Join me today at 5 pm ET on the It’s Supernatural! Network (ISN) for a one-of-a-kind broadcast—our Life After Death Live Event!

My special guests—Gary Wood and Jim Woodford—are ordinary people who actually died and returned to life! Gary and Jim will share their vivid, first-hand accounts of Heaven and their encounters with the chilling reality of Hell.

We are also releasing the Journeys to Heaven Package (2 Books and 2-CD Set) featuring Jim’s book Heaven—An Unexpected Journey. Through this set, you will hear real-life, modern testimonies that will inspire your faith that no matter what happens on earth, all troubles are momentary compared to the glory that awaits you in Heaven!

program from our archive library

hello raffia

welcome to my world where it’s naturally


to men my guess both died

brain-dead one was brain-dead for 11

hours both went to heaven both sent back

with a message from heaven we have a

Hebrew word it’s called Bashar it it

means it’s meant to be I tell you it is

Bashar it that you be watching right now


Thank You game or is the world we live

in all there is is there a heaven or a

hell is there a supernatural world that

exists beyond our own Sid Roth’s special

guests Jim Woodward and Gary wood are

ordinary people who actually died and

returned to life they will both share

with you their first-hand account of

what it was like to be in heaven

the vivid sights sounds and sensations

in the presence of Almighty God their

reunion with loved ones and standing in

the midst of the angelic realm you will

also hear about their encounters with

the chilling reality of Hell you will

know without a doubt that heaven is a

wonderful place where every believer is

promised to live for all eternity

and now here’s your host

Sid Roth I’d like to welcome our ISN

viewers as well as our broadcast

partners GB America and Emmy TV which

covers Israel and the entire Middle East

many of you sending questions about life

after death listen closely many of your

questions will be addressed as you hear

the the words of our guests you know my

guest I’ve just gotten to really know

over the last day he’s a retired pilot

you put in a lot of hours flying how

many hours well just over 20,000 just

over 20,000 uh he’s not he was not a

believer in the Messiah his wife was a

believer is it fair to say that your God

was things thi ng s yes Sid and I’m

ashamed to admit it I mean I lived what

I thought was the quintessential

American Canadian dream of a successful

career successful businesses and yet I

would wake up in the middle of the night

and I’d had this yearning inside of me

and I foolishly interpreted that as

meaning I needed a faster plane a bigger

car a larger boat I now know that that

yearning inside of me was my spirit

yearning for God’s Spirit yeah but one

day again he’s his own God so to speak

he wakes up and something unusual his

arms and his legs are numb he gets

diagnosed with a disease frankly I’ve

never heard it is a guillain-barre it’s

Guillen burrow he on clothes

and if I understand this right this is

life-threatening and you could end up

paralyzed but actually if you don’t get

treatment right away which you did not

what what did they tell you to expect

well it’s often fatal and guillain-barre

a is the deterioration of the myelin

sheath on your brainstem and it’s

similar to if you strip the insulation

from an electrical cord and all the

signals from your brain become pain and

interrupted and I went from being a guy

that flew jets and raced cars to someone

completely dependent on nurses and my

wife who is a nurse for my care how bad

was the pain on a scale of one being

very little and 10 being unbearable 15

really and I don’t mean to be facetious

but I truly never knew that pain like

that existed and Lorraine my wife will

attest to that

not nuisance pain not inconvenient pain

but wrenching gut-wrenching pain to the

point where I would keep a leather strap

by my bed to bite on when the pain got

intolerable only the pain was so bad

they do you had promised you had pain

when you blinked your eyebrow I actually

trained myself to blink one eye at a

time that’s of the pain every every

blink of my eye was pain not just in my

eyes but throughout my whole body my

whole nervous system had been

interrupted by this incredible

debilitating disease did you at any

point because your wife is a Christian

uh at any point ask God for help

said I’m ashamed again to say it never

once did I cry out to God all my life I

had relied on my own abilities to get me

out of close calls with airplanes or to

get me through any situation and and

again I felt that people

relied upon God needed a crutch and how

absolutely wrong I was but no never once

did I cry out god help me okay so the

pain is really 15 and you’re doing a

little business and all of a sudden the

pain gets so bad that you take a whole

bottle of pain medicine I mean but

didn’t you realize that could be fatal

you know said it wasn’t in it was a

gradual thing but I truly understand now

addiction to prescription medications I

mean I never because I loved my flying

career I never took anything stronger

than an aspirin I didn’t drink I didn’t

do any of those things and yet to give

me some semblance of normalcy some

ability to sleep 2 or 3 hours a night I

began to take more of the medication

than I should have and the result of

that was the more you take the more you

need so I understand two families out

there who have a loved one in the throes

of addiction I didn’t take it for


I took it to give me some ability to get

through my day all right so you take way

more than you should have what is the

last thing you remember you’re seated in

your car but what’s the last thing you

remember actually I was in my truck are

you truck and I’m not sure but maybe a

truck is more comfortable to die in more

leg room so never experience that on

but the last as I took the last of the

medication that more that evening and

I’m facing the Setting Sun for some

reason I didn’t plan it that way and and

I was trying to get up the the energy to

get out of the truck and inspect the

field that I was trying to sell and and

I saw a vial of prescription medication

I should have known but you know

something when you get to that point

your body has lost the ability to reason

rationally all I was consumed with was

stopping the pain and so I took that and

so to answer your question directly

instead of that warm feeling that I had

gotten used to of the pain easing for a

few hours all of a sudden my feet began

to burn as though they were in fire my

hands and fingertips started to burn and

as that as that burning sensation made

its way up my body and in my arms toward

my chest I knew that I had done

something truly catastrophic

irreversible and I began as it made its

way to my lungs I began to gasp for air

you know something said dying is easy

living is hard and as I reached for my

last gasp of breath It was as though the

cab of the truck was filling with water

and in that last instant in my

consciousness I looked at the Setting

Sun and I raised my hand and I remember

it was shaking violently and it was then

that I said the first three of the six

words that I believe are responsible for

me being here today along with the

prayers of my family and I reached my

hand up and I cried out I cried out from

a part of me that I didn’t even know

existed I cried out God forgive me

not out of fear I’d face death a couple

of times as a pilot never flinched but I

had this overwhelming sense in those

last nanoseconds of my life that I had

wasted this beautiful life that the

Creator had given me and I had never

honored him for that life and I was just

trying to express my sorrow for not

having led a better life after that

prayer which is half of the prayer that

got you back what do you remember I

remember falling forward and hitting my

head hard on the steering wheel of the

truck it was late it was the evening the

Sun was setting and I lost I was gone

I don’t know exactly how long I was gone

at that time but I remember sitting back

up and I knew time had passed because

the Setting Sun was now directly on the

horizon and suddenly I became aware that

the horrific pain that I had endured for

all those years since the onslaught of

the Gion Beret was gone I felt more

alive than I had ever felt before and

the pain was gone I felt so great I slid

out of the truck I walk about 15 feet

away and I’m feeling as though a heavy

wet overcoat has been taken off from me

and all the pain has gone with it and I

finally in my stupidity said thought to

myself I finally got it right I took

enough of the mitigation right like me

it sounds it sounds stupid and it is but

I even then I thought I had saved myself

and and then I look back at the truck


to the incredible realization that I’m

standing here and there’s someone in my

truck and I’m absolutely enraged who

would dare get in my truck and not only

that he’s sleeping on the steering wheel

and I’m ready to go over there and give

him a good thumpin have you ever had a

dream where you feel someone was chasing

you and you can’t move your legs it was

as though my my feet were anchored to

the ground and I could make small

progress and fine and I was mystified I

looked down I could see through my feet

but I thought well that’s just the after

effect of the medication but I did

manage to get a little closer the truck

I look up and I look and I can see the

face of the guy in the truck because

he’s leaned over the steering wheel his

faces toward me and there’s blood

gushing from his mouth the momentous the

moment when I realized that the guy in

the truck was me was truly

earth-shattering and did you realize you

were dead then well yeah because I’m

over here again I’m there

ah and I couldn’t bear the thought of

there being two of me so I I struggled I

had this moment of panic that if I could

just get back in my body if I could just

struggle my way over there and get back

in my body everything would be okay but

it wasn’t okay

you the next thing that happened you’re

flying but there’s no airplane finally

I’m saving on fuel but I begin to rise

and being a former pilot I’m a good

judge of altitude and and I’m at

suddenly a hundred feet 200 feet I’m

drifting slowly backwards I’m over the

truck I can look down in the bed of the

truck sit and see my toolbox I can look

through the rear window of the truck and

see my body slope over the wheel and I’m

rising I’m rising and I am terrified I

can look out over the countryside I tell

you what hold that thought

he finds himself in a very unusual place

almost a crossroads between heaven and

hell when we come back we’ll find out

what he did about it he’ll was actually

he actually heard Hell and demons

calling him by his name be right back we

will return with more of our special

presentation of life after death in just

one moment the supernatural of God knows

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now back to our special presentation of


our people on the edge in their seat

right now so you start going up and it

sounds I’ve heard this story from others

before sort of like a tunnel we are

going through what is this when I got to

about 1200 feet I tilted my head back

and this beautiful golden circle

appeared in the sky and then the center

filled with gold it opened and suddenly

it was though as though I had put all

the thrusters on the jet engines I went

zipping into this tunnel of light which

I’m sure many people have heard of and

and I’m traveling a tremendous speed I’m

leaning back at about 45 degrees I have

incredible sensation of speed but

typically you feel the wind in your face

there was no wind and there was no

rushing noise of the sound of travel and

no jet engines and and tremendous speed

I bet you know I guessing Mach 1

possibly and within a very quick period

of time I recognized that there’s a

brilliant light at the end of this

tunnel I come to it it’s covered in mist

I step out because I feel the tunnel

closing behind me I put my foot down

through the mist and then I bring my

other foot out the mist cleared I looked

down and I can’t believe it I am

standing on the most incredible green

grass you could ever imagine I now know

where the saying comes from the grass is

always greener on the other side I do

talking about heaven but I’ve been told

the colors it’s greener than any green

we have if we have a spectrum of colors

on earth heaven has 10,000 times 10,000

more it is a feast for the eyes okay but

then you see some darkness I look up

from that beautiful grass that radiated

light from underneath my feet and

there’s as though a dividing line a

median has been

in front of me to the right there’s this

beautiful mist colored field

the mist is laying over it we pilots

call it ground effect there’s beautiful

flowers showing through it but then to

the left of that line Sid it was as so

different because that beautiful green

grass went from green to brown to scorch

to black and then dropped off in a

crevasse and I stepped forward and

looked down under this cold black

blackness and then I saw something like

a dim light at the bottom like a light

of fire red fire and suddenly I heard

the strangest sound like two massive

iron doors opening and screeching

unhinges that had not been used in a

long time and suddenly emerging from

those doors was the most hideous

creature you could ever imagine

Hollywood could never duplicate what I

saw I have to ask you before this whole

thing happened if someone said to you

don’t you want to go to heaven what

would you have said do I get frequent

flyer points I I have an idea you would

have said that no of course I mean but I

never believed that was just too good to

be true

that there could be a place that

beautiful I I’m a technical guy if it’s

not in a manual I didn’t believe it okay

so take me from there so I’m looking

like happily I see this thing coming out

and suddenly I’m assailed by this

horrific smell that comes out of that

pit an odor of death and decay and of

things long dead things that should

never see the light of day and it gazed

up at me and when its fiery eyes looked

at me it started to make its way at the

wall of that pit but its body Sid was

formed of like a rolling mass of dark

cloud with a face on it and I heard the

most horrific things people something

something screaming within the body of

this creature and then what absolutely

horrified me was I heard my name my name

being called

this creature knew me

it newbie and it was coming for me and I

was terrified I mean I’d love to tell

you I stood there and wanted to do

battle I was terrified and it reared up

out of that kit over me and the most

hideous face imaginable massive in his

size snarl at me and there was this

feeling of an anticipation of Glee that

it couldn’t wait to get its claws on me

and I was so horrified I turn from the

darkness toward the light we are

creatures of the light and I

automatically turned toward the light

and when I did I sensed this creature

its breath on the back of my neck the

stench of its breath and I felt a sharp

claw moved down my back and it was at

that point remember I said there are six

words and the prayers of my family

that’s make it possible for me to be

here today and the first three words I

cried out in the truck God forgive me in

my absolute terror and I had no reason

to expect any help from God

I turned my self toward that mist with

that creature breathing up my back and I

lifted both hands and I cried out from a

part of me that I didn’t even know

existed and I cried out god help me help

me and Sid instantly three stars

appeared in that mist like distant

points of light but coming rapidly

toward me and I focused on them to keep

my mind off what was snarling behind me

because I could hear the saliva from his

jaws dropping on the ground behind me

and I concentrated on those lights they

came so rapidly Sid incredible speed

my pilot instincts took over I was

afraid they were going to make two

faster landing but they did a beautiful

job because suddenly they took form so

then they escorted you

they took form they were angels God had

heard the cry of someone that had never

turned to him in his life and of course

you know

I discussed it is never too late I

discussed this with you and because he

his upbringing was Catholic to him when

he cried God he meant the triune nature

of God Father Son and Holy Spirit where

did these angels escort you these

incredible beings as they approached me

this beautiful light flooded over me

went beyond me and struck that creature

and when the light of the angel struck

the creature it shrieked and screamed

and scrambled back down on that hole

like a rat running for cover darkness

and evil cannot exist in the light of

God you know there is so much that this

man experienced but when I was reading

about your experience I was reading the

chapter on sticky STI ckey love tell me

about that sticky love of God yeah the

angels came forward and and I and they

spoke to me through thought transference

and as they put their wing around me and

held me close I felt so safe and

protected and and I reached out to touch

the Angels arm and Sid when I did I felt

I had been impolite in doing that and so

I pulled my hand back and when I did the

light of the Angels body clung to my


till I got it back about six to ten

inches and then let go and went into its

body and that’s why I tell people every

chance I get the love of God is sticky

it wants to cling to you and a new told


you told me that God was in process of

replacing all your selfishness all your

greed all your lust for love explain

that I don’t think a human soul or

spirit can go through this experience

and not be profoundly changed and I feel

as though I have been truly born again

not only have I come back from the grave

my soul has come back from despair my

spirit has found God again and I will be

eternally grateful tell me about the

Hall of Knowledge heaven you have to

suspend your all that you’ve been taught

about physics and gravity and time and

linear space and spatial references they

simply do not exist in heaven but I was

shown the holy city I mean these

incredible buildings of light not hewn

from stone said but hewn from blocks of

light that exude this warmth and love

and I saw the halls of knowledge the

halls of music the halls of learning the

hulls of everything that you wanted to

learn about the mysteries of God and

then you showed me the nursery the

nursery said I think it speaks to the

compassion of our God

that little souls that are aborted God

gathers their spirit back and they’re

raised in the nursery in heaven tell me

about the size of your book of life I’m

ashamed to talk about it but in the Hall

of Records they keep a record of

everything that you’ve done in and with

your life and it’s not to create and I

got you a moment

it’s for when you are shown the book of

your life and when they pull the angel

pulled mine out of his robe and opened

it for Jesus to read

I was absolutely shamed and mortified

that all I had to show for a life lived

that I thought was the ultimate in

success was this small thin book no

bigger than a diner roadside diner menu

and and I was ashamed that that’s all I

should have had with all the resources

and the time that I had I should have

had a book as thick as a Bible filled

with all the goods all the good deeds

that I could have done you know as

Charles Dickens said in his novel

mankind should had been my business and

instead I was only involved in myself

ego I am determined now that if I have

the opportunity to go back again to do

everything good I can so that when Jesus

reads the book of my life again he’s

going to need three angels and a

forklift to open now you’ve got to you

have got to tell me when you looked in

the eyes of Jesus what did you see

it was the apex of everything that

happened to me because when his eyes

locked on mine and he smiled at me Sid

Jesus smiled at me

but when I looked into those eyes of

gray and green and blue I was lost in

eternity because in those eyes I saw

sadness for the way I had lived my life

I saw sadness for the way we as mankind

have rejected his father’s message but I

saw incredible love for me for me

someone that deserved none nothing for

me and and I also saw mixed in with that

love in the eyes of Jesus forgiveness

for me forgiveness for the life that I

had lived and a chance to do it again I

am eternally grateful

my life

our lives Lorraine’s life and mine are

no his let me tell you a couple of

things that you need to know while all

this is going on his wife and family are

prey and he sees it you can see them

praying he comes back and guess what

happened to his incurable illness went

out the window he tells me that he feels

more strength than a 60 year old when we

come back I’m going to have another

friend of mine that also went to heaven

as a believer it’s it’s the one who won

the most incredible miracles you will

ever see it was in an auto accident and

a his voice box was cross crushed and in

and destroyed and he can never speak


I’ll have him sing for you okay right


we will return with more of our special

presentation of life after death

in just one moment have you ever

wondered what heaven is truly like do

you know someone who questions life

after death now you can know the

testimonies of 16 people who have

experienced life after death

each sharing and glorious detail what

happens when we depart earth and what

heaven is truly like call now and get

the heaven package which includes Jim

Woodford’s brand-new book heaven an

unexpected journey and Sid Roth’s

best-selling book heaven is beyond your

wildest expectations plus SIDS two-part

audio CD set life after death this

entire heaven package includes sixteen

different people sharing their

first-hand encounters with the afterlife

yours for a donation of $39 shipping and

handling is included ask for offer

number nine four seven eight you will

receive Jim Lefferts brand new book

heaven an unexpected journey through

this book you will read about his

first-hand experience with heaven angels

and the afterlife encounter the glories

of heaven the terrors of hell and the

stunning reality of the unseen world

understand what it’s like to hug an

angel encounter the chilling realities

of Hell and the sights sounds and

sensations of heaven you will also

receive Sid Roth’s best-selling book

heaven is beyond your wildest

expectations and his two-part audio CD

life after death both include the

testimony of doctor

he would and that of 14 other people who

have given amazingly similar accounts of

their experiences with the afterlife

through this book and two-part audio CD

you will understand what happens the

moment a person dies learn about God’s

tunnel of light here powerful

testimonies like Bill Weiss house may

pull up this tunnel and suddenly this

bright light appeared

I know meeting who was

I said Jesus and he said I am and he

said I am I collapse at his feet read

and hear first-hand accounts about the

awesome beauty of Jesus full of

overpowering love and compassion gain

faith to believe God for your own

healing as you understand that God has a

body parts room in heaven where miracles

are waiting to be accessed take a tour

of God’s heavenly library with volumes

of books that contain the accounts of

each person’s life learn how your

prayers are converted into visible fire

and rivers that ascend to heaven hear

the moving stories of family reunions in

heaven not only my grandmother Mary was

there but other family members that

accepted Jesus Christ of the Messiah as

Lord and Savior they were there don’t

miss out on getting the heaven package

which includes Jim Woodford’s brand-new

book heaven an unexpected journey and

Sid Roth’s best-selling book heaven is

beyond your wildest expectations

plus since two-part audio CD set life

after death

this entire heaven package includes 16

different people sharing their

first-hand encounters with the afterlife

yours for a donation of $39 shipping and

handling is included ask for offer

number nine four seven eight call or you

can send your check to sid roth it’s

supernatural p o– box 39222 charlotte

north carolina 28278 please specify

offer number nine four seven eight or

log on to

or right today and now back to our

special presentation of life after death

now if you think you were wrecked with

that last word

Gary wood what did you think of that

word by Jim wood wood for it

that was incredible as supernatural it

just demonstrates the Grace and the

mercy of God and as he was sharing you

heard something you have never heard

before what did you hear

why he was he was seated right back

there what did you hear our trumpets

playing over here trumpets were blasting

out and sounded like when I was in

heaven with the Angels when I was

escorted up into heaven I was escorted

by the angels and they were singing

worthy is the Lamb that was slain to

receive honor and glory wisdom and power

and Dominion

when do they pray Oh Lord I think that

they are rejoicing in heaven they are

now and that’s why you heard those

trumpets but okay you’re driving it’s

late at night you are there was a car

parked a truck parked illegally you

crashed right into it Oh what happened

to you were you instantly dead what

happened to your body I instantly was

called up out of my body and stood above

the top of the car and then caught up

into a swirling massive funnel shaped

cloud that begin to grow wider and wider

and the light just engulfed me but not

as bright as the lights here in the

studio audience right now but as I was

going to angels were escorting me they

were carrying me and singing what I just

said okay what did you die from well my

larynx was crushed actually my neck was

broken in three separate places c1 c2

and c3 doctors say if your neck is

broken in c2 usually you’re paralyzed

for the rest of your life my my vocal

box was totally crushed which could have

reduce death so there was several things

that I died from and from a medical

viewpoint if you would have survived

what you didn’t of course she would

brain dead but if you would have


would you ever sing or speak again never

again I felt as a young man that God had

called me to sing and it was after this

experience that I entered into the

full-time ministry and I’ve just

celebrated 50 years of full-time minutes

there 750 years ago okay so you’re being

escorted take it from there

well my vocal I’ll just wanted to say my

vocal cords were completely severed so I

medically now cannot speak or sing so

well now you’re feeling me what real

super nice on a live show

shrill I can’t speak say well I was

deposit at the bottom of a beautiful

green grassy hill like the previous

guests just talked about in green same

green that’s the colors you cannot even

begin to describe unless you’ve been

there but the grass that I was walking

on came up through my feet and then

there were diamonds that just sparkled

all over this grass and I looked at him

saw the City of God where this beautiful

place the Bible calls heaven it’s laid

out in the square and it has the 12

foundations of Exodus 20:8 the high

priest breastplate wears this and the 12

foundations of these beautiful stones

that are inscribed with the names of the

apostles and then the gates or solid

pearl a scientist came up to me and said

those gates are over 500 miles and with

those great those gates the bottom

foundation is solid Jasper in the Bible

Jasper stands for the glory of God but

it also represents diamonds so ladies

think about it one of these days you’re

not going to be wearing a diamond ring

or a bracelet you’re going to be walking

on it sweetheart

okay but one of the things that amazed

that I’ve heard many say is when they

get to heaven someone that died and went

to heaven before them someone close

welcomes them did that happen to you I

was greeted by my best friend in high

school who died previously and he begins

to take me on a turn now that way wasn’t

he beheaded yes he had lost his head in

the accident so in heaven how does head

look uh he looked young and healthy and

whole and complete and he took me on a

tour he began to take me and I went to a

library this library had prayer requests

our spiritual growth and then the

dearest thing to the heart of God said

is the number of people that we’ve

introduced and one to Jesus and then I

can excuse me do they have records of

the people that that you have one to the

Lord or that so someone else there there

are there are records there and heaven

has like bleachers is the best way I can

describe it like you’re looking on a

sporting event and people come over

occasionally and they’ll look down and

they’re cheering you on and in essence

they’re saying we’ve run our race we

finished our assignment now you keep on

going don’t give up don’t quit we’re

pulling for you now they’re not there

all the time but occasionally but what I

saw is is a man come down to an altar

and he prayed the sinner’s prayer he

asked Jesus Christ to become his

personal Lord and Savior then I saw

someone who knew that that man on the

earth went traveled at speed yon light

and found the man’s mother in another

section of heaven protego participating

what she was doing and he said rejoice

rejoice your son is coming home

and trust us all the Angels actually had

to bow their their wings because they’re

created beings they don’t understand

about being born again but the people in

heaven start shouting got exuberantly

happy over someone they just come to

know Christ as their Savior now your

friend John actually was giving you a

tour of heaven tell me about the library

room well in that library room there’s

there’s vast knowledge we’re going to

continue to receive and learn people had

this misconception when you go to heaven

that you’re just going to float on a

cloud for all eternity and play a harp

and that’s what nothing could be further

things that be very boring it would be


there’s supernatural things that we’re

going to continue to learn and I believe

we’re even going to have experiences

that we’re going to go out and share

perhaps in other places

tell me about tears and by a way our

last guest he weeps a lot do you yes sir

I saw the tears collected the Book of

Psalms talks about that they’re put into

a bottle of remembrance and literally

the Angels would come and take those

tears and then the Angels would fly up

to heaven I saw angels with six wings

doing this and they would fly up to

heaven and they would take these a

bottle of tears and present it right to

God as a sweet-smelling savour and

sacrifice then I saw something said that

looked like I can only describe it as

dry ice it just began to bubble out and

I asked my friend John what’s going on

what is that he said that’s the praises

of the people on earth below and in

heaven above so when we start rejoicing

and praising God angels get involved

they the rock they’re in the midst of

that and I’ll make us wanna praise God

more enthusiastic

and we’ve ever praised him in our entire

life do you know that the thing that

excited me the most of everything I’ve

heard two things but involves the same

thing the parts room this is like body

parts someone’s missing a leg an arm a

body a heart of liver tell me what you

actually saw well when I walked up the

hill with my friend there was a giant

building like he would store something

in and it was called unclaimed blessings

and so when we opened the door I was I

was just astounded I stood there and

just look there were legs hanging from

the wall there are arms there’s every

part of one’s Anatomy there and people

say why does there need to be a place

like that in heaven because God has a

spare part room for you he has a miracle

though he doesn’t need it in have the

miracle this for right here we’re on

here lyrical in heaven so I actually saw

what happened

I actually saw someone on the earth pray

I saw a church service with an audience

of a crowd about like your audience and

the Angels would actually come in and

they would give the person the miracle

sometimes it was instantaneous but the

key was that people said I believe I

receive I believe I receive and then the

angel would deposit into them that

miracle on other instances I saw people

start saying in making excuses like

miracles aren’t for today I don’t have

enough faith or whatever and the Angels

would have to broadly stop and turn

around and go back and put their miracle

in this room called the unclaimed

blessings so I want to claim all the

blessings that is sad how old is very

sad I told you there were two things

that excited me about

this room number one the room but number

two when I spoke to you on the phone you

told me what God told you about the

manifestation of body parts on earth

we’re going to start seeing notable

miracles I have actually seen bones grow

into feet I have seen eyes come back

into sockets myself I had a heart attack

on the February the 6th of this year and

was scheduled for surgery I saw when I

was laying there on the table as they

were preparing me for surgery the two

stents that the doctor said I had to

have put in my heart to survive and live

when I woke up I saw my wife standing

there and I heard her say doctor you

said he had to have stents to live and

he said he it was but it’s a miracle the

doctor verified some miracle I did not

have to have the sim now and the doctor

said it the doctor said I got a

brand-new heart and brand-new lanes and

just before I came over here I checked

my blood pressure and it was a hundred

and twenty over seventy okay I’ll tell

you what I’m gonna have him pray for new

hearts and blood pressure and have you

ever had any one healed from cancer

absolutely I’ve been healed from cancer

I I’ve been healed from pancreatic

cancer in 2012 okay describe to me when

you came back into your body well when I

came back into my body I had seen Jesus

and Jesus at first before I came back

I’d seen Jesus and Jesus commissioned me

to make him real that this generation he

told me what to tell people he said tell

people there’s a song to sing there is a

message to proclaim there’s a book to

write there’s a missionary journey to

take he said don’t ever bind to the

condemnation of the devil that you’re

unworthy he said you’re worthy and said

when I was in heaven I saw my name

written on the Lamb’s Book of Life when

I saw that man who was forgiven I saw

what the previous guest was talking

about when it was eradicated all

from the books the Bible calls them the

books and they are wiped out all our

past transgressions are wiped out and I

saw my name written inviting the book of

life and it sitting next to my name paid

in full by the precious Reggie tell me

about what happened when the nurse came

into your room well as nine months of

what you would call recovery and I

started building my faith up but it was

a brand-new song my group Bill Gaither

trio and it came out and when he touched

me oh he touched me wait he’ll have no

voice box will you stop oh the joy that

floods my soul something happened and

now I know he touched me and made me

whole and Jesus walked in my hospital

room right then he put his hands on my

throat he touched me I looking at those

beautiful blue eyes of his and the nurse

walked in and she came to serve me

breakfast and she dropped the tray but

I’ll lift it up my hands and began to

rejoice and praise the Lord when we come

back we’re going to do something that is

going to release miracles like you’ve

never seen before I have two men that

have been to heaven they have been sent

back and they want to release miracles

for you be right back


we will return with more of our special

presentation of life after death

in just one moment have you ever

wondered what heaven is truly like do

you know someone who questions life

after death now you can know the

testimonies of 16 people who have

experienced life after death

each sharing and glorious detail what

happens when we depart earth and what

heaven is truly like call now and get

the heaven package which includes Jim

Woodford’s brand-new book heaven an

unexpected journey and Sid Roth’s

best-selling book heaven is beyond your

wildest expectations plus SIDS two-part

audio CD set life after death

this entire heaven package includes

sixteen different people sharing their

first-hand encounters with the afterlife

yours for a donation of $39 shipping and

handling is included ask for offer

number nine four seven eight you will

receive Jim Lefferts brand new book

heaven an unexpected journey through

this book you will read about his

first-hand experience with heaven angels

and the afterlife encounter the glories

of heaven the terrors of hell and the

stunning reality of the unseen world

understand what it’s like to a hug an

angel encounter the chilling realities

of Hell and the sights sounds and

sensations of heaven you will also

receive Sid Roth’s mess selling book

heaven is beyond your wildest

expectations and is two-part audio CD

life after death

both include the testimony of dr. Gary

wood and that of 14 other people who

have given amazingly similar accounts of

their experiences with the afterlife

through this book and two-part audio CD

you will understand what hap

the moment a person dies learn about

God’s tunnel of light here powerful

testimonies like Bill Weiss I was being

pulled up this tunnel and suddenly this

bright light appeared

I know a meeting who was

I said Jesus and he said I am and we

said I am I collapse at his feet read

and hear first-hand accounts about the

awesome beauty of Jesus full of

overpowering love and compassion gain

faith to believe God for your own

healing as you understand that God has a

body parts room in heaven where miracles

are waiting to be accessed take a tour

of God’s heavenly library with volumes

of books that contain the accounts of

each person’s life learn how your

prayers are converted into visible fire

and rivers that ascend to heaven hear

the moving stories of family reunions in

heaven not only my grandmother Mary was

there but other family members that

accepted Jesus Christ of the Messiah as

Lord and Savior they were there don’t

miss out on getting the heaven package

which includes Jim Woodford’s brand-new

book heaven an unexpected journey and

Sid Roth’s best-selling book heaven is

beyond your wildest expectations plus

since two-part audio CD set life after

death this entire heaven package

includes sixteen different people

sharing their first-hand encounters with

the afterlife

yours for a donation of $39 shipping and

handling is included ask for offer

number nine four seven eight call or you

can send your check to sid roth it’s


vo box 39222 charlotte north carolina

28278 please specify offer number nine

four seven eight or log on to

or write today and now back to our

special presentation of life after death

before we go off the air I want to thank

our broadcast partners GP America and

Emmy TV middle east television and don’t

forget when we leave GB America this

program will continue on Emmy TV middle

east television and is n the it’s

supernatural network so be sure to stay

with us to continue watching on isn and

you’re going to watch because what I

didn’t have time to say but um Gary told

me God said that the creative miracles

are ready to happen in a big way so if

you want to download the isn app any

smart phone in the world any computer

just log in to slash ISN or

download our free is an app just go to

the App Store and type in my name Sid

Roth si D ro th and touch the orange is

an app once you have it

you can watch us anytime 24/7 now Jim

you came back for what you’re going to

say right this moment tell people how

they will avoid that darkness and live

in the light I want everyone to

understand this it is never too late

God stands ready to forgive any

indiscretion as long as you call out to

him with a contrite heart Jesus is the

most incredible loving being that could

possibly exist

and never think you are beyond his mercy

never think it’s too late we tell you

this love conquers all and the love of

Christ wants us to come back to him

those of you if you do not know that you

will be in heaven you can know if you

will say this prayer with me and believe

it in your heart you will be in heaven

repeat after me

dear God I’ve made many mistakes please

forgive me I believe the blood of Jesus

washes away all my mistakes and I’m


and my name is recorded in the book of

life and now that I am clean

and now that I have no past I asked

Jesus to come and live inside of me and

be Lord of my life

I Love You God thank you for taking me

you promise to never leave her sir

forsake me amen if you said that prayer

and meant it I tell you

as many as call upon the name of the

Lord will be saved

I know what’s about ready to happen I

know it I know that there’s going to be

a release of creative miracles I know

that there are some stories that both of

these gentlemen so many of them so many

over the top that didn’t have a chance

to share it and they’re going to share

it when we come back but make sure you

get the ISSN that app just go right to

the App Store type in Sid Roth there’ll

be an orange app it says is then it’s

supernatural Network downloaded and you

can continue watching this show I have

in the audience Jim’s wife she tell that

as far as I’m concerned only the wife

will tell you whether this man is a

changed man I have in the audience a

pastor that was eyewitness of creative

miracles that occurred when Gary spoke I

am so excited about what God is going to

do that I can’t sit I have to stand and

I’m gonna ask you studio audience did

any of you sense the presence of God

this this time how about you at home did

you sense the presence of God I could

say he’s starting already pain in hands

and wrists and banks are being healed

right now and as a matter of fact I paid

with you last night and you started

speaking in a supernatural language

you’d never done it the most

supernatural man I know we’ll be right

back after this



okay I promised you something and I’m

gonna give it to you I have in the front

row here Jim’s wife now I’m in trouble

uh-huh okay now seriously you must be

the happiest woman on earth tell me the

difference in your husband a big big

change in this man and my sister and I

were just discussing it this week that

month by month we can see him growing

yeah doing God’s work he’s kinder so

concerned about people trying to do

God’s work selflessly putting in many

hours and traveling were apart a lot

through the month and I support him in

that but he goes gladly and travels when

you were praying with your family and he

was dead dead brain dead yes 11 hours

just out of curiosity did you have any

faith he was going to come back come on

between the two of us uh I was in shock

uh everything was very surreal this

can’t be happening I was walking around

like a zombie but I felt overwhelmed I

had been praying for a long time for Jim

to come back to God for God to put upon

his heart to live for God that wasn’t

happening Jim was very self-centered and

very materialistic and our marriage was

struggling and I upped my prayers to God

you’re just going to have to break him

to remake him

Wow you didn’t know what you were asking

me then I didn’t

so I said be careful what you pray for I

wish you’d given me a heads up so in the

hospital when the doctor came out and

told my self and my family that he was

clinically dead there was no brain sign

that they were just keeping him going on

life support and if there were any other

family members to come they need needed

to come now and I said we have a son and

daughter in in Alberta in Canada he said

well call them right now and tell them

to get on the first flight home and

we’re going to kind of ready him for you

to see see him and tell him you’re good

but yes but I have to ask you this

question when he came back I would have

thought not only would you be the

happiest person either I would have

thought he’d be the happiest person on

earth you weren’t too happy were you he

weren’t depressed yeah tell me but I was

I mean look you had my friend my fellow

traveler knows this you cannot see what

we saw and not be changed forever and as

beautiful as it is around where we live

and here when I looked out on a sunny

day it was as though everything was

covered with a gray film because I

remembered the light of heaven the light

of God and there’s nothing here that

compares to it the most grandiose Vista

on this earth is nothing compared to

what heaven has in store for all of you

now you’re a nurse you must have been

very concerned he was would you say he

was almost clinically depressed very

very very concerning he did not come out

of the hospital as he said running down

the street shouting that that you know

he’s found

and all this he he was extremely

depressed I’m wondering about all these

visions he was scared to talk about them

because people would think he was crazy

and I had to because our financial life

he wasn’t able to work and I went off to

pick up as many shifts as I could in

nursing shifts and I was very concerned

about leaving him at the house he would

be weeping that he didn’t want to be

here and I would have to encourage him

and stand in front of him and tell that

him that he was given a mission and that

he could not do it by sitting here and

wallowing in in sadness and despair what

snaps you out of this

what snapped me out of it Sid was why I

was so depressed was I couldn’t believe

that anyone would listen to someone who

had never been a true believer who had

never prayed what qualifications could I

possibly have other than dying and and

what happened was a pastor friend of

ours insisted I go and speak at his

church and something incredible happened

Gary and I was hoping the service would

be over quickly so I wouldn’t have to

speak very long and he gets up and says

Jim come on up

and I go up and I began to speak you see

Jesus gave me a commission James this is

not yet your time go back and tell your

brothers and sisters of the wonders we

have shown you and I wasn’t doing that

and the moment I started to share the

instant it started to come out of me it

was as though a dam burst inside of me

because finally I was doing what Jesus

had asked me to do and it was the most

incredible experience SID I felt I was

outside of my body and someone else was

speaking and my pastor friend pastor

Luke Weaver told me Jim that’s the

spirit speaking through you

I tell you no they can’t shut me up now

Gary I am so excited about we’re about

ready to see this breakthrough of

creative miracles and I we just happened

to have in the front row a pastor and

his wife who were eyewitnesses at two to

services where he saw miracles what did

you see yes sir the first one we were at

a nursing home

Gary daughter Gary had visit us the

first time we met him and he was

gracious enough to go down to a nursing

home a member of our church has a

ministry in there and you know of course

people laying them home beds in

wheelchairs and and everything and so

dr. Gary was just telling the vision of

heaven and it should man kept raising

his hand and so dr. Gary finally asked

him what he what he needed and he just

stood he said uh are there any

wheelchairs in heaven and how the Kerry

said none he said and he stood up out of

his wheelchair he said well I think I’ll

get out of this one yeah and and that

man he went from the wheelchair to a

walker and now he’s out of the nursing

home he’s living on his own praise God

yeah yeah

Gary you had a lot of mirror sound it

seems to me like the devil tried to take

you out a number of ways in a number of

times beyond going into a trashy into

the truck yes sir I like to say that I’m

a man on a mission with a message to

make Jesus real to this generation and

my main thrust of the message I have

especially tonight is we’re fixing the

inner into a season of notable miracles

and everything God has seasoned you for

up until this time has prepared you for

the greatest move of God that’s going to

happen since Azusa Street I’m telling

you we’re going to see incredible

credible miracles Susan called me she

was in the hospital she just asked me if

I would pray I prayed just a simple old

prayer and I said no Suzanne remember

you’ve heard my story believe and

receive and I didn’t know till later

that that exact moment the power of God

hid her so strong that she fell off the

gurney in the hospital and so they came

back in to examine her and check her and

the doctor said we’ve got to do a heart

catheterization right now instantly they

took her and the doctor came back out

and said lady here’s the x-ray you need

to print this up because you got a

brand-new heart

all right Jim there’s so many things

that’s that you saw in heaven but

there’s something that interests me tell

me about what you learned about colors

and sound and music again

take off your earth hat put on your

heaven hat imagine a place where time

doesn’t exist where past present and

future has collapsed all into one where

color has sound and sound has color we

have to suspend our belief of our

earthly physics to under to even begin

to appreciate what heaven has in store

for you

what do you what did you learn in heaven

about music well when I was taken down

into the river of life this day rocks as

the water of life was falling over them

made a musical sound then I was lifted

everything in heaven I’m not just making

this up the streets are called

hallelujah Boulevard and praise the Lord

Avenue I saw flowers seeing absolutely

singing I saw musical notes dancing over

the hilltop and they would go into a

person when I came out of the River of


everyone was were singing all hail the

power Jesus name let angels prostrate

fall bring forth the royal diadem and

crown him crown him Lord of all so I

turned to my best friend I said why are

they singing hymn number 132 in the

Baptist hymnal in church below and he

said Gary all songs originate in heaven

first time I said then they’re dropped

into the heart of someone who’ll be

receptive and give it forth for the

glory of God the first time that I heard

the chorus Alleluia was in heaven as the

first time I ever heard it first time I

heard though of course he is Lord was in

heaven I can mention other songs that

I’ve heard now here upon the earth so I

say to all musicians who have any

musicians you play your singers out

there you can become pregnant with a

song directly deposited in

move from heaven said right now

someone’s being healed of ringing in

your ears and some but it’s kind of

ringing in your ears and a buzzing noise

that’s that’s kind of annoying it’s

annoying but if that you just receive

and believe right down accept it I

decree and declare you’re healed and

whole in Jesus name what would you say

to someone that has been believing and

believing for their wife or for their

husband to know the Messiah and year

after year after year has gone by what

would you two say go ahead it’s never

too late it’s never too late you’ve all

seen the painting I think of Jesus

knocking on the wooden door he knocks on

the door of your heart he knocked on

mine all my life and finally I I had to

die to open the door I would just say

don’t give up because your greatest

miracle is right before you and the

devil is going to push the hardest right

before you have the breakthrough to

receive the promise of your right now on

the very edge you’re just on the very

edge of receiving your miracle and so

the devil wants us to give up he’ll say

here’s what the devil will say there’s

not that much money in the whole world

and if there was you’re not going to get

it just say shut up devil you’re a liar

you’re your lie he’s going to tell you

everything negative that you’re not

going to get so I agree with with

brother Jim just keep standing don’t

give up it’s never true but not only

that of course you never give up because

you don’t have to stop swinging at the

baseball it’s not three strikes and

you’re out

it’s when you stop swinging you’re out

don’t stop swinging that’s number one

but number two is even more exciting

we’re about ready to have the greatest

glory in the history of planet Earth is

about ready to hit us and guess what

all of the promises all the prayers all

the prayers that you have prayed all of

them they’re ready to answer and we’ll

Gary what you said it’s so true

the reason that you’ve had so much

throwing at you lately is to have you

stopped swinging never give up never

give up never give up yeah secret my

grand this is a real brief my grandsons

eight years old and he’s playing

championship baseball game a few weeks

ago my son takes me and he said dad

looks like it’s over the scores 13 to 5

you know they kept their allowed to make

8 runs in an inning well anyway all of a

sudden were less than a minute my son

takes back and says I can’t believe it’s

a miracle it’s a miracle it’s a miracle

and so anyway they won 14 to 13 I asked

my grandson I said what happened

he said he calls me papa big stuff he

goes pop aw big stuff

he said I told my teammates we’re gonna

win you’re gonna win you’re gonna win

you’re gonna win you’re gonna win and

this morning when I woke up five is a

number of grace that’s what happened to

my brother the grace and the mercy of

God and so just don’t give up because

you’re right on the cusp of receiving

that manifestation if you’ll just keep

holding on keep on praising Lord now you

were told Jim that the Angels would

always be with you do you feel them with

you I feel them with you now they’re


absolutely they’re here they are here

and they are so proud of you when you

show your love for Jesus it makes some

shine even brighter than they are and

they take and it’s not a sinful pride

but they kind of hold you up and look at

you and say that’s my person

had Gary just out of curiosity in this

light have you have you ever seen your

angel have you ever felt him absolutely

I could kill you a story to take a while

but he I he actually appeared to me with

my good friend than spirit Romano Billy

brim up on prayer Mountain he actually

came up to me and gave me a message from

the father and later when I was trying

to introduce him and show him to some

Pastor friends of mine he was just gone

but he gave me a message in 2012 and

that has been fulfilled now in these

last few years and is continuing to come

to pass daily you told me Jim that you

have a sense of something big ready to

happen was that in Israel or the whole

world I have a dear friend in the

audience pastor rod gainer and his wife

Eileen and I see him there and I’ve told

vardas heard me say this many times I

came back with the sense that there’s

something huge coming and I don’t sense

it’s ominous if you are a believer there

is going to be something that’s going to

break and it will be an irrevocable sign

no one will ever be able to dispute it’s

computer graphics it’s a product of the

Disney Company who do wonderful work it

is an actual irrevocable sign of the

majesty of God

Guerry your faith is sky-high and and

you know what you are just entering in

to the face of your miracle ministry

you’ve prayed for people than they’ve

been healed

I would like Gary I want you to pray as

God directs for people to be physically

healed all over the world as well as the

studio audience and then I want you to

pray whatever God shows you master I

thank you for the word when I was in

your presence you spoke to me very

clearly and said as much as possible

always decree and declare it is written

and then we can confidently say it is

finished so I decree and declare what

your word says I am THE LORD thy God

that healeth thee and father your word

says bless the Lord O my soul and all

that is within me so we master began to

worship you we begin to magnify and to

praise you we release the power and the

anointing of the Holy Spirit that breaks

every yoke a bondage and I asked for the

same spirit that raised Jesus from the

dead to come and minister to everyone in

this audience and to those that are

watching around the world and we have

the confidence according to the Bible

that when we pray your word you hear us

and we know it’s done so now we rejoice

and say I believe I receive you need

something from the father lift you

answer say I believe I receive it in

Jesus name

I believe I receive in Jesus name Jesus

name oh you were supposed to pray for

blood pressure I’ll get so many letters

Gary I decree and declare supernaturally

that your blood pressure is going to 120

over 80 and I call every cell in your

body that’s not energized with the power

of the Holy Spirit to be removed

and that every portion of your blood is

purified by the Word of God any

malfunction is removed and your heart is

healed if you have a heart problem here

in the studio in any area in your heart

area put your hand over your chest right

now in the name of Jesus you gave me a

brand new heart you gave me brand-new

arteries so in the name of Jesus I

decree and declare brand new hearts from

the spare parts room lift hands ups have

believed I receive we believe I receive

God’s healing someone of asthma if

someone has been touched with asthma

problem just take seven deep breaths and

exhale them and God is touching you

right now in that area Jesus name and

you know Jim you were you have more

sympathy and empathy for people in pain

than anyone I know

would you pray that pains of all kinds

would be removed

Lord God I pray to you

and I ask that you bring up on this

studio audience and upon all those

watching today the grace of the healing

of their hearts and of all physical II

ills that they may have

Lord God I experienced firsthand the

misery of pain I sense the pain and as I

pray here now I sense in the studio

audience before us right now there are

three wounded hearts that are crying out

they are missing their loved one who has

gone to join you and I want them to know

I want them to know that their loved

ones are with you I sense their peace

lord I sense their peace and lord once

again bring your healing grace upon

people make them understand the depth

the the width the height of the love you

have for them in Jesus Holy Name we pray

now one more thing I want you to pray

that physical pain leave people right

now God bring upon this group and all


watch and believe your grace to heal

every physical ailment that they may

have Lord I saw the glory that you are

capable of and we ask that that glory

come upon us this day come upon us at

this moment and heal the people that are

before us and listening to us in the

holy name of Jesus we ask that you cover

us with the blood of your Grace and love

in Jesus name we pray amen and and that

and I’ll tell you that glory is going

right through your computer right now

right through your cell phone right

through your television right now

wherever you are in the world I feel

people the pain in their shoulders and


you just start moving you start moving

your shoulders you start moving your

neck you have back pain you just stand

up at home or here and just bend over

and bend right into your healing you

have pain in your hands and fingers pain

of any kind I tell you go in the name

that is above every name that said it is

finished or another understanding of

that it is paid in full it is paid in

full is there anything God is showing

you any last word there is all of you

who are here and who are listening this

is a moment if you have any doubt in

your hearts to come to Jesus this is the

time to expel any doubt to put fear

behind you to step out in faith to

believe that Jesus loves you beyond any

capacity you have to understand and for

the studio audience and for those of you

at home watching and listening this is a

moment that can be change a force in

your life for the rest of your life you

live in the land of the dying you go to

the land of the living

huh now that is profound

did you hear where you live you live in

the lands of the die you go to the land

of the living fire remember that book

that book has the names of those that

you have affected and some of you said I

haven’t affected anyone last time you

reached out the love someone to do

something write a letter to someone call

with an encouraging word you reached out

in love and every act of love is

recorded but the greatest love of all

happened when our Messiah voluntarily

unnecessarily for him died for your sins

and by his wounds you were healed I tell

you the Lord has already blessed you the

Lord has already smiled upon you the

Lord has already surrounded you with his

favor the Lord has already given you his


that’s his completeness complete in your

spirit complete in your soul and

complete in your body in the name that

every knee must bow and every tongue

confess Yeshua HaMashiach tsukino Jesus

the Messiah our righteousness

have you ever wondered what heaven is

truly like do you know someone who

questions life after death now you can

know the testimonies of 16 people who

have experienced life after death

each sharing in glorious detail what

happens when we depart earth and what

heaven is truly like call now and get

the heaven package which includes Jim

Woodford’s brand-new book heaven an

unexpected journey and Sid Roth’s

best-selling book heaven is beyond your

wildest expectations plus SIDS two-part

audio CD set life after death

this entire heaven package includes

sixteen different people sharing their

first-hand encounters with the afterlife

yours for a donation of $39 shipping and

handling is included ask for offer

number nine four seven eight you will

receive Jim Lefferts brand-new book

heaven an unexpected journey through

this book you will read about his

first-hand experience with heaven angels

and the afterlife encounter the glories

of heaven the terrors of hell and the

stunning reality of the unseen world

understand what it’s like to hug an

angel encounter the chilling realities

of hell and the sights sounds and

sensations of heaven you will also

receive Sid Roth’s best-selling book

heaven is beyond your wildest

expectations and his two-part audio CD

life after death both include the

testimony of dr. Gary wood and that of

14 other people who have given amazingly

similar accounts of their experiences

with the afterlife through this book and

two-part audio CD you will understand

what happens the moment a person dies

learn about God’s tunnel of light here

powerful testimonies like bill Weiss

House may pull up this tunnel and


this bright light appear

I know a meeting who was

I said Jesus and he said I am and what

he said I am I collapse at his feet read

and hear first-hand accounts about the

awesome beauty of Jesus full of

overpowering love and compassion gain

faith to believe God for your own

healing as you understand that God has a

body parts room in heaven where miracles

are waiting to be accessed take a tour

of God’s heavenly library with volumes

of books that contain the accounts of

each person’s life learn how your

prayers are converted into visible fire

and rivers that ascend to heaven hear

the moving stories of family reunions in

heaven not only my grandmother Mary was

there but other family members that

accepted Jesus Christ of the Messiah

as Lord and Savior they were there don’t

miss out on getting the heaven package

which includes Jim Woodford’s brand-new

book heaven an unexpected journey and

Sid Roth’s best-selling book heaven is

beyond your wildest expectations plus

sits two-part audio CD set life after


this entire heaven package includes 16

different people sharing their

first-hand encounters with the afterlife

yours for a donation of $39 shipping and

handling is included ask for offer

number nine four seven eight call or you

can send your check to sid roth it’s


do box 39222 charlotte north carolina

28278 please specify offer number nine

four seven eight or log on to call or write today



you are watching is n the it’s

supernatural Network

many viewers report testimonies of

miracles signs and wonders and healings

as a result of watching it’s

supernatural but what in your program I

received healing from a twitch of my ad

that had been going on for more than six

months making it very