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I’ve been glad to be here this morning

those came out too long a meal is all

folk will say I’m excited to have an

opportunity to share with you I greet

you with Jesus Joey I want to officially

welcome one church into the potter’s

house family it’s almost like folks who

have been living together and then

decide to get married I feel like we

take that out the tape over here yeah I

feel like we were already together don’t


I feel like that too after like that we

were all really connected but this is

official now and we’re excited about it

and delighted to be a part and I’m

preaching in your pulpit this morning my

daughter’s preaching in mind and pastor

Tory is preaching in Denver and we’re

just all over the place a man so this is

good I want to read out of the Word of

God I’m going to get right into the Word

of God but before I do I probably should

just take a moment tell you that the

potter’s house was founded because I

thought that God had could a man made on

my life to minister to hurting people

and I thought that the potter’s house

really epitomized a place where broken

people could come and be healed that you

could come in to the potter’s house and

be reshaped that you could be marred in

his hand and still be in his hand that

he could reconstruct your life and put

your life back together again then

nobody is so far out or so bad or so

distant that God’s love cannot reach

them cannot heal them can I give them a

second chance and so we call us as the

potter’s house because it is an

admission that we’re working progress

and God is not finished with us yet that

we’re still spinning around on the wheel

and there might be a few cracks in me

from here

there and there in here and you might

find me to be a crackpot but I’m still

in his hands how many crackpots from get

in the house today

Amen so welcome to the potter’s house

welcome to the family we’re so glad for

the ministry that we continue to reach

out and pull it very selectively I’m not

interested in quantity I’m interested in

quality it doesn’t matter to me how big

you get if you don’t get better getting

bigger doesn’t mean anything at all come

on can you hear me this morning so we’re

glad to extend that brand to you and to

provide our covering to whatever we

could do the scripted you in the body

and the Lord’s given me a word for you

today and I’m going to ask you to break

invite your attention to suck in samuel

chapter 12 verse 15 and since it is a

father’s house i’m like like i’m at home

and as you stand for the reading of the

word y’all did this one i hate to bring

you into the middle of the movie just to

just to bring you right in in the middle

of the movies for those of you who do

not know david you would only think that

you might perhaps think that this is the

only thing that happened in his life it

is not yet some people talk about it as

if it were they call it david sin as if

he had no other sin but this is the one

that really walked the boat they really

threatened his destiny that threw him

off course a bit that he became known

for and what we get to see is how she

dealt with it and how you overcame it

because i found that it doesn’t matter

what you go through it matters how you

react to what you go through

there is somebody who have gone through

what you’re stuck at and they survived

it what did they do that you didn’t do

that cause their lives to rebound in

such a way that they made a success out

of a mess and you’re still stuck in the

mud and the quagmire of something that

somebody spend into something positive

we’re going to look at that today

because all of us get stuck sometimes

even ever been stuck so we’re going to

look at our lives through the prism of

David and see what we can learn from

David that would help us with ourselves

and we’re stepping into the middle of a

crisis moment in his life and it’s

amazing that David did a lot of amazing

things but when you you can do a

thousand made of amazing things right

and then do one thing wrong and people

forget about everything that you did

right and they talk forever about what

you did wrong kind of get a witness to

hear can I get a good old-fashioned ride

witness in here I know I’m right about

it so we’re stepping into it in verse 15

and Nathan had gone home the Lord struck

the child that Uriah’s wife had had

borne to David and he became ill David

pleaded with God for the child he fasted

and spent the nights lying inside cloths

on the ground

the elders of the household stood beside

him to give him up from the ground but

he refused and he would not eat any food

with him nothing nothing at all on the

seventh day nonetheless the child died

David’s attendants were afraid to tell

him that the child was there for they

thought how the child was still living

he wouldn’t listen to us when he when we

spoke to him how can we now know him

the child is dead he may do something

crazy desperate

David noticed that his attendants were

whispering among themselves and he

realized the child was there is a child

dead he asked yeah they were playing he

is dead can’t David got up from the


after he had washed put on lotions and

changed his clothes he went into the

house of Lord and what he went to church

then I think went to church he went to

his own house and at his request they

served him food and he ate his

attendants asked him what’s up with you

ok I’m Jake’s paraphrase a little bit

why are you acting this way while the

child was alive you fasted and wept but

now that the child is dead you get up

and eat and I want to talk to you from

the subject get up and eat looking for

better get up Annie

let’s pray father in the name of Jesus

we thank you for the word that you’re

about to release in this place today our

primitive would be a prophetic

revelatory word in somebody’s life then

it would speak to the specificity of

their need and be cut to the continuity

of their situation that yokes would be

broken and bondages would be destroyed

and that the captives what may be set

free today

let somebody go home today with chains

and ankle bracelets torn off of their

feet and hands they seduce them into

their destiny and into their purpose

not one shackle shall withstand this

word today and I believe you for

greatness in Jesus name somebody holla

yeah you may be seated man you see the

situation is really really bad because

david has gotten himself in trouble he’s

got himself in trouble through a moment

of making a decision that brought him

into a dilemma he looks over the bow of

the castle and sees Uriah bathing

Uriah’s wife Bathsheba bathing and and

he lust after her and she’s somebody

else’s wife and he pulls her into this

adulterous situation that was bad and

she got pregnant and that was bad and so

now they’re in a situation where Davis

has got a baby coming by one of his

staff members wives and that was bad and

so rather than two you know sometimes

bad gets worse when you try to fix it so

David decided I tell you what I’m gonna

bring Uriah in off the battlefield and

and I’m gonna let him have a furlough

and so that you know maybe something

would happen and you’ll think that his

way but Uriah was so committed to David

that he wouldn’t sleep with his wife he

slept out on the front porch and would

not go into his own wife so that was bad

so David’s empty what I’m gonna do I’m

gonna send him to the front and so he’ll

get killed so he won’t know that she’s

pregnant by my baby and that was bad and

so he sent him to the front line

and sure enough he Ryan got killed and

he was dead which made David go from

being an adulterer to a murderer and

that was bad and now God has not just

David sinned to a prophet named Nathan

and David is in a mess because because

God says because you have done this

thing I’m going to cost the baby to die

and that was bad

and so David as you meet him in the text

is praying for God to change his mind

and to resurrect this child that is

dying and while David is praying and

David has stripped himself in late in

sackcloth and bone ashes all over his

body and stopped eating trying to get

trying to get some health and some hope

into the situation that is before him

and it is a critical situation and they

have never seen the King act like this

they’ve never seen him so out of control

of the file itself and grieving and

crying and hysterical because David is

David has David has gone into that place

that all exceptional people go

exceptional focused people going to

place that other people on the state you

don’t understand us no understand was

going yeah you’re on stage don’t judge


you understand I’m intense

I’m an offense person where my offense

people make some lower don’t understand

intensity but we can’t do things like

you do because we’re intense if we bacon

sugar cookies it’s important we focus on

it – sugar got to be just right

don’t sprinkle too much over there has

got to be right there just like that I

wanted to look like the star David Wood

leads with it

we’re intense people whatever we do we

do it to extremes intense people are

generally destined to be talented

because they are dense and hence people

do intense them in intense ways and

other y’all freaked out about us because

we are depth we can go crazy about

something that even matter to you

because greatness is determined by how

you care about small things so intense

people freaked out about little stuff I

just say blow carving I walk rain

everything’s important to you in your

tips you work with intricity you move

within prism you love with intensity you

fight with anticipate and when you mess



we extremists either way extremely right

over yeah

we’re extremely good are weird I’ll talk

to me somebody I’m gonna open up a

compressors but somebody wants to good

present here right now when baby went to

the battlefield he was our Kara the same

man who was the killer could go up in

the heels and write music and dance

around by himself before God and write

poems and poetry he was just as violent

as he was artistic he could be by

himself and be creative or he could lead

a captain of military soldiers in the

war and come back and so the fortunes of

his enemy down on the floor and say what

else he could be a killer or creator or

a fornicator whatever he did it was to

the nth degree and when he was writing

was right when he was wrong he was wrong

and when he slept with Bathsheba he

couldn’t just have one could know nah he

got to kill her husband and I got a mess

and now he is intentionally trying to

fix his mess because he’s intense and

when you’re intense you can’t just like

hope it turns out okay

no you stripped naked and cover yourself

with asses sabe even have fits on the

floor rolling around in the ground

crying for days trying to get it

straight because you are dad and when

you’re into substantial difference we

took our concentration subtraction what

we go by holistic unit it’s because I’m

trying to get you see it’s what works

for you also works against you maybe you

haven’t lived long enough to figure out

that the enemy is enemy and that the

same thing that made you be exceptional

about this can cause you to be

exceptionally depressed or exceptionally

worried or exceptionally upset or

exceptionally down or out and this gets

so tight emotional rollercoaster you

were on his heart on everybody around

you because you are intense and he is

teaching us something about faith

because david has turned his faith the

same faith he killed with the same

safety the rocks and goliath you know

that’s crazy though rocks it’s a my big

killing armies but when you intense

when you intense you will kill somebody

with a butter knife cuz you are so maybe

cut you with this move this will run out

after job of a rock how about I wish I

wish a job would okay I’m fair afraid to

and now he’s intensely down and he’s

until eight and he has turned all his

faith towards fixing his pass in any

Sikh faith is a directional weapon it

depend on which foot you turn it toward

you can have the right thing turned in

the wrong way and if you take the right

thing and you turn it in the wrong way

you might not get the effect you think

though it is the right thing you’re not

using it the right way see me my sister

was in the sill another day and we were

shopping in September there was some

beautiful dress in there and she wanted

but it cost a little bit too much money

or something if she said to me I want

you to believe God with me I said what

do we believe in God Father we believe

in God but North Korea no I thought we

will believe in God for OKC

he said no why don’t we believe in God

for she’s not want you to believe got

with me the depth of distress wholesale

I said you want me to go into intense

spiritual warfare so that they could put

the dress on sale I love you out too but

I want to ask you a question if you have

enough faith to believe that they can

put the dress on sale why don’t you have

enough faith to believe that God can

give you the money

Zig culture and training and environment

will cause you to use the right tools

from the wrong perspective instead of

using your faith to get up you are using

your faith to bring the world down to a

place you don’t want to be in the first


and David has turned his faith in the

fix in his path why is he so passionate

because any time somebody is so

passionate about the present it is

because it reminds him of something in

their past oh I’m glad you came this

morning I baked you a cake of that new

you of the coming in here fief

historians tell us that there was a

rumor about David that David’s birth was

a little bit questionable

he is recorded to be the eighth son of

Jesse and maybe he was and maybe he

wasn’t maybe this explains why Jesse

brings all of his other sons in to be

king but not David because there were

some rumors and maybe David was next

what had happened was

it all we know is he says I was born in

sin and an iniquity that my mother

conceived me and we know that his father

didn’t like him and for him to have an

illegitimate child while there were

rumors that he was one I wonder if he

trying to save the child or is he trying

to save himself because you cried the

most violently when something in your

present reminds you of some pain from

your past and and you go out of the limb

to save somebody who reminds you of you

you will go all out to get them and

people to understand why you are so

passionate about this particular thing

is because you are in some way kin to

the thing that you’re passionate about

and you think that maybe if you can save

them you can save you and if you can

love them you can love you and if you

can fix them you can fix you and if you

can touch them you can touch you and if

you can help them you can help you and

the reason you are freaking out over

what just happened to you because this

reminds you of something that happened

to you before

and so you are angry at this husband

because he reminds you of that husband

you’re angry over this version rejecting

you because it brings up what your

parents did and they don’t as fan out is

because you are kin to your sin or your

fin wouldn’t be so sexy

who is quiet India Nagi I don’t mind

stepping on toes but I crushed a couple

of knees that bad how am i kin to my sin

it causes me to need what I need like I

needed what am I trying to fix that

makes me react like this to that I’m

strong in other ways I overcome this I

overcome that but when this happened I

freaked out

take this happiness in asking God to

save the child because the child could

possibly remind David of himself so when

the child died it staff is freaking out

you can tell no you were a little too

legal to know I’m up for promotion let

me baby you go cubbies yes but if you

don’t freak out to eat it me already

freaking out he in a bad mood today

anyway when I came and he still obsesses

in there you go tell her I’m like okay

you got there and David – whispering

about the child and David perceived that

the towel was their perception and faith

always walk together

because if you can conceive it you can

receive it but you cannot conceive what

you do not perceive and that’s why you

do not receive what you could receive

because you don’t purse

they whipping one church say when we

wanted you got the old man in the house

today hallelujah he perceived that the

child was there lord help me to know

when it’s dead I said lord help me to

know when it’s bad

oh I don’t put any more energy in the

trauma say what is really Ola let me

alone text me a message lesbian please

let me know let me know let me know let

me know let me go let me know what is

because you’re gone in ten I will be

laying over top of a casket if you don’t

let me know when it’s dead help me to

perceive when I am wasting my faith in

my fervor and my energy and my passion

trying to brick something that honor for

sake I don’t want to put another day and

then trying to raise up something that

you have rejected

I wanna work with you not again soon I

want to flow in the direction that

you’re flowing in

I’m tired of swimming upstream against

the current of my destiny David received

the child and he asked them what they

couldn’t tell him Lord deliver me from

people who won’t give you the bad news

I need people who will give me the bad

news everybody wants to give you the

good news but sometimes you need the bad

news so you can have the good news don’t

try to tell me that everything’s okay

when it’s not okay don’t try to tell me

that everything’s working good if it’s

not working good I’ll try to tell me you

with me if you’re not with me you love

it you don’t love me you’re going help

if you’re not going to help me don’t try

to tell me that the child is dead tell

me that the child is bad tell me that

the marriage is over Alby you’re fired

so then I’ll continue the shootout



that is not mine yeah then you don’t

want you don’t want me tell me you don’t

need me tell me you don’t like me tell

me I don’t have the talent for it tell

me because if I don’t have it for this

then I do have it for that and I want to

have my energy focused in the area of my

stress it’s the sound bad and they said

to him the child is dead and all of a

sudden he reacts in an unpredictable way

because they thought if he freaked out

while the child was living if we tell

him that the challenge there he’s gonna

come unglued but he didn’t react the way

they thought he was going to react see

some people only shout when God opens

doors but when you’re smart you shout

when he closes doors and I take a minute

and begging for the doors be closed I

want to thank him for the people who

left me I want to thank it for the

people who betrayed me I want to thank

it for the job I didn’t get for the girl

I didn’t marry for the house that

wouldn’t cause I want to thank it for

what cause because the average man God

shuts the door


help me preach this thing this morning

crying anybody that had a door shut in

their face and tell them something about

to open for you over something I told it

if he shut one he’s go over one it is

someone he’s gonna open one it is not

just well it’s going to be Ozzy whenever

it’s not this is going to be that

whatever is that’s why you want to

praise God even in the face of shut

doors I want to take 30 seconds and get

somebody to praise God for door that



yeah it was good for me that I was

afflicted it was good for me that you

left me it was glad that you quit it was

good I had to move it was good it was

good it won you see so now I’m just

talking to you

what y’all rowdy out here at one church

y’all carry on like this at one church

so it’ll be cool in LA ah see David has

shown us how to deal with disappointment

and if you have lived very long you come

to understand the disappointment comes

to everybody not just losers but even

winners have disappointments you can’t

even be a winner until you’ve been in a

fight you can’t know that God is a

healer if you’ve never been sick you

can’t know that God can racial until

you’ve been down you don’t know he’s the

resurrector until you’ve been buried in

the grave of a situation and had him

come back and say Lazarus come forth and

you got out of something that nobody

thought you was going to get out of

that’s why every night need we have to

jump and shout I know you think we’re

emotionally crazy but if you just saw

what God brought us out of you would

brave him – I don’t like the worse than

you act in a football game I’m not gonna

stop praising God cause you don’t get it

I get John


yeah yeah the baby died and David does

not respond the way we need to respond

because even is trying to take us from

disappointment to destiny from

disappointment to destiny and the branch

between disappointment and destiny is

decisions if you want to get from a life

of disappointments to a life of deceit

of destiny then you have to change your

decisions knowing that the child was

dead relieved David of the obligation of

trying to fix something that was

finished because you cannot fix finished

I must say that again you cannot fix

finish it’s not a matter of talent it’s

not amount of creativity it’s not a

matter of your resilience it’s not a

matter of your intensity I don’t care

how intense you are the child is dead

the door is closed and whether you feel

like a winner or loser is determined by

how you decide success is defined in

your life in the first half of this text

success is defined by the restoration of

a life that God does not want restored

some people don’t feel successful

because their their definition of

success is to change the mind of

somebody who don’t hear

stay with me I got some for you but

their definition of success is to prove

a point to somebody who’s no longer

looking and so you can never be

successful because yes you got the new

car and you drove it past his house but

his drapes were closed his traits were

closed and now you’ve got three years of

payments on a car you came aboard and it

didn’t do what you wanted it to do

because your definition of success is to

prove a point to somebody who has left

the room so I came to pronounce death on

yesterday’s dream to commit to the

ground ashes to ashes and dust to dust

that thing that you devoted so much

attention to that had nothing to do with

the purpose of God in your life

I came to pronounce death on the thing

that reminds you of the thing that broke

your heart that made you crave it only

because you work into it

because in some way your story keeps

repeating itself though the ages were

long and the names have changed the

rejection changes names but it continues

to perpetuate itself in your life

because you are kin to it you are kin to

what you are sin to or you would not be

sin to it that’s why you’re passionate

about it and cannot resist it because it

is not your king that wants it it is

your kid that wants it and in every King

there is a kid and in every kid there is

a king

and the problem with being King is to

not let your kid kill your king and they

thought that when they told him the

child was dead he was going to freak out

but he didn’t he made a decision to move

his faith toward his future to

immediately move it toward its dream see

the seasons are more powerful than

emotions the seasons are more powerful

than emotions you know what will chase

an emotion back home a good decision a

good decision will stop you from

mourning and crying and belly aching and

throwing up and insomnia and it can’t

get rest a good decision will chase your

emotional trauma back home every time

I’m telling you all you need to do is

make up your mind I’m telling you the

probable son can leave the Hulk in the

moment he makes up his mind

I’m telling you that Saul can go from

killing Christians to being an apostle

the moment he makes up his mind I’m

telling you the Dorothy can’t get away

from us the moment she makes up her mind

that you have always had what you needed

to get back home that what you were

looking for and other people you always

had in yourself and it’s sort of think

about the lion and depend man if you

would just click the shoes God gave you

you could get out of that situation

right now

because the bridge between destiny and

disappointment is in your next decision

and the reason your life has not been

working is because you have put all in

your passions and energies into deciding

about something that was dead so they

told him the child is dead and instead

of freaking out he gets up he washes

himself he puts a little o say not wait

a minute when is his

is this too much information do I rip

does the Bible really have time to

discuss with me the moisturizer the

David uses on his ankle why does the

Bible tell me that he moisturized his

skin that he washed himself he

moisturized himself and that he changed

his garments why would the Bible go to

such detail to give me information that

is totally irrelevant to me if it were

not relevant to me is not the Bible

telling me that I have to have the faith

to prepare for where I’m going while I’m

standing where I am that I cannot go

into my future dressed in my past stay

with me stay with me stay with me stay

with me stay with him that that I have

to wash off of me the proclivities that

reflect my history that nobody can wash

it off of me but me I have to wash my

own face I have to decide if the child

is dead I don’t need these ashes all

over my face anymore because there’d be

gots dead I had been ashes because I was

after dead things and now I’m going to

wash the remnant of what I used to be

after off of my skin so that when you

look at me you don’t see my yesterday

bleeding through my today who am I

talking to tell me who I’m talking to

if I’m talking to you make some noise

give me a sign holla wave your head

throw your pocketbook scream sound

Hollin do some if I’m talking to you

wash your face

my last name is a washed-up faith you

can’t walk in that new room carrying the

defeat out of your last room you can’t

walk into this new relationship

sensitive about your last relationship

you can’t be argued with me about some

of your ex-husband did if she was gonna

stay married to have laddie to get a


wash up bang wash your face and

moisturize your skin because I want you

to look fresh when you come into this

press thing I don’t know who I’m

preaching to today but I promise I

suppress things are coming into your

life right now that’s why God says I

want you to push the raizo skin I don’t

want you to look tired I don’t want you

to look worried I don’t want you to come

in the door apprehensive I want you to

be ready for what God is about to do and

I don’t care how much energy you put in

the past and how many years you made a


God said he’s going to give you a

suddenly right now switch of direction

you won’t forget those things which are

behind and reach to go see which are

before let me tell you what I’m trying

to breathe somebody jump up and just

turn all the way around

yeah just hurt that’s what God has

didn’t even do in your life he’s getting

ready to perfectly





see this is the part that only you can

do the bridge is in your next decision

you can decide to stay here and cry over

what’s not working you can decide to

mourn what could have been what should

have been you can decide to mourn at the

graveyard of what you expected to happen

you can continue to weep over how you

had imagined it to be and say you serve

the Lord but you don’t serve the Lord

you serve your own story you worship at

the shrine of what you had in mind and

if God didn’t do what you had in mind

you feel like he has abandoned you

God did not save you to do what you had

in mind he saved you so you can do what

he had in mind


I said he saved you so you could do what

he had in mind I feel like I’m talking

to somebody in your life and all of a

sudden your passion has shifted and

you’re no longer trying to fix what was

you’re now about to embrace what he is

now there’s a my new point that I want

you to realize because he washed himself

he anointed himself for moisturizing

skin it’s again he changed his garment

and he went in the house of the Lord and

David it was of this that he smoked when

he said I was glad when they said unto

me let us go into the house of the Lord

because he came to praise the Lord to

announce to the world it is over I’ve

had a shift I’ve changed the directions

that you can no longer count on me to be

who I used to be then I’m ready to walk

into another dimension of grace and to

God be the glory for the things he has

done you you might I think you came to

the wrong service because I feel like

preaching right now I feel like a

breakthrough is about to hit this place

right now I feel like a door is about to

open in this place right now I think I’m

talking to somebody who’s right over the

bird right on the edge right on the edge

the right of the precipice of a brand

new beginning God brought you here to

get your head on straight because when

praises go


so david ross teacher she praises god

and he comes home and as he give me

something and then the server said i see

it man you’ll make no sense do you crazy

male make no sense at all

when the baby was living you would need

and now that he’s dead now you got

appetite now you’re gonna eat david says

you don’t understand when the baby was

alive i was starving

my present because i was treating my

past and you see when you’re feeling

your past you know you don’t feed your

present you starve your present because

you’re trying to straighten out your

past you know you don’t give your

attention to what God gave you because

you’re chasing what he didn’t give you

you you don’t love where you are because

you’re still trying to resolve where you

came from so anybody who’s in your

present gets neglected because you’re

not feeding your present you’re treating

your past and anytime you’re feeding

your past you’re starving your present

and so David had not eaten for days

because of how he felt about his past

and the Lord sent you here to tell you

that you’ve been fasting where you are

because you’ve been feeding

you you have no appetite for what he is

doing so in spite of everything that God

has given you you remain hungry because

the king and you cannot eat because

you’re still trying to feed the kid in

you and until you stop feeding your kid

your king will starve to death this is

the word of the morning

you have said that you are waiting on

God but God is waiting on you you see

David had a destiny he had a destiny

when he fouling out of it washing his

face and ate some food

he went into comfort his wife Bathsheba

who used to be Uriah’s wife but lies his

wife and he’s trying to comfort her and

he does what all guys do when we try to

comfort you and we do try to like make

you feel better so we tell you baby it’s

going to be all right don’t worry about

nothing I got this

lay your hair right here a little thick

my thing I got this blue coming out of

these near me you stick with me yeah

yeah baby because if you stick you know

cuz we understand each other and oh yeah

la a Miss girli see baby I told you I

don’t we did not do mr. Gennady and so

what had happened was my Shiva who was

grieving about the baby she lost the

nameless baby she lost only got pregnant

because she started flirting with her

future more than her past and then she

got pregnant and she birthed this dude

named Samuel Solomon and she says

Solomon becomes a king and what God sent

me here to tell you is that why you

Reeve over the baby you lost what you

don’t understand is that there is a king

in you there is a king

i prophesy is shot that you have not

seen real greatest day that you have not

laughed your biggest laughed or head

your greatest moment that you have not

come into the real celebration of who

you are and that you are not defined by

anything that you lost that the reason

the enemy has attacked you all of your

life is because there is a king in there

is a king in you if the kid in you does

not kill him there is a king in you and

when I ask the Lord what to preach it

wants it he said tell my children to get

up in he


tell my children that you’ve been

beating what you need to starve and

starving what you need to feed and when

David got up to eat it meant that the

child wasn’t gonna eat anymore because

as long as he was trying to feed the

child of his pass he was starving his

present and denying his future and the

moment the child was dead the king began

to eat and the Lord said me here was a

prophetic word to tell somebody the

child is dead

get up




I want you to touch somebody beside you

I want you to take them by the hand and

I always wonder in my mind about this

child because this child this child that

Bathsheba was pregnant with it died has

no name so I’m going to ask you to name

the dead baby the Bible didn’t give us a

name so you can name this thing whatever

you need to name it to get free from

whatever you need to get free from name

it the person you touching my name that

something else they’re dead baby may not

be your dead baby but whatever needs to

die for you to step into the next

dimension put a name on it

the child is dead stop feeding it stop

playing into it stop tormenting yourself

the child is dead and the moment you

pronounce benediction on that foot walls

God is going to release that which is

and your latter day shall be greater

than your former day squeeze her hand

God is getting ready to feed your future

he’s getting ready to get you ready for

what he’s gonna do in the second half of

your life the second half of your life

will in no way look like the best half

of your life get up honey there are many

you can’t stay where you are bring like

you are just like you I like you I like

you I


the person you’re touching right now is

burying some things that shut up a high

force mustiness God in His infinite

wisdom has chosen to take from this life

you fill in the blank we do commit this

body to the ground

ashes to ashes and dust to dust looking

up to God who is author at the finisher

of our faith

oh the godly is and one that is to come

if I were I’m freeing up till my present

Here I am to my future


redditors dip into my destiny and I

thought I was coming to church but I

came to Memorial Service because this is

the service where I let it go

this is the service where I say goodbye

this is a service where I committed to

the ground


when I was a child I thought as a child

I speak of a child understood as a child

but when I became a man I put away

childish things

the kid is to him now listen it’s about

eyes closed when you leave this service

there are people in your present who

have been starving for your intensity

but all of your energy has been devoted

and to responding to the cry of your

pass when you get home tell a mom here


when you go to work tell him I’m back

I am no longer distracted by my

disappointments and by my insatiable

need to prove something to my little kid

I’m available to be king I am president

and reporting for duty I am signing up

for my future I am going to make the

decisions that are necessary to bring my

destiny into fruition

Oh squeeze squeeze


my Wagnalls it did love the glory last





come on opinion I’ll be out of your way

if you’ve got a dream you can fulfill by

yourself it’s not worthy of you I know

you bad all by yourself I know all the

wonderful amazing things you did all by

yourself but you have gone as far as you

can go by yourself if you don’t shift

directions and make the decisions that

line up with your destiny you’re going

to wreck your future running from your

path I love that song India all we think

this slow down baby you’re moving too

fast you got your hands in the air and

you put on the game you about to wreck

your future run at rub your pants slow

down baby you’re moving to treasure I

never thought I would say this in my

life but we got some kids to kill



we got some kids to kill and we got some

Kings to feed






and this is what’s gonna do it I wanted

to reel this in it’s real important

lighten up of the music just a little

bit we are comparing emotions against

decisions nothing will take control over

an emotion like a disease emotions had

him freaking out two seasons set him

back on the right path your next three

decisions will shut down the tirade of

your emotions if you are tired of living

in your feelings and walking in your

emotions and responding to everybody out

of how you feel and you cannot seem to

figure out how to get beyond your

feelings you can get beyond your

feelings with the seasons so wash your

face moisturize your skin change your

clothes and get up in ease




I’m going to tell you this and then I’m

going to pray I’m going to I’m going to

challenge you to consecrate an offering

in a minute but I won’t want to tell you

something that’s really important people

are always asking God for stuff stuff

stuff stuff it used to be when you got

prayer requests people asked for wisdom

and knowledge of grace now they want

stuff all I want is stuff Kimmi have to

leave the gospel and leave the time bag

the view and that just came out they got

a blue one the Bible said if you

acknowledge him in all your ways he will

direct your path I need direction

because I am intense and when you are

intense you can be intensely wrong

intensely crazy intensely moody

intensely stupid the Bible said when you

acknowledge him in all your ways so you

got God segregated off to Sunday morning

and Monday belongs to you and that’s why

you go through all the hell you go

through on Mondays because you have not

given your money to God

because I am intense I need directions

him in all thy ways and he will direct

that path your next three decisions are

going to be critical they’re going to

determine whether you stay at the

graveyard or you birth your King you

want God in those decisions I’m going to

challenge you as we prepare to so I’m

not going to tell you what to sow but

you need to sew on the level of your

faith on the level of your expectation

you don’t bring a kid feed to a king’s

request if you stop robbing your partner

maybe he would get in business with you

but it’s hard to keep somebody in the

partnership when you ripping off

Department God says if you bring me into

it I will guide your decisions I gave

you your intensity but I’m going to

guide your decisions so you don’t pour

your passions into painful stuff I want

to direct your path now I want you to

pray for a moment about the level of

your faith and the level of your

intensity and the level of your seed and

what I’m believing God with you for

business changes relationship changes

family changes or emotional changes I

want you to make up in your mind that we

want God in these decisions because

wherever you leave him out there will

always be death the blessing of the Lord

is not so on you that you can make any

decision and make it come out right some

of your decisions are going to go to the

graveyard of stupid field

and you need to pronounce death on it

because you a lotta magician and God is

not going to bless what you put he has

cursed just to keep you happy so you

bring him into those diseases Holy

Spirit as we prepare to acknowledge you

we’re just saying in the seed we sow

that not only is our past day and our

future is dead without you our next

choice is did without you our next

decision is dead without you our next

dream is dead without you we have always

been in our best when we float with you

and so we acknowledge you the people

clap for us but we acknowledge you

because it was you all the time it was

you that made of like me it was you

tomato choose me it was you tomato fall

in love with me it was you that made of

are me it was you that gave me the

talent it was you that gave me the

chance it was you that gave me the

relationship I don’t want to go into my

future without you and so as I saw this

scene today it is just me acknowledging

that not only did I not get here by

myself I cannot go on without you do

something in this place in Jesus name


ok glory

I want you to go right to your seat and

have the covenant between you and God I

want you to sew into the way you’re

going I want you to sew toward your

destiny and not your disappointment how

many people glad they came to church

today lower the gun you ready how many

people need a minute say wait a minute

hold up a minute this isn’t a normal

offering this is a prayerful

consideration of a destiny turn around I

want you to hit me up on Twitter at

missile Jakes on the Instagram I let you

boy i’ma look I’m gonna be looking out

for you my daughter’s preaching this

morning at the potter’s house and pastor

turay is preaching in Denver and you got

stuck with me don’t you let them other

churches out tweet to let them know that

the old man can measure up one church I

love you with the love of the Lord give

God a praise give him your heart

