
so the title of the message this morning

as you guessed already is the Satanic

plot to reduce Earth’s population you’re

probably saying I knew it I knew it well

Before we jump into conclusion or before

we say stuff like I want to tell you

that I made a habit throughout my short

life that I dare not jump into

sensationalism and into conclusions that

are not based on Scripture and on events

that are happening around us often time

I see people that are jump jumping into

the world of the conspiracy and they

lose their legitimacy and there I would

say Authority when they do that because

it’s so easy it’s so easy to be pulled

into all of that however we need to

understand that this world what we see

is not everything and in fact what we

don’t see is far greater than what we

see and we need to remember that what we

see is what people want us to see so we

understand that and and I want to take

you all the way back to Genesis because

God is the one who gives life we do not

breathe life to anyone no human being

ever gave life to someone now we can

pray we can help we can bring in to get

help but ultimately the beginning of

life is from God the Bible says in

Genesis 2:7 and the Lord God formed man

of the dust of the ground

if your two meleave me keep the dead

corpse out there and come back in what

three years it’ll be completely dust and

the skeleton will stay there ladies and

gentlemen from the dust of the ground he

reformed man and he breathed into his

nostrils the breath of life what’s the

difference when me and a person in the

morgue right now I mean it he has the

body I have a body he has two legs I

have two legs he has one knows I one

knows but the breath of life and man

became a living being

he was just a body formed from the dust

of the earth and it was God who breathed

life into him

and he suddenly moved and just so I can

remind all of you Adam was not a baby he

was never born a baby because he was

never born

Adam was what created in a Hebrew

language the word create is an attribute

that is only of God you cannot create

anything as a human being you can make

but you can create because create is

making something out of nothing that’s

exactly what happened any job one of the

earliest books in the Bible job is the

one who said the Spirit of God has made

me and the breath of the almighty gives

me life then already they understood

that something that we tend to forget

everybody understood then and Paul the

Apostle when he traveled around and he

was in the heart of the capital of

philosophy and wisdom in Athens Greece

in acts 17 he said to all those wise

people God who made the world and

everything in it since he is Lord of

Heaven and Earth does not dwell in


made with hands nor is he worshipped

with men’s hands as though he needed

anything since he gives to all life

breath and all things when Paul wrote to

Timothy says I urge you in the sight of

God who gives life to all things and

before Christ Jesus who witness the good

confession before Pontius Pilate so we

have to remember God is the one who

created all of us to begin with we heard

the descendants of Adam as you all know

and the populating of the world is from

God this is you know if you go back to

Genesis when he created he obviously had

the first day in secondary and third day

and fourth day but the fifth and the

sixth were amazing because after he

prepared everything now he said he

created a man in his own image in the

image of God he created him male and

female he created them hello and then he

says then God blessed them and God said

to them what be fruitful and what

multiplied and what fill the earth and

subdue it have dominion over the fish of

the sea over the birds of the air and

over every living thing that moves on

the earth that was Genesis 1:27 28 let’s

go back to the fifth day so God created

great sea creatures and every living

thing that moves with which the waters

abounded and according to their kind and

every winged bird according to its kind

and God saw that he was good and God

blessed him he blessed the birds he

blessed the fish he blessed the shrimp

so as a Jew it’s hard for me to say that

that it says what every living thing

that moves with much with the waters

above and then he says what What did he

say to then he blessed them saying what

be fruitful and what multiplied and what

fill what the waters in the sea and let

the birds multiply on the earth that’s

God so don’t tell me that God takes

pleasure in reducing any population when

it’s him to begin with that commanded

both the animals and man to multiply now

we have to remember I mean there’s a

whole discussion about pro-choice versus

pro-life and this is baloney why it’s

baloney and as a Jew I can tell you

baloney is not kosher ladies and

gentlemen the opposite of pro-life is

pro-death that’s the opposite last time

I heard last time I learned opposite of

life is death the opposite of pro-choice

is to be forced to do something but not

pro-life pro-life can never stand

against pro-choice the grammatically

it’s wrong if I’m getting angry right

now because that’s how I feel it makes

me sad that people buy that as if they

don’t think the term pro-life is a great

term but pro-life and pro-choice should

be the same because life is a choice you

understand that I mean go to Deuteronomy

30 and the Lord speaks to Moses and says

I call heaven and earth as witnesses

today against you that I have set before

you what life and death blessing and

cursing therefore what did God say

choose life that both you and your

descendants may live choose life there

is a choice and there is life they go

together they’re not opposite one

another the world is trying to tell you

that either you choose or it’s life no

you choose life

that’s pro-choice John 3:16 17 for God

so loved the world that He gave His only

begotten Son that whosoever believes in

Him should watch not perish but have

what everlasting life that’s what God is

all about life he wants us to choose

life and so for God did not send his Son

into the world to condemn the world but

that the world through him might be

saved and only when you believe in him

you receive everlasting life

John 10:10 the thief does not come

except what that’s the name of Satan

he’s describing Satan here to steal and

to kill and to destroy I have come that

they may have a life jesus said he’s the

giver of life eternal life and that they

may have it what more what abundantly

hey I want you to leave but don’t just

believe I want you to leave abundantly I

want you to have the joy of the Lord you

know how many people I see how are you

saved by grace

well the joy of the Lord is not your

strength that’s for sure so what brings

death to begin with I mean you have to

admit it God did not create death to

begin with God never meant anyone to die

to begin with God said and warn do not

remember do not eat of that fruit

because if you do that what you will

surely die so what we can already

conclude is a sin brings death and God

warned us against it and the woman said

to the serpent we may eat the

fruit of the trees of the garden but of

the fruit of the tree which is in the

midst of the garden God has said you

shall not eat it nor shall you touch it

lest you die he didn’t say I’m gonna

kill you I’m gonna kill you he says

don’t eat because you will die I don’t

want you to die I want you to live so

don’t touch it it’s very interesting how

it works because that’s not what people

tell you

Romans 5 says therefore just as through

one man sin entered the world and death

through sin and that’s what death spread

to all men because all sinned one of the

saddest chapters in the whole Bible is

Genesis chapter chapter 6 verses 6 & 7

says all have sinned and it says that

man’s heart was all about evil

continually and God said I am I regret

that I even created man Romans 6:23 for

the wages of sin is death but then look

what he said but the gift of God is

eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord

James 1 let no one say when he is

tempted I’m tempted by God for God

cannot be tempted by evil nor does he

himself tempt anyone but each one is

tempted when he is drawn away by his own

desires and enticed then when desire has

convicted conceive excuse me it gives

birth to sin and sin when it is

full-grown brings forth death and so we

have to change the equation ladies and


life versus death good versus evil it’s

not anything else

and so we see when it when it says in

Psalm 37 27 depart from evil and do good

and then dwelve

forevermore life is coming to you when

you depart from evil and you do good

Isaiah 5:20 Wow to those who call evil

good and good evil put darkness for

light and light for darkness who put

bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter

you see they will convince you that the

worst choices you can ever make not the

best ones and they will tell you that

the best choices according to God’s Word

you can ever make are the worst ones

they completely confuse what evil is and

what good is and it’s terrible Romans

two five to eight but in accordance with

your hardness and your impatient heart

you are treasuring up for yourself wrath

in the day of wrath and revelation of

the righteous judgment of God who will

render to each one according to his

deeds eternal life to those who by

patient continuance is in doing good

seek for glory honour and immorality but

to those who are self-seeking and do not

obey the truth but obey unrighteousness

indignation and wrath tribulation and

anguish on every soul of man who does

evil by the way to the Jew first and

also the Greek but glory and honor and

peace to everyone who works that is good

to the Jew first and also to the Greek

for there is no partiality with God

psalm 115 says the heaven even the

heaven are the lord but the earth is

given to the children of men god made

everything so great then he gave it to

us and then he says in Psalm 53 The Fool

has said in his heart you know after God

gave him the world there is no God

really who gave it to you did you create

all this did you create the fish in the

trees and did you create the seas and

there is no God they are corrupt and

they have done abominable iniquity there

is none who does good he says God looks

down from heaven upon the

of men to see if there are any who

understand who seek God every one of

them has turn aside they have together

become corrupt together become corrupt

remember that and there is none who does

good no not one oh I’m a good person no

you know Romans three but now the

righteousness of God apart from the law

is revealed being witnessed by the law

and the prophets even the righteousness

of God through faith in Jesus Christ to

all and on all who believe for there is

no difference for all have sinned and

fell short of the glory of God but being

justified freely by His grace through

the redemption that is in Christ Jesus

and and I want you to understand it is

clear from the old in a song and the new

in the book of Romans of course no one

is righteous by himself and through his

own works but then I want to move now to

the war that we cannot see you see for

us we are limited people with limited

understanding based on limited things

that we watch and see and and register

in our brains if I show you a swastika

today and I asked you what is the

swastika telling you you’re gonna say

Nazis but what if I showed you a

swastika from 2,500 years ago the Nazis

did not exist but because your brain is

so fixed on Nazis and swastika when you

see a swastika you immediately jump to

conclusion that’s not see the same thing

with starve david to starve david has

never been a jewish sign to begin with

it was adopted by the jews and now

whenever you see a Star of David you

think it’s Jewish it’s Israel but to

begin with any amateur archaeologist if

you tell him that what if you dig in a

2000 year old site and you see a Star of

David you know what he’ll tell you okay

then can you establish it’s Jewish of

course not so what is it that you find

that you know that it has to be Jewish

the seven branches can elaborate the

menorah so when you go to a site 2,000

year old and

see all of those pentagrams and Stars of

David and swastikas sometimes on the

mosaic floors of of some churches and

some synagogues believe it or not that’s

not because there were Nazis or Satan

worshippers or Jewish necessarily there

is a war we cannot see because we don’t

see it physically but Ephesians 6:12

says for we do not wrestle against flesh

and blood but against what

principalities against what powers

against what the rulers of what darkness

of this age against what spiritual hosts

of what wickedness in where you can read

in heavenly places that means that

there’s a war going on in heaven and if

you don’t understand that you need to

read revelation 12 there is a war going

on right now

and the minute the war will move down to

earth that’s when we have to check out

of here we can’t be there so I have to

bring you now to a place in America

let’s just zoom in all the way somewhere

in the south not next to you but not too

far also I’m bringing you to a granite

monument erected in 1980 in Elbert

County in Georgia to those stones there

look nice several stones with several

languages Chinese and Hebrew and Arabic

Russian English of course and when you

zoom in zoom in please I want let’s zoom

in please

the next slide I want you to see I want

you to see something very interesting

the first of their commandments is what

maintain humanity under 500 million in

perpetual balance with nature in other

words a group of people that erected a

bunch of stones as a monument called

them the guide stones they are openly

calling for the world to what

reduce its population for seven point

eight billion right now to half a

billion only and they’re saying it has

to be in perpetual balance with nature

this is what they say this is out in the

open and then when you look carefully

who built it the next slide you can see

it says that the sponsors are a small

group of Americans who what who seek the

age of reason and when you look I was

wondering what is the age of reason I

found there’s a book called the age of

reason written by Thomas Paine and he

was a deist he was a he argued basically

that the Bible is consisted of mythology

and had value just as a piece of

literature but was not divinely inspired

you see remember we were saying that the

man says there is no God remember that

men detached himself from God

from the Word of God from the things of

God then God then man wants to become

God and you want to become God by doing

the things that only God can do you

decide who lives and who dies it’s an

interesting Hitler didn’t he wanted to

be like God he felt like he is God and

he decided that Jews should not live it

was a decision a decision he took any he

acted upon it

of course he failed because there is a

God and it’s not him and he has the

final work

but you need to understand there is a

group of people and you must understand

this is not I’m not sensationalizing

anything here I’m actually quoting what

they say about themselves there’s a

group of people in this world

predominantly in America in Western


some in other places around the world

they believe that they are their

enlightened ones they believe that they

have seen the light they believe that

they know better than you that they

understand better than you they believe

that they are ought to make the

decisions for you because all of you are

incapable of taking the right decision

and by the way they mock and ridicule

politicians the politicians are for them

those who just dance before them and

play before them I’m talking about a

cartel of international bankers

industrialists based mostly as I said in

Western Europe and North America the

names of certain of those family persist

over long periods of time some of the

most important ones are the Rothschild

the Rockefellers Morgan Lazard Varberg

shorter and what chef

I wish I could laugh I wish I could

laugh but what we’ve been witnessing in

this country is an ongoing madness

orchestrated by this group of people to

bring about something else and they they

want you to understand that they’ve seen

the light they want you to understand so

they’re using symbols symbols that will

allow you to understand the light that

came the all-seeing either is always

there they completely not acknowledging

God himself

they made sure it will be worshipped and

it will be on your dollar bill they make

sure it will be everywhere they make

sure that those those symbols will be

inserted in the subconscious of every

American every person even around the

world and they make sure that while they

may say that in god we trust’ in

actuality it’s act not even the case

they are actually looking at you were

looking at pyramids that pagans used to

worship Albert Einstein by all means was

a very smart man hello and he understood

something he said the minority the

ruling class at present has the schools

and the press usually the church as well

under his tongue this enables it to

organize and sway the emotions of the

masses and make each tool of them I want

you to know that there is a group of

organizations that some of them were

founded in the early 1920s some of them

in the 30s 50s 60s 70s and this is just

a last leg of organizations and secret

societies that have been there

throughout history for the longest time

I can actually draw a direct line from

Genesis chapter 3 all the way to this

you see in 1921 Council of Foreign

Relations you see 1930 you see 1954 the

Bilderberg you see 1968 the Club of Rome

lateral Commission and you see more and

more and more things ladies and

gentlemen in one of those meetings of

the Bilderberg in Germany in Baden in

1991 David Rockefeller himself said I

would have been it would have been

impossible for us to develop our plan

for the world if we had been subjected

to the lights of publicity during those

years in other words we’re operating

under the radar but now the world is now

more sophisticated and prepared to march

towards a world government the super

national sovereignty of an intellectual

elite and world bankers is surely

preferable to the National order

determination practiced in past

centuries that’s what he said and by the

way in his own book in page 405 memoirs

he said some believed that we the

Rockefeller family are part of a secret

cabal working against the best interest

of the United States characterizing my

family and me as internationalist and of

conspiring with other around the world

to build a more integral global

political and economic structure one

world if you will if that’s the charge I

stand guilty and I am proud of it and he

wrote it in in his own book you can read

it one of the congressmen very

courageous by the way along the history

god is picking people to pick up those

signals and to bring out the truth some

of them are followers of Christ some of

them are mastering in their own

profession as doctors as politicians and

congressman Larry P McDonald said the

following thing the drive of the

Rockefellers and their allies is to

create a one-world government combining

super capitalism

communism under the same tent and under

their control do I mean conspiracy yes I

do am I convinced there is such a plot

international in scope generations old

in planning and incredibly evil in

intent he said that and right after that

they made sure he will not stay alive

this is a tragedy that happened in 1983

on September 1st when the Soviet Union

at the time shot down a Korean Air 747

jumbo jet and he was on it some 37 says

the wicked plots against the just and

Nash’s at him with his teeth the Lord

laughs at him for he sees that his day

is coming there’s evil and there’s

wicked people and they see the just

people and they’re laughing at them they

plot against him but God has the last


and he’s saying your days are numbered

just so you know you can do whatever you

do all of your shenanigans everybody can

see my people should know about it also

in your days are coming Ephesians 5 says

have no fellowship with the unfruitful

works of darkness but rather what expose

them for it is shameful even to speak of

those things which are done by them in

secret you see understand that group of

people that believes they’ve seen the

light of the world that Allah by the way

when you ask them which light have you

seen you really in their books they

write we’ve seen the light of Lucifer

and he is the true light bringer that’s

what they say and you know how they work

there is faces and there is anti faces I

mean they literally every force things

to have an opposite con counter force

and the conflict between the two results

in a new situation synthesis and the

synthesis is what those enlightened

people making their business to be the

synthesis this is what they do that’s no

problem situation is ever nipped

in the body in it is rather forested and

used just as when they created Soviet


they’ve forested that and used it and

when the time has come they dissolved it

they didn’t jammy it you need to

understand it’s bigger than you think

and anyone that he’s putting his finger

on it is removed control and exploit

exploitation of the standards of public

health the sale of prescription drugs in

is a huge business generating what mega

profits medical operations and

treatments can also be very profitable

to big businesses these extreme

treatments have their place but are

overused for the sake of profit in fact

big business particularly the big drug

companies have a vested interest in the

ill health of the population these

companies working through the US Food

and Drug Administration they’ve tried to

suppress the health food industry and in

this they have leaked a largely failed

but now they gave the game is to own it

and control it so that the health food

can only be afforded by the elite and

then they say they put a big facade of

the United Nations we come together and

we make sure to supply all the needs of

the world and they big bill building I

mean look at the building of the UN I

mean the General Assembly and all the

flags and everything but in reality this

is the most ungodly place on planet

Earth Genesis 11 the first time mankind

came together now the whole earth and

what had one language in one speech and

it came to pass it they journeyed from

the east that they found a plain in the

land of Shinar and they dwelt there and

they said to one another come let us

make bricks and break and bake them

thoroughly and they had brick for stone

and they had asphalt for mortar and then

they said come let us build our cell

a city and a tower whose top is in the

heavens let us make a name what for

ourselves this will be scattered abroad

over the face of the whole world it’s

not about God it’s about replacing God

it’s not about giving honor to God it’s

about making a name for yourself it’s

about making sure that that God knows

that we don’t need him we can take good

care of ourselves but in reality God is

looking at all of that Psalm 2 says why

do nations rage and the people plotted

vain things the kings of the earth set

themselves and the rulers take counsel

together what against the Lord and

against his anointed saying let us break

their bones in pieces and cast away

their cords from us you know they don’t

want God they don’t want Jesus let us

break those bones he who sits in the

heavens shall laugh

the Lord shall hold them in derision and

then he shall speak to them in his wrath

and distress them in his deep

displeasure Steve Banta a professor who

is specializing in the international

affairs wrote a book called inside the

United Nations in 2003 and look what he

wrote he says he he looked at behind the

scenes he looked at that behind all of

their PR system and he says our modern

independent world is not spontaneous

outgrowth of natural economic and

political forces it’s largely an

artificial creation of the United

Nations system and the ins and the

insiders who manage it insiders who

manage it that other group that I told

you about have their minions inside to

manage it and their goal what an

international system of weakened

dependent nations clinging clinging to

the UN system for life support as a per

loot to outright outright world

government it’s already taking shape

and so when you have a group of very

evil people who claim to be God Himself

who claim to have seen the light but not

the light of God who claim to know

better and decide for you

because they are given that task to do

that and you know who from then they

come up with agendas and I’d like to

start with what all of us are talking

about right now because that’s the thing

that caused me to come up with this


this past Friday when was it yesterday

yesterday the first Friday since Iran

had an Islamic Revolution first Friday

in 40 years that they canceled all

prayers in the mosque all prayers first

time ever not to mention that they had

to bury today one of their parliament

members and the deputy president or vice

president to women’s affairs he also is

sick with coronavirus right now and I

can give you a whole list of people that

either died or are sick right now from

their own inner circles that’s why they

they claim that President Trump sent the

coronavirus to you

ladies and gentlemen what we are

watching right now is a pandemic that

the World Health Organization is not

even admitting up until maybe few days

ago and they they they played it down so

well even the Chinese authorities

themselves days after the outbreak

started in Wuhan the local authorities

in that city allowed a massive public

potluck lunch to be held with over

10,000 people all of them by the way are

either sick or dead right now and

knowing that there is an outbreak of a

virus they’ve never seen before

and they allowed it to happen because in

the US and why did you do that so we did

not receive any instructions not to do


ladies and gentlemen you know you look

at this virus on the way it looks on the

screen I don’t like you have it it’s

it’s round thing that is basically

having a look of a crown all of those

things that’s why it’s called corona

from crown and in corona virus is a

known virus it’s a virus that has been

in the market for a while it’s a virus

that attacks your upper respiratory

system it’s a virus that causes you to

cough and – of course attacks your lungs

and eventually people suffocate and die

this is what SARS used to be SARS was a

corona but by the way you know what the

name of the corona virus today the

official name of corona virus not the

disease but the virus is SARS CoV –

that’s the name you all call it corona

virus with us a common name their

scientific name is stars it’s a new

virus responsible for an outbreak of

respiratory illness known as and that’s

the disease kovetz corona virus disease

19 because it started in December of

nineteen which has spread to several

countries around the world right now

forty countries you should see what’s

going on in Italy right now all the

stadiums all the shopping malls all the

tourist attractions everything is shut

down you should see what’s going on in

in Japan Japan all the educational

system is shut down Disneyland in Japan

is so shut down for you I mean your flu

idiom so probably when I say Disney

caused you to understand more how bad it

is and it’s interesting you know because

it’s not the deadliest virus we’ve seen

not at all but we’ve never seen

something like that which has an unusual

incubation period of up to 27 days it

can be in you you have no symptoms you

have no way to even know you have

something and you cannot it can sit

there before symptoms come out for 20 up

to 27 days now of course 27 is we had

only one person that 70 year old Chinese

that had it but that’s even after have

one person to understand how sustainable

this thing is how strong these viruses

and then there’s the unusual nature of a

super contagious one latent we’ve never

seen anything like that before

now again it is super contagious super

contagious Israelis who came back from

Italy had it theirs done in Israel we

never had it in Israel but we imported

that from Italy or from the cruise ship

in Japan the diamond princes and it’s

the cruise ship everybody were isolated

in the rooms and it started with 10

people now it’s over 400 Danny Shoham a

former Israeli military intelligence

officer who had studied the Chinese

biological warfare program two days

after the eruption two days after the

outbreak said that the Wuhan Institute

of biology is linked to the program and

has studied anthrax a known biological

warfare agent that is not linked to

viruses in principle he said

virus infiltration might take place

either as a leakage or as an indoor

unnoticed infection of a person that

normally went out of the concern

facility dr. shom said this could have

been the case with the Wuhan Institute

of virology but so far there is an

evidence of indication for such

incidents so he’s the first one to say

hey that’s an option you cannot rule out

then found Qi tie a professor at

National Taiwan University’s College of

Public Health said that a French team

investigating kovat 19 has found that

the key difference between the are ATG

13 and the Kovach 19 was the ladder has

four additional amino acids not found in

any other coronaviruses Fong said that

these four amino acids made the disease

easier to transmit Fong said that the

French team’s findings had led some in

the scientific community to speculate

the Chinese scientists thought the SARS

outbreak 17 years ago was too easy to be

to deal with so they developed an

upgraded version and he said that with

modern technologies such as such an

upgrade is theoretically possible the

professor said that the virus normally

only have small mutations in the form of

singular changes in natural conditions

he asserted that in nature it is

unlikely to have four amino acids added

at once said it’s evolving it may be one


but for immediately at one time this is

man-made somebody engineered that thank

concluded therefore from an academic

point of view it is indeed possible that

the amino acids were added to covert 19

in the lab by humans and he said that it

is also still possible that this

occurred in nature but that the chance

are variously sang stressed that the

mutations found in the Nova novel

coronavirus are unusual in an academic

sense and he asserted that it is indeed

possible that it is a man-made product

Chinese scientists believe the deadly

coronavirus may have started life in a

research facility just 300 yards from

the Wuhan fish market and you bombshell

paper from the Beijing sponsored South

China University of Technology says that

the Wuhan Center for Disease Control

could have spawn spawn that contained

contagion in who by province the

possible origin of 2019 and CoV

coronavirus penned by scholars both Taos

Chou and Laci AO claims that they wh CDC

kept disease ridden animals in

laboratories including six 605 bats it

also mentioned that bats which are

linked to corner virus once attacked a

researcher and blood of bat was on his

skin they said guys I don’t have a shred

of doubt that this is a man-made thing I

also understand why it broke out in the

very end of December in the beginning of

January this is Chinese New Year this is

when all the Chinese after saving money

all over the year that’s their time to

travel this is their time to go to

splurge ladies and gentlemen the

thoughts of the righteous are right but

the counsels of the wicked are deceitful

Micah says woe to those who devise

iniquity and work out evil on their beds

at morning light they practice it

because it is in the power of their hand

Matthew 24 says and jesus answered and

said to them take heed that no one

deceives you for many will come in my

name saying I am the Christ and will

deceive many there will be a lot of

things and

he also characterized the end times will

be famines and pestilences earthquakes

in various places and pestilences

diseases is what we see now is it it’s a

little thing compares to what the world

is going to go through according to the

Bible when a quarter of the population

of planet Earth will die so we have

viruses that are engineered in labs and

are being out in the open and the whole

world by the way we have not even seen

the tip of the iceberg when it comes to

the effect on world economy because it’s

not gonna kill that many people look

anyone who is below or I guess 70 and is

you know pretty much healthy should not

be afraid because it attacks people that

are above it mostly with some previous

issues okay I’m not saying don’t take

precautions manners I’m just saying this

is not the deadliest thing we’ve seen

not at all but the fact that it spreads

to hundreds of millions of people

worldwide can kill a lot of people if 2

percent or 1 percent is what it kills 1%

of the thousand people is one thing but

1% of a hundred million people is

another thing and that can you imagine

the effect on traveling imagine the

effect on flying you can imagine the

effect of look they Geneva car show I’m

a big fan of cars I always read on every

car show in the world first time

canceled Geneva car through Switzerland

forbid all gathering of any one of a

thousand people and more banned it you

cannot do it any more

the next thing that we have is deadly

vaccines I’m sure you all heard about it

I’m sure you all know but this is a

market that can brings approximately 30

billion dollars a year and unfortunately

we’re told to do something and it’s good

people we’re doing it

what we don’t understand is that

preliminary testing on vaccines is not

nearly as thorough as tests run on

pharmaceutical drugs

this results in children essentially

being tested on our own children

the Center for Disease and Control CDC

openly admitted in 2012 that they had

not run any tests comparing VAX versus

none on vaccin in the last 30 years the

child vaccines schedule has tripled and

the u.s. autism rate has increased from

1 for 10,000 to 1 to 50 parallel to the

vaccination now you’re probably saying

why do you even bring it up well first

of all it’s my my right to do that I’m

the speaker here right now but second of

all you’re going to see you are going to

see there is a link between all those

things because when you move on you see

another thing the latest thing now is to

promote late term abortions and here I

am going online trying to find what the

late term abortion is all about 99% of

the Internet is filled with how good it

is and how it is for the best of the

mother and for the best of the child I

don’t know how you kill someone is for

the best for someone but I know one

thing not even one word about the real

stats of who does it so it took a lot of

determination on our side to dig so deep

to find some I want to show you a

picture this is a picture taken just a

few days ago on February 13 this picture

was taken by a Brazilian photographer

Rodrigo Kunzman

he shot this picture of Isabella Pereira

de Jesus and she glared at the doctors

now this is a picture of a young girl

with a character this is a picture of

young girl that is angry that the doctor

wants to spank her just so you will cry

so they will cut the cord this is a

picture over a person

a human being that is not just just meat

it has soul it has spirit and it has a


this is few seconds after it came out of

the womb seconds not even minutes and

now I want to take you to a terrifying

chart the state of Florida records the

reasons for every abortion that occurs

within the borders each year in 2018

there were 70,000 and 83 abortions in

Florida this table lists each reason and

the percentage of abortions that

occurred because of it take a look how

many did it because the pregnancy

resulted from an incestuous relation and

all the way to what no reason elective

no reason

75% decided to go for an abortion for

what no reason it has nothing to do with

their health it has nothing to do with

the health of the baby it has nothing to

do with the health of the society it has

all to do with no reason I mean I

understand when somebody as a doctor

trying to save the life of of someone I

understand that you know what you know

when you’re being brought almost dead to

the hospital the doctor is not what

telling you do you want to live or die

let me know because I can do both the

doctor is not even talking to you if he

can save your life he saves your life

because life matters am i right here

it’s the opposite the doctors what do

you want death okay because death

matters here not life according to the

Johnson archive look at this Arizona

Florida Utah look at all of that I want

you to see look at the elective on all

of them phenomenon the reasons of all

unbelievable ladies and gentlemen Ronald

Reagan first implemented the Mexico City

policy to ban u.s. funding to foreign

organizations that fund abortion but

u.s. administration’s after him we

resented this yes

taxpayers dollars has been funding

foreign abortions also for decades the

Trump administration implemented an

executive order to stop funding

abortions in foreign countries in 2017

taking even stronger steps to date and

reallocating the money to better

purposes regarding foreign aid and and

last I want to show you is this take a

look at this stack of money this is what

I call the abortion industry it’s Pro

cast not throw choice then gentlemen

we’re talking about 800 million dollar

annually business in the US alone

according to the article of abortion for

profit by Alan Guttmacher Institute AGI

Psalm 22 10 says I was cast upon you

from birth from my mother’s womb you

have been my god from my mother’s womb

you have been my god Psalm 139 for you

for my inward part you covered me in my

mother’s womb I will praise you for I am

fearfully and wonderfully made marvelous

are your works and that my soul knows

very well my frame was not hidden from

you and when I was made in secret and

skillfully wrought in the lowest parts

of the earth your eyes saw my substance

being yet unformed you know they

determine what’s a human being what

what’s not by the size of the embryo by

this I’ll know when yet I was not even

formed be being yet unformed my

substance you already saw me and in your

book they all were written the dailies

fashioned for me when as yet there were

none of them before we were born God

already knows the days of our life

before we even started there’s a plan

for us there’s life for us God wants

people to be born and to live very

simple proverbs 6 these 6 things the

Lord hates yes seven are an abomination

dream a proud look a lying tongue hands

that shared what innocent blood you

don’t even ask that baby look at

literally Sabella nobody asked her

anything she came forth because that’s

the natural thing to be done and she

looked at those doctors that could have

been those who may have killed you know

may have killed her I’ll tell you a


our fourth child my wife will kill me

for telling that but

I Bank the cheese and watching right now

my fourth child they gave us 30% of

being with Down syndrome and throughout

the entire pregnancy they expected us to

make up our mind to make the decision

and we didn’t even think about it she

kept going through the medical check-ups

and and you know what the day she gave

birth it’s the doctor that had been

bugging her to do something about it to

do something about it

that delivered the baby and then she

asked him how is the baby and he said

he’s perfectly fine and she says you see


before I phoned you in the womb I knew

you before you were born I sanctified

you he said to Jeremiah the Prophet I

ordained you as a prophet to the

nation’s Jeremiah says for the children

of Judah have done evil in my sight yes

the Lord they have set their abomination

in the house which is called my name to

pollute it and they have built an high

place for of tuffet tuffet playing the

drum tuff which is in the valley of the

son of Hinnom to burn their sons and

their daughters in the fire which I did

not command nor did I’d come into my

heart the god Molech that deity that was

worshipped by the Canaanites the

children raised are some of them you

know instead of condemning it

participated in it and God through the

Prophet Jeremiah rebuked them for that

it did not come into my heart I did not

command you to kill your babies that’s

what God said if that’s not enough now

redefining marriage it’s a new thing we

change everything now it shouldn’t be

necessarily men and women and I want you

to know the fall or fertility how

redefining marriage will further

declining birthrate in the United States

and you’ve also read about it America’s

shrinking future

ladies and gentlemen two gentleman wrote

in amicus curiae it’s a professional

person that is not party or in

particular legislation bleakly jason is

rude excuse me but that is permitted by

the court to advise in respect to some

matters they wrote that advice that

amicus curiae brief written by two

scholars of fertility and married Walter

Shu professor of Family Studies at

Kansas State University a frequent

contributor to mink creator net and a

Jason s Carroll professor of family life

in Brigham Young University Walter and

Schumann and in Jason wrote this

redefining marriage in genderless terms

breaks the critical

Satchel link between marriage and

procuration it multiplet

implicit it implicitly endorses an adult

centric model of marriage ignores the

inherently generative nature of

heterosexual marriages and sends a

powerful message that marriage based

procure Pokkiri appropriations is not a

valued social priority the actual

experience of states and nations that

have adopted this rediff agree read

definitions shows that such change would

erode the role of marriage in our

society leading to what fewer marriages

and what fewer births so when you want

to reduce birth just make sure that it’s

not male and female so they cannot do it

yes that’s the only way it can be done

last time I checked Romans 1 but let me

continue after that the gender confusion

we went over that let’s go to the drugs

legalization let’s move to drugs

legalization it’s part of it I want you

to see in Galatians 5 it says now the

works of the flesh are evident which are

adultery fornication uncleanness

lewdness idolatry sorcery hatred content


jealousies outbursts of Wrath selfish

ambitions all of that’s a long list and

you know up until not long ago

the slogan in the United States led by

President Reagan and mostly by his wife

Nancy was what just say no say no to

drugs now let me show you the 2019 map

of the United States apart from their

three great colored all the states say

yes some of them say yes for certain

some of them say – all some of them say

yes but under certain conditions

but all of them apart from three are now

actively selling drugs and it’s okay you

know I one time I I had a chance to sit

in Germany and talk with an Iranian

Revolutionary Guard Corps operative that

defected and I was there to question him

and I wrote a report in one of the

things he said I mean I I knew most of

what he said but one of the things he

said astonished he said from the least

of the soldiers to the top of our

commanders were all on drugs

and I said why do you think that he said

that’s the way they control us they

control us when we are in need for

whatever they give us that’s how they

control and I was thinking to myself I’m

looking at this map and I’m looking at

the map of the rest of the world if a

world leader wants to control people all

he needs to do is give them as many

drugs as possible so he can easily

control them so I’m thinking to myself

becomes a president that says the opiate

is actually an epitome and we must

tackle it everybody hates him because he

is pointing at the by the way President

Trump is an accident he’s a big accident

he’s the biggest accident that ever

happened to the one-world government

and I will conclude with a climate

change indoctrination because ladies and

gentlemen while the earth remains

seedtime and harvest cold and heat

winter and summer last time I check

winter and summer one thing called and

heat are another thing let’s read it

again together while the earth remains

seedtime and harvest cold and heat

winter and summer and day and night

shall not cease planet Earth go through

cold seasons and hot seasons and you

really think you are someone if you

think it has to do with you and I want

to take you now to the one thing that

you don’t hear the agenda behind it let

me show you this let me show you what

this says

population growth must be addressed in

all countries to what

tackle climate change basically they’re

saying there is climate change and it’s

because of us so we must not multiply

basically no you understand what I’m

just saying they’re basically telling

you by the way in 1992 in a book of a

former US Vice President Al Gore why are

you laughing

why ‘allah because he’s always wrong

good well take a look at what he says no

goal is more crucial to healing the

global environment than what stabilizing

human population that’s what he said in

1992 let me take you now to your

favorite the new one this is the your

favorite new one

CNN weather a minute this is a town-hall

meeting about climate change last at the

end of last year it’s actually on

September 4th

2019 CNN’s climate change townhall this

lady Martha read oath said good evening

human population growth has more than

doubled in the past 50 years the planet

cannot sustain this growth I mean it’s

already a given she decided and then she

said I realized this is a poisonous

topic for politicians but it’s crucial

to face empowering women and educating

everyone on the need to curb population

growth seemed a reasonable campaign to

enact would you be courageous enough to

discuss this issue and make it a key

feature of a plan to address climate

catastrophe catastrophe and then what

it’s about planet that must sustain its

growth and Bernie Sanders says well

Martha the answer is yes the answer has

everything to do with the fact that

women in the United States of America by

the way have a right to control their

own bodies once again and then he says

and make Pro reproductive decisions the

Mexico City agreement which I talked

about earlier which denies American aid

to those organizations around the world

that allow women to have abortions or

even get involved in birth control to me

is totally absurd so I think especially

in poor countries around the world

where women do not necessarily want to

have large number of a he decided they

don’t want to have large non number of

babies and where they can have the

opportunity through birth control what

to control the number of kids they have

this is something I very very strongly

support ladies and gentlemen

a new God we will help you determine how

many kids you have how he’s not saying

don’t make babies he’s saying if you

don’t want them kill them

there’s no avoid sleeping with one

another here there is we better continue

pushing the abortion thing Romans 8:19

22 for the earnest expectation of the

creation eagerly waits for the revealing

of the sons of God for the creation was

subjected to futility not willingly but

because of him who subjected it in hope

because the creation itself plan

everybody is accusing everybody for

causing you know global warming that’s

baloney sin brought global warming let

and what do they want to do not tackle

sin tackle what babies everything that

is good jobs bread on the table for we

know that the whole creation groans and

Labor’s with birth pangs together until

now and the role of the believers I’ll

conclude in John 3 for everyone

practicing evil hates the light and does

not come to the light lest his deeds

should be exposed but he who does the

truth comes to the light that his deeds

may clearly may be clearly seen that

they have been done in God Ephesians 5

says for you were once darkness but now

you are light

in the Lord walk as children of light

for the fruit of the Spirit is in all

goodness righteousness and truth finding

out what is the acceptable to the Lord

and have no fellowship with the

unfruitful works of darkness but rather

what expose them that’s what I’m doing

right now right here and anyone that is

exposing one of these things

two of these things three of these

things is doing a right thing the case

after the rapture is that the coming of

the lawless one is according to the

works of Satan with all power signs and

lying wonders we know that and we know

that after the rapture people are not

going to believe they are actually God

will send them delusion what that they

should believe the lie that lie that

it’s us who control climate that it’s us

who control birth that it’s all about

that life

God will okay that’s what you will live

believe go ahead

that they may all be condemned who did

not believe the truth but had pleasure

in unrighteousness when I see women

they’re parading you know the whole

issue of abortion I’m like what where

are we that we’re so proud of killing

babies earth population during the

tribulation lady and gentleman after

these things I saw another angel coming

down from heaven having great Authority

and the earth was illuminated with his

glory and he cried mightily with a loud

voice saying Babylon the Great is fallen

is fallen and has become a dwelling

place of demons a prison for every foul

spirit and a cage for every unclean and

hated bird for all the nations have

drunk of the wine of the wrath of her

fornication the world is eating and

drinking from that evil group of people

that are going to produce the evil one

an evil world government in the

going to drink and eat from their hands

and then of course it says the kings of

the earth have committed fornication

with her and the merchants of the earth

have become rich through the abundance

of her luxury all the profits that they

make from killing and from hurting and

from deceiving and final words

revelation doesn’t end in chapter 18 and

he showed me a pure river of water of

life clear as crystal proceeding from

the throne of God and the lamb and in

the middle of its street and on either

side of the river was the Tree of Life

which bore twelve fruits and then I want

to continue and then there shall be no

light there in that place they need no

lamp no light of the Sun for the Lord

gives them light and they shall reign

forever and ever the time is near and

then he said to me these words are

faithful and true he said in the Lord

God of the holy of the Holy Prophets

sent his angel to show his servants the

things which must shortly take place

and Jesus said Behold I’m coming quickly

blessed is he who keeps the words of the

prophecy of this book and behold I’m

coming quickly and my reward is with me

to give to everyone according to his

work I am the Alpha and the Omega the

beginning and the end the first and the

last blessed are those who do His

commandments and they may have the right

to the Tree of Life and they may enter

through the gates into the city the New

Jerusalem but outside are the dogs and

sorcerers and sexually immoral and

murderers and idolaters and whoever

loves and practices a lie I Jesus have

sent my angel to testify to you these

things in the churches I am the root and

the offspring of David the bright and

Morning Star and the spirit and the

bride say come and let him who hears say

come and let him who thirsts come


desire whoever desires let him take the

water of life freely and today life is

what God wants you to take and it’s free

you don’t need to do anything to earn

the love of God you’ll already send His

only begotten Son two thousand years ago

and all you need to do is simply believe

and I want to tell you folks there is a

satanic plot but we know the end we know

who wins in this world you may have

tribulations but be of good cheer Jesus

said I have overcome this world father I

thank you I thank you for your word I

thank you for your promises I thank you

Father that you enable us to expose the

evil and the darkness in this world we

can clearly see that it’s all about life

and death evil and good and we know what

you said to your children

choose life not only for ourselves that

you and your children shall live

the father today we choose life for ours

and for our children and anyone who is

thirsty can ask and you will give him

the water of life we thank you and bless

you in Jesus name

