God gave Lydia Marrow a warning word for America that made her tremble… ▶▶Death to Counterfeit Christianity by Lydia Marrow [Book & 3-CDs]: https://bit.ly/446uQec

▶▶Death to Counterfeit Christianity by Lydia Marrow [Digital Download]: https://bit.ly/3s9dpN5

Out with the old. In with the Real! With Lydia Marrow’s book, Death to Counterfeit Christianity, experience deep hunger for God’s presence and get vital keys you need to be a catalyst for revival wherever you go. Reject counterfeit Christianity and model your life on prayer, praise and the miraculous occurrences bound in the Book of Acts. Transform Your Worship! Lydia’s exclusive Prophetic Praise CD set is like an advanced school of worship. She gives you an insider’s knowledge and mentors you in praise warfare ministry, so you too can become a more powerful praiser who can change your circumstances just by declaring God’s reputation. Apply seven Hebrew power words for praising God that releases supernatural benefits all around you and unlocks breakthroughs that win your battles. Learn practical praise tools that break up enemy structures so you can experience God’s glory in your life, in your family, your city and your nation. ▶▶Death to Counterfeit Christianity by Lydia Marrow [Book & 3-CDs]: https://bit.ly/446uQec

▶▶Death to Counterfeit Christianity by Lydia Marrow [Digital Download]: https://bit.ly/3s9dpN5

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Copyright Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural! 2023 #SidRoth #Jesus #HolySpirit 

my guest says we’re living in an age of

counterfeit Christianity many have lost

or never really had real hunger and the

fire for God

but she says you are only

one encounter away from your god-given

destiny don’t give up


welcome Holy Spirit

Moses Joshua Caleb David had the

subpoena glory on them as a traditional

Jewish man that same Glory rescued me

and gave me something I never knew was


experiential knowledge of God

and that same glory is in this studio

now and will give you that same

experiential knowledge of God my guest

Lydia Merrill was raised in an inner

city Church where she saw the power of

God she would see addicts drunks

prostitutes stumble into the church and

the pastor her grandfather would pray

for them and she would see many

instantly delivered from addictions heal

and saved but even with this

demonstration of God’s power at such a

young age Lydia battled what many of you

are battling right now fear and she

desperately needed her own encounter

with God but at age 11 Lydia what


Sid I tell you the truth I grew up in

such a wonderful family Pentecostal

family my grandfather was the pastor and

we had seen God move in some powerful

ways my grandfather commonly Moved In

Miracles when I was a little girl but

you know the church became cold and hard

and religious I often say that religion

is when you think you can carry on

having Church Without God there was

nothing real happening in the room lives

were not being transformed and to be

honest with you we had an outbreak of

sin in the church from the same people

they were singing the songs they were

given their two dollar offering Sid they

were listening to the messages allegedly

and they were you know in Jesus name

amen but nothing real nothing

transactional with God what’s happening

in their life there was no correlation

from Sundays to what was happening the

rest of the week in their life and we

just became so dead and dry I noticed

that the altars that we used to pray in

when I was a very little girl we’d have

alter Services people praying and crying

out for God you know asking God to

encounter them and they would experience

him and get up and there you would see

the glory of God on their faces the

altars just stopped there was no real

prayer there was no real waiting for the

Lord it just wasn’t happening anymore

and in that moment a friend of my dad’s

a pastor friend told my daddy he said

man there’s this revival that’s broken

out in Pensacola Florida at Brownsville

Assembly of God you have got to go check

it out and he said people are shaking

under the power of God they’re falling

out under the power all these crazy

Supernatural things and my dad said I

wouldn’t cross the street to see that

because he didn’t want one more chill

bump experience he wanted something real

and his friend said at this point the

Revival has only been going a few months

at this point in the Revival about 5 000

people have been totally transformed by

the power of Jesus and dad said This I

Gotta See and we went to Brownsville for

the very first time tell me just briefly

yeah this fear that you battled you know

I didn’t even realize it at the time but

it was a three generations worth

generational curse of fear on my life I

am I am third generational Pentecostal

preacher but when I was a little girl

you know everybody in my family is in

Ministry everybody preaches prophesies

leads worship gets on the platform

everybody can sing or play something I

was the child that hid behind the Pew

and I would just shake and Sid I can

remember when I was a little girl and I

used to stay in my bedroom to the Lord I

said I know that you have called me I

know that you have something for my life

but I cannot do this I don’t want you to

take your hand off me but I can’t do

what you’ve called me to do I was so

paralyzed I wanted nothing to do with it

I would try and I would completely shut

down I just could not do it but that

first night when we went to Brownsville

we had never met anybody in that

building nobody knew who we were and

when Pastor Steve Hill gave the author

are called we saw a thousand people give

their lives to Jesus just like that and

then he said we want to pray for every

one of our first time visitors who wants

prayer if you want a fresh touch from

God and honestly this service had been

going on now for three and a half four

hours and I was about 11 years old just

shorting my 12th birthday my little

brother Philip he was eight years old my

mom was done with us being done we were

all exhausted and my dad he said well

I’m going to go down and get prayer I’ll

just go down by myself and you can take

the kids mom said yeah I’m just going to

stay back with the kids my dad took

three steps down the aisle of that

sanctuary and he spun around on his Hill

and he said no we came as a family we’re

getting prayer as a family we did not

think it was awesome we were annoyed but

that was the sentence that set us up for

the greatest change of life we had ever

experienced when we went into that altar

Pastor Steve Hill was given a

housekeeping speech you know don’t let

anybody pray for you that’s not on the

prayer team he totally spins around he

didn’t know us from Adam’s house cat

turns around and says to my dad he said

sir the anointing is raining all over

you and your family and my dad said okay

you know like oh my goodness what’s

happening I’m thinking oh my gosh the

crazy guy’s yelling at us now this was

crazy but he turns around and he said no

I said the anointing is raining he came

running off the platform I mean put his

hands on my face he said sis the

anointing is all over your life and

that’s what’s going to carry you through

and immediately the heavy glory of God

Came Upon me I lost my legs this was no

courtesy fault I went down under the

glory of God it felt like an elephant

sat down on my chest I was set there and

what I did not realize I knew I felt the

presence of God I knew I didn’t know it

was Glory I didn’t know the terminology

but I knew I felt peace I knew I felt

the love of God I knew I felt a heavy

presence of God and what I didn’t

realize is God was extracting that fear

off of my life when I got up three

generations three generations when I got

up off that floor Sid it was

preach to prophesy to lead worship it

was nothing I was totally completely

transformed people that knew me could

not believe how free I got in that


you know

I want to see if you have any fear of

singing the three generations of fear

her greatest gift the devil put this

fear on her and she couldn’t even walk

into prove to me you can sing all right

release the

fullness of your spirit

your kind of Glory come

the glory came

okay uh in your brand new book you talk

about a phrase mind the gap explain that

Sid I am so blessed to have been raised

going to the Brownsville Revival I was

blessed to be the worship leader of the

bay Revival but I realized I came to a

point in my life where I realized I have

got to have a biblical definition of

Revival not just something experiential

I need something from the book because

everybody didn’t get to go to Pensacola

or mobile we’ve got to have something

from the written word of God you know

I’ve married an Englishman and so Nathan

and I were in London and we were waiting

for the tube to come we were in the

underground waiting for the train The

train pulled up and the little

computerized voice she said please mind

the gap between the train and the

platform when I heard that voice I

realized God began to speak to me and I

realized this is this is now my

definition God when Revival comes God is

showing up by his Spirit to close the

gap between my daily experience and what

I see written in the book of Acts a real

revivalist is going to mind the gap what

are we doing we are calling for people

to cry out in prayer for God to close

the distance between our daily

demonstration and what we see written in

the book of Acts the book of Acts is not

the Highlight Reel of the early church

it wasn’t the greatest hits album it was

the normal everyday expectation of the

Church of Jesus when people follow Jesus

the Messiah there were Miracles there

were signs and wonders people who were

imprisoned for sharing Jesus they were

sprung out of jail By Angels and that

was just another day at church Peter’s

Shadow healed the sick and that was just

another day walking with the Messiah

this is the normal expectation and when

I realized oh my goodness everything

that’s written in the book of Acts is

available to us right now I believe the

greatest doctrine of demons that we’ve

experienced in the western world is

cessationism the devil is a liar every

gift of the Holy Ghost is available

right now for every follower of the

Messiah God would never leave us in this

darkened world that we’re living in

right now with no Supernatural of course

that’s why I love this show because we

are demonstrating Jesus is Alive and by

his Spirit he is still active today so

as a revivalist it’s my job to say we’re

going to mind the gap the normal

expectation of a walk with God is that

you’re going to see signs and wonders

and miracles these signs still follow

those who believe Peter called the

movement of the Holy Spirit on the day

of Pentecost he called it out pouring it

was just like he named the baby that had

just been burnt without pouring Revival

is the authentic experience it is the

inheritance it is the legacy of those

who follow Jesus the Messiah Lydia says

when God moves it’s all about his


explain I believe that any move of God

is going to be all about Jesus because

Jesus said when the spirit of God comes

he always only magnifies Jesus that is

what the Holy Spirit does so it’s all

about his reputation God told Moses and

Aaron when you bless the people you’re

going to put my name my reputation upon

them he said I’m gracious I’m

compassionate I’m slow to anger rich in

love he said I’m going to lift up my

countenance upon you and I’m going to

put my name on you Sid when I looked up

I was in Psalm 149 just studying and I

did a word study it says in Psalm 149

verse 4 the Lord takes pleasure in his

people he will beautify the afflicted

ones with salvation I was totally

completely blown away when I discovered

that the Hebrew word for salvation right

there it’s Yeshua his name it was right

there now Lydia heard a word

and it was not just a word it was word

for word yes an urgent warning from God

for America she literally trembled when

she heard this word I mean what if

though it was like dictated yeah and you

will tremble too be right back

we will be right back

It’s Supernatural


the passionate Remnant that yearns for

an outpouring of God’s fire in your life

and in the world to find out call or go

online at sidroth.org to get Lydia

marrow’s brand new book death to

counterfeit Christianity become the

Revival Remnant that releases Open

Heavens through prayer you will also

receive her brand new exclusive three CD

audio teaching series prophetic praise

your power to unlocking God’s promises

all yours for a donation of 35 shipping

and handling is included ask for offer

number 9930 with Lydia marrow’s book

death to counterfeit Christianity

experience deep hunger for God’s

presence and get vital Keys you need to

be a catalyst for Revival wherever you

go reject counterfeit Christianity and

muddle your life on prayer praise and

the miraculous occurrences found in the

book of Acts Revival occurs when God

shows up by his Spirit to close the gap

between my daily experience and whatever

I see written in the book of Acts stand

up boldly to prepare the Next Generation

for their imminent move of God Lydia’s

exclusive prophetic praise CD set is

like an advanced School of Worship she

gives you an Insider’s knowledge and

mentors you in Praise Warfare Ministry

so you too can become a more powerful

praiser who can change your

circumstances just by declaring God’s

reputation apply seven Hebrew power

words for praising God that releases

Supernatural benefits all around you and

unlocks breakthroughs that win your

battles learn practical praise tools

that break up enemy structures so you

can experience God’s glory in your life

in your family your city and your nation

go deeper into praise as Lydia marrow

imparts so much more to you in this

audio CD set call or go online at

sidroth.org to get Lydia marrow’s brand

new book death to counterfeit

Christianity become the Revival Remnant

that releases Open Heavens through

prayer you will also receive her brand

new exclusive three CD audio teaching

series prophetic praise your power to

unlocking God’s promises you cannot get

this exclusive CD set anywhere else for

a donation of 35 shipping and handling

is included ask for offer number 9930 or

send your check to Sid Roth It’s

Supernatural P.O box 39222 Charlotte

North Carolina 28278 please specify

offer number 9930 or log on to

sidroth.org call or write today

we now return to It’s Supernatural

God gave you a word for America and I

think it’s fascinating he dictated it

word for word yes would you read that

word for word I want to say about what’s

coming to America I was actually in some

meetings in Louisiana and the Lord

interrupted the service and he began to

give me this word it was it was word for

word just like what you were saying it

was so fast I felt like I was taking

down dictation and I’ll be honest with

you this word still makes me tremble

this word this is the kind of thing that

makes me want to fall down on my knees

and cry out for Mercy I believe that

this is a word right now for especially

for the United States I know we’ve got

people watching from all over the world

and I believe it will apply beyond the

borders of the United States but I

believe this is specifically for the USA

this is what the Lord said to me he said

there have been key junctures when I

have drove the Plumb line of my Justice

he said even as it has been so it is

about out to be again

the imposters who have trampled my grace

are about to be dealt with as the Plumb

line drops

he said structures that have been

erected out of the ambition of the flesh

are about to be brought down for I am

bringing a great realignment to my

church in this hour he said many will

say where is your grace he said I will

no longer allow my grace to be

misrepresented or perverted or Twisted

so that someone can make a profit for I

will expose that which was not born of

my spirit he said bow yourself flow

because your king will walk in your

midst and then Sid he said this to me

and this this right here it took me back

to my childhood he said Remember the

1980s now in the United States in the

1980s there were many ministers that had

the national Spotlight on television on

television there were there were

massively popular we could say christian

celebrities and I know many of these

gentlemen have repented so I don’t mean

this in any way negatively but the Lord

reminded me of when these people were

exposed they begin to fall like dominoes

because their public message did not

match their private life and God dropped

the Plumb line in the 1980s and the

Fallout was so great God reminded me he

said Remember the 1980s remember when

the plum line dropped he said keep your

eyes on the king because many

entertainers will fall and I heard God

shout this word he said dominoes he said

they will fall because it has all been a

game to them

I believe right now under the sound of

my voice I believe in this studio I

believe watching me all around the world

there are people right now that you have

been dabbling in secret sin you have

been dabbling in sexual perversion

you’ve been addicted to pornography

pastor and nobody knows it you’ve been

addicted to drugs ma’am and nobody knows

it you’ve been drinking nobody knows it

and I want to call you right now to

repentance this is a season God is

releasing a call for you to get your

life right with God and if you don’t do

this privately if you do not humble

yourself privately please hear me right

now I’m not listen I’m your friend I’m

here trying to help you if you don’t

humble yourself privately God will

humble you publicly I believe we’re

about to see a comeback of the fear of

the Lord especially in the United States

but also Beyond we are going to see a

comeback of the reverential fear of the

Lord there is no more time for us to

play games all in this studio I want you

to pray with me repeat after me and

wherever you’re watching me from I can

see you right now watching on your

laptop I see you watching on your

computer right now you repeat after me

God is targeting you he wants to make

you right with him right now let’s pray

together father God father God in the

name of Jesus

I come to you right now I come to you

and I Repent

I laid down my life I laid down my life

at your feet at your feet I Surrender I

Surrender I say to you I say to you I

have been a sinner I’ve been a sinner I

have hurt you I’ve hurt you I have hurt

others I’ve heard others and I’ve hurt


and I ask you right now

wash me in your blood

forgive me of my sin

I receive your sacrifice

for my life and I ask you

come be my savior

come be my Lord

and be my very best friend come live

your life through me but live your life

in Jesus name

amen amen


we’ve only got a couple of minutes left

but you teach on the power yes of Praise

yes and I believe the power of praise is

going to reverse circumstances in your

life that look impossible I believe the

power of praise is going to set you free

teach just for a moment praise God yes

sir I’d love to do it you know praise is

one of the most overlooked weapons in

the Arsenal of the believer the truth is

most of us are waiting for our

circumstances to change or waiting to

feel like it we’re waiting to be in the

mood and but the truth is Sid if we

begin to praise God it actually has the

power to shift our circumstances you

know even as we’re speaking right now I

feel the Holy Spirit telling me there

are people that the enemy has tried to

lock down in delay and you’re waiting

for something to happen you need to

happen to something you need to open

your mouth see praise is not the fast

songs that we do at the beginning of

church sir I mean that’s fun but that’s

not it praise is when I declare God’s

reputation back to him in spite of what

I see happening in my life around me so

there have been seasons in my life where

I’ve battled things physically I might

be sick in my body but I say to the Lord

you are Jehovah Rapha you are the Lord

who healed every sickness and every

disease and I give you praise that there

is not a cell of cancer there’s not a

virus there’s not a disease in infirmity

that can mess with my life because I

give you praise if I am in need if I’m

in lack I say God you are Jehovah Jireh

the God who provides for my needs

whatever is happening in my life I like

to say I go into opposite mode and I

give God praise in the opposite of my

circumstances and said time and again

I’ve seen God move and break the power

of my circumstances and shift it through

my praise

right now right now God I give I give

praise that you are saving people even

as we’ve spoken about conviction I give

you praise that you’re the Savior you’re

the Healer God there’s people right now

that need guidance and direction I thank

you that you are the Lord Our Shepherd

you lead us and guide us into all truths

by your spirit I give you praise that

you’re releasing Divine prophetic

instructions right now God I thank you

that you are healing people right now

you’re the Healer and I give you praise

that you are dissolving cancer serum

every cell of it dissolves now in Jesus

name because you’re the Healer I thank

you that you’re the lord of the

Breakthrough and you’re releasing

breakthrough right now over the Airways

you are breaking through you’re the

breaker you’re the Lord who goes up at

the head and you’re releasing that right

now we give you praise for doing it you

are the one who does these things for us

you’re the way maker You’re The Miracle

Worker you’re releasing Miracles across

the Airways right now even in this

studio you are touching your people we

thank you for doing it in the name of

Jesus Hallelujah

now that is praise come on