God lives in eternity and we reside in time. The latter is a matrix that God created within eternity; however, He is not subject to it. To this end, God speaks to our existence in eternity to transform our reality. When He calls us, we recognize that we don’t fit in because He set us apart. Whenever God thrusts us into uncomfortable situations, He’s shifting us. During this transition, our feelings cannot be trusted as our self-worth isn’t predicated upon how we feel. Therefore, remain steadfast. We’re one decision away from a supernatural release!


I’m gonna go right into the word of God

we can pick up dog from God and I’m just

I’m ready to unload this thing I’m ready

I’m load this city kind of heavy I want

to get it out

hey man how many people came to get a

word from the Lord your God has been

dealing with me about this message all

week and I’m excited to be able to share

it with you

I believe God’s got to do great things

go to Jeremiah chapter 1 verse 4 through

5 yeah yeah and then go to judges 6 to

11 I’m gonna read judges 6 to 11 judges

6 to 11 first in 6 to 11 through 11

through 16 60 eleventh verse to 16 and

then i’ma pick up eighteenth verse just

for some extra it’s our custom to stand

for the reading of the word that’s why

people are standing all around you

they’re not leaving I don’t guess

hey man somebody when you get to judges

6 11 will read down to the 16th verse

and then we’ll read the 18th verse and

we’re going to go further when you

haven’t say man

the angel of the Lord came and sat down

under the oak in oak fra that belonged

to Joyce they are bars right where his

son Gideon was threshing wheat in a wide

press to keep it from the Midianites

watch that closely

he was threshing wheat in a wine press

to keep it from the Midianites now

really zoom in on this when the angel of

the Lord appeared to Gideon he said the

Lord is with you mighty warrior pardon

me my lord get him replied but if the

Lord is with us why is all this happened

to us that all the time if the Lord is

with us why has all this happened to us

where are all his wonders that our

ancestors told us about when they said

did not the Lord bring us up out of

Egypt but now the Lord has abandoned us

and given us into the hand of Midian see

this is gonna be real good for all of

those people going through something

right now and you feel abandoned and you

wonder is the Lord with you the Lord

turned to him and said go in the

strength you have if I good

see I have preached to you so long I

have produced a church full of preaches

I don’t even have to get to the point

you picking my points out for me go in

the strength you have and save Israel

out of the millions hand am I not

sending you pardon me my lord or say

what giddy replies but how can I save

Israel my clan is the weakest in Vanessa

and I am the least in my family the Lord

answered and said I will be with you and

you will strike down all the Midianites

leaving none alive oh my god getting it

so move that he said today wait wait

wait wait wait please do not go away

until I come back and bring my offering

and set it before you and the Lord said

I will wait till you return that’s good

hit them that’s good innit now remain

standing I’m gonna pray with you and

then I’m gonna preach and this is the

subject preach teach whatever it is we

got a little bit of drainage so don’t

let it distract you

this is my subject this morning I didn’t

know I was me

I didn’t know I was me I would have done

it differently but I


I didn’t know I was leaving I would have

paid more attention but I didn’t know I

was late I would have been more careful

but I didn’t know I was me I would have

resisted the enemy better but I didn’t

know I was me am I in the right house

let’s pray while we’re standing Spirit

of the Living God we stand here right

now in need of you there is no other

attraction there is no star there is no

vanguard there is no attraction here but

you anybody cannot come but you we need


you are the centerpiece of all that is

set at the table and I want you to

manifest yourself in this place that we

that we get more than we expected that

we receive more I want us to receive so

much that we eat off it all week yeah I

want to receive so much in our spirit

Lord that we walk out of here stronger

than when we came in I want you to touch

us in a supernatural way inform us

inspire us educate us impart to us

invigorate us motivate us liberate us

saturate us great God that you are I

believe you for stuff I don’t even have

the intellect to articulate

I’m asking you for things I can’t even

express I’m asking you to answer the

question that comes out as a groan the

pain that comes out as a sigh the

question that falls like a tear I want

you to read the sign language of my pain

get in the DNA of my spirit and move in

a supernatural way I thank you in

advance for what you’re going to do I

don’t even need to see you do it I

praise you now you can do it later in

Jesus name

come on father’s house do what you do


you may be seated

let’s go to work

I’m gonna spend the first five or ten

minutes getting into some fairly heavy

stuff which is the framework through

which I’m going to put the picture of

Gideon’s experiencee if you miss the the

opulence of the frame you will not be

able to appreciate the details of the

picture for the frame dignifies the

picture with context and what good is a

text below you back in the house

stand up bro I appreciate you’ve been

praying for you give God praise for this



devil thought he had him but he got away

he’ll they’ve brought it back in the

service of God welcome back

what good is a tax without context what

a good is music without score

what good is dance without feet

what good is rhythm without music

so putting the Texican context requires

that I begin this discussion from an

unusual place I want to begin it with

God with God God hips have got that the

notion of God not Church not religion

God the one who rules and super rules

and reigns it has absolute control the

auspicious one there are militant one

they aren’t in the present one they’re

all sufficient one the else have died

the consolation of Israel the mighty God

the Prince of Peace

God not appointed not elected God nobody

put him in nobody can take him out God

with all power the sovereign one nobody

can impeach him God the one who sits on

the circle of the earth that habit is

Easterlin earth is his footstool God who

gives you oxygen and movement and

freedom and liberty and life and

activity who kept your heart beating

while you were sleep

you know you didn’t do it but it was

beeping while you are it was still

beaten because god regulated your

temperature your blood pressure the

rhythm of the way the blood runs through

your cells was God orchestrate long

things up under his power I call him the

puppet master because he manages all the

artifacts on the stage of my life where

does God live what is a dress where can

I get to God where do I find him God

lives in eternity eternity doesn’t deal

with geographical locations or addresses

God lives in eternity and we live in

time hey I’m seeing all kind of folks

that know as I pray we live in time I

don’t know whether preaching eat chicken

wings God lives in eternity let’s think

about that God lives in eternity which

transcends time time is a matrix inside

of eternity think of time being

something that God created not subject

to in the beginning there was God before

there was the first day so God existed

before there was a calendar before there

were the watch before there was a tick

or talk there was God before there was a

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Saturday Sunday there was God before

them for the evening or morning there

was God before the Sun roles were set

there was God before the moon glistened

against a dark sky there was God before

the first earthquake trim it in the

ocean there was God there was God before

there was an angel there was God before

there was the choir there was God before

there was anybody there to acknowledge

him as God God is God God alone is God

and beside him


God lives in eternity if you don’t get

that into your spirit then your prayer

life is going to go kaput because you’re

never going to understand being a

creature of time with things like


you won’t understand God God didn’t have

to get in to get in a hurry because God

didn’t get old

God doesn’t get old because he’s not

subject to time anything subject to time

gets old

anything born out of time is ageless as

part of being eternal so when you start

talking about being eternal eternity

supersedes time time is a child of

eternity and offspring of eternity

eternity created time the celestial

created the terrestrial the divine

created the human the supernatural

created the natural in the beginning God

created the heavens and the earth and

the earth was without form and void and

darkness covered the face of the deep

but God was there to create it before

there wasn’t it to create are you

following me david says about God from

everlasting to everlasting thou art God

you are God before there was aware of

when or this or that you were God you

were God before there was anybody there

to tell you were God you were God God

alone God all by himself god of the

universe God of the world that’s why I

don’t pray to the universe because he

created the universe

why should I pray to what he created

when I could pray to the one who created

it this is good from everlasting to

everlasting thou art God from as far

back as I can see there was God and as

far ahead as I can see there was God God

is eternal so when you read the Bible

the Bible says all kinds of things that

don’t make sense if you don’t understand

that for instance it says that the lamb

was slain from the foundations of the

world in other words talking about Jesus

he was crucified before Adam and Eve

were born that means that God had the

answer in eternity before time produced

the question so whatever you’re asking

God to do in eternity it’s already done

it’s already settled let me prove job

said my witnesses in heaven my record is

on high and eternity it’s already done

it’s already finished and eternity

I’m already healed in eternity I’m

already blessed and eternity I’m already

loose and eternity I’m already set free

in eternity there are no wheelchairs and

eternity there are no broken limbs and

eternity there is no sadness and

eternity there is no ability God lives

in eternity he created time so I would

have an address so I would have a

concept so I would have appreciation

today’s teach me the number of my days

so I may know how frail I am he created

time so I wouldn’t take life for granted

he created time so I would appreciate my

life and your life he who created time

so I would get the courage to say things

to you that I wouldn’t say because I’m

running out of time

if I was an eternal being I would think

about it longer maybe not say it ever

because I have the eternity to even

think about it

but since we’re running out of time the

older I get the older I get the sharper

I get the quicker I’ll tell you when I

was thirty I might not would tell you

but at sixty I will let you have it I


will let you have it and not look back

to see how you felt about it because I’m

running out of time running out of time

and should get to the point running out

of time makes you say what needs to be

said God lives in eternity we live in

time so God is neither coming or going

he is always here remember when Moses

said who shall I say sent me and God

said I am that I am not our wars or will

be I am because he’s always present he

is the same yesterday today and forever

more I am in today I can’t go back to

yesterday I’m waiting on tomorrow but

God is in tomorrow while I’m in today

that’s why we God gives me a word today

he can heal something that broke

yesterday because he’s not subject to

dates he can say something now that

heals something that happened 20 years


he gets weeks up now that changes the

outcome of something that happens thirty

years from now because God lives in

eternity I live in town


I wanna I have to go deeper sadly if I

get on this I gotta go deeper if you

read the the creation story in the book

of Genesis over and over again you will

see the word read he restored he


he redeemed we is to do over again okay

he did it over again he did it over get

has been done before

oh wow it’s been done before somebody

said before see the problem is I can’t

remember what was before because I am

here present now but I can’t remember

what was before when the Bible says that

God redeemed us or restored us or

redelivery us or redeemed us from the

curse of the law from sin or death

it suggests that there was something

between me and him before before what

before time

okay I’m a Jeremiah’s gonna help me out

I got myself in trouble but Jeremiah’s

gonna put me out Jeremiah one four five

one chapter one chapter verse four and


Jeremiah check this out he’s still in

frame I haven’t got to the picture the

word of the Lord came unto me saying

before before before before before

before before before before before

before before before before before

before before your momma’s ankles swole

before her belly got big before her face

broke out of the ration before she threw

up the first mornin and told her husband

baby I’m saying before I formed you in

the womb I knew you before before I

formed you before you had your first

birthday before you were one week old

before you were one day old before your

mama was pregnant I knew you before you

were born before you were born before

you were born I set you apart I set you

apart I lived for you to be different

before you ever even got here I live for

you to be different and you spent the

first 20 years of your life trying to

fit in but the reason you never fit in

and said I set you apart before you ever

even got here you didn’t even fit in

with your neighbors you didn’t fit in

with your friends oh you don’t even fit

in your family

you’re the one you’re the only one in

your family who thinks like you think

because I said you apart before I formed

you in the belly I’ve lived for you to

be different so don’t be upset over the

people who didn’t like you who thought

you thought you were cute who didn’t

like your hair I don’t care how you

changed your hair

change your walk change your talk I

meant for you to be an outcast rejected


I lived for you to be different before I

formed you in the belly I knew you I

would date you I set you apart oh my god

this is good so he knew me in eternity

past okay this is eternity eternity past

is an oxymoron eternity past is an

oxymoron it is it is two things that

totally disagree with each other

eternity can’t have a pass but the

Eternity is my only way of describing

God and past is my human attempt to

express an anthropomorphic reality an

anthropomorphic reality anthro is human

is a human attempt to describe something

that is divine

so eternity past present and future past

present and future are human terms

eternity is God terms eternity past

before I was born

he knew me he knew me he formed me

because he knew me I had a relationship

with him before I had a relationship

with him before I met my mother


that’s why when he called me I

recognized his voice he said my sheep

know my voice Oh stranger they will not

follow that’s why you go to church and

get blessed and the person you went with

did get nothing maybe they didn’t

recognize the voice I knew the voice

before I read the Bible you know the

word but I know the voice you don’t hear

what I’m saying a lot of people don’t

scripture but they don’t know the boy he

said my sheep know my voice a stranger

they will not follow and some kind of

way his voice resonated with me because

I knew him before he said before I

formed thee in the belly when you were

just a spirit and I was just a spirit we

mill each other on a spiritual level we

connected we hooked up we got together I

agreed to send you in the time but

here’s the deal if you go in the time

you’re gonna forget what we had in

eternity that’s what being lost is about

big the reason I’m lost

I can’t be first of all I can’t be lost

if I don’t belong to said ladder and I

can’t be lost if there’s not a place for

me so the whole notion of being lost

isn’t it it’s not just about sinful

activity it’s about not remembering so

so he he chose me in him before the

foundation of the world that’s what the

Bible said he chose me in him he picked

me out and then sent me at the time now

Thomas I’m a sitting at the time when I

send you at the time you will walk in

the time and the moment you come out of

your mother’s home you won’t remember

that she literally before but I set you


I won’t lose track of you I set you

apart and when I get ready for you I’m

going to call you and when I call you

you’re gonna recognize my voice though

you don’t remember what we had before

I will prove this can I prove this to

you okay go to Romans 8:29 in 30 look at

this right way it’s just a frame it’s

not the picture for those God foreknew

he also predestined to be to be oh this

is so good for those God we’ve gone

backwards for new for those God before

new those are people that God before new

that’s what for new leads before new he

also this is future predestined okay

because I do you before I predestined

you to be conformed to the image of his

dear son did god imagine then he might

be the firstborn among many brethren

come on and those he predestined he also

called when they go back to 29 again for

those God foreknew he also predestined

to be conformed to the image of his son

that he might be the firstborn among

many brother all of that he did without

me knowing it I can’t remember it come

on and those he predestined he he also

he also this is when I found out he also

he also he also he also he also he also

he also he also that’s when I found out

I was his when he called me that’s when

I realized that I wasn’t what they

called me

I wasn’t what he called me I wasn’t what

she called me I was what are you hearing

what I’m saying so when he called me

were having probable one that’s great

but when he called me that’s what I

realized that’s him that’s him and

because he told me that’s when I became

aware of who I was before and it doesn’t

matter what I was in when he called me

he called me I could have been at a

strip club but he called me I could have

been in a gay bar that he called me I

did a bit of howl and crack but he

called me and all of a sudden what used

to make me happy that made me happy


and what you should give me joy that

give me joy any boy because God has a

way of disrupting your life because he

called you when he called you did I like

any faces I didn’t give you the

description jermeir but I like the

scripture aphasia for denying having

made known unto us the mystery of his

will that’s that’s what called is is to

make you know the mystery of his will

you are more than what you’re doing he

made known unto me the mystery of his

will I meant for you to be raised the

way you were raised I meant for you to

go through the pain you went through I

meant for you to be rejected I know it’s

a mystery but all things are gonna work

together for your good

I’m gonna make know there’s a purpose in

your pain you’re not just having pain to

have pain I’m birthing something in you

I’m birthing something out of you this

is not just arbitrary pain this is

playing for a reason I’m bringing

something out of you I’m gonna show you

who you really are

because who you really are is a mystery

who you really are

is a mystery you work with people who

don’t really know you you live around

people who don’t really get you you may

have married somebody who didn’t get you

oh we go get off there cuz you sitting

beside him you won’t say nothing so just

keep looking at him look confused

I got a lot of energy doing something

that I really wasn’t predestined to do

maybe I did it because you wanted it

from me maybe I did it because my

parents wanted it from me maybe I did it

because my wife wanted it from me maybe

I did it because it was easy for me

maybe I did it because I had some talent

in it but it doesn’t give me fulfillment

because it is not it

you got me now to Mattacks


when we step into this case we step into

utter chaos I want to paint it for you

the Amalekites were more massive than

the Israelites they were more dominant

they were brutal warriors their

Malachi’s were brutal and how they kill

they preyed on women and children they

killed off those that were weaker

physically first they would do anything

to get advantage of a nation they were

cruel and worse still they had hooked up

with the Midianites people who don’t

even like each other will get together

they hate you in another class I call

them comrades comrades are people who

the only thing they have in common is

what they’re against constituents of

people who the only thing they have in

common is where they are going and

confidence the only thing they have in

common is you so you have confidants who

are for you you have constituents who

are for where you’re going

the only thing about constituents if

they see somebody getting there quicker

they’ll leap out of your car into their

car because they never liked you they

liked where you were going and comrades

the only reason they are together it’s

the only thing they have in common is

their hatred of you or something so the

Amalekites and the Mennonites were

comrades against Israel and it was

working it hit be destroyed on top all

Israel has given up everything and

they’re now hiding in case the people

God delivered in last Sunday’s message

the people that God set free last Sunday

and we were shouting all over the place

the people who danced on the dead bones

of Pharaoh these are their children’s

children’s children and they’re in

trouble again and now they’re back in

trouble again and the Lord is using

their enemies to teach that should have

rung home and that didn’t ring home your

Bell is broke God uses your enemies to

teach he doesn’t use your enemies

because they’re stronger than you he

uses your enemies to teach so God is

using the Amalekites of the Midianites

to teach Israel you have gotten out of

control you have left the teachings of

your fathers you have started

worshipping idol gods and I’m gonna

allow you to be defeated until I get

your attention because you’re so

impressed with yourself I’m gonna break

your heart till I bring you to your

knees so you will discover me

you were too successful you were too

powerful you were winning on every front

and I had to show you something to

Humble you to make you submit so God is

using the Amalekites and the Midianites

he’s not using the israelites even

though the israelites are his people God

uses your enemies if he won’t hear his

word that means your carnal then he had

to speak to your circumstance then he

uses your circumstance because you

ignored his word and God uses your

enemies to bring you in line


Israel’s beat up bad famine is in the


every time they grow up crop the

Amalekites of Midianites come out and

kill and destroy it and now we come into

a text for Gideon is hiding his harvest

I’m gonna get back to y’all have y’all

ever hid your harvest has God ever

blessed you but you didn’t want to show


they phony imma talk to y’all has God

ever done something for you giving you a

blessing he was afraid to wear it he was

afraid to drive it cuz you know how they

are and they can’t handle what he did

when when you step into the text Gideon

is hiding his harvest in the wild press

he is the Bible says he is threshing

wheat in the winepress for fear of the

Midianites because if they find out that

they got any kind of harvest they’re

gonna take that too

it’s a hard thing to live around haters

is it uncomfortable reality when you

have to dumb down how bright you are so

because you’re around somebody so

insecure that they can’t handle the

brilliancy of your intellectual capacity

and so you got a going to hood talk yo

you the border about yo

because if you appear too bright often

the person who hired you

how could you pick me and then want me

to be stupid but the person who picked

you after the patron or the people

around you they were after his harvest

and so he’s trying to cultivate his

harvest and he’s down in the winepress

threshing weed now and I could stay

there all day I can’t tell you how many

times I had to put my wheat in the

winepress I’ve been aware that I better

not drive there I better not say that

Beverly see where we gonna eat though

let’s not meet at the house we don’t

meet it papa dose victim because if if I

press my wheat in the open where my

blessed people holler at your boy


you got a new house but you can’t tell

your cousin Joe so you act like you

listen I’m talking about dressing your

weed into a dress and there he is

threshing his suite in the land

president because Gideon sees himself as

a farmer he’s very sweet he has a

harvest he thinks that’s who he is and

he’s down in the winepress harvesting

but fussing now look at this here’s his

strength a he’s women but his people are

losing and inequity in your associate in

your sociological environment creates a

painful experience because the people

who love you to love what you got and

the people who love what you got

don’t love you



and now you got a little bit of wheat

but you got to get down in the winepress

and he’s stretching in Sweden in the

winepress he understands himself to be a

farmer and and he’s angry he’s angry

because he never met the god of the Red

Sea I preached about last week but he

heard about it his grandmama in Madeira

and then they told him about the God

that delivered the children of Israel

across the Red Sea and brought them

through on dry ground and delivered them

up safely on the other side but he sees

no millenials he sees no relationship

with traditional religion and where he

is in his life and he’s mad about it

since where it’s a God of our fathers

and through what that stuff it don’t

work if it worked like Grandma Underhill

said it worked how come they’re

malachite see the Midianites

are killing our people so I have

concluded ain’t nothing to this if God

was this good why aren’t you helping me

about every 100th comment I get on

social media is some version of this

that’s nice what you’re saying rare but

if God was all of that why am i holy

it’s let me tell you let me stop and

answer the question so you don’t have to

write this this week I made December

God will not overrule your choices

it is easier for you to be angry at God

than to take responsibility for the

mistakes you made that brought you into

the situation that you were in and by

the way you never asked him before you

made the choices that you made but now

he gets the punishment for the choice

you made and you’re never gonna get out

until you take responsibility or I will

get some mail on that God heal you just

in time I believe a lawyer


and he doesn’t know that while he’s

complaining about neither delivers of

where is God and he is looking for God

that God is looking for you and the

Bible says that the angel of the Lord

sat down by the winepress now we got the

angel of the Lord sitting down by the


we got Gideon who thinks he’s a farmer

in the winepress Thresh’s week I need to

underscore that the wine place is the

winepress is the place of transition I

need to underscore that the Lord has you

here this morning because you’re in the

middle of a transition

and anytime you’re in transition

every emotion in the world comes out of

you anger and sadness and frustration

and fear and doubt and strife and in

everything comes out of you because

you’re in an unstable environment you’ve

heard me talk about being with a weight

trainer being on a ball I hate them

balls I hate them bouncing domani

they’re from the devil they’re from the

pits of hell give me a give me a

put me on something solid and I

can bear to wait but they put you on the

ball in an unstable environment because

unstable environments make you activate

core strength now you’re in the

threshing-floor it’s an unstable

environment and and he’s having to

activate core strength and everything is

coming out of it and he’s upset with God

that he’s upstairs set with the religion

he’s been taught and he said who’s gonna

come and deliver us out of this we’re

swearing he’s gonna get me out of there

this your fault God is always when all

else fails blame God just blame God the

woman now gave me remember that with

Adam I’m in this rescue gave her to me

that was a subtle way of saying it’s

your fault not I ate the fruit not I ran

out on her not I cheated not not I’d

have worked in two years no the woman’s

out gave it it’s your father ever talk

about don’t do it don’t do it

I’m doing

conviction is good for the soul it’s

gonna be alright

breathe me and breathe out breathing me

that you’re gonna make it and all of us

and he’s trying to figure out why

doesn’t God work the way I told him to

and isn’t that what most of us are

trying to figure out why doesn’t God

work the way I’d told him to the way I

expected him to the way I wanted him to

why didn’t God do what I wanted him to

do when I told him it excuse me

God the work for you God is not on your

payroll God doesn’t have to listen to

you before he God is God an angel is

just checking about the Angelus just

sitting by the whale watching this fool

I don’t guess I should have said that I

don’t know whether you can say that on

Sunday morning on well it’s out there

now he’s watching this young man

he’s watching him go through what the

wheat is going through the wheat is

being beat down to food all the chaff is

being beat away so that the wheat falls

to the ground and whenever God puts you

in an uncomfortable situation he’s

sifting you what matters what doesn’t

matter what’s real what’s not real what

counts but doesn’t count who I can’t

have who I can’t live without where my

real people at holla at you boy

you go through these periods where you

get stuck in this wine press and he

starts shaking away stuff that you

thought your head and they said

comfortable and it’s painful and it’s

brutal and his bar bag and he’s beating

me like wait in the wine dress away from

the crowd trying to get me down to my

core values trying to fix me in my roots

trying to get me together where it

matters not in my image he’s he’s not

tenting my picture for Instagram

enhancing my accessories accentuating my

positives he is beating my heart in

because he is beating the wheat in the

wine dress I’ve talked to you today

because the Lord has showed me that I

would get to talk to people today whose

wheat is being beaten

and if su and you’re here today I want

you to know that you’re not in there by

yourself I want I want you to know that

God has sent an angel

down to the winepress to help you make

sense out of this time in your life

because sometimes life doesn’t make



how could you bless the Amalekites and

the Midianites and not me where is the

God that I hear about on Sunday morning

or where is he on Monday

where is he in this unemployment line

where where where where is God in this

divorce where is God and I’m HIV

positive where is where is God and I’m

being beat any places I can’t talk about

I’m being beaten the winepress I’m down

I’m down on the in something being B and

waking up in the morning and talking

about welcome to JC Penney’s good

morning may I help you this way

anything you need oh I’m so glad I can

help you and and all the while I’m

smiling for people I’m being beating the

winepress now y’all tell me did I hear

from God this morning

the unpress ism is the place where the

grapes find out that they’re meant to be

wine the wheat is it’s being beaten so

that it may become bread and what’s

going on in the wine press with the

wheat it’s going on in the life of

gideon who understands himself to be a

farmer and the angel is sitting on the

side watching him do to the wheat what

God is doing to him

only instead of Gideon beating the wheat

God is using their Moloch Heights and

the Midianites to beat his sweet to only

his sweet is us trying to get bread out

of wheat trying to get wine out of


trying to get get in to discover who he


so the angel says to him I’ll finish

next Sunday god bless

he said you got jokes the angel in his

greeting and his greeting creates

disruption he says to get in hey mighty

man of Valor you’re a warrior

what I’m just surprised are my gob

trying to make a living down here and

it’s well trying to deal with some stuff

trying to get paid didn’t met him away

so I can get some money and go back feed

my hungry kids and buy some time for

stuff I’m I’m not one of them people

could it could it be possible one of us

have got to be wrong cuz I think I’m a

gardener and you think I’m a warrior why

did you call me that

I am kind of attracted to it but I mean

it would be nice but I’m I’m from the

smallest tribe and I’m the youngest in

the track this is when we build up

evidence to talk us out of dreams we

build evidence to dissuade us from going


he has rationalized this is not no

immediate thought this is not like

something you cough up up the top of

your head he has given this far I belong

to the smallest tribe I’m the youngest

person don’t expect much for me

don’t experiments for me I’m a woman

don’t expect much for me I’m a minority

don’t expect too much from the I didn’t

finish school don’t expect too much from

me my mother didn’t raise me don’t

expect too much from me I didn’t have

father we build up this story to support

who we think we are and then the reasons

that make us able to cope with the

limitations and it gives us somebody to

hate that’s what I like about it that’s

why I like if I give somebody hate if he

to raise me if he’d have stayed home or

if you to love me like you were supposed

to love me I wouldn’t be like this it

gives me a license to hate you and blame

you for why I didn’t become

oh it’s good I told you they were going

like this now when we were talking about

this at the house and here comes a call

a high calling a divine call a

supernatural calling that has classified

information about me then I don’t have

on myself and the angel is speaking out

of his knowledge of how I was designed

and I’m living out of my knowledge of

what I grew up around and I have to

decide in this struggle which one of

these entities is going to win this

fight when I grew up around or what I

was created to be because one of them

are going to determine what the

trajectory of my future looks like who

am i preaching to


you remember when me and Jules started

that wonder inside and company you

remember that I got laid off in Union

Carbide that he started the wind inside

and company and did me a favor hiring me

to come in there we was gonna do like

daddy and wished on being a family


and we opened up the windows inside and

company and we kept getting into trouble

and and ran out of money and I ended up

losing my car and I didn’t have no car

because I was following his vision for

my life when I put my car up to get the

business out I did it because I loved my

brother and I did it because I wanted us

to win I did it because I wanted us to

succeed but I also did it because I

didn’t know I was me


and I known I was Legion I would have

step right over top of the windows

inside and company getting is in the

winepress because it is possible not to

know who you are who you really are and

your core and your essence what you were

created to be what your potentials are

what you can reach what you can become

what you can withstand what you can

endure how tough you really are how

strong you really are how tenacious you

really are it is possible not to Lord

because your feelings don’t always

validate your reality your you can feel

like collapsing and still be fighting

you can feel like the victim and be the

victor you can feel limited and still

haven’t exhausted all as inside of you

you cannot define yourself by how you

feel your feelings cannot be trusted

your feelings were lied to you your

feelings will deceive your feelings will

help you in the winepress your feelings

will have you down in the winepress eat

love wheat oh my god you cannot trust

how you feel

because your feelings are conglomerate

of your experiences they are built off

for your history not your destiny

they are your response to what happened

not what’s about to happen your praise

is about what’s about to happen your

praise is expectation that this is over

yet your praise is about a happy ending

on the other side of this trial your


I’m not praising God konami boasts

enough have not praising God because our

religions have my praise a job because

I’m black I’m praising God because I

have an expectations of crazy






click on about it feel the power of this

room sunny South yeah


yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

yeah yeah yeah I will tear down some

steak and bacon I’m gonna get rid of

some limitations that have been imposed

upon you that are limiting you from

achieving what you will put on this

earth to do I rebuke every lying spirit

that ever spoke up in your head that is

contrasting your past




everybody who’s tracking me everybody

who’s tracking this word this lorry

touch your neighbor said I think there’s

something else inside of me I think I

think I think there’s something else

inside of me I think there’s something

else inside of me I think I think

there’s something else inside of me I

think I think I got something I don’t

know what to call it yet I though

understanding yet but I I think I got

some I think there’s something else

inside of me and though I had to fool

but I think there’s certain inside of me

not been strung out on drugs but I think

there’s something else inside of me I’ve

been living with this man think of

something else inside me of the

mountains sound of the drug


yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

I feel it I feel it I feel it I’m

talking to somebody I don’t know who it

is but I’m talking to somebody can I

preach this thing shall I preach this

thing I want to preach this thing that’s

money I would appreciate do you get a

breakthrough I’m gonna preach until you

have an awakening

I wanna bridgett until you come to

yourself how about a preacher the do you

wake up out of your sleep

attention about the neighbors hand

because something else inside of me I

would have died but I think that some

else inside of me I would have lost my

man but I think there’s something else

inside of me I would have thrown in the



I’m thinkin I think I think I think your

sentence is handed me I don’t think I’m

gonna die today cuz I think there might

be something else inside of me I don’t

think I’m gonna give up right now

because I think there’s something else

inside me I don’t think I’m gonna quit

just yet because I think there’s a

message on it I may be going through a

bad season

I may have to cry myself to sleep and

they have to rock my pill until I go to

bed at night I may have to go to work in

a raggedy car but I think there’s

something else inside of me I might be

in a bankruptcy but I’m gonna sit down

with me can I go a little bit different

I feel so about to break in this way I

feel like something is about to break

wide open in this way

I’m not gonna stop til I get it I’m not

gonna stop I’m not gonna stop til I get

it I’m not gonna stop the morrow that

the angel tells Gideon he’s a warrior he

throws him into conflict how can this be

my tribe is Vanessa it’s the smallest

tribe I’m the youngest person how can

this be

we’re at war with the Amalekites of the

Midianites and their women acted how can

I be a mighty warrior I’m at the lowest

point and I’m the youngest person in the

smallest tribe in the worst situation

and God comes as here some absolutely

light you are madam Anna batma

that’s what it’s like coming in this

church sometime because everything all

week long says give up and down and then

you come here on Sunday morning and I’m

telling you you are the head and not the


you are Barbra not to me you are more

than a conqueror you can do all things

through Christ which strengthens you God

didn’t bring you this far to leave you

God didn’t take you to everything you’ve

been through for you to get here and die

in the winepress I came to tell you



so I was out in Kenya two weeks ago and

I was doing an interview with the lady

and and and she said she was talking

about my different business ventures and

we dabbled in real estate and doing some

films and done all of that stuff and she

said and what do you think about all of

that since you are a preacher I said

wait a minute so let’s let’s let’s

correct something June 1957 when my mama

pushed me out she didn’t push out a

preacher just because you met me when I

started preaching those define me by how

she let me I was a person before I was a


I didn’t start living when I started

preaching on I had gifts and talents and

passions and dreams and vision from the

beginning so don’t put me in your little

cubicle of your understanding of me and

exile me to spend the rest of my life

living up to what you’re comfortable

with I’m gonna make you uncomfortable

because I’m gonna do me

I’m gonna do me all the way to the end

of the game I am going to do me there

has never been another meet there will

never be another meet my son got my name

in hearing me do what I do like I do


did you hear what I’ve said


you are frigid oh oh one of the time

nobody has your fingerprint nobody has

your boys friend nobody has so style

your flap no grace no creativity


sublime zippers are bad

which is good for the white folks


but my white numbers bad is good over

here except sometimes bad it’s an

African American colloquialism

but it’s good it is

nom nom seeking somebody watching

something I’m seeking I’m seeking for

somebody I’m thinking like a drone sent

on a mission

it is haunting nagging feeling it is a

disturbing Restless feeling it is it is

a feeling that you can’t get drunk over

smoke over layup over it interrupts all

of those human proclivities with the

haunting suspicion that I might be lured

and I thought I’m honing in I’m holding

any and I’m honing in on somebody who

got in the back of your mind I’m not

talking about arrogance I’m not talking

about superfluity I’m not talking about

opulence and excessive ignorance I’m

talking about this nagging angelic voice

that keeps calling you something that

you don’t see it and and it’s in the

back of your head I think I might be

more and so you try to talk yourself out

of it you say I’m too old to be anything

more if I was gonna be more I should

have been more when I was younger but if

Harland Sanders would have done that we

wouldn’t have KFC


who starts a business at 65 on Social

Security we tell ourselves these stories

too long our dreams to sleep to enesta

sighs the pain of becoming because we

don’t want to wrestle with who I might

be and Angel has called me something

that that does not reflect in my

situation does not reflect in my feeling

so it’s not reflecting my circumstances

I didn’t know I know just like the

father’s house

check this out I didn’t know was me

I let him beat me because I didn’t know

I was me

I became because I didn’t know I

was man I dropped out of school because

I didn’t know I was when I went to gym

because I didn’t know I didn’t know I

let you beat me cuz I didn’t know I was

me I thought I needed you cuz I didn’t

office me I thought you had more power

than you asked me to do for that I

thought your opinion wouldn’t make me a

Britney cuz I didn’t know I didn’t know

it was me I didn’t normally I didn’t

know what I was me but it haunted me it

worried me it frustrated they made me

discontent on all my jobs and wherever I

went wherever I tried to rest

the sole of my foot I found the rest

because because in the back of my mind

that was his haunting nagging feeling

that that I was born to do something

else why was it why would not be happy

to be on the ground when I think I can

fly what what is going on

you mean I see colors where everybody

else sees black and white

I see possibilities where other people

say that’s impossible and I don’t know

what you see is down inside of me what

am I supposed to do with it I’m from the

smallest tribe I’m the youngest person

I’m broke

how am I supposed to do this I’m talking

to somebody I’m the drone is getting

closer to your head sis feel I’m gonna

hit you right in the head in a minute

I didn’t know I didn’t know I was me and

so I became yours because I didn’t know

I was me and I’ll let you use me because

I didn’t know you I was made and I let

you do stuff to me there now I’m

embarrassed about me cuz I didn’t know I

didn’t know I was me don’t hold my

passing give me I didn’t know I was me I

didn’t know I didn’t know if I would

have known I was me either never met you

I’ve met you in the absence of me I met

you to fill the void of not knowing I

was leaved I didn’t know I didn’t know I

was me so when you left me I almost lost

my mind because I didn’t know it was me

when they fired me I felt like war my

brains out because I thought I was my

job and then I woke up and realized I’m

bigger than my job and I’m bigger than

my church and I’m digging in my city and

I’m bigger than my second chance and you

know what I’m bigger than you I’m bigger

than you

cuz I Know Who I am and I know where I

am and I know what I got going on and I

know what I could do and I know what I

watch this



bedrooms has hit somebody in the head

how bad somebody said watch this


gideon dropped his wings gideon brought

this week because somebody called him a

warrior and it made him know that he was

more than what he was doing and after

wrestling with god in struggling with

God and putting fleece before God he

started weight he started living in the

middle of his life because life doesn’t

begin when your mama pushes you out

light begins when you find out who you



life begins when it hits you in the back

of your head I’m better than this I’m

bigger than my circumstances I got a

destiny and a purpose on my life God

created me for a reason he called me for

a purpose I am in this world to do

something my preacher doing here

and get him doesn’t even know that he’s

gonna be in the book of Judges he

doesn’t know that he is going to lead

the army that drives out the Midianites

renders helpless there malachite that he

is going to take less men and kill more

people with less men than we have ever

seen done in the history of the

scriptures if he can get out of this pit

and somebody in this room

you’re one pit away from supernatural

purpose and the Lord told me that if I

would preach this message this morning

it would wake somebody up to get up out

of that that they will come into another

understanding of who they were that God

would do something amazing and there

God told me if I preach this message

this Florida somebody would drop their

wheat and grab their sword and stand up

on their feet again I’m understanding

who am i preaching to this one

you got something to do in this stage of

your life that is greater than anything

you have ever done in your entire life

in fact everything in your past was

getting you ready for what you’re about

to do in your life if I’m preaching to

you make some noise in this





God pick the smallest tribe and the

youngest guy with the wash attitude to

lead a mass of people and Gideon starts

out with nine thousand and then God says

take him down to the brook and only

choose two men who like water like a dog

and when they got down to the brook hall

of the man who drank in a fancy way

we’re not chosen because you can’t have

two cute people not with you in a fight

you can’t have somebody who got to have

on the stilettos not with you in a fight

you can’t have somebody who got eglise

footprints frickin nails on not with you

in a fight they said take out 300 men

that will lack water like a dog that

will get down on their knees and start

lapping 300 men and don’t have nothing

to lose don’t care what they look this

is a season that you have to surround

yourself with people who know how to get


this is a feed them that God is gonna

take you who am i preaching to


so this is where we’re at right now

the anointing of God is in this place

the Spirit of God is here the glory of

the Lord is in this place

the Lord has you here for a reason there

is something that God is getting ready

to do in your life there’s something

that God has for you that’s important

and I’m telling you not knowing is the


not knowing who you are is a real


live in your life according to what

other people said about you is a real


living the life based on your net worth

is a real problem the message is called

I didn’t know I was me lord have mercy I

feel like I’m supposed to preach this

today I feel like I’m talking to

somebody today I feel like the Holy

Spirit is pushing in on somebody


gideon would be shocked to find out he

made the babble Gideon was shocked to

find out that he could fight Gideon was

shocked to find out watch this that he

was the guy he’d been praying asking God

to sin he didn’t have he didn’t know

that he was the people he’d been waiting

oh let me bring him down he didn’t know

that he was trying to get other people

to love him because he didn’t love

himself let me bring it down to

reachable goals he didn’t know that he

was trying to find in other people what

God had placed it’s out of him he didn’t

know that he was asking God to sin what

he already was but that day in the

winepress with weed everywhere in chaff

on the ground the angel called him

something that he couldn’t see but he

became what he was called before God

formed you in your mother’s belly he

knew you

out of the millions of sperm cells your

father shot into your mother before you

ever read a Bible one sellout swam them

all the odds were against you before you

got here and when you want a cellular

level you out swam the rest that’s how

you got here that’s how you start

sometimes when you come from eternity in

the time you don’t remember who you were

before but it’s services like this where

God calls you and he makes you know

things about yourself that you didn’t

know this message is a confirmation

jail I was the last person to know I was

TD jakes I didn’t know that

the books were being translated in the

different languages I did I didn’t know

I saw it but I didn’t see the stadiums

were full people fighting outside trying

to get in I didn’t know I wasn’t

I don’t I don’t like saying him because

it makes you sound stupid I was on the

New York Times bestseller list it still

didn’t add up to me that I was me I

think sometimes grace puts blinders on

the eyes I could see all of you I

couldn’t see me but there was a nagging

voice in my head that was correcting

damaged thinking honestly and I learned

something as I got older I I didn’t know

I was me because I was a friend

winning has so much responsibility to


losing is easy all you had to do to lose

is just let go

nobody expects nothing from nobody

demands anything of you

sometimes you’re afraid of what God has

next for me and I’m being transferred

because I’m after something and I don’t

even know who it is


most of people who wrote about me had

never met me and they wrote about a

person that I didn’t even understand

they wrote about how they would feel if

they were me I didn’t feel like that cuz

I didn’t know I was me I’m telling you I

was playing the piano for people loading

their cars with bags and driving them

around I didn’t know I was me that

doesn’t mean that it should have

happened any sooner because I think it

is the menial things that develop


I think it I think it is the blind spots

they give you focus I’m not trying to

rush the process I’m just trying to

describe a place you might be right now

all I knew I said whenever I got around

something that had my destiny in it I

was drawn to it I was attracted to me

and I would do anything to be in the

room with it and I admired it but I

didn’t think I’d ever be it cuz I didn’t

know I was I got off the track a lot of

times looking for things that were

lesser than what was already mine

I suck too low when I cut shot ha and

when I did shoot I didn’t enjoy it

because I didn’t know how it was me now

there’s no kneading coming to church if

it don’t help you this ain’t no place

you got to come and you got so many

places you got to come ain’t no need and

coming here if you don’t have to if you

ain’t getting nothing out of it I’m

trying to get you ready for a paradigm


join hands with somebody for just a

moment and let’s just make an assumption


let’s assume that they have done some

stupid things

let’s assume that they have some secrets

let’s assume that they’re afraid

sometimes let’s assume that they’re

coming to church because something keeps

drawing them let’s assume that right now

they’re in a situation that is the

weakest of the tribes and youngest of

the group down in a pit maybe in some

area of their life something that’s not

going very well you can be able to pop

in one area and on the bottom in another


everybody needs ministry let’s assume

that God loves you but they don’t always

feel his love unless assume that God

sees him but they don’t always see that

God sees it and let’s assume that God is

going to help them but they don’t always

feel the help of God and then squeeze

her hand and let them know they’re not





let’s assume that God called him to

church this morning and brought them

here because God wanted to get their

head together let’s assume that today is

your last day in the winepress




let’s assume that your destiny is

calling me and that God is about to do

something amazing in your life and it

might be something that you don’t even

have a background in that goes against

the grain and blows your mind but God is

going to do it squeeze that hand and you

got to be willing to go scared and go

nervous and go about feeling sufficient

and go feeling it quite inadequate but

God is Holy Spirit sweep this place if

one person in this room has an awakening

it was worth the whole message if

somebody logged online streaming right

now this has an awakening and their eyes

are open and they see that you might be

handling wheat but you’re really a



Lord I don’t want to at this stage of my

life I don’t want to preach stuff for

the entertainment of people I don’t want

to do things that don’t matter I feel

like I have something to impart to

someone let somebody receive this word


down in the depths of their being let it

let them just just really really really

really embrace what it’s being taught

right now redefine themselves

refocus refire refuel themselves I thank

you for what you’re about to do I prayed

that what you’re doing in their life

right now will last longer than the

service I pray to get in the car with

them and get in the house with them but

get in their decisions and get in their

choices and get in their situation I

pray them that every Gideon in here

would find his 300 squeeze that had God

is about to put you in a new circle of




you’re about to find your 300 chosen men

you’re about to find the people that

will get down and lack water like a dog

and fight till you get the victory a

change is coming in your lives


this Sunday morning this Sunday morning

where you go fight it receive it a



a change a change you will never believe

work before change

I want you to pray for the person you’re

touching everything the Holy Spirit

gives you the pray over their life

I want you to pray for them right now






I am not forsaken I am















the anointing of God is in this place

the Spirit of God is sweeping across

this room right now souls are being set

free all around

don’t miss this opportunity