and

these longings are there what I’m

supposed to do with this and Paul says

to him verse 12 he says you say I’m

allowed to do anything but everything is

not good for you don’t that sound like

people I’m grown I don’t need

accountability I don’t need nobody

telling me what I’ve been handling this

for 36 years and I’ll keep handling it

but you don’t say like they get they get

like I’m grown and that’s what these

guys were telling Paul like I’m grown I

can handle myself I know I know how much

is enough for me I know that we can just

chill on the bed and ain’t nothing gonna

have I know I can go to the bar but I’m

just gonna get water

you judging this is coke Young’s and

this is coca-cola you judging me I know

come on how many of us have said to

ourselves into others I know and when

enough is enough for me except when

enough overtakes us and our lustful

desires begin to put us in positions I

don’t know if you’ve ever said this but

I have multiple times I never thought

I’d be here I never thought I would be

feeling or acting like this okay so so

that’s what he’s saying anything I know

y’all y’all say I’m allowed to do

anything where it’s still in verse 12

but I must not become a slave to


what are you slave to this morning what

controls you what tells you to go and

you have to go what what tells you to

move and you have to move what makes you

miss opportunities because it’s telling

you to do something contrary what are

you a slave to and then this is where we

pick up there was it says you say food

was made for the stomach and the stomach

was made for food this is true though

someday God will do away with both of

them but you can’t say that our bodies

were made for sexual immorality now let

me stop here cuz I’m gonna give them a

pastor and so I like to teach okay so

I’m gonna teach you how I study the

Bible and my greatest desire for every

one of you is that you would learn to

study the Bible not just read the Bible

but actually get in it and try to figure

out what it’s saying because if you just

read that that’s confusing than a mug

it’s like okay like and when I’m on my

Bible reading that would be the thing

six years ago I just keep skip over and

just keep reading and be looking for

something real simple and plain but

there’s so much truth packed in this one

statement and I’m gonna try to break it

down to you how I study and maybe this

will help you so when I looked at this

verse 13 I was like what is he talking

about he said you say the food was made

for the stomach and the stomach was for

food nothing

okay he’s eating he’s hungry okay then

Paul says this is true though someday

God will do away with both of them but

you can’t say that our bodies were made

for sexual immorality

I am so utterly confused Holy Spirit you

say that you’re a teacher

so I’m asking me to asking you to

illuminate to me what you’re trying to

say through your word you say this is

Paul talking that’s how I do it right


Paul’s talking and he’s talking to these

people who are dealing with sexual sins

and they’re trying to do okay food was

made for the stomach and the stomach for

food this is true oh okay

I get it he’s saying to these people who

are used to satisfying their appetites

he’s like you think that eating food

like what are you doing yo you’re hungry

when your stomach tells you you’re

hungry what do you do you eat food so

food was made for the stomach and that’s

true he tells them it’s true but don’t

compare food and you satisfying your

desire by just eating it because you’re

hungry don’t compare that to what you’re

supposed to do with your bodies because

your bodies look what it says but you

can’t say that about your bodies cuz

when you’re hungry what do you do you’ve

got a quick trip you go to chick-fil-a

somebody I’ll be a chick-fil-a everyday

wherever you go you go I’m hungry I’m

gonna eat and God says but when you’re

horny you can’t have the same response


I’m hungry so I’m gonna satisfy that

desire eat I’m horny so I’m gonna

satisfy that desire no no but you can’t

do that because your bodies were not

made for sexual immorality look I don’t

want everybody to see this many of us

have been fulfilling our sexual appetite

because we feel it’s natural and God’s

saying is you can’t look at your

the same way you looked at getting

yourself food when you’re hungry because

that is not my plan for it look down as

it goes a little further it says you

can’t say that our bodies were made for

sexual immorality because they were made

for the Lord and the Lord cares about

your body and let me help you understand

what sexual immorality does this begin

to change me cuz that’s how I used to be

if I was filling something I called it

hot and bothered if I was hot and

bothered I was gonna figure out a way to

not be hot and bothered no more whether

that was calling somebody but whether

that was pleasing myself whether that

was doing I was gonna figure out and

some of y’all just got so tense in like

so but I’m gonna be real I’m coming to

your house right now

because when when we are faced with

natural desires we try to handle them

naturally but God’s saying if you would

allow me to be the one in the center of

your situation I can give you a better

way that will not leave you with the

consequences of your own actions if you

would give it to me so don’t treat your

body like you treat chick-fil-a don’t

just go get what’s gonna please you for

a moment because it wasn’t made for that

God saying to everybody that your body’s

made for me and I love you and I care

for your bodies and some of y’all’s like

okay don’t be sexual moral you don’t

even understand what that means that

comes from the Greek word porneia which

we get the word pornography from and

what it means basically is selling off

something very valuable for cheap so

that’s why you can see young ladies and

young men exposing the secret places of

themselves for a dollar and selling off

the thing that God calls so pure and so

valuable that it’s so special you’re

only supposed to give it to one person

that that we’re selling it off for cheap

and he says that’s not what your bodies

were made for they were made to give me

glory when I look at marriage and I see

a woman and a man coming and committing

to each

other inside of the container and

mirrors and when they get in that bed he

said I guard that bid yeah they doing

that and I let him

he said the marriage bed is undefiled

you better hit that you better make that

right you creativity give my presence to

you know see y’all don’t get it he says

that this is supposed to be an act of


see y’all wanna sing a song I want my

worship to happen right here do you hear

me are you ready this is what I’m saying

to you see because it’s been perverted

and we can’t talk about this but God

says when two people come in my covenant

that’s why I don’t want you to pornea

sell it off for cheap that’s why if

somebody’s saying can we Netflix and

chill you supposed to say heaven no and

you can use the other one you have for

Mystica friend yo pastor do you hear

what I’m saying because what you have is

too valuable and wasn’t made for that

that would be like me taking an iPhone 8

or an iPhone 7 or this iPad and using it

as a paperweight I have just sold the

value of this equipment for cheap and

God says when you don’t invite me into

this situation to handle these sexual

urges and what you do is you sell off

what I call the valuable you sell it off

for cheek and Paul’s trying to help

these guys understand he tells them he

says man you were made for the Lord and

the Lord cares about your body and some

of y’all be like Yeah right he cares

about my body so why did he give me all

of this rage before I could be married

before I could do this because he wants

you depending on him see most of you

miss the story of the Bible the story

the story that God is really trying to

paint is that his love covers every one

of your scene

but you can’t live this life without him

and so we need God in every area of our


well Pastor Mike that’s great he created

container for the merry people but I’m

single or I’m divorced or the pain of

the thing my purity was stolen from me I

didn’t give it to somebody they took it

away from me when I was helpless and I

was young and I didn’t know so what I do

with that pastor might what what I do if

is if I’m feeling stuck right now I have

great news for you is that whatever pain

whatever hurt whatever problem that you

are going through right now point number

one for today is God has power over sex

I want you to understand this because

most of us don’t realize this that God

has all power over everything that’s

going on your life and if good

intentions could have changed you it

would have already changed you by now if

your self-will was good know yourself

will is worthless I can prove it to you

you wouldn’t be 300 pounds if your cells

wheel was it was good how many of us

have started a diet and quit you was

eating quinoa and green tea and all this

stuff for three weeks and it fell off

because my good intentions will not hold

me through I need you need we need the

power of God the sexual addictions

problems hurts you’re going through it’s

not gonna be solved by wanting to do

better just really how you’re just

trying to do my best is really just

trying to go after God just for just to

to just talking alone just really trying

to go after God you need the power of

God you need the Dunamis the explosive

power of God to come into your life and

change you but he can’t do it if you

don’t allow him to and that’s what Paul

was saying to these people because they

got frustrated you gonna say we came to

fulfill our own desire

Paul you don’t know what we’re going

through you don’t know how this feels he

said first off yes I do I’m single too

and what y’all don’t know is I’m not

gonna get married so I’m been called by

God to literally give a playbook to

people for things that I won’t even get

to fully experience because it would

take away from my ministry to help

people for the next thousands of years

so don’t tell me I don’t know what it’s

like to sacrifice but can I tell you

that the same thing that gets me through

is the same thing that gets you through

verse 14 look what he says he said and

God will raise us from the dead by his

power just as he raised our Lord from

the dead now when I read that the first

time I’m confused again because I’m

going back and I’m sitting here like I

picture movies in my head when I read

the Bible and so I’m picturing paul

standing here and there’s 15 dudes over


and they were like man we horny man I

knew he ain’t never had no bra no he

didn’t cuz if he was talking wouldn’t be

talking like and Paul’s over here trying

to explain to them how they need to

control their sexual urges I was like

well I’m leaving and then he goes head

and says this statement he says and God

will raise us from the dead by his power

just as he raised our Lord from the dead

and I begin to ponder on that why would

Paul say that right there and I want us

to dig just a little deeper what he was

saying is that y’all know y’all was

there when the word came back that Jesus

literally was raised from the dead yo

yeah like y’all was there and y’all

believe that one day he’s coming back or

when we die he is gonna raise us from

the dead and we’re gonna live forever

with them in heaven this is what you

believe so you’re telling me that an

all-powerful God has the power to raise

a dead body but not manage a living

y’all I need you to hear this one more


cuz this mess me up why did he say God

has all power he he is kin raised Jesus

from the dead and he’s gonna raise you

from the

I’m telling you like he’s telling you I

don’t care what your problem is right

now if God can raise Jesus and raise you

from the dead how can he raise a dead

body and not manage a living now listen

well okay so what I’m supposed to do now

God can manage God can manage he can get

this in under control what you have to

realize is we’re first Peter 5:10 says

it says in his kindness God called you

to share in his eternal glory by means

of Jesus Christ so your eternity is

secure like you’re going to heaven when

you put your faith in Jesus

Jesus your eternity is secure but we

still have to leave in these earth suits

on this body so now he’s trying to give

us a history he says so after you’ve

suffered a little while that’s what some

of y’all have been in right now just a

little bit of suffering a little

uncomfortableness a little dealing with

this flesh a little mess-up a little

thick he said but after you’ve dealt

with it a little while God he will

restore support and strengthen you and I

came to tell somebody today that as we

give our sexuality to God what he’s

going to do is not just leave you there

and be like all right and figure it out

for yourself he said no no no no I’m the

God with all power what I came to do is

support restore and strengthen you and

some of you need to believe that because

you’ve tried and you’ve tried and you’ve

tried and you tried but you haven’t

really tried Jesus you haven’t really

given it all to him and followed in what

he wants because this is what his desire

is for you in this area that she would

have Veit him in and he could restore

support and strengthen you and the verse

goes on to say and he will place you on

a firm foundation which first

Corinthians 3:11 tells us that there is

no foundation except Jesus Christ and so

he is going to set you on a firm

foundation and then verse 11 is my

favorite part it says and all power is

his forever why are you so excited about

that because sex has power but my God

has more power

y’all missed it because depression has

power but my God has all power because

fear has power but our God has o if you

believe that what you were dealing with

is bigger than God stop serving him

but if you believe the God that raised

Jesus Christ from the dead that when he

went down in snatch death’s keys and he

rose with all cousin like what are you

trying to say that your situation is not

too big

I know you’ve been with tons of people

and things have happened to you and

you’ve seen images you can’t get out of

your mind

sexually and emotionally and all this it

has no match for the power of God in

your life so look at verse 15 because if

God has all power and through my

confession of faith in Jesus Christ he

lives on the inside of me we must be

missing something because he got all

power he own is out of me but I feel

powerless can we be honest there’s some

times that we feel completely powerless

Paul says it like this when I want to do

right wrong is right there like why do I

feel like this and then first

Corinthians chapter 6 verse 15 says this

other this three words is that they keep

saying it says don’t you realize that

your body you may not know this but your

bodies are actually parts of Christ what

oh don’t stop now did you just tell me

that my body is a part of Christ so what

that means is God is not watching what

we’re doing from a camera like Big

Brother and watching what we’re doing

evaluating he’s right here with us doing

it with us and Paul’s telling these guys

I don’t think y’all realize this and I

didn’t realize this until God gave me

revelation see is that you should a man

take his body

which is a part of Christ and join it to

a prostitute never let me give you some

context of the day where they were there

were a thousand prostitutes in the

temple like in they charge ready to do

whatever they wanted at any moment that

was common practice that would be like

you coming to church trying to live

sexually pure and there’s a thousand

prostitutes in here worshipping just

ready for you just just like do

understand what I’m saying like like

this is this is what they lived in but

he’s telling him because you have been

changed even though that temptation is

there your response has to be different

he’s letting them know do you realize

because Christ is a part of you he is

not away from you judging what you’re

doing and saying come he is in you he is

with you you are a part let me say it

slow Christ is a part of you a part you

are joined you are connected so what are

you really trying to say pass the mic

every time you have sex Christ is having

it with you it is it’s it’s one of the

things that you have to realize because

Paul said you they didn’t realize it and

you don’t realize it every time you’re

watching pornography Christ is not

somewhere often but he’s right there

with you my question is when you’re

joining to something that is not like

God is God having as much fun as you are

is he as comfortable in that position as

you are because we are joined what I

want you to get how emphatic this

language is and Paul is saying maybe you

didn’t realize it maybe you didn’t

understand that when you were just

having sex with your boyfriend

premarital in pre marriage relations

that Jesus Christ where you invited him

in cannot be separated from you and so

now you’re making Christ not enjoy what

you do in your life but endure what

you’re doing in your life

and I want us to see how

powerful this is go to UM Romans Romans

chapter 8 verse 35 cuz after I read this

scripture it changed the perspective on

a verse that I’ve seen for so long

Christ and me are connected when I’m

cussing somebody out Christ is cussing

somebody out so you don’t think about

that’s just me that’s how I do it that’s

what I’m doing that’s what I know no

baby you now have the God of the


connected to you and whatever you were

doing he does it and watches it with you

so when I looked at Romans 8:35 it says

can anything ever separate us from

Christ love does it mean he no longer

loves us if we have trouble or calamity

are persecuted or hungry or destitute or

in danger if we have sex with somebody

watch pornography masturbate are

threatened with death look at verse 37

no despite all these things overwhelming

victory is ours not because of our own

good works but through Christ who loves

us what I want you to realize is that

your relationship with Christ doesn’t or

your connection with Christ has nothing

to do with our love for him it has

everything to do with his love and it’s

a good thing that nothing can separate

us from the love of God he goes on to

say in verse 38 and I am convinced that

nothing can ever separate us from the

love of God neither death nor life

neither Angels nor demons neither our

fears for today our worries about

tomorrow not even the powers of Hell can

separate us from God’s love no power in

the sky above or above or in the earth

below indeed nothing in all creation is

sex created by God so even sexual

addictions pains fears all of that

nothing in all of creation will ever be

able to separate us from the love of God

that is revealed in Christ Jesus our

Lord I don’t know about you but I am

overwhelmed I’m thankful that my


and my mishaps my missteps aka sin has

not separated me from the love of God

but now that we know that we have to

steward over that differently it’s a

good thing that we can never be

separated from the love of God but that

means when we do bad things we can’t be

separated from the love of God so Christ

is there with us and God gave me the

most impactful revelation that I want to

give to you

sex and Savior can’t be separated I want

you to remember this for the rest of

your life the next time you get ready to

send pictures to somebody or the next

time you get ready to slide into the DMS

or the next time you get ready to lay in

somebody’s bed who’s not your husband

and wife who you have not married and

you bring covenant I want you to realize

that you cannot separate sex and Savior

that they will be there and be an action

that have to go together because God’s

love and going nowhere for us and so

that means Christ has to stay in us and

we do not want to be separated for one

moment because I Know Who I am without

Christ and he said there’s nothing you

can do so now it’s a stewardship issue

how are you going to handle the God in

you now that you know because I’m saying

we’re connected how are you gonna handle

the Christ in you because when we look

at this Paul goes on to continue to tell

them he goes on to try to get them to

understand verse 16 because they still

wasn’t getting it like some of y’all

still ain’t getting in y’all I present

like you just going way too deep right

now it is not that hard it is not that

easy if I have sex with somebody okay

I broke up with him it’s over it’s done

leave me alone I have finished that

chapter of my life book clothes I am

finished with that No

and Paul knows that we were gonna be

sitting here and so he said don’t you

realize there that phrase is again

because maybe you didn’t get it don’t

you realize that if a man joins himself

to a prostitute he becomes one body with


y’all I want you to hear me he didn’t

say if he married a prostitute he said

if he joins if he has sex with that

prostitute if he if he um um allows

himself to to be able to be in an

intimate relation with that person they

become one for the scripture say the two

are united into one but the person who

is joined that same word to the lord is

one spirit with him we talked about it

last week in mark chapter 10 verse 7

this explains why a man leaves his

mother and father and they are joined

that word joined is much more emphatic

than what we think joined is not just

all we’re holding hands and we’re having

a good time when you’re joined they’re

talking about sexual relationship or

deep emotional ties when you’re joined

it happens on three levels it happens on

a physical level I want you to write

this down because this will change the

way you look at things when you’re

joined to a man drawn to a woman it

happens physically through sex then it

happens emotionally through intimacy or

closeness mind wheel body it happens in

that man and then it happens in Covenant

through the spirit it’s a body emotion

and a spiritual act when you have sex

with somebody I talked about it in a

greater detail and I don’t have the time

today but every time that you have sex

with somebody you are making a covenant

with them there is blood that is shed

and there is blood that is exchanged in

that moment and if you study the

Scriptures all the way from the Old

Testament to the new they’re always had

to be bloodshed to be able to submit a

covenant or cement a covenant and so the

marriage day it’s not the day when you

guys become one the day you become one

according to the Bible is when you have

sex with them my question is how many

people are you one with and I’m not

coming to judge and I’m not coming

because these are the same things that

come is had to deal with my heart’ll but

he said maybe you don’t know this maybe

you didn’t realize that when you joined

with somebody you are making a covenant

with that person to be able to be there

but you’re not submitting yourself to

that covenant and what forms is

something that is probably one of the

most destructive things in the body of

Christ and in our world

is called a soul tie and many people are

in here are tied emotionally physically

and thoughts you hear you hear a song

and you go back to a place you smell a

certain smell they used to wear Sweet

Pea from Bath & Body where you smell

that smell no I mean I am not playing

and it’s time I want you to understand

what an ungodly soul tie is a sultan is

the joining of one’s essential self mind

will emotions thoughts memories in

connection to someone or something else

most of us have soul ties from

relationships emotional Affairs all

kinds of stuff you can be so tied to

almost anything you can anything that

takes the place of God you can create a

soul tie with and there are godly soul

ties marriage is a godly soul tie he

wants you and your husband are you and

your wife to be connected on that level

there’s even friendship soul ties um the

Bible talks about in 1st Samuel 18 I

believe it is where David and Jonathan

they werenít to the soles of each other

and they were they had a bond that was

unbreakable but can I help you just a

free nugget that a sure sign of a soul

tie that is good is that thing is

helping you live can I prove it to you


whose dad was saw who was trying to kill

David said you know what I’m gonna turn

my back on my allegiance to my father

cuz I have a soul tie with you and I

want to let you know if you go to this

dinner tonight they’re gonna try to kill

you I’m putting everything on the line

for you but I want you to live and David

lived because he had an unbreakable

relationship with the friend named

Jonathan my question is are the people

around you helping you live or are they

taking from you are they sucking from

you are they taking you to a place of

death there are godly soul ties but then

there are ungodly soul ties one of them

most I’m gonna tell you just two ungodly

soul ties because like I said he can be

tied to almost anything but but their

soul ties to substances that people try

to find the peace

relief healing that they need in

man-made objects and things last night

my daughter had a birthday party and so

I went to go get some Chinese food from

the little spot I go around here and

it’s right next door to the liquor store

and I don’t drink so I don’t know like

what it is to go and get stuff from the

store and stuff it was 7:45 y’all and it

looked like Black Friday at the liquor

store now I don’t judge anybody for what

you’re doing I’m just praying that that

thing does not own you but but but this

is the thing I had never seen so many

people if it didn’t

this substance didn’t care about how

much money you made there were people

driving up in outies and Mercedes and

people walking with all the clothes they

had on their back going in here trying

to get relief from this world and I sit

there and I begin to almost cry and pray

for those people because they have a

soul tied to a substance but I think we

serve the God of all power like I think

that’s why the first point was that God

has all power over sets over substance

over anything but we got to break that

soul tie another one of the biggest

things is people have sexual soul ties

so I brought this bed up here because

this is one of the greatest places of

the enemy destroying purposes because

what happens in this bed is people many

times they’re not committing their lives

to a person they are committing their

lives to pleasing themselves and what

they don’t know is every time they get

up out of this bed not married to that

person they are joined to that person

and it would be like if I had sexual

relations with the whole front row men

and women because that’s the type of

world we live in

and now I’m trying to go after God go

after purpose but I have 15 ties that

are connected to me and I’m trying to

run and I want to get away but somehow

it just won’t let me go and somehow I

keep trying to go after it and I’m

trying with all my might but that’s why

we need the God of all paths to come in

and disconnect this and there’s many of

you the same as Mike I just don’t have

any of those things I don’t have asked

God to show you if there’s anything that

you’re tied to that is keeping you from

what he’s called you to be because just

like this piece of paper right here

this is a perfectly good piece of paper

but last night in the dark this paper

was connected to another piece of paper

and they were joined together and now

I’m done with it I don’t want to be

joined to you anymore I don’t want to be

joined to you anymore

well fine we won’t see each other no

more well we got a kid well I’ll see the

kid but I won’t see you and I’ll just

keep moving and all that and we try to

disconnect but when we try to disconnect

what we don’t realize is that we’re

still connected to each other and I’ve

been trying to get away from this and I

can’t even find the option to be able to

do it but even when I do I find it a

piece of me is always left with a piece

of them and what ends up happening is we

try to self-medicate and try to figure

out but I just can’t get you off of me I

just can’t find a way to tear you away

from me and what ends up happening is we

leave our lives connected broken

battered because we’re trying to get

away from something that has been

connected to us on a spiritual level and

God’s the only one that can change so

fast Mike what you want so hard on this

cuz I want you free and like Paul said

maybe you didn’t realize now after you

know this and you go out and do whatever

you want to do but I didn’t know and I

want you to know so what I’m supposed to

do pass the light I’ve been living like

this for twenty years I’ve been living

like this for five months I’ve been

living like this is all I know

what Paul knew that these people have

been doing the same thing and they

really loved God and wanted to change so

he gave them probably the most emphatic

instruction that could ever be given to

anybody when it comes to getting free

from sexual addiction sexual soul ties

all of this I want you to see it in

verse 18 and you might want to underline


run not walk not skip not intellectually

digest and then be able to ponder until

it becomes a fruit of spiritual

awakening and run run from sexual sin

listen if I thought somebody was coming

in here to shoot us or I seen somebody

from the audience that you didn’t see I

said Ron and I went like this everybody

over here would start running then why

are we moving why are we why well

because in the threat of something that

can damage your entire life you ask

questions later in the threat of

something that can ravage your whole

family for generations to come

that iniquity and that transgression

being passed down

you are not worth baby my entire family

lineage being destroyed our purpose not

being reached so what am I have to do

right now Ron I got to go and some of us

have been casually walking away

I’m sorry I’m gonna miss you too I

really want to be with you and that’s

why we get lured back in it’s not enough

distance between us and what kept us not

run from all sexual sin and I want you

to understand the why right here it just

says cuz no other sin so clearly affects

the body as this one does for sexual

immorality is a sin against your own

body y’all hear me in God’s eyes

homosexuality liar greedy all of that’s

the same but so he’s not judging you

like they’re good they’re bad they’re

it’s just sin and he said I sent my son

for all of that except me I got you but

there are consequences that differ for

us for the sins we choose to do and the

worst sin to do to yourself

the devil out to get me no boo you’re

out to get you because the greatest sin

against your own body is sexual

immorality and again I say it maybe you

didn’t know

do you not realize he said do you not

realize that your body is the temple the

house the place of the Holy Spirit who

lives in you and was given to you by God

more than this church and this parking

lot is the temple of God this is the

temple that houses God if this whole

thing burned down God say what what

happened what happened oh my church is

fine because it wasn’t the building it’s

us and he said maybe you didn’t get it I

mean in this just few passages of

Scripture he says do you not realize

four times like don’t don’t y’all did it

you’re the temple so when I lay in this

bed and I get tied to everything I tie

the Holy Spirit now when I when I when I

when I move in my ceilings and try to

get my own sexual urges I’m fulfilled

and all that other stuff what I do I’m

damaging the temple that houses God and

just maybe you didn’t maybe you didn’t

know but today God wants to bring

clarity to it he said you don’t belong

to yourself I want you to see that put

the scripture up there verse 19 says you

don’t belong to yourself for you were

bought with a high price see when God

sent Jesus that was the payment the

eternal payment for God to own us for

him to come in and be able to change and

have power over our situations and he

said I didn’t send one of my sons I sit

the only one who had cuz you were that

important and I’ll take care of this

debt forever

and when you receive my grace he says I

need you to realize that you were bought

with the high price so now you have a

response I need you to honor God with

your body put that back up there they

need to see that I need to see

description this is not me just talking

for you are bought with the high price

so your reach your only response it’s

not to connect yourself or watch things

or do things that would take you from

the purpose that God has for you it’s to

disconnect from all of those ungodly

soul ties and honor God with your body

so if as I’m like what are you trying to

say the problem is that you still own

you see you were bought with the high

price any time you buy something you own

it but we’re walking around like we own

ourselves this is my body this is my

life this is what I want to do I’m

growing on this if I if I need to do

that imma do that this is me and God

said no baby you were bought with a

higher price but if you still own you

you manage you and if you still manage

you you have to deal with you and you

don’t have the power to deal with you

you’ve been trying to do it for 15 years

and it still ain’t worth so what are you

trying to say Pastor Mike our last point

God only can manage what he owns if

anybody’s ever had an apartment or a

house that they rented from somebody the

key to doing that is having good

ownership because if something breaks in

the house or something gets damaged in

the house you’re not responsible because

you don’t own it the owner comes in to

manage that property and so if you’re

dealing with sexual problems and issues

and urges you’re dealing with anything

fears um soul ties to all kinds of stuff

if you own you you’re doomed but if God

owns you he can bring management to the

areas of your life that you have allowed

him to own so my question today as we


who owns you the sex on you does fear on

you because you are bought with the high

price and your only proper response is

to honor God with your body but you

won’t do that if you think you own you

does the approval of other people on you

do soul dies on you and God says hey I’m

a good good father so if you would give

me back what I gave you I promise you

I’ll bring management to what I own

there is nothing too big for our God to

bring under subsection of his power but

he’s not gonna take it from you have to

give it to him