In “How To Deal With Relational Resentment,” Pastor Steven Furtick shows us how to stop focusing on the disappointment and start focusing on the deposit. This is an excerpt from “He Was The One.” To watch the full message from @elevationchurch, click here:    • He Was The One | Pastor Steven Furtic…  v #faith #peace #hope #stevenfurtick #elevationchurch Chapters: 0:00 – How To Deal With Relational Resentment 2:19 – Focus On The Deposit, Not The Disappointment 6:02 – What Will You Do? 10:40 – A Warning For Your Life 15:35 – That Is Not Your Legacy

there’s a lot of relational resentment

that can build up in your life

people that disappoint you


I’m no different than you I get

disappointed in people

the man that we’re reading about in the

scripture Uzziah

in many ways he was a disappointment

because he didn’t bring the nation back

to their rightful place and I’ll show

you in just a moment it even got worse

than that

but before I show you how bad it got let

me just talk about your disappointments

and people

because as Holly and I began to talk I


you know Jay Hardwick was the one that

kind of put us on that team what name we

never even thought about it

who was someone in your life that you

don’t think about and I’m not talking

about like the Hall of Fame like Mom and

Dad and all that stuff I’m coming up I’m

Billy Graham and the Apostle Paul and


it’s going to be in the comments Jesus

is the one Stephen Jesus he’s the one

I’m gonna say for you

but you know moving us along from there


there’s people that you think they’re

going to be the one to be with you

forever but they’re not

but just because they’re not the one

that was with you for a little while or

just because they’re not with you


doesn’t mean that they didn’t serve an

important purpose in your life

I know this is for but I really need to

say it some people in your life are Port


they move through

you move on they move on

just because they didn’t stay planted

doesn’t mean they weren’t important


and what this will help you do

when the enemy says you have nobody look

at how they let you down look at how

they didn’t come through for you look at

how they don’t get you look at what they

weren’t able to do look at how you

believed in them look at how you thought

they were going to be the perfect

partner look at how you thought they

were going to be I want to I want to

revisit this for a moment

so that you stop focusing on the


and start focusing on the deposit

because I could tell you somebody right

now and you could do the same for me you

could say man she was the one that I

counted on and she let me down but if we

took it a little deeper

there was something God used that person

in your life for

and even if even if it was just a poor

Port moving through

you understand what I’m saying about


we have elath relationships and they may

not last as long as we wanted them to

and they may not be everything that we

wanted them to be and if we’re

not careful so careful with our souls

the devil will set up camp in that

disappointment and say

you have no one

but they were the one

they were the one for a while

look at what they added to your life

yeah but they betrayed me

it was Judas that got Jesus

to the cross

he was the one that God used more than

any of the other disciples because it

was Judas that God used to get Jesus to

the place where he paid for your sins

and mine

even the people that hurt you God used

I don’t say that coldly

I don’t say that to celebrate abuse or

neglect or abandonment

I just know that someone has been living

in this place

for a long time I have no one

and you are so good at listing the


that you’re missing the deposits

and not only those that are gone

not only the people that planted seeds

not not everybody that starts with you

is supposed to stay with you not only


but there are fresh people

that God is bringing into the port of

your life

and if you do not do the work in this


of setting free and forgiving the things

that disappointed you you will not be

open to the deposit

and so you stay poor and you stay sad

and you stay alone but if you will get

your eyes off of who left

and put your eyes on what they left that

God is still watching over in your life

to bring you to a new level

I declare and decree he will rebuild and


everything that the Locust said every

year that the canker worm nod up

after all it wasn’t them that blessed

you anyway he was the one God was the

one his Mercy was the conduit his grace

was the power get ready to shout you’ve

had your eyes on people put your eyes on

Jesus he was the one


too focused on others got you focused on

stuff forgot that he was the one

somebody say he was the one

who brought me through depression say he

was the one

who forgave all my sins and healed all

my diseases he was the one

whose Blood Washed me clean he was the

one who knelt In The Garden of

Gethsemane with me on his mind and

pressed through to the Cross he was the



and that’s why I know he’s not through

with you

cause it was him all along


Uzziah rebuilt and restored the port I’m

gonna ask you a question when we write

your second Kings chapter 14 verse 21

and 22.

what are we gonna say

he was the one

he was the one

I know some of you in here

I want your I want your second Kings 14

22 to read like this he was the one

who battled through the addiction that

his dad couldn’t defeat and beat it for

his own kids he was the one

she was the one

who forgave her mom for never telling

her that she was loved for making her

perform and because she forgave her mom

she was able to face herself and love

herself and see herself as a daughter of

God she was the one

I’ll see crowds today I don’t know I

don’t know why God gave me this

anointing I just see once

I just see once

I just see once

one God one person

which one you want to be

because this can go the other way too

he was the one

who gave up on himself

because he really got tired

of making excuses

and So eventually he just brought his

lifestyle his belief in God down to the

level of his lifestyle rather than

bringing his lifestyle up to the level

of his belief in God

I want to tell you something about

uziah and we might want to sit down for


Uzziah did really good

in fact second chronicles 26

it kind of says the same thing about him

but it gives us a little more detail

and I bring you this in a spirit of

humility because

look I know

when you hear a strong word from God and

for some of you this is a strong word

from God and it’s not because of of me

it’s because of

the importance of your life to what God

wants to do through you

and so this word is hitting you right

now because

this is a

this is an e-lath message for you

this is a a port sermon for you

What Goes Forth from here is important

you don’t think it is yet

you don’t even know why you’re the one I

had I had a man come up to me after

um I preached one time and he said

preacher when you were preaching you

said this message is for someone I don’t

know who and he goes I just want to let

you know I was the one

and he said a little bit of what he was

going through

I said Thank you for telling me

then somebody else came up and they had


and it was a man and a woman and the

woman said she was really funny she said

um I didn’t mean to eavesdrop but I

heard that man that came before and this

is my husband Joe and I just want you to

know that man that was here before he

was wrong because uh he was the one you

were talking to and pointed at her



somebody said I’m the one

see I’m the one that decides

which one I’m going to be

he was the one who rebuilt and restored

if your life is in Ruins right now you

didn’t control that you may have

contributed to it but

but will you be the one who rebuilds and

restores I know God wants to be the one

who helps you do that I know that

he’ll be the one that will Empower you

to do it

Uzziah does amazing things y’all

he um

for a guy who had to start being a king

at age 16. wow he defeats three of the

Philistine countries knocks down their

walls he puts these watchtowers all

around Jerusalem where they can see

where their enemies are coming from and

then after he builds the watchtowers he

puts these special military devices

where they can shoot the arrows and hurl

the stones and their enemies can’t see


he buys new military equipment for every

single one of the soldiers and there are

three hundred five thousand and seven

hundred of them


he gives them all new equipment

he’s also a gardener he does amazing

things with agriculture this guy is



and so are you

in some ways

but the Bible says something really

scary to me

let’s look at it II Chronicles 20 6.

then all the people of Judah took uziah

who’s 16 years old made him King in

place of his father Amazon we already

read that

this is a different account of it

he was the one who rebuilt e-leth and

restored it to Judah after Amazon rested

with his ancestors we already read that

but this is a different account now

watch this Uzziah was 16 years old

when he became king and he reigned in

Jerusalem 52 years his mother’s name was

jacoliah and she was from Jerusalem he

did what was right in the eyes of the

Lord just as his father him as I had

done he sought God during the days of

Zechariah Zechariah was the one who

mentored him

who instructed him in the fear of God

and listen to this verse it’s going to

feel haunting

as long as he sought the Lord

God gave him success

the next several verses really break

that down all the successes God gave him

it says that God strengthened him God

helped him

God upheld him God resourced him

if you go all the way down

to verse 16 it says but after


became powerful

his pride led to his downfall

he was unfaithful to the Lord as God and

entered the Temple of the Lord to burn

incense on the altar of incense now

listen to this

azerai the priest this is a different

Azariah as if it wasn’t confusing enough

already there’s got to be two azarias

and one who isn’t going by the name

azeriah anymore

thanks a lot Chronicle writer um Azariah

the priest with 80 lettuce into this

back into the scene azerite the priest

with 80 other courageous priests the

Lord follow him and they confront King

his eye and said it’s not right for you

uziah to burn incense to the Lord that’s

for the priests

the descendants of Aaron who have been

consecrated to burn incense

leave the sanctuary you’ve been

unfaithful you might be honored by the

Lord God the Kings weren’t allowed to

burn this incense it was for the priests

to do

you know you always get in trouble

when you try to do what God called

somebody else to do

when you start wishing you could be this

one or that one

and see Uzziah was powerful God called

him don’t don’t get it twisted God

anointed him God put the crown on his

head no matter whose hands he used to

position it there it was God that did it

but then he got out of his place and

even when he was corrected he wouldn’t

listen now listen to this verse 19

because God is bringing you to this

point today and I want you to hear this

as a warning for your life

Uzziah who had a sensor in his hand

ready to burn incense became angry and

while he was raging at the priest in

their presence before the incense altar

in the Lord’s Temple leprosy broke out

on his forehead

when Azariah the chief priests and all

the other priests looked at him they saw

you had leprosy

on his forehead so they hurried him out

indeed he himself was eager to leave

because the Lord had Afflicted him now

listen to this I wish the story ended

different but I got to give it to you

how it is in the Bible because I don’t

write the book

I’m just giving you the mail the Bible

says King Uzziah had leprosy until the

day he died

he lived in a separate house

leprous and banned from the Temple of

the Lord

jotham his son had charge of the palace

and governed the people of the land

that’s in this the other events of

uzziah’s Reign from beginning to end are

recorded by the prophet Isaiah

the son of Amos

Uzziah arrested with his ancestors and

was buried near them in a cemetery that

belonged to the Kings for the people

said he had leprosy

and jotham his son

succeeded him asking

all he did

and the people said

give me verse 23 again

people said

you see that

I’ma wait for you to find it you see it

people said

he had leprosy

and he died like that

and he died like that

because he forgot that God was the one

and you die alone when you forget that

God is the one

and you live alone when you forget that

God is the one

and your worship gets weak when you

forget that God is the one

and you start running from what God has

called you to when you forget that

God is the one

and you feel cut off when you forget

that God is the one

how many are grateful

that of

all the kings

that are in Second Kings


none of those kings

are the one

that we came to worship today



thank you

because people will disappoint you

but God will carry you

people will leave you

God never will

and the Bible says

that King Uzziah died with Leprosy a

skin condition that isolated him

but you don’t have to

you don’t have to stay away

you know why

because Isaiah prophesied

to Uzziah

but he did not prophesy about Uzziah

Isaiah prophesied about another king

a king that would come at a later date

a king that would not come through any

human father

but a king that would come not in a


a king that would come in a Palestinian

environment that would have been unfit

for many animals

see the thing that I want you to know

today for all of you who feel alone I

have no one I am no one I can’t rebuild

can’t recover I’m down here and I have

to stay here and there is no more for me

and I’m not the one and the sermon is

for somebody else because I’ve tried

this before and it didn’t work I wanted

you to know this from the heart of God

today for his child

your leprosy

is not your legacy

this leprosy

this issue everybody has something like

that not a skin disease not something

that others can see on your forehead but

a label that follows you through life

a condition an issue a struggle a

tendency something that has been with

you and may even be consuming you but

somebody shout this leprosy

will not be my legacy

say it by faith this leprosy

will not be my legacy

one more time say this leprosy

this label

this limitation this loneliness

will not be my legacy

now look at your neighbor and say God is

not through with you

hey thanks for stopping by my YouTube

channel I hope you were blessed today if

you were share this with somebody like

And subscribe and leave me a comment let

me know where you’re watching from what

we can pray for you about hope to see

you back here again really soon
