In this special broadcast Perry Stone reveals prophetic harbingers and how the 2016 presidential election will affect the future of America, Israel and the world.

hello sid roth here welcome to my world

where it’s naturally supernatural

my guest perry stone since age 16 has

been studying heaven

end times he has spent well over a

hundred thousand hours and he has come

up with revelations


as far as scholars are concerned

no one has ever come up with before


heaven and end times

he even has come up with a revelation

about the

2016 presidential election anyone


is there a supernatural dimension

a world beyond the one we know

is there life after death

do angels exist

can our dreams contain messages from


can we tap into ancient secrets of the


are healing miracles real

sid roth has spent over 35 years

researching the strange world of the


join sid for this edition of

it’s supernatural

know when i found out that perry stone

was working on the subject of heaven and

new jerusalem i got so excited i can’t

even tell you why i got so excited but i

got so excited i had to have him on this

show but i’m told an event occurred when

you were 16 years of age that started

you on this quest

salem high school at andrew lewis high

school said in virginia six a boy came

up to me about 16 years of age i was 16.

and i was preaching at that time just as

a kid preacher and i had a big bible

with me he said preacher man what are

you going to do when you die and find

out there’s not a heaven i was always

real quick to answer and i said jimmy

what you going to do when you die and

find out there’s a hell

and then but what happened is it stirred

me and i thought how would i prove to


kind of more from a scientific

perspective that there is a place called

heaven so

real quick i went to isaiah chapter 14

realized heaven is in the sides of the

north according to the bible there’s a

north star

god stretches out the north over the

empty place he hangs the earth on

nothing according to job so i began to

research these things and and really

come up with a message that when i was


i started preaching heaven location

destination and it’s it’s listed in the

ministry history uh as one of the three

classical messages that people still

remember after all these years and we

just sort of took it from

let’s go up into the heavens where is it

located what part of the heavens is it

located how many heavens are there and

the bible tells you all this and so

that’s that’s what really started my

journey and i it was just it’s been

exciting to even over the years even

recently to add more to what god showed

oh you’ve got revelations we’re going to

share some of them uh but here’s here’s

what i want you to help me with and i

think you’re going to help a lot of

other people and that is we know where

we are right now

and we know a lot of events that are

going to transpire

but there’s such things as

new heaven new earth millennium uh uh

and and um the judgment day

take me

very briefly on a prophetic timeline

starting where we are right now okay

right now we’re in the church age which

is called the dispensation of the grace

of god

it will continue in climax at the time

of the rapture now before the rapture

there could be the war of gog of magog

in ezekiel 38 and 39 there’s going to be

numerous middle east wars there’s going

to be signs of the times indicating that

now i i lean toward

pre-trib because of a lot of research

over the years that we have done now now

let’s just assume this is correct then

what we have at that point is a

tribulation period which in daniel 9 27

is set for

seven years it’s divided into 42 months

and 42 months so what would happen is

the return of the lord and i’d like to

say it this way for the overcoming

saints who are looking for him

and then

the world enters into a time is it

important for us to be looking for him

well the bible said today that look for

him he shall appear a second time

without sinner to salvation so we could

say if we’re not looking for him he may

not appear well to be for us to be to be

honest with you if you look at the

scripture the way it’s worded you cannot

receive from god what you don’t believe

in if you don’t believe in the holy

spirit you can’t be baptized if you

don’t believe in salvation you can’t be

saved if you don’t believe in healing

you can’t be healed and if you don’t

believe he’s coming back in the rapture

are you going to go

okay you got to question your point

and again this is a lot of research not

just off the top of my head one is we

have the signs of the coming then we

have the coming which is for again i

like to determine from the book of

revelation the overcoming saint the

believer who’s looking for him when that

happens it triggers a time of

tribulation on the earth which is a

total of seven years during the seven

years the saints will be in heaven

getting rewards and also we will enjoy

what’s called a married supper of the

lamb during those seven years in heaven

on earth there’s judgments there’s the

revelation of the antichrist there’s the

mark of the beast there’s a lot of the

population of the earth that is

eliminated by some of it’s just natural

calamities asteroids earthquakes etc we

come to the end of the tribulation and

we have the lord returning revelation 19

says on a white horse is king of kings

and lord of lords and then he sets up

his kingdom in jerusalem for a thousand

years that’s where we get the word

millennial reign that’s a thousand and

during that thousand years the saints of

god are going to rule on earth with him

for a thousand years at the end of it

satan is loosed for a season now the

only reason he’s loose sid because this

is perplexed people why don’t god keep

him bound because in the millennial

reign there will be people on earth who

will continue to repopulate the earth

that have never been tempted tested or

tried by satan because satan’s bound

demons are bound so god it is not fair

for us to have had to fought temptation

and fought the enemy and had to be an

overcomer to get where we are in him and

to make it into the kingdom and for a

bunch of people to live on earth and not

have that same testing so god’s going to

let earthly people who are living in the

tribulation who have survived and

repopulated to be tested to see if

they’re going to be faithful to the lord

or follow satan that’s the last test

then when that is over the bible tells

us there’s a great white throne judgment

in heaven

and then satan is bound forever in the

lake of fire which is going to be a

tremendous day for everyone who is a

believer of course that’s kind of a

synopsis there’s a lot of little things

what what about the new earth the new

way okay new jerusalem they’re in heaven

how’s that fit it appears that when you

look at the context of revelation 21 and

22 the new heaven and new earth come

down after the great white throne

judgment at this judgment

every single angel that’s fallen satan

himself plus all saints all unbelievers

all are in heaven at one time now we’ve

already been judged as believers at the

judgment seat of christ okay that’s in

revelation chapter 11 but the world and

the sinners have not been judged god is

never going to condemn anyone

in eternity without him in let’s say the

lake of fire without them absolutely

seeing and knowing the reason why that’s

why there’s a great white thumb judgment


you know before we go any further i want

to welcome world harvest television uh

the le c broadcasting network and thank

them so much and

later in the program perry is going to

be taking your questions so please

submit them during the show through my

facebook and twitter pages using the

hashtag sidrothlive

you know perry



on the mysteries unlocking the mysteries

of heaven past present and future


let me just mention and we’re going to

bring this up later i want to throw

something out here at you

the holy spirit put something together

for me that i had never heard taught in

my life

and yet when i put you know the bible

says this line online precept upon

precept hear a little there a little and

i’m just going to throw this out there

and i want people to stay with us for

later on

i believe it can be proven from ezekiel


from the book of revelation from isaiah

14. that

lucifer who we know is satan before he


was assisting god in the rebuilding or

the building of the new jerusalem

and i believe i can show you again

laying line online precept on precept

this is not something i’m making up for

my head we prove it

that the fall of lucifer took place

before the new jerusalem was completed

and i’ll get into that later now that’s

called ages past in other words there’s

three realms ages past is before genesis

1 verse 2. in the beginning god created

the heavens and the earth but when was

that we don’t know how long ago that was

but then in verse 2 the earth is without

form and void darkness upon

of people will say adam is six thousand

years old that’s true there’s absolutely

no doubt about that creation is we know

it with man is six thousand what a lot

of people don’t realize is there’s

what’s called ages past and ages past is

okay when was lucifer created when were

the angels created

he was in heaven as a chair before he

fell when was that

when did the rebellion take place where

he took a third of the angels and they

fell with him that’s the ages past part

in fact i’m going to throw a nugget out

here for all your folks

in the bible it says hell was prepared

for the devil and his angels but when

was hell prepared

scientists say that the earth was one

time molten fire and water cooled it and

that’s how the process began

in genesis 1 1 the earth is created

perfect you’ve studied hebrew you know

that in the beginning god created the

heavenly earth the tense there is

complete perfection like a perfect it’s

it’s done all right verse 2 everything

is without form and void the fall of

lucifer happened between genesis 1 1 and

genesis 1 2 and ages past so so when it

just passed there is a gap and we don’t

even know how long that’s exactly what

i’m saying we don’t know how long the

gap is and that explains if i can the

controversy as to why christians say

there’s a six thousand year old earth

scientists say it’s a four billion year

old earth there’s an answer there

absolutely is an answer if we understand

the fall of lucifer and the gap of

genesis 1 1 1 2 and the time frame there

let’s go to some basics yeah where’s

heaven located if you look at isaiah

chapter 14 satan says i will ascend into

heaven above the stars of god and above

the clouds in the sides of the north

and i will be like the most high then is

mount zion psalm says in the sides of

the north the city of the great king the

whirlwind that ezekiel saw read it in

chapter 1 is coming out of the north not

the north on earth but the northern part

of heaven

the northern part of heaven is very

unique because there’s a star there

called the north star or polaris which

sits just a little bit off of true north

anytime you need a direction you had to

find the north star anytime a ship

needed direction you find the north star

it’s the directional star what is

interesting job said god stretches the

north over the empty place but he hangs

the earth on nothing two scientific

facts there this is what i learned when

i was 16.

one is the earth is hanging on nothing

but what’s this thing about the north

being an empty place

i have a friend of mine who have several

friends who work for nasa and they say

it’s really true that in the northern

part of the heavens there’s the empty

place and there’s a gap it’s just an

empty a darkness a gap all right the

bible indicates that so bottom line is

it where is heaven heaven is all around

us if we look up but see if you’re at

the equator and looking up you’re

actually looking out if you’re at the

south pole you’re actually looking down

it’s all heaven when you’re looking up

but it’s down and out north is the only

place where you’ll look really true up

all right so heaven is in the north now

number two

isaiah said

or it was satan talking but isaiah wrote

it i’ll ascend um above the clouds above

the stars and the sides of the north

that’s three heavens paul in second

round i heard about second heaven how

many heavens are there now now the now

jewish people believe from the hebrew

words that they’re seven

some of the early fathers well i say

early father’s early history say that

but really the bible tells you of three

paul said i was caught up into the third

heaven this is in second corinthians 12

but i was caught up in the third heaven

and saw things it’s not possible for man

to utter the three heavens are

the the air where the clouds are then

the stars and what’s above the stars and

the satan said i go above the stars


somewhere at the edge of the galaxy

star’s end

then you enter into the third heaven

and so there are three heavens and the

bible indicates specifically what those

three are clouds

stars then the end of the stars that

begins the third heaven and that’s where

god dwells is in the third heaven and

where’s the devil dwell and his demons

this is interesting because a lot of

people put him in hell but he’s not in

hell yet right if we read in job 2 god

said where you’ve been satan he said to

and fro in the earth and walking up and

down in it now he has access to chambers

under the earth because there are

chambers under the earth ephesians 2 and

2 says right now he’s the prince of the

power of the air

and ephesians 6 says there’s

principalities powers rulers of darkness

wicked spirits and heavenly places and

the majority of these are ruling in the

what we call the second heaven let me

say it this way

adam was given dominion over the fowls

of the air the birds if you ever see it

fly in the sky near the clouds so ad man

has dominion of the first heaven that’s

why we have airplanes that aren’t

falling out of the sky the devil’s not

knocking airplanes out of the sky we can

fly we have dominion we have satellites

number two

however is satan rules in in the realm

of the second heaven principalities

rulers of darkness in high places

are second heaven third heaven is where

god rules

so it’s interesting how that between

where we are to where god is we have

this spiritual warfare going on and that

might be why when we’re worshipping and

we feel like our worship is trying to go

up we get hindered when we try to pray

we get hint now remember daniel prayed

21 days and it says the prince of the

kingdom of persia stopped an angel for

21 days see daniel’s in babylon on earth

he’s got authority over that realm but

satan is the prince of the power of the

air so that principality is in that

second heaven god is sending an angel

from the third heaven and as that angel

is coming from heaven three into heaven

two he is stopped by that spirit now

we’ll take this i’m gonna give you a

nugget here it’s gonna throw you you

ready i’m ready here we go

in ancient greek greece there were two

words used for air

mount olympus is the highest mountain in

greece one of those greek words is from

the ground the air you breathe up to the

top of the mountain

now the other word is where the clouds

begin above the atmosphere there’s two

greek words okay now in the bible

satan’s the prince of the power of the

air the word used in that one is from

the highest mountain to the ground right

through there okay so we have dominion

there yes but he wants to set his

hindrances there here’s what’s neat

when jesus comes back to in the air

the greek word used is the air from the

top of that mountain to the ground

now let me tell you why

why does it say jesus comes back in that

territory here’s why because all the

demonic powers that rule in the second

heaven influenced the first heaven they

come into our realm trying to hinder

prayers trying to hinder us but here’s

what here’s the part that just

absolutely stunned i love this part

jesus when he returns doesn’t come back

up in the in the stars and we have to

meet him where the stars are he comes

right back into satan’s territory and

snatches us out

so fast that the enemy doesn’t even know

it’s happened till it’s over with

i’m going to tell you something we’ve

come back

i want you to talk about never revealed

no scholars have ever heard this

revelations you you have got about that

the mountain in heaven the

the stones in heaven about lucifer we’ll

be right back

we’ll be right back to it’s supernatural

when perry stone was just 16 years old a

male classmate challenged perry asking

what are you going to do when you die

and find out there is no heaven that day

perry began his over 100 000 hour

detailed research of the bible and

science to prove that heaven does indeed

exist biblical scholars have told perry

that what he discovered is revelation

that has never been shared before

perry stone wants to reveal to you the

details often overlooked and seldom

taught concerning the mysteries of

heaven eternity and life after death

call now and receive perry stone’s

revelatory book chronicles of the sacred

mountain and his three-part audio cd

teaching the mysteries of heaven and

life after death and perry’s bonus audio

cd the washington harbingers and the

2016 election yours for a donation of

forty dollars shipping and handling is

included ask for offer number nine four

zero five

through perry stone’s powerful

one-of-a-kind book and three-part audio

cd teaching you will understand the

answers to these questions what are the

three levels of heaven mentioned in the

bible how will we one day judge the

angels with people from every nation in

heaven what language will we speak if a

woman has a miscarriage will she see her

child in heaven do my loved ones in

heaven have knowledge of things

occurring on earth if a loved one dies

lost will we remember them in the age to

come what kind of food will we eat in

heaven what will we look like in heaven

in heaven will we know each other as we

did on earth what is the great white

throne judgment which involves the

judgment of men and angels which will

occur at the end of messiah jesus

thousand-year rule on earth understand

the mystery revealed about lucifer

satan’s role before he was forced out of

heaven with one-third of the angelic

realm learned that he was once appointed

by god to help create the new jerusalem

glean a new understanding of heaven and

of the mystery of satan’s fall hear

about the dream perry had when he saw

what satan looks like his beauty is

unparalleled but his actions are


plus you will receive this bonus audio

cd the washington harbingers and the

2016 election in it perry answers these

questions does god control elections or

does the enemy sometimes intervene to

raise up leaders is it true that a

democracy is always temporary in history

what can we do to counteract the

increase of spiritual warfare during

this presidential election

perry also shares william branham’s

prophecy that is shockingly relevant to

this 2016 election

don’t miss out on getting perry stone’s

revelatory book chronicles of the sacred

mountain and his three-part audio cd

teaching the mysteries of heaven and

life after death and perry’s bonus audio

cd the washington harbingers and the

2016 election yours for a donation of

40. shipping and handling is included

ask for offer number 9405 call or you

can send your check to sid roth it’s

supernatural p.o box 39222 charlotte

north carolina 28278 please specify

offer number 9405 or log on to call or write today

we now return to

it’s supernatural

harry tell me about the earliest stages

of creating the heavens and the earth


if we go back to the beginning and what

we’re doing here is we’re combining a

lot of scriptures

god said to job where were you job when

i stretched out the foundation of the

earth when i laid the cornerstone there

when the sons of god sang together and

the morning stars shouted for joy

now one of the things we bring out in

our teaching is the difference between

the sons of god and the morning stars

these are two different types of angels

and we’ll have time we won’t have time

on the program again and that’s a whole

other subject but we teach about that

in the beginning of time

and i’m gonna i’m gonna let me just read

this verse because this is this is our

foundational verse


god says to this person you have been in

eden the garden of god every precious

stone was your covering the sardis topaz

diamond barrel onyx jasper sapphire

emerald carbuncle and gold the

workmanship of your tablets and pipes

was prepared in the day that thou was

created thou art the anointed cherub

that covereth

he says this uh i have set thee so upon

the holy mountain of god and you’ve

walked up and down in the midst of the

stones of fire you were perfect in your

ways until iniquity was found in you and

then thy heart was thy heart was lifted

up because of thy beauty now

there’s there’s a couple things here

number one it mentions the mountain of

god this is not jerusalem this is the

heavenly mountain where god dwells

number two it mentions eden now people

assume this is the garden of eden this

is not the garden there is a heavenly

paradise or a heavenly eden just like

there was an earthly eden

all right number three now this is the

part that this the part puzzled me for


this just that alone where it says you

were in eden yeah we don’t even think

it’s it it’s heavenly but it’s heavenly

yeah that’s right now this this sort of

starts making sense you are the anointed

chair this is a cherub that’s anointed

no other angel is called anointed but

this angel right here

the third the thing that really got me

was you have walked up and down in the

midst of the stones of fire so i go to

every commentary

none of them satisfy fact some of them

would tell you we’re not sure what it’s

talking about then they try to make this

i’m going to tell you what they try to

make it to explain this to why they say

this is the king of tyre who started the

glass industry who started i’m telling

you some of these guys trying to explain

this stuff and i said really the king of

tyre had nine stones on him and he’s

called the anointed chair come on give

me a break so really theologians are

very smart people but some of them

really don’t properly get spiritual

revelation from the holy spirit who

wrote the verse

so i’m let me tell you how this happens

i’m with a guy in texas a pastor in

texas who

works with gemstones he says to me he

says this you know every gemstone is

formed in fire

oh whoa whoa whoa whoa

fire yeah songs of fire thank you and

then i go to this jewish translation of

the bible and i apologize for not giving

you which one it is because there’s many

translations and it says it says you

walked up and down in the gemstones of


i go whoa whoa whoa whoa now then i’m

thinking okay this is this is satan this

is a picture most scholars will agree

this is satan pipes he was a poor he was

a worship leader because pipes were

created him to sing but he’s got nine

stones now here’s what’s on these same

stones are the same nine that are also

part of the twelve stones on the

breastplate of the priest in exodus

these nine stones are also sid and this

is where the triggering came this is

where manny starts clicking

nine of the twelve stones in the city

new jerusalem

so we have twelve stones on the


that’s right

we have in in new jerusalem there’s 12

songs so how come satan only had nine

that’s what got me asking this

all right then i realized this every

precious stone is your covering

now i used to think he had a breastplate

with nine stones that’s how i took this

because i’m thinking okay this is

similar wait a minute but it doesn’t say

anything here it just says it was your

covering and i’m thinking that word

hebrew cover what’s it mean okay watch

this it means there were gemstones on

his fingers gemstones on his arm and

gemstones on his but wait a minute he’s

only got nine why nine you ready because


was the one this angel was walking up

and down in the midst of the stones of

fire preparing the stones for the holy

city new jerusalem


satan that was he was preparing the

stones are everything of new jersey

basically the stones he’s in the stones

of fire and watch this every time a a

for a floor first floor second floor is

completed god god allows him to be

covered by that gemstone

now when he

let me just go ahead and then i’ll

reverse back

if you go and i study this very detail

now there again you can go to all these

sources and they’re going to say this

this this this and that that but do you

know what do you know what stones are

missing from him


the last three stories of the new


i hear them going oh in the audience

they’re getting they’re getting it

he fell from heaven and was cast out

between the ninth and tenth story being


he completed the ninth but he never now

why because he was lifted up because of



and people are in awe of him

now if you i love gemstones i mean you


but you know i don’t i i’ve read that in

the bible i understand all this

how knowing what he knew

how could he have given that up how

could he have turned from pure love god

is apparently apparently i’m going to

show you something about the three okay

there’s three angels in the bible

tradition has more but there’s three

michael the archangel he’s my favorite

yeah definitely

especially when you’re in trouble

okay gabriel the revelator and lucifer

who absolutely if we put it together was

the worshiper

so he’s he’s he’s he’s like i believe

this i cannot totally prove this but i

can take the law of first fruits i can

take the law of the firstborn i can see

how god looked at him

and i can see how this would come

together i honestly believe the very

first angel created by god at the

beginning of time was not gabriel or

michael it was this one right here

because he’s the only one called the

anointed cherub god made him special to

put him over his just like the kingdom

of heaven to put him over all right now

something happened to him in his beauty

so let me go back let me go back i’m

getting ahead of myself michael this

there’s three groups of angels there’s

worshipers workers and warriors

michael heads up the warriors

michael and his angels will fight

against the dragon and his angels

revelation 12. so michael’s the warring

angel and there’s warring angels

however gabriel is with the working

angels gabriel brings the revelation

gabriel brings i was with darius the

mede and i strengthened him for two

years they’re workers

what was lucifer the worshiper

why do you think the enemy gets into the

music industry the way he does why does

he get into the arts the way he does

why is the world enamored by music arts

and dancing

because it’s the counterfeit of the real


that’s why i feel the holy ghost that’s

why we’ve got a generation being raised

up right now you watch these kids they

are not satisfied sitting in a pew with

their arms folded singing from a hymn

book they got to get up and have church

they’ve got to worship they’ve got to

dance you know something i’m not

satisfied with that i’m not a young kid

i don’t know how anyone could be

satisfied with that when what is

available you told the truth as far as

i’m concerned the most exciting news i

have heard in a long time about what god

is doing with you through you and in

other parts of the country can i share

that real quick please i want to say

this real quick there there was a

prophecy given not just in my ministry

but i didn’t know about the others till

later huntington west virginia in august

the lord gave a word man i feel the

anointing real heavy jesus thank you


okay i’m going to i can’t quote it

because i don’t have it in front of me

but the lord said there’s going to be a

major event that’s going to happen in

the nation this nation

that the unbelievers will not discern it

but the believers are going to know it’s

a sign

jesus i feel this thank you lord

the spirit of god in this prophecy and i

was almost in a trance when it came said

that whatever this is is going to cause

a lot of problems in cities with rioting

and fighting

and people were going to leave major

cities not not not this massive number

but families are going to say we can’t

live here and they’re going to go to the

rural more the more rural country type

areas right then the spirit of god said

that’s going to come he didn’t

necessarily tie this together but he let

you know this would happen he said this

coming’s a revival called the rule

revival like rural area

and rural area and he said when this

happens you’re going to the churches

have to be ready because they’re not

going to be able to you know accommodate

the people they’re going to have to be

ready for it now

i was in august of last year

just this year in del barton west

virginia in that area a young man

started a revival at a church

that revival broke out they had to move

it to the field house brother i said

this is the real deal this is just one

of those things that people put numbers

out there

it’s been reported that now it’s spread

from del barton into logan county now

it’s in williamson area it’s going into

this it’s in the coal-filled areas of

west virginia which is the hardest hit

economic areas

people are seeing people saved during

work they’re having prayer meetings this

is like the revivals that you read about

during the great awakening i have to ask

you this i i hear what’s going on in

schools and i’m getting so upset about

what is going on in our education system

with our children they’re taking god out

of the skin yes yes what is going on

with the young people in this revival

all right i want everybody to listen and

i’m going to i’m going to say this from

a prophetic perspective

just in our ministry alone in the end of

march and the first weekend of april

weekends we had a total of 11 000 young

people come in what’s called warrior


sid the power of god

on saturday night i stood up to preach

and got to the end of the message and

the holy spirit came on me and i gave

out a message in tongues and people told

me it was latin i don’t speak latin

and the kids started 700 kids at least

ran to the altar to receive the baptism

and suddenly the glory happened how many

kids over 700. did you get that don’t

miss it i’m talking hungry i’m talking

100 100. now

here’s what happened the glory gonna

turn their cities up oh it’s

unbelievable the glory hit and they

started falling under the power with

nobody laying hands on them receiving

the baptist holy ghost and a hundred and

some got called to preach in that one



all right that’s just one place that’s

just one place

and i want to say this i’m going to say

this on from a prophetic level because i

feel you know i don’t speak stuff unless

i feel the anointing

i believe it’s possible if the church

will pray

and there’s not look there is no such

thing as a white church black church in

hispanic church there’s only the church

of course there’s only the church of

course the body the body

if the politics divides yes it does but

god unifies people that’s right and he’s

coming back for one body and it’s a new

creation and i don’t care what color

your hair is on your skin he’s coming

back for the new creation

boy the emphasis is just ridiculous but

i know where you’re headed go there

here’s what i think is going to happen

the revival’s going to hit in public

schools across america now

i don’t i’m not i’m not saying it’s

going to be all at once i think it’s

going to be a pocket of pocketbooks and

you know what perry they will not be

able to control it say it they will not

be able to stop it they will not be able

to stamp it out and let me tell you

what’s going to happen so i feel the

anointing so many kids are getting saved

and filled with the holy spirit free

from drugs and alcohol that their

parents are so excited that you let

these nuts show up trying to sue school

boards and the people are going to run

the nuts out of town

i’ll tell you what the people get out of

our town leave us alone we’re going to

have revival

paris we got so many questions through

twitter and facebook and these are great

questions i mean one question alone is

going to change your life forever we’ll

pick them up and we’ll talk about them

when we get back don’t go away

we’ll be right back to it’s supernatural

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normal as defined by the bible you will

be taught and receive impartation to

walk in the supernatural of god like

never before that’s sid roth dot org

forward slash isn

we now return to

it’s supernatural

now i know i don’t know perry said to me

sometimes he gets so drunk in the spirit

that he doesn’t even know where he is

and i said i commission you to do that

perry but we’re not even following our

script but i i

i have these questions are so amazing

that people have written in yeah and

they’re and it’s so you see here’s

what’s going to happen you’re going to

get so heavenly minded for the first

time in your life you’re going to be

earthly good finally

so brian uh don’t give us a question the

first question is what will we remember

in heaven

then the bible says this it says the

former things will not be remembered or

come into remembrance which presents a


does that mean that all of our loved

ones that are in heaven we don’t

remember the answer is we know our loved

ones in heaven because paul said we’ll

be known even as we were known i’ll know

that’s mom i know that’s dad my brother

and sister now the reason the former

things will not be remembered is because

if people we knew did not make it how

would heaven be delightful

if you had children for they didn’t make

it so i don’t know how god does this but

if god can this is what he told me he

says son if i’m able to look at a person

and they ask me for forgiveness of sins

and i can erase their sins and never

bring them up or remember them i can do

the same thing with people’s past

so in other words there’ll come a point

because it says no more tears will come

in your eyes at some point

everything about anything negative

anything that happened in your life bad

and the people who didn’t make it

it will not be remembered you know the

scripture that’s coming to me eye has

not seen yes ear has not heard yes all

that god has prepared for us

you know you’re worried about the the

small stuff that’s happening in this

thing called life and you’re missing you

should have the greatest life in the

world because it’s in preparation for

the life which is going to be coming in

heaven have you had another question

ryan yes

are there any indications that we can

actually see things from heaven

that’s a very that’s a very complicated


uh i will tell you this when moses who

was uh who died and uh elijah was taken

up in a chair of fire but elijah went to


years later moses would have been 1500

years of age technically by earth’s time

elijah would have been seven 800 years

of age and we’re estimating here when

when when they came on the mount of

transfiguration to talk to jesus it says

they spoke to him concerning his death

now how would elijah being from heaven

know anything about the messiah’s death

because there’s information that okay

here let me give you another example in

sodom and gomorrah it says the angels

came down and said we have to check this

out because of what we’ve been hearing

in heaven the cries are coming up to us

in heaven now

i try to stay totally in scripture when

i share with something but if i have a

story from a reputable source that i

have a thousand percent confidence in

i’ll share it

i have had several people who have had

life after death experiences clinically

dead come back

under surgery came out of their body

real stuff

i was told by a person and this thrilled

me they said there is a portal in heaven

god does not let people look into excuse

me what is a portal a portal is an

opening like jacob’s ladder jacob said

right here is the house of god there’s

the gate of heaven and angels were

coming up through that portal so that’s

kind of what a portal is and they said

god allows you to see it now i know a

lady who was my head prayer lady who

died and i said she died in a hospital

near death saw the portal she was in

heaven saw her daughters praying for her

saw what they were wearing in one was in

the restroom just bent over just praying

crying another one was getting ready to

work she came back

to life went and told her daughters and

the whole thing was true every the

description was true i believe that

there are times let’s say that your

husband passes and his daughter

you know you’re you’re a widow your

daughter’s getting married poor dad’s

not there i believe

they say on special occasions only

they’re able to look in and they’re also

this is cool they’re also able to know

when a family member gets saved

wow you want to prove it to you yes

you’re ready you’re ready i didn’t think

it could but you’re ready go for it it

does not read there’s rejoicing among

angels when a sinner gets saved read it


there is rejoicing in the presence

of the angels

it’s not just the angels rejoicing

somebody else is rejoicing because

they’re but in their in the presence of

those angels you know there’s so little

we really understand we have these clues

from scripture

for instance i have a friend that is now

in heaven but he he was in an accident

and he he died medically and he went to

heaven and he was told

in heaven about me and he would get to

know me as a friend on what and that i’m

telling you eye has not seen their ear

has not heard what god has in store for

us i’m getting as excited as perry

ryan you have another question

good stuff uh i like this one how old

will we look in heaven

this is a good one

out of the thousands of studies i’ve

done on life after death experiences no

one ever sees an old loved one look old

in heaven there’s not one there’s not



sometimes when a child dies four five

six years of age

one lady 45 years later under surgery

died they put her that’s willing her

into the room to embalmer

and she comes back to life

an old pentecostal one from kentucky

holy ghost field she saw her son

edward carter who had been killed 45

years before

saw him in heaven playing on the streets

and he was the same age as when he got

killed now i’m going to explain to you

why i think this is so

long story made short a man came to me

and said i want i want to tell you my

story my wife died of cancer in her

early 40s very very tough time for our

family my oldest daughter was so grieved

she couldn’t take it she was thought she

was going to have a breakdown

one night

she saw her mother appear at her bed and

she looked very young like in her early

30s real


you know when you when you see these

experiences most of the time nobody ever

opens their mouth you communicate by

thought it’s the strangest thing it’s

just thought it’s like you know what

they’re thinking they know what you’re

thinking and she said mommy you look

great and she the mother said i had to

come to tell you you quit grieving over


the heaven is better than anything you

ever imagined she said but mama you look

so good and there was a picture hanging

on the fireplace and she pointed the

picture and she said you see that


she said i was in my i think i’m trying

to go from memory i believe it was 32

years of age in that picture and i and

that’s the best i think i ever looked

and she says when you get to heaven the

first thing they ask you

when the angels take your spirit out of

your body you will come to an entrance

they say how old do you want to look

now that shirt that’s cool now that’s


ryan uh have you got a question on

plastic surgery no

hey see let me se let me mention one

more thing before ryan has another

question the the thing that made this

real was the the daughter got up ran you

know she goes in the room tells her dad

what happens it healed the daughter she

quit grieving

but the the husband tells the wife’s

best friend

and she starts crying and said oh god

you all don’t know that said don’t know

what you all don’t know don’t know what

see when she was in the bedroom before

she died now she died in her early 40s

she looked at that picture on the mantle

where she was 32 and she says i hope

when we get to heaven they ask us how

old we can look because i want to be 32.

that had happened

all right so these are these are real

things these are not just weird stories

from people making them up or having you

know this these are things that you were

talking about someone that was going to

be embalmed and they because they were

dead dead uh and they had this


i have


of someone that died a pastor and he was


and he did go to heaven and yes and he

came back to earth ryan real quick


what language is spoken in heaven

very good one because there’s every

nation kindred tongue in people so it’s

the tongues well here’s the thing here’s

the thing

if you go back to what paul said

paul said i heard the lord on the road

to damascus speak to me in the hebrew


paul could speak greek paul could speak

aramaic he could probably speak arabic

they they think he spoke probably five

to seven languages but god speaks to him

out of heaven in the hebrew tongue

the hebrew language is probably the

original ag language that adam spoke or

a form of it

at the tower of babel josephus says that

the original language

was retained with the sons of of jacob

but it was the sons of jacob

at the tower

there was a group of people that

retained the original language which

would have been hebrew and the other

languages were dispersed from that now i

don’t want to go into the details as to

why i think but i believe if there is

one common language that we will speak

in heaven that we can all speak to

communicating it will be that and here’s

why the reason i say that because the

holy spirit gives us prayer tongues and

we can actually through the gift of

tongues divers tongues speak in a tongue

that’s a tongue to us but that person

understands the language perfectly

because it’s their language so i think

it’s going to be dual language what i

mean by that dual language is not the

right word bilingual is a better word i

think that if i’m english these are all

english-speaking people i’ll go up to

them and communicate to them in english

but if i’m if i’m talking to other

people i think we can actually

communicate in the hebrew tongue now

that’s again that’s just based on paul

saying he spoke to me in the hebrew

tongue of heaven so therefore we know


i’ve always felt biblical hebrew is the

only pure language only pure things are

in heaven so give me a break now when we

come back

i i want to find out what happens in

this new jerusalem what our job’s going

to be what happens when we’re heaven

what is our job i mean i’m going to work

are we going to do school what are we

going to do don’t go away be very passed

we’ll be right back to it’s supernatural

when perry stone was just 16 years old a

male classmate challenged perry asking

what are you going to do when you die

and find out there’s no heaven that day

perry began his over 100 000 hour

detailed research of the bible and

science to prove that heaven does indeed

exist biblical scholars have told perry

that what he discovered is revelation

that has never been shared before

perry stone wants to reveal to you the

details often overlooked and seldom

taught concerning the mysteries of

heaven eternity and life after death

call now and receive perry stone’s

revelatory book chronicles of the sacred

mountain and his three-part audio cd

teaching the mysteries of heaven and

life after death and perry’s bonus audio

cd the washington harbingers and the

2016 election yours for a donation of

forty dollars shipping and handling is

included ask for offer number nine four

zero five

through perry stone’s powerful

one-of-a-kind book and three-part audio

cd teaching you will understand the

answers to these questions what are the

three levels of heaven mentioned in the

bible how will we one day judge the

angels with people from every nation in

heaven what language will we speak if a

woman has a miscarriage will she see her

child in heaven do my loved ones in

heaven have knowledge of things

occurring on earth if a loved one dies

lost will we remember them in the age to

come what kind of food will we eat in

heaven what will we look like in heaven

in heaven will we know each other as we

did on earth what is the great white

throne judgment which involves the

judgment of men and angels which will

occur at the end of messiah jesus

thousand-year rule on earth understand

the mystery revealed about lucifer

satan’s role before he was forced out of

heaven with one-third of the angelic

realm learned that he was once appointed

by god to help create the new jerusalem

glean a new understanding of heaven and

of the mystery of satan’s fall hear

about the dream perry had when he saw

what satan looks like his beauty is

unparalleled but his actions are


plus you will receive this bonus audio

cd the washington harbingers and the

2016 election in it perry answers these

questions does god control elections or

does the enemy sometimes intervene to

raise up leaders is it true that a

democracy is always temporary in history

what can we do to counteract the

increase of spiritual warfare during

this presidential election

perry also shares william branham’s

prophecy that is shockingly relevant to

this 2016 election

don’t miss out on getting perry stone’s

revelatory book chronicles of the sacred

mountain and his three-part audio cd

teaching the mysteries of heaven and

life after death and perry’s bonus audio

cd the washington harbingers and the

2016 election yours for a donation of 40

shipping and handling is included ask

for offer number 9405

call or you can send your check to sid

roth it’s supernatural p.o box 39222

charlotte north carolina 28278 please

specify offer number 9405 or log on to call or write today

we now return to it’s supernatural

i want to thank world harvest television

the world harvest tv network let’s see

broadcasting for partnering with us for

this special live program our next live

program will be

june 23rd on gb and the isn network and

i have to tell you i am so excited about

this one do you remember the reality

stars they were the benham brothers they

and they

they they had this big contract but they

were taken off because they refused to

compromise their christian stance well

they’re going to be talking about how do

you handle yourself in the marketplace

when people start talking to you about

what’s going on with the bathrooms and

what’s going on with various sin areas

throughout the world

you need to understand because there and

not only that i’m going to have dr jen

clark with me and she is a phd studied

the brain and the latest research on the

brain says you were not born a

homosexual an alcoholic or any of these

other addictions wow the latest research

says that you bought a lie you

programmed your brain and there is a

supernatural way now

uh medical science says there’s even a

natural way to get these brain cells

that are that are fossilized changed now

if that can be done through science how

much more how much quicker can it be

done through the supernatural yeah yeah


we’re going to go off the air

shortly but we’re going to stay on there

on isn it’s supernatural network it’s a

12 a 24 hour a day seven day a week no

network of the supernatural it’s free uh

it’s on every smartphone in the world

every computer in the world and i want

you to stay on because we’re going to be

talking about

well if you heard what the two of us

were talking about perry stone and

myself during the break you will want to

come back he says when he gets like this

he starts moving into prophecy and we

wanted to talk about the 2016 election

what god has shown him about this every

time there is an election god has spoken

to him in advance about that election

and this time god has shown him

something very very amazing through his

study of of numbers but i promised the

people we would talk about what is what

is the millennium and

is there a job assignment or we just

have regular jobs

let’s explain this when we come back

from heaven in revelation 19 with christ

we will come back and rule with him for

1 000 years

now people have this real misconception

what the millennium is they think we

just kind of float around we kind of

chill out we go down to the sea of

galilee and drink you know a soda and

hey man everything’s cool

what happens is jesus said it this way

because you’ve been faithful over little

things i’ll make you ruler over many

we’re going to be rulers they’ll be

governors they’ll be senators they’ll be

kings they’ll be

the the parables say some people have

three cities some will have 10 you know

cities and so

we’ll be rulers there will be some that

will be connected to the the worship in


worship around the world uh they’ll be

the tabernacles will be celebrated

according to the book of zechariah

everybody has to come up you know who’s

going to organize that but basically

kings priests and rulers is our position

and you know

when someone is a hundred if someone

dies at a hundred that will be a

premature damage it’ll be very rare any

you everybody will go beyond that now

the saints are gonna have a resurrected

body so we’re not gonna have to be

worried about dying at all but for the

people who survive there will be some

survivors of the tribulation that

repopulate the earth but the earth is

going to be in such a greater condition

under the messiah christ that people if

they died 100 is going to say he died at

100 that’s young so that’s pretty that’s

pretty remarkable to think about

i’ll tell you what

there is so much in these areas we just

don’t have enough time but i want you to

download the isn it’s supernatural

television network it’s really simple to

do you take your smartphone and you go

to the app store it’s a free app and you

type in my name sid roth s-i-d-r-o-t-h

orange app will appear you just press

that orange it says it’s supernatural

network it’ll download and you’re going

to get the rest of the show and you’re

going to get revelations that god has

given perry but others about this 2016

election i don’t know about you perry

but i believe this is the most important


ever ever in history that is coming up i

want to find out what the prophets are

saying i know you do so download that

app but we have some more questions ryan

yes will we have our new bodies during

the millennial reign and will we

function the same

now the function the same i’m assuming

is about eating and that type of thing

and the answer is yes remember christ in

a resurrected body

with his disciples ate with them and he

also said this at the last supper i’ll

not eat and drink this again until we do

it in the kingdom so we’re going to be

eating in the kingdom a married supper

is a supper we’re not going to go look

at a bunch of tables and say how nice i

i said i got i got to tell you a funny

story though i had a little girl asked

me she was six years old and she said

brother perry it was a

children’s church man be careful when

kids ask you questions

and she said mark letter used to have a

show kids ask them

look i could have a program on kids

questions it’s hilarious she says

brother perry she said are we going to

have gold bathroom seats in heaven

and then i said well you know so so the

other little fella got his idea off of

that said we have to go to the bathroom

in heaven i said look where the

scripture don’t speak today i’m silent

so i’m not going to

i am not going to try to answer this you

know it’s just like that i don’t know

but i do know that we will have a body

that functions very similar with all

five senses the thing is though the

weariness is not there the pain is not

there the emotions that we carry on

earth you mean we don’t need obamacare

we won’t need it at all we’ll be free

i didn’t say that yeah

it’ll be hey we won’t have to have any

can it in fact you know what the bible

says seriously it says there’ll be trees

growing in jerusalem that you eat the

leaves and it brings healing that’s my

kind of medicine it’s free it’s free

questions it’s free yeah linda is asking

is there a difference between the bride

of christ and the body of christ

very good question and i want to give

you a little nugget there

um whoo boy we could go three different

directions here let me try this okay

on on earth we are the body of christ

and this is false in heaven we become

the bride of christ

now this is not a dysfunctional body

but the we are the body christ is the

head working as members in particular

when we get to heaven though that’s when

we are become the bride of christ

because paul wrote it says i have

espoused you to one for you to be a

faithful virgin to that one the espousal

is the engagement part

so i don’t want to i don’t want to get

too particular here theologically but

the reason i talk about us being the

body is when the bible said only he who

now restrains the antichrist will

continue to restrain until he be taken

out of the way that he there is the body

of christ the body of christ has to be

taken out of the way before the man of

sin can be revealed

that’s a whole nother side i’ll tell you

what ryan uh i i want the question next

question you have i believe is one of

the most important questions we’re going

to have on this show which is

okay wow this pressure there sid thanks


it’s actually a long question very good

question you talked about the link

between satan being cast out of heaven

during the construction of the heavenly


why would this cause such hatred for

israel in jerusalem today

i’m going to compare it to a para like a

story but it must be a short okay if i

worked for a major corporation and i was

the ceo over the whole thing and they

booted me out because of something i did

wrong if i didn’t take the right

attitude i could cause a rebellion in

the company and i would hate that

company the rest of my life because

satan knows there is a new jerusalem and

that everything on earth was patterned

after what was in heaven the juice

pattern on earth was after in heaven

his hatred for jerusalem is a continual

reminder of his failure

well i better tell you one more thing

have you ever read in scripture

salvation is of the jew

you talk about what’s going to happen

with these young kids when they get

turned on for jesus and they’re yes

there is hope for america but watch what

a nation called israel filled with jews

whose call of the jew is to be a light

to the gentile watch how this whole

world is going to get evangelized is

satan’s worst nightmare and that’s why

he says pray for the peace of jerusalem

so the whole world is going to have



i am seeing an openness among jewish

people and muslim people

that i have never in my lifetime i never

thought possible

when paul is talking about the mystery

of uh the middle wall of separation

between jew and gentile coming down

what’s going to happen when that middle

wall of separation between you jew and

muslim comes down and they become that

one new man and together arm and arm we

don’t need a political peace deal we’re

going to have the prince of peace that’s

our peace deal how would you like do you

want to put do you want i don’t want a

nobel prize give it all to jesus he’s

the one that gets that nobel prize and

go to isn it’s supreme natural

television network

okay i promised you we were going to

talk about the 2016 election now

is some people to say

that god has nothing to do with the

election some people say

that god has everything to do with

election some people say the devil has

everything to do with the election what

do you say

what does god say that’s more

let’s go real quick to why people

believe this number one people believe

satan’s in charge because in luke satan

said to jesus bow and worship me i’ll

give you the kingdom of the world for

they are delivered unto me and to

whosoever i will i give them

so based on that verse some people say

well politics is just controlled by the

enemy well that can’t be true because

the enemy if he had any brains would

have never sent john adams thomas

jefferson and george washington to start

this country based on the scripture so

that’s a so what satan is trying to do

there he’s trying to kind of blow smoke

at jesus and uh satan can control wicked

men but he cannot control the godly men

so that’s that’s the point that’s the

separation there

in daniel it says this that the lord

sets up kings and can take down kings

and this is what daniel said to king

nebuchadnezzar when nebuchadnezzar saw

all that vision of the metallic image

and the empires so then we then we see

over here okay

based on certain scriptures god does at

times step in intervene second

chronicles 18 ahab was sent a lying

spirit so he could fall in battle and

god would get rid of him

okay so that can happen too

now here’s here’s the challenge that we

have if we were a

theocracy and thank the lord we’re not

of course because we’d have the

democratic par

prophets and the republican prophets

prophesying to each other yay sayeth the

lord my candidate no you’re wrong saith

the lord my candidate and so it would be

a mess because we’re a democracy and we

are connected to voting we have to

understand something that when

christians refuse to vote they could

miss god

bob wait a second what if okay remember

this moses

moses let him vote he let 10 god instead

of moses saying let’s go in he let 12

guys come but what would you say to a


what would you say to a christian okay

uh there’s there’s a democratic

candidate there’s the republican

candidate as far as i’m concerned i

don’t want to give two cents for either

of them so i’m not going to vote because

it goes against my conscience i would

say this shut your mouth the next four


don’t complain where were you when i did

a talk show yet here’s the thing if you

don’t if i vote and let’s say the person

i vote for gets in and they do wrong i

can say well i missed that one didn’t i

if i don’t vote and the wrong person

gets in it’s like well me and you know a

million other people didn’t show up so

it’s our fault you have no right

to open your mouth to complain

when you didn’t participate

i understand i’ll tell you something

else in my lifetime i didn’t see any

anyone that was present in the united

states that ran ran the country exactly

like the bible says i can find fault

with every single person but what if

what if there’s this great move of god’s

spirit and i know there’s going to be

one what if whoever is in the white


here’s what i’m asking personally

who has the most tender heart

that god can work with once they get in

office they may not have it now

but who has a heart that god can get

into them because here’s what i see

whoever is president

i see the most horrific time the world

has ever seen best time the church has

ever seen the most terrific time the

world has ever seen some time while that

person is in office and i see god

putting that person in office and i’m

i’m going to tell you this is what i

know many of you have made your decision

with your brain well you should use your

brain god doesn’t want you to throw your

brain out but you don’t have all the

facts you don’t know who god is dealing

with and knows that that person has that

tender heart and that person is going to


i tell you i see it they’re going to be

down on their knees when these problems

occur and god is going to speak to him

and he is going to use them and i

believe that if you throw out your

stinking thinking that you got from the

news which is just prejudicial opinions

anyway and go deep into your spirit and

say god i don’t know it all i want to

know who you have chosen that has that

tender heart who who has that that and

i’ll tell you god’s showing me god has

shown me very clearly i’ve made a lot of

people upset when i’ve told them one on

one but it doesn’t matter who god showed


it matters who god is going to show you

and i know he’s going to show it to you

now every presidential election recently

god has spoken in advance to you

since the 90s okay i’m going to go

through this real quick but i’m going to

be very i’m going to try to use wisdom

because this is going out this was a

room full of people we could go crazy

you know

but okay

in 19 three days after the election of

bill and hillary clinton i preached a

message that said this

god told me that the spirit of ahab and

jezebel was coming to america

that’s what now that’s all and i got

this so i go to this story now watch

this watch

first of all

they this is the bible they lived in an

ivory house that’s a white house number


he was the leader but she ran it from

behind the scenes this is in the bible

number three there was an innocent man

named naboth killed that’s vince foster

whoa number four there was a land deal

involved that’s white water and there

was a land deal with naboth

and it goes on from there and the

biggest ones was

the only place in the bible that

mentions a lying spirit is with ahab and

bill clinton was impeached for lying

under oath

now there’s 10 parallels to that and i’m

not the people misunderstood i didn’t

call them ahab and jezebel i said

the pattern of that’s coming all right

that was there

two and a half years before the election

of the year 2000 god spoke to me audibly

and said it’s my will for the governor

of texas to be the next president now

i’m not telling stuff now my partners

know this

they followed me i met governor bush six

months later at the western wall i have

it on videotape

where i said the people wants to run for

president and he told people later he

told errol sharon he said three people

at the western wall told me it’s god’s

will for me to be the next president and

i just got reelected governor and he

decided to run for president now there’s

a whole story behind the election that

you know uh that came up and no but this

is way before the fact this is showing

no this is i told people this is way in

fact can i tell you something uh i feel

the holy ghost again talking about this

on friday before the

gore bush election on friday

the lord gave me a word and there was a

prophet in my office and i started

speaking in tongues he’s jewish i

started speaking in tongues in arabic

and he understood it

he said they’re going to try to switch

the blessing they’re going to he grabbed

my hands i said what is he talking he

said the election they’re going to try

to turn it around they’re going to

switch the blessing

i preached on friday night i never let

the tape go out i have it in my vault i

preached on friday night before the

election in florida here’s what i said

the will of god the election of 2000

will be the will of god versus the will

of the people

now now watch then i said florida would

determine the election and the pres who

bush would win by one

i had no idea what i was saying of

course when the election came up al

gore’s al gore who was al gore’s lawyer

the next day on wednesday said the will

of the people must be done my wife


i said right there’s the outline right

there it is and here’s what’s going to

happen and god god gave me that now let

me go ahead

i did not know barack obama would run

for president i didn’t know who was

going to run but in 2006 and seven and

again if you’re a partner of my ministry

you heard me preach this

god i feel the holy ghost right now my


it’s important which is

very important

the lord spoke to me and he said 2007 he

gave me a pattern he said if you’ll go

back to 1607

uh when when the first pilgrims the

first the first the founding of our

country as far as the not not the

civil war i’m sorry not the

revolutionary war founding but in the

beginning when they came over here for


2007 is 400 years and if you’ll read

what i said to abraham

after 400 years i’m going to bring the

people out of egypt because

it’s a fullness of time and god spoke to

me and i started preaching this and

these are the two words i used i promise

it blew my mind when senator obama ran

because the lord said transition and


and what was his theme change okay

now everybody’s asking me about and i

want to i want to stay off of brother

brennan’s prophecy for right now because

i feel like i feel like really this is

where we need to go


i do studies from the hebraic

perspective on numbers and you know this

and i have so much fun with this number

seven is completion number six is man

number five is grace number four you can

go on and on number 12 is government and


i did something very different i’ve

never done before i went to president 43

44 and 45 and and and i said this in

president 44 i said 44 is division

and this would be this would be before

president obama became president i said

this man will divide the country i said

whoever’s president obama was no but i

didn’t i didn’t say that but he was the

44th but beforehand you saw that yeah oh

yeah okay that’s right so i i’m telling

people i don’t even know who the

president’s going to be right now i’m

telling this i don’t even know who he is

or she or whoever i said but in 40 the

44 is double division

and i said you’re going to see the

country split right down the middle now

i’m saying all this and you know i’m

saying to myself god you bet trust me

after me telling people that it was

god’s will for bush to be president when

he won i got a relief because they had

stoned me for being a false prophet i

got on tv and told it

look i’m i’m on tv at

channel 55 at claude bauer station

talking about bush’s name bet bob shin

shin is 300 300 is the florida recount

vote now they’re in tallahassee watching


where they’re counting chads

and i go three hours i say no phone

don’t and i showed the picture of me

meeting him in israel the video no one

had seen it uh an agent network wanted

to buy it from me and i said no you i’m

not i’m not selling it to you it’s ours

and after three hours i said ladies and

gentlemen i predict that george w bush

will come out of this and be the next


the head of the opposing party

called the tv station and said tell the

preacher i’m going to sue him

and i laughed and said how can you sue

what god has decided

no no they did they threatened they

threatened me and i said the election’s

over guys if i was predicting this

before it’s different this is okay now

let me let me go back to this real quick

what’s on my mind

so i started looking at number 45.

y’all ready for this

this is crazy

if you take the 40

and the five in the hebrew alphabet it’s


not mom but ma do you know what the word

ma means


it means what yeah

it means what in israel

if i was talking about i said

what what can i just say here’s what’s

going to happen everybody mark this down

whoever gets in

people are going to say


that’s what they’re going to say


what how did this happen what what is

going on what watch it watch it and say

but here’s what i find interesting i

have heard from many prophets something

you’ve said

god has shown me who will be president

but this time he’s silent yeah the

strangest thing and i want to say this

and we all know let me just say this we

all know by now

that it’s mr trump or miss clinton

that’s your choices basically unless the

third candidate comes which

kind of at this point is unlikely

so basically that’s your choice the

weird thing about this is i have tried

uh normally by now where are we at yeah

normally by now and it may be toward

sometimes it’s like the early fall

months i get this really heavy word


i will i will say this based on what i

sense and i want to make this clear i

always tell people when god

when i know it’s god i will say the

lord’s told me when i am not sure and

it’s more of my spirit it’s coming out

of here but i’m not sure

i’ll never tell you it’s god i’ll say my

gut feeling

now ninety percent of the time it’s

pretty accurate the gut you’ve been

there you know your gut is your

spiritual man so


boy i really got to be careful saying

this because this could be taken well

let me give me a second let me judge

this to see if it should be publicly



there will be an attempt made on a

candidate’s life

every person i’m talking to who’s a

prophet has seen it yeah

and okay so all i’m going to say is

it will be up to the body of christ to

pray that does not happen

i’ll go a step further and it’ll attempt

on the candidate’s life assuming this is

from god

if you keep saying

bad things

about the person god has selected

because they know deep in their heart

they’re going to be open to them

he will this person will not be the

candidate if you keep talking negative

you pray

that god’s person

would get in office

the devil wants to take this person out

yeah but he can’t touch this person

if you zip your mouth

stop talking with the commentators and

the news people are saying that’s really

and start talking what god is saying

yeah and lift this person’s arms up

how do you know who god has chosen if

you’ve made your decision from the news

i’ll guarantee you you’ve made the wrong

decision yeah no it’s true and and so so

i will i will say this i will say this

and i’m not going to name them

uh because i get a boldness when i sense

the anointing but i also have learned to


four years ago

let me go back track 6 15 14 13 12 12.

maybe four and a half years ago i saw a


and god spoke to me and said i am going

to raise this man up

to be a leader now i will not name

because this stuff goes everywhere and

then people copy and they paste it then

people who if they don’t like the person

you know there’s call in my office and

cussing my office staff out i’m serious

people crazy


it is possible

he will be a vice presidential candidate

and if he is there is no doubt in my

mind that person will win if that person

is selected

and it’s going to be important for this

person that god now god told me

he said

i’m going to make him a leader now what

happened is

i knew my i have ministry partners who


they raised tens of millions of dollars

for political parties

and uh they made a contact

to this man personally and i hope some

of you know i’m on a i do a

hosting a major network right a lot of

and i had this guy on three times coming

before he ever announced because i knew

he was gonna i knew nothing but by the

spirit i knew he would be involved with

heavy politics in this level and three

times i went to have him on and three


his son had a ball game and he couldn’t


all right

very strong christian

very that’s all i’m gonna say there’s

other things i can say but

i believe that it’s this is the person

who’s supposed to come on the ticket now

i’m not going to name who it is

now and i may tell you privately so if

this happens you already have yeah okay

oh did i really oh boy see i learned to

keep my mouth shut so let me say this i

don’t want to make it public and the

reason i don’t is because let’s say it’s

not this time it’s for later

because speaking of not this time and

for later yeah yeah there was as far as

i’m sure one of the greater greatest

miracle ministries i’ve ever studied

it’s a man by the name of william no

doubt i know his organ player he’s 87

years old he had prophecies that were so

so accurate but he had one that sounds

very familiar

okay let me tell you about this i

started telling this prophecy in 1999.

now i want everybody to pay very careful

attention to what i’m saying

because when i say this

people tend to think it’s about now

and it might not be about now this is


christians are the worst at this you

know oh yeah this is it this is it and

it don’t happen then they want to call

you a false prophet

here’s what happened in 1933 brother

branham who had

i know people that were with him i know

his photographer his organ player is

still alive

branham had the most accurate word of

knowledge of any man alive i know that

okay and

when he prayed you got healed right

there and everybody saw it and by the

way we’re coming into a time right

somehow where the branham anointing is

going to come same anointing a massive

it’s true it’s it’s going to

i mean

everyone thinks we’re coming into such

bad times you don’t know

eight times

god’s got his hand on this one

all right now

i want to tell my story and tell you

what happened to me and i realized this

is no i’m going to make it clear this is

not on national tv right now

this is not it’s on your network that’s

good okay thank you

i announced i announced in

in the in a little after the year 2000

what america should know about a woman


i preached in huntington west virginia

my head of my security was a former

secret service agent under four


he come in my office he said perry

there’s a woman coming in

she will talk to you but you forget she

visited you the moment she walks out and

i’m thinking what is this he said you’ll


she introduced herself and she said

i have come all the way from washington

d.c to hear your message on the woman

president i said is there a reason why

she says all i’m going to tell you

and this my secret service guy checked

her out because he still had contacts in

in the white house oh yeah she’s legit

she says i worked under bill and hillary

clinton under for their their computer

programs especially the year 2000 we

were making sure everything was going to


and she said i overheard a conversation

from hillary where hillary had a plan to

run for president one day

and her plan was and i guess i’d go and

say this because i think it’s known now

was to go to

to be a senator in new york but for bill

to also become the head of the united


so they wanted they wanted former

president clinton once he left office to

to be over the united nations and that

didn’t work out that way

but uh she said so i know she’s running

and i don’t know when i don’t know she’s

going to win so i don’t hear what you

got to say

now it was then i told the prophecy and

i want to make this clear i’ve got to

make this clear again guys

i am not saying it’s now and i’m not

saying this is going to happen this way

i’m just giving you a word of a prophet

that’s crazy yeah but i’m i’m going to

say what i said before

things like this are going to happen if

you do not

zip your mouth of the negative yeah pray

so true


branham went into a trance in 1933

when cars were big rectangular you know


he saw five things

he saw

roosevelt would be elected for a fourth

term and die in office this is 33 1933

very specific so specific he saw a line

that would be formed in the military he

saw germany germany would have a wall up

he goes through all these things that

nobody knows a clue about and he writes

them down and gets up and starts

preaching him and people say he’s a nut

are you ready

you know what number five was in 1933

driverless cars


that’s what i see on that right now

that’s all they talk about he said

you’re going to see

driverless cars he said i didn’t even

see a man at the steering wheel and they

were facing each other playing games

there is a car right now where you can

face each other and play games i just

saw he said now the cars are not going

to be like this they’re going to be kind

of egg-shaped look at all your cars

right okay now he said this after this

i saw a woman rise to power in america

to be a leader

she was beautiful to look at outwardly

but wicked in her heart and she made the

country go

under her steps something about her

clothing too i believe was well no that

was something i saw oh another thing go

ahead but he said she will make america

go her steps and a miracle will fall

under her

he said the last thing i saw was the

united states in smoke

and there had been bombs all over the

place i think it could be terrorist

attacks i’m not saying it’s an invasion

but now here i am in the year 2000

preaching this to a woman who worked for


and uh when she ran

uh people knew my the prophecy because

i’m actually the one and i don’t take

credit for this it’s brother branham’s

word from god but i’m the guy that

revived that over the years all right

when she ran as you know it didn’t work

honestly i thought that was the end of

it i thought she probably won’t run

again but now she will be the can’t one

of the candidates

and so i’m gonna i’m gonna i will go on

record of saying this

god has not told me she’d be president

and god’s not told me she’s even the one

to fulfill this but i will say

if by chance for some reason she gets in

you can mark it down

brother branham’s prophecy will come to

pass a hundred percent

and and we will but here’s the thing

here’s the thing that is so great about


as crazy as things can be and the crazy

laws they’re passing and christianity

has really come under persecution if

you’re a real christian in this country

god never allows satan to have the last


and this outpouring is coming okay

this outpouring is coming with these

kids and brother when it happens i’m

telling you look out all right i want

you to tell me again very clearly what

the prophecy was from branham about this

woman i want to hear it again i don’t

okay i don’t have the exact wording with

me okay but now i believe and i’m not

trying to trust me offer some but when

you do the when you offer the election

uh bonus right with your program

it’s a message i preached and i’ve got

all the quotes all the details on that

message and i didn’t do that on purpose

i just didn’t bring it within

it because i don’t want to be wrong in

the quote okay but it’s definitely a

woman and he said a a woman leader or a

president he even used the word

president okay let me let me say this

because it’s so so important

if you do not vote

you vote

let me repeal wow that’s true if you do

not vote


vote people died for the right to vote

in this country that’s that’s so true

listen to it and i i urge you

that you vote but you vote knowledgeably

now there was a time where you spoke in

tongues and you had an interpretation

can i say something before you go to

that we have time yes we do okay i want

to go back to the vote thing and just

and kind of share this with you

uh let’s let me talk about the last

election briefly

said wonder why mitt romney lost there’s

one reason i knew it anybody who knew

his religion knew it he was mormon

and a lot of christians would not vote

for a mormon now i’m just being honest

in florida i found out

one man in florida talked 60 000

christians who were always voters to not

vote for mitt romney thus he lost 60 000

votes the only reason mitt romney did

not get in is because christians

refused to vote because they said i

can’t vote for a mormon right so what

happens is the other person wins by

default right so that’s what you were

saying just now absolutely if you feel

like there is somebody and maybe that’s

the right person and you refuse

if you eliminate enough people the other

person just gets in automatically may

not have even had the most you know all

right you asked me a question let me go

over that again what was that okay

here’s one

we have a video

but i want you to tell me what was going

on inside you before the tongues and the


we were at the uh our international

prophetic summit which we have every

year we had 4 000 people there

that said i’m telling you my hair’s

standing up right now there’s something

going on in the spirit right now what

we’re talking about

and a few times in my life the man that

laid hands on me and prayed for me when

i was eight uh 18

had a third grade education and he could

speak eight languages in tongues it was

a gift from god he could go up and say

he’s a german and he talked german to

the guy and witnessed to him

that man that man over here is he’s from

he could and my dad was with him when he

did it when he laid hands on me by the


the gift of tongues and interpretation

was one of the gifts that that god gave

me when that man prayed for me it does

not happen often

when it happens i’m usually coming

toward the end of a message and and i

say this before god this is the

strangest thing

i feel a presence now i know the holy

spirit’s come from within but right on

my right side

15 times in my life there’s an angel

that shows up i don’t ask him to i don’t

expect him to and when he shows up my

hair stands up from here all the way

down to my right leg and it

it’ll put you

the fear of the lord comes very heavy

and when it happens i

just like that i pause

it’s like i can’t hardly talk

and then many times there’ll be a

message in tongues and interpretation

but when it happens it’s like the spirit

of god

shifts the atmosphere so thick

that it wants to put you on your knees

and what we were doing we were at the

international summit we were coming to

the end of a message and this was a

really encouraging word because you know

they’d heard a lot of beasts and dragons

and antichrists and tribulation and

here’s where we’re going here’s the laws

they’re pat that all this inside stuff

so you can get a little overwhelmed with

it and uh so that’s what you’re talking

about and i think i think let me let me

explain something

we have this on videotape

this is not a word from perry stone no

this that’s what he’s trying to tell you

yeah this is a word from god let’s roll


god is so sovereign in what he does that

anything that happens is for one purpose

to get people ready for eternity


anything the lord would permit to happen

in the endgame of the united states is

not for our destruction because he hates


god has a remnant

a remnant of faithful people now in

man i felt the holy ghost right there

real heavy dear lord

right behind me right now

my hair’s standing up you know what

that’s that angel of the lord the only

it’s what jensen

jensen and i felt when he comes all your

hair stands up

the lord says by the spirit that he saw

the fear that came into your heart a

moment ago

and you said to yourself lord how shall

this affect me

have you not read in the word that the

lord said i’ll go with you always even

unto the end

have you not read the word that i will

neither leave you nor forsake you

have you not read the word for he has

not given you a spirit of fear but power

love and a sound mind

in your patience you possess your soul

but in your faith you are maintained

and by the spirit you pray and joy and

righteousness and peace remain in you

there is nothing to fear of what man may

do unto you

only fear eternity

and only fear where you shall spend it

with the lord your god or separated from


fear only that

but fear not what man will do

for greater is he that’s in you

than he that will ever be in this world

and the lord will be with his people and

god will give them plans and strategies

and god will provide and direct them for

he has never forsaken his remnant

hallelujah boy the lord wanted to say

that thank you lord thank you lord thank

you lord thank you hallelujah


went away


enable us to have access into the

kingdom and there’s something called the

lamb’s book of life what is that

god has a a record-keeping system in

heaven there’s actually four to five

books mentioned in the bible book of

remembrance book of the living book of

works lamb’s book of life is what i call

the registry

to give you access

to eternity in the new jerusalem to get

in that book of life you have to be born

again you have to have a redemptive

covenant with jesus christ

and when you do that and you follow him


you maintain your name is maintained in

that book and when you leave this world

to make it into heaven when your soul

and spirit comes out of your body

and you go to paradise your name has to

be in the book of life and

it’s not and i want to say this because

sometimes people say well you talk about

maintaining the bible talks about though


we’re here’s the thing we’re saved only

by grace we’re not saved by works we’re

saved by grace but we’re rewarded by our


if we do nothing and no works there’s no


so it is grace but at the same time if

you are born again there will be a


for spiritual things and eternal things

and there’ll also be a desire to follow

the lord it’ll be in you

and if you don’t if you claim to be born

again and you have no desire to read the

word or follow the lord you miss

something somewhere you really did not

get an experience you had a

head knowledge but and you know i’m

concerned about these modern doctrines

which are really old doctrines

on grace in which it says

god is so good that after your sins are

forgiven they’re forgiven forever and

you can engage in sin but why in the

book of revelation does it say outside

of the gates are the sexually deviant uh


are the liars are they

sin is sin now the grace is that god

will give you the enabling power to

overcome your sin but you must repent

and repentance is a change of behavior

and that’s being left out of the gospel

message and it’s an incomplete message

well here’s

here’s the thing sid let’s go to the

book of revelation seven churches

jesus said to churches repent

now if these churches with what they

were doing were automatically covered by

grace and never had to ask for

forgiveness again jesus would have never

addressed jesus goes as far as to say if

you don’t i’m taking your candlestick

out if you don’t i’m going to spit you

out of my mouth that’s jesus talking

that’s new testament that’s not anything

in the old testament and the other thing

is this

people have confused i think

grace which is the entrance into the


by the redemption covenant of jesus


they have confused

that and they have dave just basically

i call it sloppy agape

which really which really paul says says

this do we sin that grace would abound

it’s almost as though

people are trying to stretch the


of what they can do

in the name of being always you know so

god automatically knows me god knows

what i’m going to do so i’m going to be


and i have

read testimonies of people that were

good godly people business people that

were solid and when they got into this


they just quit serving they really are

just like cheating people

having parties in their home look i i

talk i got to say this and maybe i

shouldn’t but i talked to an evangelist

who said i went to preach at a church

and after the service the pastor invited

me over for for for a

a not dinner or whatever and after the

pastor invited me over he looked this is

the pastor of a church he looked at this

young preacher and said well you might

not want to hang out with us now he said

what you’re going to do he said well we

got a little thing goes on in the

basement after church on sunday night he

said really

and then

there was a lot of couples there where

these couples start going downstairs and

he said well pastor what are you doing

he said well now you know we have such

liberty in the lord now we’re free he

said we go downstairs and we watch xx

rated movies and we we do what we do

swinging wife swapping now this guy was

not lying to me he said over there in

tears he said perry i went to the next

church and the pastor says see the woman

on the second row i’m divorcing my wife

to marry her next week because she’s

more profitable for ministry he says i

go to a third church now these are

churches this this is an evangelist and

he said it makes you want to almost quit

the ministry when you see these people

doing this he said see all the girls on

the front row any girl you want tell me

i’ll send her to your hotel room now

this is the pastor

now that’s what happens when you

don’t have conviction

and the fear of god now the bible says

this and i i don’t know how to word

except let’s do king james if you

i’m gonna paraphrase the stone’s

unauthorized version

if you can do what you want to do and

never feel convicted you’re a bastard

you’re illegitimate because i’m gonna

tell you i see it if i say or do

anything wrong i am i will tell you i

love conviction i don’t mean this crazy

because i know number one god loves me

and he’s got me he’s watching out for me

so as long as i as long as i can say oh

i shouldn’t have said that oh why’d

i do that and i feel that it’s like man

thank you lord

because what you’re really doing god is

you’re watching out for me and god

forbid that we ever get to the point

that we can feel conviction and keep go

over it so much that we feel nothing

that’s right and and conviction is

missing that trend in churches

the trend

in christian television so true the

trend is moving in that direction yeah

and it’s time that trend gets reversed

and it’s time

i’ll tell you what

i know

that many of you are coming under

conviction that are watching me yes and

i’m not going to judge where you’re at

but i can tell you this if you sincerely

say the prayer i’m going to lead you in

right now

and you mean it to the best of your

ability you will not have to look back

and you will not have to wonder

i want to see that your name is

inscribed in the lamb’s book a life for


yes yes so repeat this after me even if

you’ve been a believer 30 years 50 years

let’s reestablish who you are repeat

after me dear god

i’m a sinner

against you

and you alone have i sinned

and i’m so sorry

i believe i believe that jesus came to

earth jesus came to earth he lived

sinless he lived since

he died he died he was buried

he rose from the dead he rose from the

dead and because he did that and because

he did he paid the price for every bad

thing i’ve ever done

and his precious blood

god i’ve repented god

and i thank you you’re a good god thank

you lord you’re a good god and i am


clean because of the blood of jesus

thank you jesus and now that i’m clean

i boldly proclaim

jesus is my lord jesus

lord jesus lord jesus come inside of me

oh i love you lord

i thank you that my name

is inscribed in the lamb’s book of life

amen amen

thank you jesus

when perry stone was just 16 years old a

male classmate challenged perry asking

what are you going to do when you die

and find out there is no heaven that day

perry began his over 100 000 detailed

research of the bible and science to

prove that heaven does indeed exist

biblical scholars have told perry that

what he discovered is revelation that

has never been shared before

perry stone wants to reveal to you the

details often overlooked and seldom

taught concerning the mysteries of

heaven eternity and life after death

call now and receive perry stone’s

revelatory book chronicles of the sacred

mountain and his three-part audio cd

teaching the mysteries of heaven and

life after death and perry’s bonus audio

cd the washington harbingers and the

2016 election yours for a donation of

forty dollars shipping and handling is

included ask for offer number nine four

zero five through perry stone’s powerful

one-of-a-kind book and three-part audio

cd teaching you will understand the

answers to these questions what are the

three levels of heaven mentioned in the

bible how will we one day judge the

angels with people from every nation in

heaven what language will we speak if a

woman has a miscarriage will she see her

child in heaven do my loved ones in

heaven have knowledge of things

occurring on earth if a loved one dies

lost will we remember them in the age to

come what kind of food will we eat in

heaven what will we look like in heaven

in heaven will we know each other as we

did on earth what is the great white

throne judgment which involves the

judgment of men and angels which will

occur at the end of messiah jesus

thousand-year rule on earth understand

the mystery revealed about lucifer

satan’s role before he was forced out of

heaven with one-third of the angelic

realm learned that he was once appointed

by god to help create the new jerusalem

glean a new understanding of heaven and

of the mystery of satan’s fall hear

about the dream perry had when he saw

what satan looks like his beauty is

unparalleled but his actions are


plus you will receive this bonus audio

cd the washington harbingers and the

2016 election in it perry answers these

questions does god control elections or

does the enemy sometimes intervene to

raise up leaders is it true that a

democracy is always temporary in history

what can we do to counteract the

increase of spiritual warfare during

this presidential election

perry also shares william branham’s

prophecy that is shockingly relevant to

this 2016 election

don’t miss out on getting perry stone’s

revelatory book chronicles of the sacred

mountain and his three-part audio cd

teaching the mysteries of heaven and

life after death and perry’s bonus audio

cd the washington harbingers and the

2016 election yours for a donation of

40. shipping and handling is included

ask for offer number 9405 call or you

can send your check to sid roth it’s

supernatural p.o box 39222 charlotte

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