but the vast majority of us that are in

this room well we’re all in one of three

places you’re either right smack dab in

the middle of a storm

or you are on your way into one or on

your way out of one

because the nature of the world in which

we live is that there is storm around us

there is storm around us culturally

there’s there are storms around us

politically there are storms around us

medically let me tell y’all something

what we’ve been in the past couple of

years has not just been a

pandemic there have been layered

multiple pandemics upon pandemics that

we have all been facing no matter where

in the world you are we have all been

facing personal individual pandemics but

then culturally y’all there’s been a

medical one there’s been a political one

there’s been a racial one there is a

cultural one layered pandemics upon

pandemics you’re gonna need a

supernatural peace for that kind of
