When it comes to money, people often have two mindsets: poverty or prosperity. But what if there was another? God wants to give us His mindset when we think about our finances. He doesn’t mind us having money, but doesn’t want money to have us. He has a purpose for our money. Pastor Mike teaches us how we can have that mindset of God. He shows us that money is not the answer to our problems, but God is. #MoMoneyMoProblems #MoMoneyMoPurpose #generosity #purpose Join us for service every Sunday at 11am (CST) and weekly for NoonDay Prayer at 12pm (CST). If you received Christ through this message, text SAVED to 828282. We would love to hear how God is touching your life through this ministry! Tell us your story by emailing [email protected]! If you would like to support TC financially you can give through the TC app, or online through our website by clicking here https://transformchurch.us/give/. You can also Text ‘TCGIVE’ to 77977. If you need prayer, email [email protected]! For more information about Transformation Church, visit transformchurch.us. 00:00 – Intro 13:16 – Proverbs chapter 11 verse 24 14:10 – Matthew chapter 6 verse 33 14:38 – Money should never be the focus it should be the fruit 17:41 – Deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 12 21:53 – Preparation releases provision & procrastination releases poverty 29:32 – What is repeated & regurgitated becomes gospel to you… even if it’s not truth 30:17 – More money, more problems is the confession of the poverty gospel 32:23 – Poverty gospel is fueled by fear 44:30 – Matthew chapter 25 verses 24 & 25 48:37 – More money, more pleasure is the confession of the prosperity gospel 48:48 – The prosperity gospel is fueled by futility 52:28 – John chapter 12 verses 5 & 6 55:53 – Luke chapter 16 verses 10 through 13 57:50 – Spirit of mammon is a belief that we don’t need God if we have riches 58:30 – Mammon promises everything only God can deliver 01:00:07 – Just because you have experiences prosperity doesn’t means you are in purpose 01:02:24 – More money, more purpose is the confession of the purpose gospel 01:04:18 – The purpose gospel is fueled by faith 01:04:48 – Proverbs chapter 19 verse 21 01:05:38 – The paper with no purpose is pointless 01:07:32 – Provision follows purpose 01:12:52 – 1 Kings chapter 3 verses 5 through 14 01:17:32 – Obedience = a blessed life 01:18:06 – If your money doesn’t have purpose, there will be a problem

how many people have been blessed by

this sermon series so far this has been

a good one for you okay well we’re

taking it to the next level today

next level and how are we gonna do that

you know somebody once told me that

collective wisdom is better than one

person’s wisdom every day and we’re in

the fifth week of this sermon series and

I thought we’d do something different I

can talk about relationships all day I

got tons of stuff to talk about and I

got three more weeks to do it after this

and you don’t want to miss them but

today I thought that let’s let’s invite

some other people who may represent

people in the audience who are watching

people who may be single people who may

be dating people who are engaged people

who’ve been married a short time a long

time young old all that and let’s just

start talking this is one of the things

me and my wife have found that in real

relationships sometimes it’s better when

somebody else starts the conversation

then for the people in the relationship

to start the conversation um I know that

many times when me and my wife were

going through something if I asked her

something about why she did something it

turns into an argument or excuse me he

did fellowship at that moment but when

somebody else asked most of it both of

us how are you doing in this area then

we both get an opportunity to share um

what we’re gonna try to do is three

things and and for all you that have to

have Scripture and have points these are

it’s coming in the next five minutes so

you better get all of them because the

rest of it’s gonna be dialogue okay the

reason that we’re doing this is my

desire is that every person would

embrace the time and season God has them


um ecclesiastics 3/1 says for everything

there is a season a time for every

activity Under the Sun that’s including

relationship that means there’s a time

to be single there’s a time to marry

there’s a time to be alone and let God

refine you there’s a time for everything

and so we want everybody to not just be

in their season but we want you to

embrace it man I’m married and I love

you man I’m single and I’m living it up

man I’m dating and I don’t know if she’s

the one or she the one but it’s fun

right now like I want you to embrace

whatever season you’re in so that God

can get the most out of it the second

thing I want you to know is that there

is her hope for your hurdles there’s

hope for your hurdles everybody’s going

through something in relationship that

is a hurdle for them some of y’all don’t

know how to communicate and that’s a

hurdle for you so you really feel

something but every time it comes out in

a secondary emotion like anger

frustration and really you have

something really that needs to be

addressed but you don’t know how to do

it and we want to let you know number

one wherever you are relationally

through this panel you’re not the only

one going through it the enemy tries to

take people out in isolation you’re the

only one don’t tell nobody what you’re

going through what are they gonna think

of you when they find out y’all are

really having these marital problems or

the relationships not working out or we

just went Facebook official and now we

want to quit a week later but I just

want you to know that everybody has

hurdles in relationship okay can we just

break the ice

how many people have hurdles in

relationships right now come on let’s be

honest okay and some of y’all like I’m

not even in a relationship you have

hurdles with the people on your dorm

floor you have hurdles with the person

who serves you Starbucks every week they

understand what I’m saying those are all

relational things and we want you to

know there there’s help for that see

because III think that the church has

lost the power of a simple testimony

I feel like we don’t realize that if we

just can share with somebody where we’re

at and what we’re going through and how

God’s bringing us through or brought us

through that how that gives hope to

somebody else I want you to understand

that this what’s gonna happen today is

as powerful as me getting up speaking in

tongues laying hands on people because

the Bible tells us in Revelations when

the enemy comes to accuse this is how

you overcome him