If you are dealing with a health challenge, we are believing with you for your breakthrough, and we speak the Lord’s healing over you. As you stand in faith for your complete healing, be sure to practice both faith and wisdom. Be sure to consult a qualified medical practitioner or healthcare provider regarding your health status, and do not, on your own accord, disregard any professional medical advice or stop taking your medication. We are praying for you and look forward to hearing your praise report!

God’s heart is always into

But we must do it God’s way.

If we put human strength
into the whole thing,

God will not give His glory to

Look at the areas of your life
that you are weak in. Amen.

And rejoice!

Rejoice because that area of
weakness allows

God’s power to flow in that area.

In this year of
rest and acceleration,

everything that we do is

When He leads you do
something, that means His

strength accompanies that leading.

It is the broken places that
invites His repairing.


Hi, this is Joseph Prince!
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Be blessed as you feed
on God’s Word today!

Greetings, church. Welcome
back to the study of God’s Word.

The most exciting study
that you can ever be involved

in. You know, I want all of
you to become like people like

revelation addicts, you know,
you are looking for fresh

revelations from God’s Word,
especially pertaining to

Christ, the wonderful person
of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Because very soon, He’ll be
the centre of this earth. The

whole world’s government will
all revolve around the Lord

Jesus Christ. He’s gonna come
back and rule from Jerusalem.

And we’re looking forward for
the rapture, Amen. It can

happen anytime. He’ll rapture
us first, and then seven years

of tribulation on earth, at
the end of which He’ll return.

And we’ll come with Him, to
rule with Him. Praise the

Lord. And friends, Bible
prophesies about the coming of

the Lord, and the millennial
rule of Jesus Christ is

abundant throughout the Old
Testament. And we know that

every other prophecy of His
first coming have all been

fulfilled. Everything, to the
very location where He’ll be

born, the tribe from which He
will come. The nature of His

birth, the virgin birth. And
the manner of His death. All

that is prophesied in detail,
even the fact that He’ll be

pierced and crucified, at that
time prophesised when they did

not practise that. You know,
the Jewish means of execution

at that time was by stoning,
alright. It was a later-on

invention of the Romans…the
Phoenicians and then the

Romans that came later. Yet,
the prophet who lived before

crucifixion was invented,
prophesied that Jesus would

be pierced. And all that has
come to pass. So we know that

there are also prophesies of
His second coming. And some

people confuse the two. No,
there’s the first coming of

our Lord Jesus Christ. He came
to bring grace, Amen,

forgiveness of sins. And He
died on the cross for that

perfect work to remove all our
sins. And to cause us to stand

before God; holy, blameless,
in the righteousness of God in

Christ Jesus, Amen. That’s the
first coming of our Lord. You

know when Jesus preached that
His first coming in the

synagogue, in His hometown
Nazareth, He came to the part

where He says, “The Spirit of
the Lord is upon me.” And He

said, “…to preach the
acceptable year of the Lord.”

And then He closed the book.
Now where He closed, actually,

in our Bibles, is a comma. The
following words is, “…the day

of vengeance of our God.” But
you see, He closed the book

on, “the acceptable year of
the Lord,” because His first

coming is to bring grace,
Amen, not judgement, Amen.

It’s to bring grace. And He
died on the cross, Amen, to

give us that forgiveness of
sins, and salvation, and right

standing with God. So that has
been accomplished, He has

come. We are still in the
acceptable year of the Lord.

We are still in this
dispensation of grace, the

acceptable year of the Lord.
And the Bible says that He

said, “the acceptable year.”
“Year” is longer than the day.

Thank God it’s only the “day”
of vengeance. “Day” is

limited. So, we know there is
going to be seven years of

tribulation. And during that
time is the day of judgement,

the day of the Lord. And we
know He’s going to come and

execute judgement at the end
of it. And upon all the

ungodly, and upon all the
people who have rebelled

against Him. We know that He
will do a clean sweep. But the

day of judgement is coming at
the end of the seven years of

tribulation. But praise God,
we are still in the

dispensation of grace and God
is still reaching out to

people that are lost. And
that’s what Amos was

prophesising in Amos 9:11.
Once again, let’s look at the

Scripture verse. “In that day
will I raise up the tabernacle

of David that is fallen, and
close up the breaches thereof;

and I will raise up his ruins,
and I will build it as in the

days of old. That they may
possess the remnant of Edom,

and of all the heathen,” or in
the Hebrew, Gentiles goyim,

“which are called by My name,
saith the LORD that doeth

this.” Notice that when God
raises the tabernacle of

David, and repairs all its
breaches, all its damages, God

says, “In that day, I will
also cause My people to

possess the remnant of Edom.”
But notice that in the Hebrew,

He uses the word, “Edom,”
right? The word “Edom” is

used. And that tells us also
of the truth about Obed-Edom,

and the blessing on Obed-Edom.
Because Obed-Edom…his name is

Obed-Edom. And here we have
the remnant of Edom. So I

think there is a suggestion
here; divine hint, if you

would, of the story of
Obed-Edom. Just like Obed-Edom

is a Gentile…he’s actually a
Philistine. He’s a Gittite,

the Bible tells us, and a
Gentile. And he actually

enjoyed the blessings of God
during the dispensation of the

law that was given to Israel.
And yet he enjoyed the

blessings of God upon himself,
upon all that he had, and upon

his household. And the Bible
says that when God raises a

tabernacle of David; which He
is doing right now all over

the world, especially
throughout this year. He has

given us this specific Word
that He is repairing all the

breaches and all the damaged
areas of the tabernacle of

David. And the tabernacle of
David is actually a picture of

the church of Jesus Christ
that God is building, the

house of God in these last
days, of which you and I are

members of, okay. And then He
says that, when He raises up

the tabernacle of David, He’s
gonna repair all the broken

places. And right after the
first breach…and the word

breach here is the same word
used in the story of Uzzah,

when he put forth his hand to
touch, to steady the ark; and

he fell dead. The Lord stuck
him dead, the Bible tells us

that. And David was afraid,
and he called that place

Perez, which is “breached”.
Uzzah, Peraz-Uzzah; or you can

say “the breaking of
strength”. Because Uzzah; his

name means “strength”. And God
is breaking human strength.

Because human strength is
man’s pride. And man does not

know that he’s not able. Man
does not know that, as a

sinner, he cannot. Jesus says,
“Without Me, you can do

nothing.” And yet we say, “No,
I don’t really believe that. I

believe that there are some
things I can’t do. Maybe the

big stuff, like the miracles
and all that. But I’m sure I

can do something, not
nothing?” But no, Jesus says,

“Without Me, you can do
nothing.” And yet, the life

even of believers, is like, we
are always putting forth, you

know, even in the area of
living a life glorifying God.

If we are using Uzzah, we are
using strength, alright. Then,

we are sure doomed to fail.
Just like Israel boasted at

the foot of Mount Sinai, even
before God gave them the Ten

Commandments; they boasted and
said, “All that God says, we

are able to do it. And we will
do it.” Na’aseh, right, in the

Hebrew. “We can do it, we will
do it.” And man presume on his

own strength, which he had
none. The Bible says Christ

died for all of us who are
without strength. And yet man

presume on his own strength,
on his own righteousness which

he had none. And at the foot
of Mount Sinai, the moment man

boasted in his strength, the
very next thing you see is the

golden calf. Which is what,
the Ten Commandments, the very

first commandment is “You
shall have no other gods

before Me.” And man worshipped
that golden calf. So you see,

just putting your strength to
want to keep the law produces

the opposite. And that’s the
very thing about not being

under law. We’re not saying,
become lawless. Become without

morality in your life. Without
holiness…no, no of course not.

But we are saying that the
moment you try to keep the

law, then you’re destined to
fail. You’re destined to

produce the opposite. Not the
law is giving you strength to

sin. But the law is revealing
that you cannot. So when you

try to keep it, it’s like the
mirror. Nothing wrong with the

mirror. If you look at the
mirror and you see ugly, the

mirror did not make you ugly,
okay. The mirror is just a

reflection of revealing who
you are. So if you go to the

law, and you try to keep the
law, it’s going to reveal who

you are. And what you are is a
sinner. And you cannot but

sin. And that, even for the
believer, if you try to keep

the law, the law is designed…
the strength of sin is the

law. And God tells the
believer, “You are not under

the law. But you are under
grace.” And what’s going to

happen when that happens? When
you are truly under grace, sin

will have no dominion over
you. It is amazing that, for

David, he actually allowed the
tabernacle of Moses to exist

on Mount Gibeon at the same
time, together with…on Mount

Zion; his tabernacle, the
tabernacle of David, where he

brought the ark to. You know,
when David brought back the

ark to Mount Zion, alright, at
the same time, over at Mount

Gibeon, six miles away, the
tabernacle of Moses was there,

with all it’s furnitures, with
all it’s holy furnitures. The

bronze altar, the lever. And
everything to do with the

tabernacle of Moses was there.
Here we have a picture of the

tabernacle of Moses, and we
can see all these was brought

to Mount Gibeon, just about
six miles away from Jerusalem,

from Mount Zion. And if you
look into the holy place,

let’s step into the holy
place; this is what you see,

in the tabernacle of Moses.
And there is a veil. A veil

means…it speaks of…there is a
separation between God, a holy

God, a thrice-holy God and
sinful man. So man can only go

in, the high priest can only
go in once a year. And that,

with the blood of another,
Amen. Innocent blood, the

blood of a lamb, the blood of
the bulls and goats, is the

only reflection of the blood
of Jesus. And only by that

means can he enter the Holy of
Holies. Whereas for the

tabernacle of David, if you
look at the tabernacle of

David; there is no veil,
right? There’s just open

worship, worshipping God,
Amen. Coming before God

boldly. None of them afraid of
dying, because the Bible says

that having therefore boldness
to enter the Holy of Holies,

the holiest, by the blood of
Jesus, in a new and living

way. A new and living way.
It’s as if to say, whereas the

old way… The tabernacle of
Moses; the more you come,

chances of you committing a
sin in thought, word or deed

is great, therefore chances of
you dying is great, okay. So

the more you come, chances are
you may die. And hence the

phrase used a lot in the
tabernacle of Moses; God says,

“Don’t do this, lest you die.
Don’t come near, lest you die.

Don’t do that, lest you die.”
Whereas, in the new approach,

praise the Lord; shed by the
blood of Jesus Christ,

inaugurated by His flesh,
praise the Lord, at the cross;

God has opened up. In the
moment Jesus died, at the

moment Jesus gave up the
Spirit, the Bible says God

tore the veil in the temple,
Amen. Indicating what? The

separation between sinful man
and a holy God is no longer

there. It’s as if God stepped
out. I believe it’s not so

much for us to step in, it’s
God stepping out and welcoming

sinful man into His arms.
Because right now God has a

righteous foundation to
receive sinners into His holy

presence. And man can come in.
in fact, the more you come,

the Bible says, “Today we come
in a new and living way.”

Living way means it’s a new
and living way, as opposed to

the old and dying way. New and
living way means the more you

come, the more you come alive.
The more you come alive. So if

there are areas in your life
where death has set in. For

example, death setting into
the emotions, into the mind is

reflected in a state of
depression. It’s a form of

death. When a marriage breaks
down, it’s a form of death. We

think of death as only the
ultimate when your heart stops

beating. But for God, when God
talks about death, it is areas

of death. Not just the
cessation of physical human

life, but death to God…even
after the first death, there

is also a second death; the
lake of fire in hell. So God

talks about death in its
different forms, and Jesus

came…listen…Jesus came to
release us from sin, as well

as also from death. Because
death is a consequence of sin.

Hallelujah. And God sees death
as an enemy. The Bible says

the last enemy to be put under
His feet is death. That is

physical death. But meanwhile
there are forms of death that

try to come in. So in the
story of David bringing back

the ark, right, there was a
death in Uzzah. Uzzah

experienced death because of
what his name implies,

alright. God hides truths and
all that, especially in the

Old Testament in names. You
can see in names that there

are truths that God wants to
reveal to us, Amen. And we see

that Uzzah; his name means
“strength”. So man puts forth

his strength and the result is
death. It is always, today,

when you put forth your
strength, you experience death

in that area. When you try to
save something with your own

strength, the result is the
opposite of what you want to

see, okay. Death comes in. And
death in relationships means,

you know, you are no more on
good terms. You are no more

flowing in a good relationship
with that person. That means

death has come in, okay. So
death can come in any area of

our life. And there is an
offering called the offering

of the red heifer, the ashes
of the red heifer, in the book

of Numbers. Very interesting,
it is not numbered among the

offerings of Leviticus, but in
the book of Numbers. Why?

Because the book of Numbers is
the book of wandering. And

when Israel is wandering in
the wilderness, they might

touch a dead carcass. They
might touch a bone. And God

says all these are tokens of
death. So today…you know I

remember one time, I picked up
a book in a book shop. And

it’s all about the occult, you
know, it tells you about

visualisation and things like
that. But the author knows how

to drop a few verses here and
there, you know, talking

about, “as a man thinks in his
heart, so is he”, “if he can

believe all things are
possible”; just to make it

sound Christian. And I thought
it was a Christian book at

first…this was many years ago.
And I picked it up, and I sort

of read through it and all
that. And then when I realised

it was occultic actually, with
some Scripture verses, I

closed the book. I remember
Pastor Mark was with me in

that bookstore and I closed
the book. But after I closed

the book, I was walking around
in the store with him and our

families were elsewhere, they
were shopping and I was

spending time with Pastor
Mark. I felt like there was a

headache. I had a heavy
headache, you know, it was

very strong headache and it’s
not normal. And I went to the

restroom and I prayed and
asked God for healing. And I

heard God’s voice telling me,
“Son, this headache is because

you touch death.” I say, “How,
how did I touch death?” And

that’s the very word that God
used, “You touched death.” I

said, “How did I touch death?
You read that book”. And I, I

wasn’t listening to His Spirit
telling me, put the book down.

There was no green light.
There was no, in fact there

was an inner forbidding, not
to touch the book. So, there

are things like this, friends.
And you know something? You

know, I told the Lord, “Lord I
receive Lord anew, the

cleansing blood of Jesus. And
I receive Lord right now, the

liberation Lord, that come
from the law of the Spirit of

life in Christ, Jesus, I thank
You, Lord Jesus, that, that

there, you know, the ashes of
the red heifer is actually a

picture of the blood of Jesus
and, and, you know, the final

form of a being in this case,
the cow, the female cow is

actually ashes. When you burn
it up, it becomes ashes. Ashes

means finished work. So, you
need to apply the work of

Jesus upon the situation. So,
I applied the work of Jesus

and you know, what happened?
Just like that, the headache

left, the headache just gone.
Amen. And there’s a

restoration of life. I went
back to God in a new and

living way. Amen. And I
received that life. The law of

the spirit of life in Christ
Jesus has set me free from the

law of sin and death. Amen!
And that’s exactly what

happened. So, we can touch
death unknowingly. So, there

was death in the story of
Uzzah and David call it the

breach of Uzzah, or literally
you put the meaning of the

name and all that together,
the breaking of human

strength, the breaking of
strength. So, you look at what

is happening around the world
today for the past two years.

Alright, I believe the Lord is
allowing, you know, He has no

sickness or disease to send,
you know, Jesus says, “He,

that has seen Me, has seen the
Father.” And what do you see

Jesus doing in the gospels?
Always going about doing good,

healing all that were oppress
of the devil. But when man

become so proud and man does
not see their need of God, God

can just lift one finger of
His protection. And friend,

that’s a breaking of strength.
Whose strength? Man’s strength

that man might see his need of
God’s strength, God’s power in

his life. You see friend, for
us, we should rejoice. When we

see areas in our life where
God is breaking our strength,

it is because these are the
areas He wants to manifest His

strength. The apostle Paul
says it like this. When he

prayed to the Lord, because
there was an area that he

doesn’t seem to find victory
over. There was an area in his

life that he does not see a
breakthrough. And he prayed to

the Lord three times, that
this area, this, this thorn in

the flesh, and it’s not a
disease by the way, all right.

I can prove that to you where
the Bible must interpret

Bible. And when Bible talks
about thorns in your sides and

all that in the Old Testament,
is referring to the enemies,

physical enemies. And Paul
said in that story, in that

passage, that a messenger of
Satan was assigned to him to

frustrate his ministry to
frustrate his areas of service

to God. And he plead with God
that this might be removed out

of his life, that this
messenger of Satan will be

bound completely. But God said
this to him, God said “My

grace is sufficient for you
for My strength…” And that

word strength there is dunamis
in the Greek by which we get

our word, dynamo, dynamite.
God says My dynamite strength

is made perfect in your
weakness, not in your

strength, in your weakness. So
actually, we should celebrate

all the areas of our lives
that are weak. You know, human

nature is such that we always
want to show our strong side

to people. We always want to
show our good side to people.

And that’s why, if you’re
always hooked on social media,

you look at other people’s
Instagram, where it’s

specially curated to present
their best self, the best part

of their life. And it’s all,
it’s all done in such a way,

they’ll never show you their
areas of weakness. They’ll

only show you their good parts
and it’s especially curated to

present that. But friend, you
know, if you’re into that, let

me just tell you, don’t waste
your time. Okay. It’s all the

same story. Don’t waste your
time. Your time is too

precious. Your life is too
precious. Time is passing by.

Let’s use it for the glory of
God. Hallelujah. Amen. Redeem

time. Be wise. Amen. Buy back
time. Redeem time means, buy

back the time. And one area I
see people involve in is

social media. They’re really
addicted to it. Free yourself

today in the name of the Lord,
Jesus Christ! Amen! As sons

and daughters of God, we can
always rejoice that it is in

the areas of our weakness that
God’s strength, God’s dynamite

power can be manifested, can
be released. So if that’s so,

let’s look at all the areas of
our weakness and you know what

Paul said right after that?
Rather, I will glory, most

gladly, I will rather boast,
the word “glory” there is “I

will boast in my infirmities,
in my weaknesses for when I am

weak, then I am strong.” So,
look at the areas of your life

that you are weak in. Amen and
rejoice. Not for that

weakness, but because rejoice,
because that area of weakness

allows God’s power to flow in
that area. Praise the Lord,

you know, I grew up even in a
secondary school, in high

school, right, with a
stuttering problem. I could

not string a sentence together
without stuttering. The same

teacher, I still remember will
come in and make me stand up

just for the sheer fun of
seeing me stammer. I felt

embarrassed because in a co-ed
school, you know, you have

girls there and you are very
sensitive. And at that age,

you know, to what the opposite
sex thinks about you and the

girls will be laughing and
that really hurts. My ears

would turn red. And I tried
all kinds of device. I read

different psychological books,
you know, to how to overcome

this stammering. And the more
I tried, listen, the more I

tried, the worse I got, the
more I tried to not stammer, I

stammered. Until one day,
after I became a believer, the

Lord said to me this, “Son
give me your area of

weakness.” And I realised that
the most glaring and the most

prominent weakness in my life
was this stammering. And I

said to the Lord, “Lord, if
You’ll have this stammering,

right? Whatever, you know, if
You can remove this stammering

from my life, I will gladly
serve You.” And I felt

honestly, I felt pity for the
Lord because I felt like He

didn’t get a good deal, Amen,
to have me it’s not a good

deal. But I said, “Lord, if
You can do something with this

stammering, I give you this
stammering.” Now God, listen

is not as if God removed that
stammering. But what happened

is that in the very area of
stammering, God actually

released His power. And when
God released His power is not

something that you are always
physically conscious of it.

You can feel it. In fact, I
felt my weakness. I felt my

stammering, but after I gave
it to the Lord, it was amazing

that I can say a few words and
that word, those words are

words that, that carried
impact with others. I would

think that I gave a speech in
class or before a crowd, and I

felt like I did not do a good
job, but later on they’ll come

back and say, well, that
really impacted us, that

really spoke to us. And then I
was asked to preach in a, in a

youth service. And I preached
my first message. I still

remember, I preach on the
power of the name of Jesus.

That was my first sermon. Of
course, before that I was

asked to preach in a Sunday
school and my audience were

children. I would preach to
them and I’ll find that they

were listening attentively,
even children that were, you

know, naturally mischievous
and active, over kind of

hyperactive. They would sit
down and listen. And I

realised that something is
happening to my words. It

seems like God is putting His
power, His dunamis on my

words. And then when I was
asked to preach to the youth

service and talked about the
power of the name of Jesus,

and there was a release of
God’s power to heal bodies

even. And I was amazed because
I don’t feel in and of myself,

I don’t feel the strength what
I felt physically and

emotionally was weakness. But
what was released was the

power of God. So that sort of
gave me a new mindset, about

areas of weaknesses in our
life. And that’s the same for

you. If you have a lot of
weaknesses, then a lot of

God’s power can be released in
your life. A lot more of that

power can be released because
you’ve got more weaknesses.

So, rejoice in all your areas
of weakness, in all your areas

of breaking, God’s going to
rebuilt, not in other areas,

but in the very area of your
weakness. In the very area

where there’s a breaking of
strength. Amen. There’ll be

the blessing of Obed Edom,
which happened right after the

story of the Perez Uzzah,
Uzzah died. The blessing of

God came on Obed Edom because
David moved the ark to Obed

Edom. So, it seems like, you
know, God’s heart is always

into blessing, but we must do
it God’s way. If we put human

strength into the whole thing,
God will not give His glory to

another. If God allows you to
have the victory because of

your strength, who gets the
glory? You know, you will get

the glory. You might say, oh,
it’s all God and all that. But

inwardly, you know, you put in
the strength. You’ll want to

share the glory. That’s human
nature. So, God will give His

glory to no other but Himself.
Amen. Amen to God be all the

glory. I always say it like
this, and I’m saying this

reverently, if God wants to
get all the glory, let Him do

all the work. Amen. Let Him do
all the work, in me, through

me, for me. Amen. So, it
doesn’t mean that your life

become a life of passivity, a
life of laziness. No. In fact,

just like Jesus, He was so
active in three and a half

years. He finished all the
work, the Father assigned Him.

Amen! And at the cross He
cried, “It is finished.” So

likewise, we can be restful
and yet everything that we do.

Amen, like in this year of
rest and acceleration,

everything that we do is
accelerated. We are resting.

Amen, the more you rest and
rest there means, rest from

your human strength and
trusting the Lord. So rest is

not inactivity. Rest is Spirit
directed activity, because

when the Spirit of God leads
you usually in those areas

that He leads you, are areas
whereby you can only do it by

Him. Amen. You can only do it
by His strength. When He leads

you to do something, that
means His strength accompanies

that leading. You cannot put
forth your strength because

you are following His leading,
but in other areas where you

are not led like David, he was
not led in the area of

carrying the ark. The ark is
supposed to be carried on the

shoulders of the, of the
priests. And yet he allowed it

to be done the Philistines’
way, the world’s way and what

happened? Death. So likewise,
when you follow the Spirit,

you will always have the
strength of God accompanying

your tasks. But whenever you
do it your way, your strength,

Amen, deviating from the path
of the leading of God’s

Spirit, you will find that the
result is death. You see when

David came to take the ark
from Obed Edom’s house, the

Bible tells us that the
Levites were carrying now that

they got it right. Amen, they
would carry on their

shoulders. And the Bible says,
“God helped the Levites.” Now

for Uzzah, because it’s on the
oxcart, there’s no record of

God helping the oxen, because
it wasn’t God’s way, it

wasn’t, God’s leading, but
here you have the phrase, “God

helped the Levites.” Now in
the Jewish writings, they say

that the moment the ark
touched the shoulders of the

priests and it’s a very heavy
ark, alright the ark of the

Covenant is very heavy, about
288 pounds. And the moment it

touched the shoulders of the
priests is as if it lifted

them, they felt light and
easy. Does that remind you of

what Jesus said? “My yoke is
easy. Take My yoke upon you.

My yoke is easy and My burden
is light.” Amen. You know,

people think that to serve the
Lord is hard. That’s what the

devil wants you to think.
Actually, the Bible says the

way of the transgressors, is
hard, is hard! If you are

addicted to gambling or you
are addicted to alcoholism and

all that. Is hard, it’s a hard
life. Though, your way is

hard. You cannot sleep
properly. You don’t have the

peace. You are stressed all
the time. You know, you’re

throwing up. You’re not
conscious. You don’t have the

full use of the faculties of
your mind. It’s hard. It’s a

hard life and your
relationship with your family

is hard. Everything becomes
hard. The way of the

transgressors, the way of the
sinners is hard. Don’t think

for one moment they are
enjoying their life. Amen.

They are finding it a hard
life. But to serve the Lord,

the devil wants to put the
whole thing. You know, sin is

fun. Sin is easy, you know,
there is such a thing as

pleasure of sin for a season.
It doesn’t last, but joy

unspeakable, is for all
eternity. That joy you

experience, whenever you do
things the way God wants you

to and you’re led by the
Spirit, you find there’s a joy

and there’s a peace. In fact,
the Bible says it like this,

“That David brought the Ark
out right from the house of

Obed Edom, he brought it out
with gladness.” Hallelujah!

You don’t find that phrase,
okay of gladness where

earlier, before Uzzah story.
Right, but here you find

there’s gladness. For the
first time you see the word

“gladness”. Why? Because he’s
doing it God’s way. I’m sure

you’ve experienced that so
many times. Amen. When you are

led by the Lord and you do
things the way God wants you

to do it. Amen. There’s a joy,
there’s a gladness and I’m

telling you, my friend, all
the billions in the world

cannot buy you that. “My yoke
is easy and My burden is

light.” Don’t let the devil
brainwash you into thinking

that the Christian life is a
hard life, okay, the sinner’s

life is an enjoyable,
fun-filled life. It’s the

opposite. The way of the
transgressors is hard, Amen,

the way of the Lord Jesus, and
He says, “I come, that you

might have life and have it
more abundantly, joy

unspeakable, full of glory.”
“My yoke is easy and My burden

is light.” Is there
responsibilities for us to

fulfil? Is there a service for
us to execute in the kingdom

of God? Yes, there is. But His
yoke is easy, and His

responsibilities, His burden,
is light. Amen. Hallelujah.

Praise the Lord. It’s like,
you know, driving a car

without power steering.
Remember those days when those

cars without power steering?
You really got to turn around

just to make a right turn, and
you’ve got to use a lot of

effort. But with power
steering, you just have to

steer the direction and the
power takes over. That’s how I

like to describe flowing with
the Spirit. The moment you

take the direction the Holy
Spirit is leading you to,

Amen, or certain actions He
wants you to execute, the

moment you obey Him on that,
you follow His flow, Bang! The

power steering sets in, Amen.
His dunamis sets in, and you

are borne along. It’s as if
the yoke and the

responsibilities become light,
easy. Hallelujah. Praise the

Lord. So, when we look at the
Lord Jesus, and we meditate,

and we’re conscious of His
love for us, we end up loving

Him, and that love propels us
to love other people. The

Bible use this word, “The love
of Christ constraints us.” You

know, if you’re swimming up a
river, and all of a sudden

there’s like a sudden gush of
flood waters coming towards

you. I don’t care how strong
you are, you may have biceps

like Pastor Lawrence, you
know, but the more you try to

swim upstream, you’ll be borne
along by the currents, by the

strong waters, right, that’s
the word “constrain”. It is

like, it constraints you. The
love of Christ constraints us.

We don’t do things in the
Christian life obligingly,

alright, in a hard way. No,
no. we do things in a

constrained way. And what’s
the thing that constraints us?

The love of Christ – that
becomes the motivating force

behind everything that we do
when we’re conscious of His

love for us, we love our wives
as Christ loves the church. We

love our children, we love
those around us, and that’s

why the Bible says, “We love
because He first loved us.”

Amen. He is the first cause,
and the effect is that we love

everyone around us, Amen. But
if the first cause has been

removed, the devil has
successfully caused you to

lose sight of Jesus and His
love for you, then it will cut

off all these areas as well.
Okay? So, in the last days, as

God rebuild all the breaches,
and notice the word there is

plural, not just one area of
break like the breaking of

human strength. But every
other area that is broken and

needs repair, needs rebuilding
in our lives. This year, this

year, the Lord is going to do
that in your life, Amen. As He

rebuilds the church as a whole
all over the world, I believe

that God is right now in the
process of rebuilding. And let

me just say something about
God’s rebuilding and God’s

restoring. When God rebuilds
it is always greater in

quality or quantity. That’s
His nature. Throughout the

Bible, it’s always, the
restoration of God is always

greater than what you have
lost. Praise the Lord. Even

though, the Bible says, “I
restored that which I took not

away.” God is not the one who
took away from you. The Lord

Jesus said, “The devil, the
thief comes to steal, kill and

destroy, but I’ve come that
you might have life, and have

it more abundantly.” So,
friend, I just want to

encourage you, right, this
year, let’s endeavour, okay,

to enter into rest. Notice,
when I say, “Let’s endeavour.”

Some people say, “I’ll do my
best. Okay, I’m going to

exert.” What? Human strength?
No, that’s not the way. The

Bible use the word, it’s an
oxymoron, that sentence is

really a contradiction, it
seems, in terms, but it says,

“Let us labour, therefore, to
enter the rest.” There’s a

labour to enter the rest. So,
we work at resting. We labour

for what? Resting. So, our
problem, if we know that our

flesh is the problem, for
example, let’s say you have an

area, anger is your problem,
okay. So, watch out for the

first reaction. If someone
says something and then your

first reaction is always to
hit back or to say something

or to react, don’t be a person
that just reacts, okay. Don’t

let people push your button so
easily. Don’t be so easily

manipulated or controlled. You
know, people say, “Watch this,

I can push this button and
he’ll get angry.” Don’t become

someone, easily manipulated,
okay, be independent, in a

healthy way in the Lord. Amen.
Let the Lord be the one to

lead you and guide you. So, in
your reaction, for example, if

you’re angry, what do you do?
Inwardly rest, say, “Lord,

You’ve got this. Rest. Amen.
Just rest. Praise the Lord.”

The moment you feel like
saying, just rest, rest in the

Lord. And you’ll be surprised,
when you stop trying to be a

Christian in that area, you
end up with the life of Christ

flowing in you. The more you
try to love someone, for

example, you’ve got a problem
with a colleague, you know, at

work, and you know, he always
seems to say something that

provokes you, or he will say
something that rubs you the

wrong way, what do you do?
“I’ll do my best to love him.

Tomorrow I’ll say something
nice to him. I’ll purposely

say something nice to him.”
No, that’s not the way. The

way of the Lord is, don’t even
try. Say, “Lord, You’ve got

this. Thank You for Your love
flowing in my heart. Thank

You, Lord, I will just follow
Your Spirit.” Don’t even try

to love him. And guess what?
The very next day, you’ll be

loving him even without trying
to. In fact, you will be

loving him sometimes
unconsciously, only to find

that at the end of the day,
“Wow, I didn’t lose temper, I

didn’t lose my cool. It seems
like the Lord took over.” And

that’s exactly what happens.
That, my friend, is the

Christian life. So, we have to
look at areas of our weakness.

Already your weakness is
helping you to break down that

strength, right? That’s the
idea of weakness. A weakness

means breaking down of
strength. So, your areas of

weakness actually is helping
you. So, the more you see

those areas. But none of us
are so free from our own

strength as we think we are.
You know, it’s like a drowning

person. You cannot save him
until he’s completely void,

destitute of strength. As long
as he has strength still, he

will pull you down with him.
He will struggle against your

help. So, we’re not as weak as
we think we are. We need God’s

intervention in our lives. So,
the more we rest, the more we

say, “I’m not going to put in
the strength.” It is not a

life of laziness. It is not a
life of passivity. It’s a most

active life, because now, the
power that energises you is

not your own. It’s like the
burning bush. It is burning

and burning, yet, it’s not
consumed. You’re not burnt

out. You’re burning all the
time. Burn up, my friend. And

people will come and watch you
burn. Amen. Burn up for the

glory of God, but not burnt
out. Hallelujah. Praise the

Lord. Now, the Obed-Edom’s
blessing. The Bible tells us,

we learnt last week the secret
found in his name, as well as

what David did. One of the
first things David did that he

didn’t do before Uzzah’s
death, when he brought the ark

from Gilead-Yarim, was to
offer blood sacrifice, right,

which he did, which means, the
name ‘Obed-Edom’, the servant

of Edom. Edom can also mean
mankind, like I said just now,

when the Lord restores the
tabernacle of David, the name

of Obed-Edom is there, “That
they may possess the remnant

of Edom,” right. And here,
Acts 15 tells us, in Acts 15

when James quoted Amos, he
says that the rest of mankind

may seek the Lord. So, it’s
the same verse, it’s the same

quotation. But notice that
where it says “Edom”, James

says “mankind”, because Edom
is also the word where you get

the word “Adam”. Adam. But
notice, “Edom” is left there

in Amos’ prophecy, to remind
us of Obed-Edom and his

blessings. Which means, when
God restores the tabernacle of

David in these last days, He’s
also going to restore family

blessings. Receive that in
your life, in your family’s

life. Amen. If there are areas
that are broken, right now,

rejoice because, boy, God’s
strength, God’s blessings are

going to flow in those very
areas. Amen. If you’ll not

give up, if you’ll believe God
and start rejoicing, not in

those broken areas alone, but
in the fact that His strength

and His blessing can flow in
all the broken places. It’s

the broken places that invites
His repairing, His rebuilding

that He has promised. Praise
the Lord. Thank You, Jesus. 2

Samuel 6 tells us, “The ark of
the Lord remain in Obed-Edom

the Gittite three months, and
the Lord blessed Obed-Edom and

all his household.” Now, if
you look carefully in the

Hebrew, here is something very
interesting in the Hebrew, I’m

going to extract the part of
the same verse just now and

show you the Hebrew. Hebrew
reads from right to left. It

says, “And blessed the Lord,
alef tav, at Obed-Edom.”

Notice that alef tav is not
translated? It’s as if it’s a

signature there. Alef tav. The
first letter of the Hebrew

alphabet is alef, the very
last one is tav. When you put

them together, it’s like
saying, “I am the “a” and “z”.

Or Jesus says, “I am the alpha
and omega.” Alpha is the first

letter of the Greek alphabet,
and the last one is omega. So,

the first letter is alpha, and
the last one is omega. When

Jesus appeared to John, His
disciple John, Jesus actually

in His resurrected form says,
“I am the alpha and the omega,

the beginning and the end,”
says the Lord, “who is, who

was and who is to come, the
Almighty.” Notice He says, “I

am the alpha and omega.” Now,
this is Greek, alright,

because our new testament is
translated from Greek. But

Jesus would not have spoken
Greek to His fellow Jewish

disciple, John. He would have
spoken Hebrew, right, He would

have said this, “I am alef and
I am tav.” The first letter,

and the last letter of the
Hebrew alphabet, which is

actually the alef tav of this
word here, the Lord, who is

this Lord? Alef tav. Jesus
blessed Obed-Edom. When Jesus

is in the centre of your life,
the blessings of God flows.

Praise the Lord. Thank You,
Jesus. And if you look at the

very first verse, Genesis 1:1,
the very first verse of the

entire Bible, Genesis chapter
1, verse 1, it says,

“Bereshit, in the beginning,
bara elohim et ha’Shamayin

v’et ha’aretz.” In the
beginning, God created the

heavens and the earth.
Bereshit bara Elohim et,

notice alef, tav? ha’Shamayin
v’et ha’aretz. So, God is

saying here, very clearly, in
the beginning created God,

alef tav, is untranslated, the
heavens and the earth. This is

how it appears in the Hebrew
Bible, and it’s the very first

verse of the entire Bible. And
notice, that right in the

centre, there are seven words,
exactly seven words. By the

way, this is the inspiration
of Scripture. All Scripture is

God-breathed, and number seven
in the Scripture is the number

of perfection. If you look at
the number of words here, not

in the English, but in the
Hebrew, the original, the

Hebrew, there are exactly even
words, alright, bereshit, one,

created, all the way to the
end of the earth, exactly

seven words, okay? Now, the
centre word is alef tav, that

is Jesus’ signature. It is
untranslated. It’s like, you

know, who is the one that
created the heavens and the

earth? Our Lord Jesus, the
alef tav, the alpha omega, the

first and the last. He is the
One. Praise God. And by the

way, if He is the alpha, and
He is the omega. Jesus has the

last word. Amen! Praise the
Lord! He is the first and He

is the last. Hallelujah. So,
here, we see seven words. If

you look exactly at the Hebrew
letters, if you count each of

the letters, it’s exactly 28.
And what is 28? Seven, again

multiples of seven. Seven
times four. Seven, seven,

seven, seven. So, you’ll find,
seven, by the way, seven, by

the way, seven is all over the
first verse of the Bible.

There are about 30 seven
multiples and things to do

with seven, alright, in the
very first verse of the Bible.

Which goes to show, friend,
that the Scripture is all

inspired of God. Amen. And the
very fact the Bible puts alef

tav, His Son’s name, His Son’s
signature right in the centre,

that tells us that the Lord
wants our lives to centre

around Jesus Christ, our
family life, to centre around

Jesus Christ. Amen. In
everything that we do, Jesus

is in the centre. The Bible
says, “All things were made by

Him.” So, when He says, “In
the beginning God created.”

Who created? Who is this God
who created? Alef tav. Because

the Bible says about Jesus,
all things were made by Him

and without Him, nothing was
made that was made. Amen. He

is the creator of all things.
Praise the Lord. Thank You,

Lord Jesus. Amen. And when He
is in the centre, another

verse in the Bible says, “In
Him, all things consist or all

things are held together.” You
know, you look at the atom.

Right at the core of every
matter is the atom. Right but

when you look at the atom,
they are supposed to split

apart. You know, all the
protons, neutrons and all

that. You look carefully.
There is a force that man is

not able to pin-point. It is
beyond them. They can come

right down to the atom, but
they cannot tell you what is

the force that holds the atom
together. Because naturally,

based on all scientific laws,
they are supposed to repel

each other. Yet there is a
force that holds them

together. The Bible says, “In
Christ, all things are held

together.” Literally, in Him,
all things are held together.

He made all things and for
Him, all things are made. So,

when you live your life for
Him, you surrender your family

life to Him, you give your
whole life to Him, what

happens? He holds everything
in your life together.

Whatever area of your life.
You give your health to Him.

You give your career, your
ministry to Him. You give your

whole being to Him. All these
areas are held together. Now,

it is no more based on your
strength holding them

together. Whether it is your
marriage, your business, your

career, your life, your
ministry, your parenting. Now,

you are no more dependent on
your strength. Because why?

Christ has come in. You have
invited Jesus right in the

centre of that area. And you
know what? He holds all things

together. Amen. When you
invite Him into your life, He

holds everything together. It
is when He is no longer the

centre, everything
disintegrates. Like the hub,

the centre of the wheel. When
there is no more hub, all the

spokes will all fall out of
place. Because it is the

centre of the wheel that holds
the spoke in place so that

there is acceleration. Put Him
in the centre, friend. The

centre of your marriage. The
centre of your parenting. The

centre of your career. The
centre of your ministry. The

centre of all that you are
dreaming about the future.

Make sure the Lord is in your
future. Amen. And the Lord

wants us to have this
consciousness that all things

were made by Him. And without
Him was nothing made. And all

things were made for Him, for
His glory. So, when you flow

with God’s pattern, everything
is flowing for you, and not

against you. Amen. You will be
resourced. You will be

charismatised. Amen. You will
be gifted. You will be

anointed. Because everything
that you do is for His glory.

You are now in the pattern of
God. Just like the ark. Put on

the shoulders of the priests
is the proper order. Amen. The

pattern of God. When you
follow God’s pattern,

everything flows in your life.
For you. Not against you.

Praise the Lord. Thank You,
Jesus. Hallelujah. Look at

another verse on parenting.
And this is from the law. God

says, “Therefore, shall you
lay up these, My words, in

your heart and in your soul.
And you shall teach My words

to your children, speaking of
them when thou sittest in

thine house, and when you walk
by the way, when you lie down,

when you rise up. And you
shall write them upon the

doorposts of your house and
upon your gates; that your

days may be (what?)
multiplied, and the days of

your children.” So, God is
saying, “When you are speaking

My words, to your children…”
God says. And notice that it

is not like a, there is a
proper time of teaching the

Bible to my kids. Now I set
aside time. No. I mean it is

good to have those times. But
God is saying just in your

every day life, alright just
follow the flow of the Spirit.

The Bible says when you rise
up, when you lie down, take

the opportunity, as the Lord
leads you, to say something

about Jesus. How do I know
it’s about Jesus and these

words about Jesus, and not
about the law? Even though

superficial reading at that
time refers to the law, but

God hides something here. And
if you look carefully. Let me

finish off first. “That your
days (the result is) your days

may be multiplied.” Notice
that if you do that, God says

your days will be multiplied
and the days of your children.

So, you will have long life
and so will your children. Not

only quantity of life. But
look at this. “… as the days

of heaven upon the earth.” As
the days of heaven upon the

earth. So, not only will you
have quantity of life, you

will have long life. Your days
will be multiplied and the

days of your children. But
they will be days… What is the

point of having a long life,
right, it’s a bad life, it’s

full of evil days, full of bad
days? But God promises that

you will have long life and
your children as well as

those, that life will be
filled with like days of

heaven upon the earth. So, God
tells us that in your

parenting lies also that long
life, that longevity as well

as also the quality of life.
Amen. And let’s delve into the

secrets of this. If you look
carefully, what kind of words

is it? I was saying just now
that it is not just the law,

friend. Here it says in
Deuteronomy. “Therefore, you

shall lay up My words…” But
notice that aleph tav is

there. So, these are words of
Christ. It is not words of the

law. Even though back then,
they will teach the law to

their children. But God
ordained that, for us today in

the new covenant, His Son is
there, you speak words about

Christ. When you spend time
with your children, [Singing]

let’s talk about Jesus, the
King of kings is He. The Lord

of lords supreme, through all
eternity. Just talk about

Jesus. What you learn. From my
sermons, what you learn. From

your personal study, what God
is showing you about His Son.

Talk to your children about
Him. Amen. Tell your children

about Genesis 1:1, that He is
the creator of all things.

Amen. God is the source but
God uses Him to create all

things. The Bible says He is
the creator. Amen. Tell your

children that. And tell your
children how this creator came

to earth in human form and
died on the cross. Whatever

God shows you about Jesus,
share with them. It can be

when you are lying down and
they are near you. It can be

when you are rising up, when
you are walking by the way.

Just in the every day life.
Amen. This is not talking

about a set time. And these
are words about Jesus. Let’s

go on. And the next verse
tells us. “And you shall teach

them, teach them My words.”
Right. But here God puts in

the signature of His Son,
aleph tav. You shall teach

aleph tav to your children,
speaking of them when you sit

in your house when you stand
up, when you walk by the way.”

So, notice what is the key in
the teaching, in the sharing

with your children? We talk
about a lot of things. But

nothing will avail as much as
talking about Jesus. You will

have an impartation when you
talk about Jesus. Even though

they seem like sometimes they
are not interested, or they

would rather talk about their
favourite Pokémon, or

character or some other game
stuff, or avatar figure, or

whatever. But you know what?
Just keep on talking about

Jesus in the normal affairs of
life. The Holy Spirit is the

one that gives the power and
to stick it in their hearts.

The Holy Spirit is the one to
give your words weight with

them. Amen. And you will be
surprised that they are

listening sometimes even
though they appear like they

are not listening. Amen. Share
with them about Jesus. Talk

about what the Lord has shown
you to them. Amen. And it’s

all about Jesus. Praise the
Lord. Amen. Just a little word

here and there will have a
power to bless your children

like nothing you can dream of.
And God promises that your

days will be multiplied and
the days of your children. And

the quality. Like days of
heaven upon the earth. Praise

the Lord. I hope you are
getting all these, my friend.

And it is very interesting
that the one that bless the

house of Obed-Edom, we saw
just now is actually the Lord

Jesus, aleph tav. But when
David heard about how God

bless Obed-Edom, David felt a
bit of jealousy. “Hey, I don’t

want to confine this blessing
to just one man’s house. I

want this to be in my city.
The entire Israel will be

blessed.” So, David came to
take the ark from Obed-Edom’s

house. But then this is what
it says here in the verse. “It

was told King David saying,
‘The Lord has blessed the

house of Obed-Edom and all
that belongs to him because of

the ark of God.’ So, David
went and brought up the ark of

God from the house of
Obed-Edom to the city of David

with gladness.” Can you see
the gladness there? But notice

when David went and brought up
the ark of God, see what it

says in the Hebrew. “When it
came, David brought up aleph

tav, the ark of God.” Jesus is
there. Every time you want to

bring up from a lower place to
a higher place. You want to

bring up Jesus in your life,
you want to exalt, Amen, God’s

blessing is there. There will
be a joy. There will be a

gladness in your heart.
Hallelujah. Amen. If your

heart’s desire… The whole
world is talking about self,

self. How I can profit myself?
How I can profit me and my and

mine? In fact, if you look at
David’s words before Uzza’s

death, you will find, and
during Uzza’s death as well,

you will find him saying ‘we’,
‘I’, ‘me’, ‘my’. He consulted

thousands of people instead of
consulting God, Amen, with his

captains and all that. And all
his leaders. Instead of

consulting God. It’s all about
‘we’, ‘me’, ‘I’, ‘my’. How

shall the ark of God come to
me? You know, It’s all about

‘me’, ‘I’, ‘my’. But when it
comes to the Jesus in the

centre, the ark now is in the
centre, there is joy in

David’s heart. There is
gladness. And every time you

think of bringing up the Lord
Jesus, Jesus is right there in

the centre of that. Amen. And
the Holy Spirit has come to

glorify Jesus. No other name
but the name of Jesus.

Hallelujah. If you do that, my
friend, all the resources of

heaven will come to you. Amen.
How about this year? Find some

areas of ministry. Ask the
Lord for an area of ministry

you can serve His Son in.
Because Jesus said, “If any

man serve Me, him will My
Father honour.” Will you find

that? Amen. Or else you can
consult your care leader and

leaders who are in the church
and ask them for advice. How

can I serve the Lord? Amen, I
want to get involved in

ministry. I want to get
involved in serving the Lord.

And when you serve, you are
not looking to please man so

that they will put your hand
on your shoulders. Or to

please some leaders so that
they can approve of you. No,

no, no. You are looking to
serve Jesus. Whether people

recognise it or not, it is
from Jesus you receive the

reward of the inheritance.
Amen, friend. Praise the Lord.

Thank You, Jesus. Something
happened to the house of

Potiphar when he put Joseph in
the centre. Remember Joseph

came as a slave? But then he
put Joseph in charge of

everything in his house. Let’s
look at that verse. It says,

“From the time (notice from
the time) that he made Joseph

overseer of his house and all
that he has, the Lord blessed

the Egyptian’s house for
Joseph’s sake; and the

blessing of the Lord was on
all that he had, in the house

and the field.” The blessing
of the Lord was on all that he

had. So, when was the time
that the Lord blessed the

Egyptian’s house and all that
he had? From the time Potiphar

made Joseph overseer the
centre of his house and all

that he had. The Lord blessed
the Egyptian’s house for

Joseph’s sake. And the
blessing of the Lord was on

all that he had, in the house
and in the field. And of all

the characters in the Old
Testament, Joseph’s life is a

type of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Loved by his father, rejected

by his brothers, became the
bread of life for the entire

world. It’s all about Jesus.
Jesus, loved by the Father.

Rejected by His Jewish
brothers. Became the bread of

life to the Gentile world. And
friend, it is all about Jesus.

When you put Jesus in the
centre, the overseer, the

centrality of your life, all
heaven, all the power of God,

will start to assist you. You
will be like the Levites. God

help the Levites. And you will
find the help of God in every

area of your life. Praise the
Lord. And you are not left to

your own strength, which will
always frustrate you. Amen. To

God be all the glory and the
praise, friend. Thank You,

Lord Jesus. Someone has been
diagnosed with cancer

recently. And it seems like in
the area of your stomach area

or somewhere there. It could
be the liver. I am seeing an

area right around there. And
God is healing you right now.

You feel the warmth of God,
friend. Go back to the doc…

Receive it in Jesus’ name. Go
back to your doctor. Verify

with them. Amen. And share
with us this testimony. Mark

this day. Amen. And share with
us this testimony. Praise the

name of Jesus. Thank You, Lord
Jesus. There is someone. It

seems like both your hands,
you cannot. It’s like when you

lift your hands above your
shoulders, there is pain and

your movement has been
restricted. Oh friend, right

now, in that very area, God’s
power is flowing. And God is

adjusting. God is restoring.
God is healing, Amen, all that

stiffness, in Jesus’ name,
goes, in the name of the Lord

Jesus Christ. All the pain
goes in the name of the Lord

Jesus. To God be all the
glory. Praise the name of

Jesus. Amen. Amen. Amen. Thank
You, Lord Jesus. Someone’s

heart is being healed. I see
like a golden oil being poured

all over your heart. You have
been diagnosed with a heart

condition. And right now, you
feel the warmth of God.

Literally you feel the warmth
of God. And now, you feel

strength reinvigorating your
body. Literally you can feel

the strength. Amen. Friend,
you are the one. Go back to

the doctor and verify your
healing. And share with us.

Amen. Let us know what God has
done. And you know who is

doing all these, friend? Aleph
tav, The Lord Jesus Christ. He

is doing it all right now.
Already, I standby some

testimonies just now to share
with you that happened from

the words of knowledge that
the Lord Jesus gave last week.

And it is all coming in this
week. And total healing. Total

healing. Some of them, right
after they hear the Word, the

healing happened. Okay,
friend, that is you right now,

you are receiving it in Jesus’
name. Thank You, Lord Jesus.

Amen. Praise the Lord. There
is someone who is having a lot

more like floaters in your
eyes and now it is clearing

up. You are seeing like
floaters and now it is

clearing up. The Lord is
healing your eyes. Thank You,

Lord Jesus. Thank You, Lord
Jesus. Someone just… You had

migraine. You had headache
just now when you were

watching this. And, but yet
you persevered watching. And

right now, you feel that the
headache is just dissipating.

It is just… And now it’s gone.
Praise the name of Jesus.

Hallelujah. Thank You, Lord
Jesus. And for the rest of

you, whatever affliction you
have right now, just place

your hand on that afflicted
area. If you are suffering

depression, place your hand on
your mind right now. And right

now, in the name of the Lord
Jesus Christ, I speak the

restoration of God in all the
areas of your body that needs

healing. In the name of Jesus,
let health spring forth

speedily in your bodies right
now. In the name of the Lord

Jesus Christ. Not by might,
not by power, but by Your

Spirit, Father, effect a cure
in that very area, Lord, that

they are believing you for. In
Jesus’ name. There it is right

now. You are feeling like a
warmth come on your body.

Receive it. And in the name of
Jesus, I command that spirit

of heaviness that oppresses
your mind. In the name of the

Lord Jesus, to be lifted off
you. In the name of the Lord

Jesus Christ. And let the
peace of God, the shalom of

God, reign in your mind. In
the name of the Lord Jesus

Christ. Amen. Praise the Lord.
Friend, if you have never

received Jesus as your Saviour
and Lord, this is the best

time to put Him in the centre
of your life and see

everything in your life
working together for his

glory. Amen. Praise the Lord.
You know, it’s not all about

us, friend. It is all about
Him. And when we get that

perspective right, we are back
to where true life is. Jesus

says, “He that loses his life
for My sake will find it.” It

is not to lose it permanently.
When you lose your low life,

the Amplified Bible says, you
lose your low life, you will

find the high life in Jesus
Christ. You are about to find

the high life in Jesus. Pray
this prayer with me right now.

Say: Lord Jesus, I thank You
that You died on that cross

for my sins. I thank You, You
rose from the dead, conquering

death for me. Jesus, I confess
Jesus Christ is my Lord, my

Saviour. And Father God, You
are now my Father. I am your

child. And I am greatly
blessed, highly favoured and I

am so loved by You. Thank You,
Father God. In Jesus’ name.

Congratulations, child of God.
You are now in the family of

God. Get ready for the
blessings that came upon

Obed-Edom to come on you and
on your families as well.

Praise the name of Jesus. And
for the rest of you, stand to

your feet. I want to pray that
prayer. For the blessings of

Obed-Edom, Amen, to come on
your life. Even this week,

Amen, let it manifest. Praise
the Lord. Especially in all

the weak areas of your life.
Father, I thank You, Lord, for

everyone under the sound of my
voice. And I ask in the name

of the Lord Jesus, this coming
week, Lord, I pray that they

will see, Lord, the blessing
that you blessed Obed-Edom

with, rest upon them, upon all
that they have, and upon their

entire household this week. In
the name of the Lord Jesus

Christ. And let it be said of
them, Lord, that they are so

blessed because of the Lord
Jesus Christ. Let it be a

testimony to many far and
wide. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s
episode! If your life has been

touched by the gospel of
grace, please share your

testimony with us in the
comments below. Once again,

thanks for tuning in today,
and I would appreciate it if

you would share this sermon
with someone who needs to hear

it today. God bless you and
see you in the next episode!