In Week 5 of our series The Upgrade, we learned about The Language of Heaven; Speaking in Tongues. Speaking in tongues should be a desire and not a demand. God never meant for tongues to be a burden, he meant for it to be a blessing. Today we learned that every believer can speak to the Holy Spirit, Are you ready to be built up?

welcome to transformation church where

we exist to represent god to the lost

and found for transformation in christ

my name is amber lee bell and i have the

honor and privilege of serving as one of

the executive pastors here at tc

we are so honored that you’ve decided to

join us today

get your phone your notebook whatever it

is that you take notes with and get

ready for today’s message

come on let’s give god a shout of praise


thank you lord you all know at tc we

have to be led by the spirit

and um good segue into the topic that


um on today welcome to week

five of a series we’re calling help me

the upgrade and in this series we are

talking about the person

the power and the presence of the holy


and um i am so grateful

and i think i keep saying this but i’m

so grateful to lead a church

that we can eat more than

um mushed up fruit when it comes to the


that we can talk about things that they

serve at the

adult table

and it may take a steak knife and a fork

to get into it and we may

cut it up into strips that look like a

little chicken strips and we still may

dip it in sweet and sour sauce

but we’re eating something with

substance everybody say the word


that is the only thing that is going to

keep you anchored in this year

is substance and at the beginning of

this year

god gave us a word a prophetic word he

said michael transformation church

transformation nation

you need to be help me anchor it and the

only way you get anchored

is you are connected to something with

substance or weight

so we decided to dive into the deep

y’all when i tell y’all we so in the

deep right now

on the topic and the subject that we’re

talking about but the lives that are

being transformed

the people that are being reignited the

things that are

happening to people i would not trade it

for anything and this is what i want to


if you have not felt what i’m talking

about yet

you got three more weeks

to open yourself up to the holy spirit

i know some people have been watching

this entire series like this

prove it

this is the thing about this attitude

is you cannot receive

when your arms are folded like this

you have to at least be in a posture

of receiving and i’m not talking about

physically i’m talking about your heart

so i’m asking you right now at the top

of this message because what i’m about

to dive into

has the power to transform everything

about what you’ve ever thought about the

holy spirit

but you cannot do it like this you have

to do it like this could you just put

your arm

your hands out like you’re ready to

receive something and just say these

words holy spirit

i’m ready to receive just one more time

by faith i know you’re with a bunch of

people and some of them may be looking

around like you invited them over to do

a watch party it’s okay

this is the moment that god wants to

give you just put your hands out and say

holy spirit

i’m ready to receive so let’s get right

into it

i want to talk to you today

about something that has probably

had more controversy around it and has

brought more division

in the body of christ than anything else

in the last

hundred years maybe except politics last


that was one of the worst dividing

things that ever happened

i want to be bring clarity to it and i


to untangle this thing that has been

generationally confused

okay now that is a bit what i just said

is a

big task and i cannot do that

without you staying um checked in and

leaned in in this series

and without the power of the holy spirit

today i want to talk to you about the

language of heaven

aka speaking in tongues

like i don’t want no sugar coating i’m

not about to

kind of say to do it or kind of not i’m

we’re going straight for it

today the title of my sermon is the


of heaven aka what

speaking in tongues now when i just said

that some of y’all just saw an old lady

at your church

going off in the corner like yeah yeah

yeah yeah yeah

you just saw that’s what you just saw

some of y’all saw a parody off of a


some of you just got very shocked

and even scared because the people who

you ever saw do this or

are acting this way they were bad

people after they left the church

uh-oh some of us have fear attached to


and some of us are just ignorant of it

it’s like speaking in tongues what are

you talking about heavenly language what

is you talking about

like today i’m going to bring all of

those people and i want you to sit in

this class

and i’m going to systematically teach


about the language of heaven aka help me

speaking into and i’m going to take the

fear out of it

i’m going to take the mystery out of it

i’m going to even take

the hurt out of it because

in churches depending on how you were

raised and where you came from

this was used to make people feel less


if they did not have what they called

the evidence of speaking in tongues

and some of you today are going to get


because we’re going to yeah no no no

somebody got to hear me

today you’re going to get healed and let

me help you today is really not the

beginning of the service

last week after i preached

and if you haven’t watched the last four

segments of this series

the holy spirit started today’s message

at the end of last week’s message

i said amen and and and we tuned off

and then the spirit of god fell in this


i think we got a little video footage

that i’m going to show you and the

spirit of god

people from all over our little staff

studio audience started coming

up and people were filled

with the holy spirit i began to pray for


i began to call out different things

people received

their heavenly language for the first


healing started flowing all over the


people that have been damaged in

churches and in ministry

there were tears people’s fathers who

were over 70 years old started speaking

in their heavenly language y’all don’t

hear me there were stuff

that happened

that all i can say is that god

wanted to to have us experience it

so that the conviction that i’m speaking

to you with today

is not something that i’m hoping happens

it’s already happened and the same god

that was with us

last sunday and the same god that was

with the disciples on the day of


and the same god that met him in the

upper room and the same

god that met me as a teenager

is the same god somebody shouted me same


he’s the same god that is available and

with you right now

and he wants to unlock your heavenly

language just stay with me just stay

with me this is going to help you

um can we go to history class real quick

let me give you a history lesson this


thing when it comes to the western

church um

and this idea of speaking speaking in

tongues and all this stuff it has an

origin back in 19 early 1900s i believe

1906 to be exact

there was a group of people that started

a prayer movement in l.a

okay this is in california this is not

like in some place you’ve never been

like this is

like caleb like that l.a okay like i

just want everybody to realize

and there was a man named william


that um he started praying

with a group of people and there was a

revival that broke out on a street

called azusa street

and and this man studied under another

name man named parham

and what they were doing was they were

for the first time

in centuries teaching what i’ve been

teaching in the upgrade

that you get baptized into salvation but

then there is a

separate baptism of the holy spirit and

when you get baptized in the holy spirit

that’s when miracle signs and wonders

start happening

that’s when you get this new heavenly

language and what ended up happening

in this season or in this time is that

these people

begin to experience such a move of god

that that they literally had to go to a

warehouse where

thousands of people would literally


night after night this made it to the la

times if you go back this wasn’t like a

little side church movement

this was like front page a revival was

happening in the church

that was making people come from all

over the world they were getting

healed delivered and set free before

this there was a welsh revival

in wales and and and people saw that the

spirit of god started moving over there

and they believed it could happen here

and it started on azusa street and when

this happened

when the power of god started to pour

out the enemy came to do what he always


he comes to pervert and divide

now i have to expose the enemy because

if you don’t learn this

you’ll get tripped up all the time we

have an adversary the bible is very


it’s the enemy it’s the satan that’s

been the same enemy since the garden of

adam and eve what did he try to do there


and divide them and i need to tell you

this write this point down the enemy

only tries to pervert

what brings you power

he never tries to twist anything that is

not going to give you power

but adam and eve in the garden had power

until it was perverted

and this whole thing with the holy

spirit why is it such a controversy

it’s the only reason the enemy comes to

try to divide us

and bring us all of these what-ifs and

all this and all of that

is because if we ever got in unity on

this one subject

it would bring us great everybody shout

at me

and power live in 2021

with everything that’s going on i don’t

know how you’re living without the

power of god

so what happened in these these revivals

it was almost like

the spirit of debate came in

and people started to come like this

remember what i said arms folded


they were trying to see was it real or

was it not and all of these different


and and as they searched scripture they

found that praying in tongues

was sometimes the initial sign that you

had the spirit of god it wasn’t

all the time but it was an initial sign

in certain cases

in the scripture and what had happened

is people started to debate

and try to qualify and quantify this

whole thing

that was happening and so they started

saying words like this

instead of it being an experience it was

the evidence

and then they started saying things like

it’s the initial evidence

and then they even went as far as saying

that speaking in tongues was the initial


evidence that you had the holy spirit

which then made people be able to judge

if you had the holy spirit or not

they were trying to put something that

was so out of the realm of people

into a box they could explain

and then race started to play a factor

so now all these people are being filled

with the holy spirit and you know what

the scripture says

in the last days he will pour out his

spirit on off

it didn’t say on black people and white

people on hispanic people on asian


it’s set on offer so the spirit is

moving on everybody but then somebody’s

flesh got in the way

and they said the white people and the

black people can’t be receiving from the

same spirit

can i give you a fun fact that the

assemblies of god

and the church of god in christ were


out of this azuza movement

and assemblies of god said we cannot do


with the church and god of christ and

the church of god and christ said we

can’t do it

with the assemblies of god they believe

the exact same thing

but they split off into denominations or

d visions because of the color of their


so the enemy from the beginning came to


and divide

the reason i have to give you this

history is because something that god

wanted to be

an ethnic coming together

in 1906 it would have ended racism


if we would have done what we were

supposed to do

in 1906 in l.a

and the spirit of god could have

continued to move

without the divisions of ethnicities

would have been the place they looked at

and said if the church could do it

and that line has to do with us at

transformation church today can i just

give you a little further history lesson

bishop carlton pearson and gary mcintosh

went to oru together our founding pastor

and they moved to tulsa and they were

impacted by what happened almost 100

years earlier

in 1906 and this dotted line from

william seymour

follows us to 1988 where pastor carlton

and bishop gary and my parents and

uh helen trowbridge and all of these


started a conference titled after the

street that the spirit of god

fell on it was called the azusa


and thousands of people from all over

the world

will flood tulsa now let me give you a

education about the word tulsa

that literal word means gathering place

so god allowed this to be a gathering


this started two years after i was born

every year of my life

that they had this conference i was on

the pew of

this atmosphere this is why parents it’s

so important

to get your children into atmospheres

even if they don’t understand what’s


even if they don’t get it take them to

prayer service even if they don’t

understand it

even if they don’t want to be there get

them in the atmosphere

that changes the trajectory of their

life my parents took me into this


we took off a week of school every time

azusa would come around

in 1988 they had the first azusa

conference and it went for decades

and out of this conference many of the

names you know today their first


was at this conference to the world and

the spirit i remember

driving up and there would be 10 000

people outside

with no musicians and they would be

singing songs unto the lord

lines of people wrapped around it was

like the holy spirit descended on this


until perversion and division

but god never stops his plan

because of people he wants to use

us and he wants to do it through us

but he will wait decades

to get his will done and somehow as i

was in that atmosphere

there’s another line that goes from that

to bishop mcintosh who helped organize

and do everything that was happening for

those conferences

he started a church in 1999

and the way he started the church is god

telling him to reverse the curse

can you see all the way back here race

played an impact in this

and as you continue to move around i

forgot to tell you this was the most

ethnically diverse conference in the

world at the time

azusa white black every denomination

they will come into this

and then god tells bishop mcintosh to

start a church him and his wife

and for 16 years they build

a church and then hand the baton to me

and six years into my pastorate

i feel this desire and this urge to

preach on the holy spirit

this ain’t sexy this is not

seeker friendly this is not

get everybody in their mom who wants to

be filled with the holy spirit in 2021

but this wasn’t a series

for people to be fans

this was a series for people to be


i feel that thing that what god

needs is no more fans he needs people to

be filled

with this spirit to have power to

trample on scorpions and snakes

to be able to look at a situation and


something that does not look like it’s

going to live and say you

shall live and not die somebody say


the reason i’m preaching to you today is

not because i want to be a blessing i

have a burden

that we will not make it in this

next decades of life

without the power of the holy spirit

mark my words it will be the people

who release the power of the holy spirit

that will be the leaders of this next

move in the church

i’m not playing you can have all your

plans and all of your

your your schedules and all your

planning centers and all your led


but if you ain’t got no power

if you cannot speak to mountains and

they start

moving if you get

this generation will be marked by


and it’s not our power

you thought it was something so you

could stand up and be great no no

no no it’s not your power it’s the power

of holy spirit


and that’s why i have to bring clarity

to this topic of speaking in tongues

because it is one of your greatest

weapons as a believer

speaking in tongues speaking in the


praying in the spirit is one of your


weapons as a believer

but i have to apologize

because for anybody who’s been in church

and maybe the doctrine was wrong and the

heart posture was wrong and they didn’t

really have

the fruits of the spirit working

speaking in tongues became a demand

instead of a desire

and today if you’ve had any experience

like that from childhood to teenagers to

when you were in college when you were

serving in the church

i want to be a surrogate for whoever

offended you because they may not have

the maturity

or have the understanding they may not

even know what they did was wrong

they’re not bad people they may just

not have known but today i want to


i’m sorry that they made you feel less

than that you couldn’t

be used by god that something was wrong

with you

because speaking in tongues is not a


speaking in tongues should be a desire

today i want you to desire it i don’t

want to say now you speak in tons of you

cannot serve in this church

there are people that last week that we

had already hired as transformation

church staff members

they worked at the church and they did

not speak in tongues

they did their job good but they didn’t

speak in tongues we didn’t make it a

demand but last week after the teaching

it became a desire for them

and today i can say that there were

staff members of this church

that got filled with the holy spirit

with the

benefits of

speaking in their heavenly language

and today as your pastor i desire that

for you speaking in tongues should not

be a demand it should be a desire

can i say it a different way because i

just want to keep getting this thing

deeper in you

god never meant for tongues to be a

burden he meant for it to be a blessing

it’s not supposed to be a burden at all

well i don’t know if i can go to that

church i don’t know if they’re not gonna

i don’t know if i can no no this is a


because it’s the upgrade

like i remember this one time that i

stayed at this really nice hotel and you

know for me

um where i come from uh my meager

background you know what i’m saying my

parents we did we did

they did great things and gave us all

kinds of great experiences but when it

came to staying at a hotel

we were like the holiday inn uh

hotel stairs you understand what i’m

saying so like holiday inn is a really

nice hotel it got an

indoor pool it all the rooms basically

look the same

everything we’re not spending 700 800 a

thousand dollars a night we

129 119 98. you understand what i’m

saying like

that’s where we stayed hotel watch so

all my life

i didn’t think nothing was wrong with

them hotels we go into my hotels we love

them we traveled all over the country we

stayed in motels

so so later on in my life i start to

experience some different hotels like

some hotels that have bougie

type of situations in them like hotels

that had floors that you only could get

on with a key

see some of y’all don’t know nothing

about that but there’s some hotels out


that you walk into the elevator and if

you just press the button it don’t light


y’all you ever been there i’m just

sitting there like what is they told me

and then the person comes on it’s like

oh you’re on the upgraded floor

you have to use your access you got to

use your key

so i put my key up there and then i hit

him like bing and it started moving i

was like oh okay this new okay all right

walk into the room and looking around

it’s this

it’s just me in the room i was like this

is enough space for like four five


and then i’d go up in the blinds just

and it’s different views and all this

other stuff and then i got hungry

and i was on the penthouse florida hotel

but i went back down to the bottom floor

to get snacks because i was hungry

it was until five days at staying at

this hotel that i did not really

realize that a part of the upgrade

was all my meals were taken care of

i settled for snacks

when i could have had sirloin

i did not understand what came with my


so i was paying for less than

what was already provided for me

and paid for


and may i submit to you that in your

spiritual walk

many of us have had the ability to walk

in a different level

of power understanding

and spiritual maturity but we keep going

to the bottom floor

settling for snacks

speaking in the spirit is something

that’s already been paid for

for everyone who’s believed and all you

have to do is everybody say access

that’s all you got to do is access it

so today i’m going to walk you through

how you access your heavenly

language okay so let’s go to the first


point praying in the spirit is


let’s just start there where is it in

the bible

first corinthians 14 2

for he who speaks in

a tongue does not speak to men

but to god for no one understands him

when i’m speaking out they don’t

understand me when i’m speaking in


however in the spirit

he speaks mysteries

bible if you’re speaking in tongues

you’re not speaking to other people

you’re speaking in a prayer language to

god and this is where i bought

delineation last week

between the gift of tongues and the

grace of tongues

the gift of tongues is one of the nine

spiritual gifts that the holy spirit

gives along with prophecy and all these

other things

go back and watch last week’s but the

gift of tongues is

to man and it needs interpretation so if

that ever happens in a church service or

somebody starts speaking in tongues

there should be an interpretation to


but the grace of tongues is what i’m

talking about today

and that’s true god and it is your

heavenly prayer language and

every believer listen to me say this

clearly every believer

can pray in the spirit

yes you oh yeah and you

yeah you somebody say i can

pray in the spirit one more time say i


pray in the spirit well because i’m like


how’s that gonna happen let’s talk to

paul real quick

first corinthians 14 14. for if i pray

in a tongue

it ain’t really you praying my spirit


but my understanding of my mind is

unfruitful it doesn’t make sense to me

what is the conclusion then after i’ve

weighed this praying in tongues thing

and how i don’t really understand it and

people may think i’m crazy what should i

do i will my conclusion is

i will pray with the spirit and i will


pray with the understanding so i’m going

to pray

in something i can’t understand and i’m

going to pray

with words i can understand okay

i will take it up a notch i’ll sing in

the spirit

and i will also sing with understanding

what we did in praise and worship today

was singing in understanding you sustain

you sustain

but there’s a tongue that you could pray

over that melody

and sing notes that also would pray what

you don’t know

what to pray or how to pray it and it

will get the same thing done let me help

you i’m getting ahead of myself

verse 16 otherwise if you bless or pray

with the spirit

how will people who who occupy the place

that are uninformed or how will

unbelievers or people that don’t know

nothing about this say amen

when you give thanks or you pray since

he does not understand what you’re


so he’s basically saying if you pray in

the spirit with people that don’t know

what’s happening how can they agree or

understand anything

but then it says for you indeed give

thanks or pray well

you did a great prayer in the spirit but


other people did not get edified so it’s

teaching you

times and places of when to pray in the


and then when to pray in the

understanding what i found out and what

i came to tell you

if you have a debate between well do i

pray in english or do i pray in the


there’s a blessing in both

i wanted to say it that plane first

corinthians 14

says there’s a blessing and both paul


i will pray in the spirit and i will

pray in english i

will pray in the spirit somebody say i

will pray in the spirit

and i will pray in english i will sing

in the spirit

and i will sing in english

you love all these songs that are coming


but what if the greatest song ever sung

to god

was not pinned by any of your favorite

worship leaders

what if you opening up your mouth in a


speaking in your heavenly language

was the song that god wanted to hear


than anything on your playlist i’m gonna

leave it alone

and the crazy thing is some people even

with it being that clear in the word of


think that this has passed away

they think that the bible is the only

way that god speaks and it is a primary

way that god speaks but can i say

something that might

challenge your theology this is not

the holy trinity the father the son and

the holy bible

it’s the trinity the father the son

and the holy spirit

the holy spirit did not stop speaking in

393 when the bible was canonized

he’s still speaking today

and when you pray you can play the

mysteries of god

if you would just open your heart and


to know that you have the grace

of tongues you can

speak in a heavenly language it’s

already been paid for

you don’t have to get a tattoo or do 9

000 push-ups

or run through some spiritual hoop

because i got to say this because

believers make it seem like you have to

earn this

come on you got a terry come on

throw up do this do that do that do this

all you’re doing is spiritual aerobics

for somebody

when the bible tells you this

is a gift that

any believer can walk in

and it is scriptural okay let me keep


because this scripture you may need to

read a couple of times that scripture

that i just

and let me just help everybody that’s

going deeper and bible study

um this is something that i found it

really ain’t got to do with my message

but i think it’s going to help you

repetition breeds revelation

the more you go over something over and

over and over you ruminate on it you

think about it

i can’t tell you how many times i just

read the scripture over and over until

the light comes on

in the scripture and that first

corinthians 14 of 14-17

this week i dare you to read it at least

two times every day

i just dare you to just read this well i

want to speak in tongues but

it doesn’t make sense to me just read it

and watch god open up a revelation over

the scripture

that would change your life and some

people be like well paul didn’t even

speak in tongues how are you going to do

that pastor

you don’t read your bible there’s some

stuff that i know that people get

exposed because they don’t read their

bible and they just say stuff

but first corinthians 14 18 paul

says himself i thank my god

i speak with tongues more than all y’all

paul don’t speak in tongues he flexed on


he’s like i don’t speak in tongues i

speaking more to all y’all

to write one third of the new testament

to have a conversion from killing

christians now

to being sent all over the world to be

able to

do you think that was empowered by


do you think he went from being a sniper

you don’t ever think he had the urge to


oh y’all be fake y’all be acting like

when god saves you you don’t still have

the urges to do some of the things you

used to

you used to be a whole sleeping with

everybody and you don’t think that


it rises up that you want to drop it

like it’s hot

you used to be a scammer and now you

don’t think it ever tempts you

when you get low on money that you could

just type in a few numbers

how do you live an empowered transformed


without the holy spirit

and this is why so many people fail

it’s because the enemy has perverted

what we think about the holy spirit

how does pastor mike after being

addicted to pornography for over a


be able to work on a laptop a computer

and a cell phone

every day and not go to those websites

it’s not because i’ve never had the


i know most pastors won’t tell you that

as a pastor

i’ve had the desire to look at

pornography again

i am in this flesh suit

and i do not always

want to do what i know i’m supposed to


y’all want to be fake today

but when i get the urge and i type in


die and when i hit it the holy spirit

said we come too far

for us to turn back now i’m with you

i’ll help you then the phone rings then

the ipad shuts down oh y’all don’t hear


and i can overstep all of that if i want


i can go past all of it if i want to

but because i’ve developed a real

relationship with holy spirit

i remember and am reminded

that i will not be able to do this on my


i need the power of the holy

spirit and my go-to weapon

to interrupt the attacks and the lies of

the enemy

as i begin to speak

in tongues it just rises up

out of me it just comes from somewhere

it’s not me praying it’s the spirit

it’s not me michael wants to look at it

but the holy spirit prays the mind

the will of the father on my back i’m

getting too ahead of myself

what are you saying pastor mike write

this down praying in the spirit

is a benefit it’s a benefit

i don’t know how y’all staying married

without the spirit i don’t know how

you’re running that company without the


i don’t know how you’re parenting with

that do you know how many times i’ve

wanted to lay hands on my children

for them to never walk again

but the spirit of god helps me

praying in the spirit is a benefit

first corinthians 14 4 he who speaks in


edifies himself that word edified we

could stop at this whole scripture right


the word edified means to build up

if you want to get buff in the spirit

all you got to do is speak in tongues

he who speaks in tongues edifies or

builds himself

but he who prophesies edifies the church

now i need to correct something right

here because people try to create a


prophecy is better than speaking in

tongues and no no no

if you go back to the regular language

of this whole thing

this is a conjunction this could also be


and so it could say who speaks in

tongues builds himself up

and he who prophesies edifies the church

or on the other hand

he who speaks in tongues edifies or

builds himself up and on the other hand

he who prophesies edifies the church

what he’s saying is you need both

you need to be able to prophesy when

you’re at your small group

and you need to build them up and you

need to be able to speak in tongues when

you’re at home depressed

to build yourself up i don’t know


you could save yourself a lot of time

if you would stop going to instagram to

build you up

stop going to facebook to build you up

stop going to your orange theory class

so they can tell you how good you’re


on the calories you burn i’m all for all

of that but if you really want to be

built up

pray in the spirit ain’t that what the

bible says

prophecy builds the church okay

but praying in tongue builds the person

i’m going to say it again prophecy

builds the church

but praying in the spirit praying in


builds the person it builds you look at

jude 1 20.

i’m about to get stuck on this i can

already tell right now oh

jude 1 20. it says but you beloved

building yourself up

let’s stop right there

you don’t need anybody else

to build you up if you

wield the weapon of praying in the


come closer because they didn’t hear me

you don’t need anybody else


to build you up if you

wield the weapon

of praying in the spirit

see people quote these scriptures but

they don’t understand what they actually

have context for look at it

jude 1 20 but you everybody say me

beloved your love say i’m loved

building i love i love how

fatherly god is when he speaks through


he tells you who he’s talking to you the

one i love

build yourself up like that’s exactly

how he said it like

you the one i love

build yourself up

you don’t need them to do that well god

i just need you to come through with the


from the prophecy so i’m going to go to

this other state and i’ll wait in line

all night

to get a seat in the nosebleed section

so that he could speak to me

or she could call me out or she could


you the one i love

build yourself up


on your most holy faith

how how do i build myself in my most

holy faith uh oh

praying in the holy spirit

that’s some nasty bible right there i

don’t know how el

what what you arguing with you want to

get buff in the spirit

pray in the spirit you want to get buff

in the spirit

pray in the spirit you want to get buff

in the spirit

somebody say praying whoa you want to

get buffed in the spirit

oh somebody say pray in the spirit

everyday you

want to get fit in the spirit everybody

talk to me

pray in the spirit i don’t care what

you’re going through

you need to pray in the spirit i don’t

care where you’re going too

hey you need to pray in the spirit

i don’t care who’s ringing your phone

you need to

pray in the spirit i don’t care who’s

coming to your home

you need to pray in the spirit if i’m on

the mountaintop

i’m going to pray in the spirit and if

i’m going to go never let me stop god

let’s go go so

pray industry

it builds you up

it’s like this this is your life

and life comes to poke at you

and take pieces of you when it comes to

when you go to that job and when you

start working

and your family situation oh

oh it’s getting hard out here it’s

getting hard out here

and you’re just trying to survive and

make it

oh oh no

oh no this is the anxiety you live your

life with

this is an exact depiction of week to

week in your life

because without the spirit you’re trying

to hold it all together

and the situation happened with your

kids and you

think that you’re doing a good job

because life has come to take all of

this from you but you’re still standing

and then all it takes is one situation

and what was supposed to be the thing

that stayed up has come crumbling down

and this is where we go to substances

and people and we’re broken

and the word clearly says you want to be

built back up

start praying in the spirit i start

praying in my heavenly language it’s

like the holy spirit comes out of


and starts putting pieces back together

i’m just at my house

praying in the spirit and the crazy

thing about it

is now i’m not walking alone anymore

i’m out here trying to put it together

and tomorrow i gotta go to work

and tomorrow and it’s like when it

starts coming out

but i begin to pray in the spirit the

holy spirit

before it even gets out before i cuss

them out

before i get going on that situation i

begin to pray in the spirit

i begin to pray and when things start

going through my life


i can’t hold it all together

but when things of life begin to happen

what the holy spirit does

is begin to as soon as it gets out of

line people get oh

yeah he begins to start putting it

build your self

how in the world do y’all think pastor

mike got it all together

it’s not because i got it all together

it’s because i’ve

taken the stance of paul i pray in

tongues more than oh yeah

how do i show up every day how do i how

do i deal with the diagnosis of my son

how do i

help walk my wife through the depression

how do i how do i do all of that

not because i got it all together

and this is the thing what happened to

me when we got mj’s diagnosis is it

wasn’t a brick by brick

this is what most of us feel like

the whole thing came tumbling

and we’re waiting for a person to pick

us back up

but the advocate the comforter when i

don’t even have the words to say and all

i can do is sit on the floor

and all i got to shrift to do in the


is not use my mind cause what i would

pray would be unfruitful right now what

i would pray right now

would send some people away from me and

i would curse people and i would talk

because i’m feeling but i pray in

and with the spirit

and i don’t know when it happened i

don’t know what oh

when it came to pass but at some moment

the holy spirit helped me

and what was all ruins on the floor

didn’t look like what it used to look


but i kept praying in the spirit and i

kept getting

being built up

and all i can tell you is today

the pastor and the leader that i am i

would not

be because of education

because of degrees because of even being

in church

it’s not me being in church

it’s me releasing the power

of holy spirit and day by day i don’t

know even as holy spirit is building

this i see this as a prophetic sign for

your life

some of you are going to begin to start

to speak in your heavenly language

and you’re going to be able to be built


you speak in tongues because it

builds you up

on the way to church today guess what i

was doing it

in the shower this morning guess what i

was doing it

before i talked to my wife about

something that i know is sensitive to

her heart

guess what i’m doing

why because it builds

me up

and can i tell you something you can be

built up

anytime anywhere

without anybody

i don’t need mama b

bishop mcintosh bree charles

the way i get built up is with me and

holy spirit

i can remember so vividly when i lived

when when bree’s husband aaron me him

and fred lived in this house

on garnett 7425

and i remember i started feeling this

call that i was going to greater in


and i was just the sound man and the

music director at greenwood at the time

and holy spirit directed me to do

nothing else but wake up in the morning


walking and pray in the spirit and i


walking around that neighborhood

i even put on headphones to act like i

was listening to some music

because i didn’t want people to think

anything about me

and i would just day after day i was

praying in the spirit

and i know that today i’m

standing in the result

of the mysteries of god

when you pray in the spirit you’re

praying the things

your mind don’t even understand to pray

for you

somewhere i prayed about you charles

some y’all missed it

somewhere i didn’t know charles i didn’t

know but god knew i needed

a companion to walk with me and as i was

speaking in the

uh the language of heaven

i didn’t know to pray for evan i didn’t

know i didn’t know

to pray for bree and what her and aaron

appeared i didn’t know

i didn’t know but when i begin to pray

and i feel something happening right


the mysteries of god

i didn’t know to pray to be able to

handle millions of dollars

i was handling sins

i remember looking in the couch

for change to go get a mcchicken

this is not fake

it wouldn’t have logically made sense

for me to pray father give me

the capacity to manage

millions of dollars and change the

fabric of the body of

i couldn’t have prayed that while i was

getting 85 86

87 a dime oh god like i

but when i prayed in the spirit

y’all remember in um bible school uh not

bible school um

what do kids go to like vacation bible

school or uh

children’s church or any of those things

sunday school

where they talked about the whole armor

of god y’all remember

that and they would say stuff like this

you need the belt of truth

the breastplate of righteousness the

shoes of the gospel of peace

to shield the faith the helmet of

salvation and the sword of the spirit

swing swing okay

they left out a part

of the armor

that is right there

ephesians chapter 6 verse 17

and take the helmet of salvation and the

sword of the spirit

which is the word of god they left out


praying always

with all prayer and supplication

in the



it is the bible how many believers

have thought they had on the whole armor

of god


and because they did not release the

language of heaven

they’ve been getting their beat kicked


just put on the beat you’ve been getting


your butt kicked because you came

with everything you thought was the

armor you needed

but you forgot the weapon

of praying in the spirit

is this helping anybody right now okay

so speaking in tongues or speaking in

the spirit

is a benefit can i give you one more

praying in the spirit is a choice

like i need i need everybody to hear me

say this

the greatest thing that god ever gave to


was choice and he will never

violate your choice

there are things that build us up that

we know to do

but we choose not to do everybody know

working out will build you up

but you can walk by and drive by a gym

every day and some of y’all don’t even

feel nothing like you

you drive by the gym it’s like that’s a

building like you

there’s no you know it would build you


some of y’all know drinking water would

build you

up but as long as it’s carbonated and

fizz filled in glucose field

you think it’s the spirit but you know

and it’s a choice it it you choose to do


everybody knows reading your word will

help you

but it’s a choice god will never violate

the thing he gave you to choose

so can i say it very clearly if you put

your faith in jesus

and you never speak in tongues you’re

still going to heaven

you you don’t have to speak in tongues

to go to heaven

okay you also

don’t have to drive a car to go

to california

you can take you can walk

from tulsa

to california it will take you forever i

just hear the sandlot

forever like it’ll take you forever

and you might be dead when you get there

but i need you to get you’ll still get

to california

and you never took an automobile

but why would you

why wouldn’t you take the upgrade

from your feet to the car and

maybe can i just take you another step

up why wouldn’t you take the upgrade

from the car

to the plane can i take you one level

why wouldn’t you go

from the commercial to the pj

if the upgrade was available and it cost

you as much

to walk as to go for the private jet

why wouldn’t you accept the upgrade

that’s the whole question i’m asking you

right now

you can go to heaven without ever

releasing the spirit in your life

but why would you settle for the lowest

level of what god has to offer you

and not receive the holy spirit

look at first corinthians 14 14.

remember i said it’s a choice everybody


speaking in the spirit is a choice

if that’s what it says

first corinthians 14 14 for if

that means there’s a choice if i pray in


so i can choose not to pray in tongues

or i choose to pray in tongues

this is paul talking my spirit prays but


but my understanding is unfruitful watch


what is the conclusion then i will

when you say i will you just chose

if somebody says you want to go to the


i will go that was my

paul is saying is going to happen

when you choose for it to

church has made it like this spooky

thing that comes upon you like you’re

just going to be walking

and then the spirit yeah

that’s dumb and paul wouldn’t have given

instructions of where to do it

when to do it and how to do it if it was


this is a choice

paul said i will pray with the spirit

it’s an act of his choice

it’s your decision if you want to

the holy spirit’s not going to make you

let me say it like this

we decide if and how much we pray in the


you decide this is a

choice that god has given you

you’re not going to be walking in target

one day

and go into a trance and pick up the


and start

the same way that you will pass somebody

in need

on the street money doesn’t just jump

out of your purse or your wallet

and go to them it is a choice

that you would make you don’t say i got

the gift of giving or i got the gift of


the spirit no you would have to choose

to take out money take out a check

write a check get cash out and give it

to them

it’s the same thing with speaking in


the reason i need to say this

is because you have a weapon that you

need to use

but only you can pull it out

some of you i just feel by the spirit

right now are going through hard

relational problems

and you and him talking is not going to

solve anything right now

there’s so much hurt there’s so much


there’s so many problems there’s so many

violations that happen

the greatest thing you could do right


is pray choose to pray

in the spirit some of you are figuring

out what college to go to

and all of them look good but you need

to know the mind

and the will of god for your life not

for your friends not for

what would look good on a resume for

your life

and instead of asking all your family

and friends

who don’t know what your future holds

but they like a certain football player

on one of the teams

do y’all know how many people make

decisions based off of stuff that don’t

have nothing to do with their lives

best thing you could do is everybody say


to pray in the spirit

first corinthians 14 5 this one messed

me up

and at some point in your christian

journey if you keep reading the bible

and believe in jesus

you’re gonna have to wrestle with this

one paul said

i wish you all spoke with tongues

who wrote that no no no he pinned it

holy spirit wrote that i wish

all y’all spoke in tongues

i wish let me say it a different way all

of you

would take on the ability to build

yourself up

i wish all y’all would would everyday

build yourself up

instead of going to instagram with

comparison that would tear you down

i wish you would wake up in the morning

and start speaking in your heavenly


and build yourself up

and can i take the words of the holy

spirit and paul and just tell you as

your pastor

i wish that all of you would speak in


it would settle all the counseling

disputes you want to talk to pastor mike


like i keep telling y’all this and i was

like no i need to talk to the pastor

every week

we have so many people like i need to

talk to pastor mike i need to talk

to a pastor mike this is the crazy thing

about it

pastor mike don’t have your answer

like the only thing if you come to me

with your stuff that imma do

is ask him and hopefully

but you could have saved gas money

you could have saved the trip and the

phone call

and you could choose to ask the holy


yourself romans 8 26.

where i’m gonna end the plane i’mma land

the plane here romans 8 26

in the same way the spirit

helps us in our weakness

we do not know

what we ought to pray for

but the spirit himself

intercedes for us

through the wordless groans that’s

speaking in tongues

and he who searches our hearts

knows the mind of the spirit y’all this

is powerful

because the spirit intercedes for god’s


in accordance with the will of

god write it in a point praying in the


communicates the exact will of god

for your life

okay charles come here brent come here

charles stand over here

all of you are gonna be charles okay

charles is going through a situation and


he’s frustrated because he wants this

business to get off the ground

if charles prays in his

natural understanding his prayer may

sound something like this god

thank you that i can get this alone

because if i get this

loan then i can hire these people and

when i can hire these people then i can


from this this spot to the next spot

which more people will come

and god i thank you that you would send

me um john john needs to be my number

two person

and i thank you lord that you wouldn’t

allow that other situation to happen

and this situation happened and he would

start praying out of his understanding

and and that’s what god would hear as

the prayer

but the more exact will of god

is when charles begins to pray in the


the holy spirit then says oh

okay oh yeah yeah keep doing that

starts praying in the spirit charles

he’s praying in the spirit

and the holy spirit said god what’d he

do bro

all right charles um he actually

wants this business to go off the ground

but it doesn’t need to actually happen

right now

so so so because if he gets into that

business he’s going to neglect his


and so so what charles is actually

asking for is clarity on the vision that

you’ve given him

he needs another sign that you’ve

actually called him

into ministry and when you call them in

the ministry he’s gonna think he needs

to plant his own church and he’ll start

a church called eden

and what what because he’s praying in

the spirit he’s not praying his will

he was praying lord let eden work but

now that he’s praying in the spirit

he’s praying god put me in the place i

need to be to reach the purpose so i’m

going to connect him and mike todd

and i’m going to allow them but let him

be able to see

that he’s not less than see he doesn’t

know how to pray that at this moment

but let him to see that his position is

more intricate

and what i’m doing than anything and he

begins to pray the mind

and the will of the

father on charles’s

behalf this is why paul and pastor says

i pray in the spirit more than all y’all

cause i would pray that you die cause

you left

or or or be be not successful in your

neck because i’m flesh

my flesh doesn’t want yeah

i don’t know how real i can be in here

sometimes when i allow my flesh to pray

i get my opinion mixed in

i get my i get my biases mixed

come on let’s be honest like like like

lord like

let it let the church grow until

yeah yeah i don’t really want it to like

do your will make your thing happen lord

your will we say that stuff but it’s

like up until a point that i’m

comfortable with it

how many prayers do you pray about

changing them

see but some of us need to pray in the

spirit begin to pray in the spirit oh


yeah i hear you i hear you hey father um

charles actually is praying about the

person he’s in relationship with

but what it really is is i need you to

heal the child

that feels insignificant and

he doesn’t know how to pray his

five-year-old prayer

but he has a five-year-old prayer a

wound that happened on the soccer team

that makes him feel insignificant and so

holy spirit would you reveal

that to him that i don’t know how you

would do it but maybe in some facebook

memories like he could be on facebook

looking for something else

and somebody pops up a picture of this


uh 10 years ago you know how y’all do

you know how they do it like yeah just

and this is what we say something told


it coincidentally can’t no no no

when you pray in the spirit

it prays the holy spirit is going

from earth to heaven

from earth to heaven

he’s the only one that can go from earth

to heaven and make sure there’s exact

translation of what needs to happen

at what time for what season

and god is saying if you would allow me

if you would allow me

i will make you pray perfect prayers

this is the only area

that you can pray perfect


i no longer have to guess

about remember what it says right there

it says

in the same way the spirit helps us in

our weakness because we do not

know so when we pray

we don’t know we don’t know we don’t


we don’t know if these are going to be

our friends 10 years from now

we don’t know we don’t know if we’ll

still work here we might want to but we

don’t know

so the only perfect prayer

is praying in the spirit

because it takes my heart

and to con it says it searches the heart

and it translates from heaven to earth

what really should be communicated

and it’s by faith because the whole time

i don’t understand what i’m even praying


this is the mystery

of god and all i’m telling you

is it’s scriptural all i’m telling you

is it’s beneficial and all i’m telling

you is a choice

so um

yeah let me just say it like this we

don’t know what to pray

but the spirit never misses

i can’t tell you how many times i’ve

been in a place where i had

no idea what to do and i began to pray

in the spirit

my mom and dad taught me how to

normalize praying in the spirit parents

the greatest thing you can do is

walk through your house

normalize them hearing you in your


in the kitchen they can be on their game

boy they can be playing but

normal lies praying in the spirit

it’s the weapon that will save them from


it’s the thing that’ll break the

generational habit of poverty


the spirit never misses

can i tell you the secret that i found

that your heavenly language is the

language of humility

see the crazy thing about it is most

people only pray in the spirit

when it’s above their pay grade

so when they come up to something that’s

bigger than them

that’s when they pray in the sphere your


i pray in the spirit about

and for everything

stuff that i know how to do

i still because it is the language of


when you do not bring it to god you’re

saying you know

wow you’re saying i know

i know how to fix this i know how to do


but if you want to be empowered by the

holy spirit

take the language of humility

pray in the spirit on all occasions

with all supplication because what ends

up happening is you’re saying god

i need you

comforter i need you father i need you

spirit of god i need you like i could go

in and do what i did last monday

but this is a new day so i i need you

right now

on my way to work yeah it’s great that

you listening to gary vee and everybody

else and all that but they don’t have

the pneuma

the breath of god in there they may give

you a tip but they don’t know your


they may ah you’re listening to

everybody’s podcast and not

not tuned in

to the spirit of god and when you do


you get this beautiful gift and you know


i just feel led to say this i was going

to leave it out of the sermon but i feel

that to say this

some people have felt like

if it’s spiritual it’s evil or

maybe i’ll get a demon or maybe

something bad will happen because

i’m opening myself up to spirits and and

when i was kid it was ouija boards and i

watched jumanji and that gave me

nightmares for years and

these are real things people deal with

one day i call

the psychic hotline mama cleo and this


all of that stuff all that is is the

perverted version of the real thing

all psychics are perverted prophets like

all it is

and they try to profit off of prophecy

like pro

anyway you’ll get it later all it is is

the perversion

of the real thing that’s all the enemy

tries to come do

so this is what i want to show you in

luke 11 11.

it says if a son asks for bread

from any father among you

will he give him a stone no

or if he asks for a fish would a good

father give him

a serpent instead of a fish no

or if he asked him for an egg would he

offer him a scorpion

no if you then

being evil know how to give good gifts

to your children

how much more watch what it says how

much more will your heavenly father

give you the holy spirit

to those who ask him

see i’ve always read that scripture and

i always stop i didn’t

finish it if if earthly fathers know how

to give good gifts

then how much more does your heavenly

father know how to give good gifts like

i just made up the second part of it

that’s not what it says if earthly

fathers know how to give good gifts

the best gift your heavenly father could


is the holy spirit to those who ask him

so how do you speak in tongues how do

you speak in the language of heaven

how do you do this i’m gonna give you

four simple steps it will take five

minutes to do this

write them down the first thing is you


that’s it all you need to do

is everybody say it ask

why would the writer of this chapter

highlight your heavenly father will give

the holy spirit to those who

ask him it may have been just the simple

step of not being taught but if you want

to speak

in a heavenly language that’s available

to you right now already been paid for

part of the upgrade

all you have to do is say it with me ask

in just a moment

we’re going to do it like this is not a

go home later

when everybody’s gone and no no no

you’ve been educated

you are not uninformed anymore if you

watch this whole thing

we’re about to ask god to fill us with

the holy spirit

with the benefits of our heavenly


so we’re going to ask god second point

you have to be available

see see after you ask then you have to

be available to be obedient

because there will be thoughts that come

to your mind and syllables that come to

your mouth and

there’ll be things that you feel like

you’re supposed to say and the unction

that you’ll have but you

like if you’re i’m not um

you’re gonna have to you don’t have to

make me do it

it’s gonna have to just come up out of


it’s not going to remember it’s a

choice it reminds me of pastor robert

morris who spoke

in uh our paper chaser series and is a


and um went from this conversion of not

believing in the holy spirit to fully

embracing the holy spirit

and his story of becoming filled with

the holy spirit is funny and it may

happen to some of you

he was stubborn him and his wife heard a


talk about being filled with the holy

spirit and they both asked god to fill

them with the holy spirit and his wife


started saying the syllables she was

available but he was a little more

standoffish and

didn’t know and and one day his wife

looked at him

and she had this smirk on his face and

and he was like you know when your

husband or wife knows something they act

like they know something and they tell

you so he finally asked her he’s like

why do you keep

looking at me like that she said i heard

you last night

and she was like you heard me doing what

speaking in tongues

he said i didn’t speak in tongues he

said i was asleep

she said well i heard you speaking in

tongues last night so he went to his


and he said hey my wife said she heard

me speaking in tongues

and he and i was asleep he said oh yeah

that sometimes happens to the stubborn


that that the spirit had to wait for his

mind to go to sleep

to begin to start activating what was

ready and all ready to come out

and i don’t know if that might be you

but but but there are there are people

that it doesn’t have to be if you are

available okay

so you need to ask and be available

and then this is the most important one

you have to be okay

with awkward

it’s going to be awkward you’ve never

spoke in a different tongue before you

ain’t take spanish class you failed


you don’t know a different language and

now you’re about to get a heavenly one

it might be a little awkward let’s go


and say it right now there will be

people that be like

i never heard that that sounds like

chinese that sound like this that sounds


it doesn’t matter it might be awkward

but this is the thing that’s going to

give you

last point access

how do i speak in tongues i use the

access i’ve been given

i keep i keep using that language i wake

up every day

and i just if it’s bow bow bow bow bow

bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow

bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow i’m just

every bow

bow bubble i’m going to use the access

that i have been given

what happens is you

start transforming from the inside out

what do you do

you’re building yourself up

and i don’t know about you i need all

the building up

that i can get does anybody need to be

built up in your most holy faith

you don’t need another conference

you don’t need another worship album

you don’t need an extended um

um life group all those things are good

but you can be built up if

you surrender your whole self

to the holy spirit and start using this

heavenly language

of speaking in other tongues

it is your benefit

so right now i’m gonna do two things

because there are people in this room

that say like how do you do this

do you consider yourself saved if you do

how did you do that

by faith

and next week 20 000 almost 21 000


how many people getting baptized next

week i don’t put it on the screen real

quick because we need to celebrate

what god’s doing they told me that 20

983 people

have oh y’all better help me have signed


for next week flood sunday

this is going public old life buried

with christ

new life coming as a resurrection

and 20 i cannot believe that y’all

983 and it’s not too late for you to

sign up

people are going to be doing it next

week service is not going to be right


i’m going to go find somebody’s house

and i’m gonna do it at somebody’s house

because i need to normalize this is not

a production

it’s a transformation i’m gonna say it

one more time

it’s not a production it’s a


and so we’re gonna go i’m gonna i don’t

got a pool so i’m gonna find somebody’s


and we’re find a pond find a lake find a

puddle of water go buy a kiddie pool

get in your jacuzzi tub i don’t care

where you got to do it

i’m gonna preach a short message next

week and i’m gonna inspire people and

this is why i need you

to get more people to come and just

invite them like they’re just coming to

watch you get baptized because i promise

you there’s gonna be more spontaneous


than maybe even the people who signed up

friends and family

are going to come i need you to invite

them this is a special moment

it’s significant but how will water

baptism happen

just like it did at salvation by

faith and how will you be filled with

the spirit

with the benefit of speaking in tongues

by faith

if you’re in this this moment right now

whether you’re watching live or on


in a moment i’m going to ask some of the

pastors to come up here and we’re going

to begin to pray

but i want to invite you to salvation


because you don’t get access to the holy

spirit and his gifts

until you give your heart to jesus so

right now if you want to give your life

to jesus christ

this is the greatest decision i ever

made it took me from being a liar

a manipulator somebody who was addicted

to pornography

had very bad dark things in my heart and

it didn’t make me a perfect man

but it put me on a road of progression

today i want to offer you the gift of


it’s not by works it’s not by all the

good things you do

it’s already done because of what jesus

has done for you

today i want you to experience grace

like a flood

on the count of three if you want to be

a part of this prayer of salvation

according to romans 10 9 all you have to

do is believe

and confess that jesus christ is lord he

died for your sin and he rose again with

all power and you’re saved and i know

what religion

has told you that you need to change

this and do this and jump through this


but god said if you would give me your

heart i’ll help you change your habits

and today is the day of salvation

i believe that there are hundreds if not

thousands of people

that need to give their life put their

whole life in the hands of the master

and he doesn’t just want to be your


he wants to be your lord he wants to

take care of everything that has to

concern you

he wants to give you his precious holy

spirit to walk with you and guide you

into all truth

but first you have to receive him so

today if you want to do that

on the count of three i don’t care who’s

around you i don’t care what they think

i don’t care what you did last night or

what you were planning to do after this

this is your moment

and today god wants to give you the

precious gift of salvation

one you’re making the greatest decision

of your life

two i am so proud of you but more than

that your name

is about to be written in the lamb’s

book of life three would you shoot your

hand up all over the world

if you want to accept jesus as your

personal lord and savior come on hands

are going up everywhere


i can’t physically see you but the holy

spirit just saw every person

and transformation church you know we’re

family we all pray together

so right now we’re going to pray this

prayer together for the benefit of those

who are coming to christ would everybody

just put your hands out and just say


thank you for sending jesus

just for me today i believe

that you lived you died and you rose


for all of my sins today

i ask you to be the lord of my life

change me renew me

transform me i’m yours

in jesus name amen

can we give god pray oh y’all let’s give


praise all over the world hallelujah

heaven is turning up right now for every


that just gave their life to christ

i want to tell you that if you just made

that decision

your life just changed forever your

eternity is secure


and you will be with jesus in heaven


would you text the number saved to the

number on the screen

and we want to give you some information

and help you walk through this

but the greatest gift that you could

leave this experience with today

is the gift of the holy spirit

with the benefit of speaking in your

heavenly language or tongue

this is not weird this is not strange

this is a weapon this is your advantage

pastor mike does it every day several

times a day

before i preach after i get off the


i speak in tongues all the time because

it praises the mind and the will

of god on my behalf and it edifies

or builds me up today if you’ve been

broken down

i want you to have on demand the ability

to be feel tough

and you can do that with your heavenly

language staff team would y’all just


and surround all the people you’re about

to see the reason i’m bringing up

them up here is not for a show i want

you to know that

regular people speak in tongues like i

don’t want this to be

if you’re in the room i want y’all to

stand up if you’re there

and you feel uncomfortable in the space

that you’re in with the people go to the

other room take the phone

take the thing pull the car over like i

want you

i i want you to know this is regular

this is this is

normal abby bring arlo out here they

need to like i just

i need i need y’all to see this is


jules de mario i know y’all gonna have

to leave for tcp in a tc post in a

second come on evan i just need them to

see some different people

that that that all of us speak in

tongues okay

this is not come on brent like this is

not a weird

awkward if you saw us in target we

wouldn’t be

shouting and jumping around and like we

would be regular people we will talk to


but we would choose to pray in the


and all we’re going to do is those four

things we’re going to ask god

to give us the gift of the holy spirit

we’re going to be

available to whatever comes to our head

our hearts and our mind we’re gonna

actually begin to say that out

we’re gonna do and three it might be


some of you as soon as we start this

it’s just gonna flow it’s gonna be like

a damn that unlocks

and busts and it’s just gonna flow out

of your belly will flow

rivers of living water that’s gonna

happen to some of you

and for others it’s gonna be a trickle

and you’re gonna continue to do it

and you can continue to access this


but i’m telling you thousands you’ll

hear me thousands of people

are about to be filled with the holy


with the benefit of speaking

and unknown to our minds and our

understanding tongues we’re going to


our heavenly language i feel the

presence of god

he’s here but he’s there wow

will you put your hands out like you’re

ready to receive something


we’re going to walk through this


and i love the fact that worship leads

us in

can we just sing the chorus of holy

spirit you’re welcome

here come on we all just lift that up

real quick say holy spirit say

holy spirit

come on just just say come flood

not just this place but this place

you’re not too young

you can receive this gift you’re not too


you can receive this gift


just a couple more times

come on say holy

you’re welcome right here people are

about to be filled

i feel it some of you are already

tapping in


build that up just a little more sing it


we’re inviting them into this place said


god you’re welcome here you’re welcome

in my mind my thoughts my heart

my life love me god

overtake me you lose me overwhelm me god







come on just hands out like you’re

receiving something let’s ask god

to fill us with the holy spirit

with the benefit of speaking in a

heavenly language y’all ready

this ain’t weird this ain’t crazy he’s a

good father he’s not going to give us

scorpions and snakes when we ask for the

holy spirit

he’s going to give us the holy spirit so

father right now come on just begin to


holy spirit we ask you to fill us up

from the top of our heads to the soles

of our feet

we thank you that we are the temple of

the holy spirit hey

and god i thank you that this grace of


would be unlocked and released

in your people all over the world right


we are asking you to fill us

with your spirit that we would have

the benefit of speaking in a heavenly


and god now we are available

to however you want to do that i need

you right now

to whatever’s in your heart whatever’s

in your mind team i need y’all to begin

to lift up your heavenly language

everybody in here if you have a heavenly

language and you’re watching begin to

speak in your heavenly language

i want you to begin to let it flow let

it flow let it arise

come on be available be available

whatever syllables come to your mind

begin to speak those out

it may sound like gibberish it’s

unfruitful to the mind

but it is the mastery of playing the


of god right now come on begin to lift

it up

oh it’s happening oh it’s happening

that’s it come on we’re just making

space right now

it’s a choice you have to choose this

he’s not gonna make you but if you

choose to right now

come on lift it up lift it up lift it up

lift it up

these are all regular people and we’re

doing it

together unity is coming the language of


is invading earth stop thinking about

what other people are thinking of you

right now

be available come on


yeah it might be awkward but you’re

getting access

come on you’re getting access right now

holy spirit you’re welcome

holy spirit you’re welcome come on

continue to speak in your language

you’re welcome lord



i know this may seem strange to others

but you’re getting power

you’re getting a weapon you are getting

something that builds you up

this is


say let us become more aware

yeah it’s happening somebody has an

untapped whale don’t stop cause the

music came down

begin to exercise that use your access

right now

we will speak in the spirit and speak

in english we will sing in the spirit

and sing in english

unlock it in the name of jesus do it

only you can do god


the only reason we’re doing this in this

type of setting is for five weeks i’ve


every step of this and we are

with people who understand and now we’re


what’s happening come on just for about

two more minutes

is regular people this is regular

kingdom talk

this is regular heavenly language

this is not weird this is normal we ask


we ask god we acknowledge that it’s a

gift from him

and then we said we’re available

and we understand to other people it may

seem awkward

but now we have access to the upgrade


we got access to the upgrade

this is what we’re praying all over the



said spirit breakout

like you did on azusa street said break


walls now oh i feel the presence of god

somebody declares they spirit break out


come on i dare you to lift that up say

spirit of god

break out


like oh did in 1906 like you did in 1988

what you’re doing here today





holy spirit









it’s not the time to spectate some of

y’all are watching

when you need to be yielding your tongue

yielding your life this is what you’ve

been praying for

this is what you’ve been asking for


god is not intimidated by any of your


any of your concerns or any of your



no doubt there are thousands of people

i there is no doubt

that thousands of the same spirit of god

he’s omnipresent

thousands of people

just spoke in their heavenly language

for the first time

can we give god glory honor

can we thank god that the same power

that raised christ from the dead is




and no doubt there are certain people

that desired and maybe in this last

seven minutes

it didn’t happen be encouraged


just like my daughter isabella when she

asked her daddy for something

and she doesn’t get it in that moment

guess what she has the

audacity to do ask again

and she persistent with her asking my

daughter my because she knows i’m a good


when she knows that it’s within my realm

of possibility

to help her she asks boldly

and today i’m asking you to ask bowling

tomorrow ask about desire

it’s not a demand it’s a desire

for everybody who got that access don’t

let it be

another church service where somebody

tells you

that you can speak in your heavenly

language this is not for the church

service this is for your shower

your car ride the nights in the bed

when you’re doing the dishes when you’re

making food when you’re playing


it is your on-demand ability

to build yourself up

you may have to watch this message five


remember what i said repetition brings


the reason i kept going this is a longer


is because somebody’s desperate for the

power that comes only

when you pray the mind the will of the

father on your behalf

thank you church for allowing me to walk

you even if you’re still

on the fringes thank you for allowing me

to walk you

through the truth of god’s word remember

one of the jobs of the holy spirit

is he will lead you into all

truth so today

i feel like our church just got anchored

oh y’all better help me i just feel like

we out here in the deep we might as well

be angry

father i pray over every person

who received jesus

over every person that next week will be

baptized in water

for every person today or whoever

watches us on rebroadcast

will be baptized in your spirit and have

the benefit

of speaking in a heavenly language

thank you father that this journey is

about progression not perfection

and today god i thank you that we are


that we are built up in our most holy


i declare this will be the best week for

every person in transformation nation

that we will walk in dude with power

that we will use our weapon of

praying in the spirit and that you would

lead us into all truth

thank you for giving us a church who


your spirit to lead us and guide us

have your way in jesus name everybody

say we agree

we expect amen

can we give god one shot of praise y’all

have an amazing week go out

and live a transformed life thank you

so much for joining us today if you’ve

made the decision to make jesus christ

the lord of your life

i want you to know you have made the

best decision you could ever make

and if you haven’t already we want you

to text the word saved

to 828282

and if you’re international be sure to

go to transformchurch.s

we want to celebrate with you and we

want to give you the resources that you

will need on your next steps in this


if this message has impacted you in any

way be sure to like

subscribe and turn on your notifications

so that you

know every single time that we post also

be sure to watch our live

full experience every sunday morning at

10 45 a.m

central standard time thank you so much

for joining us today

now go out and live a transformed life