In this Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural! Classic episode from 2001: A voice said to Sandi Frye, “This day you will die.” Then the airplane she was on ran out of fuel. History was miraculously changed that day.

Male Voice: This day you will die.

Sid: A voice said to Sandi Frye, “This day
you will die.”

Then the airplane she was on ran out of fuel.

History was miraculously changed that day.

Next on this edition of “It’s Supernatural!”

Centuries have come and gone offering wisdom
and understanding throughout the ages.

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power to discover.

And yet the strange, unusual and mysterious
world of the supernatural defies understanding.

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into a curious undiscovered universe only

on “It’s Supernatural!”


Sid: Hello. I’m Sid Roth your investigative reporter.

How would you like to be on a jet airplane,
find out you’re out of fuel over a large body

of water?

No fun.

Sandi Frye, you – a few years earlier, you
just happened – we have a Hebrew word, “beschert”,

it just was “meant to be” that you watch
on television about airplanes that crash.

What did you feel after you saw that program?

Sandi: Well I saw the program and it showed,
you know, assimilation of people melting in

their seats and so forth.

And from that point on I had this gripping fear
to fly.

Sid: Did they show planes going into water
and crashing?

Sandi: They showed that, yes, so I knew.

Sid: What happens when a plane goes in the

Sandi: When it goes in the water, it is not
a water landing; it is a crash, and the majority

of the time, all the people die.

And I knew that from watching this show.

Sid: So what was your thinking about getting
on an airplane, in general, after seeing that


Sandi: I wasn’t real thrilled, but I did it.

Sid: Why did you at this particular – was
it May 14, 19-?

Sandi: ’96.

Sid: ’96.

Sandi: Yes.

Sid: Well why did you?

Sandi: Well my husband and I were celebrating
our 15th wedding anniversary.

We had some dear friends with us, Doris and
Ken Frasier.

They were celebrating their 20th, and they
talked me into flying.

I wanted to take a cruise, and they said,
“No; if we fly we’ll get there faster; that

way we’ll be able to enjoy ourselves”, and
so forth.

So I agreed even though –
Sid: But the day before, what was going on

inside of here?

Sandi: Oh, well the day before that we took
off, all of a sudden this thought came to

me out of the blue: “… the thing [that
you] greatly feared [is going to] come upon

[you]”, and I believe God’s Word.

And so I believed that that was Satan, because
Satan “… comes … to kill”, “.. to

steal … and to destroy.”

That’s what God’s Word says.

So I began to come against Satan with that
thought that he was putting in my mind.

And I said, “No, Satan.

That will not happen, in the name of Jesus.”

And so I just took authority over that and
then continued on.

Sid: And how about you?

Allen, what was going on inside of you?

Were you afraid of flying at all?

Allen: I’ve never had a fear of flying.

I have to fly often as part of my work, so
that’s something I’ve never had to deal with.

I’ve always helped her when she is fearful.

Sid: So Sandi, you’re getting on the plane,
and did you happen to look at your – I guess

maybe your passport?

What happened?

Sandi: Well I had my birth certificate with

Sid: Okay.

Sandi: To go into Cancun, and I was just sitting
there reading my birth certificate: “Sandra

Jean Roberson, born February 10, 1959”, and
immediately, a thought came into my mind,

“And died this day, May 14, 1996”.

And again, I knew that that was Satan putting
that evil thought in my head.

And so I began to say God’s Word, and I said
to Satan, “[I] cast down [that evil] imagination”,

and “[I] take captive every thought to [make
it obedient to God’s Word].”

So from that point on I just continued enjoying
the flight.

Sid: When was the first time either of you
had any trepidation or any concern something

was going wrong on that flight?

Allen: Well Sid, it was an hour-and-a-half
flight from Orlando, Florida to Cancun, Mexico,

right – straight across the Gulf of Mexico.

And we had already been into the flight two
hours, and the pilot had been circling for

45 minutes, and I thought that was unusual.

Normally if you are over a body of water as
big as the Gulf of Mexico, you get close to

the land, close to the airport before you
might circle, waiting to go into the airport.

So I asked a steward what was happening, and
they didn’t – they hemmed and hawed, and didn’t

have a clear explanation.

So I thought something was up at that point.

Sid: Sandi, were you aware?

I assume you didn’t tell Sandi this, or did

Allen: We did because I asked the steward
what was going on.

Of course, she was right there.

Sid: So fear coming on you at all?

Sandi: Not at all.

Sid: Not at all.

Sandi: I didn’t think a thing about it because
they said the delay is air traffic.

Sid: Right.

Sandi: I just assumed that’s what it was at
that point.

Sid: What happened next?

Allen: Well within five minutes, a very shaken
steward came on and stood in front of us.

There was about 42 people on board, and he
could hardly get the words out because he

knew what situation we were in.

By that time we were two hours into the flight,
and we didn’t have enough fuel to make it

to land.

So he explained that to us, and said that
we needed to prepare for a water landing.

Of course, we knew that that meant we were
going to crash and break up.

Sid: Sandi, that documentary you saw a few
years earlier, what kind of pictures were

you imagining when they said that, “water

Sandi: Well first of all, when they proclaimed
that emergency, at first you just

sit there thinking, “Did I hear them right?”,
and then suddenly it hits you;

“Yes, this is what they said.”

And my first response was I looked over at
my friend who was across the aisle from me.

She had tears welling up in her eyes.

And suddenly, the confidence that is from
God came on me; that’s the only way I can

explain it.

I got actually mad at Satan and what he was
trying to do.

And I looked at her, and I said, “No.

We are not going in the water.

Furthermore, we will be in church on Sunday
giving our testimony, to the glory and saving

power of Jesus Christ.”

Sid: Now did you say it that strong?

Sandi: I did. I did.

Sid: That strong.

Sandi: Yes I did.

Sid: I mean, it’s easy to say that now.

Sandi: Yeah.

Sid: I mean, you’re about ready to crash.

You’ve seen videos of when you crash; the
whole thing gets destroyed; and you said that.

Sandi: Yes I did.

I did.

Sid: What’s going on in the plane with the
other passengers?

Sandi: Panic.

But they didn’t start screaming.

It was as though they were in shock, and it
wasn’t until later that people began to cry.

But we just sat back there and it was God’s
boldness that came over myself and my husband.

I took my Bible at that point, went over to
my friend, laid it in her lap, and I read

out of God’s Word in Psalms 91.

And it talks about how that the Lord, when
you “… dwell in that secret place”,

in close, intimate friendship with God, how
He wants to protect you.

He wants –
Sid: You know something? She really believes that.

But more important, what happens to the plane?

We’ll be right back after this word.


Hello YouTube mishpochah!

Mishpochah is a Hebrew word; it means family.

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Sid: Hello. Sid Roth your investigative reporter.

I know that none of you went away, because
here I’ve got the Frye’s.

They’re on an airplane.

They’re going on an anniversary.

It’s supposed to be fun, fun, fun.

Instead, they’re running out of fuel.

They’ve got to make a crash landing into the
Gulf of Mexico; not what they wanted.

And Sandi looks at her friend; and her friend,
another couple that were going with them,

what did you say to them?

Sandi: I said to her, I said, “No, we are
not going in the water.

We are going on dry land.

And furthermore, we will be in church on Sunday
giving our testimony, to the glory and saving

power of Jesus Christ.”

Sid: Now were you just saying that because
you wanted to hear that?

Why were you saying that?

Sandi: I said it because I believed it with
all of my heart.

I had no doubt in my mind that that is – that
was what was going to happen.

Allen: Sid, the Bible says, “Death and life
are in the power of the tongue.”

So at that point, death was trying to take
that situation and rule that situation, and

over that whole plane; in fact, 42 people’s
lives were at stake, and plus the pilot, and

so on.

So we knew we had to do something.

The first thing that we knew we should do
is proclaim life and say, “No, we are not

going to crash into the water.”

Sid: But what about what the steward or stewardesses
are saying, the people all around you?

Doesn’t this have any influence, Sandi?

Sandi: Well actually I was ignoring them,
because I had had fear with flying and with

other things in my life.

I actually put my fingers in my ears like

When the stewardess started to give the emergency
procedures and everything, I didn’t want to

hear what she had to say; I wanted to keep
my focus on what God’s Word said.

Sid: But Allen, didn’t you want your wife
to hear, so she could brace herself for such

a crash?

Allen: Yeah, I did. I –

So what do you do with your wife going like

Allen: Well I told her, “Honey, you need
to listen, because there will come a time

you’ll need to do what they’re saying.”

Sid: So were you – what did you do?

Sandi: I went like this: “No.”

Allen: She didn’t want fear to take advantage
of that.

Sandi: That’s right. I knew that if I did listen, that
that would cause that fear to come in.

And I was feeling the confidence of God, and
I wanted to remain that way.

Sid: So beyond having your fingers in your
ears, what else were you two doing?

Allen: At that point we had prayed with our
friends; and we prayed out loud so that the

whole plane could hear us, and that had a
calming effect on the whole plane.

They became quiet and listened to what we
were praying.

And we read Psalm 91 out of the Bible, and
they wanted to hear that, too.

They were –
Sid: Paraphrase what they were hearing.

What does Psalm 91 say?

Allen: The favorite part of Psalm 91 is Verse
14 through 16, where it says that, “[The

Lord] will honor [those]”, that love Him,
and “… rescue them and … give [them]

long life.”

In fact the word is “satisfy”, Sid. “… satisfy
[them] with long life and show [them] [His]


And we wanted that “long life” that day;
that’s what we were concerned about.

Sid: So did you actually have an effect of
calming these – I mean, these people are preparing

for death.

Allen: There’s no doubt they did, because
they had begun to cry.

Imagine if you’re in that situation; you start
to think about your family, your friends,

your children.

We have three children.

Those mental images started going through
our mind, and the only way that we could deal

with that was to speak God’s Word to that

Sid: What else were you doing?

Sandi: Well, we had just learned a song at
church the week before, and that just fell

on my heart, and I just started singing it,
and that’s the whole –

Sid: Sandi, that’s not very logical.
Allen & Sandi: [Laughing]

You started singing as the plane is going
down into the water.

Sandi: Yes.
Allen: Right.

Sid: You didn’t have your ears plugged when
you were singing?

Sandi: No. No.
Allen: No.

Sid: [Laughing] I mean, just picture it!

Would you – do you mind if I put
you two on the spot?

I just did; I’m going to do it!

Sandi: Okay.
Allen: Okay.

Sid: Would you two sing a little bit of that
song for me right now?

Sandi: Sure. Sure.
Allen: Okay.

Sandi & Allen: [singing] Jesus, You are so
good, Jesus, You are so good.

There’s nothing to fear, because I’m here
in Your presence.

Jesus, You are so good.

Sid: You’re singing like that, as people are
going down into the water.

Allen: Oh yeah.

Sid: You know, we have a Hebrew word, it’s
called “meshugana”.

It’s called “crazy”.

Allen: I know.

Sid: But you were just crazy enough to believe
you would be supernaturally helped.

So now what’s going on with the fuel about

Allen: Well it had run out.

Sid: [Laughing ]And you’re still singing.
Allen: Yeah.

You got your ears plugged,
Allen: That’s right.

and the fuel has run out.

I mean, these people really believed.
Sandi: [Laughs]

Allen: Two hours was gone when he announced
the emergency.

Now another half-hour had gone and the – we
heard the engine shut off, and all there was

was wind noise.

We found out later that it takes 140 miles
per hour speed to keep a DC-9 jet in the air.

140 miles an hour is pretty fast, so you to
have to keep tipping the nose down if you

don’t have engines.

And we felt the plane just tipping, tipping,
tipping, so we, you know, pretty soon we’re

on a steep incline to keep in the air.

And we’re saying, “God, we just believe that
your angels are going to be sent to rescue

this plane, that the tower control people
will have the wisdom to instruct the pilot

the way it should be instructed; that no matter
what physics says, this plane is staying up

in the air.”

Sid: You’re pretty calm right now.

How calm were you telling this to God?

How calmly were you doing that?

Allen: Well I got to tell you, to be honest,
there were times that those mental images

of my family came into my mind, and I had
to deal with that.

You have to refuse to think about that, and
refuse to deal with the fear that could try

to come in at that moment.

And so I would shut that out, and deal with
the situation at hand, because I really felt –

Sid: Now, the situation at hand is pretty bad.

We’ll be right back after this word.


Sid: Hello. Sid Roth your investigative reporter.

Oy vey.

It’s Hebrew.

You know what it means?

Oy vey.

How would you like to be on a jet over the
Gulf of Mexico and you’re about ready to crash

into the water, and you’ve already seen some
video footage that when you crash, that’s

it; “it’s curtains”.

Now back to the Frye’s.

Okay, you’re about ready to get “fried”

I mean, it’s joking now, but it wasn’t at
the time.

So you’re going down.

As a matter of fact, what was the – what were
the last words the flight attendant said over

the loud speaker, that you remember?

Allen: He said that we were going to land
in the water.

Of course, we knew what that meant.

Sid: No, but she said you weren’t going to.

I remember that.

Allen: We knew what circumstances said, that
typically you break up, and people die.

We were proclaiming life over that situation.

And the last thing the steward said was we’ve
got to prepare you with all these emergency

routines, so we were going through the formalities
of that.

Sid: How do you know that you were literally
out of fuel?

How do you know that?

Allen: The head of the FAA in Orlando came
in, and he said that we were out of fuel;

of course, we learned that later on.

But the engines went off.

We heard the engines shut down, and all you
hear is wind noise.

DC-9s, we learned later on, you need 140 miles
per hour air speed to stay in the air.

And as a result of needing that air speed
– no engines,

no propulsion forward – you have to tip the
nose down.

So we kept feeling the plane, tipped down,
to maintain air speed.

Sid: And there was something going on as far
as the communication between the airplane

and the control tower.

Allen: Right.
Sid: What was happening?

Allen: The background; all of this
background we learned, later on.

The reason why we were out of fuel to
begin with, was the pilot had

taken off and set the autopilot, as normally
most pilots do, and the autopilot follows

a grid to fly the plane on.

And it had failed, and not picked up a junction
off of the coast of Florida at which it should

turn, and we went straight instead of turning.

The pilot discovered this too late, and by
that time, we were off of the radar screen

for the Orlando, Florida International Airport.

He was out of range for the communications;
and the only communications he could make

was with the cruise ships down below in the
Gulf of Mexico, and that’s why he was circling

to begin with.

Sid: Okay.

You’re going down.

“Prepare for landing.”

Uh, Sandi, what are you doing?

You got your hands – your fingers – in your
ears, and you’re singing?

What did you tell her to do?

Allen: Well, we were praising God, because
we knew; we know “… that death and life

are in the power of the tongue”, so we were
speaking to that situation, so that the circumstances

would change.

Sid: Yes, but how did you prepare for a crash
landing in the water?

Allen: Well the obvious thing is that people –
I have heard it before – you grab your ankles, and

put your head in between your legs, to try
to protect yourself.

And as we came in to land – we finally saw

About 30 minutes after the jet engines had
been turned off – or went off because there

was no more fuel – we were told to get into
that emergency position.

And at that point, we found out later that
the airport control tower had been asked by

the pilot to put it into the water, right there
at the beach.

He was afraid that as we came into land, we
were so low we were at treetop level at that

point, that people would die as a result of
our crashing into homes.

Sid: But tell me what you did.

How did you prepare for the landing?

Sandi: Well I wasn’t paying attention. [Laughing]

So my husband said to me, “Sandi, get in the
crash position.”

So I took my Bible and I stuck it under my

Sid: That’s the crash position?

Sandi: [Laughing] Well it was for me.

I took God’s Word, which I had been saying
because I knew “… God’s promises were true”,

and it was just something that came to my

I put it under my feet, and I said, “Okay
God, I’m standing on Your Word.”

I grabbed my ankles, put my head in my lap,
and just began to sing; just kept on singing.

Sid: What happened?

Allen: Well at that point we’re about treetop
level, and the airport – we could see the

airport because – and we’re just rejoicing.

We’re saying, “Thank You, Lord.

You’ve got us to land; now get us to the airport.”

And the plane banked, and as soon as it banked,
it lost air speed, so it came down.

And we crashed about 250 yards in front of
the airport strip – landing strip.

And of course, a crash of that magnitude – a
DC-9 is a very large jet – and it came down

very powerfully; just bounced and bounced,
and dug a groove into the land.

Hit the air strip; the front nose gear and
all the wheels were broken out from under it.

So it was sheet metal to concrete at that
point, sparks flying everywhere.

Thank God we were out of fuel, because it
could have exploded.

We – the right wing went into the ground at
that point, and spun us off into a field to

the right, where we ground to a halt.

And then we just rejoiced.

We got off that plane, thanking God that He
had performed a miracle in our lives.

And we had survived that plane ride that was
supposed to have ended up in the ocean.

God miraculously kept that plane in the air,
to get us to land and safely there.

Sid: Sandi, when you’re on the ground and
you look at a plane going – flying in the

sky, hanging by nothing – what do you think?

What’s going on in your mind?

Sandi: Every time I see a jet now, I say,
“Thank You, Lord, “… for satisfying

me with long life and showing me Your
awesome salvation.”

Sid: How would you like to have that kind
of confidence?

I mean, that’s not positive thinking.

I mean, that’s where “the rubber meets the
road”, when you’re plane is going down.

Out of gas. And it finally does land, not
in the water; and the wing falls off, and

you get out unscathed, unscratched; nothing
wrong with you.

How would you like to have that confidence?

That confidence can only come – not from hearing
a story like that; it doesn’t do you any good;

but from you knowing God for yourself.

Not a religious type of situation, not necessarily
going to church, not necessarily saying religious

things, but knowing Him for yourself.

How do you know Him?

You do business with Him in honesty and

You say, “God, I’ve committed many sins
against You, for which I’m so sorry.

I believe that Jesus died for my sins, and
by His blood, my sins are washed away.

Live inside of me.

Be real.”

You be real to God, and God will be real to

I can feel His presence coming on you right

That’s the same presence of peace they experienced.
