On the air since 1973, TBN’s flagship ministry and talk show Praise is one of the most recognizable — and most watched — Christian programs in the world. Taped before a live audience and hosted by TBN’s own Matt and Laurie Crouch along with other popular personalities, Praise features the best in contemporary Christian music and worship, fresh and impacting ministry voices, engaging interviews from a wide variety of guests, and a fast-moving hour of relevant talk you won’t want to miss!

and he just said son he said

you’re gonna have to pull it together

and you’ve got to stop doing the stuff

you gotta pull together

and i just remember just going i know

dad i know i just

my head was down and i was trying not to

cry and and that’s all i said

that’s always it in nashville well part

of that journey was in nashville when i

moved here

in 78 and i’d become a product when i

was in 75 it’s

it’s a crazy story i’ve written other

books about it you know over the years


the gory details of just i just got

deceived i mean

i’ve always if you can have a favorite

name name for the devil

i’ve always said he’s the great deceiver


anybody can go down i don’t care who you

are and

but i didn’t think i i didn’t think i

would you know it’s just it’s a crazy

story all my friends

who were older went to school went off

to college and then i just

i lost my way and i thought i could play

with the fire and not get burned and all

of a sudden i’m trapped

i’m literally trapped and

it’s the crazy thing is because i

remember getting high with people and i

would be talking about jesus

and then i’ll go well man that’s really

cool you know i mean it sounds weird

but i knew that god had a call in my

life and i knew that there was a destiny

for my life

and so i never could shake that

i never totally just i never totally

disowned him

i just partying just doing crazy stuff

you know making bad choices

yeah cool thing is my mom and dad never

can do me

ever ever they never threw me under the

bus i was always welcome home

i know it hurt my mom and dad that’s

what hurt me and i could tell in their


that they were greed they weren’t mad

they were they were grieving for me

so basically i just continued to sort of

spiral spiral spiral down and i’m in

this i felt like i was in a big pit and

there was no ladder to get out

and then i i had a near drug overdose in

1978 and that’s

and i almost lost my life and that’s

when i thought

oh my gosh lord do whatever you have to


to get my attention car wreck break my

legs just don’t kill me

i’d say those kind of prayers and i knew

my mom and dad were on their knees

every single night for me if not in the

morning as well

and then 1979 november 79 i had a

i probably had a nervous breakdown i

never went to the doctor

but i ended up on the linoleum floor

in my apartment in nashville

and i wept and shook for three and a

half hours

and at 3 30 in the morning i just and

i know beyond a shadow of a doubt that

abba was laying on the floor with his

arm around me

and i haven’t been the same since it all

changed but

i’m convinced that it was the prayers my

mom and dad yeah

during that let’s say that season of

your life

where you were making bad choices

you know a lot of times people think god

shames them that god wants to

be a task master and wants to correct

you in a harsh way

but i i found in the book the closest

thing to

harsh that your dad was with you you

write about

in the book where you had a bit of a


out on the front porch of your little

house in kenosha

canova canova yeah and so um

what was that like because that’s almost

a heavenly father issue yeah i was

tender and i felt awful

you know i’m i’m i felt shame i felt

i just felt so guilty and but it didn’t

really come from my dad it was just i

knew i was doing the wrong thing but

yeah my

my dad came you know he came from that


you know there was some really amazing

things about that generation

when you were sick you went to work yeah

yeah you took care of your wife you took

care of your kids you were involved in

your community

uh you’re involved in your church and

you just you know he just was a

good good guy you know but there were

certain things that

of that generation that they didn’t want

to like they didn’t you know we didn’t

have a lot of talks about sex

we didn’t talk a lot of talks about or

he was non-confrontational

yeah yeah but those kind of things he

just didn’t

he didn’t know what to say you know and

for me it’s a little dif

it’s a different time for me i’ve had

talks with all my

kids about lots of important and deep

stuff and

where some of my kids were maybe

struggling and i just talked to him

about it you know

my dad had a hard time doing that

because i think he didn’t want to push

me away

he knew i was in trouble so he he

thought if he said he he was so careful

not to say anything that might make me

wander even further right

but i remember on that front porch i

went out there he asked me to come out

there and i’m sitting and i just knew it

was coming you know

and he just said son he said you’re

gonna have to pull together

and you’ve got to stop doing this stuff

you got to pull together

and i just remember just going i know

dad i know i just

my head was down and i was trying not to

cry and and that’s all he said

that’s all he said and then we got back

in the house

that conversation on the porch that paul

smith had with michael w

smith is more in line with what god is

always saying

whatever you’re dealing with whatever

you think is giving you

life in this world isn’t it’s really

death it’s temporary it’s

my goodness to you is what will fulfill

you he’s constantly saying those things

and that’s kind of what you experienced

even in

your kind of wayward time your dad was

just calling to you he didn’t want to

push you any further

and people have the a really weird

dynamic about god is this really

you know kind of guy with a hammer you

know behind his back

waiting to knock you on the head with it

no no it’s not like that is it it’s not

like that and

you know unfortunately you know a lot of

these people have grown up

in really legalistic churches and have

and have brought that sort of theology

that i think is detrimental

to people and and that’s the kind of

stuff that makes me

if i get and i never get i don’t get mad

very often i’m

such so peaceful and but if i do get


it’s when people instill

uh lies in people’s lives and things

like that

that portray god for some someone that

he’s not

and because that can destroy a life the

great deceiver

is it great to see her well the reality


uh your testimony here today is at your

darkest hour what did what

what was the image of god you remember

there with you with his arm around you

he was literally with you yeah that’s

your story that’s my story

at tbn our mission is to use every

available means to reach as many

individuals and families as possible

with the life-changing gospel of jesus

christ thank you for helping

make the gospel of grace

go around the world without you we

couldn’t do it god bless you