The same Author who designed 24,900 miles around the planet, also calculated 24 hours around your clock, and predetermined 24 elders around the throne. Unless you know what God is consistently speaking through the number 24, you miss the message. In fact, you don’t even know there is a message. But the next time God quickens a number to you, now you have somewhere to turn!

you know i’ve been saying lately

that the holy spirit has been so strong

the presence of god the glory of god in

on our television show and in our social

media studio uh that i used to say

holy spirit you are our most welcome

guest come in holy spirit i don’t have

to say that anymore because our best

friend the holy spirit is here

thank you for being here holy spirit

please take over take over


it’s beyond our pay grade but it is your

pay grade

so my guest is good friend troy brewer

and i’ve interviewed him several years


because he’s a numbers guy and he



numbers for the year

and he especially does it from a hebraic


you know troy the jewish year that’s

coming up is 5783

and this

uh before we get to the meaning and i’ll

tell you what i interviewed a messianic

jewish rabbi

who came up with a lot of the

conclusions you came up with

but you have a prophetic spin on a lot

of them that our people have to hear

but before we get there

there was such a

heart-wrenching and touching

supernatural thing that happened to you

i i i would have to believe

that this is one of the big ones in your


well yes sir and you know it started off

as a dream and um and it’s about timing

because in the dream

i was literally in the future and said i

had just died

in my dream i had just died

and but it wasn’t sad it wasn’t terrible

in the dream i was like wow i’m entering

into glory and it was the strangest

thing said it was there was this like a

post-game interview

and there was literally a host and it

was a lot like this there was lights and

there was cameras and i knew that all of

heaven was listening and this wonderful

angelic being began to interview me and

he said hey before you go off into glory

my goodness how you fought a good fight

and how the lord was with you and my

goodness troy the the favor of the

father that was upon you was amazing and

i was like oh i know he loves me so much

and then he began to say let’s talk

about the top 10 miracles

that that i recognize what are the ones

that you recognize and for a time in

this dream sid

i was talking about miracles and i had

this tremendous

grace i could remember details and all

of it just glorified the lord and it was

so good

and after some time of talking about

different moves of god within my life

and just the amazing heart of the father

towards me and the way that the holy

spirit moved

he said this to me he said what are the

top 10 miracles you missed what are

those things

and i was like the top 10 miracles i

missed and i instantly knew

in my spirit i knew

oh yeah there was lots of miracles i

missed there were things that the

fathers had the there was the things

that the father had for me that were so

amazing but i got off track

or something changed in my life i maybe

i wasn’t prayerful maybe it wasn’t my

fault at all i just missed it and i knew

what those things were

and he asked me he said what is the

biggest miracle you think you you missed

what is that and i said oh i know

exactly what that is and he said what

and i said

back in the year 2022 we rescued a

little girl and i would like to pause

and say this said that in in real time

outside of the dream we had just rescued

this beautiful little girl and she was

nine years old and we rescued children

out of sexual slavery all over the world

and this kid was in the amazon and we

have a rescue center there

and i had just outside of the dream i

had just got her picture of her little


and i was praying for her because she

was non-verbal she was so traumatized

from the violence that had been

perpetrated upon her that she

was um she was not well she was not well

emotionally physically spiritually and

she couldn’t even speak any longer so

getting back to the dream

i said in my dream

back in 22 we rescued this little girl

and if i would have found a way to make

it down to the amazon when my team was

there if i would have stopped what i was

doing and if i would have found a way

i would have walked straight up to her

and i would have said i would have said

french ali listen to me

i am your papa troy and i love you with

all of my heart and she would have

instantly had chains breaking off of her

and she would have ran up to me and she

would have hugged me and she would have

loved me and then i would have said to

her it’s okay for you to speak and she

would have started talking

and in my dream i said that and i said i

hate i miss that one


the the angelic being that was

interviewing me said oh that was a big

one and i said it was a big one and then

the dream was over this franchella this

nine-year-old girl

was so traumatized she was completely

non-verbal she couldn’t speak at all

okay could not speak at all and she and

she really didn’t have any kind of

social communication skills she was just

she would just sit and stare at the wall

she wouldn’t play with other kids

she wouldn’t allow anybody to touch her

and uh it was like serious


yes sir she was in bad bad bad shape

and um and again we had known about it

and we were praying for her but in the


i s the dream that i had which was from

the future it said that had i done this

in the past which was my now

that she would be healed

and so i told my wife

and my wife said okay well you know what

i’ll preach for you on sunday and i said


and so i found a ticket down to the

amazon jungle and i went down to

columbia and then i found another ticket

down to the amazon and then i got there

my team was already there and they were

waiting on me sid i told them about the

dream that i’d had and i said this

little girl’s gonna get healed

and they were excited but they had

already been around her for several days

and they knew how traumatized she was

and they were like okay and i was like

no no she’s gonna get healed watch

and to make a long story short said i

walked straight up to her in the midst

of all these other children and she was

just sitting there

and i said friend i said francelle

you need to know

that i’m your papa troy and i love you

with all i told her i said i love you

with all of my heart and that little

girl looked at me

and instantly the the anointing of the

lord filled the room

chains fell off of that little girl and

she smiled at me and she jumped up and

she ran straight over to me and she

hugged me like she had known me her

entire life

and it was just the glory of the lord

filled the room i was hugging this

little girl and i was crying and she was

just she wouldn’t stop hugging me and

so so much so that when i went to let go

and lean up her little feet came up off

the floor she just wouldn’t let go of me

and all of the workers were amazed and

everybody was clapping and then i looked

at her little face

and i said it’s okay for you to start

talking now and she said

troy and then she started speaking in

portuguese and started and she just

became chatty kathy

my entire team was blown away and that

little girl was restored in an instant

in a moment because of a dream that i


of that was from the future about the

past which was my right now and god

almighty lined it up it was incredible i

i’m just curious because i know the way

it should be

that’s that should be normal but it

isn’t normal let’s be candid

has this happened

other times now i don’t want you to go

into it but i’m just curious or was this

the first time

i’ve seen incredible miracles but i had

never seen that

i had never seen instantly usually said

that is a process it’s a very relational

process the power of the holy spirit is

involved but sometimes it takes years

for these children to be able to have a

right mind

this little girl was instantly healed

redeemed and saved in every way that a

little girl can be and i saw it i saw it

with my own two eyes i i have to believe

that that uh this little girl has got

such a destiny in god to be set free

like that but there this is a very

destiny year that we’re coming into uh

but explain

just basics so people understand when

they hear what’s going to happen this


explain the difference between the

jewish year

uh and the greco-roman year

thank you sid i’d be so happy to do that


number one god loves to speak through

calendars and he loves for us to partner

with him in timing he does specific

things at specific times you know the

bible says god at different times

actually speaks in different ways right

god who has sundry times and in diverse

manners he says

and so there is there are there’s a

couple of different calendars that you

and i operate by and one of course is

the gregorian calendar and we recognize

that in the western world and that is a

sun calendar and it’s based upon the

it’s based upon the sun and then the

other one of course is the hebrew

calendar and the hebrew calendar is a

calendar that is based upon the moon and

in fact is a lunar calendar and so

they’re pretty different

one of the differences is that in a

gregorian day it begins at sun up and

and on a hebrew calendar it begins at

sun down and so they’re they’re

literally that different but they’re

both very important sid whenever it

comes to prophetic things because

because we know that when god speaks

through the sun he’s speaking to the


and when god speaks through the moon

whenever the lord uses the moon as a

prophetic marker he likes to speak to

his covenant people

and which is israel and that’s also the

church and then whenever god likes to

speak through through the prophetic

marker of say the stars that has to do

with his with his children of

inheritance that’s why he told abraham

when he was talking to him about his

children of inheritance he said i want

you to look at the stars so we know that

there will be signs in the sun and in

the moon and also in the stars

and it’s very important for us to know

what god is speaking at specific times

so that we can live what i like to call

an issacarian lifestyle and the bible

says and let’s see where is that it was

in first chronicles it says that the

sons of visicar

had an anointing a prophetic anointing

upon their life to where they knew the

times and the seasons and they knew what

israel ought to do

it is in fact a blessing

if we walk with god in his timing of

things and it is also a curse if we do

not walk with god in his timing of

things the scripture says that whenever

the whenever jesus was talking about

jerusalem he says jerusalem you’ve

missed your day of visitation and i’ve

wanted so much to put to move you into a

place of blessing but i could not

because you did not recognize the times

and the seasons

in deuteronomy 28 it says

it says that in the morning if you don’t

walk with god in the morning you’ll say

i wish it was evening and in the evening

you will see i wish it was morning so if

we walk with god we have to learn how to

walk with him in his timing and

calendars can actually line us up with

that uh the the jewish year 5783

i’d like you to break down the numbers

what do they mean to us

well the number five is a number that

represents grace to overcome

it’s you know grace is god-given ability

to overcome something is one of the the

definitions of the context that the

number five is used in and that’s why

david picked up five smooth stones

there’s so many fives there’s five

ingredients of the anointing oil uh sid

did you know that whenever whenever

joshua marched out from following moses

out of the uh out of egypt and the

promised land he ranked them in fives

no i didn’t actually miss that he wanted

the number five on that event


so the first number means a god-given

ability and and friends i want to just

say to everybody and sid i want to say

this to you my friend there’s a grace

for the day that we live in this is a

hard day but there’s a grace that god

has for us in this day

the second number 57

7 is a number that represents the

manifest spirit of the lord it


it represents spiritual perfection in

the sense of when god wants to make

himself ma manifest he likes to use the

number seven and seven is the most

prolific number in the word of god

there’s more sevens than there are

anything else especially in the book of

revelation and then we come from the 57

into the 83. eight is a number that

represents new beginnings three

represents perfect completion or what i

like to say the whole enchilada you know

outer court inner court most holy place

uh past present future all of that right

so the three things the sun and the moon

and the stars

and if we are to look at the 83 which is

the big

that’s the big part of the number the

57-83 on the hebrew calendar that we’re

looking at 83 is very interesting for a

couple of different reasons number one

we are in the decade of the pay these

are the 80s and pay or i should just say

the number 80 or the letter that

represents it in the hebrew language

is a decade of the mouth or the

declaration the things that we say

matter more now than ever ever ever

before how we line up our mouth with the

word of god matters right now more than

ever before and it also has to do with

with prophetic declaring words coming to

pass it has to do with that and then

there is the three that is part of that

god almighty wants to complete and

finish some things right now one of the

things that that people are hearing god

say all over the world is get your

affairs in order and finish well that

he’s saying you need to get things in

order you need to get things in order

you need to get things in order god

almighty is telling the church to get an

order he’s telling me to get an order

he’s telling all of us and say all these

things that are out of order they need

to come into a focus

and the number three is when you can see

all three stages if you will you know

30-fold 60-fold 100-fold that god’s like

i want to bring some things to full

fruition and i need you to finish some

things but in order to finish well in a

bunch of things which is going to be

happening this year tremendously where

god’s like i’m going to finish some

things but i but but the spirit of the

lord is saying we desperately need to be

people that are willing to put things in

order and it begins with christ is the


that’s where it begins jesus yeshua


is he is the head of all things and if

we don’t get that one thing in order the

rest of it doesn’t matter


you use the word in my notes i have here

you called it the valley of decision


what do you mean by that

in in all of my time of seeking the lord

and i i have been seeking god for a

prophetic word for the year to come



so i’ve been doing this for a long time

i have never seen a time like this right

now where god is saying

there are some tests that you need to

pass right now and make the right

decisions in there’s a grace that god

has given us said to make the right

decisions but he’s not going to let us

ride the fence and he’s not going to let

us just be carried away

with something he’s saying no no you

there is a huge responsibility upon the

people of god to make the right

decisions to stand with god in an

unprecedented way to actually and

there are there are all kinds of

opportunities there are good

opportunities bad opportunities but not

every good opportunity is a god

opportunity for you and so that has to

do with our assignments it has to do

with our purposes it has to do with our

identity and we have to know who we are

we need to know who the father is to us

and who we are to the father and we need

to make solid decisions as leaders and

say no i will not live like that yes i

will live like this it is a tremendous

year of god looking to see what

decisions will you make what are you

going to do with the choices that has

been given to you if you have 700

channels on your to on your television

what are you going to watch if you have

10 000 thoughts what are you going to


this is a tremendous year where the

spirit of the lord is causing us to draw

a line and to make it and make a huge


uh you know it reminds me i had a

prophetic dream as a brand new jewish


so we’re talking about 50 years ago

but i thought about it as

when i was thinking about this interview


and in this dream i too was in heaven

and in heaven it was they didn’t call it

this but i call it this

academy rewards

night not awards rewards night and i’m

sitting and of course a brand new

believer at the time and i am full of

myself i’m not bragging but i’m just

being honest

i am full of myself and they made a big

deal out of me as a jewish believer back

then and i hadn’t even read the new

testament i’m speaking all over the



and you know an academy rewards the

awards night they uh have the uh

the envelope and the drum roll and they

tear open the envelope to see who the

winner is and i am positive that it’s me


in the stream

and they said the name and it wasn’t me

and they pointed to a woman right in

front of me and this was an old woman


old mother intercessor type of woman

and i’m thinking

why would they pick her and rather than

me look i’m speaking all over the place

and i i didn’t know the value of

intercessors back then by the way

and this is what i was whispering in my

ear this is where i was headed

that could have been


and then i woke up

and i said god

i don’t want to miss it

and this is what exactly what you’re

saying this is the year of the valley of

decision and those that are viewing us

right now troy

i pray that you not miss your destiny

and as a matter of fact this is this is

a a

i feel a real need right now there are

people watching us that have made jesus


and praise god for that but they’ve

never made jesus lord

and that’s the decision that god is

giving us the grace for that you’re


this is the time to make jesus your

savior and your lord

and and and i have to tell you

the key word here is surrender

and it’s not easy for us humans

to surrender

but i’m going to do my best

and god’s given me the grace and

and uh all of us that are viewing the


and i want to pray that grace come upon

you but would you say everyone that is

viewing right now this prayer out loud

either reaffirm your faith or

cross over that line to make it real

to make it experiential

and i’m reminded troy of the uh

the ten lepers

leprosy’s a type of sin


can you imagine see the difference is

the lepers knew they had the leprosy

their skin was on the outside the sins

are on the inside and no one else knows

you’re in sin but god knows that you’re

in sin

repeat this prayer out loud with me and

mean it to the best of your ability this


your year of decision this is your

valley of decision

say out loud dear god

i’ve made many mistakes

for which i’m so sorry

i believe

the blood of jesus

washes away my mistakes

and because of your grace

i am forgiven

and all of my mistakes are forgotten

and i’m clean

and now that i’m clean

jesus come and live inside of me

i make you lord

over me

lord over every area of my life

give me the grace

to walk out my destiny


well tell me tell me

about the connection

between 57 57-83 i found this

fascinating i don’t know how you know

all this stuff troy

the connection between the year the

jewish year 57 83

and the signs in the heavens

amen my brother well sir there will be

signs in the sun and in the moon and the

stars and you know what i’m i’m just now

remembering this sid two years ago

on rosh hashanah ruth bader ginsburg

died and the word went out on rosh

hashanah that roe v wade was going to be

overturned and i was with i was doing a

prophetic conference and the word went

out in the house and we were just

shouting roe v wade will be overturned

and then this year we saw it it actually

happened and it happened at a time when

it was very impossible for it to happen

it was totally impossible uh because the

proponents of abortion in our nation

were actually in charge of the senate

they were in charge of the congress they

were also in charge of the current

administration it’s like it can’t happen

it did happen and on the day that it

happened sid there was a planetary

parade was taking place

on the day that it happened this year

and it was like okay it was during a

month here where we were having all

these parades all over the place and

then the heavens gave a parade and then

roe v wade was overturned that happened

this year in the month of june

and just exactly like that just like


man what the spirit of the lord is doing

this year is so incredible with with

what’s happening in the heavens because

if you look at 5783

the 83rd constellation out of the 88

that are recognized

is ursa major now we call ursa major the

big dipper that’s what we call it and

the job of ursa major

is it’s the seven stars and we know that

in the book of revelation chapter 2 he

says i’m the one that holds the seven

stars in my hand ursa major is the seven

stars and it points to polaris which

represents the throne of jesus the north

star and that’s the one that all the

other star circles said and we know that

we know that everything circles the

throne saying holy holy holy is the lord

god almighty who was and who is and who

is yet to come i think that there is an

evangelical anointing to point to jesus

during the dark times and the good times

of the year to come and i think that the

heavens actually declared that because

of the 83rd constellation out of the 88

is the seven stars and you know the

bible even mentions it in job chapter 9

verse 9 he says he talks about the bear

that’s ursa major orion and pleiades in

the chambers of the south in job 38 he

says can you bring the maserath in his

season or can you guide the great bear

with his cubs the great bear’s job in

the heaven

which is the big dipper is to point

people to jesus it’s the seven churches

it’s the seven stars our job is to point

people to jesus this year and all that

has to do with the number 83.


to me

that what that’s saying is first of all

it’s saying

the great bear that jumps out at me

that’s russia

i can picture a great revival going i

mean the russians are as many of them

are as broken as the ukrainians that

this is going on this war it’s horrific

where a whole country is being destroyed

before our very eyes

and i believe that this is going to be a

breaking moment

that there is going to be a great

revival going on there and and i i i

know you’ve heard the prophecies that

many great men and women of god have had

throughout the years that we’re coming

into a harvest season like the world has

never seen before i hear that in what

you’re teaching

that it’s going to be a harvest time

like never before

i have a friend of mine that just came

back from he’s he’s he’s actually

ukrainian and we do a big work in


and he just came back from ukraine uh

his whole world has been devastated he

was actually

he was actually kidnapped and held

hostage by the russians for a long time

and he saw a revival among his


he saw he saw them give their hearts to

king jesus he saw those soldiers

actually say we don’t even know we don’t

even know what makes sense in this world

anymore our world doesn’t make sense and

the glory of god showed up and he

reached those people for jesus so when

you see the great bear is the 83rd

it’s the 83rd constellation and by the

way the pointer star is 83 light years


and again we’re in just a reminder we’re

in 57 83 that’s why he’s tying that in

that’s all right and so no let there be

a tremendous revival and let the people

of god let the voice

let the voice of god be so

amazing among god’s people that we can

point clearly to king jesus and let

there be revival this year in jesus name

i’ll tell you what this is so jam-packed

with truth

but the greatest truth that i’ve been

proclaiming from the rooftops if you



the greatest glory



of god

is coming to earth that’s probably tied

in with that grace because i think it’s

starting it’s actually started this year

but it’s going to keep growing it in

this coming year it’s what i’m hearing

you say

yes sir

you know and again it has to do with the

decisions and and again get getting back

to that to actually be consecrated to

the lord so so the path to holiness has

to do with consecration and

sanctification consecration is a

determination to say i will i’m gonna

i’m gonna hear god speak i’m gonna speak

the word of god i’m gonna read the word

of god i’m gonna hear the word of god

i’m gonna do those things and i’m gonna

live a kingdom lifestyle sanctification

is when you’re just when you when you

say this thing only belongs to the lord

we need to decide that we only belong to

the lord and then holiness is when the

habitation of the lord resides in it so

this is a tremendous time and a

tremendous season of that sid and i want

to just encourage everybody and just say

this that

the decisions that we make this year

will greatly affect

how we are rewarded or how we’re messed

up in the year to follow and there’s a

grace on us for this

and uh i can’t get away with it i can’t

shout it enough and i’m so grateful to

be able to share with you today thank

you sid and that is a great last word

but i have i have to remind you

take advantage of the grace that is here

this is your time to break free

and surrender all to god and what you


his grace is sufficient watch him move

in your life

be blessed may the glory of god overtake

you in jesus name amen
