This DVD album was recorded from the Gospel Truth TV broadcast. Each DVD contains one week of programming. Please note that while they do cover the same material as a CD album, they are not exactly the same.

This teaching is a foundational truth that is essential for understanding how much God loves you and believing what He says about you in His Word. Each person is made up of three different parts: spirit, soul, and body. Learn how these three parts relate to God and to each other. At salvation your spirit is totally changed, but your soul and body is not yet redeemed. This series will teach you how to release the life that is already in your spirit, into your physical body and emotions.

the following program is brought to you

by the friends and partners of Andrew

Wommack ministries celebrating 40 years

of sharing God’s unconditional love and

grace welcome to gospel truth with

Andrew Wommack today Andrew illustrates

the power of God’s Word to change our

lives in his teaching spirit soul and

body now here’s Andrew welcome to our

monday’s broadcast of the gospel truth

today i am really excited to start a

brand new series of a teaching about

spirit soul and body those of you who

have listened to our ministry for a

while know that this is like a

foundational teaching for me this is the

key that unlocked all of the truth that

god has given me and i’ve taught on this

before but one of the reasons we’re

teaching on this is because not only do

we have our CD album and our book on

spirit soul and body which is tremendous

we put out tens of thousands of these

books but we’ve now reissued it and we

have a study guide and I’m really

excited because as I said this is a

foundational teaching this is probably

for me and for every person i minister

to if you get hold of these truths then

you’re able to just really start

receiving revelation from the Lord and

the purpose of this is so that you can

disciple other people it’s made for

Sunday school or for Bible studies of

course it would be beneficial just for

you to study on your own but it’s really

geared to take these truths and help you

teach other people and I’m really

excited about that so we’ll be

advertising that product and I encourage

you to take advantage of it but again

I’m teaching on spirit soul and body

which the title isn’t real catchy but

what this is about is it’s based on my

own personal experience that on March

the 23rd 1968 I won’t go into all of the

detail but I just had this encounter

with the Lord where I had been born

again for ten years at that time that I

was I had fallen into the trap of

thinking that God loved me

and would use me and bless me

proportional to how holy I was living

and I really sought for the blessing of

God in my life so I was living as holy

as I possibly could and by the grace of

God I have never I you know I’ve just

turned 59 and I have never said a word

of profanity I have never taken a drink

of liquor I’ve never smoked a cigarette

I mean I have lived a super holy life by

man standards but the problem was I got

to where I was trusting in this and

thinking God now you owe it to me I’ve

done these things now won’t you move in

my life and yet I didn’t see the power

of God manifest you know my dad died

when I was 12 years old and I spent

months praying that he would be healed

and I didn’t see anything come to pass I

didn’t have any power in my life and so

I was living this relatively holy life

but I wasn’t seeing the real blessing of

God manifest and on Saturday night March

the 23rd 1968 God just like opened up my

understanding showed me that I was a

religious hypocrite now I was born again

but I had fallen into trusting in my own

goodness and trying to earn God’s favor

and God just showed me that I was an

absolute hypocrite and that not only it

was it wrong to try and approach him

based on my own goodness but he showed

me that my relative I might have been

good relative to people but compared to

what God wanted me to be I was an

absolute hypocrite I was a Pharisee and

I tell you when God showed this to me it

just devastated me and I spent over an

hour and a half in front of all of my

friends the leaders of the church just

turning myself inside out confessing

things that I didn’t even know we’re

wrong before the Lord touched me and

showed me this I mean I was confessing

attitudes thoughts that you know you

would have never exposed to anybody I

just absolutely ruined any reputation

that I had and some people will think

that I’m exaggerating or that this is

you know I’m not saying the truth but

I’m promising you this is what was going

on on the

inside of me I was 18 years old I was

told that God’s the one that killed my

dad when I was 12 years old that God

needed him in heaven I was told that God

judged people and that basically you got

what you deserved I had an image of an

angry god and when I saw how vile I was

from God’s standpoint I expected God to

kill me I really did and right before he

killed me I was just going to get

everything confessed and laid out on the

table hoping that if he killed me that

at least I’d go to heaven instead of

going to hell and so I was repenting of

everything I could think of I said

everything that I could possibly think

of I mean I didn’t leave a stone

unturned and like I said for an hour and

a half I prayed and then eventually I

just came to the end of it there was

nothing left to repent out I had

repented of everything that I could

possibly repent off and I just quit and

to my surprise instead of God killing me

the way that I expected him to do

I had a tangible love of God you start

flowing through me there’s no way I

could do it just I can’t describe it but

for four and a half months I was just

overwhelmed with the fact that I knew

God loved me I didn’t have to believe

God loved me I knew it

I felt it it was tangible it was real

and you know even though that was


it was also bad at the same time because

after four and a half months that

feeling emotion left and once reality

began to set back in you know what I

didn’t know how to go from there I

didn’t know how to recover I had tasted

what it was like to be in the presence

of God and to feel his love and I I

couldn’t live without it but I didn’t

know what I did to make it happen I

didn’t know what I did to make it leave

I was just at a lost and so even though

it was wonderful in one sense it just

turned my life upside down and left me

with nowhere to go I didn’t know how to

adjust I didn’t know what to happen what

to do after that and actually in

retrospect I look back and this was a

blessing but I got drafted during that

period of time

I’m and I was sent to Vietnam and you

know that isn’t what I would have chosen

for myself that’s not what you would

think would be a good thing but it

turned out to be good because what

happens when I got on the other side of

the world there was so much sin you know

in in a war situation like that guys

were doing things and getting by with

things that they would have never have

done back in you know around their

family around their friends where they

could be held accountable for stuff and

and there was such a push or such a draw

towards sin that has a self defense

mechanism I just had to stick my nose in

the Bible and start studying the word

and of course the cry of my heart during

this whole time was God how do I get

back into this place to where I know

that you love me I was looking for a

feeling another experience but what

happened was I begin to learn some

things through the Word of God that

begin to change the way I thought and I

begin to experience God not on an

emotional level like I had but I begin

to experience God on a heart level just

based on faith in what I knew to be true

and I actually came to a place to where

my relationship with God deepened and

became stronger than it ever was during

that period where I just felt the

presence of God now I understood God’s

love and it just began to change my life

and the number one thing that God showed

me that changed my life and today I use

this every day of my life it’s just

become a part of who I am is this

understanding of what I call spirit soul

and body and let me give you a brief

overview and then I’ll get into some of

these specifics and start sharing these

things believing that this will change

your life the way it changed mine but

the reason this was so beneficial to me

is because I had experienced that God

loved me and I knew it by feeling but

after the feeling left my brain began to

start function and I thought how could

God love me I don’t love myself for the

first time in my life I’d finally come

to realize that I was a really

dis Pharisee as a hypocrite I didn’t

like what I saw I knew that God wasn’t

pleased with a lot of the attitudes and

the emotions that I had and so I had

this experience where I had felt

tangibly felt God’s love but after the

feeling left my mind was just sitting

there basically short-circuiting God’s

love to me saying it can’t be why would

God love me and so here’s one of the

things that this understanding of spirit

soul and body did it let me start

recognizing that like John 4:24 says God

is a spirit and those who worship Him

must worship Him in spirit and in truth

God looked at me in the spirit realm not

on the outside and see this is the big

problem I was having I was looking on

the outside I’d go look in the mirror

and I’d see a zit or you know something

that I didn’t like and I think how could

God love this and I’d search my emotions

and I would see that you know there were

attitudes and there was thoughts that I

didn’t like how could God love me but

the difference is God doesn’t look on

the outward appearance 1st Samuel

chapter 16 verse 7 says don’t look on

the height of his stature or any of

these outside things because man looks

on the outward appearance but God looks

on the heart God doesn’t look at you and

me based on this outside see you’re

looking at my physical body there’s some

people that don’t like things I have

people write in and comment about my

receding hairline and tell me how to get

that fixed and tell me you do this why

don’t you wear this clothes why don’t

you stand up there’s people that don’t

like the way I sit here they don’t like

my mannerisms they don’t like my voice

there’s there’s a lot of people that

just relate based on external things and

then all of us know that there’s an

inner person and we have fears and

thoughts and depression discouragement

and criticisms and prejudices that we

don’t like and things like this and

that’s as far as most of us go but there

is a third part of us and that’s the

spirit and it’s the spirit that gets

changed and God is a spirit and God is

not looking on this outward person he’s

not looking on my personality and

emotional part

but God looks at me in that born-again

spirit and see when I begin to

understand this then what it did it

allowed me to start receiving God’s love

because prior to that time I would look

on my physical body I’d search my soul

II shrim I’d see things that I was

displeased with and I thought if I don’t

like this how could a holy God truly

love me the way that I’ve experienced

when all of these things are wrong but

when I understood that there was a

spirit on the inside that was recreated

and now perfect it allowed me to feel

justified in in experiencing the love of

God and I begin to realize that God’s

love towards me was consistent in this

spirit realm regardless of what I felt

in my emotions anyway I’m getting ahead

of myself but those are some of the

benefits this just it just unlocked the

door for me this opened up the Word of

God once you begin to start

understanding these truths and I’m going

to share about spirit soul and body I

guarantee you the Word of God will come

alive to you everything will begin to

make sense prior to me understanding

this nothing made sense but this has

just changed my life let me turn over to

1st Thessalonians chapter 5 and verse 23

and use this verse this is one of the

main scriptures that God used to get

this point across to me in verse 23 it

says and the very God of peace sanctify

you wholly not hol why but WH o LLY

completely and I pray God your whole

spirit and soul and body be preserved

blameless under the coming of our Lord

Jesus Christ now there’s actually some

other points that are being made here

but in the process of making that he

said this he says I pray God your whole

spirit and soul and body be preserved

blameless unto the coming of our Lord

Jesus Christ that verse this one verse

and there’s others that would do this

but this one verse has all of this in

one passage it shows that you are a

spirit soul and body there are three

parts to you

now this really begin to change my life

because prior to me understanding this

functionally I only thought that there

was really two parts to a person now I

might have used the word spirit but the

truth is most people mix spirit and soul

together as a matter of fact if you look

the word spirit up in the New Testament

the Greek word for spirit is Numa and if

you look Numa up and like Strong’s

Concordance it’ll say the immortal soul

it’ll make spirit and soul basically the

same thing and this is the way that most

people practically use spirit and soul

they see it as being nearly

interchangeable and here’s my point

here’s here’s the real point that I’m

getting through this is that most people

as far as function goes their daily

experience they know of course that

there is a physical body that’s obvious

you can see my physical body you see

your physical body you can feel it you

know if you’re a hot or cold right now

you know if you have pain in your body

you know if I was to say how do you feel

today you don’t have to say well let me

go study and let me pray about this and

I’m going to make an outline and I’ll

come back to you in a week and I’ll tell

you how I feel so you don’t have to do

that because your body is just

constantly you are in touch with your

body you know if you’re hot or cold you

know if you have pain you know if you’re

tired you know if you’re sleepy so

really you are in touch with this

physical body and it’s just constantly

always there now there’s another part of

you like if I was to walk up and touch

you you know if you were had your back

to me and I went up and tapped you on

the back you could feel that and

immediately you’d turn around to see

who’s tapping you on the back you are in

touch with your body but you know what I

can touch you without ever physically

touching your body I could say words to

you I could call you up and on the phone

and I’d never physically touch you but I

could say words that would affect you

and it either make you happy like if I

said you know I’m giving you a million

dollars man you could start rejoicing I

could say words that make you angry at

me I could say words if I lied and said

your husband your wife your child just


I’m sorry but I’m not telling you you

know words I can touch you in ways that

it’s not physical everybody understands

this you can feel your physical body but

you can also feel that there’s an

emotional part of you that has joy and

sadness and grief and depression and

anger and bitterness and things like

that that’s what the Bible calls your

soul and as far as most people’s

experience go they acknowledge the body

because it’s obvious they acknowledge

the soul this inner personality feeling

emotional part but that’s about as far

as it goes

most people functionally do not know

that there is anything more than their

body and their soul this inner

personality and feelings but the Bible

says that there are three parts spirit

soul and body and it’s in the spirit

that you’re born again experience takes

place your spirit is a part of you that

has changed and everything that God does

is in the spiritual realm God is a

spirit God looks at you in the spirit

realm he looks at you as a new creation

and the key to understanding and

relating to God is to recognize that

there’s not only this physical body and

there’s not only the soul the emotional

part but there is a spiritual part of

you and the reason that the spirit is so

hard for most people to grab hold

obvious because it cannot be felt

are discerned in any physical tangible

way let me turn over and read what Jesus

said about this in John chapter 3 and

Nicodemus came to Jesus and was asking

him some questions and jesus answered

Nicodemus by saying in John chapter 3

verse 3 verily verily I say unto you

except a man be born again he cannot see

the kingdom of God

Nicodemus saith unto Him how can a man

be born when he is old can he enter the

second time into his mother’s womb and

be born jesus answered verily verily I

say unto you except a man be born of

water and of the spirit he cannot enter

into the kingdom of God

that which is born of the flesh is flesh

that which is born of the Spirit is

spirit now there’s a lot of truths that

Jesus was saying right here but I just

wanted to focus on verse 6 he says that

which is born of the flesh is flesh that

which is born of the Spirit is spirit

what he’s saying here is that flesh and

spirit aren’t the same things you know

this is flesh this is physical and even

though your soul isn’t flesh in the

sense that it’s tangible or what we call

flesh or skin it’s a part of that flesh

it’s in the natural realm your mental

part your emotional part is natural its

physical but there is a spirit part of

you that cannot be discerned by any

physical way again I go back to this

example if I say how are you right now

are you HOT or are you cold you don’t

have to go study and make an outline and

pray about it your body instantly knows

if it’s hot or cold do you have pain or

do you feel good you instantly know that

if I want to ask about your soul so how

are you today are you encouraged or

discouraged are you happy or are you sad

are you angry or are you blessed you

know what you instantly know those

things you don’t have to go study it out

but if I say how is your spirit most

people draw a blank and you know why

because the spirit cannot be accessed

through any of our five senses what you

see taste tears smell and feel cannot

tap into the spirit that which is Spirit

is spirit

that which is flesh is flesh your flesh

is constantly being monitored by your

five senses but your spirit is spirit

and the five senses don’t have a clue

what’s going on in your spirit realm

there is a part of you according to this

verse that I used in first Thessalonians

5:23 you are spirit soul and body one

third of you is a complete mystery to

your physical senses you can’t feel

whether you’re saved you can’t feel what

happened in your spirit you can’t feel

if God

lives on the inside of you you can’t

feel or discern by any of your five

senses whether you’re anointed or

whether you have faith or whether you’ve

been blessed your physical senses are

limited to your body and your soul but

your spirit hat so then how do we know

what’s going on in the spirit and this

is one of the things that really begin

to change my life John chapter 6 and

verse 63 let me read this Jesus was

speaking he says it is the spirit that

quickeneth the flesh profiteth Oh words

that I speak unto you they are spirit

and they are life you know if you want

to see if your hair is combed you just

don’t go about how it feels you know

right now I sure hope my hair is calm

being on television around the world

it’d be terrible if I had you know my

hair sticking straight up but I can’t

tell by how it feels what I have to do

is go to look in a mirror and what I see

in that mirror I just take by faith when

I what I’m seeing in the mirror is not

really my hair I’m seeing a reflection

but I’m not seeing my hair did you know

this will mess with some of y’all’s

minds but I’m just trying to make a

point here did you know that you have

never seen your face and some of you oh

yes I have know you’ve seen a reflection

of your face or a drawing of your face

or a picture of your face but you with

your physical eyes have never looked

directly at your face and yet you trust

what you see in the mirror you trust the

pictures that you see to give an

accurate impression of what you look

like and you take action accordingly I’m

not trying to get you to doubt what you

see in a mirror I’m just saying that the

truth is you aren’t really seeing

yourself you were seeing a reflection

haven’t you ever seen one of these

mirrors that if you stand in front of it

it makes you tall and skinny or short

and fat haven’t you ever seen a mirror

that had waves in it they wasn’t a good

mirror and it was distorted and stuff so

the image that you see in a mirror can

be affected how do you know that what

you’re seeing in a mirror is actually


see I’m not trying to get you to doubt

what you’re saying I’m just saying that

you are taking by faith something that

you see well in a sense this is a

spiritual mirror the words that I speak

unto you they are spirit and they are

life what we need to do to find out what

we’re like in the spirit is discount

what we see taste ears smelling feel our

five senses and start going by the Word

of God and we use this like a spiritual

mirror and that’s what we’re going to do

and I’m going to start showing you

what’s taking place in the spirit realm

and I’ll tell you it’s going to

transform your life I’m excited about

this I believe that this teaching has

the potential of just transforming your

life this is what’s changed me and I

believe it’ll change you and also I want

to really encourage you once again that

we have this study guide now to go along

with our book on our video and our DVD

and our CD set so please call or write

and receive these materials today

Andrews four-part teaching titled spirit

soul and body is available in a CD album

or it’s available in a DVD album as seen

on tv ask 40 10:27 and be sure to

specify CD or DVD when you make a gift

of 13 pounds or more the first teaching

in the audio CD album is also available

for a donation of 3 pounds or more we

encourage everyone to send a gift but if

you’re simply unable to afford it Andrew

and his partners will provide this first

CD free of charge request teaching TK 91

and we’ll be pleased to send it to you

spirit soul and body the book is also

available when you send a gift to the

work of this ministry

request T 3:18 when you write call or go

to our website for the very first time

this teaching is available in a

companion study guide for a gift of 17


or more included is a cd-rom that allows

you to duplicate any resources needed

for each lesson request study guide T

418 when you contact the ministry the

very best way to reach a cyst through

our website you can order ministry

materials online 24 hours a day at a WME

net or you can use your credit card to

order by telephone our helpline number

is zero one nine two two four seven

three three hundred again that’s zero

one nine two two four seven three three

hundred when calling from outside the UK

you must dial your international calling

code then forty four one nine two two

four and three three hundred helpline

hours extend from 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Greenwich Mean Time if the lines are

jammed remember you can go to our

website and there’s no fee for reaching

us through the internet if you prefer to

write us our dress is a WME that’s

Andrew Wommack ministries of Europe P o

box for 392 Walsall WS 190 AR England we

hope to hear from you today I’d like to

encourage you to go visit our website we

have that address on your screen and I

tell you we have one of the most

powerful websites of anything I’ve ever

seen I get comments about how

user-friendly it is I have hundreds of

my teaching available for free downloads

and there’s literally been people’s

lives saved by having all of this

teaching material available to them free

of charge we have our living commentary

there I have about I think it’s eight

years or more of our television programs

that you can view right there on the

website we have about 10 or 11 years

worth of my radio programs there it’s

just a wealth of information so please

join us on our website

we’d like to point out Andrews upcoming

speaking schedule mark your calendars to

come meet Andrew at one of these events

and let the word of God transform your


he’ll be in Kampala Uganda July 11th and

12th he’ll also be in the northwest

province of South Africa on July 20th

and July 21st through the 23rd for more

details on Andrews next meeting in your

area call our helpline or visit our

website at a WME net I want to let you

know that on July the 20th through the

23rd I’m going to be ministering in

South Africa and I’m really excited to

be coming back this will be only my

second trip there on the 20th I’m going

to be ministering its spirit Word

ministries this is a Sunday afternoon

service and then on Monday through


Arthur min says and I know that that’s

not the way you pronounce his last name

but Arthur’s a very good friend of mine

and he is South African we’re going to

be holding a meeting on Monday through

Wednesday with morning and evening

services and it’s just going to be a

great time in Lourdes so remember this

is July the 20th at spirit word

ministries and then the 21st through the

23rd will be using their facilities for

our own conference there it’ll be called

a Grace and faith conference be sure to

tune in tomorrow for more gospel truth

every tangible thing that exists was

created out of something that can not be

seen it didn’t say that it was created

out of nothing see a lot of people will

say that that God just created the

world’s out of nothing note it was out

of things it was out of spiritual

reality things existed in the heart of

God God is a spirit God existed before

anything he created the existing there

was spiritual substance and God created

physical substance from spirit

substance so the worlds weren’t created

from nothing they were created from

spiritual reality so here’s what that

means the spirit realm is the parent

force certainly the parent has to be

greater than anything it creates