Amir Tsarfati with some of the family members here, the others are in the other car. Very important update, super important. I will give you a Middle-East update as soon as I can find the right time, it’s not easy. But the events in Afghanistan are having ripple effects all around the world. All around […]
Read more...Amir Tsarfati: The Second Coming of Jesus
There is a chronological sequence of events regarding the end times. Often, Christians see the second coming of Jesus and the rapture of the Church as the same event, when in reality, they are years apart and for different purposes. According to the Bible, when is the second coming of Jesus? What is the purpose? […]
Read more...Public Reading of Scripture, November 1 , 2020
I will give you a Middle-East update as soon as I can find the right time, it’s not easy. But the events in Afghanistan are having ripple effects all around the world. All around the world. And the US media is hiding it from the American people because they have to play the game […]
Read more...Amir Tsarfati: Post Election Special Update
Americans had 4 years to taste what it is to have a godly federal government that actually cares for its people. This angered the evil one and he was quick to react. What’s next? All around the world. And the US media is hiding it from the American people because they have to play […]
Read more...Interview by Amir Tsarfati: Jesus: Man or God?
The deity of Jesus Christ is something that has been under fire throughout the centuries. In fact, to the New Testament authors, it was one of the determining factors as to whether or not someone was holding to the truth. Does Jesus exemplify the same divine characteristics of the God we read about in the […]
Read more...Amir Tsarfati: How Close Are We to the Rapture?
How close are we to the rapture? This is a question that many Christians often ask themselves. While we may not know exactly when it will happen, we certainly know when it will not happen. And while we may not know the day or the hour, we do know the times and the seasons. God […]
Read more...Amir Tsarfati: The Illuminati and the One World Government
Amir’s teaching on the history of the satanic efforts of religions, cults, and the modern powerful elite to rule the world with “the light of Lucifer” as their guide. There is a deliberate plan and push for one leader and one-world government all around us. Amir Tsarfati with some of the family members here, the […]
Read more...Amir Tsarfati: The Satanic Plot to Reduce Earth’s Population
[Music] so the title of the message this morning as you guessed already is the Satanic plot to reduce Earth’s population you’re probably saying I knew it I knew it well Before we jump into conclusion or before we say stuff like I want to tell you that I made a habit throughout my short […]
Read more...Amir Tsarfati: The Rise of the One World Religion
A new religion is emerging and it is spreading fast. Unlike religious takeovers of the past, there is no fight taking place. In fact, the followers of many other belief systems have been quick to embrace it and incorporate it into their doctrine. It is a non-judgmental, feel-good religion of ecumenism and inclusion and acceptance […]
Read more...Amir Tsarfati: Israel and the Tribulation
God disciplines those He loves. For the nation of Israel, this time of correction is called Jacob’s Trouble, or the Tribulation. In Israel and the Tribulation, Amir Tsarfati looks at Israel’s rebellion against God before the period of correction begins, the peace and the horror the nation will experience during that time, and the spiritual […]