Dr. Tony Evans is the founder and senior pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas, founder and president of The Urban Alternative, chaplain of the NBA’s Dallas Mavericks, and author of over 100 books, booklets & Bible studies. His radio broadcast, The Alternative with Dr. Tony Evans, can be heard on more than 1,300 US outlets daily and in more than 130 countries.


we all know that we need to share the

gospel but we have a culture that has

rejected their need for salvation but

our responsibility is to make sure that

people hear the good news but you may

not know which scriptures to go to to

help a person understand salvation and

the gospel message so I want to give you

a step-by-step approach that you can

take when talking to somebody in your

sphere who needs to hear how they can

know they’re on their way to heaven

let’s start by asking the person you’re

talking to the question how do they

think a person gets to heaven or you can

put it another way would they like to be

sure that they are going to heaven

either way that opens the door for them

to give you permission to share with

them how they can be saved how they can

know where they will spend eternity you

can start with the bad news of why the

gospel is needed in the first place and

that is Romans 3:23 for all have sinned

and fallen short of the glory of God

most people will recognize that they

have sinned in their lives that they

have broken one of the Ten Commandments

or all of the Ten Commandments it would

be rare that somebody doesn’t recognize

that they’ve done wrong in their lives

so people need salvation because God is

perfect and it cannot accept

imperfection and all of us are imperfect

with sinners but that opens the door for

step two which is the good news the good

news is in Romans 5:8

but God demonstrated his own love for us

in that while we were yet sinners Christ

died for us the reason why that’s good

news is number one God loves sinners

we’ve established all are sinners but

God loves sinners so he loves all people

particularly the person who you’re

talking to he loved them so much that he

died on the cross Jesus Christ God’s Son

died on the cross to pay for their sins

yes the bad news we’re all sinners but

the great news is God loves sinners and

he paid the price for every cinema which

is everyone since all have sinned so

that means the person you’re talking to

can be reassured that God loves them no

matter what sins they have committed and

that the sacrifice of Jesus Christ was a

substitutionary payment for the sinners

sin but then step 3 you want to clarify

something romans 4 4 and 5 you want to

make this crystal clear that they cannot

earn their own salvation

it says in Romans 4 verses 4 and 5 now

to the one who works his wage is not

credited as a favor but as what is due

but to the one who does not work but

believes in him who justifies the

ungodly his faith is credited for

righteousness salvation cannot be earned

if salvation could be earned you explain

then Jesus wouldn’t have had to die God

could have just waited for us to earn it

just as credit placed on an account

places something in the account that the

person doesn’t already have financially

when something is credited to that

account God credits the perfection of

Jesus to the account of the sinner who

believes in Jesus for their personal

salvation when a person believes in

Jesus this hearses for their personal

salvation and doesn’t try to earn it


God credits the sinner with the

righteousness the perfection of Jesus so

that in God’s eyes that sinner now has a

perfect credit score they have now been

credited with the righteousness of Jesus

Christ some supplemental verses you may

want to use one that’s well known John

3:16 for God so loved the world that He

gave His only begotten Son that

whosoever believeth in him should not

perish but have everlasting life for

second Corinthians 5:21 he who knew no

sin Jesus became sin for us substitute

that we might become the righteousness

of God in him credit when a person

receives Jesus Christ as their personal

sin Bera

not trying to earn it themselves God

gifts them

that’s called grace he gifts them the

free gift of salvation

that is the good news of the gospel and

then you can invite the person to trust

Christ you can invite them to pray with

you a prayer that they are transferring

their trust in Jesus Christ apart from

their works to receive the free gift of

forgiveness of sins and eternal life


