Johnny goes on to share 5 keys to navigating the “New Era” before us. He encourages you to put fear behind you and to focus on what God is doing in such a time as this. The world is our inheritance now! Johnny Enlow and his wife, Elizabeth, are spiritual parents to many throughout the nations, as well as their own son and daughters. Their passion is to awaken this generation to the reality of God and His concern for every problem that exists in society and our world.

My guest; an accurate, proven

prophet, says this is the end of

the world as we know it.


SR: My guest, Johnny Enlow,

was scheduled for
later this year,

but the Holy Spirit
pre-empted our entire

schedule and said to me,

“You must release this
prophetic word now.”

Now Johnny, you are
known actually

throughout the world, because
you had the first book on

The Seven Mountains.

Those that are not
familiar with it,

what are the
seven mountains?

JE: The seven mountains
are the seven primary

spheres of society.

They would be
Media, Education,

Economy, Family,

Arts and Entertainment, as
well as a mountain of

Religion where traditionally,
we think of ministry.

So that message, The Seven
Mountain Mandate,

is about how we have an
assignment to all these

seven areas of society,
that we must bring the

Kingdom to these areas
and not just have

good church meetings.

SR: Well, does everyone
have an assignment to one

of these spheres of
influence in some way?

JE: Absolutely. I believe
that 100 percent have

an assignment from
God. It’s for sure.

SR: It’s fascinating,
where this has launched

you into — you talk
to heads of nations,

and you changed the
finances of entire cities,

entire countries.
Just tell me briefly

some of the areas
you’re working in.

JE: I suppose the best testimony
is the nation of Peru.

My parents were
missionaries there,

and I was born
and raised there.

And it was known for
its extreme poverty —

90 percent extreme poverty
rate, not just poverty.

And the Lord has allowed
us to be catalytic.

We won’t say we did it all,

but I will say we were, for

catalytic both in what we
declared, and

real practical things
of discovering

gold mines, and other
things like that,

bringing the nation —

SR: That’s practical.

JE: Yeah. From 90
percent to 2.5 percent

extreme poverty rate.

And I was invited to
Congress last year and

given a diploma of honor
for my service to Peru.


SR: But it’s not just Peru.

Your teaching is
pervading many,

many sectors of
the world, really.

Now you’re a prophet,
and at the early stages

of the coronavirus,
you had an amazing

prophetic word given to you.

Tell me about it.

JE: No matter what
happens over the next few

hours and days, everyone
remain calm.

This is not the end, but
only the end of the world

as we know it. Not
only is this not the end,

but this is barely the
beginning of the kingdom age.

In this age, the church
will learn that the King

and His kingdom
come together.

The church has been in
an arrested development

period, brought on by
trying to leave the planet

before we showcase
the kingdom.

We thought that just telling
of the King was enough.

But the King is inseparable
from His kingdom.

Seek ye first the kingdom.

There had been
preliminary words over

the last four years, so it
was just building on the

previous words from the
first time the Lord spoke

to me about
President Trump,

that he was going to
win. And I wasn’t sure

He was making a wise
decision when He said that.

I was literally seeing
the vision and saying,

“Oh, no!” And He’s, like,
the Lord said,

“He is going to save you
from things you don’t know

you need to be
saved from.”

And he said, “This is
my candidate, and I

have a special assignment.
Even his name should

tell you, Trump.

This is Me making
a proclamation,

this is Me playing
the higher card,

no matter what the
enemy puts out there.”

And He said, “Your
nation, the United States,

will be known as “Before
Trump” and “After Trump.”

And He said, “Actually,
the whole world will be

known as “Before
Trump” and “After Trump.”

SR: What did God
mean when He said,

“This is the end of the
world as we know it”?

JE: He was announcing a
new era. Communicating —

SR: So, it wasn’t a
cosmic destruction

of the world
that you were seeing.

JE: Not at all. This
is a shift upward

into glory, presence.

You know, different people
have different names —

revival, awakening.

But this is something I call it
“Bigger than revival,”

because it includes

of cities and nations. This is
where we see

wholesale regions begin to be

by the
presence of God.

And I wrote about it in
a book five years ago,

that I believed
by the year 2050,

we would have 50 nations
essentially operating as

[inaudible] nations,
under the light

of the sons of God.

Not, like,
perfect in any way,

but they would be
headed in that direction.

So I was, like, what is
going to happen to begin

to put us on that path?

So, I knew it had to be
something that shifted

society in a major way.

SR: Now do you believe
that we are really close

to the end-time
judgments from the

Book of Revelation, the
end, that this is it?

What do you believe?

JE: No, I don’t.

I’ve done a study of every
single generation since

the apostle Paul, and
every single generation

upon there being a
challenge — whether it’s

a plague, a war, or
something — has tried to

interpret the final
aspects that are in the

Scripture, the final
end times matters.

They’ve tried to translate
them and fit them into

their generation.

And it’s been wrong, and
it’s been a wrong precept

in concept, because
Acts 3:21 clearly says,

“Jesus is retained in
the heavens, He’s

held in the heavens until” —
there’s an “until” —

“until the restoration
of all things spoken

of by His servants, the

Now it doesn’t tell
us, you have to do some

digging what the
prophets talk about.

Well, prophet David,
because he’s called “The

Prophet,” Psalms 2 says,
“Ask of me the nations,

and I will give them to
You for inheritance.”

Isaiah the prophet,
Isaiah 60:1 through 3,

“Arise, shine,
your light has come!

The glory of the
Lord has risen on you.

There’s darkness, deep
darkness, but the Lord

will arise on you.” It
goes on to say,

“Nations will walk to the

light of the sons of God.”

The prophet Habakkuk 2:14
begins to speak of a day.

Says, “The knowledge of
the glory of God will fill

the earth as the
waters cover the sea.”

When you begin to put
together even that with

Isaiah 60, you arise, you
shine — you realize He

gets no great glory from
having to remove us and

then bring His glory.

His story gets exciting
when His glory can be seen

on His sons and daughters,
and His sons and daughters

arise and shine.
That’s why Jesus

continued the theme,
“You arise.”

“You are the
salt of the earth.”

“You are the
light of the world.”

From His first message,
He is looking for sons and

daughters who will co-labor
with Him to reveal

His kingdom to society.

SR: Well, this
is very different than

what most people’s
end-time theology is.

As a matter of fact, I
know people that have

said, “Well, Jesus is coming

I’m not going to
go to college.”

“I’m not going to
go into business.”

“I always wanted to be in
movies — I’m not

going to fool with that.

All I’m going to do is
live for Jesus” — but

they don’t accomplish a
whole lot with their life.

Talk to someone like that.

JE: Well, I would just tell
you, I was one of those.

I remember being 13 years old,

and they had convinced me,
you know the ten horns

from Revelation, the 10
European nations — and

I’m 13 years old, and
I’m, like, “Dang!

I’m never going to get
a chance to even get married.”

And I remember not
only that, my friends

of those days, you know,
this is over 40 years ago,

that was the belief going on.

We don’t have
time to do anything.

You don’t have
time — as you say,

the studies, we don’t have
time to pursue dreams,

to build anything of lasting-
that’s lasting.

It’s why there’s been a
kind of a microwavable

brand of Christianity
where everything has to

happen in the
next few months,

because Jesus is
going to come too soon.

And of course,
lo and behold,

I’ve now been married over
32 years, and so I didn’t

really need to panic
the way I did.

But that has been
repeated over and over,

because we’ve tried to fit
in — I call it an

“end times-itis,” it’s a virus
from the enemy that seeks

to disempower us from
fulfilling our assignment.

SR: So, what you’re
saying, it’s not about

a specific date. It’s
a specific assignment.

Now Johnny has a word
from God that will totally

obliterate, totally destroy
your fear of coronavirus

and the ones that are
going to follow that.

Be right back.



SR: And Johnny, God showed
you and — didn’t even

have to show you. You just see

I have never seen such
fearful people in my life.

As God told you, it’s
an irrational fear.

JE: Perhaps our most
abandoned mission field is

the mountain of Media, as the

as the Body of Christ.

And so, because of that,
we really have — there’s

corruption, there’s evil.

There is a whole agenda
of fear and darkness.

I list in a study that
we have of Apollonian

and Leviathan is as the
principalities of the

mountain of Media.

That means they destroy,
they twist things,

and there is a whole
work of the enemy,

it’s a spiritual
battle in there.

But there are human
elements to this.

And I think we’re seeing
played out before us,

perhaps, a perfect
demonstration of

Mark, Chapter 4.
Jesus, He calls His disciples,

said, “Boys, let’s get
on the boat and let’s

cross over. We’re
crossing over.”

We’ll list that as his
prophetic declaration

before they
started the day.

He did not tell
them, “Now listen,

don’t be fearful because
there’s going to be a

storm that surfaces pretty
quickly,” He didn’t tell

them that part of it.

It’s always interesting
when the Lord gives us

prophetic words, He rarely
tells us the challenge

that’s going to be in
there. And the challenge,

therefore, is to
believe what He

said to start with.

SR: The reason he
rarely tells us is, we’d say,

“No, not me! Beyond my
pay grade!” [Laughter]

JE: It’s exactly right.

So, He said we’re crossing over.

He had already declared
that God,

in the flesh, prophecies
were crossing over.

They’re in the boat, and a
terrible storm surfaces.

We can say the
covid-19 storm surfaces.

And so, they’re
looking at Jesus,

and He’s sleeping.
And He’s on a cushion,

He’s on a pillow.

And it’s like, they
make a point biblically,

that he’s
“comfortably asleep.”

And they wake
him up and say,

“Master, don’t you
care? We’re perishing!”

So that’s- there are a set
of circumstances that have

fed the irrational fear.
But here’s the deal.

The principle the Lord
taught me is, when in

a storm, don’t try to get a
new prophetic word.

What was true before
the storm is still true.

And so, the reason they
were berated for their

small faith, you
know, the Lord woke up,

He rebuked the
storm, calmed it.

Then He berated them,
and it seemed like,

man, that’s pretty mean.

There’s a
terrible storm there.

Why is He berating
their little faith?

Because He had
already prophesied,

“We’re going to
the other side.”

My point to the
Body of Christ is,

what was prophesied
beginning 2020 by the

credible, prophetic voices
you’ve been following for

years, or even decades?
It was not disaster.

It was not doom.

It was a major
breakthrough year.

It was a new era, a
beginning of a decade

that would be a
kingdom age decade.

And so, the promises that
were prophesied to begin

this year don’t suddenly
get cancelled because a

COVID storm surfaces.
And what looks like is

going to destroy us is
going to end up being

that which catapults us
to the other side.


SR: God took you to
the Book of Second

Chronicles 20:20.

What does that say?

JE: Well, you know, and
it’s kind of obvious,

in a way, the Second
Chronicles 20:20 Scripture.

It is, again, a
picture of this year.

It’s Jehoshaphat, the king.

And then he finds out
he is surrounded by the

Moabites and
the Ammonites,

and the armies
are so immense,

so much greater
than him —

SR: So, in the natural,
he’s, he’s finished.

JE: He’s, like, oh my
goodness — he was fearful.

And so, he calls an assembly,

a lot of what’s gone on around
the world.

There have been special prayer
meetings and church

meetings online,
mainly most everything.

But there has been many
meetings to seek the Lord.

What does this mean?
What does this mean?

What does this mean?

And there was a
prophet named Jahaziel,

who stood up. Interesting
what his name means.

His name means, “he
who watches God

and God watches him.”

And so, it’s about
seeing things from his

perspective, sort of
like Caleb’s vision,

what do you see in the
same territory as what

the 10 spies? And
the 10 spies are kind of

like normal media,
they see all the giants,

they see all the challenges.

And Caleb was able to
see, in the midst of that

challenging situation,
he was able to see huge

grapes, a land that
flows with milk and honey.

So Jahaziel says, “Listen,
this battle you will not

have to fight.
This is the Lord’s battle.

You will have to show
up in the battlefield,

but this is one He
will fight for you.”

So, position yourselves
in the battlefield,

Jehoshaphat carried out of
that — King Jehoshaphat

— the strategy of leading
with worshipers and

praisers, and
they went before.

And the praisers, as they
worshipped and praised

God, it says the enemy
began to kill themselves.

Now we’ve heard that
praise and worship isn’t a

tool against the enemy,
but I believe perhaps why

we are called to
praise Him at this time is

because the enemy is not
really the Moabites and

the Ammonites, it is fear.

And we have to suppress
the fear that’s inside of

us by praising and
worshipping our God.

And then the enemy
begins to wipe itself out.

I think we’re going to see
that in a practical way.

Even in our nation, the
nations of the world,

there’s clearly a global
dark agenda that has come

against — conspired
against President Trump

because of his
assignment before God.

It’s come against the
United States economy.

And they’re willing to
sacrifice the economies of

the whole world. They’re
willing to see all kinds

of death and
destruction in order for

themselves to maintain
their control.

So, we’re seeing played
out in Second Chronicles

20, the 2020 dynamics.

But again, it’s good news.

There is the challenge,
it’s bigger than us,

it’s more than
we can handle.

There’s a rescue operation
from heaven on our behalf

as we hold our
ground. We show up

on the battlefield
knowing the battle

is the Lord’s.

SR: What I’m hearing
you say, it’s just a

little storm, because the
Kingdom of God

is about ready
to take over.

Our next segment,
Johnny will pray,

and many will receive
instantly a supernatural

sign from God in your
physical body as to which

of the seven mountains
you are called to. Next.


>>: Call now and get
Johnny Enlow’s powerful

brand-new book and
four-part audio CD

teaching set, “The End
of the World as We Know It,”

plus this special bookmark,

“Five Truths for
Navigating this New Era.”

This is an exclusive
offer for our

“It’s Supernatural!” audience.

Yours for a
donation of $39,

shipping and
handling is included.

Ask for offer number 9697.

Through Johnny
Enlow’s revelatory book,

you will be infused with
hope and confidence for

your future, be provided
with a biblical framework

on how to navigate the
uncertain days of crisis,

fear and calamity that
is in the world today.

Obtain a stable
bible-based perspective

on the end times.

Learn how to live in light
of the return of Jesus.

Fulfill God’s assignment
for you to occupy until

Jesus comes. Understand
what the future holds

concerning the nations,
the 2020 U.S. election,

and the future of
America. Discover the

centrality of Israel in
God’s prophetic timeline.

You will also receive
Johnny Enlow’s four-part

audio CD teaching set.

Through it, you will
understand how to be used

by God to become part of The
Seven-Mountain Mandate,

involving the Media,
Education, Government,

Economy, Family, Arts
and Entertainment

and Religion.

Hear a powerful prophetic
word about the 2020 U.S.

election, and President
Donald Trump’s unique

God-given purpose.

Discover that God is
activating an angel over

every nation to accelerate
His divine destiny.

Know whether the return
of Jesus can be delayed.

The audio teachings
include anointed prayers

for God’s power
to be released,

for you to experience
His strength and

encouragement, for
healing, for you to be

filled with hope,
peace, and joy.

For you to help carry
God’s glory into every

area of society, and that
the whole earth will be

filled with the knowledge
of the glory of the Lord.

Plus, when you call, you
will receive this special

bookmark, “Five Truths for
Navigating this New Era.”

Don’t miss out on getting
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SR: What about now? Has God

you anything about the next

JE: yeah. I believe He’s going
to win,

President Trump’s going to win.

And I believe the Lord
gave me kind of three

different scenarios, it
was weird, the numbers

were 51 percent, 57
percent, and 71 percent.

It could be an absolutely
avalanche, or it could

be a squeaker, depending
on really how his children

participate, it’s why we
have to rise and shine.

SR: When you say
“participate,” are you

talking about voting?
Are you talking about

praying? What are
you talking about?

JE: Well, it was, like,
51 percent if we voted.

That would show
at least, okay,

the church is involved.

And it was 57 percent
if we vote and pray,

and if we took up
praying as well.

And then the big jump to
71 percent is if we would

engage love and action.
And that’s really where

we get activated
in every area of society.

Specifically, anything
we would do towards

across racial lines,

that this is where the
enemy was working hard —

any effort that we would
do towards that would be

looked at heaven
in a special way.

He’s got a rescue
operation in place,

not just for the
United States,

but on behalf of the
nations of the world.

SR: You saw him praying
in the White House.

JE: Yeah.

SR: Tell me what you saw.

JE: I saw him being
touched by the Holy Spirit

and encountered by
the Holy Spirit. And I

said, his roar is going to go to
the next level.

He’s not going to become less

when that happens.

He’s already driven by the Lord,

the Lord’s put a thing
of justice and cleanup,

and clean up
the corruption.

He knows so much more
than all of us know.

He knows that it’s
not just corruption,

it is satanic, highest
level evil imaginable that

is operating the
tops of the mountains.

And so, he has seen,
it’s black and white.

But the Lord is
going to encounter him.

And I think we’re going to
see in his second term a

more patriarchal
Donald Trump.

We’re going to see one
that begins to showcase

the Father’s heart.

But he’s sort of, like, in
a Davidic mode right now

— people forget that
David — he was not so

sweet with his words.

If you look in
First Samuel 17,

the words he said
to Goliath, you know,

Goliath said, “Oh,
who do you think you —

David came back
with three times as

many words, and, like,

“When I’m done with you,
I’m taking the carcasses

of the Philistines behind.”

It was aggressive language.

SR: What does his first
name mean? Donald?

JE: It means “chief leader.”

SR: Isn’t that amazing?

JE: Yeah.

Psalm 47:5, God has
gone up with the sound

of the Trump.

SR: I want you to pray
for the supernatural sign.

JE: So, I told you early
on that 97 percent of you

have a primary assignment
in one of the seven

mountains that are not
the church mountain,

not where the church is,
not traditional ministry.

And it’s either
Media, the Economy,

Education, Family,

or Arts and Entertainment.

And I asked the Lord to
give us signs for this.

And you know, part
of what I’m speaking,

even in this book, the
best is yet to come,

I tell about the
best is yet to come,

and it’s better not just than
you think,

it’s better than you can

And part of what he wants to do,

in order just to prove this to

who are watching right now, He’s

to release signs and
wonders on your physical

body, and there’s going to be
seven specific ones.

And we’re going to do
this really quickly.

And so, remember this —
don’t forget the signs as

we go into it, because
sometimes when you feel

the signs, it can
be disconcerting.

But we’re just going to
go through them right now.

I’m going to blow
the shofar at the end,

it’s going to
activate the signs.

SR: Do many people receive
in their physical body

when you pray or
blow the shofar?

JE: Always. A high percentage.

SR: Well, I’m
going to do this one.

JE: And there is —
for whatever reason,

some feel it
later in the day,

or in the night
they wake up.

For instance, one of the
signs I’m going to give you,

[Music] if you have a
call to creativity,

mountain of Arts
and Entertainment,

a creative call,
when I blow the shofar,

your left arm is
going to go numb.

I don’t mean pretend
numb; I mean numb.

Or the other sign, it will
begin to involuntarily —

not you doing it —
involuntarily start shaking.

It’ll be something
where you know.

See, this is about
God telling you.

This is better than
a prophetic word.

So that’s sign number one,
Arts and Entertainment.

Left hand arm. Right arm,
mountain of Economy.

If you feel a hand on your
head — and I’m telling you,

a hand on your head, this
has happened to thousands.

A hand on your head means
that you have a call to

the mountain
of government.

And it doesn’t mean
you’re called to be the

president, or whatever.

God will make it clear if
you’re called to be the

candidate or the
intercessor or the friend

or the financer
for something there.

But it means you have an
important assignment on

the mountain of government
— a hand on the head.

If you feel your eyelids
flutter — you can’t even

make that stuff up, it has
to be real — your eyelids

start fluttering means
mountain of Education.

You have an assignment
— mountain of Education.

If you, a sign of a tear
will be that the Lord has

put one of his tears
— you’ll probably feel

something in
your heart first.

He is calling you to
the mountain of Family,

and He’s giving you
the next measure,

the next level
of compassion.

And the tear He puts in
your heart will come out

of your eye; you won’t
even think about it.

It’s happening right
now to some of you.

If your feet begin
to go numb or go hot,

or it starts coming up
your legs — main thing

is, you know
it’s supernatural.

That’ll be a call to
the mountain of Media,

to be a kingdom

to carry the
spirit of good news.

And then finally, if
He wants to confirm,

hey, doing the ministry
thing you’re doing,

pastor, mountain of
Religion type stuff

you’re doing, the
sign will be joy.

So out there, if we
could see everybody,

there’s going to be people
weeping and there’s going

to be people laughing
and there are going

to be these signs.

And this is going
to be activated now.

If you just hold
your hands out and say,

“Lord I receive whatever
sign and wonder

You want to release.”

>>: Lord, I receive
whatever sign and wonder

You want to release.”

JE: This is Him
speaking to you.

[Shofar blows]

[Shofar blows]

JE: Thank you, Lord.
Thank you, Lord.

Just receive it
for a moment.

Whoa, it’s
hard to stop it.

Just receive it
for a moment.

Thank you, Lord, for
releasing these signs

in Jesus Name.
[>> Audience praises]