In Healing Your Wounded Soul, Dr. Winston teaches you that everything you deal with in life results from an issue in your soul (not your spirit), and can be corrected through the Word of God.

ANNOUNCER: The Believers
Walk of Faith is paid for by

Bill Winston Ministries
partners and viewers.

ANNOUNCER: Up next on The
Believers Walk of Faith.

BILL: When you see
it, you believe it, and

that’s the key to believing.
Believing with the heart

is to see it. You’re designed
to believe what you see

and if you could only see
trouble, that’s what you

believe. If you only see Chicago
as a murder place, that’s what

you believe. But if you can see
something beyond that, then God

can use you to deliver
Chicago, because his

power flows through
those who believe.

BILL: Hello, I’m Bill Winston,
and welcome to The Believers

Walk of Faith, where we
walk by faith and not

by sight. Well, we have a
continuation of a teaching that

I started on healing your
wounded soul. Now, I don’t know

whether you knew it or not, but
we were never designed to speak

anything that we didn’t want.
Now, your speech is powerful. I

mean, speech is what changed the
life of this woman with an issue

of blood. She had this 12 years,
and speech changed this thing.

Speech is what raised a man
named Lazarus from the dead

during the time of Jesus. I
mean, he had been dead four

days, and his body started to
decompose. Speech raised him up,

so it’s time to speak life to
your situation. I don’t care

what it looks like, speak life
to it. Over in Numbers chapter

14, in verse 28, and this is
when the children of Israel had

been receiving a report from the
leaders that, hey, there’re

giants in the land, and all of
that. Here’s what they said, “We

can’t take it. They’re giants.”
So forth and so on. And God said

this to them, “As surely as I
live,” saith the Lord, “that you

have spoken in my ears, that
will I do to you.” You see, you

got to watch what you say
because you get what you say.

Now, this message is going to
really, really bless you, so

let’s go into it. Get your
Bibles ready now. Let’s take

some good notes. It’s called
Healing the Wounded Soul.

BILL: Satan comes to keep you
from dreaming. His job …

Because he knows that if you
ever can see it, you got it. I

said, if you ever see it.

Amen. Yes. BILL: So, what

happens? Here’s a woman.
For she said, kept saying,

“If I can touch his
clothe, I’m going to

be made whole. If I can touch
his clothes.” Now, she’s

affecting her imagination. Got
it? And when the time was right,

then faith was full.
CONGREGATION: Come on, pastor.

Yeah. BILL: She got out of that
house, pressed through that

crowd and touched it. And he
said, “Who touched my clothes?”

They said, “Master, all these
people pushing on you. Say who

touched me.” He said, “No, no.
Somebody touched me.” She

touched him with a finger of

Watch this, and virtue flowed.
She felt in her body, she was

healed of that plague. Look at
the last verse in there. He

said, “Daughter, thy faith has
made thee whole. Go in peace and

be whole to that plague.” Now,
what am I tell you? All right,

let’s put it all together. God
has given you the ability to be

informed on a- CONGREGATION: …
another level. BILL: … another

level. Okay? So, if I got
another level of revelation,

I’ll have another level of
faith. CONGREGATION: Yeah. Amen.

Yes. BILL: Are y’all with me?

I’ve got another level of faith,
God is going to delivery

something to me that, folks that
are not at that level can’t even

get. Are following what I’m

Now, why does Satan want to stop
your imagination? Because your

imagination tears down the walls
of your natural mind. Your

imagination, watch this, creates
unlimited possibilities. Oh,

y’all got to get this. The
imagination is a powerful thing.

CONGREGATION: Come on, pastor.
BILL: Remember what he said in

Genesis chapter 11, I think it
was? He said, “Nothing will be

restrained from them.”

they have what? CONGREGATION:
Imagined. BILL: Imagined to do.

And that is what the world is
using right now. So, Satan knows

he can’t let you go anywhere, so
he takes up second Corinthians

chapter 10 and verse three.
“Thou we walk in the flesh, we

do not war after the flesh, for
the weapons of our warfare are

not carnal but mighty through
God to the …” What?

CONGREGATION: Pulling down.
BILL: “… pulling down of

stronghold and casting down …”
What? Imagination and every high

thing that exalt itself against
the Word of God. You ought to

cast that down. I said cast that
thing down. He knows-

… that if you see it, God will

deliver it. The only fight
you’ll have in it, is the fight

of what? CONGREGATION: Faith.
BILL: Faith. And faith fight is

not fighting people, watch this,
or fighting the devil. He’s

already defeated. Faith fight is
fighting to maintain your sight.

Boy, that came from the Holy
Ghost. CONGREGATION: Yes Lord.

Yes. BILL: What am I telling
you? CONGREGATION: Yes Lord.

BILL: This is your season.

what he said over here.

Joel chapter two. CONGREGATION:
Yes. BILL: Verse 28.

This is God. He said, “And it

shall come to pass afterward,
that I’m going to pour out my

spirit upon …” What?

All flesh. “And your sons and
your daughters shall …” What?

Prophesy. “And your old men

shall dream dreams.” Come one.
“And your young men’s,” come on,

“shall see vision.” All of those
are affecting your imagination.

yes Lord. Amen. BILL: Folks.

We’re about to be some dreaming
somebodies. CONGREGATION: Yeah.

Yes Lord. Yes Lord. BILL:
Imagination is designed to take

you past the limits that Satan
has set up in your life.

BILL: You can see yourself

getting in that yacht.

BILL: You can see yourself
saving 5,000 people.

BILL: How far can you see?

CONGREGATION: Yes, Lord Jesus.
BILL: God is not restricting

you. That’s what makes you like

Lord. Amen. BILL: When God
looked out and saw darkness,

what did he say? CONGREGATION:
Let there … Light. BILL: Let

there be light because light is
what he saw. Ye are gods.

BILL: Turn to your right and

tell your neighbor, “You know,
we’re gods.” CONGREGATION: We’re

gods. BILL: Go to the other side
and say that. “We’re gods.” Now,

come back to the first one and
say, “Do you believe it?”

CONGREGATION: Do you believe it?
Yes I do. Yes God. Yes, Lord

Jesus. Amen. Yes Lord. Amen.
Yeah. BILL: Look at Joshua.

Joshua chapter six, verse one.
Look at … Now, Jericho was

straight to shut up because of
the children of Israel. None

went out, none came in. And the
Lord said unto Joshua, “See? I

have given into your hand
Jericho,” and who else? The king

thereof, and who else? The
mighty men of God. Now, what

process do you think Joshua was
using to see that fight that he

hadn’t even been in yet? Look at
Joshua 1:8 and it’s telling the

process by which God taught him
to believe. He said, in Joshua

1:8, “This book of the law shall
not depart out of thy mouth but

thou shall …” What? Meditate
therein. CONGREGATION: Meditate

therein. BILL: How long?
CONGREGATION: Day and night.

BILL: “… day and night, that
thou may …” What?

“Observe to do according to …”

What? “All that’s written
therein.” Keep going. “And then

shall thy make thy way
prosperous, and then thy shall

have good success.”
CONGREGATION: Good success.

BILL: Now, wait a minute. Let’s
take this scripture for all the

religious people. When I say
religious, I mean as opposed to

Christ. It’s a thinking that
Satan wants us to think. He

doesn’t want us to see what this
verse is saying. Now, I’m going

to read this verse again but
every place you see ‘thy’, you

put your name in there. Your
first name. First name. This

book of the law shall not depart
out of- Bill’s mouth but Bill

shall meditate therein, day and
night, that Bill may observe to

do according to all that’s
written therein, for then Bill,

shall make Bill’s way
prosperous, and …

CONGREGATION: Come on, pastor.
BILL: You’re not waiting on God.

waiting on you. CONGREGATION:

Amen. Lord Jesus. Lord Jesus.
Amen. BILL: Let’s go to one

more. Now, what am I saying?
That when you see it, you

believe it. CONGREGATION: Yes.
BILL: And that’s the key to

believing. Believing with the
heart is to see it. You’re

designed to believe what you see
and if you could only see

trouble, that’s what you
believe. If you only see Chicago

as a murder place, that’s what
you believe. But if you can see

something beyond that, then God
can use you to deliver Chicago,

because his power flows through
those who believe. CONGREGATION:

Amen. Yes Lord. Amen. Yes Lord.
BILL: Are y’all with me?

right, let’s take at David. Now,

this is David coming to the
frontline. 17 years old.

Dreamer. Now, remember, Satan’s
trying to shut down your

dreamer. As you get older, start
really … You’ll notice, “Well,

I better stay in the house.
There’s a lot of things out

there.” See, notice the older
they get, the more closed in.

Why? Why? Stop dreaming.

dreaming. See, when you get to
80, you ought to be skydiving

but you can’t … Coming …
Stop dreaming. Stop dreaming,

see? I’m going to show you this
can affect your body, this could

… To neurosurgeons. I was
reading in Doctor Cho’s book

The 4th Deminseion. The
neurosurgeon said it’s amazing

that what people say is what the
nerve system picks up. And it

begins to do that in
their lives. He said

that’s why you got
to watch what you say.

BILL: He gave examples. He

said people who were saying
things, they got them because

you were never designed to
say what you didn’t want.

Amen. BILL: It says in James …

Look at James. James chapter
three and verse one, and two.

Watch this. Watch this now. “My
brethren, be not many masters

knowing that we shall receive
the greater condemnation. For,

in many things, we offend all.
If any man offend not in word,

the same is a perfect man,” and
able to do what to his whole

body? CONGREGATION: Bridle it.
BILL: Bridle it. Bridle it. Your

words were designed to control
your body. CONGREGATION: Oh God,

break it down. BILL: Are you
following what I’m saying?

show you something else too. Let

me show you this. This is found
in Proverbs. In Proverbs chapter

30. It’s verse 32. “If thou has
done foolishly in lifting up

thyself or if thou has …”
what? “Thought evil,” what do

you do next? Put your hand over
your mouth. Put your hand over

your mouth. Well, I tell you, I
have a whole thing lesson up

here. Maybe I’ll teach some of
it next time, but he’s talking

about how this tongue is able to
control your whole body, that

when you are saying certain
things, he said, “The speech

center in the brain rules over
all the nerves and as a result

of that, according to our
findings in neurology, the

speech center in the brain has
total dominion over all other

nerves.” So, we learn this in
the Bible, in James chapter

three. The neurologist began to
expound on these findings, and

he said this, that the speech
nerve center had such power over

all the body that simply
speaking can give one control

over his body, to manipulate it
in any way he wishes.

Someone says, “I’m going to

become weak.” He said, right
away, all the nerves receive

that message and they say,
“Well, let’s prepare to become

weak. We’ve received
instructions from our central

command of communication that we
should become weak.” So, they

then, in natural sequence, start
to adjust themselves for

physical weak attitude and
weakness. He said, someone says,

“Well, I have no ability. I
can’t do that job.” So forth and

so on. Right away, he says the
nerve endings begin to

acknowledge it, and, “We
received instructions from the

central nervous system, saying
that we have no ability to …

and we are to give up, and stop
striving to develop anymore.” He

said even saying, “I’m retired.”
He said they begin to relax and

so forth, and so on. So, you got
to find some other way to say.

So, my point to you is, even
when you have a wrong thought,

what do you do? Put your hand
over your mouth because your

next move is to say what you
think. And if Satan has given

you what to think, and you say
what Satan says, Satan says

backs it up. But if you’re
thinking from a higher level and

God gives you what to think, and
you say something that men don’t

understand, but God backs it up.
Folks, you can change your whole

environment. Say amen to that.

some things on there about
speech. Speech is the one that

changed this lady’s life, who
had the issue of blood. Am I

right about that? CONGREGATION:
Yeah. BILL: Speech is the one

that raised Lazarus from the
dead. Am I right about that? I’m

telling you speech, speech,
speech, speech, speech. And

Jesus told her, he said,
“Whosoever shall say to this

mountain, be thou removed …”
Why? Because God is waiting on

your speech. Now, let’s go to
David and we’ll quit. First

Samuel, chapter 17 again. “Then,
said the David to the

Philistines, thou cometh to me
with a sword and with a spear,

and with a shield but I’m coming
to you in the name of the Lord

of hosts. The God of the armies
of Israel whom you have defied.”

Watch this, “This day will the
Lord deliver you into my hand

and I will smack you, and take
thy hand from you, and I will

give the carcasses of the host
of the Philistines, this day, to

the fowl of the air and to the
wild beasts of the earth, that

all Israel may know that there
is a God in Israel.” Now, I want

you to see what he said. He
didn’t say, “I’m going to defeat

you.” He said, “I’m going to cut
your head off.” Watch this.

Watch this. “And see all your
army? I’m going to slay them.”

Now, notice, he’s getting that
thought from another level. Come

on. Come on. You go to be with
me. But God wants you to get

that thought because he wants
you to think like He thinks.

Jesus said, “Are you not gods?”

of you are children of the most

He said, “This day.”

said, “This day, I’m going to
…” He told Goliath, “I’m going

to slay you.” But then, he said
this … After he talked about

what he’s going to do with the
carcasses of the host of the

Philistines, he said, “I’m going
to do it this day. This is not

going to drag out. I’m not
going to be in this fight.”

CONGREGATION: Come on. Yeah.
BILL: Come on. This legal

battle, oh man, I’m not going to
be in it but one day. Come on.

This building I’m trying to
close in my business, I’m going

to close it this day. See, if
you don’t say it, God can’t do

Beautiful. BILL: I was looking

at this again. God showed me
something and I give credit to

Esther, because she got enough
courage to go before the king.

But God said, “I want you to go
look at that again.” Because

when Esther went, and she went
by faith, then the anointing of

favor came on her. Then, the
king gave her up to half-

his kingdom. But there was

something behind Esther. It’s
found in Esther chapter four,

verse 14. It was her uncle named
Mordecai. See, Mordecai said,

“Go in there and tell the king
that hey, he’s got to stop this

genocide order to kill all the
Jews.” Unjust, see? Unjust laws

being made. And Esther said, “I
can’t go in there. I haven’t

been invited.” And he said,
“Girl …” This is me now, this

first was … “For if you
altogether, hold your peace at

this time, then shall the
enlargement and deliverance

arise to the Jews from some
other place. But you and your

Father’s house shall be
destroyed, and who knoweth

whether thou art come into the
kingdom.” Come on. ” … for

such a time as this.” Girl, this
is why you’re here. And then,

she fasted, of course, and you
see in Esther chapter five, she

went in there and got the kings
favor, so forth and so on. But

notice, she was afraid to do
that. But notice what Mordecai

said. Mordecai said … Let me
say something, let me make it

clear who’s faith this is. “If
you don’t go in, God will get

somebody else.” Watch this,
“… and deliver us.”

read it. He said, verse 14, at
this time, that enlargement and

deliverance will arise to the
Jews from some other place.

“See, Esther, don’t think you
all that.” See, somebody coming

to church. They think they’re
all that. The pastor don’t

preach what I’m preaching, I’m
just leaving. Well, you ain’t

all that. Because if you leave,
10 more are coming in your

place, who will so loudly want
to do something. Now, you got to

say that because people think by
them trying to manipulate you,

but he said, “Wait a minute.” I
say, “I’m not trying to do that.

I’m just telling you to go and
help this nation.” Are you

follow this thing? Don’t think
you’re going to hold BW back

because I been studying that
word, Jack. I know God will

deliver me. You got watch people
because they fickle. “Hey, thank

you for Bill with the Lord.
Thank you.” And I preach

something they don’t like,
“Crucify him, Lord.” They’ll

say, “Hang him up, Lord.” No,
no, no, no. I am in the hands of

Almighty God. I got my own faith
and my own power. Now, give God

some praise because so do you.
He can’t stop you. He can’t hold

you back. He can’t stop you
dreaming. Come one. It’s time to

dream again. I have a
dream. Glory to God.

BILL: Well, I trust that
you were empowered by

today’s teaching. Now,
here’s a important point

you want to remember.
The imagination is

powerful. It’s designed to take
you past the situation that

you’re in right now, or past the
limits that the enemy has set up

for you. The enemy tries to
block us by feeding our

imagination with the wrong
thing, and because of it, many

times we get the wrong thing.
So, God wants us to imagine

things as he imagines for our
lives, and you’re going to see

that promise of God be
delivered. Here’s what he told

Abraham, “As far as you can see,
to thee will I give it and to

thy seed forever.” Look how God
counts on our imagination for

Him to deliver things to us. So,
if you can see it, God will

deliver it, and it’s your
time to see. Praise

God. Well, until next
time, this is Bill Winston

saying we love you and
keep walking by faith.

ANNOUNCER: It’s time to leave
behind the pain, conflicts, and

drama of life that the enemy
tries to use as wounds to gain

access to your soul. God
provides healing for your soul,

and it’s yours to claim today.
Dr. Bill Winston has prepared a

masterful four-part teaching
entitled Healing Your Wounded

Soul, that will allow you to
heal your troubled heart and

find peace in the storm. Heal
the wounds of your past, and

understand the power that is
within you is greater than any

challenge you may face. With
these four insightful messages,

you will get the understanding
you need to finally prosper by

removing the fences that fear
and un-forgiveness have placed

around you soul. This series
can be yours today when you call

800-711-9327 or go online to but wait, If you

really wanna experience
the manifestation of God’s

life-altering power, Dr. Winston
is offering the chance to get,

The Transformation Bundle.
In addition to the Four-part

message series, you will
receive this best-selling book.

Transform your thinking,
transform your life. The way you

view the world around you
directly influences the

circumstances of your life. If
you wanna be happy, whole, and

healthy then it begins with
correcting your thought process.

With this enlightening book
you will learn the secrets to

mastering your thoughts and how
to use them to create the life

you’ve always wanted. This
collection will help you move

God’s word from information
to revelation. Call us now at

800-711-9327 tor go online to and get this

must have bundle today. Christ
has promised you life more

abundantly. Let him come through
you unhindered so you can live

the extrordinary life He
has waiting for you.

Start your process
of healing today.

Bill and Veronica Winston

are dedicated to seeing
lives changed through

the power of prayer. Our loving
and highly trained prayer

ministers are ready to pray and
decree with you. We know that

prayer can turn around any
situation in your life. Contact

us by phone at 1877-543-9443 or
submit your prayer request

online at
er. Follow us on Periscope

and Facebook, to join
us for our regular live

prayer sessions. We want to
thank our partners who had made

this prayer call center
possible. Together, we are

transforming lives throughout
the world. If you are not a

partner, we encourage you to
pray about joining us in

partnership and be a part of the
wonderful work that God is doing

through this ministry.
We love you and look

forward to praying, and
partnering with you.

ANNOUNCER: The mission of Bill
Winston Ministries is to preach

the Gospel of the Kingdom
throughout the world. This

broadcast has been made
available to you through the

faithful support of Bill Winston
Ministry partners and friends.

We invite you to become a
partner and join Dr. Bill

Winston as he trains believers
hows to live independent of this

world’s system, and have
dominion over it. Thank you,

Bill Winston Ministry partners
and viewers for your continuous

support of The Believer’s Walk
of Faith Broadcast.

ANNOUNCER: The Beliver’s Walk
of Faith is paid for by Bill

Winston Ministries
partners and viewers.