Rip Up Your List (Part 2) 

Relationship Goals Reloaded (Part 3)

TC nation thank you for joining thank

you for clicking on this sermon and

guess what this week’s a special week my

husband wrote a book I’m so proud of you

and you’re welcome and we’re so happy

that you joined and I want you to know

that the reason we wrote this book

relationship goals is to help you win in

relationships and today we do believe

this message is gonna help you all the

content in this series relationship

going to be loaded is going to help you

because we believe that you can win in

relationships no matter where you are

there is a brighter future for you maybe

you just need to learn something so go

get the book today I am Mike Todd comm

and join this message as we all win in

the light

I believe God is doing something good in

this series I don’t know about you but

if this is your first time tuning in we

want to say welcome I’m gonna let you

know that the name of this series is

relationshipgoals reloaded and I am

loaded and ready to help you win in all

of your relationships if you are just

now joining us we are in mid-flight what

does that actually mean that means we’ve

been going for two weeks already and

I’ve started a sermon series and I’m

doing part two of it today and I just

want to let you know if you have not

watched last week’s message you need to

go back and watch it because I got so

much more revelation that I can’t go

back and go through every detail of it

but I’m gonna try to give you a quick

rewind so that we can get into the

revelation that God has for us today if

you’re ready I need to see it in the

comments say I’m ready I’m watching

right now where you’re watching from I

somebody say I’m ready come on okay I

hear some people saying I’m ready we

have people right now watching from

California we have people right now

watching from New Jersey

we have people right now watching from

Houston from London from oh my goodness

from Kenya what time is it in Kenya

right now wherever you’re watching from

God wants you to win in relationships

say that out of your mouth say god wants

me to win in relationships somebody

needs to say it one more time somebody

say God wants me to win in relationships

if you believe that then you have to put

God at the front of all your

relationships he has to be the one in

front beside behind and all around all

of your relationships and today that’s

why I came up with this message title

called rip the list because most of us

have a list that we have made without

God most of us have a list of how we

want our relationships to be what time

we want our relationships to start how

we want to be in on business and in

success and all this other stuff and

what I found is that a lot of people are

frustrated in their life right now

because your list does not look like

God’s list for you and whenever you

start trying to function out of your

list what ends up happening is you use a

lot of effort and energy that produces

no results and and what happens is it’s

what I call the equation of frustration

and I want to give it to you right now

because the equation of frustration is

fabricated expectations things that you

made up things that you wrote on a dream

board and never prayed about things that

you said that that that just sounded

good but had no value in the the life of

your purpose fabricated expectations +

failed realities equal feelings of

frustration and instead of us being

frustrating that Kovan 19 happened

instead of us being frustrated that that

person walked out of our life what we

are saying to God is here is my list and

everything are made up without you I am

now ripping up the list and somebody

needs to put that in the comments right

now say rip the list and I’m telling you

I saw people all last week with tears in

their eyes ripping up the list

ripping up expectations that they made

things that would be great but aren’t

God’s best for us and today I’m asking

some of you to do the same thing coz

some of y’all risk that ripped up a few

things on your list but today there will

be a full surrender coz if you want to

see what God has for you you have to let

go of what you have for you I just said

a mouthful if you

what God has for you for your

relationships for your marriage for your

singleness for your time even now that

you’re single again after a divorce or

whatever relational status you’re in you

have to let go of what is in your hand

and we started looking at the life of

Joseph because Joseph had a dream and

you can follow it all in Genesis chapter

37 but Joseph having a dream

and part of Joseph’s dream is that one

day he would be in a place of rulership

a palace it would be in his purpose and

what what Joseph probably did like a

bunch of us do when God gives us a word

or gives us a dream we we say alright so

I’m going from here to here it’s gonna

be smooth sailing but I want you to see

what Joseph lists look like see Joseph’s

lists look like oh I got a dream now I’m

gonna get support I’m gonna have

opportunity and then I’m gonna get a

promotion and it’s on to the palace but

just like many of us in our

relationships and our business in our

life and our money the dream that we

want the list that we make does it look

like the life that we live and that’s

where frustration comes in do you know

what actually happened in Joseph’s life

he had a dream it was from God he had a

word from God but then he was betrayed

by his brothers he was sold into slavery

for 25 pieces of of coin and then he was

put into prison and lied on but then he

still got the palace which encourages

somebody right now no matter where

you’re at in your relational life right

now no matter where your business is I’m

getting happy already no matter where

you’ve been and what you’ve been doing

God can still deliver you to the palace

or your purpose even if you’re currently

in a pen and somebody came to hear that

today because what’s happening with your

money is a pit what’s happening with

your relationship and your marriage is a

pit what’s happening with your kids is a

pit and God says I’m the God who takes

people from pits to palaces

somebody needs to hear that right now I

have not left you I have not forsaken


but you gotta figure out

why it’s important to stop making up

plans without me

rip the list when you rip your list it

changes everything let me give you the

point that summarizes everything we

talked about last week rip your list

because God is more committed to your

destiny than he is to your desires

somebody needs to hear me say that so

clearly I know you got a bunch of

desires but he don’t care about your

desires more than he cares about your

destiny before you were formed in your

mother’s womb he marked you he put a

destiny in your DNA and he’s saying do

you want what you want or do you want

what I want for you that I know will

fulfill you and that’s why when we look

at our relationships we got to really

put them on the chopping block

is this something my wall or is this

something that God wants for me that

will be able to help me reach my destiny

the business that you’re about to start

right now you’re about to go live on

your own your business today right after

church is this something that God wants

or was this a counterfeit way of

producing for yourself because you don’t

trust God will take care of you in the

midst of a pandemic uh-oh like like all

I’m asking you is will you rip up your

list put the pit graphic up there

because somebody needs to see this right

now um where we find Joseph today is we

find him in prison but how did he get

there he started off with the dream

betrayed by his brothers fail got sold

into slavery started producing success

in a season where he was supposed to be

enslaved which tells me that no matter

what season you’re in right now if you

serve the season you can still find

success somebody needs to hear me say

this if you’re single you can be

successful without anybody else if

you’re married in that season if you

serve it well you can be successful if

you’re divorced and you’re waiting to

rebuild and do something you can be

successful in any season Joseph was in a

pit and was still bossing

what I’m telling you is there no excuse

for what God can do in your life if you

would surrender to his plan but then he

catches the case with a cougar she lies

on him and said he was trying to sleep

with him y’all read the Bible is so good

and now Joseph is thrown in the Royal

prison and that’s where we’re gonna pick

up this thing today Genesis chapter 40

it goes through this story where he’s

sitting in jail and if it was me sitting

in jail for something I didn’t do

I would be pissed now just think about

it go with me it’s a movie I’m sitting

in jail like I know that heifer did not

lie on me she don’t know me I ain’t even

get nothing

I should have water I better doesn’t

that what it sounds like when sometimes

you’re in a place where you never

thought you would be and you start going

I should I would I coulda but but I’m

glad Joseph was there and not me because

something that Joseph learned being in

bad situations over and over again and

why he ripped up his list earlier in his

life is he said I’m not going to

concentrate why I’m here or what what

got me here but I’m gonna concentrate on

what God’s trying to do in me while I’m


hear me not what got me here but what is

God trying to do while I’m here and I

wouldn’t have had the guts to do what

Joseph did but he started helping people

in prison he served the season that was

unfair he still came to it with the

right attitude and I don’t know about

you but some of us have been missing

what God wants to do in the season where

we’re at right now cuz we got the wrong

attitude going into it I can’t stand

this job I can’t stand these people I

can’t stand this family and God said you

missing it if you don’t go ahead and rip

up your list right now you’re going to

miss what I want to do and because

Joseph came to the prison with the right

right attitude there was a night when

the Kings cut bearer and the Kings Baker

got thrown in a

I don’t know what type of harsh times

these were but if you get thrown in jail

for bacon and tasting the drink it’s

ridiculous out here they get thrown in

jail and they both have a dream now I

want you to watch this you got to go

back and read this whole thing because

I’m paraphrasing like five chapters of

the Bible right now they both have a

dream and Joseph serves people in the

same position he’s in he doesn’t serve

people that can help him he serves

people on his level see part of serving

the season that you’re in I feel the

Spirit of God coming on me right now

part of you serving the season that

you’re in is not serving people who can

take you to the next level it’s serving

people that God places in front of you

and he begins to serve those people and

and he interprets their dream he said

yeah um cup bearer in three days um

you’re gonna get restored back to your

position and everything’s gonna be good

so don’t worry

and then the Baker was like can you tell

him about my dream he was like yeah bro

this is a little more uh tragic for you

um in three days they’re gonna throw a

party they’re gonna call you up and you

think you’re going to the next level

they gonna kill you and the Bible says

it happens just as Joseph said now III

think about this because at this moment

if I’m Joseph I’m like yo the dude that

I helped that’s gonna get put back in

his his next level and he’s Bros with

the King maybe he can put in a good word

for me maybe the relationship I formed

right here is the relationship that I

need to go to the next level and so look

what happens in Genesis chapter 40 verse

23 I love the Bible

Farrell’s chief cupbearer after Joseph

said hey don’t forget about me look what

it says his cup bearer however forgot

all about Joseph never giving him

another thought and then look what it

goes Genesis 41 verse 1 2 full years


what happens when you are faithful but

you still got forgotten oh I’m coming to

help you

because many of us have not ripped up

the list and we’re bitter now because we

were faithful in the season and somebody

still forgot about us

we were faithful I know if you’re just

joining us like it seems like he’s

already in go back and watch the other

one but there’s some of us that have

been faithful in the last season some of

us who prayed some of who gave up the

big higher paying job some of us who

stayed in the place where we were under

valued and we now are forgotten about

but we were faithful that’s why I’m

encouraging you right now not to focus

on being forgot about the only way that

you can focus on not being forgot about

is you remember who loves you I’m going

for your heart at this whole first

moment the reason why you rip up the

list is because you’re loved even when

you feel left behind you need to write

this down the only thing that could

incre Joseph in this season is that the

Bible says it so many times and God was

with Joseph and God was with Joseph and

God was with Joseph and I don’t know who

you’re who I’m talking to and what your

name is but God was with you and he was

with you when you were hurt he was with

you when you are abandoned he was with

you when you were broken and he is with

you now somebody put it in the trap God

is with me somebody came here on

Mother’s Day to hear it God is with you

and you are loved you are loved even

when you feel left behind every mother

out here I need you to realize that it’s

not in your performance it’s not in your

performance that God is grading you

before you had kids I don’t know

somebody needs this ministry right now

before you had kids before you had a

husband before you slept with that man

and now you’re the baby mama and all

these labels and stuff have been trying

to be put on you

I hear God’s saying I loved you and I

knew it was going to happen

I loved you and I saw you after it

happened I loved you and the love of God

is the theme that will hold you steady

when others forget about you I need

somebody to hear me right now you’ve

been waiting for somebody to come back

and apologize you’ve been waiting for

somebody to tell you you’re worth it and

God said when I stretched out my arms on

the cross I was looking at you baby I

was looking at you brother and I thought

you were worth it and that was my love

for God so loved the world that He gave

and I just need somebody to hear me say

it right now you need to get the

revelation that Joseph had and the thing

that allowed him to rip up his list is

he knew he was loved

even when he was forgot about that’s the

only way you can hold on to years after

being forgot about this wasn’t two days

or two weeks he told them three days bro

you won’t get out remember me bro was

like I know I’m supposed to remember

something but Oh food like and he just

forgot about it two years goes by but

the only anchor was the love of God and

let me tell you how strong that is cuz

some of y’all think that’s a cliche

statement especially for church but look

what Romans 8:38 says and I am convinced

that nothing can ever separate us from

God’s love neither death nor life

neither Angels nor demons neither fears

for today nor our worries about tomorrow

doesn’t that sound applicable right now

and coronavirus God’s saying my love

will sustain you and anchored you

through all of that he said verse 39 no

power in the sky above or in the earth

below indeed nothing in all creation

will ever be able to separate us from

the love of God that is revealed in

Christ Jesus our Lord

see the love of God gives you hope

through hell if you’re going through

hell right now you got to remember that

God is using everything and if you would

surrender he’ll turn that whole

situation around I hear some people who

are saying I don’t deserve relationship

anymore I’ve broken so many things I’m

so messed up and God said but my love is

so much greater than that and I need you

to hear me say that somebody’s pulling

on me right now I feel it coming

from me right now that the love of God

is the thing you’ve been searching for

it hasn’t been in a person that’s why

you’ve had failed relationship after

failed relationship failed business deal

after failed business deal because

you’re trying to put the weight of

something that they cannot feel on them

but God says come to me all who are

weary all who are heavy laden and I will

give you rest

and today I just feel this as the first

point that the love of God it’s coming

to overshadow all your deficiencies

somebody needs to receive that right now

the love of God is coming to overshadow

all your deficiencies that’s why Joseph

is able to hold on for two years could

you hold on for two years

would you still keep a right attitude

for two years would you still be singing

praise songs after two years would you

still be talking to trust in the Lord

with oh you’re my time be like God where

are you at this is really stupid a year

later this is dumb and I’m bout to gear

man two years later I’m done believing

God has failed me and that’s where many

of you are today

it started autos trust in the Lord with

all your heart and because it took too

much time oh oh I need to come to you

because on our list Oh on our list we

put times next to stuff at 22 I’ll be

doing this and at 27 I’ll be married and

at 31 I’ll have my second kid and at 37

we’ll be planning our retire and God

said uh trust in the Lord with all your

heart trusting I know I’m in your

business right now but your timeline God

stands outside of time and he’s looking

at your purpose and he’s not looking at

the clock he said I’m the God for some

of you that think it’s too late he says

I’m the God that redeems time everything

that the cankerworm thought he stole

from you I can be able to pull that

thing all the way back and all the years

I will restore them somebody needs to

get excited right now because you’ve

been crying over what you thought you

lost but that wasn’t a setback baby that

was a

that God is about to take everything

that looked like a step back and he’s

going to move you forward but it takes

you trusting in him even when it’s off

your timetable rip up your list so then

what happens is one day in the process

of time two years later

Joseph’s just sitting there like god

I’ll trust you

this is trashed but I trust you do y’all

know that’s okay

God is not offended by the statement

this is trash but I trust you see a lot

of us we try to dismiss our emotions

about what we’re feeling and we just try

to stuff them like they’re not real

God is not offended by your reality he’s

in it so you can tell God this is trash

but I trust you it cannot end with this

is trash it has it has to end with I

trust you

it can’t be God I trust you but this is

trash because that last statement is

going to precede what comes after it but

you can say this is trash this is not

fair I never thought I would be here I

never signed up for this nobody ever

told me it would be this hard but I

trust you and when you get to that place

then stuff starts happening look at it

in Genesis chapter 41 verse 8

because Pharaoh begins to have a dream

now I want you to remember in the very

beginning of this story Joseph has a

dream that’s what starts this whole

thing he interprets the dream of two

dudes in prison

the dude forgets about him and now

Pharaoh has a dream and Pharaoh has a

dream that there are seven fat fat cows

and seven skinny cows and in the dreams

the seven skinny cows eat the seven fat

cows and then he wakes up terrified he

goes back to sleep and has a second

dream and he has the dream that seven

skinny bushels of grain eat seven big

bushels of grain and what it was that

Joseph is going to tell him is basically

there’s a famine coming and you need to

prepare for it but he didn’t know that

and so he woke up super disturbed look

at it Genesis 41 verse 8 the next

morning fair Pharaoh was very disturbed

by the dream so he

all four look what we called for the

magicians and the wise men of Egypt when

Pharaoh told them his dream not one of

them could tell him what they meant

finally the King’s chief cupbearer the

dude who forgot about Joseph but was was

in the right place at the right time at

this moment he said today I’ve been

reminded of my failure

he told Pharaoh some time ago you were

angry with me for giving you the wrong

juice and you imprisoned me and you

imprisoned the Baker too cuz the bread

was nasty

one night the chief Baker and I each had

a dream and each dream had its own

meaning there was a young Hebrew man

with us in the prison who was a slave of

the captain of the guard we told him our

dreams and he told us what each of our

dreams meant and everything happened

just as he predicted I was restored to

my position as a cup bearer and the

chief Baker was executed and impaled on

a pole there’s two things that I need to

do right here because I feel like a

pastor in this moment and if you’re new

to church I want to let you know this

God thing is really real ok um the first

thing is that Joseph had a dream and it

was a prophecy of what was going to

happen it was something that God told

the person before it happened with no

evidence that it was going to happen and

and and and Joseph believed it because

it came from God but those dudes it had

to be proved to them what I want to tell

some people right now that the words

that God has spoken over you whether you

believe them or not they’re coming to

past like that when God speaks something

I don’t know sometimes like this is

weird this is spooky stay with me I’m

about to give you a real-life example of

God speaking a word over somebody see

this whole relationship goals thing is

not something that’s just a cool title

for us me and my wife Natalie we went

through hell in our relationship because

nobody gave us a playbook and the only

thing after cheating on her after being

a raggedy raggedy raggedy person after

doing all of these other things and we

were about to go away from the promise

that God called us to the only thing

that held us in the middle of that

season was a word

from God and I don’t know who I’m

talking to right now but this is the

thing you need to start praying for more

than a man this is the thing you need to

start praying for more than a business

this is the thing you need to start

praying for more than everything that’s

been on your list you need to rip up

your list and ask for a word from God

you need to rip up your list and get

confirmation to what God has called you

to do and I remember it I had just

gotten out of high school this was 2006

and God gave me and Natalie a word from

prophetess Pam vennett my godmother

literally we walked in the church late

and we was fooling around and doing all

kinds of stupid things the night before

and we walk in the church look at the

scene and she’s like Michael and Natalie

come to the front I said I’ll shoot they

didn’t call us the Lord did show them

something we bout to be put on blast I

was trying to hold Natalie’s hand she

was like get off of me it was just one

of those things and then God spoke a

word in a moment that we didn’t

understand where we were and what God

had planned for us the palace was coming

but we were in the pit the palace would

be writing relationship goals and our

marriage actually being good and us

helping other marriages and singles all

around the world and it going New York

time bestseller that was the palace but

at that moment we were in the pit and

when you’re in the pit you got to rip up

your list cuz you don’t need what you

want to happen you need what God wants

to happen to come in your life

I found the recording from 2006 from the

Word of God that was spoken over me and

Natalie and I want you to realize right

now what you’re about to hear was a word

from God I had never preached the

message before I had been out of high

school for at least six months and then

God spoke this world that held us

through the whole thing in the pit I

want you to take a listen to this word

right now Natalie and Michael I want you

to come I’ve been seeing this for a long

time God says the two of you were meant

for each other he selected you and put

you together and he says that he’s

speeding up the time of your joining in

union you’re gonna be married a little

earlier not

not earlier then you might think or you

might plant but God says that in the

season that you marry you need to know

beyond a shadow of a doubt everything

that you want and you need to start

saving and putting things away for it

because he says the season and the

months are gonna pass too swiftly so

that means that if you desire to have a

certain kind of dress and you know that

it’s so expensive you need to start

buying that dress now you’re going to go

through a period it’s going to be like a

trial separation god says that the

yearning for each other is going to

increase so much that you’re going to

have a tendency now please hear me in

the light in which I’m saying it to

commit sin because that’s when the enemy

knocks at the door of the hardest when

the yearning and the longing but the

yearning and the lining long you will be

sin to draw you closer together but

closer together for purpose so you must

fight sin with every fiber of your being

you must not allow anything to take you

into it you’re gonna have to make

adjustments in your relationship and

just know that it will be glorious so

God says he’s about to send your names

to the nation’s the nation’s are going

to hear your names already your names

have been in the wind and as you take a

wife Michael it will be that the favor

of the Lord falls upon you and it falls

upon you in a very prosperous and

favorable and powerful way there will be

many albums with your name on them not

just for the instrument but for writing

and arranging many albums I see one

right after another and here this son of

man who is now a son of God your name

will be on secular albums as well as

Christian God says that he is taking

this season to beat everything out of

the two of you that is unlike him so

just expect that if quarrels try to come

up it’s because something was embedded

within there that has to come out so

that it comes out before it can defile

you from within God says he is profess

doing those things concerning you and

bringing it down to a fine tune there

will be messages that you will preach

yes I said preach son that will be so

funny that people will be coming from

miles around to hear them you’re gonna

mix the comedy and you’re gonna mix the

irony and you’re gonna mix the star

witness and the straightforwardness of

God with a prophetic overtone that says

what the future of mankind is you are

not going to be relegated to me to being

married to young people’s ministry all

the days of your life for your ministry

will cross over into every strata every

sphere of society you may not think

woman of God

woman of man that you are going to walk

into the secular arena and make impact

in the business arena but God says yes

he is birthing a business in your belly

you have no idea about it and it’ll be

pretty things it’ll be full of the

artistry that is yours and he is about

to give you an increase in your skills

just when you thought it couldn’t get

any better it’s going to get better

since the Spirit of the Lord we’re going

to be such a powerful woman of God that

when you walk into the galleries of New

York they’re going to turn around and

say who walked in here I know that that

might be hard for you to imagine because

you’re so young but that’s who you are

in the scheme of things in the gospel no

more thinking any less than God thinks

of who you are it’s a brand new day for

you my God my God my God my God if you

don’t see that word in today you not

looking and there were things I had to

cut the prophecy down from like 15

minutes there’s more stuff in there but

I just wanted you to see that a word

from God is worth ripping up your list

and it may not come to you in somebody

saying it like that but you can get a

word from God from God see that’s why

Jesus came is there there didn’t have to

be a mediator there you could go to God

for yourself

that’s why your quiet time is so

important that’s why you praying is so

important because you can be reading a

scripture and then God begins to

download into you when I got the vision

or the list for this building I’m

standing in nobody gave that to me

God said Michael in your quiet time come

right here I’m gonna tell you the spirit

bank event center will be transformation


it’ll be paid for somebody’s gonna

underwrite the whole thing we are

standing in the Word of God

and God is saying do you want what you

want or do you want what I want for you

if you want it I’ll give you a word but

you gotta flip the list and today I’m

telling you that in Genesis 41 verse 13

the testimony that I have like the

testimony that this cuthbert Bearer had

it says and everything happened just as

he predicted and what I’m telling you

today I’m a living witness of why you

should rip up your little list for your

relationships why you should rip up your

list for your family why you should say

God I want you to give me fresh vision

cuz if you get a word from God you’ll

get this testimony too and everything

happened just as he had predicted that’s

why I’m ripping up my list that’s why I

don’t care and that’s why you don’t care

if they Thailand dark and play in the

NBA if they’re a business major from a

community college but they’re who God

called you to be with maybe you don’t

want what you won’t you want what you

need and that’s where God says rip up

your list I feel this thing already hold

on let me get back to my notes cuz I

don’t got that much more time but y’all

ain’t doing that in any way so I’m gonna

keep going here we go

it says rip up your list I want you to

see this cuz Pharaoh is having a

conversation with the cupbearer in the

palace I’ll say it again Pharaoh is

having a conversation about Joseph with

the cup Bearer in the palace while

Joseph is in the prison Pharaoh

is having a conversation about Joseph

with the cup Bearer in the palace while

Joseph is still in the prison

somebody’s talking about you right now

at your next level why you steal in the

pit somebody just caught it by faith

your name is on somebody’s lips why you

feel like you’re at the worst place of

your life and nothing can happen that’s

why God says baby don’t be mad serve the

season that you’re in don’t be trying to

jump steps stay right where I’ve planted

you because somebody is talking about

you right now in your next level of

promotion why you feel that you’re at

the lowest and darkest place of your

life somebody’s about to catch this this

is why you rip up your list cuz your

name is in wounds you’ve never been in


I got a runaround

your name is in rooms you’ve never been

in say with me yeah see the thing that

God is trying to do with you

it’s how you go from a prison to a

palace it’s not because of your good

deeds not because of your good works not

because of how many Instagram followers

you have not because of all your

connections it’s because of your

obedience because Joseph served every

season he was in with joy and grace in

the right attitude God could trust that

when his name came up in a palace he

would have the character to with stayin

at that level and the problem is most of

us the places we want to be our

character doesn’t match for that place

to be Integris and served the season no

matter what it’s called for that’s why

God is using this pit season of betrayal

that’s why he’s using the pit season

that seems like you’re in slavery or a

prison that they God says I’m developing

something in you I’m changing something

in you and if you ever get the character

of the kingdom you can rule in the

kingdom you missed it if you get the

character for the palace then you can

rule in the palace y’all are missing a

y’all ain’t even with me yet see see

what you gotta understand is your name

will precede your presence no matter

where God has taken you they’re gonna

talk about you before they invite you


and that’s why you cannot be frustrated

when you don’t see anything working

right now that’s why the song says even

when you don’t see it he’s working even

when you don’t feel it he’s working he

is out there having people have covered

somebodies catching this by faith right

now I feel it your name is in rooms

you’ve never been in what yet and I want

to thank you thank you Holy Spirit I

want you to understand that this doesn’t

just apply to the natural this applies

to the spiritual remember what I just

said I said your name precedes your

presence this is why praise and worship

is so important and why we spend this

long of a time calling him Savior and

King and Lord and Master why don’t we

say that is because when we call up at

his name his name precedes his presence

when he we call out to him he says I

think I hear my children actually

calling out to me is that my name are

they saying me are they saying Jehovah

Jireh are they saying the Lord who will

provide and he comes and inhabits the

praises of his people because we’re

shouting out his name before we ever see

his presence what I’m encouraging you to

do right now God is giving revelation

right here if you’re in your house if

you’re at your job and you need the

presence of God why don’t you start

calling out his name because he comes

into rooms where he’s invited you need

to walk into your business place and say

Jesus is Lord you need to walk into that

bedroom where there’s been so much cold

and bitter disunity and you need to say

father thank you for being peace the one

that is with us I’m telling you call his

name and watch his presence come hey I

feel this thing because God is saying to

many of you right now the reason you

have to rip up your list is because

you’re needed where you’re not known

Joseph was needed in a place where he

was not yet known and that’s why God

says don’t give up now

don’t be stuck to your list at this

moment find my will because you’re

needed input I never knew I was needed

to be a speaker of the gospel of Jesus

Christ I

I was gonna be a music producer that’s

why you heard on the prophecy she said

and you’re going to speak you’re going

to preach and literally at that moment I

started laughing and she you can hear on

the recording she started laughing she

said yes I said preacher yes I said

minister cuz at that point I had never

spoken a message in my life I had never

mom and I’m telling the truth

I had never everything was in music and

God said yeah yeah yeah that’s what you

think it is but riff that list stuff

like riff that up cuz you’re needed

where you’re not yet known I feel that

thing so strong right now there’s

somebody about to give up and God said

don’t give up cuz you’re needed where

you’re not net yet known I think about

the the guy who’s producing our service

right now justice justice went through a

season of trying to be used in so many

different areas and and and and he

didn’t know that here in Tulsa that we

were sitting here literally praying that

God would bring somebody who could be

able to understand my vision and get it

quickly and be able to to execute it and

carry it out and I watched justice this

past week preach to all of our creative

team and I watched the power of God be

used in his personality in his skin

with his dry humor if you ever meet

justice he’s locked in all the time like

when but I I watched what he was doing

and God said see justice he didn’t give

up he stayed faithful and obscurity he

did what I said whether it looked like

betrayal whether it looked like slavery

whether it looked like a prison and I

took him from a prison to a palace and

now he’s leading all of this stuff

because he stayed faithful in the season

where it looked like he wasn’t needed

and somebody needs to hear me say this

you’re needed not where you know you’re

needed not in the position that makes

sense to you but you’re needed right now

where you’re not known I feel that I

could rock that all day I’m telling you

you’re needed where you’re not known

that’s why you got to go to Hollywood

because you’re needed

that’s why you gotta go to government

cuz you need it there that’s why you

gotta cut education cuz you’re needed

there and if you give them now you won’t

be able to see all that God has for you

that’s why it looks like a pit but God

says baby rip up your list my plans for

you are higher than your planes for you

my ways are not like your ways

I got you you gonna have to do something

that may hurt a little bit you’re gonna

have to take everything you thought it

was him rip it up well I’m too old to

start over ass Abram and Sarah when they

thought that God had a plan for them and

they got frustrated about 25 years into

the plan and say you know what he said

we was gonna have a baby but that ain’t

gonna happen let’s help God do his plan

and they had an illegitimate child out

of wedlock and God said even though you

messed up which would you think you

messed up my plan I’m still gonna do

what I said remember what the scripture

says that many of the plans in a man’s

heart but God’s purpose will prevail now

you’re just gonna need extra grace cuz

I’m gonna take care of your mistake and

I’m gonna turn it into your message but

I’m still gonna give you that trial at a

hundred years old so guess what you

should have just ripped up your list

cause I’m preaching and this is gonna

save you so much hurt that’s gonna save

you so much disappointment because you

take away the erroneous the fabricated

expectations and you actually live in

reality with the Holy Spirit and then

you’re not frustrated and that’s what

that’s what Joseph does look at it

Genesis 41 14 I love these four words so

Pharaoh sent for Joseph hold on you mean

that he didn’t have to like network his

way into the next level he didn’t have

to try to find somebody who knew

somebody that knows somebody he didn’t

have to do that he just he was sent for

he said Pharaoh sent for Joseph at once

and he

quickly brought up from the prison I

love it after he shaved and changed his

clothes he went in and stood before

Pharaoh this is why you need to rip up

your list write this down rip up your

list because delay doesn’t mean denied

literally it took two years but would

you would you give up two years for

actually seeing the promise and Joseph

said I’m a patiently wait I’m gonna stay

right here and I was delayed but I was

not denied and that’s why you gotta get

this attitude that it’s found in

Philippians one in six that says and I

am certain I am certain that God who

began the good work within you will

continue his work until it is finally

finished on the day when Jesus Christ

returns somebody you need to understand

that God doesn’t leave anything

unfinished but cannot be real real with


it may not be finished with you if you

disobey okay he doesn’t watch you got to

say with me I’m trying to teach you

right now I feel like Professor Mike

right now okay he doesn’t leave anything

unfinished but if you’re disobedient it

won’t be finished with you ask the

children of Israel who he tried to get

to the promised land in 11 days he had

to let two million people die so he

could see what he started

finished with their children and the

saddest thing for all of us right now

would for God to give us a promise that

we fight against to the point where he

has to choose our children imma let that

sit there he promised that he’d do it

for you but you keep your lists

preeminent over God’s purpose and so

he’s saying to you right now you can

have your list and then on my assho

children to do what I ask you to do you

can keep that in I’m too old and I got

this and this happened to me and this is


skews or you can say I’m living my list

I’ll start from here I’m 56 years old it

don’t matter

I’m gonna go with God because he can

redeem the time he could have took that

eleven-day journey and put them in the

promised limb but instead it was a

40-year death and then their children

the Bible you can read it he said

anybody under the age of 20 will be able

to see it but all those people who

disobeyed me and created other idols and

created other gods and made sports and

television and money and boats and

houses they made those the gods he said

you’re gonna die with all of that and

then I’ll have to ask your children to

do what I was supposed to do all the

devastation we’re seeing in the world

right now is because fathers didn’t do

what they were supposed to do 40 years

ago all the stuff that we’re saying

right now in families is because the

people before us they passed up the

opportunity to do it God’s Way and they

thought everything that they had was

more than what God had for them but baby

I’m telling you there’s a generation of

about 45,000 people watching right now

that is saying I’m not gonna do this

you’re gonna have the junction like they

did in the Old Testament if you don’t go

we’re not going so we’re ripping up our

lists and that’s what you have to know

when you rip up your list everything

starts to change look at it I love this

story how much time do I got it don’t

matter okay here we go

Genesis chapter 41 verse 15 then pharaoh

said to joseph i had a dream last night

no one here that I pay that act like

they have it together knows what it

means but I’ve heard that when you hear

about a dream you can interpret it now


Joseph’s perspective of his gift and his

talent watch it he said um sir it’s

really beyond my power to do this

everything you heard about me that

doesn’t weigh beyond my power but God

can tell you what it means and set you

at ease the reason why you have to rip

up your list cuz it’s not in your power

God wants to use you beyond you he was

aware that he didn’t have enough to do

what he had done before and what was

talked about him and he knew where

his help came from power belongs to God

I think it was Prophet Hezekiah Walker

who said that power belongs to God he

said that I’m about to stand here but

you gonna actually see God move that’s

what you see every Sunday I love passing

my preaching he’s so relevant he said

I’ll show you my notes before this

service this is not what was on that but

when I stand here I know how I’m

standing not by might and not by power

but it is by the Spirit of God when you

walk into that boardroom the reason you

rip up your list is because the deals

you’re gonna make and the insight that

you’re gonna have and the ways that you

maneuver things it’s not gonna be you

they’re gonna see you but they’re gonna

experience God’s power that’s why you

got up somebody needs to put it in the

chat rip up your list cuz God wants to

use you beyond you when I look at God

taking somebody who barely like to read

and allowing me to write a New York

Times bestseller I step back and say God

you did that that wasn’t me you used me

beyond me and that’s why you got to rip

up your list cuz the greatest thing that

you’ve ever thought about yourself

it’s still lower than the floor of what

God thinks about you somebody needs to

hear that oh I’m up here in a velvet

suit sweating my brains out but the

reason I am is because somebody needs to

hear this right now that the greatest

thing you think about yourself it’s

still below the lowest thing that God

thinks about you and that’s why you got

to rip it up that’s why you think you

made money now that’s what that’s what

you want is that what you want or do you

want to be whole do you want to actually

have health somebody once told me he

said people spent in the first half of

their life acquiring wealth to be able

to then pay for the the care they need

to stay alive to enjoy it

think think about that and God says the

blessing of the Lord make it rich in at

if no sorrow that’s why you got to rip

up your list because God wants to use


on you Joseph starts telling him this is

what your dream means it means there’s a

famous famine coming you need to be able

to set aside seven years where there’ll

be plenty and you need to make sure that

we store that up and then we need to go

ahead when it’s in a drought season then

we need to ration it out and we’re gonna

make it through this and look what

happens in Genesis chapter 41 verse 37 I

feel the Spirit of God it says Joseph’s

suggestions were well received by

Pharaoh and his officials so Pharaoh

asked his officials gentlemen gentlemen

come here come here can we find another

anyone else like this man who is so

obviously filled with the Spirit of God

a moment of go he called from magicians

and wise men but when somebody filled

with the Spirit of God walked into the

room he said it was obvious the reason

why it’s not working in the world yet is

because the sons and daughters of God

need to stop trying to to to skip the

process and walk where God has called us

to walk and rip up the list that we made

for ourselves because when we walk into

the places that God has called for us we

rip up the list because it’s gonna be

obvious let me give it to you in a point

rip up your list because obedience makes

you obvious when you’re obedient to God

it’s gonna be obvious oh yeah he don’t

want hey she don’t want oh that’s that’s

where that’s that’s the one that we

gonna do that – he had no qualifications

he didn’t even come from the country and

they said is there anybody who can do

this oh yeah the one does right here in

front of us it’s obvious he’s filled

with the Spirit of God my question to

you is when you walk into places where

people don’t know you’re Jesus is it

obvious that you’re filled with the

Spirit of God Oh

some of y’all look so much like the

people you hate you actually are talking

about yourself when you talking about

others because you’re the same type of

hypocrite and God says could you get

into the spirit

enough to not look like that but look

like me so when you walk into the room

you don’t gotta say and thus says the

Lord when you walk in and you start

doing your working excellence when you

walk in and the way you present yourself

in the way you answer in the way you

listen before you speak and when you’re

not trying to prove nothing that nobody

Josephus didn’t have to prove nothing

cuz he was sick for they already had

heard about him God went before him when

you start living like that it’ll be

obvious you’re filled with the Spirit of

God now Joe’s in charge everything had a

dream went to the pit but now he’s at

the palace in charge of everything and

there was something cuz y’all thought

that I forgot about relationshipgoals in

the middle of this I’m gonna talk about

singleness and and and marriage and I’m

gonna talk about all that but some of

y’all need to get this part of it

because it’s it’s killing you right now

because we could talk about all this and

you just gonna be like yeah that goes

with my listen that goes with my listen

that doesn’t and that doesn’t and you’re

gonna be voting on what God is saying in

these next few weeks and God says what

do you need to do rip up your list and

but look at this

Genesis chapter 41 verse 45 after he

gives them all control it says then

Pharaoh gave Joseph a new Egyptian name

and he just threw in a wife I don’t know

he was obedient

it made him obvious he got promoted he

was following in the purpose and the

wife just came I don’t know I thought I

was supposed to slow down and find

somebody and be scoping and just

presenting myself God says I’ll bring

the right relationships in the right

place and a lot of people your husband

or your wife is waiting for you in a

place where you’re not at yet God can’t

give them to you in the place you’re in

now because if you get him there what if

what if what if Joseph would have got

his wife in prison they would have been

bound together which looks like a bunch

of our relationships like we found the

person in the wrong place and so now

we’re chained

in the wrong place he needed to find his

woman in the palace where there was


he had Authority and he got it let me

give it to you at a point you need to go

ahead and rip up your list because the

right person is always in the right


I mean some of y’all business right now

and that’s what God wants for every one

of your relationships not just marriage

relationships your business partnerships

God knows that you’re in the wrong place

right now so he can’t bring the people

with the financing he can’t bring the

people that are supposed to be your

partner they can’t find you in that

place y’all be chained in prison but God

says I want you to come to a place of

authority so he’s saying could you rip

up your list I know you thought Joseph

was gonna be or John was gonna be or

Janica is gonna be but no no rip up your

list and let me redefine it because what

you don’t understand is Joseph goes

through this season I’m closing because

I don’t think I can handle no more look

at people sitting back and they tear

like ah you might have to watch this

three or four times but I’m giving you

keys to life this is relationshipgoals

reloaded because every relationship that

you want to have the better we starts

with a better me and if you don’t get

these things you don’t rip up your list

you will never ever become the person

that you need to be to do the purpose

that God’s called you to do

Joseph goes through this season of now

being in charge de literally the second

highest commander in the entire area of

Egypt the famine comes and he is in

charge of the distribution to everybody

now if you think about it the betrayal

that happened to Joseph happened in the

worst way it happened from his family

and I bet there was nights that Joseph

sent back and was like man I got

everything that happened to me the thing

that hurts the most is that none of this

would be happening if my brothers

wouldn’t have settled me out if they

wouldn’t have betray me and that’s how

some of you feel right now some of your

greatest relational problems came from

somebody that was very close to you and

now Joseph is in this position of power

and the lines are out the out the palace

doors of people who need food and he

probably double takes he says no I don’t

give me a second

that can’t be then there’s no way and he

goes back and looks again and it’s the

very brothers who sold them out who are

about to die if they don’t get food this

is gonna take a lot of guts and a lot of

trust and a lot of forgiveness but the

reason you need to rip up your list it’s

because other people’s survival is

dependent on you surrendering to the

season if Joseph wouldn’t have

surrendered and served God at every

season he wouldn’t have been in the

position to save his own family some of

y’all are like I don’t care I would have

let him die they would have just been

out there I would have just made a

mockery of them that lets us know that

the pit didn’t work see the pit is

supposed to remind you of God’s grace

over your own life so if you’re still

trying to hold broken people to how they

hurt hurt you hurt people hurt people

what the pit is supposed to show you is

that all of us are in need of God’s

grace and this is proof that Joseph

really had made it to the palace that

when the people who betrayed him needed

him he was able to give them something

so they could sustain I bet there was

still family drama I bet he probably

didn’t show up to every Christmas I’m

not telling us to be stupid but the only

thing that proves that you really are

healed is when God can use you to touch

those very same people that you messed

over and messed up with I’m right now

people that I hurt and offended in high

school they’re watching this right now

like people that I cheated on Natalie

with cheated on Natalie with and all

this other stuff they’ve been blessed by

the minister why cuz I’m healed

I used the pit the brokenness the nights

addicted to pornography the jacked up

thing I used it and when God got my

character right he took me to a place of

a palace or a place of my purpose and

now I can pray for those people I can

minister to those people I can see those

people and make him be blessed or

sustained and help their marriage in

their house and their family right now

cuz I’m not holding nobody and I don’t

know who you are but I thought the best

way that we end this message that this

would be a time where we would surrender

like your list all of it all the people

all the ideas all the timelines we’re

ripping them

and today I want to pray that no matter

where you are right now if you’re just

getting the dream or if you’re in a

season of being betrayed or it feels

like you’re in prison or you’re in

slavery or you may be in the palace I’m

asking that the God of the universe as

we call on his name his presence would

come into your house into your business

on your jog right now whether you’re

watching this live on rebroadcast the

presence of God is right there where you

are right now

somebody needs to just lift your hands

right now I’m about to pray for you that

the Holy Spirit is coming in father in

the name of Jesus come on whole family’s

hands lifted up I believe that right now

you’re doing heart surgery on all of us

father that today we would rip up our

lists father God and we would rewrite it

with you Father give us a word we don’t

just want a relationship we want a word

we don’t just want finances we need a

word we don’t just want a promotion we

need a word from you and God if we did a

word from you God we will stay faithful

god I thank you that right now there are

people that were thinking about giving

up today I’m asking you that they will

make a fresh commitment to serve this

season that they’re in it is trash but I

trust you

God I thank you right now that every

marriage that has been on the brink and

everybody in singleness who has thought

about leaving

um the faith I think about everybody

who’s divorced or living life without

the loved one right now cuz I thank you

that you’re wrapping your arms around

everybody listening right now you’re

pulling them and aligning them back into

your wheel can I thank you that today we

give up our list and we ask for your

will for our life speak to our hearts

God we trust you we believe you and we

thank you in Jesus name I need everybody

to look at me do something get a piece

of paper wherever you are right now come

on get something and this is about to be

a prophetic sign for everybody right now

come on get you a piece of paper right


come on get get um that project your

little daughter did that you didn’t like

anyway come on get that whip no we’re

not gonna do that we’re not gonna rip it

up they made it for Mother’s Day don’t

do that don’t do that but but get you a

piece of paper right now okay and by the

power of the Holy Spirit I believe that

right now

that this is gonna be a prophetic sign

of us letting go of what has held us to

this unexpected thing that God’s gonna

do at some certain time we’re giving

that up and we’re about to rewrite it

with with God okay so I need you 1 God

is about to do something I feel the

presence of God right now come on I need

you to right now just give everything

every person every hurt every pain to

God is about to rewrite your story right

now I feel the presence of God on the

count of three I want us to rip this up

and then I want us to give God praise I

don’t want us to just rip it up and war

it over it I want us to rip it up and

then begin to thank God that he’s the

Alpha and the Omega the beginning and

the end and he’s gonna see us through

the middle come on 1 2 3 rip it up and

now give God praise God you’re worthy we

love you God hallelujah there’s nobody

like you you have a plan for my life we

trust you God we trust you God and in

that same attitude I feel the presence

of God right there y’all somebody’s

getting a reset right now God’s gonna

begin to as you make time I hear me as

you make time this week to spend time in

his word we have a relationship goal

YouVersion Bible plan do it for the next

5 days get in the Word of God get your

journal dare begin to pray begin to see

and listen to what God is saying and

he’s gonna rewrite your list and then

we’ll be ready for a relationship then

we’ll know how to I’ll give you some

keys and some tools and teach you about

singleness and dating and all that but

first we got to rip up our list if

you’re here and you’ve never accepted

Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and

Savior today’s your day to rip up your

list I was I was gonna do it my own way

I had his plan another guy said I’m I’m

interrupting that and I want you not to

just have a good life I want you to live

a god-like

if that’s you right now and you’re

saying pastor I want you to include me

in that prayer and you say well maybe I

don’t qualify hey the dude that you’re

you’re looking at right now even when I

got that prophecy I was still addicted

to pornography I was a liar I was a

manipulator I had bad things in my heart

I was doing things that went against God

and God chose me even with my flaws what

I’m telling you is with every broken

piece of you he still picks you he says

bill right there they’re on my list and

the list that God made he never rips it

up and he wants to put you on another

list today it’s called the list that

sits in heaven the Lamb’s Book of Life

and when you get on this list your

eternity is secure no matter what comes

no matter what goes he said you’re gonna

be with me forever

and somebody needs to know tomorrow is

not promised today is the day of

salvation I don’t care what you did

before this I don’t care what you were

planning and doing after this God said I

interrupted your schedule to be able to

give you an opportunity to choose the

greatest decision that you’ve ever made

and that’s Jesus if that’s you on the

count of three I want you to just slip

your hand in the air I don’t care who

you watching with I don’t care if you’re

in the bed with somebody that you’re not

married to I don’t care what you smoke

or drink God’s saying this is the moment

one God is so proud of you two and so

are we

three if you want to give your life to

Christ come on put your hands up right


come on yep now you can put your hands

down you don’t got to confess all the

things you’ve ever done at this moment

God says all you got to do wrote him

according to Romans 10:9 let’s believe

that Jesus came and he died and he rose

again just for you and you’re saved what

does that mean though there’s gonna have

to be some action you’re gonna have to

repent you’re gonna have to turn from

the way that you’ve been going and we

want to help you with that but first

let’s say this prayer all together all

over the world I mean mom that’s crazy

we’re saying this prayer all over the

world it’s all over the world and there

are people right now that are getting

saved with hundreds if not thousands of

other people at the

and transformation Church we’re family

nobody prays alone someone everybody to

pray this prayer say God thank you for

sending Jesus to rip up my list change

me in my entire life I believe you lived

and you died just for me flaws in all

today I give you my life renew me

transform me I’m yours in Jesus name

Amen oh come on can we clap it up in

every house and every on track I want

you to begin to give God praise heaven

is rejoicing thank you so much for

watching this message and if this has

impacted you in any way I’m asking you

to do a couple of things number one join

transformation nation join us right here

every Sunday gather your friends and

your family and be a part of not just

this moment but this movement the second

thing I would ask you to do is share

share this with your friends your

co-workers people that are around you

because transformation is just one click

away the last thing I would ask you to

do is partner with us financially if

this ministry is impacting your life

transforming you I would ask you to

consider pray about what you could give

to help us take this message to the

whole world I want you to know that we

love you and your best days are right in

front of you this week I want you to

live a transformed life see you next

