T.D. Jakes points out that the fight between the Egyptian and Hebrew slave where Moses intervened represents his own internal conflict — a conflict between who he was born to be and how he was raised. Moses felt sure that he was doing what he was supposed to do, yet he faced major obstacles and pushback. We, too, may often feel unsettled when we’re following what we believe is our God-given purpose and run into conflict. But these bumps in the road don’t necessarily mean we’re doing the wrong thing. It might just be the wrong time. As T.D. Jakes says, “You can be anointed but not appointed.” T.D. Jakes also tells us that God intends blessing. In fact, we are already blessed. It doesn’t matter if our present reality doesn’t reflect our vision and destiny. We might not see the big picture, but God knows each step of our life’s path. Believe in the vision God has shown you. Endure. Stay focused on your purpose. Opportunities and blessings are already waiting for you.

don’t litigate over how much you have a

right to have what I got because until

you suffered what I suffer floated

through what I floated through survived

what I survived don’t be frustrated

because some princess pulled me out of

the water and put me in the palace if

you weren’t gonna float down with the

alligators then don’t complain about me

eating in the palace this is the posture

god bless you my friends we are together

again and we’re excited about it we’ve

been sharing a series that is blessing

God’s people the series is The Verge the

message today is don’t let the chatter

stop you I cannot tell you how many

people tweeted me at Bishop Jake’s to

tell me this message bless him in a

powerful way when I preached it because

so many people are distracted by the

chatter around them to the point that

they cannot focus on the goal before

them the message don’t let the chatter

stop you maybe what you need to get your

focus back check it out now Moses is a

grown man we were seeing him close to 40

years old he’s a grown man he’s blessed

he got things he wouldn’t gotten any

other way education by the Egyptians the

Egyptian culture we are still studying

their advancement and technology is

still intimidating even to modern

scientists today their architectural

abilities have caused people to travel

for miles to study the pyramids

Moses was exposed to that in a way he

would have never been exposed had he not

gone through the adversity in his house

he would have never been exposed to the

opportunity adverse for the opportunity

adversity opportunity adversity

opportunity every time he had an

adversity had an opportunity he’s 40

years old and he’s got the opportunities

that people would kill for kind of

opportunities that other people would

have died for got to go places and do

things and understand things that had he

stayed in the house he started in he

would have never gotten all he would

have known how to do was make bricks

without straw but God pulled him out and

sometimes when God pulls you out of your

natural environment it’s painful

you suffer a lot he didn’t pull you out

to kill you he pulled you out to bless

you Nine’s 40 he’s mere 40 years old and

he’s blessed he’s blessed he’s educated

he’s articulate he’s intelligent he’s

bilingual he’s blessed but he’s uh

confused you can yeah lord I wish I you

can be blessed and still be confused

he’s all dressed up and confused he’s a

grown man with a little boy issues

struggling and suffering on the inside

and walking around and all of the

Egyptian capes and all dressed up like

he’s a prince he he looks like a prince

but he’s not he’s he’s a Hebrew by blood

but he’s not he’s neither Egyptian nor

Hebrew he’s stuck in the middle and he

looks out the window and he sees two men

fighting a Hebrew and an Egyptian

fighting what he sees on the outside is

a reflection of what’s going on on the

inside if I say nothing else this

morning I have said it all because if

you can grasp what I just said then you

realize that what you see on the outside

is a reflection of what is going on on

the inside

what you see on that side wish I had

times this to really work there I was

sitting with a bunch of psychologists

and they were they were counseling the

woman that was saying that she been

contemplating suicide

and the psychologist said oh no no she’s

not going to commit suicide I said how

can you say that with such absoluteness

they said her hair is combed

she brushed her teeth her clothes are

pressed it what you see on the outside

is a reflection of what’s going on on

the inside

do you hear what I’m saying

there’s fighting on the outside because

there’s fighting on the inside I’m gonna

drill into that a little bit interesting

point in 35 years of counseling people

I’ve counseled all kinds of Angry Men

I’ve counseled men who beat their wives

and they beat them beat him mercilessly

hit him in the head with skillets and

wrenches and stuff like that do hot oil

on all kind of stuff away but I never

saw a man who beat his wife and lacked

himself what you see on the outside is

the reflection of the conflict on the

inside I could go home now because

because if you leave that part justice

you could spend the next 24 hours going

through your life saying what do you see

going through the trunk of your car

through your garage through your house

what you see on the outside is the

reflection of what’s going on in the

inside if you’re happy to live in

clutter I’m not gonna body another body

now we all have to live in it but if

you’re happy to live in clutter if

you’re comfortable it doesn’t bother you

maybe it doesn’t bother you because what

you see he sees the fighting on the

outside it’s a reflection of the fight

on the inside he raises his hand to stop

it he’s trying to stop it in them so he

can stop it in him the fight on the

outside forced him to confront the

conflict on the inside all of us and

he’s been conflicted for 40 years but

some circumstances are rules in his life

that brought to the surface the inner

conflict that he has in his soul and he

rises up because now faced with a Hebrew

and an egyptian fightning he now has to

choose whose side are you on

forty years have not demanded that he

make a choice but one incident has

pushed his emotions to the surface do

you choose your conditioning or your

pedigree now he chooses his background

his heritage and he kills an Egyptian

killed an Egyptian and buries him in the

sand looking to the left of the right he

sees nobody and buries it in the sand

24 hours later what he sees on the

outside is totally different from what

he saw yesterday he does not see an

Egyptian and a Hebrew fighting because

even made the choice only to find out

that there’s still conflict

the Hebrews are fighting and he rises up

to solve it now this this is the what

when a woman is birthing a baby

they call it crowning when the head

first comes out the head is the first

thing to come on you hear the nurse say

it’s crowning his greatness is crowding

his greatness is crowning

but it’s crowning at a time that he is

not positionally in a place to function

on the level that he’s able to think on

so he’s he’s functioning like a king but

he is not a king

so you you got an internal conflict that

has now gone external thing with me

church one of the things I love about

preaching at the potter’s house is that

you are a thinking people I cannot

pastor people who do not think I’m

allergic to them they make me itch who

deliver me from stupid people just my

head the line to the Lord’s Prayer

deliver us from evil and stupid people

just I’m just gonna inserted right in

there just they’ll it take me out of the

case in her have you ever had an

argument with the fool

you lose all interest in the argument

when you find out that you are not even

intelligent enough to debate me on this

level and you start saying that’s okay

don’t even worry about it

it’s all good that baby just cheeto

robbed with the music honey it’s all


it don’t even matter talk to the hand

yeah yeah he’s in a dilemma now and he

is fighting he is fighting his greatness

is coming out it’s crowning and when

greatness crowns

it creates conflict because it does not

crown and when you have been placed in

the position it crowns before you’re

rich before you got the money

yeah educated before you got the degree

you are preacher before they ordain you

you’re a leader before you get the job

you’re a visionary before you become a

CEO your wife before you get married

you’re a husband before you find a woman

if you’re not that before you won’t be

after so you have to go through a period

of displacement where you have vision to

function on a level and don’t have

opportunity which creates frustration

because you say I feel this with

everything I got inside of me but

nothing outside has acknowledged me on

the level that I think on it and you

don’t feel appreciated because your

thoughts are up here and your situation


do you hear what I’m saying to you still

to come on the fighters touch I had no

idea I was even important enough to be

hated on the level I was hated horn

I couldn’t even defend myself because I

was shocked that you cared enough to

write anything about me Who am I that

you would care anyway your hatred of me

helped to tutor me into understanding my

own significance

what do you do with the fire that will

not go the wait is over God wants to use

you in extraordinary ways now great

things are ahead of you you’re on the

burden you are not just going from day

to day week to week month to month and

now you get ready step into another year

you are standing on the cusp of an

entirely new awakening there’s a burning

desire down inside of you that will not

shut up I got the pain but I got the

passion tooth I got the problem but I

got the passion tooth I got a little

chatter going on but I still got the

passion life is gonna hand you something

every day take in what you can get out

of it let go what you take it out of it

but don’t let anybody hurt you so bad

that you show the wait is over it’s time

to make your life count order the birds

today visit our website or call one 800

Bishop 2

Matt Matt Melvin look at the conflict

for a minute if it were not enough

conflict to be a he Egyptian speaking

Hebrew a cultural conflict with an

unresolved childhood now God is bringing

greatness out of a man who doesn’t have

a position to match his intellect a

weaker person would have blown their

brains out I said this this is just

crazy this doesn’t make any sense some

of y’all are there right now your life

does not make any sense you’re in the

middle of your life and it doesn’t make

any sense because you’ve got cops over

here but your situation is over here and

you’re still trying to work out some

stuff from your childhood but you are

wrong may praise the Lord and you’re in

this situation and you’re trying to fix

people around you while you’re still

conflict it on the inside and you wonder

how can the physician be sick how can

the healer be broken how how can I help

other people and can’t help myself

how can i oh God and help me to preach

this thing I’m not talking to anybody


he’s 40 years old and he’s trying to get

it together he trying to figure it out

and he’s running out of time and he’s

trying to help he’s trying to make a

difference in spite of his background in

spite of his childhood in spite of his

conflict he’s trying to make a

difference he’s trying to make a

difference there’s something bound

inside of him he can’t figure out what

it is nobody’s taking ownership of it

the Egyptians haven’t embraced him the

Hebrews don’t like it Moses doesn’t

understand it yet when he sees conflict

he runs in there with a big s on his

shirt and he runs out there with his

cape in his boots on and he’s trying to

help people who don’t even like him have

you ever tried to help people who don’t

even appreciate the help you’re trying

to give them and there you are trying to

make a difference in their life and the

very people you trying to help are

giving you the most hell you ever had in

all your life cuz you have never been

hurt til you get hurt by somebody you

trying to help oh I wish I had somebody

who’d been misunderstood I wish I had

somebody who was trying to do a good

thing and every time you tried to do

something good things got worse instead

of better the more Moses trying to help

people the bigger mess he found himself

here he’s got a dead man buried in the

sand and he’s out there in another fight

and before he could get out of this here

comes dad and before you can straighten

out that here comes something l look

like every 24 hours a new kind of fight

breaks out in your life is there anybody

in church today that every time you turn

around scared to answer the phone scared

to open up your own email you say Lord

if another fight breaks out in my life

I got fighting on the inside I got

fighting on the outside I got fighting

in my personal life I got all God I’m

talking for somebody

don’t even know who it is and I want you

to see the irony these two Hebrews are

fighting Moses comes out to break up the

fight and one of the Hebrews he’s not

trying to kill anybody he’s just trying

to say go home don’t fight and one of

the Hebrews said who are you to be

trying to straighten us out who made you

prince who did make him Prince the Lord

had made him Prince but he was trying to

do the right thing at the wrong time

don’t try to get there before you live

just because you can think there you

have not been placed there you can be

anointed and not be appointed you can be

anointed to be king over Israel David

and then have to be sent back out there

to shuttle sheep down because one of the

tests of greatness is your ability to

survive frustration so God will put

greatness in isolation which creates

frustration because you have to be able

to survive frustration in order to be

eligible to become a leader because if

you can’t handle internal frustration

you sure can’t handle external

frustration if frustration on the inside

is going to make you quit what in the

world are you going to do when you have

frustration on the outside so when God

is getting you ready for frustration on

the outside he lets you deal with a lot

of frustration on the inside so that you

can learn how to be frustrated and still

be faithful frustrated and still be

consistent frustrated and still be

diligent I’m talking to somebody I don’t

know who it even but I’m talking to

somebody this morning so here he is any

easy he’s trying to have this shout with

me baby

I feel something about to break loose in

here this morning I feel their anointing

of God about to break loose in here see

when you hear this is how we express

ourselves but when you hear people

hollow out that that means truth hits

you with when truth hits you in the face

all of a sudden you have a reaction to

it because I’m preaching to you about

one thing but God is showing you

different things in your life that fit

what I’m preaching about that’s a

miracle of preaching the gospel

and so the guy says to him who made you

prince over us his prophecy is in the

mouths of his enemies his prophecy is in

the mouth of his enemies I learned more

about who I was from my haters I had no

idea I was even important enough to be

hated on the level

I was hated on I couldn’t even defend

myself because I was shocked that you

cared enough to write anything about me

Who am I that you would care anyway your

hatred of me helped to tutor me into

understanding my own significance all

y’all hear what I’m saying oh my god

so his haters now have said to him who

made you Prince over us and then he says

this is where I want to hammer down he

said are you gonna kill me like you did

the guy yesterday now on one hand he has

just discovered that he is a prince and

that know it anointed but not appointed

has greatness that hadn’t been revealed

yet and that’s it that’s a wonderful

thing in the next sentence he finds out

that his past has come back to haunt him

what the first sentence should have made

him say you know yeah I’m gonna be

Prince over you that’s right you did God

is just showing you what he’s already

showed me but the Prince is a liar and a

murderer what do you do when you got a

holiness and freakiness I’m right over

top of him I’ve here

a man likes what do you do

y’all look so guilty yummy if y’all it

look so funny I would know it was you

but uh I don’t know about you I just

pass through here I’ll go home with you

but what do you do

hey life craziness of Mercedes event it

don’t make no sense man I fed you that’s

why I get into work cuz I’ve tried and

figured out give it crazy it’s crazy

what do you do when you got so much

strength in you that everybody comes to

you and everybody leans on you and

everybody depends on you and everybody

comes to you for answers and you are a

strong person but you are equally a weak

person you you you a powerful person but

you’re also a tired person and people

see one side and they don’t see the

other side and am I talking to anybody

today he is a prince over them he will

deliver them he will bring them out from

the hands of favor he’s all of that but

he also just lied and killed a man and

buried him and hid the body now ain’t

that crazy I say all of this to comfort


I’m so glad you came to church this


now watch this the enemy will always

send a terrorist alert when you are

close to your destiny

stay tuned I’ve got more for you in just

a moment what do you do with the fire

that will not go the wait is over God

wants to use you in extraordinary ways

now great things are ahead of you you’re

on the road you are not just going from

day to day week to week month to month

and now you get ready step into another

year you are standing on the cusp of an

entirely new awakening there’s a burning

desire down inside of you that will not

shut up I got the pain but I got the

passion too I got the problem but I got

the passion too I got a little chatter

going on but I still got the passion

life is gonna hand you something every

day take in what you can get out of it

let go what you take it out of it but

don’t let anybody hurt you so bad that

you show the wait is over it’s time to

make your life count order The Verge

today visit our website or call one 800

Bishop to long before the season of

trials God already provided what you

need exit strategies there is a way out

this is Jake’s she said I know this is

painful but when you get the next pain

push I know what you’re going through is

basic but we can get your next pain

in your darkest dollar how can you not

feel trapped well Jesus is there will bea

a resurrection well Jesus here

somebody’s gonna give up somebody’s

gonna get out somebody’s gonna get it

loose for your best kin receive exit

strategies +3 prayer journals and for

your gift of $150 or more you will have

a resurrection candle holder set with

communion kit when you visit our website

or call 1 800 Bishop – the world is in

chaos our churches are under fire

our leaders need a new set of tactics

and strategies let them know it’s coming

up TD jakes presents pastors and leaders

2013 no church left behind sign up today

get ready get ready get ready I am so

excited to be able to offer something

for your entire family yes one of our

loose cannon man power more to converge

in the city of Dallas at the same time

but not only that we are playing all

kinds of activities for your children

for your grandchildren activity for your

family come to Dallas Texas megafest is

going to be absolutely awesome where you

can have a good time the Bible says in

Hebrews that the gifts and callings of

God are without repentance when I grew

up they taught us and that meant that

people could be gifted without repenting

but when I studied the text what it

really means is that once God calls you

he does not repent he does not change

his mind he does not take it back