Have you ever wondered why we pray to God when He already knows what we’re going to say? Prayer is not telling God something He doesn’t already know, as some might think, but rather a reaching out in relationship to Him. Join Tony Evans as he shows you how developing a relationship with God as your heavenly Father can redefine your prayer life with Him.

where were you

if you would have been here she said

this thing wouldn’t happen

the blood of christ has given believers

a passport

to enter into a realm

that is closed to the general public

prayer is how you show your passport

god has given so much clout to prayer

that’s relationally driven to draw

heaven in the history that he will even

allow prayer to change his mind

the disciples never asked jesus to teach

them to preach

to teach them to do miracles the one

thing they did ask him is will you teach

us to pray

if you pursue a relationship and bring

your needs along with that

in your secret place

you will hear from god because god will

hear from you

ask and it will be given to you seek and

you will find knock and it will be open

to you don’t let things that god is

willing to change go unchanged because

we refuse to meet him in a private place


now the lord’s prayer is divided into

a very simple flow

two halves if you will

the first half is concerned

with god

hallowed be thy name

thy kingdom come

thy will be done it’s about

thy or you

the second half is about us

our daily bread our trespasses lead us

not into temptation

so the first half is all about god the

second half is about you and then of

course he closes it with prayer about

god again

thine is the kingdom the power and the

glory for ever and ever amen so it’s

god us god

what leads jesus into this prayer from

verse eight

is his statement that god knows

our needs your father already knows

before you ask what you’re coming to him

to talk about so prayer is not an

informational session to inform god he

says i i already know what you want to

talk about i just want to know do you

want to talk to me about it

here is the key

just because god knows something doesn’t

mean he will act on it

he has knowledge of everything but some

things he will not act on

until there is relational communication

with him about it so his knowledge does

not equal his action

jesus says pray in this way

in verse 9.

pray like this

this is really not a prayer to be

repeated word for word

it is really a framework a guide

for praying

today we want to look at verse 9. for

verse 9 is pregnant with principles for


first of all






you are not an only child

it’s not just your daddy

it’s our father

but he is


he is

father let’s talk about that

you only have a father because you got

kids that’s what makes you a father

everybody who has accepted christ

john 1 12

has been made a son or a child or

daughter of god so

you have a father

so when you approach god in prayer he

wants you to approach him


not just


way up there

but daddy

up in here

he wants a relational communication

as a father first of all

he is father by position

because in the scripture the father was

the head of the home i am the god of

abraham isaac and jacob the breakdown of

the father god always did his covenants

through the father because the father

held the post

of responsibility

so if you are a man here

god holds you in ultimate place of



your home by position

and for your children

maybe you didn’t know that but every man

here needs to know

in the bible it is the father’s

responsibility to raise the children not

the mother the job of the mother is to

help and fill in the gaps when the

father can’t be there because that is

your role so if the father doesn’t own

it you may be father by title but you’re

not father by position because you’re

not carrying out the rearing

responsibility that belongs ultimately

certainly with the help of the wife but

ultimately belongs in the hands of the

man the beautiful thing is if we start

with our heavenly father he takes

responsibility for all of his children

and for all of us who name the name of

jesus christ he owns that god owns that

because that’s what fathers do

in addition to that position of raising

the children his job is to provide god

told adam before he gave him a family

i’m going to make you a provider and i’m

going to provide for you so i’m going to

provide for you so that you can provide

for them because i’m your daddy i want

you to be their daddy in addition to the

position and the provider was the

protection he says you are to guard the

garden and if you guard the garden under

me i’m going to guard you i’ll guard you

while you guard the garden and you cover

the family so it was the god

fathering adam adam was to father the

family and adam was to get his clues of

father ring from god if you start with

your human father and your human father

wasn’t a father worth following and you

transfer that to god you have a bad

attitude toward god

because you had a bad situation with

your human father and so our heavenly

father has a position he is a provider

he is a protector and that’s who you

talk to when you pray



second thing you need to know is our


who art in heaven

translation our father who’s not on


your father is a heavenly father


this is critical

because you and i live on earth

and on earth we operate by our five


and we are limited by time and space

because we’re earthbound

let me tell you something about

your daddy

your daddy

is not subject to the limitations of

time and space

because your daddy’s house is in heaven

daniel 4 26 says

heaven rules over earth

so what you need to know when you pray

to your unseen father is that he’s very



he’s in heaven

and heaven

overrules earth

so therefore

the limitations

of your earthly father

are not the limitations of your heavenly

father because your earthly father is as

bound to earth as you are but your

heavenly father is not

therefore if you put all of your marbles

on your earthly father with their


you’re going to miss out

on the

potency of your heavenly father who is

not subject to this world order i’m glad

to know

that earthly fathers don’t have the last


so if you were raised without a father

if you were raised with an abusive

father if you were raised with a

neglected father i want you to know

right now that that earthly father

doesn’t have the last say-so over your


over your recovery

over your stability over your provision

cause your daddy got a daddy

who is in heaven

that is he operates out of a whole



now when jesus was on earth

he prayed to god as his father

every time jesus prayed he prayed


in fact

the only time that i’ve seen in


where jesus prayed and called his father

god was when he died on the cross

my god my god why hast thou forsaken me

every other time he calls him father the

reason he has to call him god on the

cross is he’s coveted with our sin

so there’s no fellowship with the father

so he got to have him way out there as

the transcendent god

but when he was walking on earth

he called him father this is why i love

john chapter 20 verse 17.

because john verse 20 chapter 20 verse



he tells his disciples i am going to my

father he’s getting ready to leave earth

and go to heaven i am going to my father

but then he says

and yours

oh wait amen

i’m not only going to my daddy

i’m going to your daddy too now why do

you need to know that

you need to know that because what jesus

was telling them that he’s telling us

is the same help that my daddy gave me

when i’m on earth now that i’m leaving

he makes available to you because you’re

as much of his kid as i am

the bible says that jesus christ is

seated on the right hand of the father

in heaven and guess what it says in

ephesians chapter 2 verse 6 we are

seated with him so the same

level of intimacy

based on god’s will

that he had with jesus he says he wants

to have with you if you relate to him as


our father

who is in heaven

who operates

out of that realm but i’m praying

because i need you in this realm

and then he comes to it here it is

hallow to be thy name


be thy name

the greek word hollowed means to be


separated and unique

is to treat as one of a kind

it’s to treat a

special a class by itself

it’s from one of the cognates of the

word holy to be separate

unique special


there’s nobody like you

when you know the price god paid

for your salvation for your deliverance

it shouldn’t be a problem


his name

that means to put it in a class by


he’s not to be treated like just a

another deity or just another greater no

you are diminishing his name that’s why

the third commandment says

don’t take the name of the lord in vain

that means don’t not hollow his name

don’t treat his name as ordinary

the word vain means empty with no real

reason that they’re there you’re just

throwing it out and not recognizing the

significance of it


i’ve said this before but to understand

this idea of hollowing

making it sacred treating it like it’s

like it’s unique

hollowed be your name

so that means we got to talk about his



the bible does not use names like we use


we use names because we like them we

name our kids maybe after somebody or

because we like the sound of that name

that’s how we do it but in the bible

typically names were tied to meanings

so kids were named by parents based on

the meaning of the word

well when god wanted to express himself

he does it through name including his


so the better you know his name now we

know the name god okay okay but that is

a generic

umbrella name okay

i want to break it down

break it down

in my book on the names of god

i have in the back listed 85

names in the old testament for god


names because those names have meaning

so when he says hollow be your name if

you don’t know his name you can’t hollow


to put it another way the better you

know his name the more you can hollow

him because you’ll have more information

on your daddy

so let’s go over god’s name

first of all is the name elohim

that’s the name in genesis 1. in the

beginning elohim god created the heavens

and the earth normally in the bible when

you see g.o.d


it typically is referring to elohim

that is the creator god now elohim is a

plural term eem is plural

l is strong one

the context of elohim in the beginning

god created the heaven and earth

discusses god as the creator god

this is his power name

so l or elohim is his power name he

creates with that name


you need to know that name because

you’re going to need power in your life

you’re going to need god to do something

so let me tell you a little bit about

elohim’s power

the bible says in hebrews chapter 11

verse 3

that god created

out of things which do not appear

we call it in theology ex nilo which

means out of nothing

so god made the heavens and earth

without having any raw material to work


he created

creation out of nothing

now your children are being lied to in


by being taught the evil doctrine and

religion of evolution because it is a


the religion of evolution or what i call

fairy tales for adults

says that nothing produced everything

they even have this ignorant theory out

there called the big bang theory where

there’s an explosion bringing the

universe into existence well have you

ever seen a bomb explode something and

everything fall back down to be unified

blow up a building but all the bricks

are gonna fall back down and be in place

okay this is this is because men don’t

want to have to answer the god so they

got to come up with a theory that keeps

god out of the issue because they don’t

hollow his name

why do you need to know his name is


because you need to know

that god can do stuff without you


or seeing or having any idea of how he

gonna pull it off because he doesn’t

need raw materials to do what he’s going

to do

he can do what he’s going to do when you

don’t know how he’s going to do it

that’s why god had to tell mary when he

told mary you’re going to have a baby

even though you’re a virgin she says

that doesn’t make sense there’s no sperm

involved here there’s no man involved

here what you just said can’t happen the

angel looked at her and said you don’t

know his name

let me explain something nothing is

impossible with god he’s elohim he

doesn’t need raw material

if he plans to pull it off anyway

when you know your daddy

it’s so big

that he doesn’t have to have raw

material you don’t have to be able to

figure it out you don’t have to

understand how you’re going to hook it

up because your daddy is so big he can

bypass raw material to pull off answered

prayer that’s the daddy you want to talk


second name

foundational name

or yahweh

that is the name god gave himself

when you read your bible and you see

capital l

capital o capital r capital d that is

typically jehovah or yahweh

that is god’s relational name it’s his

covenant name it’s his connect with you


moses asked who shall i say sent me

he says you tell them i am that i am

that’s that’s the


the tetragrammaton is the four letters

these were four letters

and these four letters

consonants that’s why they had to add

vowels so that we could pronounce it

yahweh or jehovah

he said i am that i am

i’m not what you want me to be i am who

i am

i am a relational god you have to


god that’s why he uses father is a

relational being so if you don’t want to

relate to jehovah you may not get the

benefit of elohim

see everybody wants elohim show me your

power but not a lot of folk want jehovah

give me the relationship

and god won’t give you

all the elohim if you don’t want none of


you don’t want to spend time with him

you don’t want to get to know him you

don’t want to study him you don’t want

to learn him you don’t want to apply him

you don’t want to interact with him you

don’t want to include him but you want

the blessing you want the power you want

the deliverance

his name is jehovah when it comes to

relational expression of elohim that’s

why in genesis chapter 1 the only name

in genesis 1 is elohim because he’s

creating the stars and the moon and the

sun and

the animals he’s doing all that but in

chapter 2 verse 4 when he begins

creating people you don’t read

elohim anymore by itself you read

jehovah elohim or as you’ll see it in

the bible the lord god the lord god the

lord god why because man would see

elohim when he got connected with

jehovah so if you want to see more power

get closer to daddy because daddy is the

one who dispenses the elohim power of

god don’t have a long distance with god

and expect close-up deliverance close-up

blessing close-up fire closer protection

closer provision but you keep a long

distance from your daddy no he wants to

be jehovah then the third foundational

name is


adonai when you read your bible is

capital l

small o

small aura small d

capital l small o small r small d that

is typically adonai

adam now means your boss

your manager

your supervisor your owner the one in

charge of you that’s adonai

so elohim is his power

jehovah is his relationship



means that he’s in charge of you

so if you don’t want god telling you

what to do

don’t be calling on elohim and don’t be

thinking you getting close to your


because he is in charge

he wants to call the

the greatest insult you can give to god

is when he clearly says something and

you tell him what you think

let god be true scripture says and let

every man

be a liar

so whenever you

your people

your mama

your daddy

your auntie

your uncle

your posse

disagrees with god

everybody wrong

because this name

has no imperfection associated

associated with it we think about

understanding it then applying it but

never determining it and the worst

insult a christian can give their father

is daddy you don’t know what you’re

talking about

that is not hollowing his name

just some of the key scriptures about

the name of god

some of the key scriptures that we need

to be aware of

he says for example in psalm 34 verse 1

and verse 3 we are to uh

magnify the name

he says in hebrews 13 verse 15

he says that you are to you are to give

thanks for god’s name

he says in ii timothy 2 19 he says when

you go public you ought to wear god’s


he says in psalm 8 verse 1 and verse 9

oh magnify the lord with me let us exalt

his name together he says in psalm 11

verse 9 awesome is his name and if his

name is awesome nobody else’s name is he

says awesome is his name

he says in psalm 29 verses 1 and 2

ascribe to the lord the glory of his


the bible says from the rising of the


to the going down of the same may the

name of the lord be praised in proverbs

18 verse 10 he says the name of the lord

is a strong tower

and anyone who runs into it will find

safety so we’re not just talking about

nomenclature we’re talking about a name

above every name and guess what the

greatest name in the world is your daddy

the most powerful name in the world is

your heavenly father so you ought to

magnify the name that’s not just being

emotional that’s that that’s the

emotionalism is when you’re making a lot

of noise about nothing but true emotion

is when you’re making a big deal about


so when god does something in your life

because you’ve joined him in prayer then

you ought to hollow his name

and then all the combination names don’t

have to go into it but oh if you run out

of provision he’s jehovah jiren he’s the

lord who provides if you’re being

attacked he’s jehovah nesi the lord is

my banner who gives me victory if you’re

in turmoil he’s jehovah shalom because

he’s the god who brings peace if

somebody over you is treating you wrong

he’s el elyon the most high god that

means that whoever messed over you

doesn’t have the last say over you

because there’s somebody over there

if you’re going through a struggle and

you don’t have enough strength he’s el

shaddai he’s god almighty he can pull

the weight when you can’t pull it if

nobody knows what you’re going through

because you’re going through by yourself

he’s el raw he’s the god who sees and he

knows what you’re dealing with and we

can go on and on and on my whole point

is he’s got a name for your every


but i know you won’t remember 85 names

and you may even forget the three names

but if you forget how to technically

call the name

just do what the old folks used to do

because they would say he’s a doctor in

a sick room he’s a lawyer in a courtroom

he’s a bomb in gilead when you’re sick

he’s the rose of sharon he’s the bright

and morning star if you can’t remember

the name

just describe the person

and then when you see him show up and

the power of hollowing his name as you

treat him as father do like the team

will do when the defense scores they

just go and they do that

they say give it up

give it up what they’re saying is i want


to join me in celebration of what just

happened when you discover the heavenly

father and what he can do you better not

keep it to yourself you better give it

up you better give it up you better give

it up you better give it up and give him

the glory

do his holy name


i’m standing here at the cliff of moors

a beautiful scenic demonstration

of the power of god in creation

standing over the atlantic ocean

here at the western edge of europe

in ireland

you can see how great our god is

by seeing how powerful he is through the

things that he has made

the heavens and earth declare the glory

of god

that’s why we pray to him

because anybody this great and this good

deserves to be consulted with on every

area of life

and that’s why

we call him father


