No mud, no miracles. Use God’s past faithfulness to help you trust Him in the middle of your current circumstances. This is an excerpt from “The God Of A Way.” To watch the full message from @elevationchurch, click here:    • The God Of A Way | Pastor Steven Furt…   #faith #peace #hope #stevenfurtick #elevationchurch Chapters: 0:00 – The Devil’s Trying To Derail You 4:20 – Don’t Get Trapped In Yesterday 6:34 – That’s The Clean Version 9:50 – No Mud, No Miracles 11:55 – Everyone Has Some Mud Scripture References: Isaiah 43, verse 16

because if I tell you sometimes that

the depression actually can lift and you

can come into a greater season and that

your best days may be ahead of you

there will be a little devil to tell you

no way

no way

you’ve already been to the doctor three

times about this

you’ve already tried three different

prescriptions for this

so when we say things like this that we

say he’s the god of away

you have an enemy who says

no way

that’s why I love the very first

four words

of Isaiah 43 16 thus


the Lord

you could get happy off those four words

if you knew what hung on those four


because when you read thus

says the Lord

it’s tagging into his name the Lord


and it is saying that what Yahweh says

about your situation

is greater than any past indicator of

your potential

now follow me here because it’s

important that you really tag into your

past if you don’t if you don’t ever tap

into your past like Isaiah is doing here

he says he makes a way in the sea a path

in the mighty Waters if you don’t ever

tap into what God did in your past do

right now just close your eyes just

close your eyes I promise nobody’s going

to steal your purse these are good

Christian people close your eyes right

now where you are I’m watching on the

phone and my roommate’s gonna think I’m

weird your roommate’s weird they need to

be watching okay close your eyes

all right close your eyes I want you to

think and tap into something in your


and when you got it say I got it

something that God did that you would

have said no way about

something that God did

that you would have said in a way and

say I got it when you got it

all right that was quick do another one

do another one do another one

for some of you it’s the fact that your

kid is in church with you today

your kid didn’t want to come to church

and then all of a sudden somehow someway

got well maybe you dragged them and

maybe you bribed them and maybe you had

to pay them twenty dollars but some way

God got him here

for some of you it is a a physical

illness that you thought you wouldn’t

recover from if that’s your testimony

shout that’s me

okay it’s a physical illness that you

thought you wouldn’t recover from you

recovered from it and you’re strong by

the grace of God God Made A Way

for some of you it is an addiction that

crippled you and now you find yourself

gaining momentum a little bit stronger

every day some days it’s harder than

others some days it seems like you might

not make it today but even when you slip

off the path a little bit you feel them

pulling you back God is making a way if

that’s you shout that’s me okay for some

of you it is something in your life that

God provided in the resource realm you

didn’t know how you were going to come

up with that money you didn’t know how

you were going to do it by that date you

didn’t know how you were going to make

it through that unemployment season you

didn’t know how your industry was going

to collapse all around you and God was

going to send Ravens to feed you by the

Brook called Karen but God did not take

a vote to see how he could bless you he

just tapped a bird on the shoulder and

dropped something off for you and did

something for you and he did it just in

the nick of time not early not late and

you found out he’s an on-time God who

makes a way where there is no way at

just the right time as you abide in him

you bore much fruit for some of you it’s

the Revelation that God gave you of the

strength that you didn’t know you had

you walked through the valley of the

shadow of death but is rotten as staff

they comforted you so now you’re

standing looking at another wolf saying

I will fear no evil for thou art with me

thou art always with me great Jehovah

guide me

all right

shout he made a way

so I I gotta tap into that now watch

this this is the important thing Isaiah

said tap into that

but don’t get trapped in that



you know where I’m going with this

the way that he made yesterday

may not be the way that he makes



so there’s two ways to approach the past

one you tap into it and you trust God in

the present the other way is you get

trapped in it and you doubt God in the


because he isn’t guaranteeing that he

will do in the future what he did in the


break it down Pastor I think I follow

you but I’m a little bit confused I can

do that the relationships that God used

to support you in one season may not be

the same release relationships he uses

to support you in the next


as a matter of fact

sometimes the removal of a relationship

is an opportunity for a revelation

because some of the things that I

trusted in were a trapped holding me

back from trusting in God who is my

Supply who is my provider who is my help

I don’t look to the hills for my health

my health comes from him

yeah yeah Jesus is my help and he is the

same yesterday today and forever so

here’s the dance I gotta tap into

yesterday but not get trapped in

yesterday I gotta tap into what he did

enough to trust what he’s doing and I

gotta move through what he’s doing even

though I cannot predict where it ends up

who am I preaching to five people who

need this message

I keep no secrets from you we are family

I am preaching from a personal place I

just dropped my oldest son off at

College this week


I’m not okay

I miss him

that’s my dude

who else am I going to listen to Guns

and Roses in the pound and lift weights

with I don’t know


Abby are you available

but here’s what I’m learning about this

this whole process

you talk to these parents

who dropped their kid off at college

and they’re like yeah we dropped them

off and and they graduated and their



thank you Mike

I felt better Mike Mitchell said it’s

not easy

thank you for saying that

because you know what Mike

when people talk about we dropped our

kid off and they were the salutatorian

and they went to Harvard and then they

did their post-grad at Yale and then

they operate they’ve invented a cure to

cancel culture and

yo uh

I just don’t even know I don’t even know

Adam you didn’t even go that far and I’m

just saying we’re still gonna talk every

day but I still just miss him and I’m

trying to trust God with that

and people would just tell you their

their own testimony like it was just a

clean miracle

no this is how I read the Bible this I

read the Bible and I don’t know if you

read the Bible like this when when I

read it like that and it sounds too

clean like this is the clean version

of what happened in in Exodus 14.

um thus says the Lord Isaiah is like

reminding them God was faithful because

that was something they didn’t

experience that was hundreds of years

before they lived but he’s trying to get

them ready for something they’re going

through now so he Taps into the past to

teach them to trust in the presence so

he says thus says the Lord who makes a

way in the sea of path in the mighty

Waters and how good that sounds and how

easy that sounds who brings forth

Chariot and Horus Army and Warrior they

lie down they cannot rise you got to put

verse 16 up there because it just sounds

so good who makes a way in the sea

a path in the mighty Waters

show you what that doesn’t say leave it

up so I can prove it

and I feel like Moses wants me to tell

you this because Moses was the one who

was actually there

Moses be like hey

how are y’all shot about that

God who makes a way

in the sea a path in the mighty Waters

it does not say

because I don’t know what y’all are

shouting about

because it doesn’t say he makes a way

around the sea


isn’t that good

this is Moses I’m speaking on behalf of


not a path around the mighty Waters

you see that little word


when you’re in it

I’ma come to this side

there there’s a little bit of they’re

judging me over there they’re like just

trust God

when you’re

in it

I’m gonna come down there

I’m come down there I’m sick of this

I’m sick of y’all cause it’s like and

they crossed over on dry ground they

went through the Red Sea and the waters

went back and they crossed through on

dry ground

how dry

I speculate I’m not a scientist or a



that if there was a sea and God sent a

wind and split the sea and told them to

go in the middle

where the water had just been

and was still standing up on the right

and the left

as they walked through it

if if they stepped into the middle of

where water had just been

let me check your shoes real quick


let me check y’all real quick

you’re quick to hear about other

people’s miracles


but I found out

no mud

no miracles

check and check those are nice

yeah man I’m checking

I’m checking to see yeah I’m just

checking to see I know I know this kind

of weird thing to do I’m checking to see

if there’s anything in your life right


this kind of Muddy

where you’re in it

I mean in it

because in church it’s a time for us to

remember miracles

it is also a time for us to accept the


that comes with the Miracles


and I will tell you the truth about

everybody that sits on your row

if they have a miracle they also have

some mud

and I just need you to know it

so you don’t feel judged by all the

perfect families

that you thought were perfect

you just haven’t gotten close enough to

see their mud yet

they just keep their shoes clean enough

when they’re around you but if you ever

saw what was really underneath you

wouldn’t feel so bad about the stuff you

struggle with either

so yeah I got miracles yeah I got

testimonies yeah I got open doors yeah I

got victories yeah yeah I got songs yeah

God praise reports

Miracles but I also got mud what I’m

trying to say to you today is that if

you are in a muddy situation if you are

in the muddy middle of a transition in

your life if you are in the money middle

of beginning a recovery process if you

are in the money middle of trying to

figure out who am I now in my life if

you are in the

machine in your kid off or having your

kid back or trying to have a kid but

can’t have a kid or trying to race a kid

and not kill a kid or trying to finish a

degree or trying to start a degree or

trying to go back or trying to get away

if you got some mind I got a word for

you mud means miracles

hey thanks for stopping by my YouTube

channel I hope you were blessed today if

you were share this with somebody like

And subscribe and leave me a comment let

me know where you’re watching from what

we can pray for you about hope to see

you back here again really soon
