Dr. Tony Evans is the founder and senior pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas, founder, and president of The Urban Alternative and author of over 100 books, booklets, and Bible studies. The first African American to earn a doctorate of theology from Dallas Theological Seminary, he has been named one of the 12 Most Effective Preachers in the English-Speaking World by Baylor University. Dr. Evans holds the honor of writing and publishing the first full-Bible commentary and study Bible by an African American. His radio broadcast, The Alternative with Dr. Tony Evans, can be heard on over 1,400 radio outlets daily and in more than 130 countries. Dr. Evans’ sermons are also streamed and downloaded over 20,000,000 times annually.

well good morning to everybody and happy

happy happy Father’s Day to all the

fathers out there we hope you have a

great day

and that this is the beginning of a

great new 12-month cycle of your daddy

hood and fulfilling your your role as a

father has never been a time when

fathers have been more critical to the

well-being of kind of like everything

than they are right now and so I’m

excited as a father to join with the

fathers to wish you this happy day and

mothers and kids make sure that daddy

knows that you love him you cherish him

you value him you respect him and yes

you are following him so so that’ll put

a little pressure on him to lead you in

the right way right but happy Father’s

Day and we’re excited for this special

day and what we want to talk to

specifically the men about is what I’m

calling the declaration of a kingdom man

we want you to make a declaration all

you men and fathers we want you to

declare where you’re coming from and you

know a kingdom man is a male who has

made the decision to operate

consistently under the governance of God

and other the lordship of Jesus Christ

and so that’s to be your posture a

father one day was correcting his son

you see his son had gone out and his son

had gone to the outhouse and way out in

the country and the son hated to go to

this outhouse he just hated it I don’t

know stood on the side of a creek and he

got so frustrated and having to go use

the outhouse one day they he just pushed

the outhouse real hard and it fell into

the creek well the father came to him

the next day and said son did you push

the outhouse into the creek

son said yes that I did it father took

off his belt to do a little correcting

but the son complained he said but Dad

George Washington told the truth about

chopping down the cherry tree that’s

when the father said yeah but George

Washington’s father wasn’t in the tree

you get the point the daddy was in the

outhouse when they got pushed over the

young man had made a bad decision

because he didn’t understand it

understand all the ramifications of its

choice we live in a day when choices

have to be made we live in a day in the

fork in the road when you look at what’s

happening all around us the chaos the

confusion the lack of clarity and voices

coming at us from all different

directions it’s time for men to make a

choice choice is the ability that God

has given each of us to make a decision

regarding the options that are before us

and with all the voices that we’re

hearing now it is time for men to make a

decision God has given us a will and he

does not make all of our decisions for

us he gives us the option like he did

the first man Adam but he gives us the

ability to make the choice that just so

we understand the theology of choice all

of our choices are within sovereign

boundaries like a football field

there’s sovereign boundaries their

sidelines goal lines those those lines

are not negotiable they don’t move but

on the field of play you get to choose

you get to choose which play you run God

is given us as human beings and yes

especially men the ability to make a

choice we will either choose his way or

our own way

we’ll choose God’s Way or man’s way

we’ll choose the secular way or the

sacred way the choice is yours now let

me let us all know we don’t get to

choose the consequences we only get to

make the choice the consequences are in

the hand of God and the reality is God

is waiting on men to make a choice he’s

waiting on men to choose him not just by

throwing up some God words but by making

the choice that their decision-making

will be consistent with his word and his

will and that will be the final word on

all subjects and I know we’ve got some

major cultural competing subjects right

now but he wants to know that his word

and his will and his way will determine

our choice

Isaiah three makes it clear that when

men don’t choose right the kids get in

rebellion the women can possibly take an

illegitimate authoritative role and it

says and then the men become neutered

and they become weak and they fall on

the sword today we have too many men

falling on the sword too many men who

have been domesticated meaning operating

in a way that is outside of your

divinely ordained responsibility and it

starts with a God choice that’s why I

love these two verses in Joshua chapter


let me read them now therefore fear the

Lord and serve Him in sincerity and in

truth and put away the gods which your

father’s served beyond the river and in

Egypt and serve the Lord if it is

disagreeable in your sight to serve the

Lord choose for yourselves today whom

you will serve whether the gods which

your father’s served which were beyond


/ gods of the amorite sin whose land you

are living but as for me and my house we

will serve the Lord

here’s a man Joshua who makes a choice

the context is that he is concerned that

the people who have left Egypt have not

fully left Egypt they still got a little

Egypt in them and this this Egypt that

is stuck with them will give them the

propensity to want the blessing of God

without choosing god well what the

benefits of the promises of God without

the selection to the submission and

service to God and so he wants to make

it clear you’re not in Egypt anymore and

even in the world in which you are

living and the way you are surrounded by

a secular culture by the Emirates

don’t let the place where you’re living

in define the decisions that you make

we’re hearing voices all over telling us

who we are how we ought to operate what

we are to think how we ought to move

what we ought to say how we ought to

feel and those voices are coming at us

hot and heavy on the street in the media

Joshua says look I have made a decision

that my decisions will be defined not by

the culture around me but by the Christ

inside of me by my commitment to the

will and the word of God he knew that

pressured by the culture the culture

they came from Egypt and the environment

they were in the Emirates there would be

the propensity to spiritual compromise

it is disheartening to see the

generation of men today who are

spiritually compromising

they are one way in church but then they

go secular when they leave Church they

leave what God thinks and what God says

and will allow what man thinks and what

man says to override the authoritative

Word of God which means they’re not

Kingdom men and they’ve not made a

kingdom declaration this does not deny

your realities your humanity but it does

say they’re subject to a greater

Authority he does not want them to play

with idols and Idol is a noun an

unauthorized now person place thing of

thought that you look to as your source

now today we have American idols they’re

sophisticated it can be technology can

be politics it can be your race it can

be your education it can be your income

can be your career it can be anything

that Trump’s God and your decision

making anything or anyone including you

that can overrule God means that is an

idol in your life you need to understand

God has an exclusivity clause

he can’t be second and he will not allow

any other competing deities not if you

want him in the vicinity my great

concern with all the cultural turmoil

we’re going through is that we’ll want

God pray to God while having competing

idols that we are entertaining when you

do that you have exited God in spite of

your church attendance in spite of your

prayers in spite of your cultural

nuances you want God we need God right

in the middle of it and we need some men

to declare we don’t need an undecided

voter right now we need somebody who are

voting for heaven every time yes we mess

up we make mistakes we sin and God has

given us an antidote for it called

repentance where we turned the other way

and turn back to God

actually to do it but for all that we as

men are facing today and his father’s

you better have God on your side and God

doesn’t want your just voting in private

many people today many men today won a

cafeteria God the kind of God where you

pick and choose when you want him and

when you don’t want it that’s not the

kind of God he is and that’s not the

kind of men he’s looking for as you’ve

heard me say many times he’s if you’re

20 to 30 God is looking for a man so he

doesn’t have to curse the land but

because he couldn’t find one the land

was cursed our culture could be cursed

because the men are nowhere to be

located so if your man not a male a man

you can be a male and not a man because

you haven’t made the decision the

declaration it’s time to make your vote

heard for heaven to overrule history it

relates to history it operates in

history but it’s designed to overrule

history when history is not on God’s

side now let’s look a little closer at

Joshua’s declaration first of all it is

a personal declaration he says as for me

as for me this decision cannot be made

by somebody else for you as a father as

a man as a husband you’ve got to make

the decision this is how I roll

this is where I’m coming from I am first

of all a Christian I am first of all a

follower of Jesus Christ

my first allegiance is to the God of the

Bible his way his word his wisdom his

will as for me now in a culture and

chaos that can be a little tough

decision because folks will want you to

make their decision in order to be


in order to be popular too many men

today I like jellyfish jellyfish can be

a little they can be cute colorful but

they have no substance no backbone they

just go with the carrot they don’t they

don’t take a stand and I don’t mean

being men I mean I don’t mean being mean

but I do mean being clear that I follow

Jesus Christ everybody else is saying

who they follow why should we be

ambiguous as men about who we follow he

says as for me then he broadens it and

my house he takes responsibility for his

family he doesn’t ask for vote he

doesn’t ask do y’all agree with me

no he makes a declaration why because in

the Bible the father would be held

responsible by God for the direction of

his family I am the God of Abraham Isaac

and Jacob the Bible says he doesn’t ever

say I am the god of Sarah Rebecca and

Rachel not because women aren’t critical

and strategic they’re absolutely

necessary but the one who would be held

accountable and responsible would be the

man you remember God asked Adam Adam

where are you Adam where you at yeah I

know you

your wife was involved with this but but

I’m holding you responsible the Bible

says in Adam all died not in Adam and

Eve because God held the man responsible

it’s the essence of a kingdom and he

accepts responsibility under God he’s

under Authority that’s why he’s in

authority he’s not this autonomous

person out there floating and


as for me and miles the kids don’t get

to make the final decision when God has

spoken your mate as much as you should

love her does not get to make the final

decision when God has spoken that God

told Adam

cuz you listen to your wife and you let

her overrule me chaos is gonna come in

your life in your home and in your world

cuz I don’t even want your wife to

overrule me he says even he says even my

household my family spoke for his whole

house we need men who will leave their

families men the Bible talks about the

household of the man the household of

David because he was held responsible

doesn’t mean it’s your fault that mean

you are the one to blame it you means

you’re responsible if it’s broke you set

in motion the systems to fix it to lead

it out of brokenness you get the help

you need if you are unable to do it

yourself but have you made this

declaration to your wife and children as

for me because I’m gonna set the pace

and I’ma set the example and my crib my

house this is how we roll and we don’t

vote on this because this God’s house

it’s the place where he rules it’s for

me and my house have you made that

declaration not only in word but visibly

they see that this is how you there’s

your wife have to wake you up to go to

church I’m gonna tell Matt if you have

to go to work I’m talking about because

you want to sleep in and send them that

means you aren’t being responsible for

the spiritual leadership does she always

have to lead in prayer and lead in

devotions that’s because you haven’t

accepted the spiritual leadership you

say but she knows more than me that’s

got nothing to do with leadership

leadership has to do with the position

you take and the posts you hold so that

it is clear that I represent God for the

covering of this house and please

understand me this is a covering

statement because unless a man lets God

cover him he can’t properly cover his

loved ones he says as for me and my

house my family

no not not not not not the neighborhood

that they don’t control what happens in

this house

now your school chums they don’t they

don’t control the kids who will often

come home and say but my friend said

hold it hold it if what your friends

want and what your friends say and what

your friends think disagree with God let

me guide you in love and kindness not in


but in clarity as for me and my house we

don’t go that way

we don’t do those things we don’t use

profanity in this house because this is

God’s house we don’t allow that program

programming in this house it’s God’s

house we we represent God in this home

why because we want to be covered by God

in this family far too many men what God

to cover their lives the family their

career and their money when they fail to

visibly represent him personally and in

their homes but notice what else he says

he says he doesn’t know what the people

are going to do if it is disagreeable in

your sight to serve the Lord let me tell

you what I’m gonna do so he’s speaking

to everybody he’s not just talking to

himself not just talking to his family

he’s talking to the whole nation so he

not only makes a personal commitment he

not only makes a family declaration he

makes a culture wide declaration if it

is disagreeable to y’all let me tell you

what I’m gonna do what we need is some

men with spiritual backbone who love

themselves properly who love their

families and who love the world in which

they live but are inextricably clear

y’all may not want to go where I’m going

my race may not want to go where I’m

going my class

not want to go where I’m going my

culture may not want to go where I’m

going but let me tell you where I’m

going whether or not you agree with me

or not he says it may be disagreeable to

you you may not be wanting to go where

I’m going but let me be clear he says as

for me and my house we will serve the


so he wasn’t just giving a private word

he was giving a public declaration we

need men to go public for their

Christian faith we’ve got some big

issues before us don’t we we’ve got all

kind of pandemics we got a health

pandemic a racial pandemic a police and

community pandemic

we’ve got clashes going everywhere well

you know the best resolved of these

pandemics is godly men taking their

place and speaking about what God says

about racial injustice what God says

about order what God says about healing

wounds what God says about how we relate

to other people what God says about the

role of government what God says about

how institutions ought to operate

because guess what God has something to

say about all of it he’s not left any

issue that we’re struggling with void of

a world view and of a divine

illumination but he says I’m gonna serve

God even if it disagrees with all of


now you don’t disagree to be

disagreeable you don’t disagree because

you want to be different no he’s talking

about a God focus and not only in words

he says to them it’s who you serve he

keeps using this word serve

it’s who you obey it’s who you submit

yourself to it is absolutely critical

today that we have a generation of men

who lovingly caringly and responsibly do

what a good quarterback does you know

quarterback is the lead guy he takes the

ball from the center he’s got to drop

back in the pocket and either throw it

or hand it off the defense has one goal

to stop him to sack him before he can

throw it off or hand it off to hit him

so he’ll think twice about the next play

and one thing a quarterback has to be

willing to do is take the hit because

he’s going to get hit because there’s a

side out there that doesn’t want him to

succeed there’s a culture out there that

doesn’t want men of God to succeed

there’s a culture out there that doesn’t

buy a biblical frame of reference it

doesn’t buy God’s point of view and a

quarterback has to understand that while

our goal is to move forward there will

be resistance and that’s why you need

God on your side for yourself your

family and if we’re gonna make a

difference for healing and unity and

oneness and justice and righteousness in

a broken world God is waiting on men

he’s waiting on men to take their stand

for him and to do it on all three of

those levels and to do it collectively

he’s calling folk to join him there was

a little pygmy standing over a

rhinoceros the rhinoceros was there dead

huge beast of an animal he was standing

over the rhinoceros and a man said when

he saw him he said well who who killed

that rhinoceros the pygmy said well well

I did it’s that way little guy you kill

that big rhinoceros say yeah I took him

down he said how did you do that the big

one said I did it with my club wait a

minute you killed this rhinoceros with

your club since how big is your club he

said I got a hundred other dudes in my

club the God wants you to be part of a

club a posse posse of godly men not

perfect men but men are pursuing God and

men who will hold tenaciously to his

will and his word and his way that’s why

he says I’m going to serve Him I just go

to church I’m going to serve Him

he gets them to make a covenant covenant

is a divinely created relational bond we

told that the people made a covenant

with God they came and they they

collectively decided verse 25 so the

people so Joshua made a covenant that

day it’s an agreement it’s a decision

following a declaration we need men of

the kingdom who are also men of the

covenant they are pursuing a growing

intimate relationship with their King

while simultaneously coming underneath

the rulership of that King they’re

drawing closer to him personally while

representing him publicly that’s what we

need today healers in the land and

repairers of the breach a covenant and


everything is related to where the

football is first down where you put the


outside where you are in relationship to

the football out-of-bounds where you

carried the football touchdown that the

football across the plane of the goal

field goal did the football go between

the uprights in other words nothing

matters except as it’s related to the

location and the handling of the

football that’s what the Covenant is God

relates to us based on how we handle the

relationship are we relating to him and

are we ruling underneath him that’s

football and of course it comes in

different situations in different ways

through varying expressions but it ought

to be clear it’s the football

it’s the Covenant it’s the agreement

it’s my declaration you have a choice I

have a choice maybe you’ve made bad

choices with regard to your own life and

direction perhaps you are an abandoned

abandoning father perhaps you’ve walked

away from your role as a husband and a

father and you failed

well I’ve got a good news for you God

gives cover mental renewal he provides

men the opportunity to get back in

alignment with him you go to God and you

repent you say God I failed as a husband

I failed as a father I failed as a man

but today as for me and to whatever

level I can give in my situation my

house and I’ll make sure that when I go

public people know appropriately done

that I am a follower of Jesus Christ now

God will pay attention to that decision

that choice and so the question is what

do you choose what do I choose

Elijah the Prophet has asked the

question how long will you hope between

two opinions second Kings 18:21 it once

know how long you gonna go back and

forth on this how long you go you’re

gonna ride the seesaw God one day

everybody else the next day or even my

own private opinion he says how long you

gonna keep going back and forth up and

down in and out I want you to I want you

to just Claire today whom you’re gonna

serve that’s the kind of men God is

looking for the kind of fathers he’s

looking for now you have a choice I have

a choice

I can choose God or choose myself I can

choose God or choose the wrong direction

of my family I can choose God or choose

the wrong direction of my culture do you

have a choice and God will give you the

freedom to make that choice

you remember Indiana Jones and the Last

Crusade it’s one of my favorites of the

Indiana Jones movies and he’s looking

for the Holy Grail his father has been

wounded and his father is dying but if

he can get to the Holy Grail dip it in

water and pour it on his father’s wound

his father will be healed here’s a son

trying to save his father to get to the

Holy Grail he’s got to make a lot of

decisions he’s got a he’s got to get the

name of God right he’s got a he’s got a

bow to his knee he’s got to take a step

of faith yeah

he’s got he’s got some challenges to get

the Holy Grail the question is is he man

enough to take up the challenge is he

man enough to take the risk is he man

enough to take the hit he’s got a he’s

got a choice to make he makes some

interim choices that gets him into a

into an enclave

where there’s this this guard of all of

these Grails these cups and they’re


he’s got a he’s got to choose but which

one is the Holy Grail which one has

divine substance tied to it which one

will get heaven to change earth so his

father can live because he’s got a

plethora of options but which one does

this man choose he looks around he looks

around he’s confused because all of them

sound right look right seem right but

then all of a sudden he notices

something there was a one wooden one one

wooden one in the midst of all the

glittery ones the golden ones the silver


the brass ones as this wood one and he

remembers Jesus was a carpenter he dealt

with wood so he goes over and he picks

up the wooden one but there’s another

man in there who picks up one of the

shiny ones one of the this looks like

it’ll work one he goes first and dips it

into the water and drinks it and in a

matter of minutes he disintegrates the

wooden one wasn’t impressive it wasn’t

something that you would be all excited

about but he knew it was the one that

Jesus would authorize that God would

validate he dips it he drinks the water

from it and he sees that he remains

whole he rushes it back to his father

pours it on his wound and his father is

healed and comes back to health as you

get to make your choice today there are

a lot of pretty options out there and

they’re good rings they seem right sound

right look right feel right but the

question is isn’t the choice Jesus would


because it’s not the choice that Jesus

will authorize all you go see is more

disintegration more failure more

frustration more emptiness ah but if we

could get some men even if you’re the

son who needs to help your father out

that’s okay to like indeed they had to

do is father dr. Jones and you get the

Jesus Grail right even though it’s not

as fancy and it’s not something

everybody else would choose it’s the one

that will work and you see when you

leave when your life and your world is

falling apart you want something that’s

working you don’t just need something

that’s pretty that won’t work

and so I’m calling on all men to make a

declaration to decide which way you’re

gonna go from this point forward because

God’s gonna ask you about your choice

when you stand before him he’s gonna

want to know why didn’t you choose me

why did you choose everything else but

me then you’ll have to give an answer at

the judgment seat of Christ if you’re a

Christian if we can get enough men get

enough club to go public with Jesus for

justice and righteousness for equity and

holiness then we could begin to see what

God will do when he intervenes into the

pandemics that are unraveling us as a

society because they can’t get enough

men to step forward in closing there

were two young men one day who were

always wanted to trick their professor

the professor was really smart he always

had an answer for every question so

these two young men said look let’s

let’s see if we can stump our professor

let’s catch a bird a tiny bird and put

it in our hand and then ask the

professor is the bird dead or alive if

the professor says the bird is dead

we’ll open up by hand and it’ll fly away


be wrong if the professor says the bird

is alive we’ll squeeze it and crush it

in our hand and show him a dead bird so

there’s no way he can win we can get it

he thinks he’s mr. know-it-all we can

get it let’s get him they found a little

tiny bird and brought it to the

professor and said professor we want to

challenge you is this bird dead or alive

the professor looked and studied the

fist for a moment and then he looked at

the two young men and said they they

said to them gentlemen you asked me the

question is the bird dead or alive the

answer is in your hand you’ve got a

culture that wants to trick you and trip

you up but the answer is in your choice

do you choose to follow him or not not

asking you do you choose to be religious

I might ask you do you choose to go to

church I’m not even asking you do you

choose to pray and read your Bible I’m

asking you do you choose to follow him

it includes those things but it includes

a relationship submitting to rule if

that’s your choice then we ought to know

about it your family ought to know about


your friends ought to know about it the

culture ought to know about it and when

God sees it you’ll see God act through

it to make a difference in your life and

in our world