Service Date: 02.10.19 11AM



I’m gonna jump right into this word I

believe it’s it’s a timely message for

all of us I believe it’s gonna dig deep

and I believe it’s gonna restore

something that’s gonna give you strength

and joy and and faith and perhaps even

creativity and strategy to move forward

because God’s not finished with you do

me a favor just tell somebody God’s not

finished with you it’s not finished with

you it’s not finished with you I feel

that he’s not finished he’s not finished

it’s not over and in fact I believe it

just might be getting started for some

of you are you tracking with me it just

might be getting started it’s not

finished there’s more there’s more I

feel that I want somebody to sketch that

in their spirit you’re watching via live

stream just catch it in your spirit

there’s more there’s more there’s more

life is about an unfolding right life

doesn’t just happen life unfolds that’s

why we can’t give up before we grow up

you understand what I’m saying I can’t

give up before I grow up because because

things are still unfolding unfolding

there’s another dimension to me I feel

the presence of God there’s another

dimension to you right and sometimes

people won’t get that and they’ll count

you out and start you know downgrading

you and they still stop betting on you

but you just got to make sure you don’t

stop betting on yourself there’s another

fold I fill it there’s another fold

that’s coming and a whole another way

and a dimension I feel like there’s a

there’s a restoration there’s a renewal

and it’s coming and it’s awesome and

it’s gonna make sense and everything is

gonna add up because he causes all

things you’ll get it


I like this place I like this place

right here I’m gonna read a couple of

passes of Scripture that I believe will

underscore the thought that I have for


today I want to talk about the power of

belief the power of belief and I know it

sounds simple but it’s it’s much deeper

than that to believe it’s powerful it’s

powerful but I want to I want to read

two passages of Scripture right off the

gate these are foundational scriptures

when you go home and you study you can

you can look at these passages again the

first one is in John one and we’ll read

the first three verses there and then

we’ll read verse 50 words 14 so one

through three and then we’ll skip to

verse 14 and then and these are

foundational and then we’re gonna read

Romans 12 and 3 John 1 says in the

beginning was the word and the Word was

with God and the Word was God

he the word was in the beginning with

God all things were made through him

through the word through the word and

without him without the word nothing was

made that was made in the beginning was

the word and the Word was with God and

the Word was God he was in the beginning

with God all things were made through

him and without him nothing was made

that was made all things were manifest

through him through the word it’s gonna

make sense in a second and without the

word nothing was made that was made in

the beginning was the word and then the

word started making things and

everything that was made was made

through the word right and then it says

if we jump down to verse 14 it says and

the word became flesh so what was said

became seen and the word became flesh

and dwelt among us and we beheld his

glory the glory as of the only begotten

of the Father full of grace and truth

I’m gonna break that down and then we’ll

go over to Romans 12 and three these are

foundational passages it says for I say

through the grace given to me to

everyone who’s among you not to think of

himself more highly than he ought to but

to think soberly as God has dealt to

each one a measure of faith so lord I

just thank you for this moment for this

gathering and thank you for your people

assembled here the people that are

watching via livestream the people that

will watch and I just thank you God that

that in this atmosphere you’re rich love

will be palpable and God you know every

personality you know every season you

know every situation you know every

individual in this room you know our

unique needs you know the needs that we

have that we can’t even articulate and

God I pray that in this service you

would reveal a solution to a problem we

didn’t know we had and edify us and

build us up god I pray that we wouldn’t

leave you the same but we leave here

sharpened and clear and focus with

strategy for living and great

breakthrough and god I thank you as your

servant in this moment but you would

give me the spirit of wisdom and

revelation and knowledge and prophecy

and insight and all of heavens treasures

and resources to communicate truths that

are empowering and enlightening to the

people you love the most

so I just thank you I’m yours and God as

we spend these few minutes together we

pray that at the end we will leave out

of here richer sharper where there was

confusion what may they be clarity when

there was weakness where that may they

be strength where there was doubt may

there be faith we love you we thank you

we claim it done in Jesus name Amen amen


all right here we go so the first thing

I want to do is I want to there is a

truth hidden in his passage in Romans

chapter 12 and three that I really want

us to unpack and you would miss that

truth if you are focusing on the wrong

thing in this passage this passage

basically says you know not to think of

ourselves more highly than we ought to

think of ourselves and that God has

given to while he’s dealt to every man

the measure of faith and a lot of times

that passage of Scripture can be used to

promote this sort of sense of false

humility because if you read it and you

put the emphasis on the wrong things

you’ll be thinking that this passage is

telling you not to think more of

yourself than you should

and the emphasis really is that you

should think high of yourself that

didn’t sound very spiritual does it no

you actually should think high it’s

saying in fact the only reason why the

caution is there is because you actually

should think I have yourself just not

higher than you ought to and I want to

show you something about you that you

may not know in fact it’s in Psalm

chapter eight verse four we’ll look at

verse four and five but there’s

something about you you should know

about you I believe that God has been

trying to from the beginning of the

creation of humankind he’s been trying

to get us to understand who we really


identity and perspective about self is

everything because it determines how you

will enter into life how you would

engage life and how you will what you

will expect out of life but I want to

show you something that you know I

believe it’s truly a correction to be

honest with you but if we look at Psalm

eight I want you to check this verse out

I want to show you something and if you

were exposed to the the third night and

the revival service in Denver you

already know this but I want to show you

something that’s really important that’s

not what I want to show you but this is

what I want to show you it says what is

man that you are mindful of him and the

son of man that you visit him and then

it says for you have made him a next

verse it says for you have made him a

little lower than what yeah but that

that’s a problem because the Hebrew word

that was translated there does not mean

angel there’s another word the word

malach which means angels this word that

was used there is the word Elohim which

means God if you go back to Genesis it

says in the beginning Elohim created the

heavens and the earth and so so we got a

problem with this text that’s why you

have to always study the original

languages because it’s one thing to say

you have been made a little lower than

an angel which there’s all kind of

problems with that and I won’t even get

into but there’s another thing to

believe that you were made a little

lower than Elohim a little lower than

God himself in fact we were created in

God’s image we were the only beings with

the only things of his of God’s creation

that was created in his

and in his likeness we were not created

a little lower than angels in fact here

is the truth about angels angels are

supposed to serve you if you serve God

you got to catch that angels are a sign

that God’s purposes and plans and so if

your life is committed to God’s purposes

and plans then that means that angels

will work for you which means that they

are not that you’re not lower than them

this is not where I wanted to go but but

do you understand what I’m saying so

he’s saying that I made you a little

lower than me which means that you

should think high of yourself you should

not be self-deprecating and you should

you you’re supposed to think

in fact you should think so high of

yourself you should continue to ask

yourself the question Who am I really

like Who am I really like like really

like God when you saw me before you put

me in your mother’s womb what did you

really see God what are you seeing about


that I am yet to see are you tracking

with me because you were made not a

little low in angels you were made a

little lower than God that’s pretty

serious and it’s seen and it kind of

messes with your religion a little bit

because it’s always been about that you

know and and and it is about God but you

have to understand that to a certain

degree it’s about you and if you don’t

perceive that it’s about you and about

what God has placed on the inside of you

for God’s glory

then you will miss what God has for you

in life but the passage that that’s not

the exciting thing about that pass is

back in Romans chapter 12 and 3 the

exciting thing is the revelation about

what God has given to every person so he

says don’t think of yourself more highly

than you ought to how do you think more

highly of yourself than you ought to

it’s when you think that you were higher

than God or when you think that you and

God are equal that’s when you think more

highly of yourself than you ought to but

it’s also when you think more highly of

yourself than another human being that’s

why sexism and racism and every other

type of ism you can think of where one

person believed that they’re more

superior than another is one of the

greatest things you can ever do because

it is because even right there it says

God has given to everyone a measure

faith and that’s kind of what I want to

talk about today I want to talk about

what God has given to you that word

faith that was translated there is a

Hebrew word it’s a Hebrew word pistis

and it means believe and it has the the

sub thought of persuasion and so what

that means is is that God has given to

every person a belief he’s given you a

measure of belief God’s guarantee that

you will become everything that God has

created you to be

is this measure of belief that he’s

given you there’s some of you and you

have been believing something about

yourself for a long time and you don’t

even know when it started but there is

something in you that says I can do that

you don’t and typically you discover

that when you’re a kid right and you

just you it’s I can I can do that it’s a

gift from God it doesn’t even come from

you it’s something that God has dealt to

you it’s something that God has given to

you because it is the beginning let me

put it this way when God is purposing to

do something in your life he does not

give you the thing he gives you faith

that will produce the thing I’m gonna

teach it and I don’t mean he’s shouting

today okay it’s just gonna be I’m on his

teaching thing I don’t know I think I’m

there’s that okay you don’t mind like if

I but I want you to understand that the

way that God works God what he purpose

is to do something in your life he gives

you the seed of belief for it he gives

you a seed he deals you this measure

just enough to get you to believe

something that he desires for you let me

show you another passage go to

Philippians chapter 2 and verse 3 this

is beautiful look at this it says for it

is God who works

in you in you both to will that’s to

desire and to do that’s to accomplish

for who hit for his good pleasure

so God puts something in you that makes

you believe in desire and accomplish

what he expects from you so some of

these ideas that you think are your

ideas aren’t even your ideas they’re

ideas some of these dreams are not even

your dreams they’re God’s dreams there’s

these things that God has placed in you

that if you follow them and if you hold

on to that belief will allow you to look

like what God saw before he puts you in

your mother’s womb are you hearing me

let’s take our time here so Jeremiah one

and four and five you’ve seen this

before you know this before it says God

says before I formed you in the belly or

in your mother’s womb he says I knew you

I sanctified you that means I set you

apart and I our danger that means that I

haven’t our due for something and so you

are here because there is an idea in

God’s mind concerning the whole of your

life and so what God does as his

guarantee that you have an opportunity

to fulfill that desire and so you’re not

living this random existence as God

begins to put desire and he begins to

put faith in you and sometimes there’s

something in you that looks at something

and says I can do that you don’t know

where it came from you don’t know where

it started but there is this this

ability this innate belief on the inside

of you and you’re just crazy enough to

believe that you can do something

outrageous like change the world and you

think it’s your dream and you think it’s

your it started with you but it didn’t

it’s actually God but you will always

have to war for your belief because

there’s so many things like

discouragement and distraction and

disappointment that will war against the

most powerful thing you have and the

most powerful thing you have is belief

and by the time we’re finished today I

believe that God is gonna stir up your

belief in this house and in your heart

and and for what he has for you unlike

anything else because some of you you

just need to jumpstart your belief

because somehow you stopped believing so

God and that Philippians two and three

passage it says that it’s him working he

puts something in you to cause you to

think that you can to know that you can

I gotta just tell you like like like

this church is my testimony like this is

this church I don’t come from like

preachers like a long line of preachers

in fact I don’t I’m the first generation

passed their Minister speaker and my

whole orbit like I just you know I’m

first generation and I gotta tell you

like my background is business I built

data centers and computer rooms for

company that’s what I did like for a

living but God put this thing in my

heart and he and and this belief that he

put in me when I had nothing I had no I

had like like no materials I had no

building materials and God put this

belief in my heart that that through him

I could change people’s lives the same

way he changed my life I had no no

mentor can we just have a real

conversation where’s one I’m just tell

you true Fiat right we’ll get back to

this and saying I had no mentor I had no

like seminary experience I didn’t even

know I was barely going to church at all

it’s true

but God puts he put this like it wasn’t

just I think I can he put this belief in

me that said man I can totally do this

thing and now you know fast forward you

know 16 years later that was 2002 and

that happened and yes almost 17 years

later and thousands of people into

cities hundreds of thousands of people

online three books television show and

all these sort of things and guess what

what procured all those things was not

the right relationships it was not

mentorship it was one very very powerful

thing called belief are you tracking

with me like that’s what did it so so

God gave me this measure of faith that

gave me something and everybody in there

has something that God has dealt with

you sometimes it gets covered up

sometimes it gets suppressed by life but

it’s in you and I want you to find it

again because there’s something in it

and it’s powerful it’s it’s like like

destiny is a partnership with God it’s a

partnership with God and if you think

about any partnership whether it’s it’s

it’s in you know corporation or business

or whatever we think about a partnership

you have multiple parties that bring

something to the table and when they

bring what they bring to the table

that’s what makes the partnership rock

are you tracking with me so in life what

God brings to the table is one he brings

a word and he brings a word that he

gives you grace to believe anybody near

got a word you got something you’re here

because God has spoken something to you

and he gave you the grace to believe it

right so what God brings to the table is

he brings that word and in that word is

the grace to believe and then he also

brings the ability to manifest that word

that’s what God brings so God brings the

word he brings the grace for you to

believe and he brings the power to

produce that word what we bring to the

table is

Leif oh god help me will he doesn’t ask

for anything else you don’t have to

bring a million dollars to the table you

never bring five dollars of the table

what you bring is belief because belief

God knows that if you believe all you

got to do is believe that’s the seed and

if you believe long enough it’s gonna be

manifest let’s look at that John one

passage really quickly and this will I

think it’ll kind of bring it bring it

together that John one says in the

beginning was the word and it’s a Greek

word it’s the Greek word logos it means

things the things said so we’re not

talking about something that was written

we’re talking about something that was

spoken right in the beginning was the

logos in the beginning in the beginning

was the logos right but then later on it

says and the logos became flesh in other

words what was said became seen okay I

want you to understand the process of

the unfolding of destiny it always

starts with something sad and something

ultimately believed right so in the

beginning if you go back to the

beginning of anything even if you go

back to the beginning of you

there is something said that God causes

you to believe he has a way of getting

what is said to you sometimes it’s in a

sermon sometimes it’s through reading it

can be a sound it can be a thought to

you but God has to get to you what he

said so that you can believe it because

you’re part of the deal is to believe it

and when your belief and what he said

gets together you make an incredible

baby called destiny and you begin to be

profited by it are you tracking with me

let me show you something really quickly

real quick I’m a mix it all in to give

it and put it together and put a ball on

top and we’re gonna go home

okay go to Hebrews chapter 4 in verse 2

I want to show you something let me show

you something I’ll show you something

it’s very important and while we’re

going there just turn to somebody and

say you’ve got a word you’ve got a word

you’ve got a word you’ve got a word

you got to work so look at this check

this out this is deep it says for indeed

the gospel was preached to us all the

good news was preached to us all as well

as to them was preached to us as well as

to them but the word which they heard

did not profit them and it tells and

what not being mixed with faith and

those who heard it so he’s really

breaking down like like two groups of

peoples those who heard and those who

had faith you got to mix your faith

that’s what you bring to the table God

speaks you bring your faith to the table

and faith and belief is simply a

decision that’s all it is

it is simply deciding I am going to

believe what God says and when that

happens something happens on the inside

of you that belief for some of you there

is creativity to produce what God said

and you simply believing that he said it

mm-hmm all right so let’s go back to

John 1 so it says in the beginning was

the word so everything starts with a

word everything starts with a word God

does not give you things at their

potential he gives you things full of

potential so all of us start with a word

we start with something that God speaks

to us some sort of way and what he

speaks to us he causes us to believe in

that’s how it starts there’s no way

around it I wish I could tell you that

God will give you your life and just

slam them lay it in front of you and

it’s already said no he does not do that

he gives you your life in seed form and

seed form is the word it’s it’s what he

causes you to believe and as you hold on

to that seed and you mix your faith in

with that seed in the process of time

you will go from that thing said to that

thing seen in the beginning was the word

everything starts with the word

everything starts with a word you don’t

start with the thing you start with a

word and the word is the thing in seed

form are you tracking with are you

tracking with me and that’s why you

cannot say all I have is a word all I

have is a promise that is all you will

ever get you just hold on to that

promise and then the process of time

that seed will grow up and it will

become everything and even more than

what God God said I’ve got this quote

that I want to put up there about about

about what a word is about about the

word the word is the truth that God

causes us to believe I can’t that’s too

small I can’t see I’m just turn my back

on you for a second I still love you the

word is the truth that God causes us to

believe in seed form that if we hold to

it it will mature and be manifest in our

lives the word is the truth that God

causes us to believe in seed form that

if we hold to it it will mature and be

manifest in our lives the word is the

truth that God causes us to believe in a

seed form you got to pay attention to

what God causes you to believe I almost

want to come down and talk to you

I would if the camera wouldn’t be if it

wouldn’t the lighting and all that cuz I

would I would I might still do it but

I’m thinking about those who are

watching via live stream right now I

want to I want to sit down with you and

have a conversation with you and

high-five you and touch you and look you

in your eye and speak to you to you

believe the words that are coming out of

my mouth it’s in seed form your futures

in seed form right now and it’s growing

and if you will hold on to it it will be

absolutely incredible it is it’s it’s

why God dealt it every man a measure of

faith every man a measure of faith got

take my time take my time this is crazy

I shouldn’t even be here like no no no

background no pass I’m like no pastors

and my family like and I don’t know that

may have even been it no I won’t say

that I’ll say a good thing but sometimes

it’s better to not learning to have to

unlearn it’s just the way it works but

but no I I’m not telling you something

that I read it just hit me the other day

like God how did you do it and it’s

simple you because you believe me

because you never stopped believing even

even when your life looked nothing like

what he said here’s the thing

here’s the thing sometimes we we expect

too early sometimes we expect harvest in

seed season and we get discouraged you

know everybody says delayed and not

denied right and I understand kind of

what that means but that’s not really

true because it’s not delayed it’s just

that you had a timetable based on what

you thought or where you thought you

should be at a certain time so you

thought more highly of yourself and put

yourself in the stead of God and said

God by the time I was thirty I should

have this in that knitting by golly by

the time I’m 40 I should definitely have

that home I got fifty it’s not here

oh no no god no and what you fail to

realize is guess what what God wants to

do in your life is bigger than you when

God is what he’s doing in your life it’s

supposed to affect your children and

your children’s children and a

generation that’s not even born yet and

so you just look at at your little

timeline and saying me me me but you are

bigger than you their generations

assigned to you

you’re not even I’m gonna let you in on


you’re not even here for you you’re here

for a generation that’s not even born

you here for a generation that don’t

even know what it’s like to be human

that’s why you’re here and that’s why

God causes you to believe incredible

things most of the people even

biblically like most of the people

didn’t even come they didn’t even come

to their greatness until they were in

their 80s don’t get discouraged

don’t get discouraged you were like yeah

and I think it’s there as a principle as

a principle to us and they didn’t get

this little cute little blessing Abraham

didn’t get like a cute little blessing

right house and he’ll is in the new car

like that’s a cute little blessing what

God has for you is so much bigger than

that it can’t even what God has for you

can’t even be fit in the lifetime of you

so it takes time to cultivate and to

develop your your name God desires to

live on long after you’re gone your life

is supposed to be an echo it just echoes

and echoes and echoes and echoes and

echoes and echoes and echoes you’ll be

in heaven and people will still be

talking about what you did and who you

are and your great great great great

grand children will be blessed because

of you that’s what the Bible says a good

man leaves an inheritance for his

children’s children now that type of

miracle takes time it takes time it

takes time family for you to live in

such a way that you leave an inheritance

for your children’s children and I’m not

just talking about finances I’m talking

about the essence of who you are the

spirit of who you are the integrity of

who you are the faith of who you are the

Revolutionists that you are I’m talking

about that you want to give that because

if you give money and you don’t give

that the money will be gone it takes

time to become you it takes time to

become you and it seems like the

majority of the time is you discovering

who you’re not

kind of seems like that’s why it takes

so long because you spend 80 percent of

the time not discovering who you are but

discovering who you ain’t I’ve learned

I’ve learned I’ve learned that that life

people think like the more you grow in

God and the more you experience God that

your life gets broader and bigger no it

doesn’t it’s actually the opposite your

life gets more defined and more

fine-tuned and there’s some stuff you

have zero time nor tolerance for the

more see the more that you become you

the less things you entertain because

you are on a mission and if it’s not who

I am

authentically it cannot be in my

universe because my greatness is in my

distinction it’s not in my randomness

it’s in my distinction I feel God I feel

God yeah

when you get with God you become more

streamlined Wow

you know who you’re not anymore and you

love everybody you’re never better than

anybody but you don’t you can’t rock

with everybody because because because

there’s a rhythm to my life and and if

you’re not in the same rhythm and not in

the same pace then how can we walk

together and let you agree and I love

you and I know you’ve got a rhythm and

I’m not even saying that my rhythm is

better than yours I’m just saying that

we can’t do this together and that’s

okay you’re not better than me I’m not

better than you but I’m on my way to

something because my steps are being

ordered there is a rhythm and the

cadence to my success and my greatness

and my breakthrough and I can’t have a

whole bunch of people around me unless

they’ve got my rhythm unless they’ve got

my rhythm unless they’ve got my rhythm

and it takes time I feel the Holy Spirit

it takes time to find your rhythm it

takes a minute right sometimes you get

tripped up right it takes a minute to

learn it but once you find your rhythm

once you find your stride once you find

yourself once you find who God created

you to be

it becomes crazy and then you start

running without tripping restoration is

coming I feel this for some of you when

you get your rhythm there’s gonna be an

acceleration see you thought it took a

long time no you were just getting your

rhythm you were just getting your step

but when God gives you your step and

your rhythm you go from walking to

running – flying – flying – flying –

flying it’s not supposed to happen right

now you don’t have your rhythm your

heads you still step it over your feet

or stepping on other people’s feet you

don’t have your rhythm yet let God do

his work and what you do in the meantime

is you keep on believing there’s a

reason why it’s taking longer than you

think it’s a reason why he doesn’t pray

he doesn’t answer prayers overnight

sometimes sometimes the miracle is in

the wait season in between your prayer

requests and the manifestation sometimes

the miracle is in between the logos and

the manifestation are you tracking with

me I’m becoming something I’m becoming

don’t give it to me now because I’ll

messed it up God I’m becoming something

I’m becoming something I’m becoming

something I’ve got to keep believing

you’re gonna see what he said you’re

gonna see what he said you got to

believe you got to measure faith God

gave it to you Wow

you don’t even know who you are yet you

don’t even know who you are here you

have no idea what’s on the inside of you

I’ve got to get my belief together

because my belief is the channel by

which my greatness comes out I’ve got to

give my belief together I’ve got to give

my belief together and there’s so many

things in your head and there are so

many things that comes at you and a lot

of times you’re you’re comparing your

greatness with your idea of someone

else’s says I dealt to every man in

measure faith in other words I gave

everybody something and sometimes the

things that keeps me from my thing is

looking at somebody else’s thing come on

somebody on Grammy Sunday uh-huh why

didn’t I get mine I’m looking again what

is it gonna happen for me if you would

stop looking at the next person thing

and begin to work what God has placed on

the inside of you you’re gonna go to

another look I feel God you know what I

feel today I feel up great see you’re

looking at somebody else’s greatness and

what if you’re looking to small what if

you’re looking to small because because

what if what if God is doing something

so radical with me that it’s gonna take

time to cultivate it’s gonna take highs

and lows and ups and downs and

disappointments but when I hit my stride

just turning a verse and your stride is

coming your your stride is coming your

stride is coming your stride is coming

your stride is coming it’s coming it’s

coming your stride is coming it’s coming

I promise you is coming your stride is

coming your stride is coming your stride

I’m standing in it right now

your stride is coming and it’s not gonna

be too late it’s gonna be right on time

there’s another unfolding that’s getting

ready to happen in your life

a door is getting ready to open for you

that radical changes everything about

your life it’s coming it’s coming had it

come in to hype you up I came here to

tell you the truth it’s coming it’s

coming your belief has power

that’s why everything comes against your

belief because your belief has power how

is it gonna happen it’s gonna happen by

your faith that’s how it’s gonna happen

and let me tell you what belief says

believe doesn’t say man I think I can do



belief doesn’t say I think I can do

that’s not belief that’s not the measure

of faith that God gave you

belief doesn’t say man I probably can do

I think I can get it I think if I didn’t

you do your calculations like that but

the bill didn’t I could no belief

doesn’t do that belief says God caused

me to believe it and God cannot lie

therefore it’s mine I can do


you got to get this I won’t stop talking

until you get this you got to get this

you got to get this you got to get this

its power and belief and what happens is

we all have an analyst inside of us

right it’s part of what makes us like

God we have the the cognitive ability to

figure things out and to think and it’s

wonderful thinking is a blessing and a


so blessing and a curse it is a blessing

for obvious reasons right you think you

can come up with a strategy you can way

you can process that’s wonderful but

then sometimes even like when a computer

is thinking it’s buffering it gets

overloaded with thinking and they can’t

function and it slows down and sometimes

it buffers for so long that it does

nothing it spins out of control and you

have to shut it down completely and

reset it and cause it to start from

scratch and sometimes we overthink

things sometimes we allow overthinking

to rob us of the gift of belief belief

is a gift it is a gift it is a gift that

is a gift and the beautiful thing about

the measure faith that God gives is the

measure of faith that God gives is based

on something that God said which means

that it is credible which means that you

don’t have to do your due diligence you

understand what I’m saying there’s some

some things and many deals I will never

do unless I do my due diligence and

that’s because I’m trying to figure out

whether or not it’s God but when God

speaks to you and he gives you a word

there is no due diligence neither who

what are you gonna go God let me see

your credentials Lord Allah what was the

last time you created something I mean

you know it’s so it saves you the

trouble of buffering saves you the time

in the trouble and the energy and the

effort of buffering trying to figure out

whether or not you believe what God said

saves you that and you make a decision

mana fill it that’s where we’re gonna

land today and you make a decision god I

believe I feel that I got us get this

out for some of you your joy your

creativity and some of you have been

experiencing creative blocks creative

blocks like stuck and you’re almost like

what’s next

and your joy and a resurgence of

creativity that is beyond you is going

to be unleashed

restored and renewed by you simply

making the decision to believe what God

said get this we’re gonna get this


because until you believe your

creativity is working against you

because you’re using creativity to try

to to validate the credibility of the

word when you believe the creativity is

released now to produce the word you

understand what I’m saying

it is simple family people make faith

like hard but you got just give me some

more food I need some faith like like

like that’s outside of your control no

belief is a gift from God that’s in your

control and you can literally turn on

the switch and choose to believe and it

recolors your universe with the

possibilities not how impossible it is

and when you believe you recognize that

what God has shown you and sometimes

it’s not this this voice that comes from

heaven sometimes it’s it’s it’s just a

knowing there is a in the scriptures

there is this this word as Greek word

that literally means an organ of

perception and it’s only in the Bible

one time and it speaks to how the same

God who created the ear to hear audibly

in the eye to see visibly and the tongue

to taste why would he cause you to be a

spiritual being that he would know that

God would know that you would have to

engage him why would he not give you

something a spiritual organ that will

allow you to perceive what he’s saying

to you you’ve got an organ of perception

so God has a way of getting to you truth

it’s God who works in you in you he’s

got a way of getting true to you that if

you make the decision to believe

it will open up everything everything

that the instruction the word so it says

in the beginning was the word and the

Word was with God in the Word was God

and everything that was made was made by

that word and then that word became

flesh and it dwelt among us there’s so

much there

there’s so much there it started with

the word and everything that would be

created would be created by this word by

this this communication that God somehow

gets to us and then he gives us a

measure of faith so that we can believe

in that communication it says that

everything that was created was created

by that word and then that word became

flesh well and then the word became

flesh so so the manifestation of the

word was not the creation of the word

the partnership between the word and

your belief was the creation of the word

and that creation is what created

manifestation okay when this when is it

really manifest is it manifest when I

see it or is it manifest at the point of

conception the point of conception is

when my belief engages and encounters

what he said and that’s why if we look

back at Hebrews chapter 4 in verse 2 it

says the word not profiting some not

being mixed with faith it’s almost like

an egg I am NOT a biologist I’m not a

doctor I feel somewhat unqualified but

let’s see if we can get the analogy

that’s why the egg without the sperm to

engage it cannot produce a baby all of

the ingredients were nearby

but what creates the baby is when the

sperm and egg hook up and when they hook

up then something can be produced even

though it takes the process of time for

the baby to be born are you tracking

with me

so so manifestation really shouldn’t be

when you are most excited because why

would you be excited about something you

expected why would you be well what that

means that you didn’t really expect it

right I want God to move in your life in

such a way where a manifestation comes

he like yep I knew it what’s next what’s

next and it’s as simple as a decision

that’s it one of my kids my second to

the youngest daughter she’s amazing

she’s beautiful and and we’re working on

her words right now you know because

she’s just got this you should get in

these moments she’ll have these moments

she’s not watching this and she’ll never

watch this and by the time she watches

she’d be old enough to not be mad at me

for saying it so we’re cool but she just

should get in these moments where she’s

just she’s just talking so negative and

it’s like and you can’t talk her up you

can’t talk her up she’s just like dad

but you don’t understand it and it

should go and should just be like and

I’m like and I’m there and I’m like baby

no this is the truth and she’s like no

but Dad and always this and then and

then and then they’re like and it’s just

in its crate and it’s frustrating after

a while I get it

you know I like hey write down the truth

you know meditate on the true study the

truth or whatever but it’s frustrating I

think we’re like that too but there’s

some in this room right now and God is

telling you that he’s not finished with

you and God is telling you that the best

is still yet to come and God is telling

you that it’s going to happen and it’s

God speaking of you because it’s hitting

you in a place that only God can touch


transcends what a human being would a

man stand on the stage can say because

it’s hitting you in a place and and for

some of you I see it you’re like and and

this is the only reason why I’m

describing it is because we’re gonna

break through it but you’re like your

heart is like it needs to be thawed your

heart has become so hard because of

disbelief and sometimes even you put

yourself out there and you have faith in

and something happens it doesn’t turn

out the way you want it to turn out and

you’re disappointed and you are now a

protector of your heart anymore you

don’t want to put your heart out there

anymore and I get it and I know how that

is and I’ve been there before but you

have to understand that that it’s not

God’s fault if you thought it would be

this way which was a way that was

different from what God saw it’s not his

fault he’s empathetic he’s not even

different to how you feel it’s not that

but it’s not his fault Lord I thought

there’s so many things in my life man we

got to stop but there’s so many things

in my life that I thought would look

different and and I’ve had moments where

I’m like god this doesn’t look like what

I envisioned you said would be mine and

I had like 2013 was a year like that for

me with that whole year I was like God

just be transparent just for a second

like the whole year of 2013 I was just

like I was I was just I was in shock

because I couldn’t understand how this

season that season 2013 season could

play out in the plan that God had caused

me to believe Lord if this if this is my

future if this is my destiny if this is

what you’ve called me to do then how can

this show up anybody no one’s talking

about like how wait this is not this

doesn’t add up but then I learned that

that sometimes we don’t understand God’s

mathematics because his mathematics are

not straightforward like ours it’s not


you know equals 4 it’s not 2 times 4

equals 8 sometimes God uses a little bit

of division a little bit of subtraction

a little bit of square root here he does

all this

these things that are beyond you and you

ultimately get to the same result that

he promised to prove to you that he’s

God sometimes God is factoring in things

that you would never even know to factor

and that’s why you gotta believe and

that’s why you got to continue to

believe and you got to hold on to

believe it so my prayer as we cease

today my prayer is that if you’re here

and maybe God is highlighting the fact

that you you’ve got to resurrect your

belief and I don’t know in what or for

what and it could be your belief in God

in general but I believe today is about

a resurrection of faith bringing your

faith back to the forefront you know how

you know it’s good you have joy again

God doesn’t even promise you bad stuff

I’ve got this wonderful curse for you

that’s not God he says for I know the

plans I have for you plans to prosper

you and not to harm you to give you a

future and a hope and when you’re living

in the belief of that reality when

you’re living in the belief of that

reality the evidence is joy because

you’ve received it you’ve received that

you received it you just know okay god I

don’t like it I don’t like the season I

don’t like where I’ve been but what I do

like is what you said because it is

impossible for you to lie which means it

is impossible for this thing not to come

to pass and if you’re here and you’ve

been struggling with believing and

you’ve been struggling with doubt and

you want to lay the doubt and the

disbelief here at the altar you want to

give it to God so that you can operate

and function in the joy and in the power

of believing again I want you to come

and meet me at this altar I want to pray

for you this is real your belief

is going to purchase is going to create

what he has caused you to hope for your

belief is gonna create what he caused

you to hope for I just got to be

obedient I know it’s been rough come

here I know it’s been rough Lord’s just

highlighting you the entire service I

know it’s been rough but I hate guys

saying I got you and I won’t put more on

you than you can bear

I got you and you were supposed to hear

this message and I want you to surrender

your disappointment I want you to

surrender your discouragement I want you

to surrender your anger I want you to

surrender it all and trust me again

don’t give up on me I haven’t given up

on you says God don’t give up on me cast

not away your confidence don’t throw it

away I got you and I’m gonna turn your

weeping into joy and I’m gonna turn your

mourning into dancing

and the season that you had to walk

through cannot compare to the miracle

that I’ll bring you into that was me in

2013 I had no idea got how can you make

something good come out of this thing

that’s so painful and when I tell you he

did just that and then some he really

did all things will work together for

good for those who love God and the

called according to his purpose belief

was something that was attacked in the

very beginning of the human experience

did God really say he went after belief

I can’t produce if I do not believe I

can’t produce I can’t even attract the

materials that God has assigned to me to

produce what he said if I don’t believe

there are things that God has already

placed out into the universe that are

the raw materials to manifest what he

has caused you to hope in it’s already

there but it cannot be attracted to a

fearful or doubting spirit your belief

will be the magnet that attracts

everything that God has placed out there

to you including people including people

you got to believe

you can’t go into a meeting and not

believe your own idea

you can’t sell an idea you don’t believe


it’s the same in the spiritual nothing

will move toward you until you make the

decision to believe what God said to you

nothing will move to index for some of

you’re gonna see this

you’re gonna simply make a decision and

you’re gonna put to death all the doubt

and all the worry and all you’re gonna

put that all the fear and all the

back-and-forth you’re gonna put that to

death and it’s almost like you’re gonna

be living in a different world

and you’re gonna get more yeses in this

season than you’ve ever had in your life

and more doors are gonna open because

you believed I’m thinking about when

Jesus said ask and you shall receive

seek and you shall find knock and it

shall be opened unto you and I’m looking

at that passage a little differently now

because I think that what Jesus is

describing is the attitude and the

operation of the person that believes

the person that believe asks and then

they already received because they

realize right they understand it that

they’re asking in faith and so they

receive it but but it causes them to do

something they start seeking so I can

tell if you believe it if you start

looking for what you believe is yours if

you’re just sitting at the house come on

somebody or at the club or whatever like

you know no no you start looking for it

that’s faith that’s a person who

believes Lord I prayed I know it’s

coming so I don’t just pray and start

worrying again I pray and I start

looking for that thing to come in my

direction and then there’s even another

level that says ask me you shall receive

seek and you shall find and then it says

knock and it shall be opened

knocking is another level it’s one thing

to seek but sometimes it takes another

level of belief to believe that you have

found what you’ve been seeking for

and that sometimes you finding what you

have been seeking for is not enough you

got to believe so so tenaciously that

it’s yours that you start knocking when

I feel that for some of you you you you

you asked you sought but you haven’t

been knocking you knocked one time and

then walked away I hear God’s saying go

back to that door with belief that that

thing is yours and start knocking on it

until that door opens for you because

God opens doors that no man can shut and

he shuts doors that no man can open when

you know that you know that you know

that’s for you you keep knocking and you

don’t stop knocking until that door

opens for you it opens for your family

it opens for your future keep knocking

keep knocking if God spoke it last time

say God how you use belief he values it

in his dealings with Abraham it wasn’t

that Abraham was perfect at all you know

what God blessed Abraham you believed he

accounted belief for righteousness in

that’s something he’s like you want to

move me believe me all you’ve got to do

is believe me because if you believe me

then I can release to you everything

that you need in order for the promise

to be manifest our only job in this

thing is to believe what instruction so

what we’re gonna do now is we’re gonna

let go of disbelief I’m gonna pray that

some of the things that God calls you to

believe even as a child is there when

your child is young you have an

experience heartbreak and disappointment

all that kind of stuff you’re fresh when

you’re a child

and sometimes the dream is a dream from

child I fill this for somebody it’s a

childhood dream and you thought it was

just Alice in Wonderland but it was God

putting something in your spirit at an

early age about who you are and who you

can be and and somewhere throughout the

process of life and the process of

dealing with people and spirits and

things and heartbreak and just the

realities of the vicissitudes of life it

got taken from you today I wanted to

come back because not even dificulty not

even tribulation not even destruction

that even disaster can disqualify or

void out the word that got put in there

what he did the measure faith that he

dealt to you is stronger than anything

that you will face on your way to its

manifestation are you tracking with me

it’s stronger than that so I want to

pray and I believe that that belief will

push that out I believe if I can get

back to the belief if I can get back to

that if I can get back to that place to

that moment where God gave it to me and

I believed in God if I can get back

there everything else will be squared

away because faith is stronger than

doubt it’s stronger than doubt the

measure of faith I think that’s why God

gave it to you it’s like I’m gonna give

you this measure doesn’t have to be big

I’m gonna give you this little measure

because if you can ever find that place

if you can ever find that place you’re

gonna find joy and you’re gonna find

strength I fill it and you’re gonna


there’s somebody in here I just hear

God’s saying you’re coming back you’re

coming back there’s a comeback in you

so come back in you how do I know you’re

still here you’re still here


if that should come closer come closer

that should come closer

so sometimes disbelief has you buffering

and you’re just still and you’re

stagnant and you’re you’re debilitating

but if the Holy Spirit is it’s touching

that that measure faith I dare you to

trust it and just get up and say you’re

talking to me and I I’m gonna come down

and get all of of what you’re saying I

want you to get this I want this so bad

for you because it’s just that simple

the only thing I did the only thing I

did was believe God I promise you that’s

the only thing I did that’s the only

thing I did know hocus-pocus or tricks

no shenanigans just belief just belief

that stood the test of time and God’s

not finished with me I’m just getting

started I learned I learned early on and

I want this for you so bad all right I’m

past the time but I just love you I want

you to get this because this will be

your weapon when you leave out of here

when you attempted to be discouraged

when you attempted to compare yourself

to others and think that you’re missing

out when you’re tempted to do that that

belief is going to kick in and you’re

going to get excited all over again

and you’re gonna get creative again and

you’re gonna dream again yeah you know

what I’m saying

and you’re gonna take that meeting again

and you’re gonna get back on the horse

again and you’re gonna get back in the

ring again

and you’re gonna fight again and this

time you’re gonna win and you’re gonna

win very very big that’s why I’m not

rushing it it’s just a decision god I

believe you I’m gonna hold on to the

measured faith you gave me because my

whole life is in it my whole life is in

it and it’s still unfolding and it’s

still unfolding what you said is gonna

be seen and then it gets better remember

it says it says and the word became

flesh and then it says and it dwells

among us what does that mean

that it’s not gonna be this flash of

breakthrough when God does what he

intends to do in your life not only is

it gonna be manifest but it’s gonna

dwell it’s gonna stay in your house and

your family it’s gonna remain a part of

your store a part of your story forever

that’s why you got to keep believing and

it’s got that’s why you got to wait for

it because it’s bigger than you think

it’s beyond you it’s beyond you it’s

bigger than you it’s through you and

it’s beyond you it’s the type of

blessing I’m done it’s the type of

blessing where you get old and you go to

sleep in peace because you know that

what God did in you does not end with

you you tracking with me that’s what you

want I know we’re young but you got to

think long term

it’s time for you to go and transition

to glory you’re good it’s good with you

because what God accomplished in my life

man mission accomplished

my life will speak long after I’m gone


that’s what God is cooking up in you

before our light affliction is which are

but for a moment are working a far

greater weight of glory man I could talk

to you all day but the one o’clock crowd

will kill me so let’s pray father thank

you so much for these moments that we’ve

had with you I thank you for every

person here I thank you that you are

restoring and renewing their belief yes

you are and God every circumstance and

situation that created disbelief I pray

Lord God that you would heal it in such

a way in fact can you begin the process

of healing through resurrecting the

measure of faith that you’ve given them

cause them to believe again and be so

excited and so filled with joy about

that which is inevitable because you

spoke it that it would drown away the

tears of sorrow discouragement and

disappointment for they will have the

consciousness that all things even the

painful things will somehow work

together for good because we are the

called according to your purpose father

today may a decision be made at this

altar the decision that counts you

faithful and that counts you worthy of

our absolute

trust our absolute trust Lord that we

would hold on to what you’ve caused us

to believe some of us are in the city

because you caused us to believe that we

could and we shall

and so God renew our hope renew our

strength renew our faith renew our

belief we release the pain we release

the disappointment we release the

discouragement we release the doubt none

of those things can profit us any way so

we release it here at the altar it is

completely unprofitable we eject it from

our spirits and we make the decision

today to believe you and God I thank you

that as we do chains will break that as

we do joy will return that as we do will

feel closer and closer and closer to

manifestation time and God I thank you

that you’re not just going to manifest

what you promised but that promise is

gonna come and live with us forever and

become our new normal as a sign that you

are faithful to your word I just want

you to repeat after me Heavenly Father I

feel your love I receive it Heavenly

Father I thank you for this word it

spoke to me

I receive it I thank you for Jesus thank

you for making him who had no sin all of

mine all of my limitations all of my

shortcomings you placed in his body

nailed it to the cross and once and for

all put it to death but I’m glad you

raised him up free and victorious

because since I’m in him

I’m raised up to no more shackles no

more chains and all of your promises are

yes and amen

in Christ and whom I serve now today I

choose to believe the word that you’ve

spoken since you cannot lie it is

impossible for it to not be manifest I

thank you for that my new reality is

that I will see what you said and I

thank you for strength while I’m waiting

so restore my joy and give me strength

this is a new day and this is a new me

and I will have and do everything you

said thank you God in Jesus name Amen

amen come right in with me



