In a world of anxious circumstances, it’s no wonder that many of us find ourselves dealing with fear. However, God’s people are called to live courageously. How can we live with peace and confidence in the midst of a frightening world? The only way is to remember that the Lord has promised to strengthen, help, and uphold us, and He always keeps His Word. When you’re in almighty God’s hands, you can face anything in life and experience the joy of His peace.


while all of us have to learned to deal

with fear in our life and if you’ll

think about it we live in a very fearful

time in history and we live in a society

that’s full of fear people are fearing

about losing their job their home their

health their family their friends their

position you name it lots of things

around us that cause fear and in spite

of all that God’s people not to live in

fear and so somebody says well I got

lots of reasons to be afraid well I

would never question that but how are we

to live in the society and somebody says

well why don’t we get there how do we

get in this position the first place

well I was just asking myself that

question thinking about what I found in

the book of Ecclesiastes and the past is

just that one verse of scripture in fact

this sort of sums it all up of how we

got where we are

while this fear the simple reason we

have violated a very clear principle of

Scripture which says listen to this at

the end of the ecclesiastic the 13th

verse the conclusion when all has been

heard is fear God keep his Commandments

because this applies to every person and

we’ve decided not to do that we’ve

decided we can live the way we want to

live and we’re going to ignore the

principles and the Word of God and as a

result of that what happens we’re nation

full of fear and we fear many things we

should not have to be theron and if you

watch the news you can stir up enough

fear very easily and so the question is

how does a believer live in a fearful

generation at a fearful time in life and

at the same time be the kind of person

God wants us to be so I want you to turn

if you will to Isaiah chapter 41 and for

me personally this is the most powerful

verse in the Word of God when it comes

to fear because of the awesome promise

here and this isn’t on land or on

the line in your Bible you suddenly

ought to and what I’ve discovered is if

I put a date down by something that God

has said to me then it’s a reminder of

me that he’s interested that he cares

and he’s involved in my life so look at

this tenth verse of the 41st chapter of

Isaiah do not fear for I am with you do

not anxiously look about you

for I am your God I will strengthen you

I will help you surely I will have hold

you with my righteous right hand and

then of course he says behold all those

her anger that you will be ashamed in

Dishonored and those who contend with

you will be as nothing in my parish you

will seek those who quarrel with you but

you will not find them and those who war

with you will be as nothing and

non-existent for I am the Lord your God

who upholds your right hand who says to

you do not fear I will help you and I

can remember the time in my life when I

was going through a real big time test

and I came to this verse it says behold

all those who are angered at you will be

shamed and dishonored and those who

contend with you will be as nothing in

repair –is– you will seek them those

who quarrel with you but will not find

them and the before long I thought to

myself Oh Lord that’s a reality because

they’re all gone all of my Indians were

gone and so sometimes what happens is

this we linked your own things that God

takes care of because we forget that he

means exactly what he says and so when

you come to this tenth verse whatever

you’re afraid of this verse itself ought

to say something powerful in your life

if you’ll think about it the first

recorded conversation that God and Adam

had was Adam said I was afraid that’s

his first words in his conversation with

God and the truth is that man has been

afraid ever since so when we think about

fear how would you decide you describe

fear so what I’d like to do is give you

foundation a simple definition and I

want to give you a time enough to write

it down because we need to understand

what we are feeling it is an uneasy

feeling it is sort of a feeling of dread

it is a feeling of like an alarm going

off within us warning us of something

that is going to happen and it’s it’s

it’s this feeling of being threatened to

by something that maybe we can control

or not control but I would just

encourage you to just jot that down so

the next time you feel a bit fear you

you’ll think well this is what’s going

on that many people who are afraid who

don’t think they are they think they

admit that they’re afraid of something

is to be weak that’s not to be weak it’s

to be wise if you’re afraid of something

then be willing to deal with it now

there is fear that’s bad fear there’s

fear that’s good fear when the Bible

says fear the Lord that means to

reverence him to acknowledge him for who

he is and to respect God is God holy

righteous God the fear him does not mean

to be afraid of but it means the

reverence him in proverbs chapter 1

verse 7 the fear of the Lord is the

beginning of wisdom a reverence from him

as God as a holy respect for him that is

a fear that all of us should enjoy in

life and should be experiencing but

let’s think about why we get afraid why

why are people afraid well they’re lots

of reasons so listen I get them from

home because if you can’t identify your

theatre more than likely you won’t be

able to handle it

or one of the first things I’ve

mentioned simply this that is that our

fears whatever they are they don’t come

from God Paul said to Timothy you

remember what he said he says God has

not given you the spirit of fear but of

power and of love and of a sound mind

have you ever been so afraid you thought

you could hardly move have you ever been

so afraid that you didn’t know what to

do next or how to handle the situation

think about think about the cause of

these fears well one of the reasons we

have fears because we learned them very

early in life they

learn attitudes I can remember my mother

saying don’t get close to the river you

may fall in and drown now she was

expressing her love but she what

happened was in my little mind water is

dangerous and so it took me a while

before I ever get in the creek to learn

how to swim so when the people teach us

things early in life we think they’re

insignificant but it’s parents for

example being careful but listen our

parents have ingrained some things in us

that often times can be things that

create fear then of course there’s her

imagination one of the reasons we have

physical imagination if you imagine and

I heard ladies saying that long ago she

came to the house John the church she

said you know I didn’t I wish to watch

on TV I thought I’d never join the

church it’s too big and nobody would be

friendly nobody went panties she had

this imagination of what first that

first marriage would be like she says I

walked in here and I couldn’t get in

good but because some of the people were

welcoming me and so happy to see you why

are you from so forth her imagination

was about to keep away but our grandson

who had been watching civil I want to go

to First Baptist he coaxed her here she

joined the second Sunday but suppose she

let her imagination control then she

still wouldn’t be a part of it your

imagination is an awesome thing it’s a

great creator or but it can get you in

trouble if you’re not careful then of

course there’s ignorance ignorance can

cause us to be fearful I think about

people for example who believe that you

can be saved and lost and it’s amazing

people they almost want to fight about

it I think about this and I grew up and

did understand that

so when I say look here’s what the Word

of God says that you’re saved by the

grace of God he has atoned to your sin

past present future and so it doesn’t

mean that you’re not gonna send again

but it means that he’s paid your sin

debt in full and if you’ve sinned again

he’s going to discipline you but think

about every time you came to church and

I preached on sin and I said to you you

know if you don’t live a godly life and

you don’t live a sinless life a

sanctified life you’re gonna die and go

to hell well thought you I wouldn’t even

belong yeah I come from you know the


but it’s not true but when people are

taught error it can create terrible fear

in their life then of course the whole

issue of doubt it listen if you live

your doubt if you live your life

doubting God you got a you got some

reasons to be afraid if you doubt that

he loves you if you doubt that he’s

forgiven you if you’re confessing the

same thing over and over and over again

that you confess last year the year

before that in two years before that

then how can you have any freedom and

liberty and peace and contentment in

life if you’re afraid of God

well somebody says was the holy yes he’s

held it well that’s the reason to be

afraid no no no it’s a reason to

reverence him love him obey Him follow

him that’s not a reason to be frightened

by him he doesn’t want us to be

frightened by him what did Jesus say

over again fear not fear not fear not

and he says that he’s not given us the

spirit of fear but of power and of love

and of a sound mind and so these fears

in our life they have tremendous

consequences in our life think about in

this life if you’re fearful of something

it divides your mind

you can’t concentrate well on something

if you if it beneath the surface of your

emotions if you’re fearful that your

husband’s gonna leave you you feel that

your wife’s gonna leave you feel good

that your kids don’t get on drugs in

other words if there’s some continuing

fear boiling and within you then it’s

gonna divide your mind secondly it’s

gonna stifle your ability to think and

act as you should because dividing your

mind you don’t think clearly as often as

you should and so you begin to feel the

consequences of it likewise it’s going

to cause indecision because you’re gonna

feel paralyzed oftentimes in making

decisions and a procrastinator for

example is a person who does not act for

fear of not doing it perfectly are doing

it adequate to suit them they may be

they may be a very gifted person able to

do many things but if they don’t think

they can do it perfectly they don’t

think so what happens then they

procrastinate it’s like they’re

paralyzed it doesn’t work then of course

I think fear can enslave a person with a

feeling of uncertainty if you listen if

you live with it’s it’s one thing to

walk up on a snake and be afraid it

wisely and walk away it’s because that’s

that’s an incident it happened yesterday

at that moment in time it’s something

else to be afraid of something that

maybe you know what it is but it’s

ongoing it’s continuous maybe the doctor

said you’ve got nothing so or something

happens to your son of your daughter it

just hangs in there or something about

your finances whatever there are many

many things that can fit into that

category but then just the fear just

hangs in then it won’t go away how do

you handle that it’s certainly gonna

block your spiritual growth if a person

is living in fear think about this you

think about all that you know about God

and then you’re living with this fear

which is not of God and here’s God has a

will for your life and you’re afraid to

step out and there are many other people

who have challenges in life who’ve been

told they can’t do this or can’t do that

and they disuse what’s seeming that is

miraculous when somebody tells you you

can’t do something they if you is God

what do you want me to do he’s the one

who decides how he’s equipped you and

how he’s built you to do and most of us

can probably do far more than we do if

we would just trust him instead of

thinking well here’s what we do we look

at somebody else and say well I can’t do

that God isn’t expect you to do that

whatever he called you to do he’s

calling you to do it to the degree

called you to do it to fit his will

purpose and plan for your life so he

doesn’t expect us to try to measure up

to someone else it’s when other people

put their measurements on our life that

we have a lack of confidence and become

fearful the times and the truth is you

and I will never be able to become the

person God wants us to be or achieve the

things God wants us to achieve as long

as we’re afraid as long as fear

dominates our life

then we’re not gonna do it and so when

we think about how all those things

affect us I want us to think about our

health for just a moment because fear is

certainly going to affect health because

there’s no question that our emotional

being affects our whole body listen to

some of these theories is linked to

cardiovascular disease hypertension

digestive disease headaches skin

disorders also stress if a person is

worried all the time and fearful about

something it’s going to affect you it

probably affects the way you eat what

you eat how much you eat it affects

whether you exercise or don’t exercise

and so the whole system of our emotions

isn’t just something that we feel and

know up here but it affects our whole

entire body that’s the power of our

emotions now the question is how do we

deal with it how do we deal with fears

now listen carefully

what I’m gonna say will seem real simple

but didn’t everyone Jesus did he told

parables he didn’t make things difficult

I know this works there’s no doubt in my

mind whether it works or not I wants to

look at a passage of Scripture and I

want us to look at it from the

perspective if you’ll just think about

it okay God here’s something I think I’m

afraid of or whatever it might be I want

you to think about dealing with it in

this light and that is first of all to

acknowledge its presence let’s say that

you’re afraid of you’re afraid

financially that you’re going to lose


and there are people living right there

whatever the fear is in your life

whatever it might be

first of all you acknowledge that it’s

there and then what you need to do is to

is to identify what’s it cause where’d

that come from why am I afraid of that

is it somebody something somebody built

into your thought processes or is it

something that you did then you are

afraid of the consequence notice what’s

the real source of it so here’s what I’m

afraid of

and-and-and-and here’s the source of it

that’s two very important points the

third one is this as once this careful

as long as I focus on what that fear is

it’s not going to get into smaller the

longer I focus on it what happens the

bigger part of my life it consumes the

more it influences my decisions on my

makeup whatever it might be so I’ve got

to change my focus if I’m gonna get over

it and free of it I’ve got to change my

focus I’ve got to get it off of that and

I got to get it on God and then here’s

what I must do I must turn my focus

immediately to the most powerful weapon

listen to the most powerful weapon that

I can have in time of fear and what is

that it’s the Word of God now with that

in mind I want you to turn back to

Isaiah 41 and I want you to look at this

in the light of who you are and what it

is that you’re facing in life and what

you may be fearful of look in Isaiah 41

now verse 10 because I look at this as

an anchor that is whatever storm I may

be facing when it comes to fear here’s

my anchor right here listen to what he

says verse 10 he says number one do not

fear why I am with you who is I am

that’s Jehovah God the sovereign creator

of the universe who held heat the Bible

says he’s established his throne the

heavens and their sovereignty rules over

everything so he says do not fear that

is listen it’s one thing for somebody to

tell you or don’t be afraid of that it’s

something else for God to say do not

fear why listen do not fear I am with

you Jehovah God’s with me look at

this do not anxious and look about you

that’s one of the most important phrases

in the whole Bible when it comes to

overcoming anything do not anxiously

look about you know I said that because

he wants to get that focus on God as

long as I focus on what I’m afraid of it

gets larger and larger and more more

important and more listen more

detrimental do not anxious and look

about you

listen heed watch this do not anxious to

look about you for I am your God not

just your friend then you have I’m your

God I’m the sovereign creator of the

universe and I’m your God I’m your

personal God then he says he says I will

strengthen you how much strengthen is he

have he’s omnipotent he says I will

strengthen you surely I will help you

then if it is surely therefore to say

listen you can rest assure to this

because I’m Who I am and because I love

you because I am your God I am going to

help you he says surely I will uphold

you with my righteous hand it doesn’t

make a difference what you face in life

listen you’re in my hands I sovereign

god of this universe you’re in my hands

I will hold you up I will lift you I

will strengthen you I’m your God you

don’t have anything that can outmaneuver

Almighty God I will uphold you with my

righteous right hand now let me ask you

a question do you believe that verse the

scriptures say Amen was it true a couple

of thousand years ago has it changed so

it’s still the same right and it’s still

the same God who made that promise right

does God change doesn’t change so if he

made that promise a couple of thousands

of years ago

watch this they don’t say anything if

you don’t mean it don’t worry about what

somebody beside you just don’t think oh

he doesn’t believe that don’t you know


don’t say a word if you don’t believe it

do you believe that what he said a

couple of thousand years ago about

facing our fears do you believe that

what he says in that verse is still true

if you really believe that said loudly

all right that means that you accept

this truth that your God has said that

he is your God because you’ve trusted

him through Jesus and that he will help

you he will be with you he will uphold

you he will strengthen you and he will

uphold you with his righteous right hand

is that true now is it true and if you

believe is that true for you today so

whatever you are facing you believe that

the god of this universe has given you a

personal promise I will uphold you

strengthen you be with you

I am I am your God do you believe he’s

trustworthy enough to take that fear of

yours whatever it might be and say lord

I know this doesn’t belong in my life

any longer and so what I’m gonna do is

I’m gonna take you to your word and now

from this point on I’m gonna set my

focus on you and I leave his fear down

I’m laying it down on the basis of who

you are what you said so here’s the

question do you believe that God is who

he says he is amen do you believe that

God will do what he says he’ll do amen

then you need not carry that fear and

then long because watch this you know

what this all boils down to it is a

faith battle you see what you won a

person is saying what you just said and

agreeing what you just agree with the

Word of God if you agree with that new

man what you said then if you have a

else about that listen does your doubt

affect god no amen no it doesn’t change

anything he said right if it doesn’t

affect God that doesn’t change anything

he said then do you have a reason to

hold on to this fear when God has said

you don’t have to I will uphold you with

my righteous right hand which means

whatever you’re facing in life sovereign

god of this universe is gonna hold you

safely and bring you through it no

matter what amen

no matter what well you may not be a

Christian you say well does that work

for me no it doesn’t work let me tell

you why it doesn’t work because if you

reject the Lord Jesus Christ who is

their only Savior if you reject them as

your Savior then you have rejected life

in its best you have rejected eternal

life you have rejected the love of God

you have rejected his will his purpose

his plan for your life you have rejected

the best of life you listen you have

rejected life as God Almighty intended

for you you’ve got a lot to be afraid of

because one of these days you’re gonna

die and when you die here’s what the

Bible says it is important than the man

wants to die and after this the judgment

you have lots of reasons to be afraid

but you don’t have to if you willing to

ask the Lord Jesus Christ to forgive you

of your sins

seriously you mean it asking him to

forgive you not on the basis that you’re

going to do all these things for him on

the basis that when he went to the cross

he paid your sin that it’s all he

intended to take away these fears and

give you a peace and an assurance and I

confidence to face anything in life no

matter what it is that’s who he is and

the moment you trust him as your Savior

all that you’ve heard can become

reality in your life when you agree it’s

better to live your life for God than

the living in fear uncertainty doubt

knowing that out there somewhere in the

future you’re gonna face God and that

all of you good works he’s already

declared he it’s what he’s are declared

this no matter what you do now good is

there like filthy rags when it comes

listen when it comes to saving of your

sins your good works will never work

that’s what he says and so I want to

encourage you to trust him as your


Amen father how grateful we are for your

awesome love for us and Lord we know

that you know all about fear everything

there is to know about it but you said

my peace I give unto you not as the

world gives give idea let not your heart

be troubled let not your heart be

fearful you believe in God believe also

in me and we do and we thank you for it

in Jesus name Amen


