In this Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural! Classic episode from 2000: In the early 1900’s in Spokane, Washington, John G. Lake had over 100,000 verified healing miracles. Curry Blake obtained a copy of Lake’s original writings that reveal the secrets of divine healing.

Sid: In the early 1900s in Spokane, Washington,
John G. Lake had over 100,000 verified healing


My guest recently obtained a copy of Lake’s
original writings that revealed the secrets

of Divine healing.

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Sid: Hello. I’m Sid Roth your investigative reporter
here again this week with Curry Blake.

If you tuned in last week, you remember that
Curry prayed for the sick, and horror of horrors,

his daughter died, and he wanted her to come
back to life.

And he called the top evangelists that he
could think of and they were all too busy

to come see him.

And his daughter did not come back to life.

And he made a vow, “I will be your man,

If anyone ever calls me, I will go.

I won’t be too busy for them.”

And then, horror of horrors, his second child
– actually his third child, daughter – dies

and this time, out of his spirit he said,
“she’s going to live and not die, and declare

the works of the Lord.

She’s going to live and not die.

She’s going to live”, and supernaturally
the life went back into this child, and she

did live.

And if you remember he also had a heavenly
visitation in which he literally in this visitation

in Heaven, he saw a man trying to get to him
by the name of John G. Lake, and he kind of

left it there.

But now we understand why he tried to get to
him because John G. Lake not only prayed for

the sick and saw 100,000 people in Spokane,
Washington healed, but he could teach other

people to pray for the sick and these other
people had the same results.

And now Curry, you have that original teaching.

But there – how did it even come into your

Why your hands?

Curry: Well in 1995, I went to Alvin, Texas
for a revival with [name], Charles [name]


And during the time I was put in contact with
some people that were in a nursing home in

Houston that had came to Houston with Dr.
Lake in 1927.

And they were Divine healing technicians that
he had trained, and they had a manual that

he wrote; and it was in their possession,
and I was told that I could have it whenever

they passed away.

And I received it late ’97, started studying
it, practicing it, experimenting, and we went

from about a 35 percent success rate, up to
a hundred percent of the people that we can

go back and document, people that contacted
us, everyone that we prayed for that we know

of is healed.

Sid: Now out of curiosity, when you teach
this to other people, do they get similar


Curry: Yes they do.

A matter of fact, identical, and they’re going
to bypass us because of where they’re starting at.

That’s the beauty of it.

Sid: Well what is the difference?

What did John G. Lake know that was almost
buried for all of these years that we don’t

know today?

Curry: Well actually, the last time there
were Divine healing technicians was in 1920,

and bona fide technicians trained by Lake.

In about two weeks, it will be the first time
in 80 years that anyone has been certified

as a Divine healing technician.

We’re going through a training class right
now, and the people are seeing miracles; they’re

seeing healings.

Most people that sit through the training
get healed before they even finish the course.

Sid: But tell me some of the secrets.

I want to know.

Curry: The two top ones I’ll tell you real
quick is this: One is you have to decide that

this is it.

Just like in sin, when you came to Christ
you said, “I’m tired of sin; I want sin

out of my life”, and you come to Christ,
and you give up sin.

The same thing is with sickness and disease.

When you decide that it is an enemy and that
you’re fed up with it, and you’re not going

to take it any more, and then you start attacking
it, and you get very aggressive, the aggressive

nature is the main thing – the main one ingredient
– but it doesn’t come by just working yourself up

into a frenzy or any kind of that stuff.

It comes from simple confidence, which is
trust and faith, and you just know that God

will do what he says He’ll do.

You just take his word for it, and then you
attack the enemy anywhere you find it, whether

it’s in –
Sid: You know, it sounds so simple, Curry,

that you need some help to get confused when
you read the Bible.

The Messiah, he took an aggressive stance.

Curry: That’s right.

That’s right.

The other main point would be the fact that
we do not allow for failure.

In other words, we don’t back off.

We don’t pray once and then say, “well if
they don’t get it, it’s their fault”.

That is not in the Bible.

If anyone does not get healed, it’s the person
doing the laying on of hands, doing the ministry;

it is their fault.

The only time Jesus ever put blame on anyone
it was on his disciples for not being able to

heal the sick.

And so that’s the same position we take.

Sid: Let’s put it this way, where the rubber
hits the road, not in a church situation.

Curry: Right.

Sid; You go out to one of the big public shopping
malls in the United States.

Tell me – tell me a place you went to and
what happened; not where the people have been

studying their whole life.

Curry: Right, prepared and all that.

Now a matter of fact, we see more and greater
things out away from church than we do actually

in church.

Christians try to work their way into it and
they don’t get it that way, and that’s why

it’s so hard to get Christians healed a lot
of times.

You have to have enough power, enough spirit
of God in you to blast through that thing

in a Christian, whereas we went to Dillard’s,
for example.

Sid: It’s a department store in the United States.

Curry: Right. It was in Dallas, Texas.

Sid: Okay.

Curry: And a lady walked passed me, a Hispanic
woman, middle-age, with a twisted, deformed foot.

She couldn’t walk normal.

And I was waiting on my wife; nothing special,
no vision, no Rhema word, none of that kind

of stuff.

Just – I saw her walk by, so I started following
her because the sick catch my eye.

And after I followed her a little bit I asked
her if I could pray for her.

She agreed.

I knelt down on the floor right there in the
department store, grabbed her foot.

And we don’t pray for the sick.

That’s one of the main differences.

We command healing, and we will not allow
for anything else.

And if I had to stay there three hours and
do it, I would do it.

But we were only there for about five minutes,
and her foot was instantly healed.

We heard the things pop, crack, all that kind
of stuff, grabbed her by the hand, started

walking with her.

At first she still limped, but after we started
walking a little bit faster, then she started

walking normal, and then she threw up her
hands and started praising God in Spanish,

but you could still understand it.

Sid: Right in the department store.

Curry: Right in the department store.

People stopped and watched me pray for her,
and they just stood there and watched.

Sid: You know, your religious mind probably
went “tilt” when Curry said that.

That’s not the way we do it.

Well do you get results the way you do it?

And since the Bible says we’re supposed to
“… do the same works [that Jesus did]

and even greater”, and since the Bible says
that “… God [doesn’t] change”, guess

who did the changing?

We have a song called [singing] “Tradition”.

Oy vey!

Get rid of that “tradition” and let’s
have reality.

We’ll be right back with Curry. Don’t go away.


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Sid: Hello. Sid Roth your investigative
reporter here with Curry Blake.

Curry got the original notes of John G. Lake.

John G. Lake had over 100,000 verified miracles
of people being healed in Spokane, Washington.

Spokane was known as the healthiest city in
the United States at that time.

It was the first quarter of the 20th century.

And when he read these notes and started doing
what John G. Lake said to do, he got the same


Then he started training other people and
they got the same results.

Well Curry Blake, how come every church in
America just about – they pray for the sick,

and sometimes someone is healed, but more
people are not healed than healed.

How come?

Curry: It’s mainly because people set up their
own, like you say, blockages.

They decide what God – remember “… the
woman with the issue of blood”?

She said, “If I can but touch the hem of his
garment”; well, she didn’t have to touch

the hem of his garment.

She could have just believed God because healing
was in the Covenant.

So she could have gotten it any day.

She could have went to the priest and got

But we set up blockages and say, “God won’t
heal me because I’ve got this problem in my

life”, or “I’m not perfect yet”, or
“I did this wrong thing”, and that’s – until

you get rid of that blockage, God is not stopping
it; you’re stopping it.

It’s your own conscience.

I always talk about our own conscience condemning
us, and he says even “If [your] heart condemns

[you], then there’s one that] is greater”.

That’s “… the greater One”, the one
that – once you get out of the way.

If you didn’t set your blockage up you could
be healed; anybody can be healed any time,


Sid: You really believe this, don’t you?

Curry: I definitely believe it, more every

Sid: Sometime in this television show I’m
going to have you pray for the people.

Curry: Yes.

Sid: But tell me other reasons that we don’t
see the results in churches?

Curry: Well we have a – one of the main things
is just, well I have a saying.

“Sacred cows” will keep you in milk, but
they won’t give you meat until you kill them,

and that’s what we do.

We “kill sacred cows”; and when you kill all
of them, then people start getting well; they

start learning how to heal the sick.

It’s not just about getting people well; it
is training them to heal the sick, to go out

and let God use them.

But the main thing that causes that would
probably be there are 2 main doctrines, I

would say.

One is that we use the Roman-Greco method
of instruction as opposed to the Hebrew method.

The Roman-Greco method said gather everybody
up in the room, one person stand up front,

teach them.

When you get done, give them a certificate;
send them on their way.

And then they get to go out and find out what

they don’t know, because you don’t learn anything
until you do it.

Sid: And of course the Jewish way, or the
way that Yeshua – that’s Hebrew for “Jesus”

– did it, is He said, “Come, follow me”
[“Watch what I do”].

Curry: Right.

Sid: And do it the same way.

Curry: Exactly.

And that’s what we do in these courses.

We – when we do the seminar, we teach people,
and we actually get them to go out with us.

We went out to –
Sid: You know, before you tell me, you know

what really upsets me is religion has become
a spectator sport.

Curry: Yes, yes.

Sid: And whoever has the best message that
they’re giving, the best music, the seeker-sensitive;

and you have professionals, and then you have
non-professionals; but we’re all supposed

to be enlisted in “the army”.

My understanding is in the first congregation
and in the history of the church we find that

the least Christian could lay hands on the
sick and people would be healed.

Curry: That’s right.

That’s exactly right because after all it’s
God that does the healing – not the person

– and people just need to realize that people
can be trained.

Jesus trained his disciples to heal the sick.

The same training can go on today, and we’re
proving it.

Sid: Okay. So tell me another story.

I like the idea of going in a public place,
in a shopping mall.

Tell me about another one.

Curry: We went to a – what they call “the
projects” in one area, and people were sitting

outside their homes.

This was a low-income area, and they were
sitting outside because it’s too hot to go


So there were people sitting around that were
sick, diseased, had different things.

One lady in particular had been – had suffered
a stroke.

She was paralyzed on one side.

We went up to her, told her, “We’ve been in
healing meetings all this week.

We want to see Jesus do something out here
with real people, as opposed to in the church

with church people.”

So we said, “Could we pray for you?”

And she said, “Sure.”

She didn’t believe anything; like anybody
else, she was just there.

We told her, “You don’t have to do a thing.

We’re going to have faith for you.

You just sit here and receive it.”

And then we laid hands on her.

We commanded the healing to come about, and
then I grabbed her arm and started moving

her arm, and pretty soon she started moving

Then she’s waving it around her head.

Then she said, “The pain is gone.

All the pain is gone.”

The neighbors started gathering around.

Then she said, “What about my leg?”

We asked her, “What about your leg?”

Because it was stiff, too.

And she said, “I don’t know.”

And she started moving it.

Sid: Curry, I’m sorry.

I’m going to have to stop you right now.

The presence of God is so strong.

I want you to pray for the sick right now.
You’ve got to.

Don’t miss what God has right now.

Curry: Right now, if you’re sick, what I want
you to do is just sit back, open your hands

and say, “Yes God, I receive the gift You
have for me”.

You don’t have to have special faith.

That act will bring about the healing.

I’m fixing to pray for you.

I’m not going to pray, “God, if it be thy
will, God, please do this”.

I’m not going to beg him.

I’m going to do exactly what He said to do,
and that is to “… [speak] those things

which be not as though they were.”

I can’t reach you, but I can stretch my hand
out toward you; and if you would receive it

right now, you will be healed exactly where
you are.

So just take note of the type of prayer, because
this is what works all over the country.

It’s what’s worked everywhere, and it’s the
way to do it.

Father, in the name of Jesus, I thank You.

I bless your holy name.

You are the Lord God.

And in the name of Jesus, you told us to lay
hands on the sick and they will recover; not

“they might”, “not they can”, but
“they will recover”.

So Father, right now, by an act of faith,
I stretch forth my hand and I say in the name

of Jesus, I pray; this is a prayer of faith.

This is Your part right now.

This is for you sitting there right now.

In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, be

In the name of Jesus, you be healed of the
back problem; you be healed of the neck problem

right now.

Right now as you’re sitting there, you’re
listening to this and you can’t even see it.

I command your eyes to open in Jesus’ name.

You see with the eyes of God in Jesus’ name.

Ears open in the name of Jesus.

We command absolute healing, and in the name
of Jesus, we do not accept anything less.

So right now just believe it, receive it,
accept it.

It is yours.

“[The] Word goes forth … it [will] not
… return void”.

In Jesus’ name, so be it.


Sid: I’ll tell you something, the presence
of God is here.

There is enough power here to cause any miracle
you need to happen.

We’ll be right back after this brief word.


Sid: What I am hearing and feeling is the
compassion of the Lord.

Curry: That’s right.

Sid: And it’s what I notice is when you pray
for people, as I’ve observed you, you start

many times weeping.

Why do you weep?

Curry: It is the compassion of God, and for
me to weep is really something because I was

raised very stoic.

I did not show emotion.

I was raised in a family with a police officer
and that kind of thing, and you just didn’t

show emotion.

But when the Spirit of God starts to move
upon me and I sense it, I just start crying.

A lot of times I don’t even sense it until
I start crying; there’s no emotion connected

with the crying.

Tears just flow, but – and I don’t look for
the tears, because people get healed without


But every time I cry, there’s always somebody
that gets healed, every time.

A lot of times I can’t even finish our meals
at restaurants because I just start crying,

and when I do, I start looking around because
I know somebody is there that God –

Sid: Tell me a specific person in a restaurant.

You’re eating.

All of a sudden you start crying, and what
do you do?

Curry: Actually, this person was in their
hometown back in Dallas.

Sid: Dallas, Texas.

Curry: Dallas, Texas.

And we had not been doing anything special;
we just went out to eat.

And I saw this person that their leg was – they
were not crippled, but their leg – there was

something wrong with it – put it that way
– and it was stiff; that was the main problem.

And I went over and just started talking to
him, and as I spoke to them.

I told him, I said, “The only reason I’m here,”
I tell them, “Hi, my name is Curry Blake.

This probably sounds crazy, but I pray for
people, and God heals them.

That’s just the way it is.

And I’ll pray for your leg if you will let me
right now, and God will heal you right now.”

And nine times out of ten they say, “Yeah,
go ahead”.

I’ve only had one person ever turn me down.

And they always get healed, every time.

Sid: Always get healed?

Curry: Always get healed.

In situations like that it is literally always

Sid: Just out of curiosity, isn’t it a little
embarrassing for your family as you’re having

a family dinner and all of a sudden you start
weeping, and people wonder maybe your wife

has just abused you in some way?

Do they try to say, “cool down, it’s family

Curry: Right. At first they did, because they
thought it was just emotion.

But now they start looking around, too.

See, once the power of God is demonstrated
in someone’s life, then people – all the other

stuff starts falling away; the false doctrines,
the false teachings and stuff.

You know, all the little things – all the
trivialities of life – fall away, because

you know somebody is going to get healed;
someone is going to get help.

We’ve talked to people everywhere.

Word of knowledge for people in Walmarts;
they start crying.

I’m already crying usually when I’m talking
to them.

Sid: What do you mean by “word of knowledge”?

Curry: A “word of knowledge” is whenever
God tells you a specific thing that is going

on in their life.

It may be for healing.

It may be for just a situation.

Sid: Give me a real life experience.

Curry: Okay.

I was in Walmart; tried to talk to this girl
that I knew God wanted me to; didn’t want

to because I didn’t have a word.

I didn’t know what to say, and I let her get
away from me.

I found her again, and then I started – I
just walked up to her and said, “This may

sound crazy, but God told me to come talk
to you.”

And I said, “I don’t know all this, but I
know that He says right now that what you’re

going through, you’re going to come out of
this stronger.

And don’t worry, He’s with you, He knows where
you’re at, and He has not left you.”

And she started crying, and then she told

She had a little girl in a buggy with her,
and she said – now at first I told her; I

said, “All we need is more of this.”

And I put my hand on her daughter, which sounded
kind of strange.

Some people might not receive more children
as a blessing.

But she started crying and she said, “Well
my husband and I just separated and he filed

for divorce.”

And I said, “Aren’t you glad that God knows
your situation?

He told me to come tell you you’re going
to be okay.”

And I said, “And I guess this is your daughter.”

And she said, “Yeah, her name is Faith.”

So when I laid my hand on her I said, “All
you need is more of this.

God was saying you need more faith.”

But I didn’t know her name was Faith.

So that’s a word of knowledge; something that
you can’t possibly know from the physical

realm, but you just know it.

And that happens pretty regularly, especially
when I’m praying for people.

And we pray for them during our services.

When we start praying, I don’t move through quick.

I take my time with each person, and that’s
part of that compassion because I have to

hear their story.

I have to know what’s going on with them.

Sid: But in the average church, though, just
boom-boom-boom, just touch them and it’s done.

Curry: Right.

Well –
Sid: And most of them aren’t healed.

Curry: Exactly. I was going to say, it’s not done.
They’re touched, but they’re not healed.

Sid: What good is that?

Curry: That’s part of the difference right

We stay with them.

We don’t give up until they get what they

We just don’t give up.

It’s that perseverance.

Faith is nothing but determined perseverance.

Sid: Now I understand that this John G. Lake,
whose notes you had, would teach the people,

and then at the end of, say, a 30-day course,
he would send them out to give them a name

of someone that was sick, and what would happen?

What would he tell them?

Curry: Right.

He would tell them, “Here’s the name of
the person that made the call-in.

You go to their house, and don’t come back
until they’re well.”

Sid: So I imagine a lot of people didn’t come
back (CHUCKLES).

Curry: Actually, a few did, but most all of them
did because once you’re around it, see, a

lot of this is caught as you’re around it
and you see it.

Your faith is enlarged, and you start to believe
for it.

R.W. Schambach or A.A. Allen, same thing.

He received a healing ministry because he
was around healing miracles.

You get around it – nobody can sit through
these classes 30 days without getting well.

And we’re at the point where we’re fixing
to put up a $500 bond; anybody that can sit

through the class without getting healed,
that we will give them the $500.

Within the next month, we will have that in
place, because I’m that convinced that what

we’re teaching works.

And anyone that we train, anybody can do it.

They don’t just have to come to me to be trained.

It’s just faster.

Sid: I like your “aggressiveness”.

That’s the best way to describe it.

Curry: Right.

Sid: Because after a while, if you pray for
enough people and you have the majority not

healed, you’re faking it.

Curry: Exactly.


Sid: I know a lot of people that are faking.

Curry: See, that’s the main thing, it has
to be real.

If it’s not, go back to doing what you were
doing before.

It has to be real, and we’ve seen it; we can
transfer it.

A pastor came down from Vancouver.

He was there four or five nights; went back,
same thing.

He said, “I’m using your methods, which I’m
not a formula type person.”

But he watched us just like they watched Jesus.

And then he went back exactly the same way
and it works.

Now like you said, you “like the aggressiveness”,
but there’s a lot that don’t.

We were in a church in one place – I’m not
going to name where it was at – but they had

asked me to come and pray for a girl that
had epilepsy.

We cast that thing out of her; she was healed

But because of the way I prayed, I was told
that I couldn’t minister the next Wednesday

like I was supposed to, and that I should
change my ministry style to meet their church’s


Sid: Isn’t that exactly what happened to the

Isn’t that exactly the reaction that the religious
people had to him?

And it’s the same spirit.

But I know there’s more.

I know there is greater intimacy with God.

I know that you can walk the way Jesus walked.

I know that you can be healed.

I know that you can lay hands on the sick.

Right now, right now, right at this moment
there is – right at this moment, there is

an overpowering presence of God that is going
to meet your physical needs.

And where hopelessness was, there is hope;
supernatural hope.

You are going to be healed.

You are going to experience God.

You are precious in God’s sight.

You are loved by God.

You are “… the apple of His eye”.

You do have a purpose.

Experience his love right now.

Right this moment a neck was healed.

Right this moment, you’re experiencing His
