In “On The Edge Of Something Special,” Pastor Steven Furtick discusses how to stop killing your creativity before it has the chance to become something special. #faith #peace #hope #stevenfurtick #elevationchurch Chapters: 0:00 – You ARE Creative 2:36 – Pushing Past Awkward 4:36 – Stop Labeling Yourself 7:39 – On The Edge Of Something Special

one of the things that I’m always trying

to learn though when I’m doing coaching

is with creativity specifically

how do we keep the flow going

when we have moments that we’re not

really overthinking things and we want

to stay in that moment

and I know you’ve had this moment before

even if you’re like I’m not a creative

person I don’t write poetry or

screenplays or I don’t have canvases

lying around in my in my studio I don’t

have a studio but you do you have a

studio you’re the studio

the inside of you

is the studio where God who is the

master artist Creator is making a

masterpiece out of every day so even how

you approach your day can either be

creative or robotic reactive you know I

believe that and I believe that

sometimes when we

when we label something as either

you know good bad

many cases right wrong

um cool corny we miss that thin Edge

where something can become special

I was in a songwriting session recently

and it was a complete joke until a

moment when I said hey slow it down and

we were doing something real fast almost

like a jingle like a joke like a parody

song you know not Weird Al parody that’s

clever just being stupid

and I said Slow Down slow down and all

of a sudden went from stupid silly

to something that was real serious and

heavy and by the end of the two days of


that was the favorite song that we had

created of a couple of the writers

so I wish I could tell you and that song


you know Reckless Love well we didn’t

write Reckless Love and that song wasn’t

Reckless love it may not be a big song

but we definitely felt it was good and

it started with something that was

really silly right and then at some

moment we decided to slow it down and I

turned to one of my collaborators I said

if we slow it down this will turn into


if we slow it down does it turned into

something and I didn’t mean slow it down

and start talking and overthinking

that’s usually a bad way to create a

creative flow to to slow down and just

to overthink and start taking things


he’s just better to stay in the moment

what I meant by slow it down was just

slow down the tempo like let’s just

bring it down and boom settle into it

and all of a sudden something unlocked

so I wonder how many times in our life

we have been on the verge of something

special but we told ourselves a story

that it was silly this is stupid it

doesn’t matter I wonder how many times

we’ve been in the middle of saying

something to someone and we interrupted

ourselves with judgment here comes the

psychological component okay

I can do it from the Bible too judge

nothing before the appointed time I

could do it from the Bible too

I can do it from the Bible too


I could do it from the Bible from Jesus

when the woman was brought to him and

they were rushing to judge her and he

slowed the whole thing down and said

hold on and he did something special

and they were about to do something


I could preach it from the Bible but I

just want to come at it creatively

psychologically and tell you that


you’re on the verge of something special

a moment with your child but it feels

awkward a moment with your wife but it

feels awkward

and you judge it and you go oh this is

awkward oh they might think I’m I’m

cheesy oh you know I’m probably coming


like a know-it-all ah this doesn’t make

any sense so you stop I want to

encourage you

for moments today where you push just


that point of awkward

hey if something’s awkward because

you’re being obnoxious stop if

something’s awkward because you’re

making somebody uncomfortable stop if

something’s awkward because you don’t

know how to break a contact stop

or if something silly and it needs to be

serious don’t make a joke out of


but when you’re on the verge of

something and it feels like hey I’m in


be careful of that pull that pulls you

out of those special moments

where you’re tempted to judge it

when you judge it you disrupt it

and when you disrupt it you kill it

you kill creativity

when you categorize I had a friend

early in our church give me a piece of

advice okay I used to label myself as

not creative what I meant by that is

pretty much I can’t draw

somewhere in my mind I got the thought

that creative people could draw probably

in like

six-year-old Stephen said because it was

called art class and we drew and I don’t

like to draw and I’m not good at drawing

not technically classically

sure somebody likes it thanks thanks for

the thanks for the support

out there for all of you who who are

very non-judgmental but yeah I I I I got

this bad habit of saying I’m not

creative I’m not creative I’m not an

artist I’m not creative I’m not an

artist I’m not creative and one of the

guys you’re starting the church with I

turned one day and I said I’m not

creative I’m not creative and a few

minutes later I shared an idea I had

and this is gonna sound corny but I

wanted to do a little teaching in the


where I was talking about

um momentum

and I wanted to use the different

um I wish I could hold up my computer

because I want to use the different

keys on the computer shift return

control option and do the the teaching

around those different buttons

and I was saying it to him almost like I

know this is dumb but you know how we do

it I know this is stupid but

the rolling my eyes at myself before I

even got out my mouth

basically projection telling them why he

wouldn’t like the idea I was about to

present before I even had the chance to

present it saying his no for him so he

couldn’t reject me

and I told him my idea he’s like that’s

awesome I love that and he was a

designer that he did specialize in

visual stuff

he looks back at me and goes I love that

he goes hey and don’t ever say

I’m not creative again

now remember I’m the pastor I’m the

leader I’m the boss in some ways

although he wasn’t getting paid but I

was the boss

and he telling me what to do so first it

hit me

don’t tell me what to say but then I’m

like oh thanks

I kept that with me

I kept that with me he planted a seed in


like God told Jeremiah do not say I’m

only a youth he said don’t say I’m not


you should never say that again

you’re very creative

and I hear my wife say that sometimes

I’m not creative like you yes you are

did you see the way that you just made

our whole family feel with that birthday

party that you did

you see the way you just made

Valentine’s Day feel special you put out

those little mailboxes and made us write

all notes to each other and the boys

acted like they didn’t want to do it but

they’ll never forget it

you you made something really special

here I don’t like the term you made a

memory because people make their own

memory out of events we don’t get to

make someone else’s memory but you

created space

for memories to be to be made

and you’re very creative


don’t say I’m not creative it’s just

what are you creating

and how do you

psychology term constrict

your creativity

by rushing to judge it while it’s still

in process I want you to think about

that today I’m going to carry that with

me today as I move into this songwriting


is to not judge something before it has

the chance to be special give it space

to be special

do that by dismissing the critic one of

my friends calls that the security guard

who won’t let something through because

oh this is so stupid

but I think you’d be surprised how many

times something is on the edge of


if you don’t interrupt it with the


all right

if you just let it unfold try it out

today sit in the awkward moments a

little longer

sit with the awkward moments with

yourself a little longer

press through conversationally breathe

see what’s there on the other side of

what feels silly

it might be something special that’s the

title it might be something special hey

thanks for stopping by my YouTube

channel I hope you were blessed today if

you were share this with somebody like

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we can pray for you about hope to see

you back here again really soon
