If you’d like to know more about our ministry please visit us at http://transformchurch.us. And if you have a testimony of the amazing things that God is doing in your life through our ministry, please email it to [email protected].


good Jesus and praise in the house


who’s got a little bit of crazy faith

here anybody and massive honor to be

with you I hope that you’ll recognize

that there are churches across the world

praying to be a part of something

special praying for revival praying for

a movement of God I hope you understand

you walk into a movement of God in this

place in this house every single week it

up praying for something special you’re

a part of something special impacting

the world it’s a massive honor to be

with you shout out to transformation

nation people all over the world I love

and honor your pastors more than I can

describe Pastor Mike I don’t I don’t

know anybody that has more favor more

crazy audacious faith more energy more

passion more style

it’s an honor to be here to see up-close

what what God is doing through you what

I hope you’ll understand is that that

was happening in this room is very

special but this is one of the few

churches in the world today that what’s

happening in this room is really

positioning what’s happening around the

world and I hope that you feel that in

fact just so you’ll know how special

your pastor is I’m a part of a

multi-site church and there are a lot of

kind of my church branches nearby there

are very few pastors who would invite

someone kind of local into the house

because of more of a threatened spirit

but I hope you’ll understand that the

kingdom of God is much bigger than

transformation Church much bigger than

life so it’s much bigger than victory

charge us all about the name of Jesus

it’s all about his kingdom it’s all

about him when uh when Pastor Mike asked

me would it be okay would you bless me

to put our church like a couple of miles

away from your church I said Pastor Mike

I bless you to have Church in my kitchen

anywhere anytime we believe with all of

our heart that Jesus is the hope of the

world through the local church and we

believe we can do infinitely more

together than we can apart it’s all

about him I give you honor can you guys

tell your pastor thank you today

hey why don’t you high-five somebody and

tell them you better hang on you better

hang on everybody said crazy faith how

about a little Blasi faith wavy faith

can somebody tell me what is Fugazi

faith come upon somebody today I want to

talk to you about Daisy Daisy faith I’ve

got one big statement for you and then

we’re gonna dive into God’s Word today I

hope to impart one sentence that will

build your faith to believe that God can

do more if you’re taking notes you can

jot this down you have no idea what God

may produce through a single seed

planted in faith you have no idea your

mind cannot comprehend what our God has

in store for those who love Him

walk with Him and obey Him

you have no idea what God may produce

through a single seed planted in faith a

little bit of my story about how I got

to know Jesus grace through faith I was

not a Christian when I went to college I

actually grew up in church but didn’t

understand the gospel and I was I kind

of like was majoring in sinning did

anybody major in sinning how many of you

know that sinning can be a lot of fun

raise your hand rich and you’re like a

lot of you’re not raising your hand in

church like that listen to me

I’ll talk to the real folks today okay

if you’re real sinning can be fun if

it’s not fun either you didn’t do it

right or you’re lying somebody it can be

fun until it’s not after a while and I

got to the part where it wasn’t fun

after a while it started to catch up to

me and I was a part of a fraternity

played sports in college

and our fraternity got in massive

trouble we had four guys commit grand

larceny and so as the president of the

fraternity I wanted to do something that

we kind of create a good public

relations move but I also was very

spiritually curious perhaps like some of

you that are checking out this crazy

place today and so I said to my

fraternity brothers we’re gonna start a

Bible study and they all said to bleep

we are and I said to bleep we are we’re

gonna do a Bible study this Tuesday

night seven o’clock I need you to bring

all fraternity brothers and when we do a

Bible study and they’re like Nana and so

I said we’re gonna do it well Tuesday

rolled around and I was walking into my

class and I realized I didn’t have a

Bible that’s a little bit of a problem

so I don’t think I prayed because I

really don’t think I was that spiritual

but I kind of like thought in the

direction of heaven I don’t have a Bible

if anybody cares I don’t have a Bible I

walked into my economics class I walk

out of my economics class and a

gentleman in a suit and tie from an

organization known as the Gideons God is

my witness a young man would you like a

free Bible I could not believe the

provision of God in that moment I had a

Bible I gathered with seven

non-christian fraternity guys that night

I said turn to the first book in your

Bible I tried to sound pastoral they all

turned to Genesis I turn to Matthew


no wonder it’s free it’s not all there

I’m like I don’t know I said find

Matthew in the Bible and they turned in

we just we just wanted to read his trip

so we we were none of us were saved and

we would just read God’s Word by faith

just read we didn’t know how to pray we

would pray we would try but we didn’t

know how to pray at the end of our time

together we would just pray like God you

know like this watch over us tonight as

we go out and get drunk God protect us

as we party God and we pray for Mitch’s

girlfriend God we ask that she not be

pregnant God we just pray we didn’t know

any better has anybody ever been there

before in your life

I got so excited reading what was in

this little Bible that I read ahead I

read Matthew Mark I read all the way to

Ephesians chapter 2 and I read something

that I never realized was there before I

read that you could be made right with

God not by your own works not by your

own goodness not by your own religious

efforts but you could be made right with

God by grace somebody help me out

through faith through faith without

faith it is impossible to please God by

faith are you saved by faith we walk by

faith and not by sight I want to talk to

you today about Daisy faith I came to

bring a message to any of you who may

feel like you’ve lowered your

expectations of what God might do in

your life I came to bring a message of

faith to any of you who might feel

slightly disillusioned about God’s work

in your life

disheartened wondering where he is and

you find yourself lowering your

expectations of God you might feel at

one point you believe with everything in

you God would bless you he would be your

provider he would be your sustainer he

would show you his power he would pour

out his favor upon you but now

you just want him to do anything

something whatever it might be you might

be a gal and there was a time you were

believing God by faith for a man of God

6-foot tall handsome a man with a great

job and even a better future a man of

faith a man who knows how to pray a man

who would be a great husband a man who

loves traveling loves old movies loved

walks on a beach and now five years

later you’re just believing God for a

man a job is optional he’s just got to

be you know male you’ve lowered your

expectations of God some of you is the

career you worked and you prepared and

you believed you’d have your own

business now today you just hope for a

job with benefits you’ve lowered your

expectation they’ve got it could have

been your kids you had one and you knew

you you’d have devotions and Pinterest

parties and prayers before bedtime now

your only prayer is god help me not kill

this kid in the name of the Father the

Son and the Holy Ghost you’ve lowered

your expectations of what God might do I

want to show you an example from

Scripture we’ll be in Genesis chapter 15


Genesis chapter 15 and this is a story

of a great couple of faiths that started

to lower their expectations if you know

a little bit about Abraham and Sarah the

back story if you go back three chapters

prior in Genesis chapter 12 God gives a

prophetic word to this couple and says

you are to leave your home that’s going

to take some faith you’re gonna have to

go to the place I’m gonna show you

that’s gonna take

some faith I’m going to make you even

though you don’t have any children at

all God says I’m going to make you the

father of many nations in other words

you’ll have children and you’ll have

grandchildren and you’ll have

great-grandchildren and on and on and

you can imagine what this couple would

do when they get a word from God we’re

going to be the parents of many nations

therefore it’s time to pick out baby

names it’s time to define the theme of

the nursery Star Wars for a boy and the

princess pony whatever it is for the

girl you know we’ve got to plan our

Instagram reveal because if God tells us

we’re going to be with child

certainly by next month we’re going to

be with child the next month comes and a

pregnancy stick says not pregnant well

surely if it’s not this month it will be

the month coming and so they do their

thing and they believe it’s coming and

another month comes and another month

goes and still there is nothing Genesis

chapter 15 verse 1 says this some time

later somebody say some time later some

time later the Lord spoke to Abram in a

vision and said to him don’t be afraid

Abram for I will protect you and your

reward will be great but Abram replied o

Sovereign Lord what good are all your

blessings when I don’t even have a son

you can almost hear them saying hey but

God you told me three chapters ago that

we were gonna have a kid and now all my

big group friends they’re pregnant and

we’re not pregnant at all they’re having

all their baby showers and hashtag

blessed on Instagram here’s a little

sonogram thing and God you told us but

there’s nothing at all what about us

Genesis 12 you will be the father of

many nations

Genesis 15 sometime later is means about

a decade has gone by and the promise has

not yet been fulfilled almost a decade

has gone by

imagine a decade or more of what feels

like unfulfilled promises unmet

spiritual expectations at first they’re

just disappointed still believing by

faith then their disappointment grows to

discouragement and then to being

disheartened and then perhaps from being

disillusioned where are you what about

me God what about my position what about

the person that I’ve been praying for to

come to faith in Christ and they’re

meaner than they’ve ever been before but

why is it that everybody else is getting

healed and I’ve done everything I can to

pray for this person and they’re still

not being healed God where are you what

about my provision God well she ties for

the first time on Sunday and gets a

raise on Monday well glory to God for

her but I’m still tithing and fighting

to pay the bills God where are you God

what about me a decade or more passes by

from Abraham’s point of view God is not

doing a thing heaven seems silent so

what does he do he lowers his

expectations I’m not expecting to be the

father of many nations

just give me one kid God that’s all I

want just give me one here’s the problem

when it comes to faith when it comes to

life when it comes to God’s blessings so

often we tend to think addition but I

hope you’ll understand that God thinks

multiplication God is an exponential God

who thinks multiplication in the very

beginning God said be fruitful and what


and multiply be fruitful and multiply

I’m here with two of my kids I’ve got my

bride Amy who’s with me today in the

house my best friend I’ve got my son Sam

and I’ve got my daughter Mandy they are

two of six six six

we’ve been multiplying people say you

must really love kiss now I just love my

wife and all God’s people said you know

the real reason we got six kids in case

you’re wondering is because my wife

won’t leave me alone it gets old it’s a

chore if you just do what you got to do

but I’ll beg or so often I’m like come

on I just want to like hold you tonight

can we can we just cuddle but no no you

know how it goes


somebody say multiply Jesus said a sower

went out to sow some seed and when seed

fell on good soil listen to me you have

no idea what God may produce through a

single seed planted in faith when seed

falls on good soil God will often

multiply it 30 fold 60 fold yay even a

hundredfold may God multiply the seed

that is planted Abraham wanted a son a

decade passed nothing happened God

where’s the fruit where’s the fruit some

of you are wondering today where’s the

fruit where’s the answer where’s the

fruit just because you don’t yet see the

fruit doesn’t mean the seed hasn’t taken

root Pastor Mike I don’t think they

understand what I’m saying today just

because you don’t see the provision

doesn’t mean your prayer hasn’t reached

heaven just just because you don’t see

something happen does not mean God is

not behind the scenes doing something

that only he can do

just because you don’t see the fruit

doesn’t mean the seed hasn’t already

taken root where’s the harvest pester

Mike it might be someone here doing like

you did just running sound behind the

scenes wondering weird it when they’re

gonna be noticed and they’re just being

faithful just being faithful just

showing up just just leading their be

group just just just serving quietly

behind the scenes just just giving

quietly just serving quietly you have no

idea what God may do through your quiet

faithful seed that’s planted in faith

it’s a little bit like the guy that was

handing out Gideon Bibles I always

wondered about that guy because what I

know is there were a lot of people that

just ignored him made fun of them took

the Bible and threw it by the wayside I

always wondered about him because he

planted seed after seed after seed and

probably never knew if any actually took

root he had no idea that he gave one to

a 19 year old hurting lost broken guy

that read about the grace of Jesus and

called out on Jesus and became a new

creation the old was gone I’m telling

you the new has come it was transformed

transformed made different he had no

idea that that kid would go on to to get

on staff at a Methodist Church one and

then one day plant a church and he had

no idea that in the year 2008 one of my

staff members would come up and say hey

man I heard apples like coming out with

these things called apps you got

remember this 2008 early in the year I’m

like what’s an app well it’s like an app

you know like a like an app like what’s

an app I don’t know but you know they’re

coming as Apple oh it’s cool a man yeah

yeah app and he said we got this website

we got this this with a Bible thing on

it what if we built an app I said do we

know anybody that can build an app

because what we got this 19 year old kid

that’s really smart on staff maybe he

can build a hat so we said to the 19

year old kid can you build an app he

said how hard could it be

so he built an app and on the first day

the apps came out we released the

YouVersion Bible app with the goal of

50,000 downloads in the first year big

audacious faith goal came out on

Thursday on Sunday we checked we didn’t

even think to check how many downloads

there were eighty one thousand

downloaded by Sunday this part-time

19-year old came to work on Monday with

a full-time job mind you and now years

later we’ve given away almost 400

million free Bible apps to people around

the world four hundred million in my

lifetime we will give it away to over a

billion people over a billion people one

little Church one little Church I was

wondering about that guy the guy just

went out and planted seeds

someone heard me tell the story did a

little research and found out who the

guy was at my university handing out

Bibles we found out who the guy was and

I got to meet Mike recently here’s a

photo I got to meet meet Mike


and my

tried and cried and cried and I cried

and cried and cried and he just told me

I never really knew if it would make a

difference listen you have no idea what

our God may produce through a single

seed that you plant by faith today just

because you don’t see it doesn’t mean

that God isn’t doing something actively

at working as you believe him by faith

Abraham had the same problem that we

have he had a very limited perspective

if you think about this Abraham in fact

you know Mike Todd is like the like the

illustration guru like he’s got a like a

plant in a bush

I brought a tent just to be in your

world imagine Abraham in his limited

perspective hanging out in his tent God

you told me father of many nations first

year I believed it second year we hung

on third year we had raw faith fourth

year we started to doubt fifth year they

made fun of us sixth year we had a

resurgence we fasted we believed God we

just hung on to you because we know your

word is true eighth year we gave up

ninth year we lowered our expectations

so low God you’re not doing nothing

where are you God where’s my miracle God

I’ve been faithful

I’ve been pure everybody else they’re

out there throwing themselves from bed

to bed God but I’m not where’s my spouse

got no prospects at work

sick and tired of being and Jerry y’all

didn’t get that one someone to get it

god I’m typing and I’m believing and I’m

given and I’m serving and I’m still

buried and debt and don’t see any way

out god I’m praying for my husband

believing he’ll meet Jesus and he just

gets meaner and meaner and meaner and

meaner come on Lord that report is not

what I wanted it to be God I believe you

can heal you you are my heal or by the

stripes of Jesus we are healed why in

the world is cancer bad god I don’t see

you anywhere god you’re not doing what I

wanted you to do I came to tell somebody

if God met all your expectations he

would never have the chance to exceed



come on somebody if we serve a God who

can do exceedingly and abundantly more

then all you can ask think or imagine

according to his power that is at work

at this moment in your life through your

life you have no idea what God may

produce through a single seed planted in


Abraham’s in his tent telling God what

he doesn’t see verse five says then the

Lord took Abram out side the Lord took

him outside and said to him look up into

the sky and count the Stars if you can

that’s how many descendants you will

have somebody say Daisy faith the Lord

took him outside the Lord took him

outside part of what I want to do today

is I want to take you outside of your

context outside of your limited

perspective outside of your tent vision

and help you look up at the sky and

count the Stars if you can because when

Abraham tried to count it he was stunned

he was silenced he was shaken oh my god

there are too many they are everywhere

there are more than the mind can

comprehend if God gave you everything

you wanted in the moment he would never

had the chance to exceed your

expectations and do far more than you

could ever imagine possible he would say

to someone today that his thoughts are

not as your thoughts his ways are not as

your ways his ways are higher he is

always good it doesn’t matter what you

see we don’t just praise them for what

we see we praise him for who he is he is

always faithful he is always good he is

always present he is powerful our rock

our Redeemer our sustainer our provider

he is Jehovah Jireh he is ever present

he has are soon returning conquering

King of Kings he is our Lord of lords

you may need to step outside of your

current perspective I don’t just want a

boy a son got a hold onto your promise

I’d be the father of many nations here’s

what I hope you’ll understand if you

belong to Christ if you’ve been born of

the Spirit of God then you are one of

those stars that Abraham saw you are

coming like you like right here at this

moment at transformation church in this

place watching transformation nation

online four years from now someone finds

this old message you that you you you

you you you are one of those stars I can

prove it with a verse and I can prove it

with a song there’s a song you may know

that says father Abraham had many sons

and many sons had father Abraham and I

am one of them listen and so are you so


you you are a seed of Abraham Genesis

chapter 3 verse 29 says this if you

belong to Christ listen to me then you

are Abraham’s seed here’s one wants to

understand listen to me feel the power

at that moment

thousands of years ago when God took

Abram outside and silenced him with more

stars than his mind could comprehend

Abraham was thinking of a son and God

was also thinking of you you the seed of

Abraham he was loving you and I hope

you’ll feel that that at this moment

he’s loving you that there is nothing

you can do to cause him to love you more

and nothing you can do to cause him to

love you less I don’t care what you did

last night I don’t care how dark your

life feels right now because he sent His

Son Jesus who was born of a virgin lived

perfect in every way didn’t just fulfill

his potential Pastor Mike but lived out

his purpose gave His life on a cross

three days later when the stone was

rolled away that tomb was empty he was

not there so that anyone in this

includes you who calls on the name that

is above every name the name of Jesus

your sins would be forgiven you would be

made completely new heal and save by

grace through faith he was thinking of

you he was thinking of you doesn’t

matter how dark your life is how broken

it feels when you call on the name of

Jesus God hears your prayers and

separates your sins from you as far as

the east is to the west

I came to bring faith to someone who’s

settling and lowering your expectations

of what God might do never measure God’s

unlimited power by your limited

expectations step out of the tents get

out of the tents get out of your

perspective and look at the blessings

from God you have no idea you have no

idea what God may produce through a

single seed planted in faith one Bible

decades ago 400 million given away free

today you have no idea you have no idea

listen to me one prayer prayed in faith

what offering given in faith one moment

of serving giving in faith one seed sown

one act of love what one moment of

repentance one cry of worship when

everything in your world looks dark and

you look up and say I’d yet I will give

you praise you have no idea how God

might use one seed planted in faith you

might say but I don’t have big faith I

don’t have a lot of faith right now you

don’t have to I promise you don’t have

to have unlimited and uncompromised an

unshakable faith jesus said this he said

if you have the faith of a mustard seed

just a little bit the smallest bit just

enough to still hang on if you have just

that much faith you can say to this

mountain be thou removed and cast into

the sea and what you asked for will

happen you have no idea

Pastor Mike how God might use one sermon

one little series called


when God gets ahold of them one seed

when everybody else tells you you could

never be in this building you have not

listened to me I got to tell somebody

this if it’s not God’s time you can’t

force it but when it is God’s time you

can’t stop it and nothing you can do to

stop what God may called you to do he

will open up doors that no man will shut

he will give you favor that you can’t

earn that you would never ever deserve

if it is not his time ain’t nothing you

can do to kick it open but when it is

his time ain’t nothing you can do to

stop it you have no idea you have no

idea what God may produce through a

single seed planted in faith this is a

message for somebody do not grow weary

in doing good for at the proper time do

not grow weary in doing good continue to

believe for at the proper time do not

give up do not stop don’t look away

don’t be distracted do not grow weary in

doing good fret the proper time you will

reap a a harvest you have no idea what

God may produce through a single seed

planted in faith so Lord Jesus today I

pray that by your power you would speak

to someone who’s lowered their

expectations of what you might do we

believe God that you can do exceedingly

and abundantly more then all we could

ever ask think or imagine God take us

out of the tents to see your

incomparable blue lorry God your power

your goodness as you pray today

transformation nation watching online

all around this room today those of you

who would say you might be a little

letdown in some area your expectations

haven’t quite been met and you want God

to take you outside and continue to

believe would you lift up your hands

right now just around the room father

thank you for those who are trusting and

you God build our faith just a little

bit of faith God just um just a mustard

seed type of faith God just just enough

to hang

on God we hold on to that faith God we

believe that your promises are true that

you will always prove yourself faithful

God that you can do you will do

exceedingly and abundantly more God more

more than all we can ask think or

imagine according to your power through

us your people in your church God that

you would be glorified for generations

to come

as you keep praying today I celebrate

with the work of God thirteen thousand

three hundred and thirty-five people

born into the kingdom and beyond a

shadow of a doubt I know that there are

dozens maybe hundreds more that are

going to be born into God’s family today

I don’t know who you are I don’t know

what’s going on in your life right now

you may be a we may be a royal mess you

feel like your life is so so low I’m

convinced sometimes God may allow us to

get so low so we have nowhere else to

look but up but look toward him maybe

you’re lost or hurting in your sin and

you feel guilty and you know where you

stand with God if we could just sit down

together and I could just kind of talk

with you aski you might say I don’t

really know I mean I’ve tried and I

maybe grew up in church but I’ve kind of

fallen apart I don’t know where I stand

with God I want to remind you of the

verse that transformed my life that said

this that we are made right with God not

by our own works not by going to church

not by being religious not by being good

enough not by getting reading the bad

stuff but we’re saved by the grace of

God through faith through faith in the

perfect work of Jesus who is Jesus he is

the son of God

perfect in every way who shed his blood

on a cross for the forgiveness of sins

he died in our place as the perfect

sacrifice and God raised him from the


so whoever and this includes you doesn’t

matter who you are doesn’t matter how

dark your life is anyone who calls on

his name would be saved would be

forgiven if you’re in guilt right now

call on if you feel ashamed call him if

you feel like your life is low call on

him today

transformation nation all around the

room those who say yes I need His grace

I need his forgiveness

I need his mercy today I turn from my

sins I turned toward Jesus I give my

life to Him

that’s your prayer lift her hands I’m

now all over the place oh my gosh hands

went up all over the place come on TC

let’s give God some praise let’s give

him some praise in the house all of you

crying out on the name of Jesus which

you all pray aloud right where you are

just everybody playing nobody prays

alone pray Heavenly Father forgive all

my sins Jesus make me new fill me with

your spirit

so I can follow you thank you for saving

me empower me to do your will to show

your love to fulfill your purpose for my


thank you for new life now you have mine

in Jesus name I pray

could somebody give our good God some

praise in this house welcome those born

to the family of God thank you so much

for watching transformation churches

YouTube and I just want you to take

another step if this is feeding you join

transformation nation that’s everybody

that doesn’t live here in Tulsa watching

live with us on Sunday mornings gather

your family let’s make this thing an

every week situation and please share

share if it has impacted your life there

is somebody that is waiting for you to

share this with them and transformation

is only a click away and there’s one

more thing I would ask you to do pray

about giving if you want to help us take

this message all around the world and

represent God to lost-and-found people

one reason transformation in Christ you

can do that right now by clicking the

gimmick I cannot wait to see you the

next time we’re here live a transform

