Progress is effort in the right direction. In “This Is Draining Your Strength,” Pastor Steven Furtick reveals that in order to move towards what God has for you, you have to first let go of the distractions that are keeping you stuck. This is an excerpt from “Don’t Blow It!” To watch the full message from @elevationchurch click here:    • Don’t Blow It! | Waymaker | Pastor St…   #faith #peace #hope #stevenfurtick #elevationchurch Chapters: 0:00 – How We Disguise Our Procrastination 2:12 – Distracted Not Disobedient 3:41 – Start With God 5:45 – “I’ve Done Everything I Can!” 8:53 – You Don’t Have Any Time To Waste 10:53 – Consider Your Ways

and I found out we have a lot of

different things we

say to disguise our

procrastination can I give you one thing

we say in church we don’t say I’m fixing

to we say I’m praying about

it I will preach this word until three

people are left in the first two rows of


Valentine and it’s cool because you do

need to pray about some

things but some things that God just

told told you to do get your book

out do not require

prayer they require

action and that guy has a hard job

because the people on one level are are

making progress at least it seems to

them like progress and the question

becomes this is point number one they’ll

put these on the screen is it

progress or is it

procrastination wow because apparently

there were some really nice subdivisions

going up in the suburbs of

Judah the Exiles have been back from

Babylon now 20 years and that was a God

thing wasn’t it I mean they didn’t know

if they’d ever come back and only

because Persian control took the

territory of Babylon back were they able

to come back and rebuild their home land

and when they first got back they

thought they’d rebuild the Temple

because it had been destroyed it was the

preeminent place for the presence of God

to be manifested among his people so

that he would have a Dwelling Place you

and I understand that now this Temple is

not a physical building but it is you

and I the Temple of the Holy Spirit

where God dwells and where God

lives but in the midst of rebuilding

this place where God had appointed his

presence to

dwell something was lacking in their

perseverance or or perhaps it was just

that they got

distracted this has helped me so much in

trying to to minister to people and

challenge people and call people higher

to God’s standard is that often people

are not willfully

disobedient they are just

distracted you know what I mean I I

don’t think that people always decide to

live in


sometimes life just creates such a

scenario and and thisen what what what

ha gu said he said each of you is busy

with your own house I thought that was

an interesting phrase that he said

you’re busy with your own house he

didn’t say they were bad people just

that they were busy

people sometimes you are struggling in

your life in ways that you do not

understand but you are not directly

Discerning the source of the dysfunction

such is the case for the people in

hagi’s day he saidou disappointed aren’t

you I know you are it’s August it’s the

season for figs and grapes and

pomegranates and you planted a lot of

seed but when you went to get the

Harvest it was only half of what you

expected have you ever invested in

something or

someone keep eye contact with me when I

say what I say

next only to wonder how could I put so

much into it and get so little out of

it have you


ever H have you ever this is the scene

in hagi’s day remember this is a

specific word to specific people but I

think it has Universal application and

it is a Timeless truth is that when you

do not start your process with God at

the center it will always end in

disappointment and it will not matter

how much energy you give it or how much

talent that you have or or or or or how

sincere you are in your efforts I’m

telling you man I have sat with rich

people famous people people with great

status and no

satisfaction great prosperity and no

peace because any process that does not

start with God ends in disappointment

write that down teach it to your kids

put it on your mirror any process that

does not start with God ends in

disappointment you plant much you reap

little you get dressed you’re not warm

you drink you drink you drink you drink

you drink you drink but you are

bottomless and even the blessings that

God gives you will be will be can I say

it this way Hollow


it’s a hollow

Harvest and while the people were busy

building their own

houses busy building their own bodies

busy building their own dreams busy

planning their own

future they they

neglected the place of God’s

presence I was praying about this

message I said God I can’t preach that I

don’t want to make them feel bad their

lives are already hard

enough and God told told me what I

didn’t I didn’t hear this out loud it’s

just the impression I have Okay so let’s

get that straight right

now but the impression that I got is if

you don’t ever make that

connection you will live in a continual

state of frustration and wonder why am I

doing so much and receiving so little

little why am i Fishing all night and

catching nothing that’s what happened to

Peter you

know fished all night caught nothing but

the moment he gave his boat to

Jesus his biggest problem was breaking

Nets because God is in charge of the

Harvest there is a certain part of

success and a certain part of life that

you don’t control control you can decide

how much to plant but without the

cooperation of the elements it will only

grow to be so

much takes a little while to learn this

that you can do everything in your human

strength that you know to do to

guarantee a happy life but there is a

certain dimension of life that is

outside of your control touch your

neighbor say don’t blow it blow it here

here are these people it’s been 20 years

I understand they come back from Babylon

they’re really trying to get acclimated

to being back in a place that has been

so ravaged they’re settling into their

towns maybe two years maybe 5 years but

it’s been 20 years it’s been 20 years

now which is a significant number for me

let me tell you why this summer I was

going back and watching some of the

sermons that inspired me to be a

preacher they are all on YouTube and

it’s cool because I don’t have to pay

for them I can bootleg them now and I’ve

long since lost the cassette tapes but

they’re all online now and so I was

online watching some of my favorite

preachers that were inspiring me as a

boy these were my heroes I was watching

them just to kind of get in touch with

16-year-old Stephen who used to walk

around the block with the Walkman and I

would preach with the preachers and I I

would I would hold an imaginary

microphone I’ve said too much

okay and I was listening to to them

preach and I was watching them on

YouTube and I

thought man these guys looked so much

older to

me and then I did some math and I

realized that the guys that I used to

watch when I was 16 were the age

then right that I am

now you talk about a broken

heart you talk about a wakeup call

because see I still feel like I got all

this time you know I still feel like

we’re just getting started the church is

just getting started I mean in in my

mind this is still the

IPO but it was a wakeup call for me to

realize that what they were to you then

you are to somebody

now in other words you don’t have any

time to waste touch your other neighbor

say don’t blow it you only got so much

time I I know you keep telling yourself

one day when and we’re going to get

around to it and I’m fixing to but you

might find yourself one day running out

of strength what is in your heart to do

you better do it

now some of your neighbors say do it now

cocka dooodle dooo this is your wakeup

call that was 20 years ago

man if we’re going to build it we got to

build it

now but some times the devil will tell

you you’re being patient when really you

are procrastinating and if he can get

you to mistake procrastination for

patience he can keep you locked out of

the blessing that is on the other side

of your



obedience yes it’s a

process I mean yes it takes time but

really 20 years and after all hagy said

says it looks like somehow you found

time to build your own

house I’m so glad Pastor Mickey taught

me that he beat that into my head he

said boy you find time for what you want


do he said that cuz I told him I didn’t

have time to do something he told me to

do he said boy you find time for what

you want to

do you find time for what you want to

do you you you find passion and

energy if I could get some of you to

apply the same energy to serving God

that you appli to

sin we would turn every county in the

United States of


America and it looked to them like

progress but the prophet Hagi says wait

a minute progress is more than just

effort progress is effort in the right


consider your

ways consider your ways he gets into a

vivid description this sounded so modern

when I was reading it I don’t know if

you had the same experience CU I thought

about all the the streams that we live

in now and the

feeds and when he said you you eat and

are Never full and you

scroll and are never


entertained he didn’t say that but

that’s what it made me think of

he said you YouTube and now you’re over

in cat videos and you don’t even know

how you ended

up how did

I how did I get here on a Minecraft

tutorial I’m 37 years

old and then it it gets kind of

dramatic I don’t apologize for God’s

word on he said when I saw

that you were so busy with your own work

when I saw that you were so busy with

your own

interest I didn’t mind you building your


house I didn’t mind you driving a new

car I didn’t mind you enjoying yourself

on the weekend and telling your friend

who’s always trying to use you that you

didn’t have time to help them move it

was fine cuz they’re always asking you

and they’re


but what I minded was what I minded

was that you

lost your

sense of what was really

important and so now God says I I had to

take action I had to frustrate your

process to remind you of your

priorities you know how

sometimes you’ll be doing something that

used to be fun for you and it’s not fun

anymore and you can’t even explain

why sometimes that’s God sucking the fun

out of

something that is keeping you from your

calling and

purpose hey thanks for stopping by my

YouTube channel I hope you were blessed

today if you were share this with

somebody like And subscribe and leave me

a comment let me know where you’re

watching from what we can pray for you

about hope to see you back here again


