A decade ago, Priscilla Shirer authored Discerning the Voice of God, and since then God has continued to grow, teach, and challenge her in her walk with Him. This revised and expanded edition reflects that growth through new stories, illustrations, and exercises.

even when things get difficult like when

you have delays interruptions life’s not

moving along at the clip at the speed

that you would prefer for it to can I

tell you something that when I’m driving

along and I come to speed bumps I’m so

annoyed speed bumps annoy anybody else

other than me yeah I couldn’t get

annoyed because I’ve chosen the speed

but I’m going on purpose I like to speed

I’m going to be sweet oh brother when I

come to this speed bump and every time

you see a speed bump you have a choice

to make because you can go flying over

the speed bump if you want to but it’s

gonna mess up your alignment then you’ll

have to take time to go get realigned

because you’re going to mess up your

alignment if you fly past that speed

bump but see sometimes if you see a sign

off to the side of the road that says

children at play well then it helps you

see the speed bump differently because

you recognize that there’s something

very valuable that is being protected

and that’s the reason why you need to

slow down you look at the speed bump

differently when you realize the speed

bump is there because there’s something

of value that the Lord is trying to

protect you from or protect you for and

so if you speed by too fast not only are

you gonna mess up your alignment but you

might just damage something that is very

valuable that he’s trying to preserve

for you even speed bumps when you know

that the result of your relationship is

that you’re going to hear God and

experience God it even changes the way

you you look at speed bumps in your life