Service Date: 10.07.18


and we’re gonna have a wonderful time

and his presence here today I want to

just get right into it because I’ve got

kind of a lot of ground to cover today

and and our thought for today and what I

really want to speak around is this idea

promotion has a process promotion has a

process and there’s some people in here

right now and you’re misinterpreting

your season and you’re in a season of

promotion but it looks like trouble and

I want to break something down we’re

gonna look at Peter and in fact let’s go

to first Peter chapter 1 verse 3 through

9 and I’m gonna show you that promotion

as a process and we’re gonna unpack

these verses and I think we’re gonna be

blessed there by Peter says beginning in

verse three of the first chapter of the

first epistle of Peter it says blessed

be the God and father of our Lord Jesus

Christ who according to his abundant

mercy has begotten us again say again

has begotten us again to a Living Hope

say living hope through the resurrection

of Jesus Christ from the dead – and in

to an inheritance incorruptible and

undefiled and that does not fade away

reserved in heaven for you to an

inheritance incorruptible and undefiled

and does not fade away reserved in

heaven for you who are kept by the power

of God say capped by the power of God

this turn uh somebody say I’m kept I’m

kept I’m Gloria I’m kept I’m kept

who are kept by the power of God through

faith for salvation ready to be revealed

in the last time in this you greatly

rejoice though now for a little while

though now for in another translation

though now for a season comma if need be

you are you have been grieved by various

trials I want to read that again in this

you greatly rejoice though now for a

little while if need be if need be I

can’t wait to talk about that you have

been grieved by various trials that the

genuineness of your faith the value of

your faith the worth of your faith the

purity of your faith the legitimacy of

your faith being much more precious than

gold that perishes though it is tested

by fire may be found to praise honor and

glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ

whom having not seen you love though now

you do not see him you believe you not

though now you do not see him yet

believing you rejoice with joy

inexpressible and full of glory

receiving the end of your faith the

salvation of your souls

let’s pray unpack that father thank you

so much for this moment that you brought

all of us into and I sense Lord God from

Colorado to California to Zimbabwe to

Belgium to Germany to the UK to the

Netherlands Lord to the uttermost parts

of the earth you are doing something in

the hearts and the minds of your son

and daughters you’re activating them

you’re making things plain and you’re

making things clear and you’re gonna

move in their lives you’re gonna explain

some things unpack some things I thank

you for the spirit of wisdom and

revelation God there will be revelation

knowledge and prophecy and insight and

truth that will seize your sons and

daughters in a powerful and profound way

that will bring light where there was

darkness clarity where there was

confusion and that it would give your

sons and daughters the ability to run

when all they could do was walk it’s

gonna give your sons and daughters the

ability to walk when all they could do

was stand it’s gonna give your sons and

daughters the ability to stand when all

they could do was open their eyes all of

us will receive an upgrade today because

of the words that you speak to us we

receive it in advance in Jesus name Amen

amen I dare you to receive it in advance

right now come on somebody God didn’t

bring you here for nothing he brought

you here to give you something and I

dare you to have

to measure of faith can they hold up it

before it even happens come on somebody

pressing and get it

let’s talk let’s talk a little bit

please be seated let’s have a

conversation here this is written by

Peter and and I love Peter for so many


and one of the things that I love love

about Peter one things that I I just

really really moves me concerning Peter

is that Peter had been through some

stuff and it’s like the older I get the

less I trust people who have been

through anything are you tracking with

me that the older I get the more I

realize that it’s not the person who has

never been through anything that’s the

most valuable I think what manifests a

person’s value is not that they have

avoided something but that they have

walked through something come on

somebody don’t have any people in God’s

house come on Denver don’t have any

people in God’s house and you you you it

wasn’t that you avoided everything it

wasn’t that you did everything so well

it’s that you survived do I have any

survivors come on and October Breast

Cancer Month

do I have any survivors whether it was

cancer whether it was a heartbreak

whether it was a Dvorkin I have some if

you are a survivor I dare you to take a

minute and celebrate the one who gave

you the strength to survive come on


some of you survived 2017 some of you

are surviving 2018 some of you ever

survived when people gave up on you when

life threatened to wipe you out but you

are still here where am I still here

Saints that come on somebody

there’s something about surviving and I

can’t explain it it’s just and I love

everybody well everybody’s cool I’ll go

to coffee with anybody but but the only

people that can really sit at my table

really really at my table table people

have been tried people who’ve been

through something because we’re not

gonna be able to connect if you don’t

have any scars we’re not gonna be able

to connect very deeply if life hasn’t

thrown everything it could at you in

some sort of way you found

within yourself to get up and stand up

again and keep moving

believing that the best is still yet to

come and some of you are in the process

of getting there and you don’t like it

and we’ll talk about that I’m trying to

stay on track today I’m trying to stay

here but but I feel I feel the spirit of

digression happening to me Peter I love

Peter because Peter had been on every

side of this faith thing you know Peter

Peter you know when when he first

started walking with Jesus Peter was

talking big talk Lord even if everybody

leaves you don’t you worry about me I

wanna be with you until the vamp telling

you I’ll be with you to the very end and

Jesus is like mm hmm you gonna deny me

and Peter was shocked at the notion that

Jesus would even insinuate that someone

of his caliber of integrity and faith

and loyalty well one day turned his back

on Jesus right Peter was a bug no

seriously he would cut people’s ears off

like Peter was like you know Peter was

something else and then and then Peter

here is pinning about what we have to go

through what we have to endure in order

to develop the type of insides that are

worth what God has promised to us hmm

and Peter went through something it’s

funny as we look at this text there’s so

much in this text I pray I can get

through all of it in the two hours that

we have together here in this message

but look at what Peter says I pointed

out the word again because he says in

verse 3 he says blessed be the God and

father of our Lord Jesus Christ who

according to his abundant mercy has

begotten us again to a Living Hope

through the resurrection of Jesus Christ

from the dead what is he talking about

he’s saying that even Peter went through

a very dark and difficult moment where

his faith was tested

unlike ever before Peter you know the

story even after all that talk about not

not ever forsaken Jesus not ever giving

up on Jesus remember all that talk that

Peter was doing you got to study your

Bible it’s really amazing stuff on all

this stuff that that Jesus that he would

not do because he was so committed to

Jesus and and then he denies Jesus and I

think one of the reasons why Peter is

able to so masterfully talk about how

your faith has to be tested is because

when Peter went through that he did not

lose his faith he lost his fire you see

Jesus Peter had walked with Jesus he had

seen all kind of miracles take place he

had seen provision come out of no place

he had seen when when people were hungry

he had seen all these problems be met by

Jesus right he saw when people were sick

they were healed when when haters were

we’re trying to get them they escaped

the haters they there was no poverty

there was no scarcity and so his

relationship with Jesus was only a

relationship based on the expectation

that as long as I walk with Jesus

nothing negative will happen to me and

then all of a sudden Jesus is removed

from him Jesus has to go to the cross

Jesus dies and now his mismanage

expectation begins to rob him a faith so

much so that his behavior changes he is

no longer this ride-or-die disciple but

he becomes ultimately a coward he didn’t

lose his faith he lost his fire and

that’s why in the text he starts talking

about how how God how Jesus had brought

him to this place where again he

received the Living Hope he says who

according to his abundant mercy has

begotten us again to a Living Hope and I

thought about them like what does he

mean a Living Hope and so you know me I

like to look upwards it would have you


and it’s two words that were translated

Living Hope one word means alive so

that’s where they get the living from

and the other word means expectation and

so what he is saying was when he went

through his dark season he didn’t lose

all of his hope he just lost the Living


what’s the difference between hope and

living hope hope is when you believe

living hope is when you are on fire

living hope is when you don’t it doesn’t

matter what comes your way

you will stand flat-footed and recognize

that no matter what comes your way it is

not bigger than you living hope is when

there’s fire on your hope there’s fire

on your faith and you cannot be stopped

and and the tricky thing is oftentimes

in life we get demoted internally from a

living hope a living faith the faith

that is alive a faith that is innovative

a faith that is yet still creative of

faith that still has vision a faith that

believes that you cannot new lose to

just faith and it’s tricky because it’s

not that all of your hope and all of

your expectation and all of your faith

goes away it’s just not alive anymore

and it’s tricky because as long as you

have a little bit you think you have

what you need I want to take my time it

would almost be better for you to not

have any faith at all

because then you would recognize you

don’t have faith and you would go and

try to get faith you would try to do

something but what happens when your

faith just gets a downgrade because what

you expected see Jesus going to the

cross was a death of Peters expectation

Oh fill the Holy Spirit and God wants to

mature us in such a way that we do not

lose the fire of our faith when our

expectations aren’t met in life oh

there’s so much in this text he wants to

get us to a place where we do not lose

our faith in God when life deals with

deals with us that is in our minds not

within the parameters of what it means

to have God on your side because all of

us up to a certain point

have our own perspective and perception

about what it means for God to be with

us and when it does not fit into that

box when somehow trouble seeps into the

box that we have have have established

in our own mind about this if these

things do not happen that means that God

is with me can I talk to you for a

second all of us right now have this

thing I know God is with me when he

keeps trouble out I know God is for me I

know that the blessing of God is all my

life when he keeps trouble at bay and

the only problem with that mentality is

that when trouble comes in to the

borders or the parameters of what we

believe is our safety then all of a

sudden our faith goes from living faith

to just faith because now we have

mismanaged in that process we have

mismanaged the borders and the

parameters of where faith should live

and now because it didn’t happen the way

we want it to happen because our

expectation of what it meant to be

covered by God was disappointed now we

no longer have living hope we just have

hope here’s one of the things that I’m

learning about God faith is not simply

about what God keeps you from what I’m

learning about faith is faith is

believing that what God is believing in

what God can can sustain you in I need

to say that again because I was speaking

in tongues faith is not simply about

what God keeps from happening to you

faith is about your belief in the fact

that no matter what comes your way if it

happens to you

your faith in God will sustain you

through it are you tracking with me so

this is faith upgraded because a lot of

times we think that if God was true

believable if God was truly worthy of my

heart if he was truly worthy of my faith

then he would keep trouble out and God

is saying you don’t know how I work true

faith is not in you believing in me

because I tricky trouble out faith is in

you believing in me that even if trouble

comes your way I will be with you in the

trouble you will go through the fire and

not be burned you will go through the

rivers and they won’t overflow you

that’s real faith if you think about

faith itself faith itself needs trouble

to be itself let’s talk about it for a

second faith itself needs something that

is opposing it in order for it to truly

be faith the Bible says about faith in

Hebrews chapter 11 you know this it says

faith is the substance of things hoped

for the problem is in the hope for faith

needs a problem in order to be faith are

you not ready for that faith needs a

deficit it needs something to believe

for or to believe in faith needs

something to be absent in order for it

to be itself faith needs trouble and

faith also has to be proven because you

don’t know that you have faith oh god I

feel it you don’t know that you have

faith and two it is tried and tested and

guess what it’s not even God testing

your faith to show you whether you have

it or not it is God allowing things to

happen to your faith to manifest what

faith really is are you tracking with me

and one of the things that I’ve learned

about God is that is that every new

dimension requires a trial of your faith

oh I feel holy spirit every new

dimension requires a trying of your

faith not a test from the perspective or

trying or test from the perspective of

pass or fail it is to manifest faith

that is worthy of and necessary for the

level that God has taken you to oh I

feel it see all you got to do is live a

little bit and you’ll recognize that

going from level to level and dimension

to dimension necessitates another level

of faith because the oxygen up there is

a little different on the next level you

want the next level not realizing that

you need the next in size you need next

level in size to even breathe on that


I love let me tell you what God does not

do God does not promote unworthy vessels

oh this is getting me uh you know you

can you can in the natural realm people

who don’t deserve to be in position can

be placed in position because of

favoritism because of family because of

finances because you you know it can

just you consume you scratch my back

I’ll scratch yours that is how the world

system works come on somebody casting

couch type stuff you follow what I’m

saying you just pick that up later all


you you do this for me and I’ll secure

you a promotion it doesn’t work like

that in the kingdom it doesn’t work like

that in the spirit God’s not gonna

promote you unless you are the real

thing on the inside God does not allow

for kissing up you can’t kiss God’s

booty into position you have got to be

the real thing you have got to endure

whatever God

to endure you’ve got to base something

in order to be promoted on the next

level are you tracking with me so so so

under I got to calm down because I feel

the Spirit of God so so so you have to

understand God’s process when God makes

you a promise right it says there that

we have we have this inheritance that is

incorruptible that is undefiled that

does not fade away

it says reserved in heaven that word

heaven literally means an elevated place

and so I’ve given you something and let

me teach today maybe I’ll preach later

but I want to teach you know I’ve given

you something that is extremely valuable

oh god the promises over your life are

not little cute little little popcorn

promises and Oh pink fairytale stuff and

cute little Disneyland promises no he’s

saying I’ve got an inheritance for you

that is incorruptible undefiled will not

fade away it is valuable it is worth

something I’m not playing with you I’m

God I’ve really set you up but here is

the thing it is too valuable for me to

bring it down to where you currently are

I will not demote the inheritance to

meet you where you are what I do is I

will allow situations and circumstances

that will develop you and qualify you

and make you worthy of what I’ve given

to you in other words when I bless you

hi it is to lift you high are you

tracking with me you’re not gonna be

able to slick your way in here you won’t

be able to bribe your way in here you

won’t be able to brown you well knows

your way into it you have got to be it

in order to receive it you’ve got to be

it in order to receive it you are feel

God and the process of being it is to

have your faith tested

I thought I had faith because as long as

God kept a hedge of protection around me

allowing me to sing hallelujah oh Jesus

is good but he’s only good because he

kept the hedge of protection around you

he didn’t have no financial trouble you

didn’t have any relationship trouble the

jobs were always flowing and that’s why

he was good and that’s why you praised

him oh I feel the Lord you’re good

because I’m happy

come on somebody you’ve been there he is

good how God you know and something some

wonderful happen to you in life and you

know oh praise God he’s so good let me

tell you how good he is and you started

naming off things that he has done as if

he were not good or would not be good

had he not done those things how many of

us know that I don’t care if God he can

stop right now and still be good in my

life for where I’ve come from and what

I’ve been doing where I could be I don’t

need another blessing you are good no

matter what you do you’re good you can

stop right now

and I would still say oh thanks unto the

Lord give thanks unto Him for he is good

are you tracking with me see see a lot

of us walk around with this fluffy faith

and we don’t know it we don’t know it

because it’s never been tested it’s

fluffy faith everything’s so pretty

I live in California I live in Colorado

the weather is so nice I see the four

seasons my home is happy my job is so

great I’ve got money everything that’s

wonderful I’ve got my health my six-pack

has come back all these things and we

think that we are in faith and that type

of faith is not living faith it’s

situational faith it is conditional

faith it’s not real faith now God knows

that real faith is in there and so what

he has to do is he has to begin to

target your faith oh I can’t wait to get

into this God has targeted your faith

because your faith is more valuable to

your life than you think

let’s look at a couple of things in that

text real quick look at it a couple

things and we go back to the text and in

particularly in in verse oh let’s look

at verse four and so he talks about this

he says we have an inheritance it’s

incorruptible its undefiled and it does

not fade away reserved in heaven for you

reserved in heaven that word heaven

literally means elevated place not like

this place that means elevate its it

elevate its elevated which means that

it’s yours now right

so this incorruptible inheritance is

undefiled it doesn’t fade away is

reserved in heaven for you but then look

at what it says it says who are kept by

the power of God who are kept by the

power of God through what oh oh wait

wait wait hold on I saw that I’m kept by

the power of God that makes me feel good

because if I’m kept by the power of God

I’m good I don’t have to do anything to

be kept Oh God I don’t have to do

anything to be sustained if I’m kept by

the power of God but there is a a little

little caveat in there it says I’m kept

by the power of God

through faith Oh Lord Jesus did see it

so so I’m kept by God’s power but God’s

power does not keep me without my faith

I feel it that’s why God is always going

to be targeting your faith because your

faith is what keeps you your faith is

what keeps you from utterly giving up it

is your faith and is always going to be

under God’s microscope oh I’m learning

this you gotta catch this point you

gotta catch it it’s always gonna be

under God’s microscope because your

faith is more valuable to you than you

know let’s keep reading look at it if we

skip down it says in verse 5 it says

we’re kept by the power of God through

faith for salvation ready to be revealed

in the last time it says an issue

greatly rejoice though now for a little

while if need be though now for

literally a season if need be if need be

in other words God has calculated your

times and your seasons and he knows when

to try your faith and what not to so

your faith will not always be under

trial but it will be under trial when

you are getting ready to experience the

next dimension because God has times and

seasons in his hands and he knows that

in order to get where you need to get in

a certain time in a certain season when

your moment of harvest comes harvest

comes he knows now that he needs to

begin to target your faith because only

according to your faith will it be unto

you remember Jesus said that so often

according to your faith according to

your faith be it unto you which means

that it cannot happen unto you unless

your faith agrees o Holy Spirit it

cannot happen unto you unless your faith

is Co measure it with the experience

that God wants to bring you into and you

think it’s your righteousness it’s your

faith faith produces righteousness and

so you’re working on trying to not do

this and to not do that and all that’s

wonderful right we walk in integrity

right that’s all wonderful but at the

end of the day he did not say according

to your righteousness be it unto you he

said according to your faith be it unto


and so God begins to in seasons where it

is time for your harvest he begins to

target your faith and it is not fun it

is not fun it is not fun because God has

an understanding that who you are as it

relates to him at your core is who you

are by faith oh Jesus Christ

in his eyes where you are most valuable

is in your faith look at it it says if

we keep going are we tracking okay it

says though now for a little while verse

6 if need be you have been grieved by

what you are calling various trials and

then he explains it he says that the

genuineness of your faith being much

more precious than gold that perishes

though it be tested by fire may be found

to praise honor and glory at the

revelation of Jesus Christ so he is

saying that the most valuable thing that

you have is your faith Oh hallelujah it

is more important than gold it is more

important that anything in life that you


mass in the eyes of God he is saying

your faith is it and it must be tested

and found worthy Oh hallelujah

that’s why I love this we can’t get

around God because God sees our heart he

knows how much faith we really have he

knows if we have faith on Sunday and the

moment we get out of this building our

life speaks to the fact that we are

trusting in ourselves or we’re trusting

in things and not trusting in him and so

when there’s a call in your life and

when you’re called and you’re chosen and

God is desiring to make a deposit on the

investment that he has in you the very

first thing that he is going to do

because it has to happen it needs to

happen if need be is he’s going to zero

in on your faith to determine whether or

not you have faith and God keeping you

from something or will you have faith

that even if something happened God

keeps you in it I hear this for somebody

the reason why you’re in it you think

it’s a devil and it ain’t is God and

you’re saying so you’re misinterpreting

the trial you’re thinking that the trial

is evidence that God is not is not with

you that God is not on your side if God

were on your side he would have put a

hedge of protection around me to keep me

from this pain that I’m feeling and God

is saying you don’t understand how I

work I am a faith developer yes I am a

faith builder because I understand that

you are going to need some faith and

here is the thing it’s not that you

don’t have faith your faith just has to

be purified Oh hallelujah your faith

just has to be purified how does God

begin to purify our faith he begins to

kill things that were trusting in that

we didn’t know that we were trusted in

until we are left at our core with

nothing but faith oh I feel it

Oh Jesus can’t take my time can I talk

to you like this see see there things

that surround our faith that needs that

need to be killed that we will not kill

Oh God there’s a passage in the Bible

that says blessed are those who mourn

blessed are those who mourn for they

shall be comforted it says blessed are

the mourners blessed all the mourners

think about what a mourner is mourners

typically are grieving something that

has died and one of the things that I’ve

learned is if you are really gonna be

all that God has called you to be you

are going to have to be a professional

mourner in other words you’re gonna have

to sign up to kill things that are

keeping you from your destiny are you

tracking with me you’re gonna have to

sign up for it Paul says I present I

beseech you by the mercies of God that

you will present your body a living

sacrifice that means that Paul is saying

that worship is all about bringing

something to the altar that needs to die

that’s keeping you from being everything

that God has called you to be blessed

are those who mourn God says for they

shall be comforted in other words in

order for me to be who I’ve got to be

I’ve got to be a professional mourner I

have to be willing to more today so I

can celebrate tomorrow are you tracking

with me but herein lies the problem we

do not want to kill what God wants to

kill are you gonna be quiet on me today

that’s good I hear you listening Denver

we we either see there are things that

we know we need to lay at the altar that

are standing between us and the Lord

there are things that we know but we

don’t have the sense of urgency about it

we don’t have the same sense of urgency

that God has and the reason why we don’t

have the same sense of urgency about it

that God has is because God is seeing

the big picture

and God understands times and seasons so

while we’re playing with something God

is saying if this doesn’t get out of

your life today

it is gonna ruin your destiny so since

you won’t do it voluntarily how much sin

Dutch I’m gonna send the trial your way

now I’m a sin to test your way since you

won’t kill it I’m gonna have to kill it

and that’s why it says now you are

grieved by various trials if need be in

other words if we don’t become

professional mourners if we don’t get so

desperate about our purpose in our

destiny and I’ll call it that we will

lay anything down at the altar that

stands in the way of it then God is

gonna come and he’s gonna begin to shake

things up because God has got an

investment in you he knew you before he

puts you in your mother’s womb and he

also understands the timing and so it

will feel like a grievous trial but it’s

really God developing your insides

removing the dross from the silver

removing the coal away from that which

will show up as gold otherwise and it

hurts and it doesn’t feel good but it’s

not unto death God is doing it and

you’ve got to embrace it because this is

the process to promotion I feel the Holy

Spirit faith is nothing without

opposition we are shocked

when our faith is put to the test we’re

shocked we can’t believe it something

strange just happened to me I actually

had to believe God some some mysterious

occurrence happened to me today I

experienced opposition in the area that

I was believing God in can you believe


and the purest faith recognizes that

this is par for the course faith in

itself in order to be faith has to have

its nemesis it has to have something to

manifest it Oh hallelujah and what some

of you are experiencing in the season

right now is that something to manifest

it and you become better let’s keep

reading coz there’s some good stuff in

here good stuff in this passage it’s

helping me it’s helping me I think

everyone at least once in their life

goes through a season where your faith

is placed on trial how do you even know

if your faith is ready for the next

level if it’s not tested the tricky

thing about the next level huh I’m

almost done I’m almost almost done the

tricky thing about the next level is you

know what’s in it but you don’t know

what it’s of I don’t want to say that I

said it differently you you could only

see what you want in it what you cannot

see or discern is the atmosphere of it

next levels I’m learning this in my own

life next levels and next dimensions

have lions tigers and bears that there

are issues and things that you must

fight on that level that did not even

exist in the level that you left and so

God is not a negligent or irresponsible

God who would put you on a level that

would crush you upon entry before first

developing you are you tracking with me

God does not promote prematurely that

their lions tigers and bears on the next

level and we get intoxicated by what we

think are the blessings not realizing

that God’s process is to prepare us I

feel the Lord man I’m trying I’m off

script and everything but I fill this

with somebody sometimes you don’t know

what you’re praying for and you’re

frustrated with God because instead of

God in your estimation answering your

prayers you are stuck on this level

fighting and you’re mad at God and

you’re like God wait you know I heard a

word man

you know PT you know impassive Serra man

and she said this you know and and I

knew was for me but why isn’t it

happening I don’t I don’t understand it

I’ve got the word it was my word I

confirmed its confirmation but I’m still

where I’m at and not only am I still

where I’m at I’m struggling where I’m at

and I hear God’s saying I need you to

struggle there to get your strength

there to fight and conquer and kill the

devils on that level and to become

something and when you become something

you already be in that next dimension

it’s gonna be like that family I’m

telling you today what you think today

what you think to whom much is given

you’re not ready for that to whom much

is given much is required and we want

the give me much ignorantly not

realizing the requirement of that

dimension are you tracking with me but

God knows God knows and God says look he

told Peter this this this is this

couldn’t sum it up he told Peter he said


he says Satan has asked me for you he

desires you Satan has asked me that if

he has permission to sift you like wheat

first of all just think about that for a


in order for our nemesis to do anything

to us he’s got to get permission oh come

on somebody ought to give a liberator

right there you think you’re fighting

the devil the devil this stop it before

he can do anything to God’s servants he

has to go to your father and ask your

father for permission to do it it was

the same thing in the book of Job study

it when you get a chance job went the

Satan went to God and said hey you know

I’m looking for somebody to to mess with

and God said have you considered my

servant job I need to upgrade his faith

and so I’m going to use you as my pawn

to do it because I’m going to take what

you meant for evil turn it around for

good and make him a giant in the faith

and give him 10 times later on what he

lost in the beginning but but so Satan

comes to Christ and he says and Christ

tells Peter about a conversation that he

had and the conversation went like this

it was it went like this it says say

his ass for you he’s asked for you that

he might sift you as wheat and I’m sure

Peter was very encouraged by that

conversation and Jesus said he says but

I prayed for you that your faith would

not fail

y’all got to read your Bible more that

your faith would not fail in other words

all you have to do is have the right

type of faith and you will be able to

fight and overcome every battle that you

face promotion as a process and that

process is going to always be zeroing in

on your faith because we cannot in our

own strength increase or enhance or

purify our faith we can’t do it wouldn’t

it be awesome and we just pray O Holy

Spirit please Jesus purify my faith it

doesn’t work that way what he has to do

is he has to put you in situations that

draw perfect faith to the surface are

you tracking with me and in the process

of that perfect faith being drawn to the

surface it kills things that choke out

our faith and oftentimes the things that

choke out our faith are things that we

are relying upon instead of God and so

he will attack those very things

that’s why finances get attacked

that’s why Finance get attacked a lot

raise your hand if you’re at a financial

attack oh the whole doggone room let me

see you Denver oh yeah why because we

trust in them okay I’m gonna give you

another one since we’re being so honest

in here

raise your hand if you’ve ever

experienced a relational attack Oh

why because we have the tendency to

trust in relationships all I need is you

baby all I need is youth as long as you

in my life baby you’re the Sun the moon

and the stars and as long as you are in

my life

I’m gonna be all right stop it that’s

only partially true I’m in love so I’m a

little soft towards that but you know

that but that’s only partially true so

these things that keep our faith in God

from being pure and powerful which they

have to be will always be under attack

God if you were for me you would have

put a hedge of protection around my

finances and God is saying no I need you

to trust me even when the finances get

attacked because I am your Jehovah Jireh

I will strip everything away from you

that you rely upon to get your faith to

manifest itself are you tracking with me

I got a star landing this plane I feel

it there’s some of you right now and you

think that God has betrayed you and I’m

trying to stop you think that God has

betrayed you he hasn’t betrayed you he

would betray you by not upgrading you

that would be betrayal if he allowed

your faith to stay at the level that

it’s on so that she would be unfit and

unqualified for the next dimension that

would be betrayal but he loves you too

much I feel that right there he loves

you too much so he’s walking you through

this desert he’s walking you through

this dark place

he’s walking you through this valley the

same way Jesus was on the cross Jesus

went through it too he went through too

on the cross he’s on the cross Jesus is

full of faith he had living faith he

that living hope but there is this

moment on the cross where Jesus says

something that’s crazy and it manifests

that even his faith had to go to another

level he’s on the cross and he says my

God my God

why have you forsaken me see he had to

get that out of him before he could be a

perfect sacrifice I wish somebody would

catch what I just said

that was deep down on the inside of him

it just needed a situation and a

circumstance to bring it out but you

know what he didn’t stay there he did

say my God my God why how thou forsaken

me but you know what he was raised up

saying all power in heaven and earth is

now in my hands are you tracking with me

so he had to get that out of him so that

he can say the real thing and even

before he died he said into your hands I

commit my spirit

God’s trying to squeeze some doubt out

of you that you didn’t even know what

was there that’s what’s happening he’s

trying to squeeze some doubters poison

to destiny I didn’t even know it was

there why does he put me in this

situation and how come he didn’t deliver

me because he wants you to be the type

of person that says I trust you and even

if you don’t deliver me things are still

gonna be okay

can I tell you a quick story before we

close I’m thinking about the three

little Hebrew boys and there’s a story

in the Book of Daniel where the King

Nebuchadnezzar put a decree out there

and the decree was any one that did not

bow down and worship this image that he

had set up would be thrown into a fiery

furnace so Nebuchadnezzar creates this

idol and he says anybody who does not

bow down to it is gonna be thrown into a

fiery furnace and put to death and that

thing was set up to try to manipulate

God’s people into a idolatrous worship

and so so the three little Hebrew boys

they were confronted they were put in

this difficult situation where they were

supposed to they were trying to

Nebuchadnezzar and his army was trying

to force them to bow down and worship

this Idol and they said something

beautiful they said Oh King

Nebuchadnezzar I know do you got this

fiery furnace and I know you big and bad

I know you’re all that but let me tell

you something he said

my god well first of all we’re not gonna

bow down and he said my God my God whom

I serve is able to deliver me from this

fiery furnace he says but even if he

doesn’t I will not worship you in other

words my faith is not fair whether faith

my faith is not in just the good times

my faith is even in the bad times even

if I have to go into that furnace I will

trust God to get me out of that furnace

and you know what they were thrown in

that furnace and guess what they weren’t

burned Jesus was right there in the

fiery furnace with them and brought them

out and they didn’t even have the smell

of smoke on their clothes what am I

saying God is trying to get you to a

place where your faith is not predicated

by circumstance where you look at faith

and you say God even if I have to go

through it as long as I know you’re with

me I’m gonna keep on believing I’m gonna

keep on trusting I’m gonna keep on going

through it because my faith is what

keeps me and I don’t want fickle

Fairweather faith I need the real thing

I neither a thing you know that that

that word that was translated kept I’m

so out of time that word that was

translated kept you know what it says

I’m kept by the power of God through

faith I looked up that word and that

word literally means it has the idea of

a guard being in an elevated place

elevated place and he’s in this elevated

place and he’s looking at the gates so

that word that says were kept by God

were kept through faith has the word

picture of a guard in an elevated place

looking out at the gates and that hit me

I thought about that that’s what real

faith does real faith is not taken by

present circumstances

taken back by present circumstances real

faith sits in an elevated place looking

with expectation for the coming of what

God promised it is not tossed to and fro

and I think there’s some people in this

room right now complacent on landing I

think there’s some people in this room

right now and what you need to do if you

kind of sense that that maybe your hope

went from living hope to hope or maybe

it went from living faith to faith where

you’re just kind of getting by and you

don’t have that fire like you used to

have I believe that first of all you’re

in a season like Peter is describing

where your faith is being tested not

tested to say pass or fail but test it

to produce what it must be and I believe

that God’s instruction for you in this

season right so now I understand the

season but what do I need to do I think

that God’s instruction for you is to

elevate yourself

above what’s going on and look at the

gates what are the gates the gates are

the promises that God has spoken to you

if God says that you’re gonna have

victory I need you to come up out of the

battle for a second and just set your

mind on the victory of God says that I’m

gonna heal you I need you to come up out

of the sickness and and get to an

elevated place and begin to look at the

gates because the king of glory

is gonna come in those gates with

healing and he’s gonna come in those

gates with victory if you have a final

financial situation that you need I

think you need to elevate yourself

because here’s what God says God says

weeping may endure for a night but joy

will come in the morning and I

understand that board more because I

used to think that the morning was when

the miracle showed up I used to think

that that the morning was when the

financial provision that gets me out of

my circumstances shows up I used to

think that morning represented when the

healing comes so when the healing comes

that’s when my joy is gonna come that’s

not what it means

you know when the morning

Holmes the morning comes when your faith

has elevated itself above the situation

and now by faith you are imagining what

God has promised are you tracking with

me see here it is in the text here it is

in the text at the very end of the text

look at what it says it says after it

says in verse 7 that the genuineness of

your faith being much more precious than

gold that perishes though it is tested

by fire may be found the praise and

honor and glory at the revelation of

Jesus washes it says whom you have not

seen you love and then it says though

now you do not see and that word him

interestingly enough that word him in

the text if you look at it in most

manuscripts that word him is italicized

and when you see a word in the Bible

that is italicized that means that the

author added that word to try to give

you context but it was added which means

that a better way to read this is whom

it says though you do not see though now

you do not see you got to take the him

out of there because it’s not there it

was put there to give you context it

works but not at this point it says

though now you do not see yet believing

you rejoice with joy inexpressible full

of glory receiving the end of your faith

fill Holy Spirit in other words even

though you do not see what you are

expecting by faith it says yet believing

yet believing go back put it there it go

back to verse right before that I want

you to see it whom you have not seen you

love though you do not see take the him

out though now you do not see yet

believing you rejoice with joy

inexpressible and full of glory

receiving the

end of your faith the salvation of your

souls did you get it

in other words morning does not come

because I saw the miracle morning comes

because I believe the miracle is on its


are you tracking with me and so that

means that joy is the evidence that your

faith has been promoted God’s gonna give

you your joy back I filled that for some

of you God’s gonna give you your joy

back he doesn’t have to give you the

miracle right now all he needs to do is

elevate you bring you to an elevated

place some of you I just feel this

because you’ve been stagnant I’m done

but you’ve been stagnated by this moment

because you’re misinterpreting the

moment and I hear God’s saying this is

just the test I need you to endured I

need you to say hallelujah anyhow I need

you to say god I praise you regardless I

honor you no matter what I celebrates

you and when you can celebrate God in

the difficulty your faith has been

promoted and once your faith has been

over fill God what your faith has been

promoted your life is gonna be promoted

life before he promotes your faith your

bank has to go further if you are here

and you say God give me some faith renew

my faith do whatever you gotta do on the


oh come on

we’re about to get this come on I’m not

a Fairweather believer bring the trial I

know it’s not gonna kill me I like the

three little Hebrew boys you know what

my god is able to deliver me right now

but even if I have to go soon for

another six months

because it’s gonna be

my life

you’ll get stopped

work it out together


got promised me

let’s be its cover limit

in fact accosted by me

hi Stan

the kids are boring whoo



and the cake

you’re bigger than it you’re bigger than

it you wouldn’t be in it unless you’re

bigger than it you’re bigger than it

you’re bigger tatted you’re bigger than

enough fill it you better than it

it’s that bigger than you you got a

fight you gotta get your fire back Peter

goes on to do incredible things for

Jesus he goes on because everything that

Jesus said he would do or be everything

he said he would do or be he became but

the heat but he had to get his faith

upgraded he had to get his faith

upgrading he had to get his faith

upgraded he couldn’t get there according

to your faith they couldn’t get there

and you will not lay you won’t lay it

down you have no way of increasing your

faith you don’t even know what’s in you

you don’t even know what’s in you let me

talk to you come here

you don’t even know what’s in you come

here come here you don’t even know

what’s in you you don’t even know what’s

in you you don’t even know what’s in you

Denver I want you to be praying for him

Denver stretch out your hands you don’t

even know what’s in you so God has to

send you through things to manifest

watch this what is not you so that what

is you can come forth you don’t even

know what’s in you and the only reason

why you’re here is because if need be

God is saying you’re close to harvest if

this is where you catch it you’re close

to harvest you’re close to harvest and

so what I’ve gotta do you think that I’m

afflicting you but I’m not afflicting

you I’m afflicting everything that’s not

you so that everything that is you can’t

come for so that you’ll be worthy of the

dimension that I’m bringing you into

somebody better get up here

Mercedes Mercedes



you don’t even know what’s in you hold

on you don’t even know what’s in you


don’t be mad at God don’t give up on God

he loves you he knows what he put in you

he knows what he put in you and there’s

only one way to get it out the testing

of your faith which is more precious

than gold we’re chasing gold we need to

be chasing real faith if need be it’s

not always gonna be like this if need be

when it’s necessary 4-dimensional

breakthrough if need be you grieve but

various trials that the genuineness of

your faith being much more valuable than

gold that perishes your inheritance is

incomparable and so are you and so

everything about you that is comparable

is put under the pressure

so that you and your inheritance are

equal a one you and your destiny

understand this I’m way past the target

understand this understand this hear

this please

it’s not about where God wants to take

you it’s about who he wants to take

there did you catch it it’s who he wants

to take there it’s who he sees when he

looks at you and he knows the only thing

that is keeping you from becoming what

he sees is where you are in your area of

faith faith has to do with eyes how you

see how you perceive how you think how

you move how you operate how you

function how you respond to things

that’s faith a great poet her name

escapes me but she said it’s better to

be born blind than without vision better

to be born blind without vision better

to be born blind with eyes of faith

Helen Keller thank you

your faith has everything to do with how

you perceive the world how you perceive

God how you perceive yourself it’s how

you connect to life that’s why he says

according in your faith if I see life a

certain way if I see myself a certain

way if I see God a certain way I am

limited either I’m limited or unlimited

by my capacity to perceive faith has to

do with how you perceive and how you

perceive makes a difference in how it

makes the difference in how you connect

to life I can’t go past what I believe I

can’t go past how I perceive but so God

says I know that I know that

so i’ma work on it and you’re not gonna

like it

and you’re gonna have to cry and you’re

gonna have to grieve but what you’re

grieving is how you thought it was

you’re grieving a lesser perspective are

you tracking to think you’re grieving

and lesser perspective Jesus had to

grieve a lesser identity in order to

become the one who has all power in

heaven and earth and his hands he is in

the garden he does not want to go he has

done all these wonderful things but he’s

getting ready to go into another

dimension and what does he say if it

were possible let this cup pass from me

let it pass if it were possible while

wait Jesus you’re talking like that yes

because even Jesus had to go to another


there was another level of grieving

there’s another level of death even he

had to go to it and then something

kicked in nevertheless not my will but

sure will be done he gained strength

it’s interesting because it says when he

was in that process he wasn’t wasn’t

just crying he was sweating blood that’s

death it was a death that took place in

the garden even before he got to the

cross something had to die right there

something had to die so that something

greater could live man I feel this for

some of you I want you to understand

what’s going on oh what’s getting ready

to go on there’s no escaping this if

you’re gonna be the real thing now if

you’re gonna be the one that ultimately

turns and walks away and doesn’t walk

with it I can’t do anything about that

I’d be a saddest thing ever but I think

you’re here because you’re that

generation that will be everything that

God put in you to be and then some and

you’re gonna do exceedingly abundantly

far above what you can ask for or

imagine in his name I want to pray for

you I want to pray for you love you



I want to pray for you if you here and

you say Holy Spirit you were talking to

me I get it and I’m gonna embrace the

living faith again I just want you to

put your hand up I want to just pray for


father I thank you I thank you I see you

in Denver I thank you for all those who

have responded to your word you spoke to

them they heard you they’re your

children they don’t belong to anybody

but you you know them you love them

before you put them in their mother’s

womb you knew them father I pray that

you would seal this word in their heart

in their mind I pray that you would

brand it in their spirit branded in

their mind God and whenever they have a

moment where it just seems unbearable

that they will remember uh-huh

this is about the trying of my face this

is about manifesting the genuineness of

my faith I thank you that there is

significant greatness on their life and

you’re gonna do great things in them and

through them and for them and for their

children and for their children’s

children for a generation not yet born

because of their commitment God to your

process your process of promotion people

will be blessed long after they’re gone

let’s just pray God that your hand would

rest upon each one sealing this word and

their hearts in their minds in Jesus

name Amen amen if you receive that just

take a moment give God a praise

