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hey family I’m pastor touré Hester Sara

we just want to greet you before you get

ready to watch this powerful message we

believe it’s going to change your life

we’ve been praying for you and we also

want you to partner with us in changing

the lives of others

as you know we’re invested a lot into

technology so that we can continue to

bring the word to you and innovative in

creative ways but we don’t just stop

there we also believe in blessing people

in a more pragmatic way that’s right

you’re about to watch this video that is

going to tremendously bless you but what

you don’t get to see is how we’re

blessing people off of the pulpit there

are families that are being fed there

are women who are being saved from human

trafficking there are so many

organizations that we are able to

support thanks to your generosity so we

want to invite you to be a part of

changing the world with this

yeah we’ve been very intentional in this

season to to partner with organizations

and support them financially that are

making a difference considering their

crisis so we just thank you they’re

giving instructions on the screen here

partner with us and let’s get into this

word and so I want us to dive into this

word because I believe that God is in

them there’s a new thing happening in

this season and God is in the midst of

us and we don’t want to be those that do

not see what God is doing we don’t want

to be those that do not perceive the new

thing that he’s doing when he’s doing it

because family it’s happening right now

and so let us go into the Word of God

and we’re gonna pray if you’re with me

just open to joke 33 14 to 16 and

welcome to activate I’m so glad to

activate today with you it’s gonna be an

awesome time in the presence of God the

scripture says for God may speak in one

way or in another yet man does not

perceive it in a dream in a vision of

the night when deep sleep falls upon men

while slumbering on their beds then he

opens the ears of men and seals their

instruction heavily father we thank you

we thank you Lord because you are so

eager to speak to us you are so eager to

pour out your revelation for us O God

that you don’t want us to be walking

around in ignorance but you want us to

walk in your wisdom and

a divine truth so God and Lord we thank

you that in on this day you are

activating our ability Laurie got to

even go deeper into desiring to hear you

desiring to know what it is that you’re

saying to us in this time because Lord

you are speaking and we just say have

your way Lord I submit myself as your

vessel that you will flow easily through

me I thank you Lord that your children

would hear your voice and they would

hear your conviction and they would hear

your truth in Jesus mighty name amen you

see family in this times like I said

it’s beautiful that to see people are

hungry for more of God and people are

eager to say God what is it you’re doing

in this time and in this season what is

it that you’re doing in my life what is

it that you’re calling me to do and one

of the things that the Lord showed me is

that many are struggling with perceiving

his voice many are struggling with

perceiving what is it that God is saying

to me what is it that God is calling me

to do in this time because you see when

everything begins to shake it brings us

to a place to start to consider our ways

to consider what am I in and whatever

what if I put my hand on and it’s God

with it it’s God in this thing with me

and you see one of the most powerful

ways well not the most powerful but a

very powerful way that the Lord speaks

to us is through dreams and visions what

I love about dreams we haven’t seen the

Bible through dreams you can encounter

the Lord through dreams we get inside we

get instructions we get divine

revelation through dreams we get

strategy about the things that we ought

to do it is one of the ways that is one

of the channels rather that the Lord

ministers to us and what I personally

love so much about dreams is that when

we cultivate how we receive and we

interpret the dreams that the Lord gives

us it opens and it develops other

spiritual senses and so family I want us

to look into that because in the book of

Job it says for God may speak in one way

or in another yet man does not perceive

it that when he opens the ears of men he

seals their

instruction and today for those taking

notes I’m gonna be speaking about the

interpretation of dreams you see many of

you may know the story of Solomon and if

you don’t I encourage you to read about


Solomon had this powerful encounter with

the Lord one day and the Lord said to

him what is it that I shall give you ask

of me anything and Solomon said lord

give me wisdom and that encounter

shifted his life forever Solomon was

known in this time as one who was the

wisest in his generation and what and

one of the wisest Kings be any any other

king before him he was one of the wisest

Kings I mean his wisdom brought him so

much so many riches so many blessings

there was just a flow of the favor of

God as a result of that encounter but

you know what is so interesting is that

that very encounter happened through a

dream you see I think of Joseph Mary’s

husband when Mary was pregnant with the

Lord Jesus Joseph was you know he was a

little confused because he knew that he

had not done anything with Mary and he

knew that he did not even need Maury to

show up to say you were not the father

because he knew he was not the father

and so Joseph he was he was a bit

perplexed but he knew that he loved this

woman and because of that he didn’t want

to embarrass her he didn’t want to shame

her and so he purposed in his heart that

I’m just gonna divorce her and he’s

gonna be quiet is gonna nobody know that

we’re not gonna make too much noise

about it but as he began to ponder that

in his heart that night an angel came to

him in a dream and confirmed the words

of Mary to him and said Joseph no this

child has been conceived by the Holy


confirmed to Joseph that you shall name

him Jesus that angel spoke to Joseph say

Joseph that you have a role to play in

this and that happened in a dream you

see there’s another Joseph Jacob son we

read about his story in the book of

Genesis in his time who he served the

Pharaoh that he served under had a dream

that he did not understand and his

ability to interpret that dream was what

gave him strategy for an economy in a

time that there was a global famine that

dream gave

an early strategy in how he should go

about what what is to come

you see dreams it is God’s divine way of

revealing to us mysteries about our

lives mysteries about times and seasons

mysteries about the things even about

the people connected to us and so when

we ignore them when we just think that

now this is a random dream maybe this is

a Pizza dream then we miss it

because it would not be that God did not

speak but it would be that we did not

perceive it what is it that God has been

showing you in this time and then maybe

you have counted it as random or you

went to Google perhaps and the

translation did not make any sense to

you I don’t know but what is it that God

is speaking to you about because the

Lord began to show me that there’s gonna

be an outpouring of Revelation and it’s

gonna be through so many ways but I one

of the things I really clearly saw was

dreams and visions and I believe it’s so

key that we know how to walk in the

interpretation of these of dreams and

visions and so there’s some kids to talk

down thoughts that I want to share with

you there are three key key thoughts

thoughts there are three key thoughts I

want to share with you I think I have a

bit of cutting mouth but it’s gonna go

away in Jesus name

and the first thing is that you have the

gift you see there is a common

misconception about dreams and that

misconception is I need the gift to

interpret I need to have the gift of

interpretation but as a believer when

you receive the Holy Spirit that is the

gift the Holy Spirit is the gift of God

that holds everything that God is all

that God is He is God and so when you

have the Holy Spirit you have to just

cross that out of your mind that it’s

not about needing to get a gift from God

or let me talk to the people to have a

gift to interpret you already have the


the second thing family is keeping in

God’s presence now to play with this

thought I want to talk about an angel

named Gabriel you see angel Gabriel in

the Bible we see him in different

instances in the Book of Daniel there

was a moment where Daniel was

seeking wisdom and understanding about a

manner that he was perplexed about and

as a result the Lord sent angel Gabriel

to Daniel to bring revelation to what he

needed and Jaguar shows up again in the

life of a man named Zachariah Zachariah

has and his wife a long time ago they

had pray the prayer seeking God for his

son and they got older and time keeps

passing by and they have no children and

this angel encounters Zachariah and it’s

angel Gabriel and he tells them

Zachariah your prayers have been

answered but I love so much about that

is that there is no prayer that it

doesn’t matter how long you you said

that prayer God hears everything but in

his timing he reveals the answer but

this angel brings good news to Zachariah

and he says your prayers have been

answered the Lord is gonna give you and

your wife a child that same angel

Gabriel shows up again in the life of

Mary when he tells Mary that Mary you

have found favor in the eyes of God and

that you are gonna conceive that the

Holy Spirit will come upon you and you

will conceive a child and you shall name

him Jesus the reason I give a little bit

of context to this angel is that angel

Gabriel is an angel of revelation you

see different angels carry different

attributes are they or they express

different attributes to God and so this

angel is when we see him in the

scripture he’s always carrying

revelation he’s always carrying the Word

of God for God’s people but there is

something that the Bible tells us about

this angel that should not go unnoticed

in Luke chapter 1 verse 19 when the

angel was speaking to the man named

Zachariah because Zachariah will become

the father of John the Baptist the very

man who will baptize our Lord Jesus when

the angel is having this conversation

with him and he tells them hey the Lord

has answered your prayers and you will

have a son Zachariah says to the angel

how shall I know this and his response

is what blew my mind the angel says I am

Gabriel I stand in the presence of God

there are many things that is

fascinating about that because first of

all we see that this angel who is an

angel of revelation what he marks his

identity by is that he stands in the

presence of God in the presence of God

is where we get revelation in the

presence of God is where we are equipped

with wisdom and knowledge and

understanding it is in the presence of

God but then I love the fact that he

says I stand in the presence of God you

see the God’s presence is not a location

at that moment the angel was not in the

throne room he was with Zachariah the

presence of God is about our posture

that everything I do flows from who God

is you see in his response to Zechariah

questioning how how shall this be he

says I stand in the presence of God I

flow from the essence of who God is and

so if I’m saying this to you that it

cannot be a lie that was so powerful to

me because you see family

it is our posture before God now

everything we do should flow from who

God is and when I say keep it in God’s

presence is that you cannot seek things

like Google because we we have a dream

and we just go to you know bishop google

and we don’t even know who is behind the

interpretation of this symbolisms that

we are dreaming about we just see random

absence I mean not random apps of a

random articles and we’re like oh they

have an interpretation but what is the

spirit behind that interpretation is it

the Spirit of God or is it something

else that everything we do must flow in

his presence when we bring our dreams

and the visions and the things that God

has put in our heart in his presence

before him to say God show me that is

where revelation takes place that is

where things begin to be revealed to us

you see it as in the presence of God

that even forgotten dreams are revealed

forgotten dreams are nothing to play

with when you wake up and you’ve wrecked

you you recognize that you had a dream

but you forgot the dream and you just go

about your day that is a weapon and

oftentimes for

and dreams is a sign that there is a

lack of intimacy between you and God

that your intimacy is not as strong as

it used to be and it’s a call to stay

come back to your first love because

when God is giving you a dream and is

giving you a word through a dream that

one message can change the rest of your

life there are dreams that have shaped

my life

there in dreams I’ve encountered the

Lord and dreams my first book actually I

received the instruction the name and

the importation to write the book in a

dream it is through dreams that I mean

amazing things have happened

instructions from the Lord has been

given to me through dreams and so

imagine if there was a dream that I had

and it was a health important

information and I woke up forgot it and

just went about my day you know one day

funny enough I remembered I woke up from

this dream and I knew I had this dream

and I knew that it was important and the

moment I woke up the first thing I did

was to worship and I began to pray Lord

revealed to me this mystery because

there was something you showed me and I

need to know what that is and as I began

to worship all of a sudden the memory of

that dream started coming back to me and

family what came as the result of that

blew my mind and so when you know that

you’re someone and that you have these

dreams and all of a sudden you forget it

and you go about your day that is a

weapon being formed against you to think

that that is okay because if the Lord is

speaking to you and you walked away from

that instruction you have missed a

moment of alignment with God and it’s

not that we can complain and say God but

what has happened in my life and he’s

saying my son my daughter I’ve been

trying to find a channel to talk to you

I’ve been trying to find a way to get to

you but you are not perceiving my words

you see some of the things that we

sometimes struggle with is that how do I

know a dream is from God how do I know

it’s a spiritual dream or it’s a natural

dream there are times that maybe you

me a friend or you you talk about an

event or something like that and all of

a sudden that night you dream about it

and then you cancel it out because

you’re like oh no this is probably

natural because we just talked about

this but could it be that because you

spoke about it that you had capacity to

see more into it and that the Lord was

actually speaking to you could it be

that the dreams that you say are random

are actually concealed that there is a

message concealed in it you see I would

rather even if it’s a pizza dream I

would rather bring it before the Lord

and in his presence let the Holy Spirit

tell me that this is nothing to worry

about than to conclude on my natural

understanding you see for example there

was a dream I had and I was share it

with you because when you hear it it

sounds random I was in this high-rise

building and when I looked out the

window there was water everywhere it was

literally like a flood on the earth and

in the dream I was aware of myself and

so I’m a bit perplexed because I’m like

God you know your word says that there

will be no flood the whole thing about

the rainbow did you forget but I’m

seeing water and I understood that this

water covered the earth and then all of

a sudden I see dolphins and they’re

playing and they’re having a good time

swallow time now to someone this could

be random why is there water and why are

they dolphins in the water but when I

came out of that I began to seek the

Lord Lord what does this mean what are

you speaking to me about and then when

the Lord began to reveal it to me the

first of all the water because I’m like

God I mean the water why is the flood

you see we have to be we have to be have

this curiosity before the presence of

God we cannot say no this must not be

God because there wouldn’t be a flood

any more we have to come like children

before him and the Lord began to speak

to me about the times of Noah you see

the time of Noah it wasn’t just about a

flood it was that God was bringing

purification on the

and not just on the land in the is to

mankind because you seen the time of

Noah the seed of man began to mix with

the seed of angels and so mankind had

become corrupted it was no longer that

when God looked at what they were

creating what God looked at the

offspring between man and angels it was

not the intention and the will and

desire of God when he said I will create

man in my own image because now that

image had been tainted

there was a corrupted seed that cook

that that polluted the intention of God

concerning mankind and so when God

looked at the world he’s like no we need

to purify this thing because this is not

what I created the Bible tells us that

these angels had come into the women and

they were having children can you

imagine if that continued to mix that

when God would look at us he’s not

seeing what he formed he’s seen this new

hybrid of a human being and so it was

not just about a flood the water

represented purification and the Lord

began to speak to me that this is about

what is happening and this time is about

purification that I am purifying my

bride that is the church I am cleansing

those that would represent me that when

you would represent me you would

represent me with honor

you will not represent me from the place

you see one of the things there’s a man

I’m just thinking about this right now a

man named David and you must have read

about him and if not read about him

David was a man that the Lord said I

have found a man after my own heart and

he would do all that I pleased when God

sees David and says this is a man after

my heart and he will do what I please

from that place of his heart posture he

could build for God you see often times

we talk more about building God’s

kingdom than we talked to God and that

already reveals that the agenda is not

about God that God becomes what we used

to actually build us and so when God

talks about his pure

find our hearts purifying our minds he’s

cleansing our hands is that it’s

bringing us back to this childlike state

god I just want your heart because from

that place you can use me from that

place you can speak to me I don’t want

to build something that I have no

revelation of I don’t want to think

about what you want me to build I want

to know what you want me to build and

that comes from our heart that seeks

after God so the Lord steps showing me

the symbolism of this that’s the water

and then I said but God the Dolphins

well the Dolphins doing in the water and

the beautiful thing he said because what

is happening is not to harm you dolphins

will never harm me they wanted to play

they just wanted to dance around jump

around and do all that stuff he said do

not see what is happening in the world

as that which is against you

it is not purpose to harm you and I

share that because when you hear a dream

like this it may seem random but when

you presented before the Lord he begins

to unveil the mysteries behind it and so

to my third points write it and make it

plain and there are a few things I want

to discuss with this because we engage

the Spirit of God the best ways when we

have the right questions when we come

before the presence of God it’s not just

about God I had this dream what does it

mean right because there is so much to

who God is that he reveals himself to us

based on the capacity and the room that

we make for him and so when we begin to

ask the Lord the right questions all of

a sudden we begin to have the right

answers and we begin to go deeper into

what he’s revealing into the mysteries

that he has one of the things I always

tell people is that every detail of your

dream matters every single detail and

there is something beautiful about when

you write down their dream is the same

thing that happens even when you talk

about it because in that moment

you are engaged when your heart is set

on something whatever your heart is set

on especially with dreams or with

visions or when the Lord has spoken to

you you’re engaging the spiritual part

of who you are and that is why you would

notice that when if you’re only just

thinking about it randomly there things

that you forget but when you start

writing it down with intentionality when

you start talking to someone you’re like

hey I had this dream and all of a sudden

there are details that you did not even

remember that starts coming to you and

it’s coming in it’s clearer but you want

to write it down

every single detail what did you see in

it how many times did you see it how

many dolphins were in the water

can you remember what what did it look

like what’s the water clean was it muddy

because all those details when you begin

to engage the presence of God and saying

lord I saw this you know what does this


you know it’s what I love is that in

Habakkuk 2 2 when it says write the

vision and make it plain it’s really

talking about a vision and this also

applies with dreams then as you begin to

write it now you can make it plain and

we make it plain by asking the right

questions and there are a few things I

want to show you that the Lord put on my

heart and really the way he has taught

me even when it comes to the dreams that

I have is that pay attention to your

emotional tone in the dream were you

afraid were you sad were you at peace

were you happy you say there was a dream

I had and in this dream it was about the

times that we are in right and there was

something that looked like covet but it

wasn’t covet it was actually a bit worse

than covet 19 that happened and one of

the states had affected greatly was

California right and in a dream like

this if I just gave you that detail it

would seem like something that was

frightening it would seem like oh my

gosh God was about to happen but in the

dream I had peace that was one of the

things that was that stood out to me I’m

aware of everything going on but

I wasn’t in chaos with myself I wasn’t I

wasn’t I’m anxious I wasn’t afraid I had

peace about what was taking place and

that feeling of peace can actually speak

to the fact that this is still in God’s

hands you see when God begins to show

things like this then all of a sudden

when it begins to unfold on the earth

you’re not moved when we talk about what

what is this peace that comes from the

Lord sometimes that peace also comes

with knowing that no God you already

spoke to me about this time you already

spoke to me about this season and even

if you didn’t I’m aware that this is in

your hands but when the Lord began to

show that to me I understood that the

peace I felt in the dream was so

symbolic to know this is not something

that the enemy’s just having a

free-for-all that this is still in the

hands of God then what it does is now

the conversation continues because you

see a dream is God starting a

conversation with you and when you begin

to ask questions of the dream you engage

that conversation now I can look at that

and say but God what is it that you’re

doing with this now I can ask question

when would this happen when would this

be what is the time what is the season

but if I ignore that

then I ignore the fullness of what God

wants to reveal to me and so what is

your what is the emotional tone and the

reason that this is so powerful is that

you can Google will not tell you how you

felt if you have the dream of a snake

coming at you what if you had power in

that moment you research that it’s like

WebMD have you ever used WebMD I would

have just maybe like a headache

WebMD will tell me that you know what I

may be going in a coma but much love to

WebMD I’m sure much love but but you see

you can’t just Google random things


dreams because it does not understand

the fullness of it that yes maybe you

saw a snake in the dream but what was

your emotion in that dream when you’re

afraid maybe you felt confident and

maybe that is God telling you that hey

something may be rising against you but

you would you would have this grace to

stand still and so you write that down

and you begin to engage with the Lord

and say Lord okay I saw this but this is

how I felt another thing is what can you

what are the references what is it what

is it one of the references that you can

you can pull from the dream right are

there things that have a biblical

reference or maybe a unique reference in

your life not in the natural you see

when Joseph heard the dream that Ferrer

had in the time of Egypt when he said

okay he saw seven fat cows and seven

skinny cows and all of that there was a

natural reference for cows because in

that time agriculture was the backbone

of the economy and so when God wanted to

speak about the economy he used animals

so they had a reference to the times

that they were in when I saw the waters

in my dream it had a biblical reference

so when you begin to look at your dreams

you start you start asking questions is

there anything in the Bible that speaks

to this and as you begin to study it is

a beautiful engagement with the Lord

because all of a sudden the Holy Spirit

starts directing your heart and your

going deeper and deeper into what the

Lord is showing you another thing is to

ask the Lord is this literal or is this

symbolic what does this message actually

mean you see there was a moment where I

had there was a dream I had about a

family friend and I saw them dying and I

saw how it happened

and when the Lord showed me that I was

like okay is this what is this are you

showing me like something that is

literal or

this symbolic to something else and in

in that event there was something

literal that he was showing me to speak

against and – and there were there were

instructions that he gave me that came

against that thing and so when it

actually showed up in real life it did

not take his life and so there are times

where God would even give you and you

you have to say okay God what you’re

showing me explain this to me because I

don’t want to jump ahead of myself the

same way that you may see someone in a

dream and they may be doing something it

may seem like they’re doing something

weird and you’re thinking that oh my

gosh God is talking to me about this

person and they’re no good for my life

but what if God is actually using that

person to explain a character trait and

so we cannot conclude in the presence of

God God is this literal to me or is this

symbolic and one of the last things and

there are many things that God can teach

you in in the process of interpreting

your dreams but these are just some of

the key things that he told me to share

with you another thing is Acts the Lord

is this dream giving me information or

instruction and sometimes they overlap

now information is that is this

informing me about your plans and your

purpose so that when it shows up I’m at

peace when it shows up I’m ready or when

it shows like what is this about

is this informing me about something

connected to a friend is this informing

me about something that I need to press

in and pray or for you see even the

dream I shared that was literal in that

moment I also had suppressed and in

prayer to understand the strategy for it

God what does this mean is this and is

this just for information there many

times that God will reveal things to me

and it would literally just be to know

what is to come it’s not about saying

anything it’s not about doing anything

it’s just to know you see and that is so

key because sometimes when you have a

prophetic dream that comes from what

when God is revealing to you what his

plans are it is important to say that

even when the dream is information-based

God is this your will or is this a

weapon against me from the enemy or

weapon against my city a weapon against

my loved one what does it mean because

when it is the will of God then that is

prophecy and when in this prophecy it is

different because you see something so

amazing in the Bible it says Jesus is

the spirit of prophecy when we look at

the Lord Jesus and say he is the spirit

of prophecy then he embodies what what

what the prophetic is about and the Lord

Jesus what is amazing about him is that

it was said that before the foundation

of the world he was the lamb slain

before time but not only was he the lamb

slain before time that word had to be

manifested on the earth and that is

prophecy because prophecy is that which

is sealed in heaven you cannot change it

when there is a prophetic word that

comes from God it must happen it is not

something that can be changed it is when

God is revealing unto us that this is

what has already been established in

heaven and so Jesus embodies the spirit

of prophecy because he fulfilled the

word he fulfilled what was already

filled in heaven and manifested on the

earth and so when God is showing you

something about a prophetic message we

have to in in the wisdom and this is how

God trains us and family this is so key

because when weeds have deeper into the

training of God then all of a sudden our

spiritual senses begin to open up in

ways that would blow your mind because

it will start with the realm of dreams

and then it develops and God will use

all levels because God always wants to

get a message to you but he will train

you first to hear him through one

channel and he will continue to build it

up so it would start with dreams then it

would go to visions then it would go to

open visions and so much more than all

of a sudden your knowing even becomes

stronger but why I’m sharing this is

because we have to be good stewards of

the word of God because the Bible says

that do not cast your pearls before


when God wants to develop you he’s

looking at your

that what do you do it what I say how do

you engage me when I’m giving you how do

you engage when I start a conversation

with you because it’s not always about

you know God walking around and pacing

around your living room God what are you

saying whether you saying with a you

saying sometimes a dream it’s got star

in the conversation and how do we engage

that conversation and when we’re

intentional about what the Lord is

saying all of a sudden he recognizes you

are good ground you are fertile ground

and in this time family I’m telling you

it is the prophetic voice that would

rule it is the voice that can be

connected to the heart of God and what

the Lord is saying that would have

authority in the land because you will

not get information from the news the

news is or only can only tell you what

has manifested but the Word of God will

tell you what is to come and how to

prepare so that you’re not caught off

guard that you’re not easily discouraged

or deceived by what you see but that you

are led by His Word you would have a

different fire on you you would have a

different peace on you you would have a

different grace on you that the world

will come to know what is it that you do

and who is it that you serve and so when

you receive a word from God and God is

showing you this is my will and my plan

it is not about praying against it it’s

not about speaking against it it is to

go deeper God what do you do what are

you doing with this that don’t be in a

hurry to even speak about it until you

know God what is what is the purpose of

this what exactly are you doing why are

you showing me this and if it’s an

instruction then all of a sudden now

you’re asking God about the timing and

the strategy connected to that word if

in your dream you all of a sudden you

see yourself speaking and you’ve never

done that before you see yourself in a

country that you’ve never been then

could it be that God is instructing you

about what’s next but it’s not to rush

into it again it’s a conversation that

God is starting got a starting a

conversation with you he’s saying my

daughter I see you in Germany there’s a

call there’s something I have for you in

Germany that’s why you keep seeing

yourself and you know you in Germany but

it’s the conversation is starting don’t

rush and conclude into it now you can

say God are you you you you have

something for me in Germany you have

something for me in Japan you have

something for me in Nigeria you have

something for me in Los Angeles what is

that what is it Lord what are you

calling me to do the Lord wants to give

you strategy God is not just some random

guy there are times he can tell you some

interesting things you know I’ve been


where you figure it out as you go but I

will tell you this before God would give

you an instruction that can shake up

your whole life he will build you with

the little things because he’s also

rooting for you he doesn’t want you to

miss it doesn’t want you to fail before

God will give you an instruction like

hey your life is going great in LA I

want you right now to move to Japan

where you know no one before that

instruction comes God will cultivate

your hearing in the day to day things

because he does not want to make room

for the enemy to deceive you and send

you where he did not speak and so even

when you start having dreams about

random things take it seriously because

family were in the time that God wants

to pour out his revelation to you God

wants to pour out more for he years but

and it’s not just about creating a space

where we pray because prayer may just be

prayer for you may look like the grace

may look like speaking in tongues but

what happens after that what happens

after you pour out are you waiting to


what happens after you have this dream

or this nightmare and you wake up and

you rebuke it god it’s not my portion

did you engage him because it’s a

conversation and how are you engage in

that conversation do you shut it down or

do you say god what is it that you want

me to do there’s gonna be great

mysteries that God begins to reveal to

you at night that when you lay your head

to sleep

amazing mysteries and one of the things

that would encourage you to do be

intentional about your atmosphere even

when you’re going to bed because that

also speaks to God I want to hear from

you if you know that you’re you know it

you’re likely to Netflix and sleep

because right now ain’t nobody chilling

it’s quarantine so if you know that

you’re gonna be watching this series and

you’re gonna fall asleep then time

yourself ten o’clock god I want to set

an atmosphere I want to set an

atmosphere that is intentional for your

presence I want you to speak to me if

you know that you struggle with hearing

the voice of God then begin to say God

use my dreams

give me something because I kid you not

God will not die for you to not speak to

you it is a lie to think that God does

not speak to you if there’s a light the

thing that God does not want you to know

the mysteries about your life that is a

lie from the pit of hell

how good of a God would he be to die for

you but they’re not not speak to you he

wants to God loves it the truth is

family God talks a lot he he is the word

he always got something to say you will

be shocked about the things that God

finds hilarious if we’re funny if we

have a sense of humor and we came from

him he got some jokes

I mean I’ve talked about this before

what Jesus has to be to meet the

funniest person because he comes up and

he’s like you know

hey you know I’m Jesus I’m the savior of

the world I’m here to save humanity and

the first miracle Jesus does it’s a lip

party he says you know what guys we’re

gonna turn water into wine I think that

is hilarious I would think that Jesus if

you’re showing up and you’re like wow

I’m the Messiah guys I’ve been I’m the

one you’d be the way therefore the first

thing I would do as Jesus I would just

walk to the graveyard and just say wake

up Paul with you and everybody starts

standing up and now I’m like whoa look

at that

Messiah that’s me but no Jesus is on the

wedding and they run out of wine and his

mom is like hey Jesus we need some wine

and he does it

God wants to speak to you God wants to

speak to you in is the desire of his

heart to speak to you God is jealous for

you if the Bible tells us that even he

knows the numbers of hairs on our head

he’s so into you and he wants to engage

with you and so don’t take your dreams

like me it is a conversation that is

starting in his presence you already

have the gift you have the Holy Spirit

and through the holy sprit when you

start asking the right questions about

your dreams you will be blown away about

the instructions and the revelation that

will come out of it you will be blown

away by the things you will begin to

know you would walk and you will feel

like you’re walking on cloud nine

because while the world may feel like

this is chaotic you’re like no gods in

this when I was a child my grandmother

she had diabetes and she was in the

hospital and they needed to amputate her

leg or her foot

and it was known that if they do this

amputation she will be just alright

but my grandmother comes to me in a

dream and the Lord allowed it she comes

to me in a dream and she tells me my

daughter it’s my time to go and so in

the midst of I didn’t want my grandma to

leave but when God used the dream to say

it’s her time this can be stopped it’s

her time it was a few days or the thing

the next day or so a day or two after

that that she transitioned and when I

saw my family and everyone they’re there

they’re in pain and and grief is not a

bad thing grief is a sign that of the

impact a person had on your life if if

you had such an impact in my life I

should mourn you I should be sad when I

can access you grief is not against you

grief is not a bad thing but in the

midst of grief there was peace because I

said mom it’s not diabetes then take her

out this is not the thing that it this

disease or this illness was not what

determined her life it didn’t determine

if she would live or die God did that he

said this was her time and she went on

and so there was a peace in the midst of

it and God wants to give you revelation

about the things to come so that you are

not easily moved or easily shaken it is

the Word of God that anchors us you see

there’s a scripture that talks about

resist the enemy and he would flee from

you resist the devil and he would flee

but what does it mean to resist the

devil the devil is the father of lies so

resisting him is resist in his lies and

we only resist the lie with the weapon

of truth and that is why even in the

even in the wilderness when the devil

was coming against Jesus and he says if

you were in the Son of Man bla bla bla

bla and Jesus is like this is what the

Word of God says

because your weapon in knowing who God

is and knowing his word towards you

there is nothing that can come against

you the enemy will try his best but when

he sees that you are a son and a

daughter of Revelation he would know

that he has no place in your life jesus

said something so powerful he said that

Satan comes looking but he has no place

in me

Jesus was so filled with truth that the

enemy knew that there was I have there’s

nothing there’s nothing I can do that

scripture is so powerful it says resist

him and he would run away from you can

you imagine that the enemy is scared of

the person who walks in the revelation

of who God is like he’s literally scared

I didn’t say he would walk away and then

say he was like you know hop and skip it

said he was flee from you he will

literally run away from you that any

demonic assignment against your life

would recognize that it is torment to me

to stay here for someone to flee from

you they recognize that your belief and

your faith in God is actually tormenting

them that every time that you stand in

the truth of who God is that it’s like

they’re burning that there are torments

happening to whatever weapon is formed

against you because it will not succeed

and so God wants you not to just say the

cute Church sayings I am blessed and

highly favored he wants you to know that

you are blessed and you are highly

favored he wants you to walk in the

knowledge we are called to be in his

likeness in his image we are called to

be like him

we’re called to walk in the truth of of

the of what he’s doing so we’re not just

dancing around

God loves your family he loves you and I

want to pray for those who

subscribe to the lie that God will not

talk to me or God does not speak to me

that is a lie as you begin to engage in

his presence there was a scripture that

tells us that those who hunger and

thirst for righteousness that they would

be filled if they say blessed are the

ones who thirst and hunger for

righteousness for they would be filled

righteousness is about right standing

with God that the people that thirst and

hunger for to be in alignment with God

that God would honor it as you begin to

seek the Lord cultivate that atmosphere

when you’re going to bed tonight or

whatever it might be morning where you

are but there is a nighttime coming when

you go to bed why don’t you set the

atmosphere of worship if you live with

people get some headphones set an

atmosphere and you say God speak to me

as I lay my head speak to me reveal the

mysteries of my life speak to me Lord I

am listening your servant is here and he

or she is listening and as you do that

family you would be surprised the

journey you will begin with the Lord the

conversations that would build with the

Lord the Lord loves you and if you know

that you’re receiving this right now in

the comments I want you to say I receive

it I receive it I receive it that God

you love me I’m receiving that love and

I’m receiving the fact that you desire

to speak to me and if you don’t know the

Lord and you stumbled on our page today

and you want to know this God that wants

to have a relationship with you it’s

real one of the biggest things I

struggled with growing up was it was

between my relationship with God and

people because God became more real to

me than the people around me and so I

had to find this balance of you know

engaging with people but that is how

real God is it’s real let us pray

Heavenly Father we thank you we thank

you for your children that right now

they’re receiving what you’re doing

they’re receiving your love they’re

receiving the fact that you desire to

speak to them and you will and as they

begin to cultivate this atmosphere as

they begin to put that journal by their

bed to say god you’re speaking to me

tonight and we’re gonna build this

relationship and and it’s gonna develop

and you’re gonna activate my senses

you’re gonna activate my hearing

you’re gonna activate my spiritual sight

you’re gonna activate my spiritual smell

everything will be activated as I hunger

and thirst for alignment with you and so

Lord we thank you I thank you that your

presence is invading their home right

now I think you lord have your way in

Jesus mighty name family god bless you

we love you

