Today we continued in our new series called, “FU” or “Forgiveness University.” Online classes are now in session and we are ready to learn about forgiveness. In the third week of this series, Pastor Michael taught us that we can’t give what we don’t have. If you are struggling with forgiving someone, it is because you have not fully received the forgiveness that is freely given to you. Pastor Michael provides us with a Checklist to help us forgive the wrongs that have been done to us. You don’t want to miss this message! Today we continued in our new series called, “FU” or “Forgiveness University.” Online classes are now in session and we are ready to learn about forgiveness. In the third week of this series, Pastor Michael taught us that we can’t give what we don’t have. If you are struggling with forgiving someone, it is because you have not fully received the forgiveness that is freely given to you. Pastor Michael provides us with a Checklist to help us forgive the wrongs that have been done to us. You don’t want to miss this message!

i hope you feel good at home

well today we’re in week three

of a series that we’re calling help me f

u and that stands for forgiveness

university and if you’re just joining us

if somebody invited you

to this um this university of higher

learning i’m telling you you’re about to

receive a master’s degree a master’s


that will change your destiny and today

i want to let you know that god has

something so special planned for you

we’ve prayed for you

we’ve asked god to assemble people who

were desperate broken hurting successful

from all walks of life to come and hear

about the good news of jesus christ so i

want you to know no matter

what you did yesterday who you were with

last night and what you were planning to

do to do tomorrow

that we believe this is a divine moment

in your life

and if you would just open your heart

for the next 45 minutes god would do

something extravagant

in your heart i love you i believe in


and i think that god’s best is still up

ahead of you if you believe god’s best

is in front of you somebody say amen

come on put some put some praise hands

in some praying hands

in the comments right now well let’s do

it get your notepads

get your smartphones your dumb phones

get everything out

cause we are starting week three of a

series that we’re calling one more time

f u we’re talking about forgiveness

because in today’s culture right now

we know that offense is the currency of

today’s culture

but forgiveness is the currency

of the kingdom and i think that until we

learn how to actually forgive

we are trapped in a prison that doesn’t

affect them

y’all know we think it affects them i’m

not going to talk to them no more they

ain’t never going gonna cross me again i

ain’t gonna do this and that

and we’re stuck and i’ve been seeing too

many people who believe in jesus

can worship and shout and speak in

tongues but they’re stuck

and when god wants them to go forward

they can’t because they have been

trapped in this thing of unforgiveness

but you

have enrolled in the best university

known to man

it’s the university that helps you

actually learn how

to everybody say forgive yeah

and i know there’s some people right now

that if you think about forgiving them

you break out in hives and you get


and it takes you back to a moment that’s

why i’m not asking anybody to forgive at

this moment

i told everybody at the start of this

class that i’m praying that you would


one person by the end of this so so you

got to get the principles deep within


and you got to allow god and the holy

spirit to begin to work in you

so it can actually play out in your life

and today

i believe the message that i’m about to

share listen to me and i do not say this


is the most important message in this

entire series

because if you don’t get the principles

that i’m about to share today

you will never be able to truly forgive

and if i’m really honest about it if

you’re a believer

forgiveness is a primary spiritual


of every christ follower it is

basic god has forgiven you

so you got to forgive somebody else and

that’s easier said than done

because the church tells you that you

should forgive but they don’t teach you


that’s why your boy is here let’s get

into the word today

now i need to take a poll i need to take

the temperature of who’s watching

because i know people are watching from

all over the world

all over the u.s but i need to get um

the forgiveness fahrenheit in the room

right now okay

raise your hand if there is somebody

that you know

at this moment right now that you need

to forgive come on raise your hand

all over the building all at your house


let’s let’s take it another level deeper

raise your hand

in your house i want you to raise your

hand i know you’re like nobody’s here

god’s there okay so raise your hand okay

raise your hand if there’s somebody that

you know you need to forgive

who offended you in 2020 come on hands

hands okay let’s take it another step

how many people

got somebody they know they need to

forgive for something that happened this


come on the last 30 days okay some of

y’all your hands just staying up in the

air you just there the whole time

raise your hand if there’s somebody that

you need to forgive if you know him or

not cause some of y’all on the way to

get starbucks almost cut somebody out on


raise your hand if there’s somebody that

you need to forgive from this last week

raise your hand if there’s somebody you

need to forgive from today

some of y’all sitting right next to him

and you like don’t look at me charlie

but all i’m saying to you right now is

everybody needs to forgive

but if you’re going to experience what

god wants you

to have in the area of forgiveness i

figured out this one thing

you can’t give what you ain’t got

okay i know that’s not right english i

know somebody’s like sally does he

always talk in ebonics

no but this really proves my point you

can’t give what you ain’t got

if you haven’t experienced love it’s

hard to give love

if you haven’t experienced kindness it’s

hard to

give kindness and and today

i want to journey down this track

because i want you to know about

something that you already have within

your reach

but maybe you have not fully received it

right down this point

you cannot give true forgiveness until


know everybody say no know

you have received true forgiveness

you cannot give true forgiveness oh yeah

you can act like

you forgave them because you forgot

about it cause you moved on and you got

another career and you got another

girlfriend and you got another boyfriend

and that’s what we do we think

forgiveness is forgetting

that’s why so many of us when we get

hurt then we just try to

fill our space up with people and things

to make us

forget what they did but if you look at

the fabric of your heart you can still

see the imprint of that person or that


on you uh-huh and so i need you to

understand that you cannot

give true forgiveness until you know you

have received

true forgiveness and every time i need

to forgive somebody

i’ll go into google and i hey let me be

real let me be hot at transformation

church the pastor goes to google humble

open and transparent

what does a scripture say about

forgiveness because i need to be

reminded sometimes

and it be these leave it to beaver

scriptures that come up

these one sentence scriptures have y’all

ever had them scriptures

that are easy to read but hard to live

it’s easy to say but it’s harder to


yeah yeah look at ephesians 4 32

this is one that god hit me with because

i had this situation where oh boy he

played me and he did me wrong and i was

like i’ll kill your kids and then i was


oh excuse me there are certain things in

my heart that was like

and god took me to ephesians chapter 4

verse 32 look what it says be kind to


tenderhearted forgiving one another

as christ forgave you what

you don’t know what they did to me you

don’t know how bad that hurt you don’t

know that they knew

what happened before and then i told

them what happened before and they did

the same thing

to me that i told them that would break


and then what the scriptures say oh be

kind to one another

tenderhearted forgive one another as

christ forgave


and that’s many times where i shut the


and i’d be like well guess i ain’t gonna

make that one

come on let’s be honest a lot of us we

have people do us wrong

and then we start making um um

exceptions for ourself

i’ll forget him but if you cross this

line with me oh come on somebody

everybody has their invisible line

but like if you do this i black out

y’all know them blackout moments

like i woke up i didn’t even know what

happened there’s just stuff everywhere

and like

and that’s how we feel but our feelings

have to consult with the truth even if

it’s not how we feel

that’s what this whole christian walk is

about and i

hate when people in culture today pay so

much attention to living your truth

the problem about your truth is you made

it up

so it can’t be true if you did it it

can’t be

true if it truth has to be something

that was there before you

uh truth has to be something that was


before you it’s there while you’re there

and will be there after you

and this is why i i say i can’t just

live my truth i have to live

the truth and we find the truth in the

word of god

so if the word is saying no matter how i

feel be kind to one another

tenderhearted forgiving to one another

as god

in christ forgave you god you’re gonna

have to give me a revelation

because i feel this your word says that

and i’m conflicted

and this is why you have to have a

devotion life where you go to god

let me tell you what i found as i’ve

been walking this journey because your

pastor claims not to be perfect but i am


the deepest transformation comes from

the simple

revelation the deepest transformations

i’ve experienced in my life

came from taking a small scripture like

this and asking god for revelation

or revealed truth all revealed truth

means is that something is there

it’s covered up and then at one moment

it gets uncovered and i see what’s there

what i’m praying for you and your

family and your life is that the truth

of god’s word when you watch

transformation church

when you get in your daily devotions

when you get with your small group and

your b

group that things that are already there

the truth of god’s word that is already

there would be uncovered for you

and you would say oh my i’ve never seen

that that is revelation

and i want to take you on a journey of

the revelation that god gave me

in ephesians chapter 4 verse 32

and i call it the ephesians 4 32


okay it says what’s the first one

be kind to one another that’s hard

when you do not believe how i believe

that’s hard when you make racist


that’s hard when you

okay i’m trying to stay pg that’s hard

when you slept with my man

that’s hard when you were the family

member that was supposed to protect me

instead of protecting me you abused me

or abnormally used me

be kind to one another what’s the next

one what does it say

it says be tenderhearted

my heart is cold to these

if we’re honest there are certain things

that happen to us that turn our heart

very cold

like there’s certain things in certain

people right now that you can be and

it’s so crazy

it doesn’t do it for everybody you can

be so sweet and loving to these group of


and then this person comes along


and this is what we’ve been trying to do

in the church

is have an open heart for those who are

struggling with abortion but a closed

heart for homosexuals

uh-oh i know you don’t want to hear it

today but when god’s saying be tendered

heart i don’t have to agree to have a

tender heart to you

i don’t have to believe the same thing

you believe

to allow there to be compassion that

flows out of me for you

but in the church it has to equal

agreement has to equal acceptance and

jesus never taught that

so pastor mike how am i kind to one

another be tenderhearted to one another

look at the next one

it says forgive one another now i can

fake you out

and be kind y’all know the people oh

it’s so nice

tenderhearted we can fake that but

forgive one another

that’s the one that we gonna get to see

after this election

oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah

oh yeah yeah yeah we’re about to see

how we look as the church not the

organization the organisms

will you be able to forgive one another

after this

after the posts they make

after the mistake they made

forgive one another and then he want to

remind us of what

jesus did for us look at him

god forgave you come on

this is easy god forgave you

and isn’t it funny that we never think

about our trespasses

when it’s time for us to forgive

somebody else’s trespasses

we only think about what they did to us

we never think about what we did to god

i’ma say it again we only think about

what they did to us we never think about

what we

are seeing our filth our wrong thoughts

our mistakes that we’re still trying to

hide 15 years after it happens

like we never think about what we did to


and what it does is it affects our

perception write this point down

your perception of forgiveness hinders

your acceptance of forgiveness

how you see forgiveness

hinders how you accept it for your own

self let me show you an example

these are the new prada purples um that

are coming out 2021

i am officially sporting them you will

be able to get these

nowhere but the reason

these glasses are on right now besides

the fact that they match the sermon

series is

these glasses are giving me a tent right


everything that i see now has a purple

okay so when i bring out the truth come

here just

i bring out the truth and i say show the


of the piece of paper that you have and

everybody sees the truth of what that

color is but then you

i tell you that that paper is light


no no no that paper is like purple what

color do you see justice

yellow bro what’s wrong with this food

what’s wrong with just i mean your shirt

is swaggy but you can’t see

because the truth is bro that is a light

purple piece of paper now have i

convinced you what color is that justice

it’s to me my truth

because of the lens that i’m seeing it


and the reason why we have to understand

that we got to get the right view of god

and the right view of forgiveness

is because if you have the wrong view

everything even if it is truth i see it

out of the wrong lens let me give you a

point there

perception is your ultimate reality even

if it’s not

an ultimate truth and your reality

dictates your actions

bring that paper back out justice

i don’t told this fool a couple times


it’s light purple what color is it just

i’m gonna give you one more opportunity

bro cause you know i’m saying this white

and black thing i don’t really want to

take it to the next level

you’re what i’m saying i just want to

keep a real culture behind us but i need


for this right now i need us to be on

agreement we’re both believers

so what color is the paper you still see


do you see yellow now now watch

because my perception was wrong

it made me react in a way

it made me react in a way that was

negative because i didn’t see it


and if i could ever take off my lens

bro i apologize

will you please forgive me

i was seeing through the abandonment of

my family

i was seeing through that last church

who used me up

i was seeing through the mistakes that i

made and i did to other people so i

thought they were going to do it to me

my perception was skewed and so when my

perception is skewed

i see the truth wrong and i act on what

my truth is but when i can lay down

and get the perspective of god

it makes me more apt to be able to say

could you forgive me and i don’t know

who you are right now

but your perception is so broken by the

things that has happened

and that you have done to others that

god is saying through his word

what he wants to do is give you a brand

new vision because you’re going to have

to be able to extend forgiveness

you’ve got to get the right perspective

on how god has already forgiven you

if you’re walking around with guilt and

shame and condemnation

saying you serve a loving god but

waiting for him to strike you down

because you’re gonna mess up you have

the wrong perception

forgiveness brings me to my next point

if you experience god’s forgiveness

you can extend god’s forgiveness

i’m i’m i’m preaching line up online


i want you to get this this is a class

and this one is gonna help you get extra

credit in life

if you can experience truly

what it means to have every wrong thing

that you’ve done and thought

nailed to the cross and walk in the


of what christ has already done for you

it’s so much easier to extend


to someone else the truth of the matter


we don’t know how much god has already

done to forgive us

most of us are still trying to work and


after salvation what god already paid


and today i need you to understand that


are forgiven ultimately when

you receive jesus christ and you repent

of the life that you’ve lived

you are forgiven ultimately

f you you are forgiven

ultimately say it with me i am

forgiven ultimately somebody just say

f you i am forgiven ultimately

yes i did it but when i put my faith in

jesus christ

when i believed in him he took

everything that

was bad about me and he clothed it in


son and i have been forgiven


ultimately i just told you but you still

don’t believe it

how do you know i don’t believe it

because of the way you treat other


because of the way you think that doing

your bible reading plan makes you better

to god

because the only reason you give is to

make sure that god sees what i do

he already saw everything that you did

that you would do

and you’re gonna do and he said i

forgive you

i’m not just gonna forgive you for what

you did in this moment i’m gonna forgive

you ultimately

the whole problem with your life is will

you receive what has already been


and paid for just for you and i know

this is gonna take a minute because some

of y’all

are are christian workaholics like

everything that you do

is trying to earn another badge and

another merit to what god has done for


and he called it a finished work when he

went to the cross

and that’s why i gotta help us

understand cause we will never be able

to forgive somebody else

if we don’t realize that we have been


ultimately somebody shot at me f you

write this point down god’s forgiveness

is god’s grace

god’s forgiveness is god’s grace

ephesians 2 8 9.

i got to teach us the bible today it

says god

saved you by his grace

when you did what served a lot

when you joined the choir you were saved

by his grace when ah

i know when you wrote in your journal

260 days consecutively

i think the bible says something very

differently than we act out

god saved you by his what grace

when you did what believed whoa

like that’s it and you can’t the reason

he did it

is because he didn’t want anybody to

think that he wasn’t a good good father

so he said and you can’t take credit for


it is a gift from

god i love the bible salvation is not a


look at this for the good things we have


that just busted some of y’all’s

religious bubbles

i’ve never smoked i’ve never drank i’ve

never had sex outside of marriage i’ve

never done that i think i never thought

i got up all of that stuff is good but

it doesn’t make you better than anybody


who believed and we’ve been going

all of our life trying to get our

self-identity from what we did better

than other people and god said the only

qualification to get into this party


like like what’s wrong with them what’s

wrong with them and they’re like this

and that they call you in the bible a


and a sadducee because you’re trying to

point out what everybody else has done

but you still haven’t really

believed and what i’m trying to come and

tell you right now

that because god’s forgiveness is god’s


you just have to believe that he did it

because many of us

are working for god’s forgiveness so

that makes us make

others work for our forgiveness i’m

gonna say it again

because we are on the treadmill of life

just trying to make it into heaven

lord i trust you lord i see you

god i’m gonna do some right things this

gonna be my year god i’m gonna stop

doing this and stop having sex outside

of marriage and i’m gonna stop

and cause we’re so tired trying to keep


with something that’s not even in god’s


we’re trying to earn and run our way

into the forgiveness of god

when somebody needs our forgiveness

start running

start working you know how hard i got to

keep up

to please our almighty god

now i’ma hold you accountable like i

feel like god’s holding me accountable

so yeah apologize 20 times

you better make sure you got my birthday


i’mma act like i didn’t see your text

message just to play with you a little

bit to let you know that you really not

back in

oh come on y’all know what we do to

manipulate and make people earn

what was given by the word to us freely

but we because we don’t understand it

our perception is wrong

we want to make other people earn what

god gave us for free

i’m preaching i know it’s taking a

second for it to sink in

what is god’s grace pastor mike i’m

going to give you a definition

the baker’s baker’s encyclopedia

definition of grace

this one messes me up every time grace

is the dimension of divine activity it

cannot be described on the earth

that enables god to confront

human indifference and rebellion

with an inexhaustible capacity

to forgive and bless

what the grace of god is god’s

ability to look at humans who are


like i’m gonna say my only son to die on

the cross for you

and that was on a maybe

like you might receive me you might go

to easter once a year

you might come to a christmas

presentation he said i know they’re

going to be indifferent so i got to

build in something for them

they’re going to be indifferent and

they’re going to be rebellious they’re

going to know the right thing to do and

not do it because their flesh

is craving something and it says

it’s his ability to be able to confront

that with an

inexhaustible do you all know what that

word means

never running out never ending

it would literally be like me going

to my favorite restaurant and they just

keep bringing me my favorite chinese


like when i’m done they bring me another


and when i’m done i say no more no no

no no no no i i just no that’s the only

the only uh asian word i know but

from rush hour but this is this is

listen no more and as i continue to do


it’s overflowing more than enough

at the moment i get hungry again there’s

something already in front of me

i can share with others i can invite

people to

because it’s inexhaustible it never this

is what the grace of god

looks like over your life and i know

it’s hard for you to understand it but

when you messed up grace

when you when you lied grace

when you hurt them grace he said it’s

the inexhaustible

capacity to do two things forgive you

and bless you and i know for some people

it’s just been words up to this point

so i want i want to paint a picture that

i pray never leaves your mind because

it’s never left my mind

i need the accounts of a good person

a bad person and a perfect person yeah

good person bad person and a perfect

person so i want you to look at these

three accounts right now

now there’s only one perfect person that

we know what’s his name

jesus okay so jesus is going to be our

perfect person

but then i need a bad person somebody

who was bad before they came to christ

and i don’t know i know this guy um his

name is um

michael that’s that’s what his name is

your boy

and now i need the account of a good

person somebody who who did good and was

good and

and and you know before they came to

christ they were just a good person

y’all know some good people like people

that was like ah they’re just good


um and not because i’m trying to get any

brownie points or you know what i’m

saying some dinner tonight

but let’s put up natalie um my wife

right there

so this is the account of a bad person a

good person

and a perfect person so before i came to

christ this is what my account looked


it looked like sin sin having sinned

making sin

talking to sin trying to eat sin be in

sin sin sin sin

sin that was me okay

but i did try to do some righteous

things or some right things and so

there’s a couple little bitty r’s in

here that you know stands for righteous

but my account mostly what’s in

now y’all gonna play me like i’m the

only one out here but some of y’all just

sitting in it right now don’t even play


okay natalie she was a perfect child

like she like she rescued dogs and

and and fed cats and and when her mom


literally like said i’m disappointed in

you she was like

and like write an essay on her own about

why she’s sorry like she was a different

type of child she was good and so most

of her account looked like righteousness

righteousness righteousness i’m natalie


because the bible tells us that all i’ve

seen and fallen short of the glory she

had some sin in her account but there


little bitty sins look at the little

esses some of y’all can’t even see him

and then christ the perfect person guess

what his account looked like

righteous i’m righteous

behold the lamb of the world righteous

but i need everybody to see this because

this is what we think of but look what

isaiah 64 6 says it says

we are all infected and impure with sin

when we display our righteous deeds

they are nothing but filthy rags

so when god sees michael he sees sin

and rags when he sees natalie he sees

rags in sin

he is the only one that is truly

righteous and this is where the church

and the world

get mixed up because we talk about oh

you’re a big sinner

oh you keep doing this on the weekend i

saw your instagram you’re a sinner

but when god sees us all he sees his

esses all he sees is

big sin because it’s just a little bit

but the little bit destroys the holiness

that god wants us to live in

okay so the r stands for rags now

and now we all have

a jacked up account except jesus

but let me show you something i want to

show you what happens

when you get into a relationship with


give me some um some new boxes let’s

look at this

because what jesus did

is he was the one at the end of this

whole thing this whole plan from the

end to the beginning and what he said

is that you know what i need to take

the sin out of everybody’s account

like like go ahead and put jesus’s um

account in there

he he’s righteous but all of us big ass

put michael back up there yeah yeah put

me in there

sin natalie sin

how about we talk about the father of

our faith abraham

he should be a good guy to know what how

to live

that this christian walk out look what

god sees when he sees abraham

sin guess what he sees when he sees you

sin so god said

i gotta make a way for them to know that

they are forgiven

with no shadow of a doubt and i gotta do

it even before they get here

so what i’m going to do is i’m going to

take sin

out of everybody’s account and i’m going

to put it in jesus’s account

i’ma take all of the sin of the world

and i’ma put it

in jesus account okay you don’t believe

me you think i’m making something up

look at um second corinthians i believe

it is let’s go

second corinthians 5 21. i love the word

of god

for god made christ who

never sinned to

become our offering for sin

so that we could be made right or

righteous with god

through christ i need you to understand


he took all of our sin and put it on

jesus at the cross

now none of us have sin in our account

but we don’t have righteousness either

how do we get

righteousness into our account how did

abraham the father of our faith

get righteousness into his account

romans 4 2 and 4

all it says is that he watch this come


believed when you repent

from everything that you’ve done and you

believe what jesus

did you now get sin

wiped out of your account and now

righteousness gets put in your account

now i gotta say something that’s gonna

offend religious people

the blood of jesus i need prepare


the blood of jesus did not just erase

the sins of transformation church

it did not just erase the sins

of christians it did not even just erase

the sins of believers

it erase the sins of the whole

world sit with that

because the person you hate jesus

erased the sin from their account

the person you can’t stand who has done


jesus erased the sin from their account

that’s why as believers our whole job is

to get them to do what i just said

believe because if they ever believe


jesus christ died on the cross for their

sins and rose again with

all power so that we could walk out this

christian life

in a way that is not empowered by our

good works but we’re accepting the free

gift of god

and walking in forgiveness if anybody

could ever believe that

then they would be saved

can i make an even more shocking


no i got to give them i got to give them

scripture for this charles because

they’re not going to believe it they

think i just made that up

go to second corinthians 5 19

that god was reconciling

the whole world

everybody that is jacking up messing up

doing the wrong thing that god is

reconciling the whole world to himself

through who

christ not counting

or imputing or accounting people’s sins

against him this is the bible y’all he’s

not counting their sins against him

and he has committed to us this message

of reconciliation

get ready buckle your seatbelt let me

say something that’s really strong

people do not go to hell for sin

jesus already paid for that people go to

hell for unbelief

i am preaching this

is the word of god people don’t go to

hell for sin he knew we were gonna see


he knew he put us in a fallen world he

knew all the way back from the garden we

wouldn’t be able to get this thing right

so he put a plan of forgiveness in place

that would allow people to receive

the free gift of god with his grace and

his forgiveness

so people don’t go to hell for sinning

and that’s why the church is so


trying to put people in hell for

something god didn’t put them in hell


trying to say oh you smoking are you

doing this or you didn’t do this

people don’t go to hell for sin jesus

paid for that

they go to hell for unbelief that’s why

i try so hard to get you to understand

this gospel

that’s why i try no matter who you slept

with or what’s going on that’s why i try

so hard

to say me too and this is what god’s

doing in my life

and it’s not about perfection but it’s

about progression all i’m doing is

believing every day

that i can overcome the depression that

every day god did something that i can

overcome the anxiety that every day god

can do something to help me not fall to

the pornography

this is what god did for us and it’s

good news

until you accept what christ has done

you can never extend

what other people needs

and this is why i said this is the most

important message of this entire series

because we can spend

seven more weeks talking about

forgiveness but if you have not truly

received forgiveness for yourself you’ll

never extend it to anybody else

so when did when did i get righteousness

well i got righteousness when i was a

young adult

and i believed and i received the


of god and what ended up happening i was

a young adult pastor

and it was before i became the pastor of

the young adults but i had been doing

all kinds of crazy stuff

and i truly believed what god did for me

at salvation not no nursery rhyme story

that i just heard and i was like yeah

i’m saying and i’m

i it wasn’t a get out of hell free card

it was really experienced in the love

and forgiveness of god

and when i believed that’s when

righteousness came into my account

natalie was a young girl and she’ll tell

the story but when she accepted jesus

christ into her heart and she really

believed see this is not about an

age thing this is about an authenticity


there’s no age we don’t know jesus was

telling let the little kids come for me

there’s some kids

that can understand on a heart level

that’s why i want you to realize about

our faith

that jesus tells us return to faith like


because children are more gullible they

believe things you can tell them

that a car is weighs 50 000 pounds and

because they have not been inundated

with all of the lies of life and all of

the pain

they can believe something god’s saying

i need you to come believe me like a


when i say you’re gonna make it no

matter what’s happening i need you to

believe me like a child

i need you to believe that i sent jesus

to erase all the things your family

would do for you

and to you and god’s saying believe

and natalie was a young girl and she

believed abraham

the bible tells us that he believed my


is have you and when will you

believe and it’s very hard to believe

when you don’t understand that you’ve

been forgiven

this is what god says to you

every time you repent and turn to him f


you’re forgiven ultimately michael f you

natalie you’re forgiven ultimately

abraham when you believed

you were forgiven ultimately and today

i’m believing for there are thousands of


that make a decision to believe what god

i feel this thing so strong

that are gonna make a decision to

believe what christ has done for you

he took your sin so that you could


the forgiveness that he’s provided


and i know it’s hard for you to believe

and there’s tears flowing down

somebody’s face right now

and there are people that are trying to

not me there’s no way he could know

with everything that he was there when

you did it and he was

crafting a plan to be able to get you

here today

to be able to let you see that god is

not concerned

about all your pieces he’s the only one

that can take all the pieces and turn it

into a masterpiece

he’s the only one that can take all of

your brokenness

and turn it into something that’ll

change you and there’s people that are

on platforms of stages

and ministering to people right now and

still have not received this message

because you can give out and act like

you get it but you live out if you

really get it

how can we forgive somebody else if we

have not

received that we have been forgiven


so then after i received this truth i’m

just trying to let y’all know

how professor is thinking right now i

went back

to ephesians 4 32 and the checklist


remember what it said to us it said be

kind to one another

tender hearted forgive one another

because god forgave you the revelation

is in reverse it’s oh i like that

when you receive uh i like this

that god forgave you then you can

forgive one another

then you’re tenderhearted and you can be

kind to one another

i came to tell somebody the greatest

thing that you can do

is receive god’s forgiveness for

everything that you have done

for everything that you are doing and

for everything that you will do

because the only way i can give it out

is if i get it for myself

i need you to hear the word of god

f you you have been forgiven

ultimately and when you internalize that

when you get that in the when you get

that in your core

then scriptures like there’s nothing

that can separate me from the love

of god it starts to take a new meaning

not death not life not not

principalities of the age that we’re in

or ones to come

there’s nothing that can cause i have


forgiven charles they’re gonna have to

watch this back three times

they’re going this is this is the one

they’re gonna have to keep going back


play back again because you will never

extend forgiveness for the person who

hurts you if you don’t realize that

you’ve been forgiven ultimately

you will never give anything to anybody

when you think you’re still trying to

earn it from god god says i gave it as a

free gift so none of y’all could both so

give it away

give away what i gave you free would you

would you stop being so selfish would

you stop hindering yourself right now

i gave it to you for free there is

nothing worse

than being somebody okay let me tell the

real story so one of the things as a

father i love being a father and i i


that is my highest calling but one of

the things that um being a father has

afforded me is to come into interaction

with kids that ain’t mine

okay um so when we throw birthday

parties and do different things like


my my kids have friends that ain’t my


so um i love my kids but i kind of like

other people’s kids okay

so um we threw this birthday party this

one time

and my wife is the best at doing

birthday parties like our one-year-old

birthday party is like a

whole little situation it’s her thing

she loves it

and i love that she loves it so she

wants to be super generous and give

these big things of candy and all this

other stuff

to the kids and there was this one

particular child um

i won’t call anybody’s name because

their parents go to church but there’s

this one particular child

um that we gave him this big thing of

candy and a kid came in late that we

didn’t know was coming

and um they’re friends but um

the kids said could i have one of the

candy now this bag is huge full of candy


and the little boy said no it’s

mom and i’m watching from afar and i’m

like hmm

his attitude is like he paid for the


his attitude about this is like just

three minutes ago

we didn’t give it to him and i watched

for about three to five minutes where he

was taunting the kid


he was waving the candy in front of him

basically saying you can’t have

what i got free

and something rose up on the inside of


and i said come here little boy come

here little boy

and i know he didn’t understand it but

my conviction was real strong

i said that candy was a gift to you

so you need to give some of it away

as a gift to somebody else you’re still

better off

right now giving half of it away

then you were four minutes ago

and i made him pour all that candy out

on the table

and i said you show me where the halfway

mark is

and he said like this i said now give

that to him

and then i i push through and i put it

back in his back i found him five

minutes later

i said do you still have candy he said

yes sir

i said are you still having a good time

he said yes sir

i said well what are you doing with the

rest of your candy he said after you

made me give it away

it felt good so i’ve been giving it away


other people who already had candy

and if that doesn’t remind me of what

god wants the grace

and the forgiveness to look like in our

life that he’s so good that he gave it

to us

why don’t we give it away for god so

loved the world that he did what

and i know it’s hard to believe that god

would be that

good to us but it means you probably

don’t understand

the basic meaning of what forgiveness


write these two words down canceled debt

that’s all forgiveness means is a

cancelled debt you need to see this so


justice come here real quick

just bring me that real quick

okay so what what i need you to do real


is um just this he serves as a

production manager here at the church

he’s the man

in this church i love justice with all

my heart justice could you open that

real quick

because all forgiveness is is what two

things a

cancelled debt yeah just rip into it


like it’s something that’s a referendum

rip into it right yeah yeah

okay so what that said no no yeah yeah

yeah just right there right there take

that off take it off

hold that up show the people what does

that say

debt cancel i heard this week that you

have a vehicle

that you still have a note on as of this

moment right now

your debt is canceled on that vehicle




oh that’s

all forgiveness means no you don’t hear

me i’m trying to make it really


he got into an agreement that he did not

have enough to pay for initially

and he thought he would pay for it over

time but then somebody

with more resources came in and they


that the debt is canceled i dare

somebody to hear this

the sin that you have created the lies

that you have believed

what god is saying today is through

jesus you have been forgiven ultimately

the debt is cancelled

justice where are you going come back

see the crazy thing about this debt

being cancelled

is on the back of there it says it has

something just turn around and show


what that is take that out it says for

jeremy r

do not open md underscore j me

r yeah your dad’s cancelled so we can

just set this down you ain’t gotta even

worry about it no more

open that and read it

we’re gonna have to get close right here

all right go okay go ahead

he says my name is jamie i’m a part of

tc nation and i live in michigan

i just completed the time of prayer and

fasting i was praying for my school debt

to be paid off

i owe my school about four thousand

dollars and i have to pay that off by

october 15th so i can apply to medical

this is my last hope please pray for me

i know god has a way

it’s just been hard for me to not doubt

please keep me in your prayers

so the crazy thing about uh your debt

being canceled justice

is that there was an extra four thousand

dollars added

to the price that it takes for your debt

to be canceled

so i have a question for you would you

be willing

to cancel his debt now that

your debt has been cancelled

do you see how fast he said absolutely

after he just experienced debt being


he was able to cancel debt for somebody


when you’re able to receive the

forgiveness of god

then you’re able to extend the

forgiveness of god

and today i don’t want you to extend


today i’m asking you would you just

receive it

like this won’t be about anybody else

right now this won’t be

about we had to make that so practical

for you to see and that really happened

like that’s not a joke like

his car he’s going to drive a paid away

paid off car

away today and um what’s his name jeremy

jamie there’s four thousand dollars in

the mail from justice that’s coming to


for your school debt to be oh y’all

don’t hear me y’all can rejoice with him

like something

like his debt was at sea you got to


because the debt he was forgiven

and today i don’t don’t extend it just

receive it

i feel this so strong all over the world

receive his forgiveness

i want you to say i am forgiven

ultimately come on some of you all week

are going to be saying that

i am forgiven ultimately

yeah yeah yeah i messed up and i missed

the deadline and i didn’t make as much

as i wanted to

but i am forgiven ultimately

it doesn’t matter what happens it

doesn’t matter what goes on

because of what christ did on the cross

for me

i am what forgiven what ultimately

today i need you to receive god’s


today we’re going to make an altar

wherever you are

yep in your living room in your bathroom

if you’re watching this on rebroadcast

this is a moment of transformation for

you this is a moment where god

is going to do something i’ma ask doe to


and i want us to sing just a piece of

this song

that talks about us running to the

father see the thing about god

is when we start moving towards him when

we start going he doesn’t stand there

pious waiting for you

see the whole revelation you need to

understand is this

this word forgiveness literally if you

break it down and go to the original


four means before like like like it was


before and givenness is the grace being


so before you need it god says i’ve

provided it

so he’s not standing there waiting for

you to come to him

he’s running to you as you run to him

and he wants to extend grace

and forgiveness lift your hands all over

this place

receive the grace of god fall into his




i feel like it’s getting into somebody

right now just one more time sing that


forgiveness ultimately


no matter what you’ve done


come on


he’s not mad at you he’s madly in love

with you

no matter how bad it hurts no matter how

much you disappointed them

he said i will give you rest i feel the

virtue of god coming to him


god’s healing you right now in this


it doesn’t matter who’s in the room

he wants your attention he wants to heal


will today be the day that you repent

all that means his return turn from

whatever you’ve been turning to

and turn to god and believe

receive the forgiveness

of god if you’re in this place

and you have a fresh revelation of what

it means

to receive experience god’s forgiveness

before we give it away

before we forgive our dad before we

forgive that co-worker before we

let’s just fully stand in this moment

and receive the forgiveness

of god if that’s you and you’ve never

received the forgiveness of god

the bible tells us we don’t have to jump

through all these hoops and do what the


people say and all that he said i just

want a relationship with you all you

need to do is repent

turn that wasn’t the way it was supposed

to be going those aren’t the things that

i should be running to

those aren’t the gods the little g gods

that are gonna provide for me

it’s you i’m turning away from that and

i’m turning to you

and all you have to do according to

romans is believe that he lived and he

died just for you

receive it and the debt is

paid it’s the one decision that i made

that changed everything for me

it took me from being a liar addicted to


manipulator all kinds of evil thoughts

in my mind and my heart that played out

in my actions because my

vision was um obscured and it’s the


that didn’t make me perfect but now i’m

progressing every day with god

i’m devoted to him i’m taking away my

vote i know i want to act like that but

today god i’m going to act according to

your truth

and today that is available for you it

doesn’t matter what you did

if you want to be added into this prayer

we’re about to do all over the world

whether you’re watching this on

rebroadcast or you’re leading people

in worship or preaching at a church

this doesn’t matter who you are and

where you are god wants your heart

and for you to know that you have been

forgiven ultimately

you’re saying pastor i want you to

include me in that prayer

on the count of three i want you to just

lift your hand up wherever you are i

don’t care who’s next to you

i don’t care if they believe or they

don’t believe i don’t care if y’all just

had a deep conversation

and you’re trying to be prideful and

keep up your religious guard

they cannot put you in heaven or hell

this is the moment right now that you

need to put your pride aside

and believe one you’re making the

greatest decision of your life

two god is so proud of you and so are we

three if that’s you

and you want to receive jesus as your

personal lord and savior and

this be the day that you believe lift

your hand up oh i’m so proud of you

i feel the presence of god you can put

your hands down

and what we’re going to do right now is

we’re going to pray you you identified

and we’re going to pray in that

transformation church we don’t pray


this is a family here transformation

nation what up we are about to pray

and people are beginning are going to

become a part of our family

and so we’re going to say this prayer

all together out loud

for the benefit of those who are coming

to christ everybody say god

thank you for sending jesus

just for me today

i realize i’ve sinned

and i need forgiveness

thank you that jesus lived

and he died and he rose again

with all power just for me

today i give you my life

today i give you my heart

change me renew me transform me

i’m yours in jesus name

amen hey can you give god a shout oh

come on

can you give god a shout of praise

because there are people

that have come into the family heaven

is rejoicing right now y’all being too

cool i said heaven

is rejoicing because all of our help

i said all of our help all the help that

i need

and all the help that i’ll never need it

comes from him

let’s just give god one more shout out

praise as we sing this voice one more


just lift it up all of my help comes

from you

come on say






forever you’ll be saying said you are


today tomorrow’s the next day



about my career come on

about my anxiety

one more time

next week we’re going a step further in

this class

this week i need you to keep replaying

this message i’m forgiving ultimately

i’m forgiving ultimately i’m forgiving

ultimate it’s got to get in we got to we

got to replace

the doubt and the lies and the thing

faith comes by hearing and hearing the

word of god that’s the word of god

i’m forgiven ultimately when i believe

and next week next week we’re taking a

step further

i can’t wait to see you back here and i

can’t wait to see what god does in your

life this week

we love you remember go out and live a


life god bless you

thank you so much for watching this

message if this has impacted you

in any way i’m asking you to do a couple

of things first thing

join transformation nation subscribe and

make sure to join us

right here every single sunday gather

your friends your family

and be a part of not just this moment

but this movement

the second thing i would ask is that you

would share this share it with your

friends your co-workers all of the

people that are around you because


is just one click away the last thing i

would ask is that

you would consider partnering with us

financially if this ministry has

impacted your life

and is transforming you listen we want

you to pray about it

see what god would say that you would

give to this ministry so that this


can go to the whole world i want you to

know that we

love you and your best days are right in

front of you

this week go out and live a transformed

life we’ll see you next
