and he has already been in eternity

future it’s hard to imagine that you

have had self-love challenges look who’s


but sovereignty does not just mean that

he has seen it all even now i i struggle

with having to remind myself okay even

with the weaknesses that i know that i

have and the tendencies that i wish

would be a little bit different in my


god made me this way as a career i know

that you’re going to equip me for that i

always thought of self-love as oh that

sounds selfish

yeah so

how do how is self-love compatible or

actually an enhancement of being a

person of a woman of faith

well we are all made in god’s image

we are image-bearers of a holy god a

creative god and

a powerful god and so when we love the

package he made us in

we recognize that we’re a reflection of

his creative genius so my skin color and

my hair texture and the uniquenesses

that you have in personality and in

physicality when we embrace that we’re

saying to god

lord thank you for the way you made me

deficiencies weaknesses and all

and i want to surrender all of this to

you to be used by your glory and for

your purpose when we don’t love

ourselves a lot of times we look to

other things for validation success

relationships whatever and those kind of

become our gods our idols absolutely and

we will find always that those things

are lacking you were talking about your

own challenges with self-love can you

just give me an example absolutely

i remember when i was in college oh i

just thought i met the love of my life

and my life would be over without him

and um i went through a season that a

lot of young ladies have gone through

where you just sort of invest everything

into that relationship and this guy

decided he didn’t want to be in a

relationship with me after two or three


it was devastating and i immediately

took that as a rejection of who i am as

opposed to just saying in the moment i

see it clearly now but in the moment

instead of just saying we are not right

for each other i took it on as a

personal um reflection of my inability


be loved of something that is wrong with

me so my my ability to love myself took

a huge hit

by this one individual rejecting me in

that relationship

i would have never

thought that of you oh yes ma’am

yes it was one of those markers because

i think that’s something a lot of women

resonate with i think that


approval of a man sometimes

is something that oh i’m not good enough

that’s the reason that he didn’t choose

me or he didn’t want to continue the

relationship with me so what did what

did you do at that time

to work on yourself

which is the answer well i would say

that it’s less about working on myself

and more about

me um be coming to a better more clear


of who i am in god that’s what that’s

what the fix was for me that he

loves me

that he approves of me

that i don’t have to do anything to earn

the affection and the approval of god i

think i’ve got a pretty good idea of how

you were probably raised okay

i think i you know i’ve heard your dad

preach i i i think i got a pretty good

idea of how you were raised

what would you say what advice would you


in raising healthy


with self-worth

in today’s


i would think that the main thing when i

look back that my parents gave to myself

and my sister speaking specifically

about girls but also to my brothers

was the investment of their time


so less about what tangible things they

were giving us and when i look back

really they placed value on us

by being there but as a father with a

daughter that man male figure giving

that to a daughter um is something that

will shape the way they look at

relationships moving forward what is

your indulgence what do you really just

like to do that people might not suspect

yeah i’m gonna tell you that mexican

food is my love language so if i can get

some good salty chips and some queso and

guacamole my whole my whole day has been
