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we are going to jump into the words day

are you ready all right I heard somebody

say this and I’m totally stealing their

line but I wore a suit today because I

came to do business with Jesus you know

I’m saying but I am really really

excited for the word today and I really

believe it’s gonna encourage you and we

are in a series called 20 forever

somebody say 20 forever and we’re

talking about worship now it’s so

important that we do this because even

myself I grew up in church around Church

and worship was something that I knew

what it was I knew it was at the the top

of service

I knew depending on what church we were

at at the moment it could be 15 minutes

or 3 hours depending on where you grow

up anybody have 3 hour worship where

they’re just like sing it again you’re

like I’m hungry

but it’s we’re talking about worship and

it’s so important that we we clarify

this and really get an understanding and

wisdom about worship is it’s not enough

just to have knowledge about something

there are a lot of people who have a lot

of knowledge about something but until

that knowledge is initiated and moves

into action it really doesn’t help us

that much so we want to get into a

wisdom to worship wisdom is applied

knowledge I have I have understanding I

have knowledge about this now I’m going

to apply it and so we’ve been talking

about worshiping and what it means to

worship it over the last couple weeks

week one we talked about what worship is

and knowing that worship starts with

love that it starts with really and and

here’s what you need a little secret the

Bible and the in following Jesus it’s

actually not about you loving God

spoiler alert for God so loved the world

so the Bible is a love letter to

humanity it’s not about you being in

love with God and you show its first

about him being so madly in love with

people who didn’t even ask him or care

about him he was so in love he said hey

I’m gonna send my son just in case you

may ever think about following me

the Bible’s about God being in love with

us and out of response of that love

of that we talk about worship worship is

love expressed that last week we

realized that that God loved us so much

that it is now we express our love back

to God and you don’t passively express

love some people talk about you know

that’s just not me I’m just not that I

don’t have that much to say and I’m just

a quiet person let somebody say

something about your kid and see how

expressive you get some people express

somebody says so about your kid you

ready to punch them right between the

eyes so the right thing will get you to

express something so we talked about

love Express in this week I’m really

excited cuz I want to move a little bit

further in our definition that we have

and I want to start with this first I

looked up the in the dictionary the

definition of the word worship and this

is what it says it says to ascribe Worth

to someone or something now it this is

fairly true but there’s something I want

to clarify that you need to know today

God is God whether you decide to worship

Him or not so it talks about ascribing

Worth and sometimes with the way we live

our lives it ascribes worth of things

when you go somewhere and you pay $14

for a movie ticket you’re ascribing that

your time and $14 is worth what you’re

spending there but what you need to know

whether you clap your hands or not he is

still King of Kings like whether you

decide to sing and shout whether you

participate it has not changed God’s

value like you not or deciding to

participate does not change God’s value

when it does is allows us to express how

grateful we are and we respond to his

grace so I just want to set that

foundation for some of you thought yeah

when I come in God gets encouraged and

he gets Booster points from my worship

he would be okay without you just so you

know like he doesn’t need anything for

us but he wants our worship the Bible

says he inhabits the praises of our of

his people so we need to understand that

hey first of all God doesn’t need it but

he wants it because it’s the only gift

that we can give to God listen I want to

go and have you write this down we’ve

been using this as our anchor definition

for worship this is what it says says

worship is our love X

pressed to God as a response

somebody say response to his grace

towards us today I want to talk about

that word response that word response

and we’re gonna be in two scriptures

today mainly and so if you have your

Bibles turn to Hebrews 12 is where it’s

gonna be if you don’t have it don’t

worry we’ll have it on the screens for

you but I want to talk about that word

and really believe and share with you

why we should respond in worship Hebrews

12:15 this is what the Bible says it

says look after each other so that none

of you fails to receive the grace of God

watch out that no poisonous root of

bitterness grows up to trouble you

corrupting many verse 16 make sure that

none of you know one is immoral or

godless like Esau who traded his

birthright as the firstborn for a single

meal make sure that that you look after

each other so no one fails to receive

the grace of God and make sure no one is

immoral like Esau I’m gonna jump to

Genesis 25 this is the story that the

writer of Hebrews is referring to it’s a

story of Esau and Jacob and so if you

want to turn there I’m gonna read it

real quick just so we can get context as

a story of Esau it says one day when

Jacob was cooking stew Esau arrived from

the wilderness exhausted and hungry Esau

said to Jacob I’m starved give me some

of that red stew all right Jacob replied

but trade your rights as the firstborn


look I’m dying of starvation what good

is my birthright

to me now but Jacob said first you must

swear your birthright his mind so Esau

sworn oaths thereby selling his rights

of the firstborn son to his brother

Jacob then Jacob gave Esau some bread

and lentil soup Esau ate the meal then

he got up and left

he showed contempt for his rights as the

first born the title of my message today

if you’re taking notes and I would

encourage you to do that it works as a

fast pass when you get to heaven you

just show him your notes and they get

you in the short

I get you right in the title is the

worst trade ever the worst trade ever

hey we’re gonna pray real quick and ask

that God would join us Lord we thank you

and we need you show us who you are and

allow us to get an understanding of how

much you care about us Jesus then we

pray amen

I grew up making Christmas lists

did anybody grow up making Christmas

list now it’s weird to me that not

everybody made Christmas lists because

the Bible says you have not because you

ask not so I grew up and it was a very

big deal like your Christmas list like I

started making my Christmas list in like

September like I was just ready and the

way it would work is my mom would say

hey make a list of your top three things

it ended up being like 40 things because

I just you know I just had a hard time

deciding but she would say hey the top

three things like you’re the biggest

things you want put them on the list and

the top three you’ll get one of those

three things and my parents were so so

great and gracious and they would always

get me one of the top three things and

it was usually combination of shoes

clothes or a video game when I was

little so that was all and then as I got

older it just went to shoes and clothes

and then my parents parents taste got a

little bad so it just went to money so I

could buy my own shoes of clothes but uh

but I remember one year I made this list

and I opened up the first gift and it

was a pair of Jordans and I got it and I

freaked out like I was screaming running

around the house I think I took my shirt

off and like ran outside with like I

don’t know it’s very weird but I was so

excited and so I come back inside

and I says hey will you head up to the

game room with your brother Chandler and

I was like yeah sure

so we go upstairs we look and the second

thing on my list was up there it was

when the we came out and bowling and so

the we come and we’re like screaming

freaking out my little brother’s like

five or six we’re like yeah I like

shoved aim like that’s just what older

brothers do you like

so we’re freaking out we’re so excited

I’m like this is the best Christmas ever

like I got two of my top three things

this is amazing and I come back

downstairs and

there’s another gift and I’m like is

Jesus coming back cuz I don’t know it

seems like we’re all about to die

because you’re just getting everything

out right now but I go down and it was

the third thing on a list and I lost my


now what I realized as I was thinking

about that story is all of my responses

were relative to whatever I got so when

I understood the value of what I got or

the perceived value in my heart

it caused a certain response in me that

was relative to the reward so I

responded because I got a pair J’s and

I’m like ah man it’s gonna be so fresh

so I would freak out respond because I

got I responded because I knew what it

was worth now I want to use that that

story as a platform to talk about our

response to God’s grace and I want to

think about if we say okay that the

definition is worship is our love

express to God as a response of his to

of his grace towards us if if that’s our

definition and your response to

something it is always relative to the

reward like you see people on TV they

win a million dollars they freak out why

cuz they know what that will do to their

life they know how that will change

their life they know what that means if

we start to think about God’s grace I

mean just just pause the grace of God is

the greatest gift ever given like if we

just start to talk about what it means

how it’s changed our life it is the

greatest gift ever

and as I started to think about okay our

response to God’s grace if worship is a

response to His grace it’s a response to

His grace if it’s a response to His

grace our response should be crazy many

of us lose our minds over inanimate

objects that add nothing to your life

except for you can take a picture of it

and feel like maybe you’re a little bit

better than somebody else but for some

reason we can show up to a worship sir

and sit with our hands in our pocket and

not respond to the greatest gift ever

given we can we can live our lives we

talked about that that worship is a lot

more than just a service you need to

know that worship it can be a song it

can be in church but worship is how you

live your life so why is it that we we

don’t always respond why is it that we

can we can see things that are that are

just random gifts and we freak out at

Christmas and we cheer and yell and this

has nothing to do with anything against

gifts I’m just saying in comparison to

what God gave you why is it so much

easier to respond to your Christmas list

than the grace of God I want to look at

this story today and the writer of

Hebrews kind of paints a picture and I

want to read it and and kind of give

some thoughts that I have on why we

don’t necessarily respond to the grace

of God it says this we read it it’s the

first verse that we read its verse 15 it

says look after each other

so that none of you fails to receive the

grace of God it goes on to say after

that says watch out that our poisonous

root of bitterness grows up to trouble

you and then after that it says you

could put it back up on the screen after

that it says make sure no one is immoral

or godless like Esau now you’re reading

the scripture and it seems kind of

random to me because it starts office

says make sure that everybody gets the

grace of God getting the grace of God is

simply receiving you don’t have to do

anything you don’t have to get your life

together you don’t have to change you

don’t have to make sure you’re perfect

you just simply it’s a free gift so you

just simply receive it it’s talking

about the grace of God and then it

throws in Esau and says hey as we’re

talking about grace don’t be like Esau

and I would start a sounds like that

seems what what do you mean and so we

read in Genesis 25 to get more context

of the story Esau and Jacob were

brothers and Esau shopped at Bass Pro

and was an outdoorsman and hunted and

Jacob I would I probably would’ve been

friends with Jacob I can’t cook but

he says Jacob like being inside I don’t

really mess with outside that much I

don’t I just don’t get it like we didn’t

have houses we were living in caves and

then that we like slowly built houses

and stuff and then we want to act like

sometimes let’s go act like we ain’t got

houses no more and sit outside like

there doesn’t seem fun to me like we’ve

progressed past that but progression not

perfection but that’s just dumb but

anyways so these two brothers are

sitting there and the story comes up and

it says Esau was starving cuz he had

been hunting all day and he comes up to

Jacob and he says give me some of that

soup now this must have been some really

good soup because Jacob responds with oh

yeah you want the soup how bad you want

the soup it smells good doesn’t it it’s

really good soup I spent a long time

working on this soup

he says if you want the soup give me

your rights as the firstborn child now

you need to know that this was a

ridiculous proposal of Jacob the

birthright was a very big deal you would

get the wealth of the father you would

get the authority of the father and you

would get the blessing of the father and

if you look at this proposal it seems

like why would you even consider this

this is a terrible trade but in the

moment Esau responds he says listen I’m

starving what good is a birthright to me

now as I started looking at this

Scripture I thought why why would you

trade a birthright for a blessing or why

would you trade a bowl of soup for a

blessing why would you trade the the

authority the wealth I mean the amount

of wealthy word received would change

his life forever it would set him up for

the rest of his life and I started

thinking why would you trade that bowl

for your birthright you want to know why

I think he saw made this trade one of

the worst trades ever I think it’s

because his president screamed louder

than his promise I don’t think he saw

didn’t know what a birthright was I

don’t think he made this trade out of


I don’t think he he made this trade out

of though I don’t know what a birthright

is anyway so you can have it I think he

was fully aware of what a birthright was

I think he was just really hungry in the

moment his present of I’m hungry seemed

louder then one day you will have this

and in that moment when he started

focusing on the current situation when

he started getting to get caught up with

what was happening right there

he made one of the worst trades ever now

some of you think of Charles what in the

world does this have to do with worship

I think sometimes we don’t respond to

God’s grace because we treat the grace

of God like Esau treated his birthright

think about it

a scripture says look after each other

so you don’t fail to receive the grace

of God and don’t be like Esau what did

he saw do he traded something that was

so valuable for his current situation I

think sometimes we can show up to church

and we look at the grace of God and it’s

not that we don’t know what it is it’s

not that we don’t know the value of the

grace of God it’s just in the moment

we’re really hungry we’re we’re really

stressed out we’re really overwhelmed

with the pressures of life we’re really

it’s not that we don’t understand that

it’s a big deal it’s not that we don’t

understand what he did for us it’s just

in the moment your present seems to get

louder than the promise so you can show

up to a service you can start to live

your life you can have an opportunity to

obey God and as you look at it you think

yeah I know about the grace of God but I

need to pay my bills right now and it

almost becomes a sign of the human

condition you ever heard somebody even

around Christmas time and say whoa you

got that and they say what oh this whole

thing I’ve I’ve had this for awhile okay

let me illustrate it this way me and my

wife have been married for two and a

half years we got a little baby on the

way which is crazy and so awesome but in

that something that happens in marriage

if you’re not careful and it happens

across a lot of marriages is you need to

know marriage is

what I mean you you get married to

someone and they’re always there so you

wake up there there you go to sleep

they’re there you make decisions they’re

there and it’s so constant and if you’re

not careful

what’s constant becomes common so it’s

so constant and you’re always there that

it’s slowly if you’re not careful can

become common to you and maybe at one

point when you would compliment and

freak out about certain things the

longer you’re together you just start to

expect it because it’s been so constant

that it’s become common and now you’ve

stopped complimenting so it started off

as constant and you were enthralled and

you were in love and it was amazing but

over time it just became common you’re

like yeah they always do that like I

know they do that and then it became so

common that you stop complimenting you

stopped responding could it be that

God’s grace is so constant in your life

that maybe it became common to you that

the greatest gift ever given was so

constant which is its greatest power

it’s always gonna be there but if you’re

not careful it is so constant that you

allow it to become common and someone

gets on a stage and starts talking about

the grace of God and say yeah I know

about that you you hear it come up and

you say grace and you’re like yeah I

know about grace that yeah grace I get

it let’s get some real revelation though

let’s get but but could it be that His

grace was so constant it became common

and you stopped responding or you took

the grace of God for granted I just I I

want to come to you today to encourage

you to do not let the grace of God

become common to you do not become so in

routine of God’s grace and mercy that

you allow it to become common that when

someone starts to talk about it you’re

like yeah yeah I know about grace but

let’s talk about revelations or let’s

talk about no no the grace of God you

could spend the rest of your life

talking about the grace of God and still

not have it all figured out

I can’t if our response is a response to

His grace His grace can never become

common and this is not some big thing

and I literally I spent hours this is

I’ll tell you this little secret this is

like one of the craziest most difficult

and simplest message I’ve ever ever

written in my life me and my friend were

sitting there we were working on working

and we were like it’s three hours in had

nothing and all that said I was sitting

there thinking and I was like I need

some sort of revelation or worship or

something that will just really show him

and God said instead of a revelation

what if it could just be a reminder like

a lot of us are educated far beyond our

ability to execute so we we that was

good we walk around saying I need

something new I want to learn something

new I’m just gonna remind you of God’s

grace because if it had not been for His

grace and His grace is something to

respond to you we could take the rest of

the years the rest of our lives and

every message we have up on this stage

be about grace and that would be okay

because His grace is the greatest gift

ever given and today literally I’m just

gonna remind you of His grace because

maybe if I remind you you won’t have

trouble responding maybe if you get a

reminder of what he’s done for you of

how good he’s been then it will be

easier to respond because you haven’t

forgot about it and you didn’t let it

become common and you said you know what

I’m gonna respond to his grace side of

my message the worst trait ever I want

to I want to give you a couple reminders

of God’s grace and you know when it

comes to response I don’t I don’t think

people on purpose

sit in a service or live their lives or

have an opportunity I don’t think they

purposefully say I’m not gonna respond I

don’t I don’t believe that I think what

they’re just it’s just the pressures of

life it’s just that in the moment your

your present situation it starts to feel

bigger than what God has already done

and in you go and you and you feel

stressed out and you feel worried

but I’m here to tell you don’t make the

trade don’t trade your worship don’t

trade your response don’t trade it for

worry don’t trade it for it for your

current feelings or how it looks right

now don’t make the trade and here’s the

reminders I want to give you of God’s

grace the first one is this it’s saving

grace because we need saving my points

are get again this in case you have

catch caught on its a grace message

today because if we could truly grasp

His grace if we could truly understand

it it would not be an issue at all we

wouldn’t have to talk about why do we

need to respond to it because we know

the value of it my first point it’s

saving grace because we need saving

Ephesians 2:8 says this it says God

saved you by His grace when you believed

this point is very simple but you need

to realize and remind yourself you need

saving listen if you don’t understand

that you start to think you’re fine by

yourself if you don’t remind yourself

that it’s not that you are a bad person

and now you’re a good person because you

have grace the Bible says the wages of

sin is death so if you don’t understand

that it’s God saved us by His grace it’s

saving grace because you need saving

what do you do you start to think I can

do it by myself I can save myself and

now you’ve put yourself in the place of

God so it’s easy for you not to respond

to something that you think you can do

by yourself you need to understand it’s

saving grace because God saved you now

this is so and it’s so elementary but if

you don’t remind yourself of that that I

need saving you can show up to church

every weekend you can have moments where

you can worship outside of church and

the way you lived your life and you just

sit there and think you know what it’s

not a big deal to respond to his grace

because you know I’m a good person and I

show up and I give and I

do nice things and I open the door for

old ladies or I do what well I give to

charity you can do a lot of good things

but it’s only the grace of God that has

saved you you I I need us to get this

and I know it’s it’s simple but we need

saving and by God’s grace he did that my

second point write this down you can’t

afford the cost of your sin again

there’s no big revelation today it’s a

reminder that you can’t afford the cost

of your sin imagine with me if me and my

wife we have the baby and right after we

have the baby we go out to eat and we’re

sitting there have a newborn baby we’ll

say we’ll order all this food they bring

the check and I’ll say he’ll take the

bill that would seem insane and

ridiculous to expect someone who has no

business no ability no money they have

nothing they can give to pay for the

bill that they have ran up I need you to

understand that in this situation we are

the newborn baby and God knew that we

had no business paying for our sin he

knew we had no business paying for the

hurt and he said don’t worry I got it we

need to remind ourselves that we cannot

afford the cost of sin donating to

charity is an amazing thing but does not

pay for the sin that your life has

caused it sits there are may and you can

be a good person and that is amazing but

you need to understand that in and of

yourself you cannot afford what your sin

cost and when you start to back up and

you realize that you understand that

that god saves me because I didn’t even

have any business paying for this like I

couldn’t even begin to pay for this then

you start to think okay maybe I should

respond like maybe in light of what he’s

done in maybe and in light of who he is

my response is the only thing that I

could muster up that would make any

sense because I couldn’t pay this by

myself anyways

it’s God’s grace it’s his love it’s his

mercy and we got to understand that hey

it’s it’s saving grace and we can’t

afford the cost of our sin in my third

point grace is a free gift just

reminders today in case your present is

getting really loud

just a reminder today in case you

started to think that maybe you had

earned grace

just a reminder today if you thought

because of who you were connected to and

who your family is and how much money

you put in the offering you need to know

today that grace is a free gift

Ephesians 2:8 we just read it God saved

you by His grace when you believed and

you can’t take credit for it it is a

gift from God salvation is not a reward

for the good things we have done your

the grace of God is a free gift and this

morning I just want to remind you of His

grace what would have happened if

someone would have been there to remind

Esau of his birthright if in the moment

he walks in he’s like man I’m really

hungry and man give me some of that soup

it was like well give me your birthright

and as he’s about to make decision you

stop and say wait wait wait this is the

worst trade ever I know I know you’re


I know you really want the soup but

don’t trade your blessing for a bowl of

soup and it seems ridiculous but day

after day we have moments where we’re

trading our blessing for a bowl of soup

we’re trading a response to God’s grace

for our current situation and I know it

feels big but I promise you his grace is

bigger if you’ll just hold all it I’m

just here to remind you don’t make the

trade don’t allow what’s happening right

now to get you in a place where His

grace has become common and you just

stop thinking about it you say yeah I

got the grace but I need something

bigger than that I need something more

no what did the Bible say when

said I asked God three times to

take it away and God said my grace is

sufficient for you you need to know His

grace is sufficient what do you mean his

grace is enough that’s really I mean his

grace is enough period and God could not

do anything else he could never bless us

again he could he could not do anything

ever again and his grace would be enough

today I just I want to remind you of His

grace and as I start to think about this

message and I think about the grace of

God I start to think about my own life

and if worship is a response to His

grace I need to understand what His

grace saved me from I need to understand

that without His grace I’m my talent

isn’t enough like without his grace

having on a cool outfit or feeling like

I’m somebody it doesn’t do anything

without his grace I wouldn’t be where I

am and not you save that cliche no I’m

saying like physically I wouldn’t be

right here without his grace and it’s

just I have to take a moment and maybe

this message is just for me but I’ll

take a moment to remind myself that

without His grace I’m not enough without

His grace

without his grace I wouldn’t have the

family that I have without his grace I

wouldn’t have the wife that I have that

is Grace I wouldn’t have a little son on

the way it’s important that we take a

moment and we remember and we remind

ourselves that we needed saving that

your good deeds who you’re connected to

it’s not enough and that if you

understand that you needed saving that I

needed saving and that is Grace is a

free gift you reach a point in your life

where what you do who you are it doesn’t

matter because you find yourself in a

place where you realize my only response

to His grace is to worship Him my only


my only response when I look at what

he’s brought me from when I look at

where I should have been my only

response is not to worry about what

someone would think about me it’s not to

worry about your story it’s to stop and

take a moment and say god I thank you

for your grace I thank you for your

mercy I thank you that you rescued me

out of my addiction I thank you Lord

Jesus that you’re seeing me through look

I I thank you for your love


the great thing is is the more you know

you who you are without him it the more

you can worship Him the more you realize

that you’re not enough it says his

strength is made perfect in your

weakness the more you understand that

your good deeds can’t make up for your

sin the more reason you have to worship

Him I wonder if the knowledge of who we

are without God has kept us from

understanding who we are with him your

your knowledge of something is the

sealing of how you can worship it so if

you don’t understand what you are

without him it makes sense that it’s

hard for you to respond but maybe just

maybe could we take a moment and think

about who it would be without God and in

light of that we could worship Him

don’t don’t make the trade it says at

the end of that scripture decision from

that moment on Esau showed contempt for

his birthright he just he wrote it off

later on that changed what you need to

know is the Bible it says the God of

Abraham Isaac and Jacob that wasn’t the

plan firstborn son the God of Abraham

Isaac and Esau but in a moment because

of how loud the current situation was he

just wrote it off I want to encourage

you every time you walk in a church

service every time you just wake up in

the morning forget walking in a service

when you wake up in the morning take a

moment and it doesn’t have to be some

big thing and this is not a message

about we should walk around feeling sad

about who we are no it’s just

understanding who we are without him and

in light of that why we should worship

Him why we should respond listen I just

want to I want to read this last

scripture it’s in 2nd Peter says this

2nd Peter 1 verse 3 says by His divine

power God has given us everything we

need for living a godly life we’ve

received all of this by coming to know

one him the one who called us himself by

means of his marvelous glory and

excellence and because of his glory and

excellence he has given us great and

precious promises these are the promises

that enable you to share and His divine

nature and escape the world’s corruption

verse 5 in view of all of this make an

effort to respond it goes on to say in

verse a says the more you grow like this

the more productive and useful you will

be with your knowledge of Jesus but

those who fail to develop

short sighted or blind forgetting that

they have been cleansed from their old

sins says if you get to a point in your

life where you you just stop responding

you’re short-sighted Esau was

short-sighted in a moment he didn’t

realize what would happen but I want to

stop and over any revelation I want to

remind you even though it seems loud

right now even though that soup looks

really good don’t make the trade don’t

trade your worship for worry don’t trade

your worship for a wrong moment don’t

trade your worship for something that

seems so big I promise you God’s with

you and His grace is sufficient for what

you’re going through he has a plan for

your life and he is working it all out

the Bible says he’s worked all things

together for the good of those who love

him and are called according to his


in view of God’s grace and view that we

needed saving and view of who we are

without him our only response that’s my

last point you can write that down

number 4 worship is my only response

because of his grace because of his

mercy because of how because of how good

he’s been I can stop and there could be

music playing or there could be no music

playing I can be happy or I can be sad I

can have a lot of money or no money I

can feel like it’s all working out or I

don’t have a plan but in view of His

grace my only response is worship and I

believe we’re gonna be a church that

we’re not going to trade now for later

we’re not going to trade convenience for

something that could really change the

rest of our lives

cousin I want to pray for you today you

everybody bow your heads and close your

eyes I want to pray for two groups of

people the first group

there’s maybe some people in this room

who if you’re honest with yourself

you’ve thought about making the trade

it’s not that you don’t understand God’s

grace it’s not that you don’t love God

it’s not that it’s just in the moment

right now you feel like there’s a lot of

pressure you feel like you don’t have a

plan you feel like the the healing was

supposed to come you feel like it was

supposed to work out you thought by now

the marriage would be whole and right

now that the present situation seems

bigger than the promise right now

responding to His grace seems really

hard because it doesn’t seem like you

understand or doesn’t seem like he’s

there but right now I wanna pray that

you would be reminded that you would be

reminded that as grace is with you that

it’s enough and it’s always been there

so if you’re in here and you say you

know what trust if I’m honest I just I

need that reminder I need to remember

who I am without him because without him

I’m not enough but today I’m today I’m

deciding that I’m always gonna respond

I’m always gonna respond and I don’t

need my type of song or my music but

today if that’s you I just want to pray

for you would you lift your hand right


and the hands all over the room thank

God I thank you for those people or who

are saying well we’re not enough without

your grace and though we’re gonna make a

decision to stay reminded that because

of your grace because of who you are

because of what you’ve done Lord Jesus

our only response is to worship you you

can put your hands down

every head still bowed every eye still

closed there are some of you in here and

we talk about responding and worship but

before that there’s a there’s something

you need to know

and it’s pretty easy to to talk about

because it’s its grace and it’s crazy to

think that God would look at a world

that was broken that was hurting that

had evil hearts that would didn’t even

care about him and he said it doesn’t

matter I still love you

someone needs to be reminded thank you

Holy Spirit now you need to know he

still loves you what you did did not

disqualify you for his love what

happened to you did not disqualify you

from his love what people have said

about you nothing can disqualify you

from his love and there are some people

in here right now that you need to

respond to his grace and he just

surrender your life to Him you’ve tried

doing it by yourself you’ve tried living

life on your own but you’re coming to an

understanding that I need something

bigger I need a Savior listener those of

you that that’s why you’re here today is

to make the decision to follow Jesus and

say I’m done living life on my own I’m

done doing it by myself

I need His grace I need His mercy I need

him to come save me from my current

situation listen you don’t have to be

perfect you don’t have to get your life

together you don’t have to change if God

can get your hearts he’ll help you

change your habits but in a moment you

can make a decision that would change

your life forever so I’m gonna ask you

on the count of three that you would

lift your hand don’t worry about who’s

around you don’t worry about what

they’ll think this is between you and

God one two three lift your hand right

now if you want to respond to that grace

I see you right here in the back I got


over there I’m so proud of you over here

in the back I see you brother so amazing

so proud of you

listen transformation Church we are

family and no one prays alone following

every one to repeat this prayer after me

say dear Heavenly Father thank you for

loving me dear Jesus thank you for

laying down your life to save mine I

admit I’ve made mistakes save me change

me transform me in Jesus name I pray

transformation Church can we make some

noise for those who just made that

decision to follow Jesus
