Teacher and author of Going Beyond Ministries, Mrs. Priscilla Shirer reminds us that to follow after Jesus we must give up everything that will hinder that goal. We should minister with the confidence that where God calls, He also provides the necessary ability.

you’re listening to dallas theological

seminaries chapel podcast to the

expository teaching of the scripture

missus priscilla shirer desires to see

women know the uncompromising truths of

Scripture intellectually but experience

them practically by the power of the

Holy Spirit

priscilla speaking ministry began while

she was in college while interning at a

christian radio station in houston she

began to receive invitations to teach

Bible studies and small women’s events

in the area and later she started to

facilitate a Bible study at Zig Ziglar

x’ training systems here in dallas texas

she was then asked to become one of the

company’s motivational speakers and

corporate trainers and in this capacity

she’s provided training and inspiration

to hundreds of companies and their

employees across the country and abroad

but still her desire was central on

seeing women taught the Word of God / so

is the daughter of pastor speaker and

author dr. Tony Evans one of our board

members in the pastor of Oak Cliff Bible

fellowship Priscilla is married to her

best friend Jerry and they have two sons

and Jerry and Priscilla have launched a

ministry called going beyond ministries

and Priscilla is now full-time in that

ministry to women across the country as

well as around the world lady she’s a

graduate of Dallas Texas and we welcome

her to our campus would you join me in

welcoming Priscilla Schreyer to our


good morning to all of you and thank you

for the invitation dr. Bailey to be a

part of Chapel this morning I am excited

to share the Word of God with you today

for just a few moments I want to tell

you that I do recognize that there are

our brothers in the audience today and I

want to tell you that according to the

Word of God and second Timothy in 1st

Timothy that I do recognize and respect

your presence here today and want you to

know that I’ll speak to you under the

covering of my husband who is here and

the leadership of this school let’s pray

together Lord Jesus thank you so much

for the great privilege that we have to

hear your word Lord not just to hear it

with our physical ears but that our

spiritual ears might be open so that the

Spirit of God your very spirit can

implant this word into our heart so I

pray now that every spiritual ear would

be open and that your precious Holy

Spirit would do what only he can that is

take this one message divide it 500

different ways so that each and every

one of us can hear exactly what it is

that you have come to say to us in Jesus

name Amen it must have been about five

months ago or so that I was in Nashville

Tennessee in a hotel room with my sister

she and I were preparing to go

downstairs as I was going to be speaking

to a group of women that day as we were

getting dressed we were flipping

channels and CNN news was on we were

captured immediately by this news

program because on that day the

interviewer was interviewing someone who

was obviously in another state because

it was a split screen interview so via

satellite they were interviewing what I

can only describe as the most

interesting looking character I had ever

seen in my whole life

he had braids that were hanging down all

over his head they were dyed jet-black

he had on some goth type makeup I mean

he just looked really interesting out

from underneath his t-shirt that he had

on there were tattoos that were peering

out all over the place and so crystal

and I stopped dead in our tracks to see

what this was all about turns out the

guys name that was being interviewed his

name was Brian Welsh his nickname is

head to H EA D that’s what people called

him he was the lead guitarist for a


metal music group called corn Kor in now

I don’t know if you can tell or not but

I’m not a heavy-metal music kind of girl

so I’ve never heard anything about this

group but obviously it is one of the

most successful heavy-metal music bands

known right now and he was the lead

guitarist and one of the founding

members he was on CNN that day being

interviewed because he told the story

about how his life was headed for a

complete disaster he says that he was so

addicted to drugs and alcohol that most

of the concerts he played he cannot even

recall them he doesn’t remember being on

the platform on the stage at all because

he was completely high every time he

took the stage he talked about the fact

that he knew that his life was spiraling

out of control and after a night of

binging and a crazy living he says the

next day he woke up in a fog he found

the first church that he could he said

that I stumbled into that church and I

looked just like I look today he said

tattoos hair and all he said I walked in

and these people in this church opened

their arms welcomed me in sat that

tapped me beside them and loved me right

into the body of Christ he says that day

I came to know Jesus Christ as Lord and

he said that day I’m here to tell you

supernaturally the Lord took the taste

for the drugs and the taste for the

alcohol right out of my mouth and he

says I’ve been living as a free man ever

since well as you can imagine the look

on the interviewers face was quite

perplexing as he took all of this in I

don’t know if he quite expected that

kind of response and and so the

interviewer asked him who are you saying

did this for you Brian Welsh responded

it was Jesus Christ and he said so are

you saying you don’t anymore feel the

lure for the drugs and alcohol at all

Brian kind of looked at him a little

quizzically through the satellite feed

and he said well know that part of me

has been crucified with cross with

Christ on the cross of Calvary and now

I’ve been made alive together with him I


stunned that day my sister and I did the

Holi dance all right there on the bed

because here we were on watching CNN and

he was basically giving the gospel of

Jesus Christ and I was so excited about

his story and have shared it as much as

I possibly could since September it was

October the 13th this past year that the

James Robison show that tapes right here

in Fort Worth called to see if I might

be on one of their programs they taped

four shows a night they asked if I would

be their guest for two programs I did

not know who the other guests would be

until I went to the studios in Fort

Worth sat down at the dinner table with

James and Betty Robison and the other

guests for the evening Brian head Welsh

i sat there looking directly at him with

the braids hanging down all over the

place the same makeup the tattoos

shattered all over his body and for the

entire dinner I was mesmerised as he

shared with us the testimony of all that

God has done in his life when he taped

his two programs i sat like a little

schoolgirl with my head in my in my

hands my chin in my hands I never

thought I would be so excited to meet

somebody any heavy heavy metal band in

my whole life I had my camera I had my

pen I wanted his autograph I was so

excited and I listened to him share his

testimony and he said that right after

he got saved his band signed a recording

deal for their fifth record a twenty

million dollar deal he started to feel a

little bit of a tug and a pool inside

about participating in this type of

lifestyle so he said he went home to

pray about it before putting his

signature on the contract and he opened

up his Bible to have a little quiet time

and he read in the scriptures where it

says they left everything to follow

Jesus and so he said he called his

buddies up his childhood buddies up who

him now who had now become successful

together and he said I’m sorry guys but

I’m leaving everything to follow Jesus

and that day that I watched him on the

television screen

the day that I sat across the table from

him and hours later when I would watch

him on this program I was mesmerised not

because this man had been educated in

theology not because this man had been

trained at oratorical II to deliver a

message or to even sit and be able to

speak with clarity on television that’s

not why I was amazed I was amazed

because his life’s message was so

powerful that anybody who saw that

television program anybody who listened

to his word across the TV screen on that

James Robinson show anybody who heard

him knew that this was a man in whom the

Holy Spirit of God dwelt and as I

watched him I thought to myself Lord

might I have a ministry that is not

known because of any capability of my

own but only because what marks Brian’s

ministry will also mark mine that when

people hear what it is that you have

given me to share that they will sense

not the greatness of me but that they’ll

sense the greatness of you and so I have

been challenged and convicted because of

the leader the lead guitarist of a heavy

metal band about ministry there are a

few principles that the Lord Jesus has

been challenging me with regarding my

ministry and I want to share those

principles with you just a few of them

actually in the time that we have in

mark chapter 1 if you have your Bible if

you’ll turn there with me because in the

first chapter of Mark there is a very

familiar story of a day in the life of

Jesus Christ a couple days actually in

the life of Jesus Christ you all are

probably very familiar with this passage

of Scripture but just a couple morning’s

ago I was reading through this passage

and over and over and over again through

this picture of Jesus’s day I was

reminded about what it means to have a

true effective ministry and I have

become convicted about some of these

things that we’ll see in Jesus’s life

the greatest minister ever known to man

and I hope these will challenge you as

well we find Jesus in verse 21 with

three of the disciples that he is just

called to follow him

and it says they went into Capernaum and

immediately on the Sabbath he entered

the synagogue and began to teach let me

read that again it says they and went

into Capernaum and immediately on the

Sabbath Jesus Christ enters the

synagogue and he begins to teach I want

you to just get the picture that is

painted there jesus walks into Capernaum

the first thing that he does when he

gets there is enter into a synagogue

where there would have not only been

laypeople there to hear the message that

Jesus would teach but there would also

have been the most learned scholars of

the day and age seated around him

listening to and critiquing every word

that would come out of jesus’s mouth in

those next few moments but jesus stands

in their midst and it says that he

teaches them I don’t know if you have

ever before in your life been placed

into a situation where it seems like you

are in over your head the Lord seems to

have a pattern with me he does that with

me often not the least of which would be

this situation right now but the Lord

has this thing with me where he always

seems to desire to put me into a place

where I know where he knows I will sense

that unless I have his supernatural

ability to handle the task at hand that

I will indeed be equipped to do what it

what it is that he is asking me to do I

want you to see in this text that Jesus

Christ was given supernatural ability to

handle the the immediate need that arose

on this particular occasion do you know

that in the ministry that the Lord has

called you to

when while you’re here in school and

after you leave school that there are

going to be very many occasions where

you’re going to be placed into immediate

circumstances that maybe you did not

know we’re coming where you will be

around people who it seems to you are

certainly brighter certainly more well

equipped certainly more well able to do

what it is that you sense God has laid

on your heart but what you and I not

look to whether or not we are capable

but be reminded that when God calls

someone he will supernaturally enable

them to handle the task at hand in fact

I have learned that most often for me

anyway that if there’s something that I

have been asked to do that I feel the

calling of

to do but I sense a little fear because

I do feel ill-equipped to do it

that’s one of my cues that God wants me

to go ahead and do it because when I

feel weak when I sense that I am NOT

able to handle the task at hand that is

exactly when his strength is made

perfect in in through me do you feel ill

equipped to lead the women’s ministry do

you feel ill equipped to start the

church do you feel ill equipped to

counsel that person that has asked for

your advice do you feel ill equipped to

handle being a mother of small children

do you feel ill-equipped to handle the

task that God has given you

let me just challenge you that when God

calls you he will enable you and in

Jesus Christ’s example we see that when

he walks into the synagogue he is

immediately able to provide them with a

message that will stir not only their

ears but their heart and that is because

he has been supernaturally equipped with

abilities straight from his father

we then see in verse 22 that it says

Jesus teaches in such a way that they

were amazed at his teaching and this is

the reason why for he was teaching them

as one having Authority and not as the

scribes had taught them they had heard

good teaching before they had heard

messages before they had heard sermons

that would have been the most

knowledgeable ones that they could have

ever been given because the scribes that

were schooled in all of the ways of

Jewish law would have been able to teach

them with clarity and with knowledge

that would have been beyond what they

knew personally and so they had heard

good messages before but it says on this

occasion Jesus entered the synagogue and

when he began to speak they were

awestruck they were amazed this this

word carries with it a lot of weight it

means that they were struck out of their

senses they were completely overwhelmed

they were blown away because although

they had heard a lot of messages before

they had never heard someone teach like

this the Lord Jesus was not only given

supernatural ability but

he was given supernatural authority so

that the message that he delivered to

the people on that occasion not only

penetrated their minds but it went past

their minds and gripped them in their

hearts you know what it seems like or

what it feels like to be in church and

your pastor is preaching and there comes

those occasions in those messages when

there is a verse that said or a

principle that is illustrated or covered

and when the pastor gets to that point

in the message on that Sunday morning

that principle seems to resonate with

you so deeply because the Holy Spirit

takes that general principle and a pry

applies it to the specifics of your life

that is because the Holy Spirit has

given that pastor that minister in that

moment authority to deliver the Word of

God so that that message will do more

than just penetrate your mind but it

will penetrate the depths of your soul

lord might we have ministries like Jesus

did so that when we speak it will be

with authority I was talking to dr.

Ellen just a few moments ago in the

prayer room and I was telling him that

it was over a decade ago that I sat in

his class and there were so many things

in that class and in the class of many

others who were seen here on this

platform that were blessing to me but I

told dr. Allen that there is one line

that he said in that class that at least

once a month for the past decade and

more the Lord has brought it to my mind

to help me to make a decision in my life

to lead me in my walk with the Lord to

lead me in the direction that I am to go

something that he said over a decade ago

I will never forget it because when he

said it the Lord gave him such authority

that that message didn’t just stick in

my mind but it made such an impact in my

heart and in my life that it’s changed

the way I live and isn’t this what

ministry is supposed to be about that

when you and I share with the person who

were mentoring across the

or teach the children in the Sunday

School class or mother or father the

children in our own home shouldn’t it be

that when we share God’s truths with

them that it will not only affect them

mentally but that we will speak to them

as one having the authority of God so

that the Spirit will take that message

and apply it in a way to their lives

that will change their daily living from

that day forward that is why Paul said

in first Corinthians chapter 2 verses 3

through 5 Paul said listen I was with

you in weakness and in fear and in much

trembling he said my lesson my preaching

listen they weren’t in persuasive words

of wisdom but in the demonstration of

the spirit and of the power and of power

and he says this is why that your faith

won’t rest with the wisdom of men but

that your faith will rest with the power

of God Lord give us your authority so

that when we speak we will speak

messages that can be not only heard with

the physical ear but that will penetrate

the heart of all who hear Jesus Christ

had authority and then we find that

after Jesus spoke in an amazing way with

authority that verse 23 says just then

there wasn’t a synagogue a man with an

unclean spirit and he cried out he said

what do we have to do with you Jesus of

Nazareth have you come to destroy us I

know who you are you’re the Holy One of

God and look how Jesus responds verse 25

it says Jesus rebuked him not the man

but the demon in him saying be quiet and

come out of him a man interrupts what is

going on he makes some he cries out loud

and would have been a major interruption

to Jesus’s message and not only to the

people who were trying to hear Jesus’s

message so he interrupts the program of

what is happening there it has an

external response that disturbs the

peace so to speak

Jesus recognizes that it’s not the man

is having the problem but it is

something that is happening inside of

this man that is causing him to disrupt

what is going on going on there that day

and so Jesus doesn’t address the man he

addresses the deep-seated issue that is

taking place within this man Jesus

Christ demonstrates to us that an

effective ministry will not only be

endowed with supernatural ability and

supernatural Authority but it will also

carry supernatural vision that is the

ability for us as men and women in

ministry to listen to the problems that

the people are facing but then have an

ability to by the Spirit of God really

detect what the heart of the issue is I

cannot imagine what could make any

ministry more effective than men and

women whose spirits are sensitive enough

to hear what it is that the Spirit of

God wants to do in the lives of the

individuals to whom we are ministering

women’s minister can you imagine if

before you made all of your plans for

the semester for the for the year for

the women in your church or in that

organization or in that Bible study can

you imagine if in your prayer time the

Lord would just allow you to have a

little bit of insight into what the real

needs are of those women that you’re

going to be ministering to pastor of the

fledgling church what if the Lord would

give you spiritual vision so that you

don’t just plan a whole lot of programs

that suit your fancy but so that he will

give you spiritual insight to see what

the needs are of the community that your

church is going to be positioned in so

that you can direct the mission of your

church the the statement of your church

the goals of your church to be able to

affect the community in which you’re

situated Lord would you give us

spiritual vision so that we can see the

true needs that need to be addressed I

have a friend by the name of Linda Dillo

many of you may be familiar with that

name her husband Jodi do low graduated

from this institution and she herself is

an author in her own right

many acclaimed books one of them I think

the most famous of them is intimate

issues it’s a book specifically for

women dealing with intimacy in marriage

and so

when she speaks most of the time Linda

Dillo will speak to women on that very

issue intimacy in marriage and as you

can imagine imagine delivering a message

like that will stir a lot of inner needs

and questions and turmoil sometimes in

the lives of folks as they kind of weed

through all that is entailed in that

topic I met with her met her for the

first time actually this past January we

were ministering together at a women’s

conference and she and I had some time

to talk and she said to me Priscilla

whenever I had the opportunity to speak

at a Women’s Conference and I speak on

intimate issues she said that I will

probably spend after that message the

remainder of the weekend most of it I

will not spend addressing the people

most of it I will spend in my hotel room

that becomes a Counseling Center and

every two hours without a doubt there

will be someone scheduled who needs to

sit down with me and talk about the

concerns and the issues that they’re

having in their life right now and they

will voice to me their concerns and

their heartache and their problems and

she said before they come into this room

to meet with me she said Priscilla me

and the Lord have a session before each

one comes in and I talked to the Lord

and I say Lord would you grant me for

this next meeting would you grant me

spiritual vision so that I can read in

between the lines of whatever it is that

this woman is about to say to me because

more than likely whatever she thinks the

problem is it’s probably not the problem

there’s probably something underneath

that that problem that is causing that

to be an issue in her life God would you

give me spiritual vision she prays to

see what really needs to be seen and

lord I pray would you heighten our

spiritual sensitivities so that our

spiritual radar is up to see that which

cannot be seen with the naked eye Lord

to hear that which cannot be heard by

just the natural ear Lord to sense and

be sensitive to only that what your

spirit can make us sensitive to and so

Jesus sees into the heart of the span

and immediately verse 28 says the news

about him goes out everywhere into the

surrounding district of Galan

and verse 29 immediately after they had

come out of the synagogue and into the

house of Simon and Andrew with James and

John verse 30 says Simon’s mother-in-law

was lying sick with a fever and

immediately they spoke to him about her

my husband and I are in full-time

ministry really together he does all the

real work so that I can study and speak

and have time to be a mom and a wife and

he and I have the privilege of traveling

all over the country and being in and

speaking mostly to two women’s groups

and can I just tell you that one of the

most tiring things to do after speaking

all day is to go to somebody’s house

it’s tough because rightfully so they

want to entertain you and you want to

oblige they’re entertaining but if you

have ever given a workshop or taught a

Sunday School lesson or spoke for any

period of time you know that it can be

taxing it can wear you out some I got a

witness right over there yes it can wear

you out and one of the hardest things

can be after that to be taken into

someone’s home where you still need to

kind of be on you still need to talk and

engage in conversation here Jesus is

after a full day of ministry and he has

taken into a home not only a home where

folks want to entertain him but a home

where there still needs that need to be

addressed because Simon’s mother-in-law

is sick and they immediately come and

say Jesus your day is not over I know

you’ve been busy all day but we still

need you Lord there’s someone who needs

a healing and I watched or read this

passage I thought to myself that the

only way the Lord Jesus would be able to

do this effectively is not only if he

had supernatural ability and

supernatural Authority not only if he

had supernatural vision but to carry all

this out he had to have supernatural

energy sisters and brothers to handle

the ministry that the Lord will entrust

to you and the surprise opportunities

that no doubt are going to come your way

that you never expected that you didn’t

plan that weren’t necessarily part of

our strategy for the year to be able to

handle the opportunities to minister

that God will send to you that won’t

necessarily look like what you thought

they would that will require your your

your full capabilities your full

engagement your full for an invention

you and I need more than our natural

energy we need a supernatural endowment

of God’s spirits energy raging and

running through us and on this occasion

we see that Jesus Christ had

supernatural energy and finally 32 says

when evening had come the Sun had set

listen to this they begin bringing to

him all who were ill those who were

demon-possessed and listen the whole

city verse 33 gathered at his door have

you felt like everybody was at your door

that everybody was in need of you that

without you the world would not continue

to turn that’s what was happening on

this day listen to verse 34 here

supernatural energy jesus healed many

who were ill with various diseases and

cast out many demons and he was not

permitting the demons to speak because

they knew who he was

verse 35 this would be the last thing I

share with you this morning in the early

morning while it was still dark Jesus

arose he went out and departed to a

lonely place and he went to pray Jesus

had supernatural ability supernatural

Authority supernatural vision

supernatural energy and supernatural

priorities because after a day filled

with what would have made me the next

day just want to stay in bed as long as

possible Jesus Christ gets up

theologians say it would have been about

4 a.m. that he got up out of the bed and

it was important enough to him to spend

time with the father that he was willing

to even lose sleep to make sure that

that happened Jesus would have seen it

as an unbalanced life to have had enough

energy for the people on one

but then not enough energy for God on

the following day don’t we often get

that backwards where we have enough

energy for the for the people and we

think that the father will just

understand that he’ll just get it that

he’ll just know that we were so busy

serving him that he’ll excuse us from

actually spending time with him can I

just encourage you sisters and brothers

to have supernatural priorities to

remember that his desire more than all

else the father’s desire more than all

else is that you and I would spend

intimate time with him that we would

engage of 10 times of silence and

solitude so that we can be with him and

listen to his heart for us the only

reason why the Lord Jesus could have all

of these supernatural endowments that

would enable him to be effective in the

ministry that he had the day before was

that he knew that time was the father

was what would give him exactly what he

would need do we recognize that time

with the father is what’s going to give

us the endowment that we need to do what

it is that God has called us to do

there’s a little book that I’ve run

across called the tyranny of the urgent

by Charles II Hummel it was written in

1967 Charles says an experienced factory

manager once said to me Charles your

greatest danger is letting the urgent

things crowd out the important things he

didn’t realize how hard his advice hit

me Charles writes it’s often return

returned to haunt and rebuke me by

raising the critical problem of

priorities we live in a constant tension

between the urgent and the important the

problem is that many important tasks

don’t need to be done today or even this

week extra hours of prayer and Bible

study or visiting an elderly friend

reading an important book these

activities they can usually wait a

little while longer but often the urgent

though less important tasks call for

immediate response so endless demands

pressure every waking hour a person’s

home is no longer a castle a private

place away from urgent tasks the

telephone reaches its walls with

incessant demands the appeal of these

demands seems irresistible but they

our our energy a little bit by a little

bit but in the light of eternity there

momentary prominence often fades and

with a sense of loss we recall the

important tasks that have been pushed

aside and we realize we’ve become slaves

to the tyranny of the urgent this was

written in 1967 in the margin I have

written iPods mp3 players fax machine

email podcast satellite cable DSL cell

phones blackberries iPhones pagers the

list goes on and on done it and if you

and I are not careful before we know

what we’ll be slaves to the tyranny of

the urgent and we’ll forget to have

supernatural priorities Lord would you

give us supernatural ministries

ministries like Jesus that are not just

about what we’re able to pull off in our

natural capabilities I mean those might

impress people but they can’t change

people and so the cry of my heart I pray

will be the cry of yours as you endeavor

to do all the things that God has put on

your heart that you will ask God for

more than just an ability but that you

will ask him for a supernatural ability

to do what you cannot do what I cannot

do in our own strength let’s pray

together Lord Jesus thank you for the

example that Jesus Christ sets for us

and how our ministries might might be

most effective I pray that you would now

seal this word in all of our hearts not

for our glory but for yours in Jesus

name Amen