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hey greetings family is Pastor Toray

welcome to the one YouTube channel

you’re getting ready to hear a profound

word and I don’t want you to miss any

profound words make sure to subscribe

and set on your notifications so that

you can experience all that God has for

you let’s get into this word it’s going

to bless you and I’ll be back with you

at the end

almighty God

first of all it’s just amazing to say

those words


and to know God that these words are not

falling on deaf ears

nor are they ascending into some



but our prayers Lord literally

are arising

and ascending to your throne

where there is a throne of grace present

where we might receive


in the time of need

my god I’ve got

an enormous assignment

to teach the word of God to your people

to share with them the things that

you’ve entrusted with me you’ve placed

in my heart

and God I want to get this right

it’s an enormous assignment

because these are enormous Souls

each and every single one of them



chosen set apart


your beloved

and we’ve come to understand and we

don’t live by bread alone

but we live by the words that come out

of your mouth

so I pray God that the words in my mouth

and the meditation of my heart

will be acceptable in your sight

and that these words Lord God would be



not prolific


that they would mean something that deep

would call to Deep

and that we would be transformed

in this atmosphere

by the renewing of our mind

let this word be affirmation let this

war be confirmation

let this word be clarification and let

this word be activation

that we might be

and do

all that we’re called to be

and do in that order to be

and do

bless your people

and I decree right now

that we will leave out of here


because you fed us

because you talked to us

in the way that we needed to be talked


so we open up

have your way

in Jesus name

amen amen God bless you

um I I have today more of a

prophetic word and then I do a sermon so

to speak

there are some things

that God has been speaking to me about

this moment that we’re in this season

that we’re in

it’s kind of funny we talk about a new

mess a New Year’s message and the

message for the year and all that kind

of stuff but but but real prophets know

it’s the message for really oftentimes

multiple years

hey it’s a message for for seasons uh

because the the reality of it is it

takes a long time

for the fullness of Prophecy to be


are you tracking look how long it took

for Jesus to get here Jesus was watch

this the word made flesh so it took

hundreds of years

for the word to be made flesh so I

digress I say that to say

that this is not so much about a 23 word

a 2023 word this is more about a now


and this word may carry you on to Glory

are you tracking with me

and that’s why even as pastor Stephanie

alluded to the other night you know some

people get disappointed you know because

because you know the preacher said this

year God’s Gonna Do It


and he didn’t do exactly how you signed

up for him based on the words you said

he didn’t do exactly the way that you

thought he was going to do and you mad

at God and the preacher

you’re a liar

no I believe that that what God will do

in our life

oftentimes will take a lifetime

and what God wants to do in our lives is

so valuable

that you don’t want it to be quick

and simple and easy no no I want the

type of blessing

that it’s going to take me my whole life

to walk out

and when I walk out of this life that

blessing is going to fall upon my kids

um and my kids kids and my kids come on

somebody I I’m trying to get us

to a place of maturity to where we truly

understand how God works and how God

operates so we’re not walking around

here with our lips poked out

when things don’t happen in our timeline

because somebody sold it as a quick fix

it takes all of your life to be you

it takes all of your life to become you

and so so today I I have a word about

this year and we we I talked we touched

on it briefly last night didn’t our

pastors do a phenomenal job


the word that I have for this season for

this time for this era for this whatever

and that is that this is a season of


God’s going to equip you I want to draw

your attention to a passage of scripture

that we

begin to touch on last night

and I want to pull out a few things

and and you can unless you want to stand

you don’t necessarily have to if you

want to you can uh the only reason why I

wouldn’t have you stand you can stand in

your heart

um is because knowing me as I read it uh

it’s so good and it’s so rich I may stop

at certain points and and elaborate on

what I believe that the spirit is saying

to us in this moment from this passage

so uh but if you just feel like not that

not passing out a word nah that’s what

you haven’t just about nothing you can

understand I have a problem with that

you do you the one thing about this

church is you you do you

as long as you don’t offend nobody you

know hurt nobody cuss nobody out act the

food you know there are limits to doing

you right as long as you ain’t

you know


Ephesians chapter four I’m going to jump

in at verse seven I’m gonna read a few

verses through 16.

this is first of all Ephesians 4 see

told you

Ephesians 4


incredible passage of scripture

it’s like God gave a download to Paul

to teach us ultimately about the

ecosystem of the church the way that God

is going to do what God’s going to do

and and through these verses and you can

start at verse one and really go through

it he just unpacks


get what God came to do and it’s amazing

okay so let’s do it let’s do it

so I’m jumping into verse seven it

starts off in verse one Paul talks about

ultimately us walking Worthy

of the calling which which we are called

I’m not there yet I’m just kind of

giving you a little a little background

he starts off by saying

and he’s talking to the Church of

Ephesus who were converted from they

were uh primarily pagan worshipers

and they were converted God so

eloquently taught

the word of God so richly the truths of

God so richly prophetically and

powerfully he was just a deeply

spiritual man of God and he he converted


wow hey

it’s it’s it’s sometimes easy to convert

whether you’re converting them to your

faith or anything right it’s easy to

convert people who don’t think

it’s a whole other level of anointing a

whole another level of gifting is whole

another level

of of really God’s presence and and the

stewarding of God’s presence to convert

somebody who thinks

because if you’re a thinker you

challenge things and I like that I am a

critical thinker you can’t just sell me


hello somebody I’m looking all up under

the hood I’m pulling your teeth up

looking at your gums I want to see

and maybe it was because I was conceived

in the context of Revolution my my

parents were black panthers

and I was born in the 70s and so

literally I was conceived in the concept

of Revolution that’s why I just don’t

take things for what they are you can’t

just tell me something I got a I got a

little Rebel in me a little bit you

tracking with me

and so I’m beginning to understand

myself and and to not see it as a bad

thing right I’m not unreasonable

there’s a difference between between

being a critical thinker and being

unreasonable in fact to be a critical

thinker it means that you are a Reasoner

hello somebody I’m I’ve just really

digressed but anyway anyway it takes a

special type of anointing a special type

of Grace to reach and to touch and to

convert and to transform thinkers

Paul had that Grace as I love Paul he

had that that Grace right you couldn’t

he couldn’t just the people that he was

reaching you couldn’t just do a yabba

dabba doo

you would have to think

and so so he was not a lazy preacher and

teacher I don’t know why I’m taking my

time here with this I have one I just

did something you know because I got

some ideas about thinking in my notes

you know but I wanna I wanna I planned

on doing it for my from my notes but let

me just let no I’m gonna stay focused

here I’m not gonna do that to you I

wanna I wanna do it the way I wanna do

so anyway

so Paul is telling

the Church of Ephesus he’s saying that

you’ve been called to something

absolutely incredible

and there is a way to go after it there

is a way to live out this calling and he

says you need to walk worthy

of the calling which which you were

called it’s a Greek word and a better

translation that word is appropriately

so there is watch this an appropriate

way to do destiny

it is not something that is random

in fact let me digress for a moment uh

let’s go to First Corinthians chapter

I’m coming back I promise but but I want

to give it I pray that God would give it

to me okay y’all agreed and y’all say

Amen that means y’all agreed with the

prayer and I said let the words in my

mouth imagine my be accepted so so this

is God’s conversation

okay so we’re talking about walking

appropriately not being random First

Corinthians chapter 9 verse 24 through

27 it’s one of my favorite passage of

scriptures I say that all the time don’t

I it’s one of my favorite past yeah it


look at this we’re talking about

intentionality we’re talking about not

being random Paul says do you not know

that those who run in a race all run

but one receives the prize

he then says run in such a way

that you obtain it I love that in other

words I’m not doing willy-nilly I’m not

doing random I’m not doing whatever

comes to me

because I’m even critical of my own


oh can I talk to some people right now I

I don’t I don’t just take even the

thoughts that come in my head because I

don’t know who sent them initially I

have to qualify my thoughts I am going

to digress for a moment and this is

going to be what it’s gonna be today

that’s just how it works

in this season you’re going to have to

be careful with your thoughts because

we’re in a season of transition and

transformation and when we’re in a

season of transition and transformation

this ultimately is what precedes growth

when we’re in a season of transition and

transformation we go through a process

where we are formless and void

you’re saying pastor what are you

talking about just go to Genesis when

God is doing creation what happens he

starts the process of creation creating

something new and then the next thing

you know it is being defined as formless

and void

so when you are in between levels when

you are in between stages when you are

in between Dimensions you will find

yourself in a moment where you don’t

have form yet

can I talk to you like this

you’re gonna find yourself in a season

where you don’t have form and it’s crazy

because on the last level you had formed

you knew exactly who you were

you knew what you were called to do you

knew what you had you knew what worked

and what didn’t work and all that’s

wonderful that is safe but you can’t

stay there because Destiny is not there

so God begins to process


of moving you into the next and the

space between levels is formlessness

he has to take away the form that you

once relied upon and put you back on his

will and begin to shape you into the new

form that will thrive in the new season

but that in between space


and when you are formless You’re


because you’re not what you were

and you haven’t become what you are


and you’re in this middle place

and you don’t know you

and that’s when your strategic opponent

says this is my shot

and he will throw every type of crazy

thought at you and you will watch this

you will be fighting Devils that you

thought you killed

why am I I’m prophesying

why am I

fighting Devils that I killed five years


can I talk to some real people I get to

I get to all the good stuff can I talk

to someone because we don’t get this

thing why am I there must be something

wrong with me no no no no no he’s just

trying it because you are formless for

the moment


and so what you have to do in those

seasons is just be intentional you got

to be like Paul let’s go back there real

quick let’s go back there real quick

let’s go back to Paul at that where

we’re looking at then in First

Corinthians then I write that thing

we’re looking at you put it right there

right there there we go do you not know

that those who run in a race

all right everybody’s running

everybody’s in the race

everybody runs he says but it’s only one

in this context that he’s talking about

he’s talking about a natural race an

Earthly race he says only one who

receives the price run in such a way

walk worthy appropriately

see your calling right

I’m called to something I’m not just

here sucking up air hoping to make a

dollar out of 15 cents there’s a call in

my life before God formed me in my

mother’s womb he knew me he set me apart

he made me unique and distinct

and he ordained me for something there’s

nobody like me

nobody before me like me and nobody

coming after me will be like me I am a

bad mama me


I’m a bad mama me

so I have to run

in such a way that I did but he doesn’t

stop there I love this I love it’s one

of my favorite parts of scripture I’ll

say that all throughout today

he says in everyone who competes for the

prize watch this is temperate that’s the

Greek word it means it means self they

have self-control that’s self-mastery

yeah yeah yeah yeah

see the reason why it takes all of your


to be you

is because most of your life you are

spent most of your life is spent

mastering you

you got to master you because you’re

powerful in either direction

oh I feel like preaching

whether you believe it or not

and whether you harnessed it or control

or not I’m telling you you are powerful

because you were created

in the image of God your breath itself

is power

you have power to give life you have

power to take life

hey you have power to uplift you have

power to put down

even your words have power death and

life is in the power of the tongue even

your words have power to kill something

or to give it life

so you are a powerful force and in order

to make certain that you are going to be

powerful in the way that God wants you

to be powerful you have to

Master yourself

and you can’t master yourself being

random you can’t master yourself not

being reflective you can’t master

yourself not being introspective you

can’t master yourself by not testing


and so I don’t let every thought come


I’ve got to put it through a filter I’m

too powerful to let any thought just

come up in my head I’m too powerful for


powerful watch this because if the wrong

word gets a hold of me

the wrong voice gets a hold of me I will

wreck some stuff

and so I’m not let’s keep going let’s

keep going

I feel that see you got to see yourself

as valuable and you have to see yourself

as powerful and when you see yourself as

valuable and Powerful

you will recognize that you got to

master you I feel that thing just turn

to your neighbor so I’ve got to master

me I’ve got I’ve got to master me I’m

too powerful I’m too powerful I’ve got

to master me I’ve got are we tracking

together we still tracking

I’ve got to master me I’ve got to master

me I’ve got to learn how to point me

right because if I point me right I’ll

be everything that God has created me to

be and the Gates of Hell themselves will

not be able to stand against me

it’s what I’m working on in 2023

I’m trying to master this kid

oh God

trying to master this kid

Paul says

and everyone who competes for the prize

has self-control watch this in all


see that’s what Excellence is people

think that you can be excellent in one

area and not excellent no

Excellence is excellence

how can I be excellent at this and

tolerate mediocrity in that

no baby Excellence is who I am

way way out here now way out the boat


and everyone who competes for the prize

has self-control is temporary in all

things now they do he’s talking about

those who are running Earthly and

natural races now they do it to obtain a

perishable or a corruptible we’re not

talking about eternal things or

spiritual things a perishable Crown but

we for an imperishable Crown right and

then verse 26 it keeps going and he says

therefore since I have an understanding

of the fact that I am powerful and that

I’m after something amazing he says

therefore I run like this

he says watch this not with uncertainty

oh I feel the Lord right there okay so I


that in life

I have to embrace the fact that life is

uncertain it’s not uncertain that God is

uncertain to me because it is to the

glory of God to hide a thing

and it is to my glory to search a thing

out so I have to acknowledge that I am

moving in an uncertain world

I’m moving in a realm of Uncertain

circumstances that listen it just is

what it is right


I’m moving in a realm of uncertainty but

that does not mean that my moves have to

be uncertain

it is our responsibility

to move with precision

in the midst of a world that is spinning

that I don’t have all the answers for I

don’t watch this I don’t need to have

all the answers about the world all I

need to have is Direction about my world

what am I called to do who am I called

to be what has God called me to walk

away from what has God called me to walk

towards are you hearing the words that

are coming out of my mouth I’ve got to

master me


because if I master me

even in the midst of uncertainty my life

will be on a firm Foundation baby

you don’t believe me ask Noah

I’m gonna get back to that a minute

and then let me get back to where we


and then we’re gonna pray

and then we’re gonna go eat some bledsos

are they open today you know they are if

we’re open blessings open they just put

their calendar on

need a Bledsoe card I go to one and give

me 25 off them chicken wings come on

Jesus I pray for you give me something

Wings you know I’m a I’m sorry I’m sorry

I lost my train thought Noah

Noah God said build art build an ark

I have to study it I’m not even sure if

he told him why

and if he did tell him why Noah it

hadn’t rained on the earth like that


so even if he told him what was coming

Noah wouldn’t have had any concept of

what it was

he could have said hey no it’s gonna

rain four days 40 nights what is rain

so there was uncertainty

in the world even that Noah was living

in but was not what was not uncertain

was his obedience okay okay I got in the

presence of God I heard the voice of the

Lord I’m gonna build this all right it

don’t make sense it’s kind of crazy

ain’t nobody rain what is this thing

it’s crazy it’s big it’s awkward what

does this even do

watch this

God had him build something that didn’t

even function in the environment that he

was building it in

God is cold-blooded

God will make you build something that

doesn’t even make sense in the

environment that you’re in

and the white person wise person will

build it anyway because God is the one

who controls but I feel that for

somebody somebody has a radical and

crazy concept that right now it seems

like the world isn’t ready for but I

hear God saying keep on building build

that baby because when it is finished

when your obedience is finished you’re

gonna see why he told you to build it


when all my friends were buying big



buying watch this Mega buildings and

they were excited about it and bragging

about it and all that kind of stuff and

I’m like oh I’m in a theater you know we

fixed it up

I said I’m gonna take the resources and

I’m investing in technology oh

technology okay and then this thing

called covet came through

and shook everybody

some of those same people are struggling

to keep their building if they’ve been

able to keep them

and we watched this not only were we

able to keep stuff but we were giving

out money more money because there were

more needs out there and so we just

started pouring money into the community

finding people to bless


all of us are going to have to navigate

an uncertain world but we have to be

like Paul put up there okay I gotta

figure out how I’m gonna tie all this


Lord and then also God

allow me to tie it all in together so it

makes sense for your people

Paul said therefore

I run thus

not with uncertainty

thus I fight watch this not as one who

beats the air

decision baby he says but I discipline

my body there we go again with that

self-mastery I discipline my body why

because I’m powerful

I discipline my body and I bring it into

subjection in other words you’re not

going to run me body


watch this you’re gonna serve me not run


my body is my servant my life is my

servant my gifts my talent my power is

servant to the spirit man that I am

are we tracking

all right

and so this is going to be a year

of equipping this passes any reasons for

is all about equipping so we’re gonna

run through it real quick

after Paul says you got to work you got

to walk worthy of your calling

you have to walk appropriately and he

talks about some things he talks about

some character things

he talks about with lowliness that’s


he talks about with long suffering talks

about bearing with one another forgiving

all those sort of things you got to read

it when you get a chance study it talk

about the type of person you have to be

right humility

kindness forgiveness all those sort of

things right

and then he goes into some deeper things

and then in verse 7 as we’re looking at

how God’s strategy for the church works

it goes into verse 7. he says but to

each of us each one of us Grace was

given each one of us each one of us each

one of you Grace was given according to

the measure of Christ’s gift

Christ’s unlimited gift

and so all of us

who have chosen to believe were called

now we’re we’re aiming to walk worthy of

our calling there has been watch this a


of Christ himself’s gift in you

you got a portion I feel that right


you got a portion and it’s a worthy

portion and watch this you have a

portion of an unlimited measure


you have a portion you’re plugged into

you have a portion of an unlimited


which means that

you caught it what you have is unlimited

he is so God enough he’s so powerful

enough he’s so rich in Grace

that he can give you a portion and it’s

still Unlimited


God do we serve

so literally he can just distribute it

in this room right now

a measure

of Christ’s gift just a measure

and you can take it and turn the world

upside down

or right side up that’s how powerful it

is all right we keep going because we

got it we’re gonna cover some ground and

I figured we’d be out here about six six



but to each one of us Grace was given

according to the measure of Christ

Christ’s gift therefore he says when he

ascended he’s quoting the Old Testament

now therefore he says when he ascended

on high he led captivity captive there’s

some preaching there but I won’t do it

and gave gifts to men

distribution distribution distribution

distribution each of you have a

distribution type of distribution have a

distribution okay it says now this he

ascended what does it mean but that he

also first descended into the lower

parts of the Earth

let me read that better now this he

ascended what does it mean but that he

also first descended into the lower

parts of the earth he who descended

is also the one who ascended far above

all the heavens that he might fill all

things wow

so Christ went to the lowest low

I mean he he he he it’s kind of like

when David in the script you got to

study in the Psalms he said if I make my

bed in hell you’ll be there

if I would take upon the doves and fly

up into Heavens you’ll be there in other

words I cannot Escape where you have


I cannot Escape Where You Are

that’s why you might as well walk on

your calling you get people something

they’re running for how can you run from

a call

where you gonna go

where you gonna go

they can’t run from a call everywhere

you turn the call is there

some of you right now and I haven’t even

really gotten into the prophecy really

full and God’s just talking to you here

all up in your business where are you

gonna go

you walk down the street and a little

dog will walk by and Whisper you know

you need to get your life right are you

like a dog


walk by the pet store parent terms of

you calls your name hello hi Terry did

you do what God told you to do

where you gonna go

his word is everywhere

all of creation knows who you are

did you hear what I just said that’s

Romans 8 19. all of creation knows who

you are

everything in the universe knows who you

are every once in a while you’ll walk by

a cat and you can’t look at you like


anyway so he goes to the lowest of lows

and he ascends to the highest of heights

that he might feel

all things is preaching there but I want

to keep going

he says in verse 11 he says and he

himself gave some to be Apostles hmm

now some Prophets

some evangelists and some pastorism

teaches can I demystify that for a


we’re not talking about

people necessarily when we say Apostles

prophets evangelists pastors teachers

well we’re talking about more so our



the apostolic Grace

what is the apostolic Grace the

apostolic Grace is the grace to Pioneer

and lay foundations

I have met more businessmen

who were Apostles than people who will

hand you their business cards saying I’m

Apostle so and so on

because true Apostles and I don’t mean

no disrespect to nobody and a true

Apostle even if he has a business card

that says Apostle on it

a true Apostle would agree with me true

Apostles don’t need titles

because it’s not about the title it’s

about the function it’s about the grace

so I know businessmen

who are Apostles why because they are

pioneers and they have a Grace to lay

foundations to successfully lay


that are never uprooted


a kingdom Apostle is the one who whether

it be business or otherwise lays a

foundation for the kingdom

but the apple cider where absolutely

means one cent so it’s about a

pioneering thing one sin right I just

want to demystify that because I want

you ultimately to see yourself in these


oh God I’m so I’m so far off the boat so

far away from

so he gave some to be Apostles that’s

Apostolic Grace

something to be Prophets


I think the closest thing that we have

to prop and again business card profit

so and so that it’s all wonderful

but it’s not about a title but I have

seen I have come across a lot of

prophets in the creative space

they don’t even know they’d be

prophesying and don’t even know it

and that’s why the church has to wrap

her arms around

these Prophets

who are in the creative space because

when you’re in the creative space You

Are Spiritual you you there’s a faith

that you have

in your ability to produce outside of


and you know you got to tap into


in order to get it what I want you to do

is tap into God

the true Living God who wants to advance

the Kingdom so it’s not necessarily that

you’re going to be a prophet and you’re

going to say oh thus saith the Lord

that’s wonderful there’s a place for


but you are going to freak somebody out

if you’re in the wrong place for that


what did the evangelists have going for

them they had Mass Appeal

there was something about the

Evangelistic Grace that that Drew people

Jesus was all of these things but think

about Jesus for a second

thinking yeah he was doing Miracles and

he was talking real good

he spoke as one who had Authority right

and all that kind of stuff but that was

an unusual Grace to draw people

to him

that’s an Evangelistic Grace there are a

lot of influencers

who are supposed to be evangelists

and they think it’s them

and some I’m not even really talented

let’s just keep it 100. I’ll be like how

did how did you that many people to

follow you

and you were talking about absolutely


but see what the church does is we judge


we judge him and we kick him out the car

and we get in their comments come on we

get in their feed we getting our

comments and we tell them where they’re


when you missed an opportunity to wrap

your arms around them pull them in get

them to Jesus so that Evangelistic Grace

can be used for the kingdom

pastors are those who are Shepherds

Grace to Shepherd people you have a

heart for people not people can you can

love people but not have a real heart

for people

I know that that seems like it’s country

no you can really love people but your


leadership is not your thing you you

just put me behind the scenes I want to

work with numbers and figures

not people but that pastoral Grace can I

just talk like this I’m I’m gonna fix it

I’m gonna fix it

that that pastoral Grace

is the grace

of a shepherd

you care about people when when people

hurt you start hurting

your major empath you just you can feel


and you’ll do whatever you have to do to

make people better they cry you cry

they laugh you laugh

that’s a Grace

and then the teacher is just one who has

the ability to take complex


and simplify them

to the effect that people understand so

that’s what I just want to run through

that real quick oh goodness it’s going

to be something here

Lord you have to do this you’re gonna do


and he himself gave some of the Apostles

prophets some advantages and some

passages and teachers watch this for the


for the equipping that is an interesting

word and ultimately it means the

complete furnishing

that’s where I think we are

that’s where I think we are

I don’t I don’t have

a new word per se for this age

I told you a couple of months ago to go

through the gates

that we were moving into a time where

God was beginning to open doors Gates of


and he’s going to send people through

that word is still alive

in another message I talked about

building your Ark and building your Ark

as your unique place in the Kingdom

it’s you and when you build your Ark the

same way that Noah built his ark it will

be a covering for you and security for

you and your family

and everybody that’s assigned to your

expression that word is still on but

you and I cannot realize that expression

without equipping

see what I’ve learned about words is

that words build on top of each other

the scripture says there’s nothing new

really under the sun

you know the concept of innovation most

people think the Innovation is is about

creating something from scratch

now if you look at the definition of

innovation it is ultimately to take

something and make it better

that’s what Innovation is in and of

itself is to take something that is

and make it better I love it Solomon

says in Ecclesiastes there’s nothing new

Under the Sun meaning that once God

finished it

once he created it the only thing that

you and I are going to do we’re going to

extract from what has been created

even ourselves

build on from it so this equipping we’re

in this this time of equipping and I

just have a little bit of wisdom about

equipping first of all and I’ve touched

on it already this equipping is going to

require intentionality

yes God’s going to equip you but you’re

going to have to be awake

you’re going to have to have Focus it’s

it’s you have to have Focus because it’s

coming your way but just because

something is coming your way doesn’t

mean that you’re going to see it

so I have to be

intentional it’s going to require

intentionality now when I when I when I

when I think about Ephesians 4 and

equipping and I got a whole another

whole thing that I was going to do but

I’m not going to do that I’m going to

bring it back here

what I mean quipping equipping is in

this season and this is prophetic write

this down because you’re going to see

it’s going to show up in your life God’s

going to give you tools



and knowledge in order to fulfill

what he has spoken to you and what he’s

preordained concerning your life

now let me give you some Bible real

quick back that up

Deuteronomy 8 18. you know what I’m

about to say

that’s one of my favorites what I do

that’s one of my favorite passages of

scripture and it is but read the whole

Bible you’re right the second thing I

would say read your whole Bible you’ll

find it

it says and you shall remember the Lord

your God why is this real powerful he

says you shall remember the Lord your

God for it is he watch this who gives

you the power or the ability

to get wealth we’re going to look at

that word in just a second to get wealth

that he may establish his Covenant which

he swore to your fathers as it is this



the the the the this is this dude around


is speaking to the children of Israel

and he’s telling them that you know

you’re getting ready to go on the

promise and everything’s gonna be good

he said but I want you to remember

something he says I don’t want you to

forget your lord your God remember him

because he’s going to give you

the power


to get wealth

that why so that he might establish his

Covenant with you which he swore to your


so that means that there is something in


something that has been set in motion

that is actually Yours by virtue of


but you cannot get it

unless you are equipped

oh wait a minute you gotta see him I’m

back in just a sec you’re gonna see it

just because

something is mine

doesn’t mean that I can readily access

it without intentionality

see what so raise your hand if you’ve


embraced God you’ve embraced God through

Jesus just raise your hand so I can see

this okay

you are rich

oh oh God

oh God

you you you you you you you

are rich

beyond what you could even imagine

Paul in Ephesians

he was talking about I want you to

understand he says God has blessed you

with every spiritual blessing in

Heavenly places in Christ

Peter said in another place God has

given to you all things has given I was

going to give has given to you all

things that pertain to life and

godliness right

if you study he’s saying you’re loaded

and I would not

insult you by talking about money only

insult the Divinity of your essence

by bringing this conversation down to

some money

no no no I’m talking about everything

that you will ever need in this life and

let me prove it let me prove it I’m

almost done I’m about to land I’m about

to laugh seven more hours and I’m

letting telling

when he says for it is he who gives you

the power to get wealth that word wealth

is a Hebrew word it’s a Hebrew word and

that word literally means watch this a


whether of men

means or other resources

so God the word says so God is going to

we’re talking about equipping with tools

and resources and things and people and

relationships he’s saying that don’t

forget about God because it is he who’s

going to give you the ability to get

high ill

men people

means that can be whatever and any other

resource needed to establish his

covenants with you

I feel like somebody needs to hear it’s

already done it’s already done you’re

looking for it but it’s already there

it’s already done how am I gonna

establish my Covenant with you if I

don’t put in the Earth

everything you will need

I am


I just gotta equip you

I hear God saying I’m almost done I hear

God saying I just I just got to equip


it’s already there don’t don’t get

frustrated because you don’t see it let

me equip you

let me equip you and in order for me to

equip you you’ve got to be intentional

baby every single day you’ve got to

master yourself you got to be like Paul

I’m not just swinging at the air I’m

trying to hit something every time I

throw a punch it needs to land or why


God I feel the Holy Ghost

you don’t have time

or energy to swing and Miss now

oh I feel the Holy Ghost

let me tell you what I love about being

50. I turned 50 in September thank the

Lord Jesus

I’m about to tell you what I love about



Oh Glory to God

it is the Precision

that that 50 Years of Living

has given me

I would not trade it for 40 or 30 or 25

because I’m still trying to figure out

how to be precise

I freaking love 50. it’s powerful my

wisdom is on 10.

my understanding is on 10

th can read through a thing everything

can look good on paper but I can smell a

rack from a mile away

yeah baby

so so when you hit certain milestones in

life and sometimes some people trying to

look young a lot because that’s fine

look good feel good whatever wear bright

colors do whatever you got to do that’s

all wonderful I do some of that stuff



but at the end of the day I freaking

love 50. it’s powerful baby you’ll win

your success ratios goes through the

roof because you’ve seen some things you

have learned some things you’ve seen a

lot of trial and error and I hit

but you know

Why by the grace of God I hit more now

is because I’ve learned not to swing at


I have conserved

look I reserve my right not to chase

everything not to swing at everything if

I don’t smell God on a thing it ain’t me

baby if it ain’t God it ain’t me


hitting baby

I’m not out here swinging just to be

swinging wasting energy a boxer doesn’t

just swing to be swinging come on

somebody he or she they make it counts

in 23 Make It Count baby don’t be

don’t be swinging without Precision wait

for it pray about it fast about it

when the time is right and when God says


pull your sling shot back pull your

arrow back and hit that thing right

between the eyes if that’s your word

give God a shout in this house

I’m not chasing every deal

got a phone call

email the other day

very very one of the most important

people in this city

arguably the most

influential person in the city

that I love and respect

invited me to something

great invitation wonderful invitation

I said I don’t know

because I had another meeting that day

that I know is God



versus uncertainty

and so I reached out to the other

opportunity the other situation that I

know God wants me at

same city

same day

I said hey what time is that thing we’re


he’s like oh it’s in the afternoon and

this other thing’s in the morning I said

okay and I still prayed

because what you have to understand


there is

a backside to availability

and that’s unavailability

in other words when I make myself

available to one thing I have

automatically made myself unavailable to

something else


and I don’t know where God might want me

I’m talking about that level of


no more random no more random you’re

gonna need three things three things I’m

done three things three things

in this season

in order to be equipped well and to move


one is gonna be wisdom

we talked about it

you’re gonna have to you have to set

aside time to think

if I look at your calendar I talk about

my book balance I think I talk about

imbalance I do okay if I look at your


will I find

an appointment for you and yourself to


or do you just load your calendar up

and load it up and load it upload keep


I can’t even Prosper because I don’t

have space in my calendar for God to

speak to me

and I’m wondering why 2022 looked like


because in order to move forward you

need Stillness so that you can get


and the space to think that’s going to

be critical because as I mentioned the

enemy is going to come at you and I’m

going to tell you this is also prophetic

we’re literally just about done

there’s going to be so much deception

out there

see I didn’t get into it I plan on

getting into it but we’re just flowing

but if you keep going at Ephesians 11

Ephesians 4 and you get down into the 13

to 14. it talks about how there’s going

to be

cunning craftiness and the trickery of

men it talks about that that as as this


of being equipping equipping takes place

and I know we’re talking about the

broader Body of Christ but the broader

the broader Body of Christ is comprised

of individual bodies

so it’s not just about the broader Body

of Christ it’s about you as an

individual that’s why it says for the

equipping of these Saints

for the work of ministry but it talks

about how how as God continues to equip

you and to establish you it’s going to

deliver you from being tossed to and fro

by every wind

of Doctrine and then it talks about by

the and that can be that doesn’t have to

be human that can literally be demonic


because you’re valuable

and you’re powerful and there’s a force

out there that wants that power that

wants that power even if they want that

power not to use it but just to subdue


you got to understand how how valuable

how rich you are and you’re gonna get it

we’re gonna pray in a minute you’re

gonna understand it so I need to to to

to to think and to process things and

not to be impulsive

because I’m going to need to qualify to

another level through discernment

through prayer through wisdom through

meditation sitting out with God and

understanding where am I

and what am I really dealing with

man I wish I had about three hours with


where am I


Soul awareness I’ll talk about that in

the book

what do we have books here

if we do I want to give 10 of them away

if they’re 10 here I want to give 10 of

them away

um for people who really not you’re

gonna you know

read it it cost me a lot to write that



you’re you’re valuable

you don’t want I don’t want I don’t want

your impulsivity

to make you do things

where am I

Beyond self-awareness Soul awareness

where am I because if I don’t know where

I’m where I am I cannot discern what

this is

because the Bible says watch this to a

hungry Soul even a bitter thing is sweet

so if my soul is not well

something can be bitter as heck

but because my soul is hungry baby

that’s sweet that’s good no it’s not

you’re just hungry

I’ve got a whole bunch of examples but

I’m not going to do that I’m not gonna

do that not gonna do that

what would you think I’m not gonna do it

so first thing

as we’re moving into this to hey Bruno’s

as we’re moving

that’s my guy as we’re moving into this

time of equipping

it’s going to require wisdom

wisdom that necessitates you spending

time in the presence of God not being

impulsive knowing where you are

so that you can rightly discern what’s

in front of you the second thing is it’s

going to require

it’s going to require relationship



because you’re not going to do it by


you and I are going to need relationship

skills again if you keep reading in that

passage it talks about various parts

they’re going to be various people that

have the key to what you need

maybe not necessarily to be you although

I do think that’s true to a certain

degree but but certainly to do you

they’re people out there and and they’re

going to be different

than you they’re gonna be different

they’re gonna be differences

they’re not going to think the way you

think which is I think Ebenezer talked

about that last night about the

Opposites Attract I believe you talked

about that

they’re not going to think like you

they may not even necessarily worship

like you

you have to understand what is relevant

and what is not relevant

I ain’t talking about marrying them I’m

talking about business

hello somebody listen I don’t if I need

a heart transplant

and you are the best in the business

don’t give a dang where you go to church

hello somebody

can you cut up in here

so we can’t be so religious

that we Embrace watch this the

unbiblical principle of not working with

people who don’t believe like you that’s

actually an unbiblical principle

hey so you need people skills

and lastly

you’re gonna need new skills

you have to learn new things

new disciplines

I’m reading a

an interesting book

and it’s talking about uh and with this

book you know it’s a it’s a great book


I think with any book even my book uh

you know whatever

I think you have to learn to eat the

chicken to spit out the bones sometimes

right because there’s some good some

books with some good chicken but

everyone’s like um

that ain’t Jesus right yeah I can’t use


there’s a book that I’m enjoying right

now and it’s talking about polymaths

it’s another word for polymath is an

erudite it’s it’s an individual who is

well versed

and well learned in many different


and the greats of old many of the greats

of old from Maya Angelou to Ben Franklin

didn’t just do one thing


the the this this idea of specialization

just do one thing and do it well that’s

that’s actually new

most of the great people of old Jason

did they were philosophers scientists

mathematicians doctors lawyers

philosophers and clergy men all in one


this was acceptable

they they had a number of languages they

were polygons they had five spoke

fluently five or six different languages

that’s where we came from as a human


not just one thing

I’m gonna challenge you

to follow and to pursue

some of those longings and yearnings

that you have for things

outside of your current training

because you’re gonna need it it makes

you like God

the I am

I will be

whatever I need to be

any wisdom

you need relationship skills

and you’re going to need to embrace and

learn and to pursue new things

now here is the thing they will be new

they will be unfamiliar but anything

that God has called you to do has called

you to pursue

will be marked by one thing although it

is unfamiliar to you

The Familiar the familiarity of the


that’s going to be the be the sign

you’re not going to know you’re going to

feel completely lost but drawn

and you’re going to have to and see

that’s why you can’t be playing around

and you can’t have your spirit

contaminated it needs to be sensitive

enough to discern

new from never

are you understand what I’m saying

there’s a difference between new and


knew is something that is new but I feel

the presence on

are you tracking with me and that’s

going to require a matured spirit I want

to pray for you I think I’m done with

that thing come on and stand with me

don’t leave if you don’t have to


I’ma tell you a story and I think it

applies to you

I think sometimes I’m too transparent

but I don’t care it’s my truth and I try

to live in such a way that my truth

won’t make me a shame

hello somebody

that’s how you want to live your life

you want to live your life where if if

your life was just butt naked

you can be naked and unashamed

hello somebody

that’s what I strive for

I strive for you you come to my house

and we and we’re at the house chilling

you get the same person you get here

like for real

or else why do it

I didn’t come from fake people talking

about L.A fake well first of all La is

comprised of people from other places

so if there is fakeness here it may have

been imported

commotion Bible play with me

Cali baby born and raised

come on somebody South Central watch

Compton where you at Long Beach



and three quarters of the room like I

can’t roll without Brooklyn come on

Bronx New York City Chicago North



New Orleans holla back because I want to

be fair


just shout it out


I love it gangbang nothing I love is



family I want to tell you a quick story


I was praying early one morning it’s

about four or five months ago and

and the word

and I was in let me tell you where I was

I was in a place where I had a lot of

business opportunities hitting me hard

and fast and somebody engaged in some I

was evaluating doing my due diligence

and so on

as I was praying very early in the

morning the Lord whispered the word



and I’m like and I knew the word but I

didn’t know the word right you know then

you know that you know the word but you

can’t think of what the word means

yeah so I went to dictionary like

Quagmire like I don’t know where this

word just comes in my spirit I knew it

was God because I Quagmire

I know y’all thinking about uh what’s

that SpongeBob what is it SpongeBob

they’re trying not to say try not to say

what they’re watching

nah South Park is that is Family Guy oh

you know okay

no look don’t judge me there so

so I looked it up and Quagmire and it

literally means like it’s like legal

loopholes it’s basically unsteady found

in quicksand

I’m sure I found I’m like God okay like

I’m looking at these business deals

and and you whisper in my spirit


and then and then I would hear it again

Quagmire and then

and I knew God was speaking to me and

then I was we literally had the TV on in

our bedroom

and I don’t even know we weren’t even

watching it it was just on I think the

news is on something like that right

it had been left on and we have the

captions on you know sometimes because

you know hearing you know but the

captions are

and I kid you not I swear to you

I look over at the screen just look over

at the screen I’m not even paying I’m

not watching it and the word quagmire

comes up on the screen and that’s how I

found out it was South Park because that

Quagmire right I look at this thing and

I’m like

what is it Family Guy oh Family Guy

whatever it’s not far they’re kind of in

the same family right

all right man whatever it was Quagmire

came up

and I said God you’re talking to me and

as I really leaned into that God was

talking to me about what I built

and he’s saying be careful

how you build

all money isn’t good money I recently I


walked away I’ll just tell you man I

walked away

from a whole lot of money


a lot of money


yeah every once in a while I gotta

because that thinking you know I told

you about that thinking that thinking

come you know I gotta make sure it’s

right but now I walked away from

multiple seven figures uh opportunity uh

I would I would have it now literally I

would have it now



it was Quagmire

what what what I would have had to


and watch this it’s not even sinful

it’s just

a little manipulative

but manipulation watch this is common

practice in today’s world

what do you think an algorithm is


you think that you’re just randomly


see they gonna ban me now that’s all


I’m gonna come up as somebody else Joe


an algorithm is manipulation

you think that you’re going on a touch

scroll and find all your friends who you

followed or whatever or just you know or

just to scroll now they’re putting in

front of you what they want you to see

but why is it just because they’re

trying to make you have a pleasant

enjoyable experience

no because there’s a dollar sign

connected to your predictability


best-selling books

they might as well call it how to

manipulate people

seriously this is the world we live in

and I just couldn’t do it man I can’t I


well this is my thing it’s not a

self-righteous thing because you know

you know I’m not perfect you know I try

to be but I’m not you know things that I

want to improve in but I don’t

my heart is too don’t my heart that’s my


the Bible says blessed are the pure in

heart for they shall see God

I start messing with my heart I start

messing with my ability to see

and if I start messing with my ability

to see watch this I’m too powerful to

not see right so the point that I’m

making we’re done the point that I’m

making the point that I’m making

is I want you to be careful what you


if you can’t build it in the light


it’s not worth building

there is enough

success in the light

you love me in the dark I want to pray

for you if you’re here and just feel

like man PT you just you you all up in

my business

and I want to start this year off

rededicate my life to God

I want to I want to be equipped there’s

a call in my life I realize maybe what

resonated with you real hard is

mastering you if you’ve been having a

difficult time mastering yourself

you’ve been having a difficult time if

you’re honest it feels like yourself is

mastering you

your body you’re not bringing your body

under subjection it feels like your body

is bringing you under subjection I want

you to come meet me at this altar if

you’re here with this beautiful baby and

come as a child I love that come as a

child like a child nobody’s we’re not up

here all puffed up saying we got it all

together I’ll tell you right now I ain’t

got it again

I’m getting it together

if you hear you say you know what I want

to give my life and my heart to God


I don’t want to do I don’t want to step

into 2023

without a relation you can come get as

close as you can I don’t want to step

into 2023

without a real relationship with Jesus

for real and you can have it

you’re gonna need that

you’re gonna need that

that clarity

you’re gonna need that power you’re

gonna need that Authority you’re gonna

need that gift stirred up activate it

I don’t want to be tricked

I want to be so full of God

that I can spot a lie a mile away

that I can

I can know myself

if I don’t know me I can’t even know

what’s in front of me

if I can’t self-diagnose I’m not saying

that you know that you shouldn’t have

there I got therapist all that kind of

stuff I got everything

when it comes to me being well

I will spare no expense hello somebody

I’ve only got one me

I’m not talking about that but I tell

you what I got and I wouldn’t trade this

for anything and that is Jesus for real

the holy spirit of God speaking them he

talking to me knows my name I have to

teach my therapist who I am

and she’s trying to help me figure

things out why she’s trying to figure

things out and sometimes we end up

counseling each other

but my relationship with Jesus

is one-sided he knows everything about


he knows my uprisings my down cities and

the crazy things I’m telling you

sometimes your therapist and they’ll be

like yes oh I understand and don’t get

off the phone with you and be like Jesus

this is like duh

of course you did that of course you

feel that

of course

because I’m not

the king over that area yet I haven’t

healed it yet of course Jesus it’s a

course you’re struggling

of course you can’t say no Jesus gets it

without me you can do nothing is what he


in the Gospel of John

he says I am the Vine

you’re a branch but most of us live like

we’re the Vine

of course you’ve Fallen

of course you’re making mistakes


cause you’re the branch you need me baby

when Jesus says I am the way

I am the truth and I am the life he is


slinging religious Dogma

the tone in which I hear preachers

preach that Jesus on the way how much

it says everybody’s looking for the way

everybody’s looking for the way he’s

saying look no further baby

I’m the way

everybody’s looking for the truth he

says I’m the truth


and for life

it’s just I’m here baby

there’s no more search no longer

if you’re here and you’ve been searching

I feel the holy spirit so strong right


if you’re here and you’ve been searching

and you’ve been searching and and like

we talked about when we started this

conversation you’re a critical thinker

and you cannot reconcile

some of the christianese

that you’ve experienced or some of the

Christian Nate

that’s Christian hate Christian Nate

or what you perceive as Christian day

you can’t reconcile that with love you

can’t reconcile that with your life

I feel God’s spirit so strong In This



if it wasn’t love it wasn’t me

if it wasn’t love it wasn’t me if we

were to keep reading in that Ephesians I

want you to study that whole fourth

chapter it talks about it says being

honest in love and then it talks about

the whole edifying it happens in the

context of love if it wasn’t love it

wasn’t me

and a lot of times people try to filter

God through their bias

right and most people are biased with

with situations that they are ignorant

to or don’t have to wrestle with


right if it ain’t love it ain’t Christ

so if your experience was not an

experience that felt like love and I

mean real love not that old fake love

I rebuke you in the name of the Lord nah

Love Me In The Name Of The Lord


sit with me in the name of the Lord try

to understand me in the name of the Lord

God is love

so if I don’t feel that doesn’t mean

that we have to agree but you should

feel my love

if you’re here and you’ve been wrestling

and the only thing that’s been been

keeping you from really saying yes to


is your critical thinking I sense that

that what God is doing is God is

bypassing your mind right now because

your mind is wonderful God gave you your

mind but sometimes your mind will lock

out what God is trying to do in your


and if that’s you and you’re here and

you say you know what what I’m feeling

in my spirit is stronger than what I’m

wrestling with in my mind and I want to

give my heart to Jesus please meet me

down here just come if that’s you and I

know I’m talking to you come here I just

want I want to see you I want to connect

with you make your way I make room for

you and

feel the spirit so strong I just want

you to come just come and catch you I

just want you to come just get as close

as you can to this altar just get as

close as you can as close as you can

close as you can

I love you he loves you more

but I love you pretty good too

come on

family if you don’t have

a community a church home a spiritual


I promise you this is a great one

what you see is what you get I’m so

proud of my pastors

I’m so proud of them I’m on calls with

them weekly and we’re just talking about

what God is doing and and they’re

they’re showing me they’re just talking

to me about bringing me up to speed

about the things that are happening in

this church and they’ve grown and

there’s not a one that I don’t trust

I wouldn’t put them up here and have

them leading and feeding if I didn’t

feel like they have it and they’ve got

don’t they have it they’ve got



Ebenezer and Pastor Tina and Roosevelt

and all of our worship leaders and

brunus and I mean I could just name off

but they’re the real deal I say that to

say this is a safe place

and I can’t think of a better time to to

make that connection with a safe place

than on the first day of the new year

that we’re all believing God to do

something special in our lives

let’s pray um if they want to get

connected is that that QR code can you

put that QR code up there for those it’s

up there right okay all right they sell

on it they don’t even need me they just

stay on it let’s pray father

we thank you so much God for this time

that we’ve had together and just


thank you for what you’re doing thank

you for your promises that are over our

lives Hallelujah you’re a wonderful God

thank you for making us rich

via our covenant with you god through


and God you know the needs are here at

this altar God some Lord God are are

seeking not seeking they’re receiving

the strength Lord to bring their body

under subjection

to master themselves to to move from

being tossed to and fro

to being established and settled Lord

God rooted and grounded so that they

might take root in you and bear fruit

in the Earth

thank you that you’re going to do that

very thing there’s some God that have

given their lives to you for the very

first time the wrestling is over

it’s over the wrestling is over and

they’re saying yes to you

they’re trusting not their head but

their heart


your voice in their spirit and their

soul deep is calling to deep and I pray

God that as they say yes as they open up

you will do exactly what you said you

would do you said that you would come in

sup with them have an intimate exchange

with them that you would seal it by your

Holy Spirit

that they would know your voice and grow

in a profound relationship with you and

that will culminate in them one day

seeing you face to face

when this life is over I thank you that

you’re doing that thank you for this

church continue to bless it and

strengthen it Lord now I want you to

repeat after me heavenly father

I thank you for this word

I thank you for this day

thank you for feeding me thank you for

loving me

above all

thank you for Jesus

thank you for making him

who had no sin

all of mine

all of my weakness all of my limitations

all of my shortcomings you placed in his


nailed it to the cross

and put it to death

and got just as he was raised up

free and Victorious

because I’m in him

I’m raised up too

my past is behind me

my future is bright

you will equip me

for every good work

I’m in Covenant with you

I’m enriching you

and you will give me

the ability

to create to receive everything I’ll

need for my journey

I rebuke Every Lie

every negative

and wicked things

has no place in me

in my life

in my head in my heart in my family and

this year I’m going from Glory

to glory and I will never come down

in Jesus name amen amen amen God bless

you come on give God a praise as you go

may the Lord bless and keep you man make

his face to shine upon you and be

gracious toward you may lift up his

couch and it’s over you and Grant you

shalom shalom in Jesus name God bless

you I love you very much