Priscilla Shirer (guest speaking on T.D. Jakes, “The Potter’s Touch”) and Tony Evans teach that YOU have power over the enemy! As you see him try to infiltrate different areas of your life, put on the Armor of GOD and go into battle. You are called to walk in VICTORY! This video was brought to you by TBN Networks®. Watch more episodes of The Potter’s Touch with T.D. Jakes on the TBN app:

Watch more Tony Evans sermons on the TBN app:

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not just gonna stand here and let you

run rough shot

over my family and over my own peace of

mind and peace of heart and over my

marriage and over

s and over my health and over my

business and over my Ministry I’m gonna

be a woman guarded in the armor that

will bring me victory in battle the Holy

Spirit guides us he pulls us now you can

walk you should walk but you’re walking

on some power you’re walking on some

undergirding you’re walking on some

strength because you’re walking with the

mind of the spirit consistent with the

Revelation and word of God so that he

can override

even if you are not convinced about what

it is that the word of God declares to

be true about you even if you’re not

sure about the nuances of your

inheritance as a co-heir to the kingdom

of God even if you are convinced that

you have rights and privileges that you

have access to the throne room of God as

the scripture says even if you aren’t

convinced you need to know that the

enemy is

he knows who you are

he knows that you have been made

competent by the spirit of God he

he have been qualified he knows that you

are already forgiven he knows that

you’ve already been made free he knows

that there is therefore now no

condemnation for those of us who are in

Christ Jesus he knows that he can form a

weapon against you but that that weapon

has absolutely no possibility of

prospering in your life he knows that in

the end we win

what a shame it would be

for him to believe more about your power

than you do

and I believe at least in part that is

why the Apostle Paul writes to us in the

book of Ephesians

now y’all know the Apostle Paul was a

bad brother

he wrote letter after letter to the

first century Christian churches to make

sure they knew who they were to disciple

them to mature them to bring them into

full knowledge and awareness of what it

would mean to be in relationship with

Jesus Christ and of all of Paul’s

writings which gives us about two-thirds

of our new testament Scholars say that

the Pinnacle of all of Paul’s writing

the cherry on top of the cake really the

creme de La Creme of all the apostles

wrote to us really Ephesians is that

cherry on top of the cake

and part of the reason why is because of

the six chapters he spends more than the

first half of the book just telling you

who you are

I mean he keeps tripping over himself

with robust language to try to

communicate to the people of God the

power that they have access to by virtue

of their relationship with Jesus he

wants you to know that you have been

blessed with every spiritual blessing

he’s going to tell you that God’s Grace

has been lavishly poured out upon you he

wants you to know in the first and

second chapter That You Are Holy and

blameless and forgiven and that you are

free oh if you haven’t taken time to

read it read through the book of

Ephesians because it’s going to tell you

that you are a co-heir with a hefty

spiritual inheritance he I want you to

know that even if you’ve been rejected

by everybody else your God has

hand-picked hand selected you chosen you

adopted you grafted you into the family

of God

he wants you to know you’ve been

snatched out of darkness and flung into

His Marvelous Light

he’s gonna trip over himself to make

sure you know that you once were dead in

your trespasses and in your sins but

you’ve now been made alive together with

Jesus Christ he wants you to know that

you are his workmanship you’re a

masterpiece a piece of art recreated in

Christ Jesus for good work so that you

can walk in them in fact the Apostle

Paul y’all he gets so worked up trying

to make sure we know how powerful we are

that before he even gets through the

first chapter he bursts out in a prayer

and says I’m praying that the eyes of

your heart would be opened

because if you would just know the hope

of his call again choosing you the

riches that have been made available to

you is going to change the course of

your life

so he spills over himself going over and

over trying to figure out how do I make

sure the Believers know who they are so

they can walk in some semblance of

Victory and freedom as they live the

Abundant Life to which they have been


I want you to see the Apostle Paul

writing this letter he is in a Roman

prison at the time probably on house

arrest see the Apostle Paul in your

mind’s eye sitting on the cold hard

floor of his cell trying to figure out

the right words under the inspiration of

the Holy Spirit to make sure that the

sacred text communicates exactly what it

should and he gets to the end of this

letter having given us all this robust

language about our inheritance and our

power and our potential in Jesus Christ

and he’s trying to figure out how do I

close this letter

how do I make sure that they don’t get

tripped up that they live in the victory

that is there see the Apostle Paul

sitting on that cold floor hanging over

his parchment paper ink quill in hand

waiting for the inspiration of the Holy

Spirit to figure out how do I put an

exclamation point on this letter

how do I make sure that they will walk

in Victory all the days of their life

how do I make sure to close this thing

with such Clarity and such power that

they will know at the end of this letter

and at the end of this era

they’ve been called to walk in Victory


picture the possibility that he looks up

from his parchment paper his Roman cell

and he looks up to see two Roman


standing right outside of the doorway

posted up to make sure their prisoner

stays put and he would have seen the

Roman soldiers equipped in their Roman


and then he crafts these words

in Ephesians chapter 6.

verse 10.

he says


in conclusion

in the very end

after you’ve heard so much and I’ve

written so much and I’ve entrusted so

much to you and I’ve explained so much

after all these messages and all this

teaching and all this seed that has been

planted into the soil of our hearts

after all has been entrusted to us after

everything we’ve gotten from a call

Pastor Susie Owens and a Cheryl Brady

and a bishop Jakes and a Serita Jakes

and a Cynthia James and and a Jackie

McCoy after our lives have been poured

into for thirdest strong years

the Apostle Paul says finally

you ought to be strong in the Lord

and in the strength of his might

the Apostle Paul says be strong

get some spiritual meat on your bones

find in your faith

don’t you dare

years of ministry and walk out of these

doors and be weak-willed women pull

decide by every new age ideology and

philosophy of our culture be strong

don’t you dare walk out of these doors

and be pulled aside by every impulse of

the flesh be strong

be strong in the Lord and in the

strength of his might we’ve been too

filled up and too blessed and taught

beyond what we deserve people have

poured their lives into us we better

leave here and be strong

yo we can’t keep waiting on other people

to spoon feed us the word of God our

entire lives

we gotta grow up and be strong

what you gotta decide that I’m not gonna

sip on the Milk of the word my whole

life I need some meat because I’m mature

I’ve grown up I need some strengths

and I believe that part of the reason

why the Lord has allowed you and I this

privilege to be a part of this final

Woman Thou Art loose is because for so

many of us that are in this room these

72 hours is about getting you your

strength back

to remind you that the joy of the Lord

is your strength

pulse has finally you be strong in the

Lord and in the strength of his might

and he says here’s how you’re going to

be able to do it

put on the full armor of God

so that you may be able to stand firm

against the scheme somebody say schemes

come on y’all say schemes

stand firm against the schemes of the


before we wrestle not against flesh and

blood but against the rulers against the

powers against the world forces of this

Darkness against the spiritual forces of

wickedness that are in the Heavenly

places therefore you ought to go ahead

and put down all the weapons that

haven’t been working for you anyway and

take up some weapons that actually have


take up the full armor of God so that

you can stand in the evil day and having

done everything to stand firm stand firm


the Apostle Paul tells us how to walk in

Victory to remember that we’re not just

children but we’re children with power

and he introduces for us in these three

verses almost for the very first time at

least this overtly in the context of the

New Testament it’s been inferred

throughout the new the Old Testament and

at different places throughout the new

but this is the very first time that

somebody comes right out Point Blank and

says you have an enemy


and your enemy

listen to me this is a revelation that’s

going to change somebody’s life

your enemy is not the person that you’re

sitting next to this morning

your enemy is not the spouse that you

left at home a couple days ago

that you work for the co-worker you sit

next to you know that one that if she

says one more thing to you you gonna

knock her out that one if someone

offends me or someone hurts me or does

something to me it rolls off my

shoulders pretty easy

if somebody comes to me and says hey

will you forgive me for what I did to

you I’m a forgive him and say girl come

on let’s move on we get it’s all right

I’m just

I’m wired that way I’m easy going

but if I find out

I’m saying don’t don’t get it twisted

if I find out that someone’s been


that’s a whole different story

because scheming implies pre-planning

if you’ve been scamming against me that

means you’ve been watching for a little


you’ve been trying to figure out what it

is about me that is most weak most frail

most vulnerable so that you can take

advantage of me you’ve been studying me

to find out what my patterns are and

what the predilection of My Flesh is and

what my preferences are so that you can

figure out the best time to take most

full advantage of me and the people that

I love

and when I find out that you haven’t

just been scheming against me but you’ve

had your eyes on this man that God has

given me to be married to for the past

23 years

when I find out you’ve been studying him

so that you can figure out what his weak

points are so that you can try to take

advantage of him and when I figure out

you’ve been looking into his history to

try to figure out how you can make

what’s in my history and in his history

combust so that we can’t have real

smooth passion and intimacy and

friendship in our marriage and when I

find out

that you haven’t just been scheming

against me and my man but you’ve had the

nerve to be watching these three boys

that the Lord has given to me to raise

into men of God

when I find out you had your eyes on my


and you’ve been studying them so you can

already figure out at this young age

how you can trip them up so that they do

not reach the destiny that has been

assigned to them when I find out that

you’ve been scheming against me and the

people that I love well if it’s a war

you want

it’s a war you gonna have

the more you’re gonna have

because because I’m not just gonna stand

here and let you run roughshod

over my family and over my own peace of

mind and peace of heart and over my

marriage and over my finances and over

my health and over my business and over

my Ministry I’m gonna be a woman guarded

in the armor that will bring me victory

in battle

we gotta be strong

Paul says

get dressed for victory

he says you’re gonna need some stability

in your core to make sure that you’re

not pushed to the left or the right with

the schemes and the ploys of the enemy

against you you’re gonna need to be

girded in your short your core with a

belt called Truth

and then he says you’re going to need

something to guard your heart you’re

going to need a breastplate call


and that he says that if you want any

hope of being able to move forward

successfully on the terrain of this life

you’re going to need something for your

feet your feet better be shot with the

preparation of the gospel of peace

he says no you’re gonna need a shield

because there are not just arrows but

flaming arrows that are going to be sent

by the enemy into your life and the

Flaming errors are not meant to kill you

they are meant to set fire on everything

around you so that you’re so distracted

putting out fires that you don’t have

time to advance against this Kingdom

so you’re gonna need a shield to

extinguish the Flaming missiles of the

evil one and that Shield is your faith

you’re gonna need something to cover

your mind because the enemy is trying to

erect strongholds which are basically

partitions that stand against the

knowledge of God so that you can’t hear

clearly the voice of God in your life

you’re going to need a helmet and that

helmet is your salvation

and then he says you’re going to need a

sword of the spirit the sword that he’s

referring to is not the three foot long

swore that we most picture no this is a

12 inch dagger he says you’re gonna need

a dagger of the spirit it was reserved

for when the enemy encroached beyond the

first lines of defense and the enemy was

in close combat he’s all up in your face

he says for the moments in life when

you’re encroached upon by the enemy

you’re gonna need something to make sure

that you Stave off the enemy you need a

dagger of the spirit

and that dagger is the word of God

and you’ve lived long enough

you’ve come to realize that

life is not always easy

and while we cherish those times of fun

and frivolity and play and excitement

we dread those times of pain and anguish

and struggle

someone has said that life can be

described as being bittersweet

it has those sweet moments that we

cherish and embrace

and those bitter moments that bring us

to tears hurt and pain

Paul is writing

includes his treaties to the church at


to talk to them about the battleground

of life

we call it spiritual warfare

but he’s not just talking about any kind

of battle

he describes this one specifically by

calling it The Evil day

the evil day

the evil day is when all hell breaks

loose on you

the evil day is when you are overwhelmed

yes life has its normal ups and downs

but that’s not what he’s talking about


talking about

when you are under major attack

when your world is being shattered

your dreams are being destroyed your

hopes are being dimmed and where you

look out and all you see is the light of

an oncoming train

he calls that the evil day

the day when hell is after you

and your name has come up

he says when that day comes when that

period of time when you’re under major

assault comes

he says I want you to understand how to

how to approach this

because he says on that day

you’re going to need the strength of the

Lord verse 10. normal stuff is not going

to work

and play in church show nothing won’t


he says on that day you’re going to need

the Supernatural and so he goes into

these verses

leading up to the subject of prayer to

tell us how to approach this time in

your life in my life now I want to make

sure that I’m not wasting my time on

this sermon so is anybody here know what

I’m talking about when I talk about an

evil day

an evil day

when you’re under massive spiritual


well let me remind you

that everything visible and physical is

preceded by that which is invisible and

spiritual everything visible and

physical is preceded by that which is

invisible and spiritual

so Paul wants you to know if you want to

address in the time of your attack

the visible and physical you need to do

it from the perspective of the invisible

and spiritual

he gives you the term that he uses

throughout the book of Ephesians of

heavenly places

Heavenly places means the spiritual

Realm and what he’s saying is that when

you are under assault

when your life is being shattered you’re

trying to be in the will of God you’re

trying to walk with God but you’re being

attacked your well-being is being

attacked dreams of being attacked your

health is being attacked your stability

is being attacked your resources are

being attacked your future is being

attacked you are just under assault he

says during those times you have to view

things from the location of heavenly


or the spiritual realm if you’re going

to be strong to walk through work

through the times of those attacks

and he wants to set

the plan in place for how you’re going

to make it through the evil day

for those of you who’ve not yet been to

the evil day

keep living it’s coming

when you’re under assault

and your stability your world

is being you shaken

he says during those times three times

he says I want you to stand firm stand


stand firm

don’t quit don’t quit don’t quit

because the Temptation is

easily to throw in the towel when your

world is collapsing right in front of

your eyes

he says the first thing I want you to


is that you wrestle not against flesh

and blood

in other words people aren’t the source

of your problem

they may be the conduit for your problem

but they’re not the source of your


for we Christians wrestle not against

flesh and blood but principalities and

powers and World forces that are located

in Heavenly places or the spiritual

Realm so if you address the resource

without addressing the source all you’ve

done is created a delay for it to come

back up again

because you’ve not gotten to the root

of the problem we’re just addressing the


of the problem and so what he is saying

is the source is spiritual

he first of all wants to set the stage

by saying on the evil day

when you’re in this season of Attack

I want you to stand firm which means to

hold your ground in the Lord he says be

strong in the Lord to hold your

spiritual ground

it is easy to be swayed and moved off of

Santa when you’re suffering it is easy

to be swayed and move off of the source

of your hope when you’re going through

it and you see no exit sign it is easy

to be moved but he says during those

times when you are under assault and

your world is being stripped from right

underneath you he calls it the evil day

says during that time I want you to grab

more tightly your faith don’t loosen it


stand firm when you’re under the fire of

the evil one when you’re under Fire of

demonic attack when you’re under the

fire of suffering you do not run away

from God when you are in the evil day

you have to run to God when you’re in

the midst of the evil day

because you’re now engaged in spiritual


he says stand firm hold on to your faith

he then tells you how to dress for

Spiritual success

he gives you the Armor of God

he tells you I want you to get dressed

for the battle

now when you’re in a war and when you’re

in a parade

a military parade they show the weapons

when you’re in a war you use the weapons

because in the evil day this is not show

time at the Apollo

this is time when you gotta get dressed

he says you’ve got to put on truth put

on righteousness put on peace he goes on

he says you got to put on faith he says

you got to put on the helmet of

salvation then he says you’ve got to use

the sword of the spirit which is the

word of God he gives these six pieces of

spiritual Arsenal or Spiritual armor

that the believer is to utilize when it

comes to taking a stand in the evil day

or when you’re under spiritual attack

and spiritual oppression that’s

affecting your physical Financial


emotional family well-being take your

stand harder than you’ve ever taken it

before but put on this armor but now you

may not remember all the pieces of the

armor so let’s make it easy because

Romans Chapter 13 Verse 14 says

put on Christ

if you can’t remember all the pieces

remember this one

put on Christ why because he says I want

you to be put on Truth Jesus says I am

the way the truth and the life he says I

want you to put on righteousness

scripture says Christ is our

righteousness he says put on peace Jesus

said in this world you will have

tribulation but I give you my peace he

says put on the helmet of salvation

scripture is clear Jesus is the author

and finisher of our salvation and then

he says put on the word of God use the

sword of the spirit John 1 1 says in the

beginning was the word the word was with

God the Word was God verse 14 and the

word became flesh and dwelt Among Us

Jesus says he is the word so if you

don’t remember truth remember Jesus if

you don’t remember righteousness

remember Jesus if you don’t remember

peace remember Jesus if you don’t

remember Faith remember Jesus if you

don’t remember the helmet of salvation

remember Jesus if you don’t remember the

Bible remember Jesus because Jesus is

the full armor of God

this is centered in God’s son who is the

revelation of God the manifestation of

God who is the power of God to manifest


particularly in the evil day now you

want to do it all the time but you

better do it in the evil day

when the doctors don’t have answers when

the bankers don’t have answers when your

friends don’t have answers and sure

enough when you don’t have answers you

need to

be centered on the person of Jesus

Christ and all the tools

that he offered you but he says you got

to put him on

with all prayer and petition

pray at all times in the spirit

and with this of you be on the alert

with all perseverance and petition

for all the saints the way you put on

Christ that is practically utilize him

to equip you to move through the battle

you face

with prayer

now prayer is relational communication

with God

a lot of people want to pray

when they’re in spiritual warfare

who have not prayed till they got the

spiritual warfare

in other words they don’t know how to

stand strong in the Lord because they

haven’t been standing with the Lord

now that they’re in an emergency they

need the Lord

he’s talking about staying in touch with

him all day that’s why first

Thessalonians 5 17 says pray without

ceasing in other words stay in touch

with me now let me explain why this is

so important the evil day is

principalities powers and World forces

this means you are under attack

this means that this attack is coming


the devil and demons it is unfortunate

that far too many Christians have lost

sight of demons

demons are angels that went rogue demons

are the spiritual Mafia that attacks us

in the spiritual that brings about our

pain in the physical

and the Bible has an answer to Demons

the answer to Demons are angels so

here’s how this works the Bible declares

every Christian has been assigned an


and the job of the Angel is to look

after the well-being of the believer so

every Christian has an angel that is

assigned to you by God

one of the jobs of your angel is

through award the Demonic attack that is

coming against you because Angels know

how to fight angels and so when the

Demonic Angel comes to bring pain and

anguish and defeat in your world and in

your life you have an angel

the Bible says when we pray we engage

God the Holy Spirit and I’ll talk about

him in a moment who is who activates the

angel assigned to you to deal with the

Demonic oppression that is coming

against you so he says with all


but he tells you something else and it’s

the key he says pray in the spirit

verse 18. don’t just pray meaning don’t

just have conversation

but he says I want you to pray in the


uh the question is what does that mean

the Bible

talks about the role of the spirit

is to deliver the mind of God

First Corinthians chapter 2.

verse 9 and 10.

but just as it is written things which I

have not seen

and Earth not heard

and which has not been entered into the

heart of man

all that God has prepared for those who

love him

for to us God revealed them he’s not

talking about heaven it’s on my Earth to

us God reveal them through the spirit

for the spirit searches all things

even the depths of God

see when you’re in the evil day that

means folk can’t help you when you’re in

the evil day they have limitations that

they can do for you and you need

something that I have not seen ear hath

not heard and the imagination is not

conceived of you need the supernatural

to enter into the natural now being in

the spirit

is opposed in scripture to being in the


to be in the spirit let me start with

the participle in he wants you to be

in the spirit so he does not want you

visiting and exiting

he wants you operating in the realm of

the spirit what is the realm of the

spirit the realm of the spirit is a

spiritual mindset

in Romans chapter 8 verses 1 to 13 he

gives this extended discussion about the

spirit and he says when you have the

spirit you have the mind of the spirit

so this has to do with how you’re

thinking the mind is your fault he wants

you to think spiritually not secularly

he wants you to think biblically not

worldly he wants you to think the mind

of Christ not the mind of man Galatians

5 verse 16 but I say walk by the spirit

and you will not carry out the desire of

the flesh

for the flesh that’s its desire against

the spirit

and the spirit against the flesh for

these are in opposition to one another

so that you may not do the things that

you please

he says there is a battle

and it’s a battle between the spirit and

the flesh

let me Define the flesh

the flesh

is the desire to please self

independently of God

the flesh is the desire to please


as opposed to pleasing God we all battle

with the flesh

walk in the spirit and you will not

fulfill the desire please don’t misread

that he didn’t say you won’t have the


because the flesh Wants What It Wants so

you will have the desire but the spirit

will override it don’t read the verse in

Reverse don’t read to get rid of the

desire of the flesh walk in the spirit

that’s backwards walk in the spirit and

it will overrule the desire of the flesh

it will overrule it the capacity to do

what you need to do or what God wants

done will be activated in your

experience as you walk in the spirit now

many times people will say I’m praying

but nothing is happening well let me


many Christians pray they doing the

right thing but they’re doing it in the

flesh they’re doing it in the wrong

environment and if you’re doing the

right thing in the wrong environment the

right thing won’t work so just because

you say your prayers in the morning say

grace at dinner and say your bedtime

prayer that’s the right thing but the

question is have you been walking in the

right environment because if you’re not

walking in the right environment doing

the right thing won’t work and in fact

it can help kill you quicker so he says

all all all

I want you to be consumed with being in

my presence Walking In the Flesh he says

we’ll put you in a spiritual graveyard

but walking by the spirit will put you

and here’s how you know because

you’re no longer having to force things

when you’re in the spirit but the Bible

calls the spirit a wind

a wind it blows the Bible says the Holy

Spirit guides us he pulls us now you can

walk you should walk but you’re walking

on some power you’re walking on some

undergirding you’re walking on some

strength because you’re walking with the

mind of the spirit consistent with the

Revelation and word of God so that he

can override

and so you begin to flow in it

even though you still have to walk

and even though you may have a ways to
