Antichrist Exposed – Who or what is the Antichrist? This week on Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural, Gary Kah has spent a lifetime trying to understand and expose the Anti-Christ’s economic, religious and political system that is now being secretly implemented! Gary has intelligence information that is so HOT that the secular press doesn’t dare report it! Through our It’s Supernatural TV show, Messianic Vision radio show and ISN (the It’s Supernatural Network) we are committed to teaching you how you can do the same works Jesus did and even greater (John 14:12). Thanks to your support we are able to continue producing It’s Supernatural!, Messianic Vision and ISN to mentor you and other believers around the world.

my guest has intelligence information

that is so hot the secular press doesn’t

dare report it is there a supernatural

dimension a world beyond the one we know

is there life after death

do angels exist

can our dreams contain messages from


can we tap into ancient secrets of the


our healing miracles real

Sid Roth has spent over 35 years

researching the strange world of the


join Sid for this edition of

it’s supernatural hello Sid Roth here

welcome to my world where it’s naturally

supernatural I wouldn’t want it any

other way

I love breathing the rarified air of

heaven here take a little I mean I feel

like it’s radiating out of me and it has

to for what you’re about ready to hear

because my guest Gary Carr has

information that the secular media has

intentionally blocked from the American

public because he is an expert in end

times he’s been literally called by God

from a youth to study the economic the

political the religious system and the

forerunners of what the Antichrist is

doing and it’s like a really

behind-the-scenes interview Gary I’m

very intrigued your father was involved

in running fleeing from Nazism communism

and there was a young boy there was

something you couldn’t understand what

was it well that’s right when my parents

shared with me what they went through

during World War two my father fleeing

from the Nazis and communists and

becoming a refugee my mother growing up

under Hitler in Germany and her father

my grandfather being so outspoken

against Hitler that the mayor of his

village had to intervene on his behalf

was sort of the Gestapo wouldn’t haul

him away and growing up and hearing

about these stories I thought how could

that have happened in Germany and the

surrounding areas where there were so

many Christians at one time you know

I’ve often wondered that but you know

that really is a spiritual blindness

that could come on people

definitely and and being aware of that

and understanding that by sixth grade I

remember making a commitment in my

public school room in Kettering Ohio

that if anything would ever happen in

this country like what happened in

Europe during Hitler’s day that I would

take a stand for what is right

regardless of the cost and I remember

very clearly praying that prayer and it

was during a world history session in

in sixth grade and I never thought that

the Lord would take me up on that

someday but that was a very it was

literally a vow that you made and I

think if you knew what you were into

right now you may not have made that vow

and your training was really very very

interesting after college you were the

European Middle East trade specialist

for the state of Indiana and you went to

how many was it thirty different

countries including Israel and this was

preparing you for what you were called

to do but the thing that is so

fascinating to me is there was an

election in Kenya and one of the men

that was running in this election to be

the head of Kenya he has a very famous


tell me about him well the name of this

gentleman this was a few years ago he’s

running for president of Kenya’s name

was rila Odinga and in an interview with

the BBC in I believe is in early 2008 he

revealed that he is the cousin of Barack

Obama and in fact his exact words were

that at that time senator Obama’s father

was owed Inga’s maternal uncle in other

words Oh Dinges mother and Obama’s

father our sister and brother

Bashar they’re pretty close biological

they are pretty close biologically

according to Odinga yes now tell me

about this dinga that was running for

president well at the time he was

arguably the most radical Muslim leader

in Kenyan had a group of other Muslim

leaders under him at that time now when

he did not win what happened what did

his followers well they went out on a

rampage and approximately eight hundred

churches in Kenya were torched at about

a thousand Christians lost their lives

and over here the secular media it was

presented as being a civil unrest but

really it was a lot of persecution

against Christians things got so bad

that the government of Kenya stepped in

it said okay in order to have peace will

make you Raila Odinga will

QR prime minister and so he is now prime

minister of Kenya along with a president

from a different party whose last name


Kibaki so the two of them are ruling

jointly you could argue that Odinga has

the upper hand and in order to try to

get elected when he was running during

his campaign he promised his followers

that he would try to institute Sharia

law if he got into power but the thing

that is so amazing to me is a group gave

1 million dollars for this man

that literally his followers murdered

over a thousand Christian torched

hundreds of churches and the money that

came in a million dollars according to

I’ve examined the sources who did this

come from it came from an organization

called Friends of Senator Bo

in other words Friends of Senator Barack

Obama so apparently people who are close

to Barack Obama they donated 66 million

Kenyan shillings which translates into

about nine hundred fifty thousand

dollars toward o dingos election

campaign I don’t understand why the

media is not concerned do you understand

that I don’t understand why the secular

media is not shouting it from a rooftop

but you know you’ve gotten into trouble

because of this vow that you’ve made

many times for instance you found there

was a new currency system being set up

in the early 80s uh for the United

States of America and you were you are

warned not to talk about this sort of

thing explained well back in February of

1984 I was invited I worked under those

the lieutenant governor of Indiana at

the time I was invited along with some

people from the mayor’s office of

Indianapolis and also some people from

Senator Richard Lugar office to tour a

manufacturing facility in Indianapolis

that was planning a major expansion and

after taking the tour we discovered the

reason they were planning to expand was

because they were to print new print

presses that would be printing the new

US currency so of course our natural

question was what new US currency we all

work for the government we didn’t know

anything about it and so I began doing

some digging into it at that time and of

course that new currency began to come

out in 1996 so we found out about this

some 12 years before it actually

happened and the ultimate goal was to

change a lot of the major currencies of

the world giving them common features to

eventually merge everything into a

single global currency system down the

road but I understand this cost you your


why well that a number of other things

that happened is well that I began to

take a stand on and I spoke out against

some of these things as tactfully as I

could for about ten months or so and

then in April of 1985 I was given an

ultimatum by a superior telling me that

I needed to keep quiet about this or

else risk losing my job and so what did

you do well I took one more trip

overseas that was already planned I

traveled with the Indiana Secretary of

State to Russia and China and on the

trip home in San Francisco as I was

praying the Lord gave me the words to

write for a letter of resignation and so

after coming back from that trip I

submitted that letter that was in late

April early May of 1985 and three weeks

later I did leave my job oh wait till

you find out you see Gary was given an

invitation to join the world Parliament

Association mostly had never even heard

of this organization but he has

documents and the types of people that

are members that will amaze you don’t go

away we’ll be right back

we’ll be right back to it’s supernatural

God is foretold of the establishment of

a one-world government controlled by the

Antichrist in the end times now there is

conclusive proof that this one-world

government is now under way

call now and get Gary cause prophetic 3

DVD series the Antichrist economic

religious and political system exposed

yours for a donation of $35 shipping and

handling is included ask for offer

number 1 for 43 this 3 DVD expose series

is so controversial that we couldn’t

share its contents on this television

program it exposes the existence of the

world Constitution and Parliament

association that has developed a map

which already divides America into

regions that will come under the

Antichrist one-world government

shocking secret meetings hidden by the

media held by the Vatican with religious

and world leaders who want a washer in a

one-world government and religion

Christian leaders who are now embracing

chrislam the merging of the Muslim and

Christian faith and so much more every

believer has to be equipped with this so

you’re not going to be deceived don’t

miss out on getting Gary cause prophetic

3 DVD series the antichrists economic

religious and political system exposed

yours for a donation of $35 shipping and

handling is included ask for offer

number 1 443 call or you can write to

sid roth it’s supernatural post office

box 1918 brunswick georgia three one

five two one please specify offer number

one four four three or log on to call or write today we now

return to

it’s supernatural hello Sid Roth here

with Gary Karr and we’re finding out

information the secular press is not

going to tell you there’s an

organization I’ve never even heard of

it’s called the world Constitution and

Parliament Association and Gary was

extended invitation to join and he

collected a lot of documents from this

organization tell me briefly about who

who is part of it and what are they

trying to do

well this organization has as its goal

to lay the foundation for an ultimate

world government system and they have

held mock sessions of a world Parliament

they’re calling it the provisional world

Parliament they just recently had held

the 12th such meeting hundreds of

renowned people from around the world

belonged to this organization what do

they think of Jews and Christians this

organization well at least some of the

people in this organization you have to

understand it is tightly connected with

the broader one-world New Age movement

and many of the people at the forefront

of that movement are very almost hostile

toward Bible believing Christians and

conservative Jews they are not very fond

of us because they see us as standing in

the way of them completing their agenda

you started to say some of the people

that are members yes you had people

representing all the world’s religions

at one point one of the honorary

sponsors was Cynthia Waddell she was the

head of the World Council of Churches

there was also the head of the world

Muslim Congress doctor in Imola Khan who

belonged to it but also at one point the

chairman of the Nobel Prize Committee

and former leaders from the UN former

ambassadors a lot of people with foreign

policy experience who have not logged

into this order now I’ve been examining

your literature and there are just

outstanding scientists The Economist’s

top political type people connected with

this and they’ve had meetings with some

of the top people in the world attending

why hasn’t the secular media covered it

I haven’t heard anything about this you

know that’s a question said that I asked

myself all the time and as far as I can

tell I believe there are people I know

there are some people in the mass media

who actually support this agenda others

that at the very least are sympathetic

toward it and then I believe there’s a

third group of people that just want to

bend over backwards to be politically

correct and they’re afraid to touch the

subject but I collected several hundred

pages of documents being affiliated with

this organization for a few years and it

speaks for itself you know unless people

were to accuse me of creating these

letterheads and all the signatures of

the people on these documents you have

to accept the fact that this is really

taking place that we need to know now

another area that you’re very concerned

about is something that a lot of people

love it’s interfaith like the UN has

something for interfaith explain that

yes the United Nations has been pushing

an interfaith agenda for some time

they’ve held various activities and and

meetings along those lines and last

October a new program was kick-started

by King Abdullah and Prince Ghazi of

Jordan called the world interfaith

harmony week and that week was

designated to be the first week of

February each year so from now on we

will have a week of interfaith ISM

celebrated during that week now Prince

Ghazi and and and King Abdullah’s

efforts were based on previous UN

interfaith efforts and the common word

program which is a Muslim call to bridge

building with the Christian community

now in response to that a number of

Christian leaders got together and

drafted their own document called loving

God and neighbors together and in their

other way that sounds good to me it does

not sound bad there exactly but in the

document they are calling for closer

ties to Islam and equate the God of the

old and new testaments with the Quran

and so when you look beneath the surface

it really is

a thism it’s paving the way to

Interfaith ISM to accepting the idea

that other religions are pathways to God

and of course if you believe the Bible

and believe what Jesus said about

himself you cannot believe that it is

impossible tell me about why when they

when they someone like the National

Association of Evangelicals would join

an organization of that’s heretical what

you just said based on the Bible yeah

why well and they did the National

Association of Evangelicals was one of

300 organizations and/or individuals

that sign that document and I believe

there is a trend in America today within

Christianity it may have started out

with good intentions to reach out to

people of other faiths but it’s gone

beyond that now it is paving the way

toward interfaith ISM and toward

embracing other people’s beliefs in fact

one individual I’m aware of a prominent

evangelical Christian recently

celebrated Ramadan with a Muslim friend

and you know to celebrate rituals of

other people’s religions really crosses

the line Ramadan for example being the

month during which it is believed by

Muslims that Muhammad received the words

to the Quran so unless we believe the

Quran and support that you know how

would you be able to promote something

like that and something you told me that

I’ve been thinking about a lot lately is

the what is the attraction between Islam

and say Catholicism I mean they seem to

be opposites but there is a common

denominator there is a common

denominator Muslims hold marry and high

regard and one of the reasons for that

is this is a little-known fact but

Muhammad believed that when he would go

to paradise that Mary would be his wife

in addition I never heard yes in

addition to that you know the

apparitions that supposedly appeared at

Fatima apparitions of Mary appearing at

Fatima Portugal Fatima happened to be

the name of Muhammad’s daughter so many

Muslims believe there was significance

in the fact that Mary chose to appear in


place named after Muhammad’s daughter

and so there are other reasons as well

but this has brought some Roman Catholic

leaders and Muslim leaders together at

least on the fringes to where they are

talking now about some of the

developments and others there there’s

something wonderful going on with many

Muslims they’re having dreams and

visions of Jesus in large numbers and I

rejoice over that but there’s a flip

side to it many are now having dreams

and visions of Mary you know I told my

wife years ago said that if the day ever

came when Muslims claimed to see

apparitions of Mary that things were far

along and and that this world system was

getting ready to gel and come together

and that has been going on now for a few

years hundreds of Muslims in Egypt

Indonesia parts of Africa we’re getting

reports are claiming to have had or seen

visions of Mary and they are telling

them to be in favor of global unity

World Peace the coming together of the

world okay why is it necessary for the

coming together of religions I see why

it’s necessary for coming together on

money Impala politics but why religion

well if there is going to be a one-world

political and economic system somehow

the world’s religions have to be brought

together to make that possible if they

are in major disagreement with each

other and don’t see eye to eye it would

be very difficult to bring this one

world system together and have it work

and so that’s why globalists have been

pushing this agenda for a long time and

you can really see if you know your

Bible why the world is pushing to

internationalize Jerusalem we’ll be

right back don’t go away

we’ll be right back to it’s supernatural

for he himself is our peace who has made

both do and Gentile into one and broke

down the bearer of the dividing wall his

purpose was to create in himself to

create in himself his purpose was to

create one new man one new man one new

man aegean norway julia a dom kadosh a

hug one new man now return to it’s


all I said Roth here with Gary Carr and

I am so fascinated with the information

that Gary has put together he spent a

lifetime putting this together because

if you don’t understand the forerunner

the Antichrist system then for sure you

won’t understand the Antichrist in Gary

I find it very interesting that Tony

Blair President Barack Obama and the

Pope had the same talking points within

days of each other explain that yes a

couple of summers ago

both of three of those individuals began

applying a lot of pressure on Israel and

there is an agenda behind this

ultimately where it is going is toward

the internationalization of Jerusalem

and also I believe making Jerusalem the

interfaith capital of the world why is

that important again if you’re going to

have global government you’ve got to be

able to bring the religions together

somehow and they see in their minds that

Jerusalem is the place to do this

because it’s where Christianity Judaism

have the roots Islam also has a

stronghold there and so trying to make

this happen in Jerusalem is important to

them Tony Blair has gone so far as to

establish the Tony Blair faith

Foundation which is actually an

interfaith foundation in his own words

he has come out and stated that he is

devoting the rest of his life to

unifying the world’s religions

you you exposed the names of prominent

Christians that are deeply involved in

this I don’t understand how how a real

Christian could ever be deeply involved

in this I I don’t either

III believe that they rationalize and

justified in the name of world peace but

I am aware of the fact that on Tony

Blair’s board of directors there’s a

very prominent evangelical Christian

whose name everyone would recognize and

also in Islamic cleric and people of

other religions and again if it simply

has to do with reaching out to people of

other faiths with the truth of Jesus

that’s one thing but to cooperate in

building something that will eventually

unify the world’s religions to me that

is a huge deception

and we should not be promoting that okay

according to reading the Bible on a

literal basis which I do a temple is

going to be rebuilt Gary you have some

fascinating information about this tell

me well again in order to rebuild that

temple people have wondered over the

years how in the world is this ever

going to happen considering all the

contention on the Temple Mount and we

don’t know for sure how it’s going to

happen but there are some signs of how

it could happen the leading Muslim

writer in the world right now man who

has over has over 65 million copies of

his books in print his name is Adnan

Akhtar he writes under the pen name

Harun Yahya is himself calling for the

rebuilding of the temple but he calls it

a Maajid or mosque or a palace he

believes this would be a great thing

where people from around the world of

different religions could come together

and worship there

yeah but Jewish people would never

accept something like that well you

would think so but this three leaders

from the newly re-established Jewish

Sanhedrin have actually met with Adnan


in Turkey and after doing so they posted

the following statement on their website

this is an excerpt of that statement

they say out of a sense of collective

responsibility for world peace and for

all humanity we have found it timely to

call to the world and exclaim that there

is a way out for all peoples it is

etched in a call to all humanity we are

all the sons of one father the descent

of Adam and all humanity is but a single

family peace among nations will be

achieved through building the house of

God where all peoples will serve as

foreseen by King Solomon and his prayers

at the dedication of the first holy

temple now get this together each

according to his or her ability we shall

work towards the building of the house

of prayer for all nations on the Temple

Mount in peace and mutual understanding

so these are some of the top Jewish

people in the Sanhedrin endorsing the

same idea that Adnan Akhtar is putting

forth after having met with him and you

talk about the excavations under in

Jerusalem the shrine of Omar tell me

about that well very quickly some

Israeli journalists were secretly

filming underneath the shrine of Omar

the tunnel that they were in they

discovered in an area off to the side

some early documents from Jewish priests

from the first century apparently that

were put there to safeguard them and

protect them from the Roman invasion in

70 AD and these documents talk about the

early church what the church believed

how it functioned its practices and it

makes very clear that the early church

did not adhere to replacement theology

in other words they believed that God

was still going to work mightily through

the Jewish people and Israel in the

years to come especially in the last

days it’s very sad that we don’t know

what the first Christians knew for

starters they were all Jews now you know

they worked involved in replacement

theology which basically it’s have to

have the Christians in the world say

that the Christian has replaced God’s

plan for the Jew in Israel and of course

God says I change not boy imagine the

bombshell when this information is

revealed you can see things are really

speeding up rapidly the Bible says I’d

rather you be hot or cold if you’re

lukewarm I will spit you out of my mouth

that’s what Jesus says

are you lukewarm or are you hot if

you’re neutral

deceive if you’re just a

seeker-sensitive Christian you’ve

deceived you must be hot or cold either

serve Him with all of your heart or

don’t stand up as a Christian the good

news is you don’t have to look back you

can have a new beginning right now

repenting your sins and tell Jesus say

it out loud I want to be red-hot for you

Lord Jesus I want you to be my lord I

ask for forgiveness of sin I repent live

inside of me Jesus God is foretold of

the establishment of a one-world

government controlled by the Antichrist

in the end times

now there is conclusive proof that this

one-world government is now under way

call now and got Gary Koz prophetic 3

DVD series the Antichrist economic

religious and political system exposed

yours for a donation of $35 shipping and

handling is included ask for offer

number 1 4 4 3 this 3 DVD expose series

is so controversial that we couldn’t

share its contents on this television

program it exposes the existence of the

world Constitution and Parliament

Association that has developed a map

which already divides America into

regions that will come under the

Antichrist one-world government

shocking secret meetings hidden by the

media held by the Vatican with religious

and world leaders who want to assure in

a one-world government and religion

Christian leaders who are now embracing

chrislam the merging of the Muslim and

Christian faith and so

more every believer has to be equipped

with this so you’re not going to be

deceived don’t miss out on getting Gary

cause prophetic 3 DVD series the

antichrists economic religious and

political system exposed yours for a

donation of $35 shipping and handling is

included ask for offer number 1 443 call

or you can write to sid roth it’s

supernatural post office box 1918

brunswick georgia three one five two one

please specify offer number one for

forty three or log on to

call or write today next week on it’s

supernatural healing is taken to a whole

new level with the supernatural language

of abrete hebrew
