On this episode of Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural! 2018: When toxic emotions are resolved, spontaneous healing follows! Drs. Dennis and Jennifer Clark teach you how to be healed of emotional baggage by yielding to JESUS in your heart. It will transform YOU!


Sid: Hello.

Sid Roth here.

Welcome to my world where
it’s naturally supernatural.

My guests say that most Bible
believers have hidden toxic

emotions that they just live
with that they’re

so used to them.

They’re friends, but these
friends are really enemies and

they’ll sabotage you to the
point that you won’t receive

your physical healing.

They’re going to sabotage you
to the point that your marriages

will be destroyed.

They’re going to sabotage you to
the point where

you won’t hear God.

They’re going to sabotage you
to the point where you will not

fulfill your destiny.

And they say, finally, you
can get free

from those toxic emotions.

Anyone interested?


Is there a supernatural

a world beyond the one we know?

Is there life after death?

Do angels exist?

Can our dreams contain
messages from Heaven?

Can we tap into ancient
secrets of the supernatural?

Are healing miracles real?

Sid Roth has spent over 35 years
researching the strange world of

the supernatural.

Join Sid for this
edition of It’s Supernatural.


Sid: Well I’m here with my
friends Dr. Dennis

and Dr. Jennifer Clark.

I want to know something.

I know both of you
the way you are now.

But Jennifer, at
the worst point,

before you were married, before
you got help,

what were you like?

Jennifer Clark: Well
constant anxiety

if not semi-panic attacks.

Fear was my most
constant companion.

Although I learned to put on a
church face and a professional

face I was wounded, I was so
beaten down that I would walk

with my head
looking at the ground.

Dennis commented on this later.

So I was pretty much
a defeated Christian.

Sid: Okay Dennis, her mentor
was the president of a Bible

college, a professional

Privately, what
did she say to you?

Dennis Clark: Privately, she
said in all of her counseling

experience that Jennifer
probably wouldn’t amount to much

because she’s so
emotionally damaged,

that she’d be very limited,
particularly for knowing that I

was a pastor and
totally ministry-oriented.

I think she was afraid that
she was just too damaged.

Sid: And yet, you were a

professional counselor, too.


There is a meeting.

You don’t know each other.

You both go to the meeting.

You’re not married.

It’s time.

You’re a widow and you observe
something that defied all of

your training of counseling.

What did you observe?

Jennifer Clark: Right.

Well first of all, in counseling
I had been taught that

forgiveness was a long process
and I just never saw anybody get

much better.

And so we’re at this meeting
and a woman has an emotional

meltdown and ends
up on the floor,


Everybody is staring at her
and I thought five or ten years’

worth of counseling
right there on the floor.

But Dennis went over to her,
and because of my counseling

training I knew
what was happening.

He got down on one knee and
started leading her through

emotional healings
and they were instant,

and pulling down
mental strongholds,

instantly demonic activity was
flying off because the doors

were being closed.

The enemy can’t come unless he
has legal ground or permission.

And in less than ten minutes,
that woman was up on her feet,

perfectly emotional composure.

She had a glow on her face and
my thought was this is huge.

If the church knew this we
could have a healed church.

This could change the world.

Sid: So, make a
long story short,

Jennifer is fascinated by
what he’s pioneered

and they get married.

Jennifer Clark: Right.

Sid: And then each day for a few
months you work on a couple of

areas with Jennifer.

And Jennifer, then you bump into
your former mentor and what did

she say to you?

Jennifer Clark: She
said, “What happened to you?

You’re transformed.”

And I was.

I was, just a couple
of months in marriage,

Dennis, discipling me, teaching
me how to tap into the fruit of

the Spirit, which I never
knew you could really do,

and dealing with
this toxic emotions,

because by the time we’re adults
we have a whole trainload full

of baggage that
we’ve accumulated.

And in dealing with that and
really getting set free from my

toxic emotions for a couple of
months totally changed my life.

I could hardly
remember the wounded,

defeated woman I
had been before.

Sid: From a
psychology viewpoint,

is there any way someone like
you could get free in 60 days?

Jennifer Clark: No.

Sid: The best the
world has to offer anyone?

Jennifer Clark: No.

Sid: And then God spoke to
you after you were free.

What did he say?

Jennifer Clark: He said, “You
need to take this to the world.

The church needs to learn this.”

And it’s really demystifying
how to live in the Spirit,

demystifying how to go
Jesus in us to meet your needs.

You see, we say
we’re not counselors.

We don’t do counseling.

We teach believers.

We’re coaches.

We teach believers how to go
to Jesus in them and that’s the

secret because
everything we take to Jesus,

it’s easy for him, and
forgiveness is instant when we

go to Jesus.

Sid: But there are even
Christian programs

that take so long.

You’re telling me that from
the biggest trauma to the minor

thing that’s just a
problem for the individual,

you can get instant freedom?

Jennifer Clark: Seconds.


Sid: Seconds?

Jennifer Clark: Yes.

And see, we don’t need to
hear somebody’s long story.

All we have to do is coach them
in how to go to Jesus in them

and let Jesus show them.

Sid: Okay.

A little later we’re going to
teach you how to do this right

on this show.

But in the meantime, CDC has
said that 90 percent of diseases

are emotionally based, which
means if in seconds you can get

rid of the toxic emotions, guess
what happens to your diseases?

Your lightning
brain has told you.

I’ll be right back.


We’ll be right back
to It’s Supernatural.

We now return to
It’s Supernatural.


Sid: When I ask them my first
question you are going to find

out why so many of the promises
of God that you’ve been begging

God to answer
haven’t been answered.

And Jennifer, you
gave me the key,

and of course it’s in the Bible,
but you gave me

the key from science.

Science has proven
we have two brains.

Explain that.

Jennifer Clark: Well in 1999, a
gastroenterologist discovered

that we have a second nervous
system that he called a second

brain, and where this is
located is in the gut.

It’s neurons that are in sheaths
that line our entire intestinal,

our stomach, our
esophagus, our bowels,

and this is our
emotional processor,

that our gut.

We have a thinking brain and we
have an emotional brain and our

emotional brain tells our
thinking brain how we feel.

Sid: Dennis, you told me it is
possible to live

in the Spirit 24/7.

You told me it’s possible to
develop your spirit to such a

point that you have discernment
whether someone is telling the

truth or not.

Tell me how that works with you.

Dennis Clark: In every case from
the very inception

is a baby Christian.

When I would be
communing with God,

and I just love
being in his presence,

and I would see a face flash
before my mind and I would lose

that peace.

And the Lord spoke
to me and he said,

“Don’t let anything come between
what you and I have together.”

So I learned just as a principle
of not having anything between

us, and so any negative emotion,
whether it was anger toward a

foreman at work
or what have you,

was coming between
me and my Jesus.

So I learned at an early place
to just release forgiveness and

the ugly emotion would go, but I
could still picture that foreman

without the poison.

And I saw that
forgiveness has to flow,

we know it’s Matthew 18, but
forgiveness has

to flow from the heart.

And when forgiveness flows from
the heart

the internal evidence is peace.

And from the place of peace you
discern everything going around

you, good or bad.

Sid: You know
what, studio audience,

I don’t know about you, I’m
experiencing that peace

as he’s talking.

Are some of you catching that?


How would you say emotional

is so linked to physical health?

I mean, I said the
statistic by CDC.

Dennis Clark: We saw it
primarily when spent a number of

years traveling
church to church.

We would see people who
were dealing with just really

repenting and releasing
forgiveness to mothers,

fathers, issues of life, and
they were pleasantly surprised

by physical healings that they
weren’t even pursuing at that

point in time.

And I said, there’s the
connection between the emotional

freedom and health
in general, yes,

but we saw the manifestation
of actual physical healing.

The one that really
amazed me was a person,

a young man received
forgiveness for his father.

He said he always tried to
forgive his father for years.

He was sincere, but
doing it from his head.

When I taught him how to
release it from his heart,

he just sobbed and released it.

Peace was in evidence after the
forgiveness and he was instantly

healed of color blindness.

Now even Jennifer said with
all her counselor training,

no one would have linked that.

If God knit us together
in our mother’s womb,

I trust him to see where the
tangles are because they’re

beyond our training.

Sid: Jennifer, how does
this work with marriage?

Jennifer Clark: One of the most
wonderful stories is a couple

who got divorced, worked

the 60-day challenge

After their issues were dealt
with they were able to fall back

in love and remarried.

Sid: I’d say that
is supernatural.

Now if it’s okay with you,
only if you’re interested,

when we come back, can I have
them equip you how to have that

supernatural toxic
emotion be set free?

I mean, you can do
this lifetime of garbage,

get rid of in less than two
months and then you become you

normal, normal as
defined by the Bible.

Be right back.


We’ll be right back
to It’s Supernatural.

We now return to
It’s Supernatural.


Sid: Dennis, doctors tell
us stress is really bad.

It causes all sorts of problems.

But what do you say?

Dennis Clark: I say
stress can be a friend.

It can tell you that Jesus isn’t
ruling at that point in time.

And stress is
actually, by definition,

this is for the men who don’t
have emotions or think they

don’t, stress means you’re
emotionally controlled by people

or circumstances.

Got to add one more.

And you cannot be stressed
and trust God at the same time.

It’s a physiological and
spiritual impossibility.

Sid: Okay.

I want you to teach us how you
get in touch with your spirit,

how you can stay in your

where the spirit is, please.

Dennis Clark: Okay.

The 60-Day
Challenge, by the way,

is named after Jennifer, so I’m
going to show you exactly the

way I did it with Jennifer,
who was extremely cerebral.

And the first thing I showed her
to do was when you close your

eyes you focus
down here in the gut,

the belly area.

That surprised her as it was.

Then I saw that she
was, but what about,

and I said, back down, because
she got right back up in her

head with questions and

And I said,
“Jennifer, put your hand here.

And as long as your hand is here
you’re going to be able to use

your mind, but I’m going to
get you to focus on your heart.”

And by the way, this
is your Bible heart.

This is not your Bible heart.

This is your Bible heart.

It will change your life.

This is where you function from.

All right.

Jennifer Clark: And what
amazed me was he said,

“Yield to Jesus.”

And then he said, “That
feeling you’re feeling,

that’s the peace of God.

That’s the fruit of the Spirit.

That’s where we’re
supposed to live.

That’s how we know we’re abiding
in the vine is that peace,

and that peace is a river
that will carry you effortlessly

through life and it’s meant to.

It’s a gift.

Jesus never takes
it away from you.

You can always get back there.

Sid: So how do we drop down?


Dennis Clark: All right.

When you drop down, you
basically pay attention.

You use your mind.

You don’t through your mind out.

But you pay attention.

And you minute you feel peace,
and for the benefit of you men,

nothing, there’s people who
would give their life savings to

feel nothing.

They live in low grade
anxiety all day long,

even if they’re a quite person.

That anxiety is not prayer
and it’s not presence in Jesus.

Jennifer Clark: This is so easy
that even little children can

learn to live in the peace of
God and quickly deal with any

toxic emotions that come up.

And it’s a matter of changing
your focus down to Jesus in you.

That’s where the Glory is.

That’s where the power is.

Dennis Clark: Where he
supplies all of your need.

You want to see your
promises come to pass.

He supplies all of your
needs according to his riches

in Glory.

It’s available and
it’s Jesus in you,

Messiah in you, the whole Glory.

Sid: You use this analogy
of a well with a bucket.

Dennis Clark: Yes.

Actually, we use this for the
third graders when we teach it.

Sid: We need that.

Dennis Clark:
That’s the way to start.

We say it’s like a bucket.

When you drop your
bucket you feel peace.

When you get back
up into your head,

your anxious motor
down here starts rolling.

Jennifer Clark: Tell him
what the little boy said.

Dennis Clark: A
little third grader says,

“Well of course we know that.”

He says, “Everyone knows there’s
no living water in your head.”

Sid: Okay.

Dennis, I really want you to get
a volunteer from our audience

and demonstrate this.

Dennis Clark: It’s easier to
do it than to talk about it.

Jennifer Clark:
Somebody with a serious issue.

Dennis Clark: Somebody with
a serious emotional issue,

traumas that come back and
forth every now and then.

Sid: There’s someone there.

Come up.

Dennis Clark: Okay.

And actually, by discernment I
can feel she’s experiencing it

right now.

Come on up.

Sid: I love this.

When you train your spirit and
you literally can discern now,

you know how important
this discernment is?

What’s your name?

Teresa: Teresa.

Dennis Clark: Teresa, see,
I’m going by discernment,

so I’m cheating.

But what’s important is that
she knows what’s going on.

But I can feel
the pain right now,

a particular
person or situation.

Close your eyes, because when
you close your eyes you have a

tendency to drop down.

Person or situation, I want
you, can you tell us what it is?

Just one situation, one person.

Teresa: Can it be me?

Dennis Clark: Yes.

Teresa: Me.

Dennis Clark: It’s herself.

When you think of yourself
in a particular situation,

is it a particular situation?


Put your hand down here.

Jennifer Clark: This is key
to let yourself

feel the toxic emotion.

Dennis Clark: Every thought
has of course a body emotion,

but for Jesus to take it,
you offer it momentarily.

You feel the feeling?

Nod your head.

Okay there it is.

Now let, allow Jesus
in you, the forgiver,

to go through that
feeling and right through it.

This is John 7:30, “Out of my
belly flows a river of living


In your case, you’re receiving
forgiveness for yourself.

If it was someone
else, it would flow out.

I drink in from down here.

I drink in forgiveness.

Did it change the peace already?


You can’t fool me because
I could feel your spirit.

And with little children,
they do it just this fast.

What we’ve missed in the
church is something so simple,

and it’s right in
your Bible, Matthew 18,

“Unless we forgive
from the heart.”

And we are so sincere when we
feel it from the head and then

we battle with it for years.

We see the countenance change.

We see this on third
graders, second graders.

Now where that
peace now resides,

nobody can take it
away when God leaves.

Feel like yourself now?

Teresa: Better.

Dennis Clark: Better.

Jennifer Clark: When God
leaves his peace it’s permanent.

Dennis Clark: He himself is our
peace and he never leaves us.

You have to actually get
in your head and leave him,

in a sense.

Sid: I have a question for you.

It’s an important question.

Take a look at Jennifer.

You heard what she was like.

How would you like to
be like her in 60 days?

How about you?


Sid: Next week on
It’s Supernatural.

Jonathan Bernis:
Hello, I’m Jonathan Bernis.

Did you know that world
witnessing things today that the

prophets of old long to see?

Join me on the next It’s
Supernatural with Sid Roth as we

unlock the prophetic mysteries
of one of the most conclusive

signs of the End
Times in history.

Don’t miss it.

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to the Jewish people worldwide.