In Exodus 17, the Israelites face an enemy bent on destroying them. As Joshua led the army in battle, Moses sat on the hilltop holding the staff of God above his head. At first glance, Moses’ position makes no sense—why wasn’t he in the fray? In this message, Dr. Stanley reveals that while the battle may have been fought on the field, victory was secured on the hilltop. Prayer is the place where we win or lose our fights, and God intends for us to have victory. This message is Part 6 of the series: How to Talk With God – Volume 2 How to Talk With God – Volume 1 CD Series:…
Part 1: Unveiling The Hidden – • Unveiling The Hidden – Radio Classic … Part 2: Praying With Authority –
• Praying With Authority – Radio Classi… Part 3: Praying And Fasting –
• Prayer And Fasting – Radio Classic – … Part 4: A Prayer Burden –
• A Prayer Burden – Radio Classic – Dr…. Part 5: Answered Prayer –
• Answered Prayer – Radio Classic – Dr…. Part 6: When It’s Spiritual Warfare –
• When It’s Spiritual Warfare – Radio C… How to Talk With God – Volume 2 CD Series:…
Part 1: Why Our Prayers Are Unanswered – • Why Our Prayers Are Unanswered – Radi… Part 2: How To Pray In The Will Of God –
• How To Pray In The Will Of God – Radi… Part 3: A Time To Stop Waiting In Prayer –
• A Time To Stop Waiting In Prayer – Ra… Part 4: The Power Of Your Prayer Life –
• The Power Of Your Prayer Life – Radio… Part 5: Praying For Others –
• Praying For Others – Radio Classic – … Part 6: Praying Is Where The Action Is For more messages from Charles Stanley, including this week’s broadcast, go to
with a message from God’s word here’s
Stanley would you turn please to Exodus
17 I want us to read verses 8 through 13
and the title of this message prayer is
where the action is chapter 17 of Exodus
beginning in verse 8 and this is the
story of
the conflict between Israel and the
and there’s a principle here that is so
very very important to us in the area of
prayer so beginning in verse 8 then came
amalec and fought with Israel and
refidim and Moses said unto Joshua
choose us out men and go out fight with
amalec tomorrow I will stand on the top
of the hill with the rod of God in mine
hand so Joshua did as Moses had said to
him and fought with amalec and
Moses Aaron and her went up to the top
of the hill and it came to pass when
Moses held up his hand that Israel
prevailed and when he let down his hand
amalec prevailed but moses’ hands were
heavy and they took a stone and put it
unto him and he sat thereon and Aaron
and her stayed up his hands the one on
the one side and the other on the other
side and his hands were steady until the
going down of the Sun and Joshua
discomforted amalec and his people with
the edge of the sword now you say well
what does that have to do with prayer
and I want you to listen very very
carefully the nation of Israel had come
out of Egyptian bondage by Moses
leadership across the Red Sea Into the
Wilderness down to SII and then on their
way to the promised land and he says in
Deuteronomy 25 referring to this very
incident that many of those who were
weak were straggling along behind behind
and so uh the nation of Israel was
stretched out over a long geographical
location and so
amalec who desired to attack the nation
of Israel used the strategy of attacking
those who were lingering behind and so
they were just picking them off left and
right so they had to go to war
recognizing that the amalekites were
more prepared for war they’d been used
to it they’d been fighting for a long
time they were a heathen nation and now
Israel though wealthy they are coming
out of Egyptian bondage having taken
gold and silver and many of the animals
out of Egypt they were prepared
wealthwise but they weren’t prepared to
fight and so God said to um Moses he
said you tell Joshua put him in command
of the army you get him out there ready
to fight but the key is this I want you
and Aaron and her to go to the top of
the hill take the rod with you the same
Rod that you used in Egypt to show
Pharaoh that your God I am is God he
said now as long as you he said what I
want you to do is I want you to hold
that Rod I Want You To Hold Your Hands
to Heaven and he says as you hold your
hands to Heaven that will be the
determining factor in this conflict
tomorrow with amalec so that’s exactly
what they did Aaron and her went with
Moses up on the top of the hill where
they could see the battle and hear two
armies coming to fight one another in
mortal combat and so the scripture says
that Moses lifted up his hands and uh
the rod of God in his hand now I don’t
know what You’ ever done this night so I
tried it three times just to see for
myself you say well why did you get
tired I’ll tell you what you do you hold
your hands up you don’t even need a rod
in your hand and see what happens when
you first put your hands up you think
well I can hold them up for a long time
but here’s what will happen while you’re
talking or while you’re thinking or
while you’re praying whatever you’re
doing with that even realize what’s
happening little by little against all
of your effort all of your strength all
of your energy and all of your
determination and all of your willpower
to hold those hands up they’re coming
down and after a while you’ll feel like
that 20 lb weights on you think I’m
going to raise them back up and you
begin to Grunt and moan and What’s
happen they just keep coming down little
by little they’ll come all the way down
until they get right by your side and
you’ll realize that in spite of all of
your strength and as muscular as you are
the comes a time when they’re coming
down well that’s exactly what happened
to Moses he held them up talking to God
praying to the father about the nation
of Israel in their battle and they’re
maybe not outnumbered but they were
overpowered because of the fierceness of
the amalekites and their preparation for
war but he noticed that as long as he
held up his hands and held up the rod of
God Israel Prevail when he began to get
weak and after a while he just dropped
his hands the amalekites began to
Prevail so finally uh her and Aaron uh
made him a seat out of stones set him
down and then they held up both of his
hands as long as they held his hands up
the scripture says that Israel prevailed
in the battle and so they won the battle
that day but the battle was not won on
the field of conflict the battle was won
on the hill as Aaron and her held up the
hands of Moses now let me tell you
something don’t you dare Miss what I’m
going to tell you if you do you will be
a loser and two other people in your
life are going to be a loser the three
things I want you to get out of this
passage you’ll get yourself a pencil and
piece of paper and jot down these three
things many of you have walked through
many of life’s battles and you’ve come
out bloody and torn and beaten and
Defeated You’ve faced financial problems
you’ve gone through battles in your home
you’ve gone through battles in your
vocation you’ve gone through ba battles
in your relationships with other people
all kind of battles I want to show you
something something here that is a
principle it works it works over and
over and over if you and I will apply
the simple principle found in the
scriptures so there three things I want
you to jot down and the first one is
this that our life’s battles are won or
lost in the place of prayer now just
stay with me for a moment our life’s
battles are won or lost in the place of
prayer you say well but suppose I don’t
have a place and that’s the reason
you’re being defeated over and over and
over again in your life
our life’s battles and all of us have
them are lost or won in the place of
prayer now let me show you something
here if you ask the average person where
they think the success prevails let’s
take a church for example if you think
that what goes on in a church is the
result of what happens in the pullit and
the pastors preaching and the musicians
singing the choir and all of that that
this is the criteria of success or
failure you’re
wrong you see the world looks at the
outward part the world looks looks at
men the world Praises man the world
Praises organization and plan and all of
this God doesn’t win his battles on
platforms God doesn’t win his battles on
the field of conflict God wins his
battles when men are willing to get on
their face before God and seek his face
that’s where the battle is won now let
me show you why when you and I begin to
look at this particular incident for
example God wanted to teach Joshua the
commander as well as Moses and the rest
of those people a very basic
lesson that in the field of battle what
we see is not the determining Factor
where battles are one or lost because
often times a man will walk into an
arena when he is absolutely totally
outnumbered by his enemy and he comes at
a winner he comes at a winner because he
fought the previous battle and the
prerequisite battle which is the
important one on his face before God
somewhere else alone with God now
watch why is it and how is it that God
determines the success or the failure of
the battles you and I face in their life
not by what seemingly is open conflict
but because of what we do privately when
a man or a woman gets upon their face
before God Alone what do they do first
of all God turns their eyes towards
themselves and begins to examine their
heart and so the sifting cleansing
process goes on a man is able to see
himself on his knees as hear never see
himself any other way number two he
begins to look upon God and he sees God
in a whole different light God clears
his eyesight God begins to clear his
mind and on his face before God in
preparation for conflict he’s able to
see himself from a whole different
perspective not as one out in the Battle
of conflict and being outnumbered but
one standing upon the rock surrounded by
the Angels the Angelic host of God and
Under The Canopy of God’s protection and
standing upon the rock from which all
the resources he’ll ever need will
always be present so he sees himself
different he’s able to see the conflict
for what it is and not what it appears
to be he’s able to see the heart of his
enemy as it is not as it appears to be
he’s able to foresee the snares and The
Temptations of Satan he’s able to spot
the traps that Satan lays before him
he’s able to discern what the people are
thinking he’s able to understand the re
reality of the circumstances in which he
finds himself regardless of how they may
appear to be to others so that when a
man gets upon his face before God and he
battles out his own relationship to the
Lord and God’s sifting process takes
place he’s focuses His Eyes Upon God his
faith is set his sense of direction is
settled in his mind and he knows what he
must do and the way he must do it he can
face anybody anywhere under any
circumstance fearlessly and boldly and
courageously and never better an ey not
because he won’t get bloody not because
he won’t be knocked down not because he
won’t be scarred but because he’s
battled it all out with God in
Prophecy there are many men who are
suffering in business who wouldn’t have
suffered in business had they battled
out the decisions on their knees before
God not walking into some Committee of
carnality and trying to make a spiritual
decision with people who know nothing
about God
there are battles in the home that would
be brought to a conclusion quickly if we
would simply bow before God search at
our own Hearts let him work in our lives
let the battling go on there so that
what appears to be the open conflict is
no open Conflict at all God wants to
teach us something what is it he wants
to teach us he wants to teach his people
that it is not in public where the
battles are won but it is as a man bows
himself before holy God and recogniz
izes that holy God and God Alone is the
source of all of his needs therefore as
he bows before God in absolute and total
dependence upon him God will release his
Supernatural power his Supernatural
forces to surround that man cover that
man underguard him and fuse through him
everything he needs to face that
battle but you see the world in which we
live everything appears to be a certain
way but what it appears to be often
times is not that way at
all and you see what really took place
this day is that almighty God who sent
Moses Aaron and heard at the top of that
mountain sent them up there to teach
them and to teach Israel a lesson that
Joshua as great a strategist as he was
to become later on God wanted Joshua to
know because he told him he says you
rehears this in Joshua’s ears because he
knew that one of these days Moses would
be set aside as the leader God would
take him Joshua would be given the
mountain to take the nation of Israel
into the promised land and he didn’t
ever want Joshua to think that Joshua
was a super strategist he wanted Joshua
to ever remember the fact that it was
almighty God that it was the
intercession of Moses Heron and Aaron
and her who brought about the victory of
Israel that day as they fought so
outnumbered by military might the day
they fought amalec and all of his
followers now here’s the
principle God wants you and me to fight
our battles in the prayer room not in
public now let me tell you why there
will be public confrontations in our
lives at times but listen it’s one thing
to have a public confrontation it’s
something else to walk into that
confrontation with the decision already
made of defeat or failure when you walk
into a conflict and you and God have
settled it in privacy you can face
anything anywhere under any circumstance
with perfect peace in your heart that
God has already determined the outcome
of the
situation doesn’t mean you won’t suffer
doesn’t mean you won’t have pain doesn’t
mean you won’t hurt but it’s the outcome
who’s going to be the victim now here’s
reason because what appears to be the
enemy sometime is not the enemy at all
the enemy is Satan and his forces the
reason he attacked God’s people in this
particular situation is because he knew
the nation of Israel was to be the
Messianic Nation through whom the
Messiah would come through whom all the
nations of the Earth would be blessed so
he used amalec as a tool to defeat the
people of God if you and I don’t get our
direction from God off our knees we
going to think this is the enemy that’s
the enemy he’s the enemy she’s the enemy
when that may not be true and is not
true the enemy is Satan the enemy is the
Demonic forces of evil that attack and
seem seek to ens snare and thwart the
purpose of God in life and often times
Believers are in conflict with each
other believers and non-believers in
conflict with each other because they
believe the other is the enemy Satan is
the enemy SE seeds of this Unity
throughout the
world God wants us to recognize we’re in
a spiritual battle how do you do
spiritual battle with spiritual things
what is the mightiest Force under God’s
heaven in time of battle it is the word
of God in the heart and it is a man upon
his knees calling out of the
supernatural power of God when you and I
focused upon him our heart is clean
we’re lifting our hands and our hearts
before him what is almighty God doing
almighty God hears the prayers of his
children and he releases his
Supernatural Sovereign Divine
omnipotence into the life of that
individual that circumstance whatever it
may be that’s God’s way man’s way is
what it is effort eloquence preparation
ations plans programs do this do that we
must do so much of this and we must do
so much of that when God says my way is
to fight the battle on your knees and
then let’s see what God is going to do
doesn’t mean we do nothing but it means
listen we either walk into the battle
from the basis of Victory or we walk
into there from the basis of defeat God
wants his people thinking right
believing right and when we think right
and believe right right we will respond
and act properly the battle was won that
day on the hillside not down in the
field and as you think about whatever
battle you may be facing whatever Valley
you may be going through listen don’t
look around to blame someone else don’t
ring your hands get on your face before
God and battle it out with him the
cleansing process that takes place the
clearing of the Mind the clearing of the
heart the clearing of the eyes a
perception like you have never known
before you battle out in the pray you
say well how long do you have to stay
that depends upon the nature of the
battle it depends upon the condition of
your heart when you go there to ask God
to begin to search you and to cleanse
you and prepare you for whatever it
might be and you see every area of life
is applicable to what I’m talking about
we come up to decisions that often times
we don’t know how to make a decision
that’s the place to get it made don’t
call her him this person that person all
of these folks why don’t you talk to the
person who has the an
you see God wants to teach us now watch
this carefully unless you
misunderstand God doesn’t want us
absolutely independent of everything and
everybody but him but he does want to
teach us to depend upon Him trust him
and to see him as the source of all that
we need because there is an
interdependence there is an inter
relationship that he wants to build into
our life as his children the second
thing I want you to notice here is
this when we when we Face life’s battles
we will grow faint-hearted at times when
we when we do face life’s battles we
will grow faint-hearted now for example
here’s Moses God’s greatest Statesman
the greatest Statesman that has ever
lived on the face of this Earth and here
he is holding the rod of God in in the
in the symbol of intercession before God
in this evening for his help and his
dependence in this particular battle but
after a while his hands get heavy and
they just get so heavy that after a
while he just drops them and when
they’re down by his side all of a sudden
he notices there’s the change in the
battle and amalec and his forces begin
to defeat the people of God so up his
hands go again but they get tired up
they go again but they get tired up they
go again but they get tired and finally
Aaron and her set him on a rock hold up
his hands and they hold up his hands
until the battle is finished and one and
amalec and his forces are conquered once
and for all now here’s what I want you
see you and I in spite of what Jesus
said he said men ought always to pray
and faint not but we do faint why do we
faint that means we sought of lose heart
we lose heart often times and when we
Face battles because we look at the
circumstances and we longer we look what
what would Satan do Satan takes our
Viewpoint of the circumstances puts his
interpretation upon him and what is a
little old ant he begins to grow larger
and larger and larger think oh my God
what in the world am I going to do when
if we’ looked at it from God’s
perspective we’ have said hm there’s
nothing to that but you see Satan
interprets and brings out of reality and
into an illusion what is not there and
we begin to see these tremendous Bears
we say oh my God what in the world am I
going to do God knows that you and I are
going to grow fainthearted at times
we’re going to get weird there’re going
to be some times when you ought to pray
when you don’t even feel like praying
you know you ought to pray but you say
God I just don’t even want to pray I’m
tired of praying I don’t see any result
and you see you’re going to pray about
some things over and over and over again
you think Lord you’re not doing anything
so why should I keep on praying when
nothing is happening and Satan just
jumps up and down with Glee when you say
that listen I’ve discovered a long time
ago there’s some things you have to pray
through like you tunnel through a
mountain you just have to keep hanging
in there and telling God about it and
trusting him and believing in him and
thanking him and praising him though
everything your eyesight behold says
defeat deat defeat defeat defeat defeat
with deed down inside if you listen to
God God says but Victory is on the way
and you see when we turn tail and run
when everything looks like we’re going
to be defeated we say well I knew it was
going to happen that way anyway we
embarrass God we hinder our relationship
with him we hinder other people’s
spiritual growth we’re going to have
periods of faintheartedness which brings
me to number three which is the most
important thing in the whole area and
that’s this
the third thing is our greatest asset
when we’re going through spiritual
battles is to have an area and Aaron and
a her the greatest assets we have when
we’re going through spiritual battles is
our prayer Partners now you say well
what do you mean by prayer Partners God
sent Moses up on the top of that
mountain knowing that he couldn’t hold
these hands up here very long that’s why
he he told him to take two people with
him now listen God isn’t about to allow
any one of us to be absolutely and
totally independent he doesn’t operate
that way because he’s built his church
how he’s built his church he said by
this shall all men know that you’re my
disciples that you have love one to
another people who love each other can
depend upon each other people who love
each other are loyal to each other
people who love each other encourage one
another people who love each other want
to build up each other people who love
each other are available to one another
God has built his church on that
interdependence among themselves upon
each other as they ultimately depend
upon God they likewise interdepend upon
each other as God’s vessels and tools to
be encouragements to one another so the
scripture says that God sent him up
there with Aaron and
now why Aaron and her if I should ask
you what do you know about uh her most
of you’d say her you mean h e r or h r
I’m talking about h r her a man’s name
what do we know about him the only thing
we know about him significant is that
God’s servant needed someone to assist
him in a period of intercession and God
gave her the great privilege of holding
up Moses right or left arm while he held
up the r of God while the spirit of God
Came Upon Joshua and the nation of
Israel and they defeated the amalekites
all right now
listen everybody needs an a Aon and a
her God has given me an Aaron and a her
I know that passage works I know it
works because the scripture says it
works but I know it by months of
experience everybody needs an Aaron and
a her that is somebody who can hold up
your arms when they’ve drooped when you
get discouraged when you lose heart when
you think oh God I just can’t hold them
up that any longer and you’ve got
somebody to hold up both your arms and
to assist you and your into Cession
before God that’s God’s way of getting
his Supernatural power into your life
and mine when we do grow farted Jesus
said me not always to pray and fate not
and yet we do Lo lose heart what do we
need when we lose heart not someone to
say well I told you so not one someone
say man you just got to put yourself up
by your own brute straps an Aaron and a
her does not argue they do not uh they
do not use the world’s ways you know
what they do an Aaron gets on one side
or her gets on the other side and begin
to intercede with you for you in your
behalf before God for the situation
which you face and what does God do a
cord is not easily broken you and I can
talk to God the Father two of us can
talk to God the Father there’s something
about three men or three women on their
face before God lifting up each other
now watch this this morning for example
you may be in one of those conflicts it
may be in your home it may be in your
finances it may be in your business I
don’t know where it is but you may be
going through a tremendous conflict in
your life and today of those three Moses
Aaron and her you’re Moses you’re saying
I’m the one who’s facing the conflict
but now watch this when your Aaron gets
on one side and your her gets on the
other and they begin to pray for you and
lift you up and they begin to pray for
the circumstances and they begin to talk
to God about the situation and they
begin to call your name and they begin
to ask God to strengthen you and to
bolster your faith and to supply your
needs what
happens here’s what happens both of
those people for example if you’ve got
here you are for example and you’re in
the battle and you’ve got one of on this
side and he begins to pray if this
brother’s weak somehow this brother’s
strength does what it just infuses
strengthen the both and if you’ve got
two people one on each side of you
lifting you before God there is is a
supernatural Indescribable sense of
strength and encouragement and help that
looms up in your life that breathe new
fresh faith and trust in the Lord God
Almighty and here’s what happens so they
they live with you they work with you
through that battle they pray you
through it then what happens all of a
sudden Aaron over here he’s in the
battle so what do you do man you swap
places he gets in the middle I’m not
talking about physically now but I’m
talking about spiritually here he is
he’s in Moses position he’s going go
into the battle now what do you have the
privilege of doing you have the
privilege of lifting a him up you have
the privilege of praying for him calling
his name talking to God about his needs
praying the supernatural power of God to
come in his life and you know how to do
that with tremendous Faith because
you’ve been where he is and now you’ve
taken his place and he’s taken your
place and now you can hold him up and
encourage him and what happens all three
of these people what are they doing
Aaron on this side Moses in the middle
and and Aaron her here her gets in the
middle one time Aaron’s in the middle
Moses in the middle you know what
they’re doing they’re just building a
relationship building a faith God begins
to do something and he wraps that
threefold caught around and those three
people before God become a tremendous
Indescribable Mighty Supernatural force
of God In Prayer now you think about
this how many times did God say to us
ask seek knock he says we to pray what
is he doing he says he’s a prayer
answering God he wants to answer his
prayers he said you have not because you
ask not God has so arranged that he’s
willing to release his power when you
and I are willing to come to him but if
we come to him alone often times we get
discouraged but Aaron on this side her
on this side lifting you up and
encouraging you and what happens that
faint hardness begins to dwindle and the
supernatural power of God becomes a
reality because you have two encouraging
forces one on the one side one on the
other what in the world would happen in
this nation of ours if God’s people
threefold cord not easily broken there’s
a love relationship that grows a loyalty
that begins to develop something begins
to happen in those three people but you
see before you can do that you’ve got to
have a couple of people that you can
trust you’ve got got to be willing to
find somebody you can trust so let me
just take for for a moment and give you
um few little characteristics of an
Aaron and a her all right because you
ought to be one and you’re going to need
one one of these days somebody that you
can open your heart and share your
burdens with the first I think the first
thing that’s important here is this that
you and I must notice your Aon or her
may be more spiritual than you are as
spiritual as you are or not as spiritual
as you are and you see that’s not
important because who are we to judge
how spiritual someone else is that’s not
the issue the issue is that they are a
person who is spiritually minded seeking
God is willing to obey God willing to
trust the Lord and who listen who wants
God’s best for you not want their best
not their way but somebody who can
objectively say I want what God wants
for you so they have to be that type of
person the second thing they must be a
person who is willing to accept you as
you are are whatever the problem you may
be facing whatever your circumstance
they can accept you in that and not
think any less of you or any more of you
just accept you as you are and know that
God has put them on your side to lift
you up and not criticize you or tell you
what you ought to do but say lord God
almighty we’re beseeching for our
brother that you give him wisdom to know
what to do give him strength for his
body give him energy for his Spirit give
him Faith to trust you somebody who will
lift you up accepting you as you are not
critic izing it the third thing is this
somebody who cares somebody who has a
Compassionate Heart who can feel what
you feel who knows what it means to hurt
the next thing is somebody who can love
you that is somebody who can give
themselves to you without asking
anything in return somebody who’ll give
themselves to you not expecting you to
do something for them genuine love
always ask what’s best for the other one
what can I do for the other one how can
I pour out my life into someone else’s
life the next characteristic is somebody
who’s faithful not somebody who will
pray with you when it’s convenient oh
yes I would come and pray but you see
today I’ve got to do this and so but
somebody who will come when you need for
them to come somebody who will pray when
you need them to pray somebody who will
recognize that your need is such that
they’re willing to stop whatever they’re
doing and come get by your side and cry
out to God with you and in your behalf I
want to tell you something brother
something begins to happen in a man or
woman’s life when they’ve got an Aaron
or a herar standing by their side be
teaching almighty God in their behalf
but you see takes a certain kind of
person a selfish person will never be an
Aaron or a
herd and I’ll tell you the Lord’s taught
me some things as God has sent me an
Aaron and a herd to stand by my side and
to pray with me and I can call those
fellas any time of day or night 24 hours
of any day I could call them they’d say
I’ll be right there if it’s all possible
I’ll get on my face right now and lift
you before
God that’s the the way God wants the
battles fought what does he want he
wants us to join together he wants that
three-fold cord uneasily broken the
three of them encouraging each other
building up one another lifting up each
other and you see there is no way for
three people to bind themselves together
in Christ Jesus to pray for one another
without them growing and becoming
stronger and deepening in their faith
and more and more
Christlike that’s where the battles are
fought that’s where God intends for you
and me to fight our battles on our face
before him somewhere and all of us are
going to go through this period of
getting tired and weary but I’ll tell
you there’s nothing in the world like
somebody getting on your side and saying
that’s okay we going to call your name
before God we going to tell him what you
feel if you don’t feel like telling him
we going to tell him in your behalf and
the only way somebody can do that is to
love you and know you and the only way
somebody’s going to be able to love you
and know you and Stand By Your Side is
for you to take the take all the plastic
off open up your heart and say look
here’s what I am here’s my problem
here’s my difficulty here’s my bondage
here’s my conflict here’s my decision I
need you to pray for me I am not
adequate within myself I am absolutely
helpless at this point oh God I need you
and I need my brothers to Bear me up and
I want to tell you
something God will do something in your
life and the life of your Aaron your her
and then when he puts you in the side of
Aaron over here and he makes you a her
over here and you have the same
privilege of doing something for
somebody else you’re going to find out
what praying is all
about that is the heart and the core of
intercession being willing to get under
somebody else’s burden and lift them up
what in the world would happen in
families if they became each other as
Aaron and
her what among the children in your
family in the church house in your
business two of the people that you can
who will lift you before God and you
know in your heart you never have to
worry about them ever telling anybody
but God and God has never told anybody
secrets you know why we’re so
weak we believe the devil second reason
we’re so weak is that we think we going
to do it ourselves listen God is going
to strip every one of us of our pride
he’s not going to use he’s not going to
use Pride he wants was in a sense of
total dependence upon him and that means
recognizing our need one for the other
and I want to ask you one simple
question which of these describe you are
you like Moses today walking through a
valley and facing a tremendous battle
then you need an Aon and a h and I want
to pray that God will send you the two
maybe you are not in a battle right now
and you’re saying God I want to be
somebody’s Aaron I I want to be I want
to be somebody’s her and I wonder if
you’re willing to commit
yourself to forget yourself and commit
yourself to be somebody’s intercessor